Bank Vaults


With the defensive ensorcellment of the Peace Maker Cartel, the Lost Sheep Cantina has a series of immovable coffers that have been dubbed “the Bank Vaults”. These vaults provide support to the local traders and adventurers by allowing them to deposit and withdraw both coin, component, and item.

These vaults unlock only for a person attuned to them, as determined by the Cantina’s Innkeepers and the Peace Makers. The secrets/weaknesses of these powerful Eternal-level locks are known only to a select few individuals. Any Lost Sheep Innkeeper (e.g. Shepherd) or Peace Maker can connect one person to one coffer for an entire month at no cost, so long as there is free space.

When attuned to their vault, a character can visit it at any time and withdraw from it without need for a key, or ritual. While attuned to the coffer, it can only open to them, allowing valuables to be safely stowed away without threat of theft.


  • Must be Labeled: A Bank Vault must be clearly labeled with the character name and CSN of the person (or persons) it is attuned to. Furthermore, this label must be stamped or signed by BTF Game Staff. Participants who want to use the Vault will need to bring their own physical representation for their Vault.

  • Only Owners can Use (QConc-10): A Bank Vault can only be opened (i.e., items put inside or removed) by a person whose name is on the vault (as in, the vault can only be opened if you are attuned to it). Opening a Vault requires 10-counts of Quiet Concentration while touching it if you are in combat. No other action is required.

  • Innkeepers and Peace Makers can attune Vaults: Being attuned to a Vault does not dispel upon death, and does not take up an Attunement slot. Only official Innkeepers and Peace Makers may attune vaults to customers.

  • Don’t take from Others’ Vaults: You may NOT take anything from a vault you are not attuned to. Doing so constitutes willfully breaking game rules and therefore is a serious offense whose punishment may include loss of all XP for the event or even suspension or expulsion from the game.

  • Vault Dimensions (1’x1’x1’): In order for an item to be put in the vault, it must be able to fit inside the vault. This means the item’s physical representation/prop, not just its item tag. To allow every Participant to have space for one, all Bank Vaults may not be bigger than 1 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot.

  • Out-of-game Purpose: The Bank Vault is a way for players to store in-game valuables, primarily components. Using these Vaults or the Participant bags means that components are less likely to be lost or broken, especially since components are small and fragile. Many a Participant has mourned the loss of a Pure component due to a hard fall.

  • Using a Lock: Participants who want to out-of-game lock their Vaults are allowed to do so — they can even hand Game Staff a copy of their key (or their key code) in case they lose their own key.