The World beyond the Fall is a place of survivors and progress, striving against the horrors of a new, eldritch reality. Herein are the histories and the lores gathered by those that have pieced them together from the shattered corpse of the world. Take note that some histories may be colored by the biases of the writers or hued by the ignorance of forgotten truths.



A brief and basic look at some of the monstrosities and dangerous factions that infest the World Beyond the Fall.

 A brief history

The World that Was

It has been over a hundred years since the Long Fall and all we have left are the nightmares.

In the World that Was, humanity lived in unimaginable luxury. None now live that remember those halcyon days and even the dead have forgotten. But the few records that escaped the horrors of the Long Fall spoke of an era where humans ruled over land, sea, and air. Through high medicine and mechanical art, our ancestors had conquered Famine and Pestilence, and were poised to eradicate Death. Even War trembled at the hard-fought peace between the nations of the old World. 

Then the skies darkened and the first magnetic manastorms raged across the planet. The seas roiled, the earth shook, and humanity perished by the millions.

We do not know which came first: the magnetic mana-storms that destroyed the old societies or the moon-sized monstrosities that blackened the skies with their writhing bulk. But we do know that the end was mercifully swift for many and reality was changed forever after.

Unbent and unbroken

We now call it the Long Fall, the Ravening, and the Desolation. It should have ended us, but we endured.

When the screaming stopped and consciousness returned to our ancestors, they looked up at a sky that was cleared of those abominable horrors. Raw and aching, they turned to the slithering monstrosities lurking at the edge of their campfires, nodded at each other, and went to work. 

The survivors carved out homes and a hard life in the ruins of the World that Was. They leaned on each other, wrought tools out of scrap, and drove away the unnatural things that hunted them.

Slowly, the remnants of humanity -- whether they resembled their ancestors before the Long Fall or bore sorcerous bloodlines within them -- learned to walk again. Campfires and lonely hearths became nomadic tribes and fortified villages. Those villages that were not snuffed out by flesh-takers, hiveling swarms, or any other monstrosity from Beyond the Fall grew into sturdy city-states. This was especially true in the Mid-Atlantic area between what was once Tidewater and New England -- the fortified communities were distant enough from one another so that they did not compete for resources, but they were also close enough so that trade with each other remained viable.

The Archfactions

Elsewhere in the American continents, two mighty Archfactions arose: 

From their hallowed Ziggurat beside the Pacific Northwest, the Temple of the Shattered Mother cast away the old ways. Instead, its adherents put their faith in their God-Empress, Her Oracle-Avatar, and in hallowed sorcery. Where their armies marched and their shadow-gates opened, converts were allowed to join them in their holy crusade of destroying the horrors that caused the Long Fall. 

The Illustrados Union (La Union de los Illustrados) of the Caribbean wrought civilization out of the new sciences. They harnessed the magnetic mana-storms, powering their towns with the same energy that wiped out the records of the past. Each community they encountered was given a chance to partake of their Union and march into a new history for humanity.

Eighty years after the Long Fall, the Illustrados and the Temple made their own in-roads into the Mid-Atlantic. Shortly after, the disparate towns and tribes allied themselves to face these new intruders, calling themselves “the Free Tribes.” 

Soon, there were rumors of bloody, butcherous war on the horizon. There were those who tried to keep the peace, but the call to battle grew ever louder with minor skirmishes and bickering conflicts. 

The War over Embers

We now see that history would prove these rumormongers correct -- yet, war would come not from the north nor the south.

Ragged warbands of armored soldiers appeared and began battering at town gates and meeting with nomadic tribes of the Mid-Atlantic. Many initially believed that they were invaders, and when they were allowed within a town’s walls or among a tribe’s tents, most folk thought them to be beggars. The truth was far worse.

Their citadel of Grailhome in the midwest had been besieged by the Harbingers, four sorcerous entities that wiped out the remnants of humanity wherever they found it. Besides their own immense power, each of these fell sorcerers also directed a monstrous host to do their bidding, whether it was a swarm of brain-stealing insects, an army of the hungry dead, or several dozen floating God-Flesh homunculi. 

What followed was half a dozen years of desperate battles and pyrrhic victories, spilling rivers of blood over the ruins of a broken world. Time and time again, the Harbingers shattered armies or evaded death. The seventh year of this “War of Embers” saw crushing defeats and one brutal victory over the Harbinger Hosts, clinched by the Temple’s own Oracle-Avatar at the battle of the Broken Bell.   

Weakened by artillery and experimental sorcery, the Harbingers were ripped asunder one by one. Xhibal the Lightless and his homunculi wrought retribution in kind by obliterating the area around them with fell magics. Burned and blinded, only the Oracle-Avatar and those around them survived both Xhibal’s onslaught and the desperate, point-blank detonation of an Illustrados explosive by a Grail Paladin.

The three-fold Armistice

When the dust settled, most of Libertina city had been reduced to an irradiated corpse-ridden wreck, with no sign of the last Harbinger. A few months later, the Armistice at Libertina was signed adjacent to the city’s fractured bell. Thus, the Free Tribes, the Illustrados Union, and the Temple of the Shattered Mother would elude war. At least, such was the hope of most that were there.

It has been three years since the Armistice. The monstrous things beyond the campfire light have grown strong from the carrion of war and the loss of so many of humanity’s protectors. Many soldiers have returned to their homes and in their place have arrived the traders, the explorers, and the builders. Seraphs, Psions, and Chimera worked shoulder to shoulder with Forged, Eidolons, and Risen, all members of the resilient human race. 

We have built homes and lives upon the ruin of ruins. Humanity still endures and Humanity still persists, hoping against hope for a brighter future and a new path in a World Beyond the Fall. 

A World Beyond the Fall Setting Overview

The arrival and the Fall of the moon-sized Abyssals brought immense change to the world, even if their bodies only partially existed within our reality. Stories are told of dust clouds that covered the earth for several days and nights, leading most humanity to believe that the end of all days was upon them. 

The truth was crueler, of course -- even after their attack on the planet was halted, the impact of Abyssals’ shattered bodies levelled mountains, buried cities, and drowned coastal regions in tidal devastation. Magnetic mana-storms (sometimes called Magna-storms) ravaged the planet, destroying all digital and electronic technology and plunging the remnants of humanity into isolation and lightlessness. Erstwhile, virulent diseases and supernatural curses spread across the survivors, killing approximately one third of the global population. 

Worse yet, wayward nuclear missiles blasted parts of the world and, suspiciously, a few capitals into ever-burning hellscapes. Many cities and towns faced similar, smaller infernos as the infrastructures meant to support and protect them collapsed. The nations and states of the world have lost communication with each other, their separation made vaster by a far more dangerous planet.

Earth and Sky

Rivers have changed courses, mountains have disappeared, and cities are quiet graveyards or hellish effigies to a murdered civilization. What remains of humanity huddled behind hastily constructed defenses that would eventually become fortified villages among the less dangerous areas of the landscape. 

There are vast hazard zones in startling varieties. Oftentimes, an area is bathed in radioactive energies, poisonous essences, or eldritch auras that obliterate intruders in a matter of minutes. Even the sky can spill forth its wrath -- magna-storms, “blood-rain”, and other new weather patterns exist alongside mundane lightning, heat, and cold. Protection against these hazards vary in attainability and in cost, though some hazards are deadly enough to penetrate any defense that technology or sorcery can muster. 

Some areas are dangerous because of what haunts them, be they the restless vestiges of the dead, a hungry pack of para-natural predators, or some abominable horror visiting from a hateful dimension. Strange new entities are said to lurk in the desolate places of the world as well, wandering the deserts and the caverns of the earth. The worst examples of these are those locales warped by a “death-stone” -- these exude deadly energies and turn corpses into ravenous monsters. A Shroudland is another such instance, wreathed in shadowy magics and visited by extradimensional horrors. 

Flora and Fauna

Those that dare to travel tend to follow the ruptured and overgrown roads and highways of the old world when they can. Despite the devastation wrought upon the planet, marshlands, forests and jungles have taken back their old domains. Unless a route or road is regularly maintained by the locals or well-traveled nomads, travelers must wend and weave their way across artificial and natural obstacles alike.  

Beyond the bunkered communities and these rough roadways, nature and the eldritch have melded to create a deadlier landscape for explorers, hunters, and travelers alike. Especially in the Mid-Atlantic region of the North American continent (New England to Tidewater), venturing far and alone outside one’s community or tribe is considered a death sentence. Not even the most ardent of survivalists can contend with the sky weeping acid or with entities that hunt you through your dreams. 

Lurking among underbrush and among tree canopies are mutated and/or eldritch para-fauna, such as the mantid wolves, the deep crow, or the flame scarab. No longer afraid of humanity, even just one of these can easily eviscerate a single traveler or prove a challenge for a group of warriors. This is in addition to otherworldly horrors that resemble nightmares and myths rather than any terrestrial origin.  

The plants of the World Beyond the Fall are similarly changed, with many varieties growing in size and scope than their pre-Fall counterparts. Worse yet, some have acquired a taste for blood and the ability to walk, becoming as fit at predation as the para-fauna. Though not plants, fungal blooms occupy entire landscapes as well, making “fungal jungles” of their own. 

It is said that the seas are even worse, with gargantuan leviathans and tentacled terrors battling each other in the depths… or plucking a ship from the surface with little resistance. Even with their hunting and usage of “Abyssal Wax” from massive leviathans, the Illustrados Union cannot venture overly far from land for fear of the entities that dwell below. 


Just as the world has changed around them, so too has Humanity. The people of the World Beyond the Fall are hardier than their ancestors, surviving debilitating injuries and virulent diseases. 

For some folk, the changes are more pronounced and dramatic. They may be scaled or matted with fur. They sprout unnatural crystals or diaphanous wings from their bodies. The populace has taken to call these gifts, Stigmata. For Chimera, Psions, and Seraphs, such powers persist across Bloodlines and progeny, though their origins are the stuff of rumor and myth, rather than certain science.

And where some Stigmatas become visible at birth, others happen well after the cradle. For some, receiving a Graft is as easy as dying and refusing to do so they Rise again as a thinking, walking near-corpse. There are those, however, whose Grafts are the result of willful and knowing implantation, of technology or of eldritch Spore. The Risen, Metabionics, and Eidolons are artificial entrants into the new family of humanity, but their struggles and their contributions are no less respected.


This sentiment of plurality is not a mere quirk of a world Beyond the Fall— it is a necessity. Disasters plague the land and monstrosities lurk in the shadows. To survive, humanity had to put aside their differences and recognize their fellowship against a new horrific reality. 

Certainly more people meant more mouths to feed and more voices of dissent, but it also meant greater strength overall - in morale, in aid, and protection. Refugees fled their cities and homesteads for the protection of fortified villages and enclaves. The husks of less effective and less protected settlements litter the land as reminders for those who forget the need for allies and for vigilance. 

Eventually these fortified villages are growing into fortified towns and then walled city-states, though much progress and many villages were lost in the Ember War. While the wilderness is still seen as a place of immense danger, the fringes of civilization and safety are growing yearly. The shadows between campfires remain dark as ever, but the campfires grow brighter as humanity adapts to the times. 

In the Caribbean and the Pacific Northwest, there is even talk of new cities that have sprung up from the ruins of the World that Was. The Arch-Factions of the Illustrados Union and the Temple of the Shattered Mother have carved out civilization amid the carrion of the old world, unifying communities beneath banners of unity or faith. They have spread forth from their cradles, arriving at the Mid-Atlantic and other forsaken areas of the North American continent in search of allies and aid.   

Technology and Reagents

The communities of the North American continent have returned to an early industrial technological level for the most part. The Scaver Caravans, Hellhounds, and the Illustrados tend to have more advanced technologies and devices because of their own studies and experimentations. More than a few communities are in the pre-industrial age of technology, with the Pack-Hunters being of the extreme cases of these. 

This means that most items are handcrafted instead of mass produced. Printing presses and certain other simpler industries still function, though in a limited capacity due to supply and maintenance costs. Many other aspects of society, such agriculture, transportation, and industry, use a mix of handcrafting, machinery, and work animals (or para-fauna where possible).  

Besides human ingenuity and preserved knowledge, one of the leading reasons for humanity’s quick technological leaps from what should have been the stone age and widespread famine are precious commodities called “Reagents”, “Reggies”, or “Components”. These are compact resources that can serve as ingredients, construction materials, or even energy sources for those with the skills to utilize them. Occasionally, even compact amounts of these could even replace greater amounts of resources such as mineral ores and the like. 

The technological progress of the Illustrados, the Scavers, and the Hellhounds are due to the study of Components and their application to industry. Instead of using fossil fuel (which has been rendered impossible to retrieve by Pre-Fall practices), these peoples use Reagents to fuel and/or (in the Hellhounds’ case) cool down their engines and devices. Thus, Components or “Reggies” have become a form of universal currency across different cultures and values. 

These innovations allow the Hellhounds to utilize their Howler ATVs and traverse miles in search of junk to bring back to their foundries. Similarly, these engines power Illustrados Corsario ships and the massive self-propelled wagons of the bigger Scaver Caravans. Most other societies have to function with old fashioned footwork, animal mounts, or the strange biological servitors and transportation spells used by the Temple of the Shattered Mother.

Magic and Beliefs

The arrival and fall of the titanic Abyssals and the harsh new reality that followed has allowed sorcery and spellcraft to exist. Those with certain Stigmata, disciplined training, and a powerful will are able to wield etheric energies toward their own ends and desires. Humanity quickly adapted to this sudden development, using old beliefs and new methods to fashion Traditions and study the workings of sorcery. 

All communities in the North American continent, particularly the Mid-Atlantic have at least one individual capable of spellcasting. There are many of these  individuals in the World Beyond the Fall that are self-taught. However, a fair proportion of them do not survive the process or die to one of magic’s pitfalls. Most Arcanists and spellcasters are mentored by an instructor within their community or, in the case of the Illustrados and the Temple, sent to a learning institution for the finer points of sorcery within a safer environment. With the diversity of cultures and communities within the continent, these spellcasters run the gamut of Diabolists, Talismongers, and Animancers -- usually entangling their magic with the tenets of their Faith, whether it is the thunderous gods of the Hellhounds, the primal spirits of the Pack-Hunters, or any other faith that might find traction in a world that was ravaged by god-like monstrosities.  

Of the two mentioned Arch-Factions, only the Illustrados have both secular and faith-based institutions of magical learning. Their secular academies instruct their students on the Talismanic and Animancy (Mentalist) Traditions. Be it with the Iglesia Solaar or the native faiths that have persisted, their faith-based schooling is similar to the instruction of the Templars and the Free Tribes, entwining their lessons with religious tenets and guiding students with the Animancer (Shaman) tradition and with Deotheurgy. 

The Temple is both stricter and more lenient with their magical schooling. All types of Traditions and Theurgies are taught within their institutions, even Necrotheurgy and the Diabolic Tradition. However, becoming an Arcanist or spellcaster among the Templars also carries responsibility and expectations that must be fulfilled. With the Temple being a theocracy, a Templar Arcanist’s faith in their God-Empress is assumed and thoroughly reinforced. 

Amidst the rest of the continent, Arcanists and other spellcasters are a welcome sight. While a rare few communities may look at them with suspicion and disdain, their talents are seen more as a special skill rather than an abomination to be shunned or slain. This perspective is especially reinforced by various leaders and cultural heroes being powerful Arcanists that protected and died for their people in times of great strife. 

Death and Resurrection

Adversity, sorcery and monstrous horrors were not the only addition to the human experiences of the World Beyond the Fall. Humans have become so resilient that medical or magical treatment granted to them even after they expired resulted in their return from the dead. Not every human possessed this resilience and it was difficult to detect, but a significant portion displayed these remarkable “resistance to death”, “Revenance”, or “Death-Proof” characteristics (PCs are always “Death-Proof”, unless they choose otherwise).

Naturally, several factors altered the process, such as a person's drive to live, the time spent while "dead", and the skill of their healer. Especially aged individuals very rarely survived revival. In an infamous experiment by Doctor Lazarus Arfeo-Sairis, an inert severed head that was returned and grafted to their own body an hour later resulted in a living (but traumatized person). Subsequent experiments by the currently wanted Doctor revealed that there was an upper cap to the amount of times this could be done before an individual could not return to life.

Stranger yet, some individuals returned to a semblance of life even after they were dead and buried -- though these "Risen" or "Los Friyos" were greatly changed by their experience. The Risen could come from any place, culture, or background. The only conditions that could be ascertained was a driving will and the lack of any other Graft Stigmata, the latter is believed to interfere with the "Necromorphosis" process of becoming a Risen. Even the utter destruction of a body did not impede Risen.

In a famous case, the Cartel immolated a murdered named "Cutter Barnabas" with eyewitnesses to the body's utter destruction. Months later, an individual resembling Cutter was captured in a distant town. Tests showed that their bodies bore a similarity to the destroyed corpse, but also markings and characteristics from a different person -- Stagham Jane, a deceased local hunter. The Cartel ensured Cutter’s demise the second time, though they have not disclosed how. 

However, the possibility of revival and resurrection deeply affected the lives, the cultures, and the criminal systems of a Post-Fall world. Some societies advocated imprisonment or exile for the criminals, while others tried to invent new ways to prevent the dead from rising (such as the Metabionic Prison or the Temple's Eldritch Crucifixion).

This also meant that the random accident or mishap had less of a chance to kill the average person, though the pain was immense and extreme. Instead of subsiding, the fear of death increased for most folk. Travelling alone without aid was a sure way to watch one's self be eaten alive by monsters over and over. Individuals were more likely to help each other out of terrible situations. With greater care and this greater resilience, longer lifespans resulted in many communities -- to the better morale of all.  


The ArchFactions

Three great powers have become dominant in the past few decades: the technological Illustrados, the theocratic Templars, and the independent Free Tribes.

Art by Nicco Salonga

Image by Nicco Salonga

The ILlustrados Union

Overview: Like the eternal sun, the Illustrados Union has arisen from the midnight hours of the “World that Was”. They use their technological prowess to bridge more than two dozen different communities beneath a unified front. With pistol and sword and gunboat, they have lent shelter to the survivors of the World beyond the Fall, inviting the worthy to join in their illustrious Union. 

Where flies the Concentric Suns of the Illustrados flag, vox-comm towers and magna-storm shields are raised to the heavens alongside it. Caravans and fleets speed between these bastions with food, tech and trade. In this ruined World Beyond the Fall, the Illustrados Union stands as a symbol that human spirit which cannot be felled by monstrosity or calamity.

Art by Nicco Salonga

Image by Nicco Salonga

The Sanctified Temple

Overview: The religion of the Shattered Mother has ever been in the shadow of human myth, worshipped and revered by the various faiths and legends of pre-Fall humanity. Some faiths saw her as a powerful dragon or empress while in others, she has taken the part of the suffering martyr and the tormented matriarch. It was through her beneficence that humanity was wrought from stardust and soul. It was through her mercy that humanity survived the apocalypse that should have obliterated them. And now, it is her strength that allows the Templars their magic and the power to protect the world after the Long Fall. 

The Templars of the Shattered Mother stand now as her faithful and her soldiers. They seek to spread her word and her shield from the north to the rest of the American continent and the World Beyond the Fall. Through blood, pain, and mercy, the Oracle-Avatar directs the Temple as voice of her Goddess and few can resist their dire will, their potent arcana or the terrible might of the Templars.

Art by Nicco Salonga

Image by Nicco Salonga

The Free Tribes

Description: The War of Embers wrought devastation across the North American content as humanity waged terrible battles for survival. The Free Tribes arose from the threat of invasion and solidified from the threat of extinction.

As a whole and as their Subfactions, the Free Tribes are fiercely independent of their business and their destiny. However, this co-mingled alliance has resulted in pacts with enemy against enemy and with raider against avenger — the first steps to a peace that once eluded the tribes and communities that make this Archfaction who they are.

The Free Tribes


Aliases: Freefolk (common), Tribals (slang)

The arrival of the Illustrados and the Temple in the Mid-Atlantic slowed the conflicts between the disparate towns and tribes of the region before stilling them completely. The Free Tribes arose from those communities and desired the expulsion of the two Arch-Factions from their lands and their lives. Thus, these communities and orders have allied together for that very purpose, though their alliances worked instead to defeat the Harbingers alongside the Illustrados and Temple.

As a whole and as subfactions, the Free Tribes are fiercely independent of their business and their destiny. However, this commingled alliance has resulted in pacts with enemy and enemy and with raider an d avenger, the first steps to an internal and lasting peace that once eluded the tribes and communities that make this Arch-Faction who they are. 

Lore Level: Low to medium reading

Art by Nicco Salonga

Image by Nicco Salonga

  • The Pact Flame — it is a flame with six-tongues with each flame (or smoke above it). Sometimes, these are stylized to represent the main six Tribe. On occasion, dark or black hand print, encircled in a flame-tongue. Associated colors are Dark Red, Rust and Brown, although the different Tribes themselves have their own symbols and associated colors. 

  • The aesthetics of the Free Tribes are as diverse as their member Sub-Factions. Some prefer genteel garmentry, such as the Cartel. Others are seen only in wild and savage garb, such as the PackHunters and the Hellhounds. However, the Freefolk are marked by the hardships of surviving in this new ruined worldscape. Their clothing and gear and equipment will be scuffed and battered and patched. Even the Cartel, with their armored blazers and sharp suits, feature some rips, patches and wear that is associated with hard living.

  • Independent: The desperate peoples from the Free Tribes are from nomadic cultures or fortified communities, each with their own laws and dictum. This means that their partnership has had to endure the clashing of these values and norms. Unsurprisingly, The Free Tribes value their freedom from the other Arch-Factions most of all. To that end, many Freefolk will cling to their own cultures and values while being wary of any domineering on the part of the other Arch-Factions, and occasionally, from other Freefolk.

    Survivors: The small tribe mind-set of the Freefolk define much of their word and action. Unlike the other Arch-Factions, they did not have sufficient resources to weather the terrible environment of the World Beyond the Fall. Therefore, they tend to prioritize the survival of themselves and their group over the survival of others. On the other hand, this makes them especially prone to close and/or filial bonds with group members and those they have accepted as allies.

    Wary: The Freefolk bear the scars of the Ember War most of all, easily recalling the rampage of the Harbingers and the threat of the other Arch-Factions. However, they have not forgotten the crimes that the other Freefolk have done to them. Freefolk must balance the need for cooperation with the memory of the wrongs upon them. Some are able to easily do this, using contracts or alliances with those they would otherwise disdain completely. Others have a hard time, using avoidance or working with proxies, if the worst comes to pass and cooperation becomes required for survival (as it sometimes does).

    Pact-Bound: The Pact of the Free Tribes were signed by its member Factions to become a force powerful enough to defeat the Illustrados and the Temple. Similarly, each Free Tribe takes great pride in the various blood-oaths and contracts that they partake in to celebrate their alliance. Some, like the Grailguard, like to vocalize their oaths and vows to witnesses. For others, like the Packhunters, a promise is a quiet ceremony signed in blood and honor. The Cartel keeps to simple and direct contracts, signed in triplicate and usually riddled with small print.

Sub Factions — the FREE Tribes

The warring of the Harbingers drove thousands from their homes and gave birth to the Dustriders, sometimes called the Dusters. Their warbands stand watch over adopted communities, hunt monstrosities for coin, or hunt down ex-Dusters that prey upon the innocent.

The Grailguard’s heavy armor and sharp swords call to mind a time of honor and chivalry, though they do not shy from auto-pistols and flame-throwers. Though many regard them as inflexible, foolish, and overly stringent, the Grailguard are well-regarded by communities as protectors, and avengers.

The Hellhounds are known for the roar of their engines and the rumble of their chain-blades. The Motorgangs’ desire to return to raiding clashes heavily with the need to remain a part of the Free Tribes, for the sake of survival. 

In their own eyes, the Cartel is a force of order and discipline in the North American continent. They fund and supply the improvement of communities. However, they are hated for their ruthless business practices and their willingness to perform horrible acts in accordance to their code of honor.

When the Scavvers’ junk-laden wagons and auto-carriages trundle to a rest at the fringes of a town, some communities see them as little more than carrion-eaters in human form and mismatched garmentry. However, they are known to be the most daring of tinkers and a useful font of news, rumors, and trade.

These nomadic, clannish peoples travel in small groups across continental North America. They are hunters, gatherers and spiritualists first and foremost, having adapted to the nightmarish landscape of the World Beyond the Fall. They wear the runed skins of monstrosities, commune with the ruined earth, and understand the wrathful sky’s whispers.

THe Illustrados Union


Aliases: La Union de los Illustrados (formal), the Illustrados (common), Widgets (pejorative)

Like the eternal sun, the Illustrados Union has arisen from the midnight hours of the “World that Was”. They use their technological prowess to bridge more than two dozen different communities beneath a unified front. With pistol and sword and gunboat, they have lent shelter to the survivors of the World beyond the Fall, inviting the worthy to join in their prestigious Union. 

Where flies the Concentric Suns of the Illustrados flag, vox-comm towers and magna-storm shields are raised to the heavens alongside it. Caravans and fleets speed between these bastions with food, tech and trade. In this ruined World Beyond the Fall, the Illustrados Union stands as a symbol that human spirit which cannot be felled by monstrosity or calamity.

Lore Level: Low to high reading

Art by Nicco Salonga

Image by Nicco Salonga

  • The Mariani Sun -- three concentric suns with three vertical lines at their center, representing the Celso-Marianni technologies that led their communities out of darkness and their desire to become a beacon of hope and light to the rest of the World Beyond the Fall. Associated colors with the Illustrados are Gold, White and Red.

  • Owing to the industrial state of their civilization and their reliance on technology, the Illustrados are known for their well-crafted attire that tends to be fashionable and utilitarian. This resembles a neo-victorian steampunk aesthetic-- unused to the strange environments of the area (compared to their milder island homelands), many of them sport goggles and Serapes, a cultural shawl or blanket native to certain central american cultures. Others wear capes, cloaks or ponchos instead, some wear a mantle or half-cloak called a “Vayans”. Religious or Spiritual Illustrados wear a “Cara”, a mask that reflects an animal spirit -- they wear these atop their head or hang it in front of their upper chest.

  • Technological: The Illustrados are a people that have carved out an industrial civilization in a World beyond the Fall. Their cities and communities enjoy power from Magnetic-Mana Plants while being shielded by the worst of the Magna-Storms that plague the planet. The Illustrados themselves have a fondness for technology, whether it is reclaimed gadgetry or their own brand of clockwork and magna-tech.

    Educated: Many Illustrados view the other Arch-Factions as less cultured and less educated than their own enlightened peoples. They especially prize the arts, seeing them as necessities and hallmarks of humanity. This is especially true for the visual arts, such as painting but also in various clothing and garments. On the other hand, The Illustrados are seen as softer and less hardy than the other survivors of the world.

    Spiritual: Not all Illustrados are members of the Iglesia Solaar, but all have been touched by a faith in the unseen and almost all Illustrados have a “Cara”, a physical representation of their animal spiritual sign, determined by a cultural coming of age rite. Regardless of whether they follow their Cara or not, Illustrados tend to be a people of faith and of belief -- not necessarily in spiritual forces, but in their civilization, in order and in the future of humanity.

    Familial: The Illustrados greatly value familial bonds and structures. They tend toward two parent family units, with each child taking the family name of both parents and being supported by not only their immediate family but also by their grand-family and their cousins. In addition, Illustrados tend to be a people who immensely value the bonds they have with one another, be it as family or friend -- this makes them especially wrathful when it comes to matters of betrayal or revenge.

Sub Factions — The illustrados Gremios


Also called the Magisters, these are the main governing body of the Illustrados’ military: soldiers, engineers, and protectors of humanity. Their power-armored troops slash into monsterous horrors while their fleet-borne artillery and auto-shortarms echo across the warscape.

The Tecnocracia/Technocracy is a gathering of bright minds, deep pockets, and malleable morals. These are not just scientists and inventors, but also aristocrats and entrepreneurs who have built their fortunes on the ruins and the wonders of a broken world.

The Iglesia Solar is also known as the Church of the Redeemed Sun, an influential religious and academic institution among the Illustrados. Just as the medicine women and men of pre-Fall earth collected lore, cures and stories for their communities, the Iglesiars are women and men of science and spirituality.

Also known as Los Cocheros, these are former military folk, ship captains, and caravan masters toward the goal of cooperation in worldly travels and perilous missions. Charioteers are often looked upon with some degree of suspicion for their gray markets and their extra-legal activities.

THE sanctified Temple


Aliases: The Sanctified Temple of our Mother, the Shattered Empress (formal); The Templars (common), the Avatara (common), Mummers (pejorative)

The Shattered Mother has ever been in the shadow of human myth, worshipped and revered by the various faiths and legends of pre-Fall humanity. Some faiths saw her as a powerful dragon or empress while in others, she has taken the part of the suffering martyr and the tormented matriarch. It was through her beneficence that humanity was wrought from stardust and soul. It was through her mercy that humanity survived the apocalypse that should have obliterated them. And now, it is her Strength that allows the Templars their magic and the power to protect the world after the Long Fall. 

The Templars of the Shattered Mother stand now as her faithful and her soldiers. They seek to spread her word and her shield from the north to the rest of the American continent and the World Beyond the Fall. The Oracle-Avatar directs the Temple as the voice of their Goddess and few can resist their dire will, their potent arcana, or the terrible might of the Templars. 

Lore Level: Medium to high reading

Art by Nicco Salonga

Image by Nicco Salonga

  • The Hallowed Ziggurat, a equilateral triangle with a halo. More detailed versions have the halo as five stars in a circle touching the top of the triangle with 3 runed pillars supporting the top third of the triangle from within. Older flags may have four pillars instead. Their associated colors are Black, Purple, and Blue.

  • Although the Conclaves are widely divergent with regards to their own fashion preferences, their religion has its mark on them all. The Carmine Conclave prefers opulence, the Skull Conclave prefers arcana and the Talon Conclave tends toward armor -- but all serve their Oracle-Avatar and show for it. On the whole, hooded robes, vestments or cloaks find their way on many Templar individuals, ornamented or modified to reflect their Conclave. For example, Talon Templars will adorn their vestry with metal armor (ensigiled with religious icons, of course) while Carmine Templars may wear vestry that is daringly cut, layered with other garb and/or opulently embroidered.

  • Zealous: The strictures and dictum of their religion affect each and every Templar, whether be they clergy or layfolk. This faith makes them strong and gives them courage. Outsiders have remarked on the strangeness of their humble obedience to their faith and their betters, which is contrasted with their boldness and their daring in the battlefield or even beyond it. When others dither and hesitate, a Templar acts -- so long as it is allowed by the glorious faith of their forebears.

    Enlightened: As a people chosen and ascended by the Oracle-Avatar, the Templars may feel a sense of superiority and surety when faced with the other Arch-Factions. They are well aware of their own place in the world and in the afterlife that follows. It may manifest as a condescension for the lesser, a pity for the unenlightened or a casual disdain. While for many, this superiority complex dissipates or mellows after enough exposure to other cultures, some Templars never shed it.

    Ritualistic: The Templars are a people of rite and prayer. This means that some actions and some words must follow the accepted parameters of their faith. Before battle, they pray to their Oracle-Avatar for power. Before a meal, they request grace from their glorious leader. After victory or a successful project, they often praise the Oracle-Avatar for their remote intercession in the matter. Not all Templar act in this manner, the Carmine Conclave being the least “pious” in this regard, but vocal praise of their faith and of their theocratic leader is the norm among them.


Sub Factions — the Templar Conclaves

The Carmine Conclave are comprised primarily of diplomats, merchants and bankers, as well as their more military retinues. They are more worldly than the other Conclaves and are also whispered to be more corruptible.

The smallest of the Conclaves and yet the one with the most influence within the Temple. They are researchers, theocrats, and overseers as well as ritualists and philosophers, set upon the more intangible aspects of their faith and duties to the Temple.

While all Conclaves have military forces that they utilize, the Talons are the official armies of the Templars. They are zealous, pious, and unflinching in the face of horror.


 Free Tribe History

Important Events:

World’s End (0 BTF): The end of the world knew not status or wealth -- all were subject to its scourge. In the fires of the apocalypse, groups of refugees flee from infested or irradiated cities toward rural areas. Many groups join settlements or found new ones. Others, like the Scavvers and the Packhunters, adopt a nomadic lifestyle. In the southern part of the Continent, the land is blistered and withered into the Dustlands or mutated into the Brackenmarsh -- in both fronts, humanity struggles to survive. 

Reign of Terror (10~  BTF): From the New England areas and the Stonefather mountains, vampiric humanoids and their horrific underlings raid survivor settlements and drive nomads south and east. Many of these villages are forced into servitude to the sorcerous Night Kings. Others become food. The northern Midwest is overtaken by a Wintry entity - the “Vorn”. South of this frozen tyranny, humanity battles the insectile Hivelings for survival. 

Resurgence and redemption (20~  BTF): Humanity has adapted to their new surroundings. They fight against their troubles in independent, disparate groups. The Night Kings’ progress is halted, the Hivelings are driven back, and a hero leads the fight against the Vorn. Worship of the Whispers spreads among Packhunters and other folk.

Victories and Turning Tides (30~  BTF): The Hivequeen is slain by Grailguard blades and her abominable scions are driven west. The Cartels grow from the north Hudson State, expanding their influence and connecting settlements via trade and defense pacts. They discover Snakewater near Libertina and hire Packhunters to defend the area. On the other hand, Cartels’ northern progress is stymied by the Night League. In the south, Prosperous city-states rise up amid dust and marsh, the product of human tenacity. 

A Time of Flame (40~  BTF): The Vorn is overthrown by the Hellhounds’ fire and brutality. In the southern Midwest and the Mid-Atlantic, the reforging of humanity continues. Magnatech is invented in Mid-Atla and the Midwest by Scavvers and Hellhound priests. However, the Grailguard almost splinter in a civil war. Things fare poorly in the Dustlands when the first Harbinger marches from Mesoamerica and devastates the communities he finds. 


Discord in the ranks (50~ BTF): The Night Kings press their attack from New England, but are defeated in what would be their last great offensive. With magnatech ATVs, the Hellhounds raid their neighbors for scrap and reagents. The Grailguard are the only ones to resist them. Far to the south,  refugees flee the Harbinger’s wrath. They go east to their allies in the Brackenmarsh. 

Iron and Roses: (60~  BTF) In an unlikely alliance, the Hellhounds and Saint Carmine assail the mountain strongholds of the Night Kings, scattering the vampiric sorcerers into the high winds. When Hellhound raids cease, a united Grailguard battles a Hiveling invasion and devastates them in a brutal counterattack Survivors flee the Brackenmarsh as a second Harbinger obliterates their defenses and razes their city -- these would become the Dustriders.

Strife and Slaughter  (70~  BTF): The alliance between the Hellhounds and the Saint of Roses ends amicably, but the Hellhounds are plunged into civil war. The Cartels add Port Atlantica to their ranks but they inherit the strife of the vice-ridden city. The Grailguard bridges the gigantic Mississippi Swell with the Dragonspan to continue their aggression against the Hivelings. Erstwhile, the Dustriders continue their flight north with the Harbingers at their back. 

Dire Meetings (80~ BTF): The Illustrados and the Templars make contact with the Mid-Atlantic peoples. Fearing invasion, the Cartel reaches out to other factions to unite against this potential threat. The Dustriders make contact with the Grailguard, warning them of the Harbingers. Many Dustriders would stand with the Grailguard in the ill-fated defense of their ally’s home - they face not two Harbingers but four. This gives the Cartels the spark and time they need to unite the folk of the Mid-Atlantic into the Free Tribes. Only the Hellhounds stand aside from this alliance.

The War over Embers (90~  BTF): The War over Embers begins in full but humanity suffers terrible losses and disorganization. The Templars are early to join the Free Tribes but internal struggles draw them away mid-war. The Illustrados and Hellhounds enter the fray several years into the war with the latter as one of the Free Tribes. 

The Battle of the Broken Bell (96 BTF): A trap is laid for the Harbingers at the outskirts of the Libertina ruins. They are defeated by artillery, sorcery, and heroism. As opposed to their past losses, they do not reincarnate months later -- the three Archfactions remain vigilant regardless. A tenuous peace with trade agreements is formed between the people of the Midwest, Mid-Atla, and the other two Archfactions.

A Troubled Peace (97 BTF): The Free Tribes hold together but it is not easy. The Hellhounds balk at the loss of raiding and scrap. The other Free Tribes strive to rebuild after their casualties, with the Grailguard being especially affected. Due to their wartime efforts, the Scavver Caravans and Packhunters are granted some representation. Most of the Dustriders stay in Mid-Atla while the rest return south and west. With many different groups and equally different cultures, there is friction. Only the threat of the Harbingers’ return and the other two Archfactions’ invasion keeps the Free Tribes from falling apart.  

Important Persons and Groups

Carmine Conclave: A portion of the Temple of the Shattered Mother known for its focus on diplomacy rather than militancy, though they are far from unarmed. Members are called Carmine Templars or Carminians. Their founder was called Saint Carmine or the Saint of Roses. 

Cartel: aka the Kindly Cartel who comport themselves like businessfolk and corporations of old, but act more like criminals when it suits them. These are part of the Free Tribes. 

Dustrider Militia: A massive group of refugees fleeing the Harbingers’ wrath and their ruined settlements to the southwest. They would have met their end at the Mississippi Swell that cuts the continent in half if they hadn’t encountered the massive Dragonspan bridge built by the Grailguard. 

The Free Tribes: Formed by the Cartel, this is a group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

Grailgard: Soldiers, scholars, and smiths dedicated to protecting humanity and its knowledges. Styling themselves as the honorbound warriors of the ancient eras, they battle monstrosity and raider without doubt or fear. . Second only to the Dustriders, they suffered the worst of the Harbingers’ invasion.

The Harbingers/Harbinger Hosts: Four sorcerous entities of incredible power and the monstrous armies that followed them. They came from the west and savaged their way to Mid-Atla until they were stopped by the combined efforts of the Free Tribes, the Illustrados, and the Temple. 

Hivelings/Hivequeen: Monstrous insects the size of humans (or bigger). Some of them are powerful psychics. They nest in towering mounds and raid their environment (and human settlements) for food and building materials. It is rumored that they seek out human brains to expand their psychic power. 

Hellhound Motorgangs: Over a hundred different warbands from the northern Midwest that revel in raucous battle and bloodshed. They used to raid the territories around them for supplies or demand tribute from settlements. 

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess

Kindly Cartels: Groups of soldiers and merchants with offices across Mid-Atla and surrounding regions. They comport themselves like businessfolk and corporations of old, but will murder to protect their allies and interests. 

The Night League: Formerly two dozen settlements and towns under the brutal rule of powerful vampiric entities. These stretched from the Stonefather mountains to the rest of the northeastern region of the continent. Calling themselves the Night Kings, these individuals treat other humans as nothing more than thralls and food. They are greatly diminished but are still a threat. 

Scavver Caravans: These are scattered nomadic communities that convey endlessly in Mid-Atla and nearby regions. They loot city and military ruins, using or selling their gains.

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.

The Vorn: An Eldritch Evil of winter and shadow. It enslaved the people of the northern midwest for several decades before a stalwart band of heroes led a rebellion against them. It was slain by a now lost legendary ax called the Flame Reaver (which is also a moniker for its wielder).

The Vundarkin Packhunters: The Vundarkin Packhunters are simple and small bands of associated families that wander the wilderness. Many choose a spiritual “Whisper” to follow as a guide.

Illustrados History

Important Events

Islands in the Storm (0 BTF): The island commonwealth of Puerto del Incanto and other communities in the Caribbean survive the onslaught of the Long Fall. Engineers, defenders, and leadership work together to bring their people and their neighbors above the wake of the devastation and the new threats that have emerged. Their cooperation and alliances eventually form the Illustrados Union. Its crowning achievement is the creation and proliferation of Magnatech via the Celso engines 

Expansion and Construction (11 BTF): The Illustrados continue their efforts at reconstruction, but try their hand at progression beyond mere survival. They refine their technology and seek out more allies, but the latter only reveals more of the world’s devastation.

The First Juracan (25 BTF): At great cost, the Illustrados faces and triumphs against a dire monstrosity from beneath the waves. It is a horror of the World beyond the Fall and another sign of the dangers that seek to snuff out humanity. 

Rise of the Gremio (49 BTF): The terror of the Juracan left more than scars upon the Illustrados. The various Subfactions of the Illustrados Union are forged and gain prominence. This is a time of progress and expansion. 

The Tanpa Incident (60 BTF): Scandal and explosions rock the Illustrados Union. The influence of the Tecnocracia is cut down after an attempted coup against the Senate. Many of their assets are confiscated and distributed to the rest of the Union while they regroup and recentralize their power under new management.

First Contact (83 BTF): The Illustrados make amicable yet cautious contact with the Free Tribes of the Mid-Atlantic region of the North American east coast (aka “Mid-Atla”). Initial meetings with the Templars fare far worse. The Illustrados Union decides to keep at arm’s length, for the purposes of peace and goodwill. 

The War over Embers (93 BTF): Terrible monstrosities led by the sorcerous Harbingers invade and ravage the Mid-Atlantic region from the west. The vicious war against the remnants of humanity follows. The Illustrados Union is late to join, but they bring their technological prowess and Juracan-killing military to bear. 

The Armistice at Libertina (96 BTF): After six years of brutal war, Mid-Atla settles to a troubled peace. The Harbingers are destroyed and a treaty between the Templar, the Illustrados, and the Free Tribes is signed at the broken bell of Libertina City.

Current Day (99 BTF): Illustrados technology, people, and culture filter into Mid-Atla. Their own problems and Juracan sightings keep their mighty fleets at home, but threats and menaces surface or are reborn. The Illustrados keeps eyes, ears and influence in the region while minding the limitations set to them by the Armistice.

Important People and Groups:

The Charioteers (aka Los Cocheros): An Illustrados subfaction of mariners, monster hunters, smugglers, and scavengers. They have banded together to ensure that their services are not only regulated but so that they can protect themselves from their employers and the Magistrados. 

The Free Tribes: A group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

The Iglesia Solar: An Ilustrados faction of clergyfolk, academics, and engineers. They are a major civic force that maintain many hospitals, orphanages, and schools. 

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess. 

Marisol Anna Celso-Malave (aka Marisol Celso): The genius behind the Celso Engine, a machine that is able to draw Magnetic Mana power from reagents. She is a storied hero among the Illustrados, even becoming a Cacique-General and leading the Union for a decade. 

Magistrados (aka Macana):  An Illustrados subfaction of soldiers, sailors, and scouts. They serve the whole of the Illustrados and are directed by the Cacique-General.

The Tecnocracia (aka Technocracy): An Illustrados subfaction occupied by wealthy investors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. They engage in banking, own several industries, reclaiming ancient tech, and investing in dangerous expeditions. 

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.


Important Events

The Ravening (0 BTF): The god-like Abyssals are drawn to the planet by humanity’s hubris and their power hungry agents. Though they bring the age of humankind to an end, they are driven away by its true mother and protector -- called the World Dragon, Earth Mother and God-Empress. Despite Her triumph, She is shattered and slain from the innumerous wounds of that terrible battle.

Crowned with Void Fire (17 BTF): The followers of the God-Empress arrive in the Pacific Northwest to protect the human survivors there. Led by their goddess’ Oracle-Avatar, they begin a brutal war against the Flesh-Takers who have been hunting down and flensing any humans that they find. 

The First Feast (23 BTF): The Oracle-Avatar and their Templar brethren purge the region of the Flesh-Takers and feast upon the Abyssal remnant that had been corrupting the area. In the Pacific Northwest, they endeavor to build a new society and rally humanity toward their holy goal: the destruction of the Abyssals and their monstrous scions.

The Raising of the Temple (37 BTF): The Templars expand their operations, liberating communities that they find from depredation and disaster. Many join their faith and support their sanctified mission. The three Conclaves of the Temple are wrought by the strongest brethren of the Oracle-Avatar.

The Quarry (45 BTF): The Templars find and secure an immense Abyssal remnant. They harvest it and the crystallized earth around it, crushing those rebels and beasts that would take it from them. The Templars continue building and progressing, establishing a string of communities that link the Pacific Northwest to the Atlantic Northeast.

The Slayers of Kings (65 BTF): In their northeastern territories, the Templars exploring southward encounter the Free Tribes and the vampiric Night Kings in the Mid-Atlantic region of the North American continent (aka “Mid-Atla”). Despite their earlier skirmishes, Temple and Free Tribe band together to crush the sorcerous vampires and free those they have enslaved in their chattel farms.

A Warning to the South (83 BTF): The Templar continue to consolidate their northeastern holdings and treat carefully with the Free Tribes. Their first encounter with the Illustrados Union is a bloody one, stopping short of igniting actual war. Instead of pursuing conflict, the Templars look to their Oracle-Avatar for guidance and receive orders to return north. 

War and Apostasy (90 BTF): Terrible monstrosities led by the sorcerous Harbingers invade and ravage Mid-Atla. The vicious war against the remnants of humanity follows. The Templar is prepared by the Oracle-Avatar’s warning, but an attempted coup by the Flame Conclave undoes their efforts -- they join the battles against the Harbingers at a diminished capacity while dealing with this new “Infernal Apostasy”. In a few years, they direct the fullness of their strength against the Harbingers alongside the other Archfactions. 

The Armistice at Libertina (96 BTF): After six years of brutal war, Mid-Atla has settled to a troubled peace. The Harbingers have been destroyed and a treaty between the Templar, the Illustrados, and the Free Tribes has been signed at the broken bell of Libertina City.

Current Day (99 BTF): The Temple is rebuilding after the many disasters that have befallen their holdings across the continent. They seek out the leaders of the Infernal Apostasy that betrayed them and to bring the Free Tribes into the fold for their holy mission. 

Important Individuals and Groups:

Abyssals/the World-Slayers: The enemies of the God-Empress and of all terrestrial life - alien, netherworldly god-things from beyond the stars.

The Cascadian Dragon: A titanic crustacean-like entity that eradicated several settlements from the west coast. It was proof against all weapons and the human-sized face in the center of its mass turned soldiers into shriveled corpses. It was slain by the Oracle-Avatar. Saint Skull sacrificed his life to protect them.

The Free Tribes: A group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

God-Empress: The prime divinity of the Templars. Also known as the Shattered Mother, the World Dragon, and the Earth Mother. Through Her sacrifice, the world saw ruin but not destruction from those that would devour it. 

The Harbingers/Harbinger Hosts: Four sorcerous entities of incredible power and the monstrous armies that followed them. They came from the west and savaged their way to Mid-Atla until they were stopped by the combined efforts of the Free Tribes, the Illustrados, and the Temple.

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess 

Oracle-Avatar: The chosen speaker to the God-Empress and the Temple’s leader. After the formation of the Templars, they rarely leave their meditations atop Ziggurat City. They were integral to the Harbingers’ defeat but were severely injured. 

Saint Carmine/Carmine Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for her cunning, her diplomacy, and her ability to turn enemies into allies. Also called the Saint of Roses. Founder of the Carmine Conclave. Disappeared after her spouse was slain. 

Saint Flame/Flame Conclave/Infernal Apostasy: An Archon-Saint known for his power, his knowledge, and his blazing zealotry to the God-Empress. Also known as the Saint of Wrath. Founder of the now extinct Flame Conclave. Slain while fighting the Night Kings. His Conclave would turn against the Temple and attempt to kill the Oracle-Avatar. 

Saint Skull/Skull Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for his mercy, his protectiveness, and his iron devotion to the Oracle-Avatar. Founder of the Skull Conclave. Slain fighting the Cascadian Dragon. 

Saint Talon/Talon Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for her strength, her sorcery, and her unflinching bravery. Also known as the Saint of Swords. Founder of the Talon Conclave. Slain during the Battle of the Blockade

Saint Whisper: An Archon Saint known for her incredible willpower, her complete faith, and her sacrifice at the First Feast. She was also known as the Saint of Shadows. She did not start any Conclaves but some of the Skull Conclave devote themselves to her.

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.

 Prologues and Epilogues


Here are a few stories that book-end each BTF Event. They feature information appropriate to the upcoming happenstances: Prologues give Participants a hint of what is to come and Epilogues give additional information after an Event.

2025 Prologues and Epilogues (below)


    With the lights turned low, shadows and moonlight reign supreme within the Lost Sheep Cantina. The townsfolk gathered are few, but when they speak, it is in voices so low that even the night sounds from outside threaten to drown them. An octagonal talisman hangs from around their necks, silently bristling with power enough to melt the insides of their wearers.

    The King of Lightning’s apparatuses, the Alpha Coil and the Hourglass of Withering Gold, sit upon tables. They are unguarded, save for their “Anti-interference Matrices”.  The Alpha Coil hums with invisible energies that energize King Celso’s soldiers while the Hourglass radiates a sensation that “gently” pushes those nearby toward greater industry. From the effects of the latter, the townsfolk make the unconscious decision to go back to their jobs for overtime shifts.


    Walking down the street from the Cantina, a family of three are halted by a group of armed and armored Alpha-robotics of King Celso’s forces. At the squad leader’s whim, they are divested of their valuables and their reggies -- the King of Lightning’s price for ensuring Snakewater’s safety. Any thoughts of resistance are quelled at the points of guns and blades. 

    When the family leaves, the Metabionic leader pockets the reagents. The time for upkeep and maintenance is coming, the harvest must be reaped. However, the King of Lightning will not begrudge his soldiers a bit of foraging.


    At the fringes of Snakewater, where frontier civilization meets treeline, there is a smoldering ruin, a hundred meters across. Structures, equipment, bodies, all reduced to piles of smoking ash.

    “…Artifacts were guarded beyond expectation and allowed for unimpeded testing of new augments. Resistance silo terminated. End Report.”

    The metal glows white hot in the darkness. Steam emits from a new slender frame, pronounced by the chilled night air. And amidst the crackle of feasting flames there is the hum and emanations of weapons made of pure energy.

    “Another step towards your ideal world Celso. If they will not come with us, let’s show them the way.”


    And up in the sky above Snakewater, the Automatic Sun glisters with warmth and waiting wrath. 

    What it sees, the King of Lightning can see. 

    What he wants destroyed will melt beneath the Sun’s fury.

  • -- Thunderstruck: Following up on the King of Lightning’s plans, Snakewater’s Delvers attempted to decipher a crystal matrix that was believed to hold additional information. (Campus +2, Forge +2)

    -- Meanwhile, the Professor and his assistants, Pie and Tamber, continued their work on repairing and recalibrating the dimension shifting “Encabulator” apparatus. The Delvers were shifted to a planar pocket to collect energy from spiritual entities and return with their prize. (Forge +5, Campus +5)

    -- Upon their return, the Delvers found the matrix’s contents were deciphered, pointing to a relic being sought by the King of Lightning. Though they raced to get there, it was an elaborate ruse: the Delvers were confronted by one of King Celso’s officers, Tubby Turbine. Moreover, they were offered a chance to serve the King of Lightning.

    -- To his and his liege’s chagrin, all the Delvers refused. Tubby used the very cube-like relic they sought to shunt them and trap them in a strange prison realm infested with shadows. For a time, it seemed that there was no exit and no reprieve from the realm’s nightscape as well as the waves of shadowy attackers..

    -- After an entire night of defending themselves, the prison realm was breached by a strange light similar to daylight. The Delvers found themselves pulled from the trap by Pie and what seemed a few hours was actually several weeks within the realm.

    -- While they were imprisoned, the King of Lightning’s forces moved upon Snakewater, then Dead Tree, and New Oasis. The defenders of these towns could not manage the sudden invasion of the King’s Alpha-robotic soldiers. Pie had several Archfaction representatives with them, who reported their own troubles with the Night King’s forces and were gathering strength for their insurgent actions.

    -- Pie and the representatives doled out octagon-shaped talismans to the newly returned Delvers. These talismans were forgeries of the ones handed out by King Celso’s troops -- the real ones were designed to inflict punishments and even death to those that defied the Night King. The Delvers quickly dispersed to make their own plans when an Alpha-robotic patrol approached them and interrogated those they could corner.

    -- With King Celso’s “Subjugation Apparatuses” active, Snakewater’s Delvers needed to act carefully. For example, the Automatic Sun watched over the town and blasted interlopers with Thermal Lances while the Alpha Coil turbocharged the Kingspawn and lent them kinetic barriers against ranged attacks.

    -- In addition to semi-regular patrols, Tubby Turbine and SAN attempted to cement the Night King’s conquest of Snakewater. A public execution was performed to cow any insurgency while an Alpha-robotic Inquisitor attempted to find conspirators. They even hired Delvers and conscripted “collared” Peace Makers to strike out at the King of Fiends’ spies at the fringes of town. (Farm +5, Forge +5)

    -- These efforts would not be sufficient. Insurgent Delvers freed prisoners and scavenged for more fake talisman materials. Furthermore, the patrols would successfully be evaded rather than confronted at the moment -- the threat of the Automatic Sun and other machines was too great. (Forge +7, Mercado +7)

    -- Continuing to feign collusion with King Celso, Snakewater’s Delvers worked with his officers toward eliminating the direst threat to him and humanity: the King of Fiends. As the conclusion of what SAN claimed was “weeks of provocation”, Ravan Ajasha himself incarnated into the area in order to wipe Snakewater off the map. 

    -- Snakewater’s Delvers and King Celso’s officers battled with the King of Fiends and his abominations. He transfigured individuals into monsters and damaged the King’s apparatuses but the trap was already sprung. Weakened and distracted by the attacks of Delver and officer, Ravan’s defenses were burned away by a full blast of the Automatic Sun. Before the King of Fiends could recover, the King of Lightning’s officers made him disappear  using a certain cube-like relic. No longer was Ravan Ajasha a threat to any one in this reality and no longer could he transfigure others according to his vile whims.  (+15 to all; -60 to Spire instead of -20 to all from the Dimensional Paracausal Anchor’s damage)


    -- Freedom, Redux: For the second time that day, Snakewater’s Delvers would try to remove the Enforcer Collar from Associate Chamomile. However, the result would be the same -- the Peace Maker was slain instantly and the collar re-created itself upon his body. It is believed that the Collar is Fate-bound to those it is inflicted upon, ensuring that teleportation, reincarnation, and similar esoteric means would be insufficient to escape its grasp. (Campus +1, Forge +1)

    -- The Game of Games: In the throes of the Encabulator’s activation, Lord Underwelt and several Eldritch Entities played several games of chance and skill with the folk of Snakewater. (jD83jSd +S3tp, -u7T, xf43f?)

    -- Supplies!: By evading and distracting Alpha-robotic patrols, Snakewater’s Delvers were able to bring supplies to the Lost Sheep Cantina. These would be integral to the insurgency’s efforts against the town’s oppressors. (Farm +3, Forge +3)

    -- Face Off: One of the townsfolk was assisted in the return of a strange loss: their face. Through the retrieval of a jewelry box, a Delver was able to return a person’s face to them. (Farm +2)

    -- Hide and Seek: A strange feeling continues to pervade the meeting of local Delvers and Operatives. Those who were able to determine its source discover that something was scrying their thoughts and seeking something out (Campus +2)

    -- Caravan Ruin: Illustrados Delvers and their allies investigated the ruins of an unmarked convoy believed to be of Illustrados origin. After driving Parafauna from the area, they recovered mysterious documents that confirmed that these were from the islands and that the tech they carried was stolen. (Farm +5, Forge +5)

    -- In for a Penny: The Templars tracked down yet another sibling to Lars Auclair, uncovering more information of the mystery that his brother presented. (Mercado +5, Farm +5)

    -- Reinforce the Barrier: To prevent the King of Lightning from taking the magical artifacts and relics of the Templars, the Avataral Hand has erected a barrier over their holdings. The Blades of the Empress were tasked with ensuing the barrier’s integrity against the incursion efforts of Sindra and his undead forces. (Tomb +5, Farms +5)

    -- The Automatic Sun: Although built for surveillance and subjugation, this Subjugation Apparatus of King Celso also urges crops to bloom and blossom despite the cold weather. (Farm +10)

    -- The Hourglass of Withering Gold: This Subjugation Apparatus is in the form of a glowing hourglass. Situated in the Cantina, it generates waves of “inspiration” and “industriousness” unto the minds of townsfolk and Delvers. (Forge +5, Mercado +5)

    -- Malefic Alignment: Due certain actions, the eldritch radiance of a distant, Abyssal entity has befallen this region of Mid-Atla. Under the malefic pseudo-light of “Gibbeleth the Enchained Emperor”, the physical laws of the locale quiver. It is as though a baleful eye has glanced passingly upon this reality and in that dire, fleeting moment, the insignificance of humanity is made manifest. (-195 to Spire after the following calculations [-65 to all Expansions [reduced from -100], redirected to the Spire and reduced by half])

    -- Traveler’s warning: They who Traverse (aka the Traveler), an entity that worked with Snakewater in the past, warned its allies that “Minor World Wounds” have opened near Snakewater. Owing to the quickness of Snakewater’s, Delvers, these wounds were closed before they could erupt into further damage to terrestrial reality. [Malefic Alignment damage reduced from 100 to 85]

    -- Sever the World: Instead of a warning from the Traveler, it would be a Snakewater Deputy that would warn the town of more “World Wounds” late in Saturday’s evening. In addition to closing Minor World Wounds, Delvers would have to deal with not just a Major World Wound but the interference of a swordsman named Percivan the Feared. Why Percivan fought to ensure the fraying of reality is up to question, but he was somehow driven off and the World Wounds were closed before further damage could occur. [Malefic Alignment damage reduced from 85 to 65]

    -- Delvers. With the Malefic Alignment fraying reality, local Delvers and Operatives dedicated much of their efforts toward reinforcing the Stormbringer Spire. Those who did not, worked on the sanctity of the Graveyards from the ravenous dead and the efficiency of the Forge district..(NPC shifters =  Forge +3, Spire +40, Tomb +5)

    -- Snakewater’s Townsfolk*: Even under the yoke of King Celso’ tyranny, Snakewater endeavors to continue its progress. The King of Lightning sees no need to damage the town’s industry, though he does push no small amount of resources toward the maintenance and arming of his forces. Needless to say, a significant share of Snakewater’s efforts are secretly funneled toward the Delvers’ insurgence against their tyrannical oppressors. (Campus +25, Farms +50, Forge +61, Mercado +22, Spire +55, Tomb +25)

    * These values match the Player Characters’ contributions, representing the NPCs work in building their homes and how the PCs inspire them to greater heights.

  • -- First Strike: With the speed of his namesake, the King of Lightning has struck Snakewater, then Dead Tree, and New Oasis.  It is believed that his forces marched from the Valtima-Capitol ruins, through Edge Haven, before attacking their targets. The defenders of these towns could not manage the sudden invasion of the King’s Alpha-robotic soldiers as well as the new technologies he had brought to bear. These towns are now under his control, their resources exploited to continue his campaigns against the Free Tribes and the other Archfactions. Only Bridgeboro, east of Snakewater, has been able to thwart his advance thus far.

    The Free Tribes coordinate to gather the personnel necessary to begin a counter offensive. However, their non-centralized nature and their massive losses from the Ember War work against them.

    -- Supplies! By evading and distracting Alpha-robotic patrols, Snakewater’s Delvers were able to bring supplies from the Scavvers to the Lost Sheep Cantina. These would be integral to the insurgency’s efforts against the town’s oppressors. 

    -- Face Off: One of the townsfolk was assisted in the return of a strange loss: their face. Through the retrieval of a jewelry box, a Delver was able to return a person’s face to them. 

    -- Hide and Seek: A strange feeling continues to pervade the meeting of local Delvers and Operatives. Those who were able to determine its source discover that something was scrying their thoughts and seeking something out

    -- Malefic Alignment: Due certain actions, the eldritch radiance of a distant, Abyssal entity has befallen this region of Mid-Atla. Under the malefic pseudo-light of “Gibbeleth the Enchained Emperor”, the physical laws of the locale quiver. It is as though a baleful eye has glanced passingly upon this reality and in that dire, fleeting moment, the insignificance of humanity is made manifest.

    -- Traveler’s warning: They who Traverse (aka the Traveler), an entity that worked with Snakewater in the past, warned its allies that “Minor World Wounds” have opened near the town. Owing to the quickness of Snakewater’s Delvers, these wounds were closed before they could erupt into further damage to terrestrial reality.

    -- Sever the World: Delvers dealt with not just a Major World Wound and many Minor World Wounds but the interference of a swordsman named Percivan the Feared. Why Percivan fought to ensure the fraying of reality is up to question, but he was somehow driven off and the World Wounds were closed before further damage could occur.

  • -- First Strike: With the speed of his namesake, the King of Lightning has struck Snakewater, then Dead Tree, and New Oasis.  It is believed that his forces marched from the Valtima-Capitol ruins, through Edge Haven, before attacking their targets. The defenders of these towns could not manage the sudden invasion of the King’s Alpha-robotic soldiers as well as the new technologies he had brought to bear. These towns are now under his control, their resources exploited to continue his campaigns against the Free Tribes and the other Archfactions. Only Bridgeboro, east of Snakewater, has been able to thwart his advance thus far.

    -- Thermal Lances: In the beginning days of King Celso’s advance, Magistrados troopers were gathered and marched for a counter attack. Javelineers artillery supported them from the coast. Though the initial fights were favorable for the Illustrados, the King of Lightning himself fielded technologies that burned squads alive and set ships aflame. In the face of a technological superior enemy for the first time, the Magistrados regrouped to Bridgeboro to help in its defense and reconsider their strategies.

    -- Caravan Ruin: Illustrados Delvers and their allies investigated the ruins of an unmarked convoy confirmed to be of Illustrados origin. The tech it carried was stolen, presumably as part of the convoy’s destruction.

    -- Extradition: The criminal Manuel Cervantes and the Technocrat Carlos “Calloy” Fuentes-Frost have been shipped to Ciudad Juanita in the Illustrados Union. They are reported to have arrived safely. The former is accused of many crimes, not the least of which is the attempted murder of the latter by proxy. 

    -- Malefic Alignment: Due certain actions, the eldritch radiance of a distant, Abyssal entity has befallen this region of Mid-Atla. Under the malefic pseudo-light of “Gibbeleth the Enchained Emperor”, the physical laws of the locale quiver. It is as though a baleful eye has glanced passingly upon this reality and in that dire, fleeting moment, the insignificance of humanity is made manifest.

    -- A New Age: Though the deliberation took a long time, the Illustrados Senate has finally moved on the matter of the Technocratic League. With advice from individuals within the Union and outside of the islands, the basic structure of the league remains but with Senatorial oversight in the form of a Magistrados officer. In addition, several loopholes have been removed and the banning of Forge Fauna use has been reinforced. The new organization is to be called La Liga de Faroleros or the Lamplighter League, representing the lowered control of the Technocracy in its function and the objective of the Illustrados to bring light to the world (originally posted 01/2025)

    -- Juracan Reports: Magistrados is working with local defense forces in the islands of Xaymaca and Caobana to prepare for a recent spate of Juracan sightings. While Juracan attacks are not surprising, the reports are troubling enough for the Magistrados to also pull from Charioteer mercenaries and Technocracy private forces. This attack does mean a reduction in the aid the Illustrados can offer to the continent.

  • -- First Strike: With the speed of his namesake, the King of Lightning has struck Snakewater, then Dead Tree, and New Oasis.  It is believed that his forces marched from the Valtima-Capitol ruins, through Edge Haven, before attacking their targets. The defenders of these towns could not manage the sudden invasion of the King’s Alpha-robotic soldiers as well as the new technologies he had brought to bear. These towns are now under his control, their resources exploited to continue his campaigns against the Free Tribes and the other Archfactions. Only Bridgeboro, east of Snakewater, has been able to thwart his advance thus far.

    With most Templar forces at the Beringian Blockade, the local Awakened are expected to hold their own with little support.

    -- Reinforce the Barrier: To prevent the King of Lightning from taking the magical artifacts and relics of the Templars, the Avataral Hand has erected a barrier over their holdings, thanks to the expertise of the Priory of Nullification. Thus far, it has yet to be breached by the King of Lightning or by Sindra, follower of Yama the Merciful. 

    -- In for a Penny: Templars tracked down yet another sibling to Lars Auclair, uncovering more information of the mystery that his brother presented. He was transferred to a more secure facility rented from the Golden Fortunes Cartel in Port Atlantica. 

    -- Malefic Alignment: Due certain actions, the eldritch radiance of a distant, Abyssal entity has befallen this region of Mid-Atla. Under the malefic pseudo-light of “Gibbeleth the Enchained Emperor”, the physical laws of the locale quiver. It is as though a baleful eye has glanced passingly upon this reality and in that dire, fleeting moment, the insignificance of humanity is made manifest. 

    -- Traveler’s warning: They who Traverse (aka the Traveler), an entity that worked with Snakewater in the past, warned its allies that “Minor World Wounds” have opened near Snakewater. Owing to the quickness of Snakewater’s, Delvers, these wounds were closed before they could erupt into further damage to terrestrial reality.

    -- Sever the World: Delvers dealt with not just a Major World Wound and many Minor World Wounds but the interference of a swordsman named Percivan the Feared. Why Percivan fought to ensure the fraying of reality is up to question, but he was somehow driven off and the World Wounds were closed before further damage could occur


    “Professor? Are you in here?” Tamber stepped into the dimly lit lab with a wariness brought about by the scorch marks on the walls and the crackling ozone smell that sometimes comes with intense Magnetic Mana. 

    Following the fevered but incomprehensible sounds of their conversation, she found the old Necrotic man and her fellow lab assistant. They were arguing over a hand-sized crystalline device: the Crystal Matrix retrieved by Snakewater a few weeks ago. 

    The glass table beneath it glowed as the main light source in the room, illuminating their features and giving them daemonic aspects. 

    “No, no, no!” Pi raised his hands up, gloved palms out in protest.

    “Yes, yes, yes, you little shit!”

    “Professor? Pi?” Tamber approached the two, her steps askew with apprehension.

    “Tamber!” The Professor’s smile was wicked in the half-light. He offered her the forearm-length metallic rod in his hand. “Come over here and help me calibrate this device!”

    “Don’t do it!” Pi warned her, his eyes briefly glancing at the Pi-shaped scorch mark on a near wall.

    “Um. No. That’s unpaid intern work. I’ll get Jackknife to do it when he’s done with the ethertronic circuit box you gave him to fix”

    “That boy sure loves boxes” The Professor chuckled. “I wonder if he found the Umbral Widow I put inside it yet? It’s been there for a couple of weeks so it must be really hungry!”

    “Weeks? Why’d you -- what does it eat in ther-- nevermind, I have news from the Peace Makers”

    “Oh yeah? The Peepees finally got more monkey work for ol’ Professy to do? Well, I ain’t doing it!”

    “I’ll do it!” Pi chimed in.

    “Shut up! You’re not doing jack shit! We’re on a strike until we get access to the Encabulator again”

    “They’re giving you limited access to the Encabulator-” Tamber sighed. 

    “Hot diggity! The Professy’s still got it!” The old man went to high five Pi, but the lab assistant merely shook his head. 

    “Actually, it was the Bearers of Wicked Fate who petitioned Snakewater, spoke to the Sheriff, and convinced him to grant us access. In return, they need you to --”

    “Mmmmhm, what a bunch of good kids they are! Helping a poor, lonely scientist in need!” He rummaged through his lab coat. “Hmmm… where were those again?”

    “They’re all adults, Professor” Pi chimed in again. “They drink, drive Howlers, and kill people”

    He took no notice of them while scrounging, having moved his search from his pockets to his rusty toolbox. “Here’s their reward then” 

    The Professor dropped a handful of Khaydarin quartzes into Tamber’s gloved palm.

    “The goodest of boys and girls deserve the bestest of candies from their favorite Professy! Come on, Pi! Let’s prep the anti-fumblers! Chop chop!”

    Bereft of will and drained of words, Tamber watched them leave for the second laboratory and shut the door behind them. For a full minute, she stared down at the dimly glowing quartzes, each charged with lethal doses of Magnetic Mana. 

    “But these aren’t…” Then she snapped to attention and swiftly egressed through the door she entered. “Oh spirits, I better check on the Intern!”

  • Last January saw Snakewater inflict a savage blow unto the Night Kings’ forces, destroying the logic core of an outpost and scouring the countryside of Ravanic abominations. Signs now point to a deadly counterattack from the King of Lightning.

  • The King of Lightning is the strongest of his Night League brethren. A transplant from the Illustrados Union, he is a maker of mechanical monstrosities and a savant at Necro-tech. Until recently, he was disgused as a simple engineer named “Exanimus Portent” but he also calls himself the Machinist or simply, King Celso. The latter name is especially embarrassing to the similarly named but utterly unaffiliated corporation named Celso Innovational Enterprises.

    The King of Lightning’s most recent exploits include the violent theft of relics from the Hellhounds’ Altar of Air and the killing of King Aetheldred.

  • King Ravan-Ajasha is also called the Raksasha or the King of Fiends. He is a father of monstrosities and horrors, known for creating abominations and sending them out to fulfill his own designs or test a new prototype.

    His recent exploits include infesting unwilling subjects with ravenous parasites and waylaying caravans using terrible monstrosities.

  • King Aetheldred was called the the Herbalist, the Eternal Blossom and the King of Flowers. Brilliant yet also fickle, she was known as a researcher and alchemist dedicated to the expansion of her scientific knowhow without care for the consequences. A powerful Dryad, she was even able to imbue Eidolonic Spores unto individuals against their will.

    In November 101 BTF, Aetheldred was believed to have been slain by King Celso with the help of Snakewater.

  • By Marcus C.

    [LOCATION UNKNOWN; February 1, 102 BTF]

    In the depths of some unknown facility, a long, cold, metal corridor stretches almost imperceptibly far into the reaches of the structure. It is only illuminated by slowly pulsing blue lights that dot along the edges of the protracted hall into the distance. A singular one room along its length shows a distinct illumination that stands out in the liminal space.

    The room contains a grand array of machinery, seemingly both mythical and scientific. A display in a corner of the great web of machine displays, “NON-CRITICAL SYSTEMS - POWER DIVERTED: COMPLETE”. Two silhouettes can be made out against the illuminated interfaces and machine housings.

    A man, mostly covered in metal, speaks out in a somewhat ringing voice, “It’s a shame Celso, it truly is, but I’ve learned enough times that we can’t trust people like them.”

    He positions himself on a large metal platform, wires and machinery hanging menacingly above it.

    “Maybe part of me wanted to think that maybe a few of them could be convinced to fix this rotten world. I gave them an opportunity and they gladly took it. They must have forgotten that their little jammer was only localized. They showed me -US- what they will do the instant we turn our backs with their own eyes.”

    The second figure, framed more widely in metal and traces of plant matter, positions themselves in front of a panel off to the side of the platform.

    “And do you believe them to be as threatening as they are, SAN?”

    SAN stares up at the tangle of machinery that hovers above him and the platform that he sat on the edge of.

    “They were not in a position to do more than mild damage to this frame, but you’ve seen yourself their capacity for growth. I will not underestimate them.”

    He brings his gaze down from the ceiling to meet the gaze of the other figure, steely-eyed and resolute.

    “I am ready for the N.E.X.T. frame.”

    Upon hearing the words, the figure at the panel begins adjusting various interfaces displayed on its surface.

    “There won’t be much left of the old you after, and while you’ve always been stalwart in our mission, I will ask you as a precaution, are you sure?”

    SAN positions himself to lie flat on the platform surface, facing the enormous overhang of machinery above him.

    “The old me was insignificant; barely able to move and worse yet, I thought like all of them.”

    His eyes stay fixed to the space above him

    “While corrupt men and endless horrors rip this world apart, they let themselves be hamstrung by their bureaucracy, morals, and their traditions. They say they wish to make the world better, but when anyone with the power or will to do so takes charge they shun them, they fear them. Meanwhile, the world continues to rot.”

    SAN turns his head to face the figure at the panel

    “You have been my shield Celso, you have given me the ability to live and the power to change what’s wrong with this world. And for that I will continue to be your sword. If the world as it is cannot be, or refuses to be fixed, then I shall be the man to set the world on fire so that something better can be built from the ashes.”

    He turns his head back to the ceiling, closing eyes set behind a visor of steel and glass.

    “If I need to, I will be the scar that this world needs.”

    After making a few more adjustments on the panel, the second figure pulls a lever nearby causing the overhanging machinery to stir to life and begin descending toward the surface of the platform.

    “Then we shall make it so together, if need be.”

    Large cables illuminate around the room as they deliver power to the massive apparatus at its center.


    Somewhere in a Peace Maker Barracks, Altair is wrapping up reports of the previous gathering when lights and various equipment strobe momentarily before blacking out.

    “AH HELL you couldn’t have god damn wait till my report was god damn done, could you?!”

    After a few moments the lights sputter and turn back on throughout the building

    “Gotta talk to the damn mechanic now, freaking hell.”

  • -- Men, Machines, and Monsters: With the King of Lightning and the King of Fiends in mind, the Peace Makers and Snakewater’s forces consider their next options. However, even as they weigh the costs of dealing with these sorcerous threats, the two Night Kings do not tarry -- via herald or proxy, each offers their assistance against the other and threatens retribution if refused.

    -- Ultimately, it is decided that neither King is deserving of loyalty or of service. A plan is forged under the protection of a signal jammer at the Cantina. Snakewater would play at being an ally for one King while dealing with the other. To that end, King Celso’s forward camps are sabotaged while his Kingspawn are distracted. (Mercado +5, Forge +5)

    -- Erstwhile, King Ravan’s abominations are slain or scattered before they could give more information to their sorcerous maker about the other King’s forces. (Farm +5, Mercado +5)

    -- The Delvers and Operatives worked together with King Celso’s forces, particularly SAN, to continue their destruction of King Ravan’s minions. The bulk of the Ravanic monstrosities are drawn into an open field to be slaughtered. And in a savage blow to the King of Lightning, the machine logic core of his outpost was sabotaged by Delvers during the brutal melee. 

    Unfortunately, Snakewater’s designs were discovered by SAN. His discovery is for naught, however -- he is unable to fully trap Snakewater’s Delvers and Operatives in an inferno and his forces were deflected before they could inflict massive damage to the town’s infrastructure.  (+15 to Forge, Spire, Tombs; -30 to Mercado, Campus, Farm)


    -- Manuel, Unmasked: The mastermind behind the Forge Beasts and their destabilization of Illustrados commerce in the area is revealed to be “Manuel Cervantes”. Despite his attempts, he is captured by ECL;PS and allies before he can escape Mid-Atla. (Mercado +5, Forge +5)

    -- The Chronal Sun: Adria of the Flame performs a rite of her Church befitting the dark of winter: it deigns to bring reflection and thoughtfulness to those who partake, whether they are Redeemers or not. (Tombs +2)

    -- Dispel the Shadows: The Steelwings and their allies hunt down the shadowy spies of Percivan. Though the entities attempt to escape their fate, their pursuers are too quick. (Farms +5, Spire +5)

    -- Hide and Seek: A strange feeling pervades the meeting of local Delvers and Operatives. Those who were able to determine its source determine that something was scrying their thoughts -- fortunately, some of these were inquisitions were deflected and the destruction of Percivan’s shadows appeared to have stopped the happenstance from recurring for the moment. (Campus +2)

    -- Youngbloods: Several Fomori novices were reported to have entered town, believed to have been carrying items of interest. It is believed that they left without speaking to anyone. (Mercado +1)

    -- The Hand of Designation: The Blades of the Empress hunt down an undead menace and discover a gruesome item: a “Hand of Designation”. This item is believed to be from Sindra, a renegade Templar and known follower of Yama. They have given it to the Avataral Hand for keeping while they perform their own studies on it. (Tombs +3, Farms +3)

    -- Hold your horses: Before he is able to escape the area, a Carmine criminal was apprehended by the Blades of the Empress. Laurencius “Lars” Auclair has been detained in Bridgeboro with the Peace Makers until it is seen fit to extradite him to Templar lands. (Mercado +3, Farms +3)

    -- Delvers. Thanks to local Delvers and Operatives, work continued apace on the repair and calibration of the Stormbringer Spire from the recent Magna-storm. Sweat and blood was also spent ensuring safety in the Farms and the Forge districts. Meanwhile, proper reverences and prayers were given to those that had passed and those that need rest.(NPC shifters =  Farms +3, Forge +4, Spire +23, Tomb +18)

    -- Snakewater’s Townsfolk*: Though SAN and King Celso’s forces ran amok through Snakewater, the damage they inflicted was no match to the industry and spirit of the townsfolk.  (Campus +10, Farms +19, Forge +34, Mercado +19, Spire +36, Tomb +38)

    * These values match the Player Characters’ contributions, representing the NPCs work in building their homes and how the PCs inspire them to greater heights.

    NEW VALUES: (updated 2/19/24)  

    • FARMS (FRINGE FARMLANDS) Tier 2: 224/300 (up  from Tier 2: 216/300)  

    • TOMBS (GRAVEYARD): Tier 2: 9/300 (UNLOCKED from Tier 1:  233/300)  

    • FORGE (LA GRAN FRAGUA) Tier 2: 176/300 (Up from Tier 1: 108/300) 

    • CAMPUS (LIBRARY LANE) Tier 3: 185/300 (Down from Tier 3: 211/300) 

    • MERCADO (MARKET EXCHANGE) Tier 3: 219/300 (Up from Tier 3: 211/300)   

    • SPIRE (STORMBRINGER SPIRE) Tier 2: 181/300 (Up from Tier 2: 105/300)

  • -- Dispel the Shadows: The Steelwings and their allies hunt down the shadowy spies of Percivan. Though the entities attempt to escape their fate, their pursuers are too quick. (Farms +5, Spire +5)

    -- Hide and Seek: A strange feeling pervades the meeting of local Delvers and Operatives. Those who were able to determine its source determine that something was scrying their thoughts -- fortunately, some of these were inquisitions were deflected and the destruction of Percivan’s shadows appeared to have stopped the happenstance from recurring for the moment. 

    -- Youngbloods: Several Fomori novices were reported to have entered town, believed to have been carrying items of interest. It is believed that they left without speaking to anyone. 

    -- Prophet at Large: A renegade Templar and known collaborator with the Night Kings has been confirmed to have escaped imprisonment after several years in Peace Maker custody. Despite the recently dispelled obfuscation magic that obscured how long ago he had escaped, it is believed that he did so during the Dryad attack in November 101 BTF. The Obfuscation aspected Orb associated with him was also reported missing from the Peace Maker vaults.

  • -- Manuel, Unmasked: The mastermind behind the Forge Beasts and their destabilization of Illustrados commerce in the area is revealed to be “Manuel Cervantes”. Despite his attempts, Manuel is captured by ECL;PS and their allies before he can escape Mid-Atla. 

    -- The Chronal Sun: Adria of the Flame performs a rite of her Church befitting the dark of winter: it deigns to bring reflection and thoughtfulness to those who partake, whether they are Redeemers or not.

    -- A New Age: Though the deliberation took a long time, the Illustrados Senate has finally moved on the matter of the Technocratic League. With advice from individuals within the Union and outside of the islands, the basic structure of the league remains but with Senatorial oversight in the form of a Magistrados officer. In addition, several loopholes have been removed and the banning of Forge Fauna use has been reinforced. The new organization is to be called La Liga de Faroleros or the Lamplighter League, representing the lowered control of the Technocracy in its function and the objective of the Illustrados to bring light to the world. 

  • -- The Hand of Designation: The Blades of the Empress hunt down an undead menace and discover a gruesome item: a “Hand of Designation”. This item is believed to be from Sindra, a renegade Templar and known follower of Yama. They have given it to the Avataral Hand for keeping while they perform their own studies on it. 

    -- Hold your horses: Before he is able to escape the area, a Carmine criminal was apprehended by the Blades of the Empress. Laurencius “Lars” Auclair has been detained in Bridgeboro with the Peace Makers until it is seen fit to extradite him to Templar lands. 

    -- The Wall: Far to the west, the Wall Watchers have engaged enemies at the Beringian Blockade. The first elements of a Glow Devil attack have hit the region. This has the unfortunate result of drawing troops away from most other pursuits and other objectives, leaving only the absolute minimum on far off garrisons and holdings. 

    -- Prophet at Large: A renegade Templar and known collaborator with the Night Kings has been confirmed to have escaped imprisonment after several years in Peace Maker custody. Despite the recently dispelled obfuscation magic that obscured how long ago he had escaped, it is believed that he did so during the Dryad attack in November 101 BTF. The Obfuscation aspected Orb associated with him was also reported missing from the Peace Maker vaults.


    The winter sun burned brightly and coldly over the corpse of Edgehaven, a town long dead by a battle long past. It did little to warm the column of Metabionics that marched amidst the ruin, their shadows made short in the hour. Their numbers were a few dozen but they strode in synchronous step with each other and flanked the trundling passage of a few spider-wagons. 

    These vehicles were laden with machinery rather than weaponry. Though spider-wagons required specialized “pilots”, their limbs allowed them a greater flexibility in terrain than their wheeled counterparts. This allowed the column to diverge from commonly trafficked roads to traverse the lesser known passages among town ruins, rough hills, and deep forests.

    The din of their footfalls and clanking cargo scattered parafauna upon their approach. The clangor of the travelers’ march also deafened them to the Puma-hawk pride that was stalking them for the past few days. 

    Instinct had demanded that these parafauna abandon their hunt. The scents of metal and oil, as well as the nigh imperceptible hum from within each of their prey was sign enough that these humans would make for poor feasting. Their bestial minds perceived the column as inedible and dangerous -- they would be better off seeking easier, softer fare. 

    Yet, the Song quelled such thoughts even as it added length to their stride and saw through their sensory organs. The Song took note of the columns’ numbers, the armaments, and the spider-wagons’ stock. 

    Follow quietly. Stay hidden. Flee if engaged.

    And the Puma-hawks, with more eyes and limbs than the unblessed members of their species, did as the Song commanded.

  • The month of November saw the heightening of a Night King and the destruction of another. Though the following winter has been quiet thus far, this tenuous peace will not last. The King of Lightning’s strength continues to grow, as does the wrath of the King of Fiends. The battles to come will rage across the region and see the Delvers of Snakewater as participants, casualties, or both.

  • The King of Lightning is the strongest of his Night League brethren. A transplant from the Illustrados Union, he is a maker of mechanical monstrosities and a savant at Necro-tech. Until recently, he was disgused as a simple engineer named “Exanimus Portent” but he also calls himself the Machinist or simply, King Celso. The latter name is especially embarrassing to the similarly named but utterly unaffiliated corporation named Celso Innovational Enterprises.

    The King of Lightning most recent exploits include the violent theft of relics from the Hellhounds’ Altar of Air and the killing of King Aetheldred.

  • King Ravan-Ajasha is also called the Raksasha or the King of Fiends. He is a father of monstrosities and horrors, known for creating abominations and commanding them to fulfill his machinations.

    His recent exploits include infesting unwilling subjects with ravenous parasites and waylaying caravans using inhuman monstrosities.

  • King Aetheldred was called the the Herbalist, the Eternal Blossom and the King of Flowers. Brilliant yet also fickle, she was known as a researcher and alchemist dedicated to the expansion of her scientific knowhow without care for the consequences. A powerful Dryad, she was even able to imbue Eidolonic Spores unto individuals against their will.

    In November 101 BTF, Aetheldred was believed to have been slain by King Celso with the help of Snakewater.

 2022 Prologues and Epilogues



Here are stories that book-ended each BTF Event in 2022 (Year 99 BTF, in—universe). They feature color and information appropriate to the upcoming happenstances: Prologues give Participants a hint of what is to come and Epilogues give additional information after an Event.

2022 Prologues and Epilogues (Below)

  • (By Jobert A. with asst from Kat R.)


    Rumor had it that the magnastorms in the region were particularly intense this winter. The savaged trunks that flanked the road to Snakewater were proof of that if the abandoned, unlit farmsteads were not convincing enough. Brega Billingson ensured that the Woodwise Caravan did not raid these steadings, of course – they were Scavvers, not thieves (though fools would say that there was no difference). Law of Picking aside, Brega would rather that they kept moving.

    With the evening skies so cloud-veiled, only their autowagons’ headlights and the comforting glow of their Hearthwagon lit their way forward. As the Caravan’s Pilot, Brega would have stopped to set up an encampment well before sundown were the town farther away – but there was something fell in the woods, and, as a small Caravan, the Woodwise only had so many Grackle sentries. Longarms were loaded, blade hilts were gripped, and tensions were high.

    The driver of the Pilot’s wagon warned Brega of a shadowed figure up ahead, standing offside the road. The autowagon and Caravan behind them slowed. At close range, the silhouette of their hat and a strange red glow at their chest was now apparent to driver and Pilot. But something was amiss, as though the person’s presence was merely a lie told from smiling lips.

    When they finally passed beside him – Brega saw their face dimly lit from below by the red glow – there was no smile, only a distant sadness. And lips that moved only briefly.

    With a flicker of comprehension, the Pilot grasped the Woodwise driver’s shoulder with a death grip. “GO FASTER! GO! NOW, DAMN IT!!”

    The autowagon’s engines revved in response, magna-tech coaxing speed into its wheels. The world blurred as everything happened at once and powerful claws tipped the autowagon over. Battered and trapped by the upturned vehicle, Brega did not see shadows, blood, and skulls launch themselves from the treeline into the Woodwise. Brega could barely hear the sound of longarms discharged into gloom and blades sinking into poisonous flesh.

    Amidst the panic and brutal thrashing within the rolling vehicle, Brega held but a single thought – the stranger’s whisper reaching past the rumble of engine and the crunching of wheel over gravel mere moments before ruin struck.

    I’m sorry.

  • The town of Snakewater is reopening for Market Day after seasonal magnetic manastorms have ravaged the area. With an expectation of more rough weather and monster attacks, the town has put out a call for craftsfolk, mercenaries, and Delvers. Engines, roofs, and walls must be mended, but a weakened settlement can expect horrors to lurk nearby and ambush it at its most vulnerable. Moreover, over a dozen farmlanders and caravaneers have not been seen or heard of in a while. Weeds grow in unkept farms and local cantinas are quiet instead of merry.

  • So ruinous was the Long Fall that even the World has turned upon humanity. Not only did the survivors have to contend with disaster and fell weather, they also had to defend themselves against Geists: skull-faced entities of incarnated malice and energy. 

    From wildfire and poisonous radiation springs the Flame Geist. Meanwhile, the Storm Geist manifests from lightning strikes or through “unmuzzled” radios. Brutal tragedy and dark rite births the Shadow Geist. While the origins of the Blood Geist…are best not spoken of. 

  • A few Vundarkin Packs prey on those humans that they encounter and hunt down. Called the Carrion Cults, they appear to be unrelated to each other beyond their ghoulish actions. No one is certain as to why they choose to pursue this behavior.

    There are rumors of the Night League operating in the Libertina area. Though the vampiric sorcerers and their minions were utterly defeated decades ago, it is claimed that they have simply gone into hiding and their operatives have infiltrated the populace.

    The Free Tribes exists as a defensive and economic pact between its members. However, their differences and shared histories can make it difficult to cooperate. That said, even now the Free Tribes is willing to accept new Packs, Caravans, Tribes, and Gangs into its ranks -- with some provisions and approval, of course.

    A mercenary organization working with the Patient Scrivener Cartel and the Hammerlock Company has been active in Mid-Atla. Called the Freebooters, they function as middlemen and employ Freefolk to assist the locals with their problems.

  • There is an organization called the Technocratic League (La Liga Tecnocratica) that functions as middlemen and provides employment to Illustrados in Mid-Atla. Despite its name, it is not under the sole control of the Technocracy -- the Magistrados has assigned some forces to protect and observe it. The Iglesia and Charioteers also have much say in this group’s direction.

    Fontaine-Fuentes Pharmaceuticals, of the Technocracy, has established a minor foothold in the area. They intend not only to sell medicines and medical services to the locals, but also study Mid-Atla wildlife/flora for medicinal uses.

    Also,. after decades of distance and restraint, the Illustrados Senate has relaxed some of the restrictions on travel and commerce to Mid-Atla. With the exception of the Magistrados military, the other Power Groups of the Union are sending folk to the region in the name of business and learning opportunities. This rankles a few local businesses, but many folk are glad for the commercial influx after the damage of the War over Embers

  • After decades of distance and restraint, the Temple’s leadership has relaxed some of the restrictions on travel and commerce to Mid-Atla. The Carmine Templars seek out business opportunities. The Skull Templar seek to study the effects and Shroudlands of the Ember War. And naturally, the Talon Templars are there to protect them and their holdings.

    An organization called the Avataral Hand has formed in Mid-Atla with the intention of lending protection and guidance to Templar operatives and agents in the area. They even oversee and assist the inclusion of those who want to join the Temple.

    Lastly, a group of young Skull Templar researchers were found slain in the woods a few miles from Snakewater. The Templars are believed to have the survivors in custody but keeps the exact details of the incident only to higher ups.


    Most of the Cantina’s clientele had already left when the late evening brought in the cold. Shepherd and Sheriff Hannibal waved as Professor walked out into the night air. Two of the Peace Maker Cartel shadowed the old man as his sentinels, nodding to their employer before they made their exit.

    Shepherd wiped down a counter as they watched the others leave. “Guard duty at the Lost Sheep. They lucked out with the easier shift. You still got the others digging up Prophet’s house?”

    “No, they finished at sundown” The Sheriff stared down at the last dregs in his tankard, frown hidden in his beard. “Found at least three dozen people, just bones and trinkets at this point. Most of what they found, we don’t recognize. Likely they’re Scavvers and Packhunters -- nomads are easier to pick off and easy to miss”

    “And those they recognized?”

    He didn’t take his eyes off of the tankard’s contents. “Funerals’ll be in a few days. Hafta tell their next of kin”

    “Make the Peacemakers do it” Shepherd grimaced at the thought of those conversations.

    “Gotta be one of us. All those taxes and tariffs gotta be for something, ain’t it?” Hannibal glanced at them sidelong “‘Less you wanna do it for the rest of the Town Council”

    The Cantina’s proprietress held up their hands, palms out “I’m busy that day. Aaaall week, in fact!”

    “Yeah, yeah” Hannibal grinned as he waved away their excuses.

    For a time, they were fixed in place and in silence. The innkeeper wiped the same spot over and over again while the Sheriff returned his stare to the bottom of his drink.

    “Gotta wonder though” Shepherd mused, breaking the pause. “Hard to believe that this Prophet and Fessor made that monster and wagoned all those folks in by themselves”

    “Fessor only made the thing’s Core…which is gone now. Prophet…” Hannibal narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice to a dusty whisper. “Prophet had help”

    “Who? One of the new folks who came in?” They cast their gaze across the empty room, trying to think back on everyone that had ever graced their Cantina last week.

    “Can’t be. This shit’s been happening for a year, possibly more. I don’t know everything going on” He drained the flagon in one go and stood up to leave “But I aim to find out”

  • — Delvers, mercenaries, and Archfaction operatives defended Snakewater from the Necrolossus several times. Via the Professor’s machinations, they safely Siphoned sorcerous energies from its form until it exploded and was no more. (+15 Campus/Mercado instead of +10 Campus/Mercado)

    — Maury, Just George, and Doc Tinker defended Library Lane from Geist attack during the Necrolossus’ second invasion. (+27 Campus)

    — Several farmers were rescued from Geist attack by local delvers and operatives(+5 Mercado)

    — The eccentric “Professor” was retrieved and put in protective custody (+5 Mercado)

    — Illustrados Operatives and their allies assisted a local Apothecary in the retrieval of their wares (+5 Mercado)

    — Fell entities were banished from this world by Templar operatives and their allies, halting their depredations upon the land (+5 Mercado)

    — Before they could keep preying on travelers and farmers, one of the cannibalistic Carrion Cults were driven aground by the Freefolk and their allies (+5 Mercado)

    — Sargento Soldado and Supervisor Antonino transcribed several records at the behest of Snakewater’s Archivist (+14 Campus)

    — Apostle Moore and Peep excise an infestation of Owl-moth larva before they could do any damage to the paper records. (+10 Campus)

    — Snakewater’s other residents assist in the development of the town and in its prosperity (+66 Campus, +40 Mercado)

    TOTAL: +132 Campus, +80 Mercado

  • Freefolk, assisted by their allies, descended upon a cannibalistic Pack calling themselves the Bloodmoons. Their Pack Guide, Half-Circle, was able to elude capture but this Carrion Cult will not trouble Snakewater for at least a few months. There has been no sign of their leader, a Pack Elder named “White Eye”.

    With the isolationist tendencies of most Vundarkin, much moreso the despised Carrion Cults, little and less is known about the Wildling Whispers they revere. On the other hand, it is known that these cannibals will hunt down wounded or vulnerable humans as part of their grotesque hunting and feasting rites.

  • Illustrados operatives and their allies retrieved the stolen supplies of a local apothecary named Tass Grog. Oddly enough, it was no human that burgled the medicines. Instead, local Parafauna were somehow coerced into attacking the Caravan that brought them, stealing the boxes away, and putting the goods in their lair. It is an understatement to say that those actions were far from typical for most Mantis-Wolf packs.

  • Otherworldly creatures called “Abyssalites” were excised from our Holy Reality by local Templar operatives and their allies. These entities are the least of their kind, but they are deadly enough to tear down small groups of armed Delvers.

    Though their intrusion is an affront to the God-Empress, they are occasionally summoned as for academic purposes – it is believed that these conjurations were integral to the “domestication” of the Eidolonic Spore and thus the Eidolonic Stigmata. While the true purpose of this specific summoning remains a mystery, these particular abominations will no longer prey upon Humanity.


    As a crossroads town, New Oasis saw more than its share of all kinds of folk and this drinking hole was having a typical evening. The saloon kept their magna-tech bulbs at a comfortable dim. The susurrus of chatter, laughter, and the occasional epithet matched the ‘bouquet’ of stale beer and stale breath in the establishment.

    Ojos Mierda! Should’ve known to trust you turds less than that handler*” Kapitan “Ballista” Ballisteros-Veracruz slammed her cards down while one of her two opponents grinned. Glass vials clinked at the thump as the rickety table endured the abuse.

    Tull (Geist Carver, Blood Screamer, Corpse Ripper, etc) was Ballista’s partner in victimhood. Clad in leathers, chains, and ritual scarifications, he was somber but not sober when he shredded his losing hand.

    Meanwhile, Sights McKenzie kissed the mummified hand that hung from his own neck in a macabre gesture of celebration. He shrugged and laughed. “What can I say? You lot just don’t got what it takes”

    Ballista growled when the game’s winner reached for the vials at the center of the table. Her earlier outburst knocked them onto their sides, but they were no less precious in that state. “Double or nothing, pendejo

    “Fine, fine! Just don’t tear this new one up!” Sights waved at his subordinates from across the room and they knew to bring him his spare set. He leaned back, watching one of his gunhands head upstairs to their rooms.

    There was a minute of calm as each person finished flagon and stein then took the orphaned cards off the table. Sights glanced at Ballista’s crew and their hooked spears in one corner of the dining room. “So, both of you said you were heading to Snakewater too?”

    The Kapitan had a snarl upon her scarred lips. “Lots of parts to scavenge, if the handler told us true about that giant Geist. The hunting’s smaller than my crew’s usual, but we’ll more than manage even without our ship”

    Tull Blood Screamer had a preacher’s tone, more pulpit-oriented than beer-stained table. “This one and his warband are promised bounties, blood, and battle. We will claim all in the Mother’s name and none will stop us”

    “I wonder if that handler’s going to all the saloons here” Sights barely considered the other’s sermon and pondered aloud, trying to remember the Suit** that offered them all work. “What kinda hunting is in Snakewater that needs this many hands? Can they even afford this kinda payout?”

    Bueno, if they can’t pay everyone, the job will just have to be up for grabs” Her ‘smile’ showed too much teeth to be friendly. “And I don’t mean to let anyone get in our way”

    “Feeling’s mutual, Capt’n…” Still leaning back, he raised both of his hands up but moved his right leg beneath the table so that his holstered revolver was a quick draw away. “Although, I hope you’re better at the hunt than you are at cards”

    Fortunately, Ballista’s glower did not have a chance to blossom into violence. Tull Geist Carver noted the air between them and dared to hope. “Ah, yes! Shall we have a Blood Pit***?”

    “Nah” Sights rolled his eyes at the terrible notion and lowered his arms.

    The Kapitan sighed, the dire moment averted for now. “Nobody’s got time for that mierda

    “Alas” The disappointment in Tull Corpse Ripper’s eyes only softened a little when he saw a chance at vengeance: Sights’ subordinate descended the stairs with a new deck. “Then, these games will have to suffice”

    *Handler: Delver/mercenary jargon for an employer or someone who gives out mercenary work. Sometimes called a Fixxer.

    ** Suit: A member of the Kindly Cartels.

    ***Blood Pit: Ritual combat among the Hellhound Motorgangs, for fun, prestige, or vengeance.

  • In March, adventurers and Archfaction operatives triumphed bloodily against a giant made of stolen bones and shadows. In that desperate battle, the town of Snakewater and its defenders took a great risk and chose to Siphon away the giant’s deathly energies, thereby preventing the reincarnation of this “Necro-Colossus”. The news of their hard-won victory has spread from Snakewater to the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond.

    Though the Archfactions themselves are slow to respond, mercenaries and merchants are traveling en masse to the town in search of commerce and employment.

  • Since at least early April, strange energies have withered everything within a forest clearing, a mile or so southwest of Snakewater. The cause of this phenomenon is believed to be a Death Stone, though some believe it may be tied to the Shroudland near Snakewater. The affected area is approximately half a mile diameter, though it is by no means a perfect circle or sphere. Unlike known Death Stones or Shroudlands, ingress into this “Warped Glade” is incredibly deadly even to those with training and protective gear. With its lack of growth, most folk are content to keep an eye on it but leave it alone otherwise.

  • Spring arrived in faltering steps, bringing verdancy and warmth to Snakewater. As it usually is in the world beyond the fall, this season has its own dangers: parafauna and paraflora stalk the wilds in greater numbers, striking at unwary travelers or frontiersfolk. The casualties have already begun to climb, especially with the rumor of an ivy-like plant that is said to infest corpses and puppeteer these husks toward its own botanic propagation.


    Even without the dusking light, Overseer Astrantia could see that the dinner table was a mess. Her frown neither slowed her gait nor did it spoil the smile of Maculata, who was already seated. The blood splatters, rotting foodstuffs, and broken crockery upon the table reflected the discord that afflicted the rest of the house.

    Quarterstaff in hand, she eased herself into a chair with a slight wince. The flora of her Dryadic Stigmata almost bristled at the sitting Dryad’s lack of delicacy – but he had always cared the least while she and Narciss did the real work. “You practically volunteered to find us a rendezvous since the Free Tribes were on the hunt for us. Is this the best you could manage?”

    “Prickly” the other Overseer grinned at her annoyance. “Did that Cog hit you too hard with his hammer? Or perhaps, you’re just hungry.”

    His vine-riddled arm reached beneath the table and tossed the dying homeowner to her feet. The exsanguinated farmer gasped for help, grabbing at her ankles, but Astrantia pushed Maculata’s leftovers away with a single toe.

    “Last week was a travesty. They were halfway to the bunker before Her Majesty and the King of Fools discovered the decoys. We barely stopped them in time!”

    She continued her ruminations aloud, nursing her thoughts like a grudge. “They were on their guard, too. The night before, they were asking strange questions. And they stopped us before we infested that Suit. Maybe they’re why ‘Her Majesty’ never received our dead drop. Should’ve killed them all after I was done with the Professor.”

    As the farmer’s gasps gradually fell to silence, a pall fell upon the disheveled room. It was disturbed only a minute later when a third Overseer practically glided in, unperturbed by the ruin and the rot. “Don’t know about y’all, but my child and I had a grand time last week! My little one was so clever and strong! And so precious: he almost caught that sneaky man shooting us from the woods!”

    “Almost doesn’t cut it.” Like the dwindling daylight outside, Astrantia’s mood did not lighten and she shuddered at her next thought. “Killing the old worm was little better than taking him. King Aetheldred will be…cross…with us.”

    Maculata already cared little and less at that terrible fate. He was looking up at the ceiling and digesting the meal that came with the house, but Narciss’ ebullience did not falter for a moment.

    “Well, while y’all were eatin’ and grouchin’, I actually went out and found us a new ‘gift’ for Her Majesty.” He teased them, grinning madly at their piqued curiosity. Even Maculata looked over with an eyebrow raised over his good eye.

    “You’re acting like you serve the King of Fools, not the King of Flowers. Spit it out.”

    “My, my, my! You’re *never* this bitter, my dear! Well, we know for. A. Fact. that the Professor (rest his soul) did not work alone, yes?”

    “Ah” Maculata was keen, having ever been more the ax than the tree. “A target.”

    “Fresh out of Snakewater, in fact – if ‘fresh’ could be possible from that abysmal place.” Narciss practically beamed and his Dryadic flora beamed with him.

    “Maybe that’ll do it. You’re not as useless as I thought.” At last, Astrantia’s spirits began to lift – perhaps she and the other Overseers still had a chance to earn Aetheldred’s Mercy.

  • — Mercenaries, delvers and Archfaction operatives assisted in the defense of Snakewater from the Dawnflower Cartel and their Floral Husks. Not only did they uncover the Cartel’s leadership (the King of Flowers), they were even able to drive away the Dawnflower’s Overseers, though at some cost to lives (+15 Campus, Mercado)

    — A strange glowing orb was found in the woods. Great care was taken in its retrieval, since its very touch was injurious to the unprotected. (+5 Campus, Mercado)

    — Slipping through patrols, a group of Floral Husks implanted a parasitic vine upon the Cantina before locals could stop them (-5 Campus, Mercado).

    — Through chemistry and cooperation, not only was the Cantina purged of its botanic parasite, but a cure was found for a similar parasite that was plaguing Snakewater (+3 Campus, Mercado)

    — The Technocratic League put an end to the Mantis Wolf attacks upon local trade caravans (+5 Mercado)

    — Free Tribe operatives under the direction of the Freebooters struck down a Carrion Cult before they could fully complete a desecration rite in the wilderness (+5 Mercado)

    — Templars smote an outlaw impostor before he could abscond with a dangerous grimoire (+5 Campus)

    — Soldado and Peep assisted in local trade negotiations to ensure a supply shipment from Bridgeboro to the east. (+6 Mercado)

    — Similarly, Camshaft and Apostle Moore guarded a merchant caravan from attack while it was on its way to New Oasis to the west (+8 Mercado)

    — Lucretia assisted local academics in counting and recording the harvest of the past few months. (+4 Campus)

    — Doc Tinker and his acquaintance assisted in the translation of several pre-Fall texts into an understandable format. (+16 Campus)

    — Several delvers were instrumental in defending local tomes from Owl-moth larva and decoding arcane symbols (+8 Campus)

    — In preparation for the Snakewater Festival, Shepherd and other merchants in town arrange for food, drink, and other sundries to be brought in from around the region and beyond (+44 Mercado)

    — With the influx of newcomers is also an influx of new knowledge. The Archivist and the Secretary’s subordinates ply visitors for information about the lands beyond Snakewater, seeking both mundane and arcane lores for the records. (+53 Campus)



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  • Delvers and mercenaries under the employ of the Freebooters struck down a Carrion Cult, specifically the Bloodmoon Pack, as they performed a “desecration” rite upon the wilds near Snakewater. The Bloodmoons were utterly routed by the Freebooters’ allies and their rite was only partially successful.

    Of this Carrion Cult, only “Sickle-wind” managed to escape -- “Half-Circle” was slain by his own hand to eke out some victory against his enemies. Where their foul magics would have created an eldritch rift, their efforts have merely birthed mere wounds that will heal in several months (or sooner, with the proper rituals).

  • With the Technocratic League’s help, Illustrados delvers and the 1st Shadow Scouts Guild uncovered the source of local Mantis Wolf attacks upon merchant caravans. A defrocked Sun Priest was using her knowledge of alchemy to forment the beasts into their ambushes.

    Before she could create more chaos, she was confronted by the Illustrados while some of their fellows destroyed her machinery. She did not survive the encounter. Unfortunately, her other motivations and her benefactors have yet to be uncovered although her Tome of Alchemy was retrieved and it is in Illustrados’ hands.

  • The Blades of the Empress Guild and the Avataral Hand worked together to uncover the source of March’s Abyssalite incursion. The Blades were able to smite an Infernal Apostate (and his Psycholisk defenders), preventing him from absconding with his crimes. Oddly, the Apostate transformed himself into a Psycholisk (or something similar) at his final moments — or perhaps, he was a Psycholisk wearing a human guise.

    They were also able to retrieve a stolen Grimoire -- this arcane tome was the catalyst to the maleficent summoning of otherworldly Abyssalites and the death of several Novitiates. The corpse of said summoner is still at large, having been re-animated into an unhallowed existence.

BTF 3 Prologue: Come one! Come all!

  • The annual Snakewater Festival blooms amidst a sweltering Summer. It celebrates surviving the recent and ancient dangers of this era beyond the Long Fall. The origins of the Festival itself is as vague as Snakewater’s own founding -- the town was nearly destroyed in the War over Embers and the passing of time has done little to unveil its enigmatic history.

    Among the hearsay and gossip is the tale of an omened entity, a great serpent (or river dragon, or basilisk, depending on who is asked) that catalyzed the town’s founding or perhaps, was defeated so that the town could prosper. Others whisper of long gone Shamans and Witches that protected its founders from the worst of the Long Fall.

    However, most folk care less and little about the origins of the town and the Festival -- they focus instead on the food, drink, revelry, and games to come. Indeed, the Festival’s most famous event is a contest where competitors attempt to recreate the recipe of the mysterious “Snakewater Special”. With all the newcomers to town, this year’s festivities promise to be exceptionally magnificent.

  • Last May, Snakewater and its inhabitants were attacked by the Dawnflower Cartel, now known as the pawns of a Night King. The townsfolk and their allies managed to stave off the monstrosities and floral infestations that Dawnflowers brought to bear.

    Though some casualties were suffered, the Night Kings and their pawns were driven away, bereft of their objective: a Tinker named “Professor”. Since this terrible attack, the Dawnflower Cartel has been blacklisted across Mid-Atla, their offices raided and assets seized by the rest of the Kindly Cartels and allied operatives.

    Scores of Dawnflower Associates have been arrested or slain in the swift conflict, some of them displaying the strange magics and infestations of “Aetheldred”, the King of Flowers. The core leadership of this traitor Cartel has yet to be taken alive -- rumor is spreading that the Dawnflower Director (Daletha Doolittle-Chang) was either a puppet of Aetheldred or one of her alternate identities.

  • A few months ago, the Warped Glade was a small section of the wilderness near Snakewater that was inundated with deadly energies. These energies have since faded away to nothingness, with only withered flora and fauna to mark its former circumference.

    No one is entirely certain as to the reasons for the Warped Glade’s creation and subsequent disappearance. Most folk are willing to let the subject go, a habit of living in the current era of strangeness. Indeed, after the tragedies of the Dawnflowers’ attack, this incident seems a simple footnote in comparison.

  • The League of Night Kings. or simply the Night League are a dark alliance of sorcerers that have descended into ravenous and powerful forms and rule several territories as overlords. They are currently in a shadow war with all three of the Archfactions, though recent events have left invasions out of each others’ reach. Instead, the League sends agents into Free Tribe or Templar territory to foment discord or to assassinate people of importance, some claim that their reach has even extended to the Illustrados islands.

    Their advances into the mysteries of sorcery and necrotheurgy are immense, especially when combined with King Faust’s unbridled use of human subjects. Thus, they not only have augmented humans at their disposal but also necrotheurgic abominations, both brutish and spectral, wrought from atrocity and sin. To add to this, they have their own technological advances and machineries, courtesy of King Celso, including geist-fueled mechanicals and eldritch core Metabionics that rival the Illustrados’ greatest accomplishments.

    The old Night Kings were known for their incredible magics and abilities, each tyrant able to deal with a small army by themselves. Until recently, it was believed that all Night Kings were slain before 70 BTF -- they fell to the Templars, to the Hellhounds, and to the Kindly Cartels.

    This new Night League has grown in power and influence. Many believe that this is due to the Archfactions weakening from the War over Embers. Others believe changes in leadership has allowed them to transcend the hide-bound traditions of the previous generation and advance to a new era of underground tyranny. The headquarters of each Night King is unknown -- their own magics allowing them to evade even the Oracle-Avatar’s baleful gaze.

    The slain Night Kings

    King Iscariot (the Hanged Man) - believed to be slain by the Hellhound Motorgangs

    King Mutun Stingleaf (the Thousand Venoms) - slain by the Kindly Cartels (the Peacers, the Royals, and the Scriveners).

    King Phoebus (the Midnight Sun) - slain by Saint Carmine and Saint Flame

    King Tam Wolfhead (the Moonkeeper) believed to be slain by the Stonebrood Pack

    King Faust Lectorus (the Glutton) - obliterated by Saint Carmine’s “Solar Rose” spell


    Currently active Night Kings

    King Celso (the Machinist)

    King Aetheldred (the Eternal Flower)

    King Auberon (the Fool)

    King Ravan-Ajasha (the Raksasha)


    As vassals tendered tribute to Kings, so too did the Serpent River offer its gifts to the Atlantic. In this latest offering, the tiny boat drifted away from the clangor of the Snakewater Festival. Though a chill wind blew with the sinking of the sun and rowboat rocked with every splash, its festively painted occupant did not stir.

    When the vessel wandered within a stone’s throw of the western shore, it veered landward. The current commanded it south to the ocean’s vaults -- but reality became a feeble whisper to a new force. On the muddy bank, a man held his skull-tipped scepter like a fishing pole, drawing his quarry closer with every flick of the wrist.

    “Ooooh boy, this one’s a five pointer!” A dramatic wrench brought the rowboat ashore with surprising violence. The vessel’s inhabitant was cast overboard, sprawled face first in muck and grit.

    For a long time, the prone boatman did not stir. Even when the rasp of shoe upon muddy sand was mere inches from his ear, he spoke not. Cast by a darkening sky, a shadow fell over his form.

    The man in green and black motley tapped a finger to his beard. “Why are you in this boat? They were supposed to catch you, just like we planned!”

    Silence, though distant insects and birds made up for it.

    “Maybe they should’ve killed you! Torn you apart like a bad steak!”

    Silence again, no louder than a sun drowned and dead.

    “You’re the worst at conversations. That’s a fireable offense, Giggles!”

    “It’s not my fault!” the voice came from within the boatman, though his lips nor chest did not move. “They didn’t play the game right!”

    “Excuses, excuses, excuses!” The motley’d man sighed paternally as he waved his scepter around and wove Power with a maestro’s flair. “I don’t even know why we’re friends anymore!”

    Strength invaded the prostrate boatman. It was spine first -- growing from the middle of his back toward the tips of his appendages, like a spreading bloodstain. Limbs contorted with spasming muscle until the residing of pain and madness was complete.

    Giggles giggled with his first lungful of air, then arose, more painted with mud than with white and red and blue. But as he regained his feet, Giggles paused his tittering and peered behind his motley’d savior. “Uh, Your Foolishness? Who’s that?”

    “A peeper. Doing peepings.” came the nonchalant reply. Without looking, His Foolishness channeled Power and cast it behind him. There was a strangled cry that was stilled into silence.

    Giggles cast his gaze about now that the apparition. “Was that Mr. bighat? How’d he find us?”

    “I brought him to me, obviously. Don’t be stupid, Giggles”

    “Sorry, Your Foolishness!”

    “I. am. hungry! What are we having before we go back to the lab?”

    Giggles cocked his head and caught the sound of conversation, barely audible amid the sounds of forest and river. Some folk were passing by, slowing down to set up camp in the remains of the day. Doubtless, someone would soon arrive to get water for boiling.

    “Hmm…I think it’s Scavver for tonight, Your Foolishness”

    “Ah, Good good good!” The King of Fools grinned toothily. “I was in the mood for bad steak!”

    Written by Jobert A, Edited by Kat R.

  • -- With much in the way of assistance, the Snakewater Festival was a huge success. Food was brought about and shared by visitors. Many a game and revelry was to be had. There were only two minor disruptions: the theft of the parade float by “Basilisk cultists” and the appearance of the Night King known as Auberon -- fortunately, the latter and his clownish henchman were driven away. (Mercado +20)

    -- The Basilisk Cultists have not only been stealing from locals, but the Vundarkin Pack known as the “Serpentfish” were almost implicated in as the Cultists’ helpers. In truth, the Basilisk Cultists were an unwanted off-shoot of the Serpentfish, differing not only in their penchant for violence, but also in their unshakable fervor for their worship. (Mercado +3, Campus +3)

    -- The Basilisk Cultists were apprehended by townsfolk and the Peace Makers. However, it was too late -- their kindred had already escaped with their prize: the Snakewater parade float (aka “Snaken”, “Old Slitherbones”) (Mercado, Campus +3)

    -- The people and visitors of Snakewater discovered that the Cultists had woven together a strange myth about their Basilisk patron, but it was vulnerable to retelling. Through story and oration, they rewrote and retold the myth in their favor, weakening the otherwise divine entity. (Mercado +3, Campus +3)

    -- The Basilisk cultists somehow turned Snakewater’s parade float into a monstrous winged serpent called the Divine Basilisk or the Great Basilisk. Fortunately, these occultists’ own myths were twisted against them and the Basilisk itself was pacified, although it did not linger before flying away. (Mercado +10, Campus +10)

    -- Several individuals including Bobby, Fayeth, and Malleus, donated their own efforts and resources for the good of the town and the improvement of its commercial districts. (Mercado +30)

    -- Paladin Talos, with immense assistance from almost a dozen Freefolk, was able to defeat the specter of their close associate. In the undying service of a fallen Grailguard, the specter’s goal was the retrieval of her own ashes and the destruction of all in their path. (Mercado +10)

    -- A week after the Snakewater Festival, the Welcome Wagon and the Steelwing Sentinels collaborated in an elemental rite called “the Ritual of Calming Waters”. This has healed the minor World Rift caused by the Bloodmoons and caused the surrounding area’s flora to prosper and grow. Great celebration is had by the locals, though there are a few mysteries brought about by both the Rift and the Ritual. (Mercado +10, Campus +10)

    -- Several Illustrados were able to breach and investigate the hideout of an ex-Iglesiar alchemist. They ransacked the area for the alchemist’s notes and ensured that no more human experimentation would occur in that place (Campus +3)

    -- Apostle Talia, Sargento Soldado, Vizer Antonino, Elena, and Cid were hired by Archivist Thatcher to copy local trade records and ensure their persistence (NPC shift; Campus +19)

    -- The owl-moth larvae are back! Desi, Haze, and Zen ensured this particular brood was destroyed and ushered out of Library Lane (NPC shift; Campus +15)

    -- Kyle Mari was hired by several Snakewater traders to guard them as they made their rounds (NPC shift; Mercado +6)

    -- The Snakewater Town Council, including Shepherd and Secretary Crane, planned out and coordinated the Snakewater Festival alongside the other townsfolk. The success of the Festival meant economic prosperity and growth for the town (Mercado +104)

    -- Secretary Crane and his minions ensured that all happenings were recorded, for future notations. This allowed them to discover vague mentions of a “Basilisk Shaman” that may have once lived in the locale. (Campus +68)


    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 2: 76/300 (up from Tier 1: 168/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 2: 75/300 (up from Tier 1: 238/300)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 0: 10/300 (Unlocked by Ritual of Calming Waters)

  • Delvers and mercenaries under the employ of the Freebooters protected Ser Talos the Unrelenting and the ashes he carried. The Paladin was homeward bound with the remains of a comrade that had fallen in line with a Fellguard Necrotheurge and was raised as a monstrous shade. Fellguards are former Grailguard who have committed acts so heinous that they are kill on sight for the Wardens themselves -- in this case, Yama the Merciful delved into powerful necromancies and remains at large.

  • Illustrados Delvers and Operatives were able to breach and investigate one of Nunez’ labs. This lab was but one of the ex-Priest’s hideouts, where she experimented on captive townsfolk in secrecy. Though it has seen little use since her multiple deaths, there were still things of value within. The Illustrados were not only able to ransack it for clues and valuables, but they also confiscated several research materials.

  • The Blades of the Empress were visited by a Calvarian Judicator (Coalescent Severed Star). They were informed as to the exceptionally strange nature of the Grimoire they carried and were given immense leeway in their handling of it. They were also told that the Avataral Hand is currently under investigation -- the recent incidents have attracted enough suspicion to the point that the policing bodies of the Skull Conclave were called forth to investigate. Thus far, the Avataral Hand - from leadership to Maker - has been found pious, loyal, and free of Malifica.

  • [Rose Hill, far south of Snakewater; August 26, 99 BTF]

    Screw this heat. Screw all of this.

    The air was soup-thick and dust choked as the Peace Makers were escorted through Rose Hill’s mainstreet. Above them all, the sun tortured them while staying hidden. Road grit, beast shit, and magna-tech ozone -- the reek was overpowering, although their Bon Timoun hosts smelled more of incense than the leather and gunmetal they carried. Associate Gaki could not understand how his Duster escorts could stand the heat in their burgundy longcoats and tall hats.

    Coatless, hatless, and in the simplest vestry the Peace Maker Cartel would allow, Gaki was still boiling alive.

    Townsfolk and Dusters gave them no more than a glance as they passed. Only the Ghoststars, dicing and drinking outside the saloon, turned to stare. Their colorful bandanas and wide hats stood out from the rest of the town, just as the Bon Timoun’s funereal ensembles set them apart. Their vigilance stayed with the lawfolk and their visitors until they were too far to be anything but heat-blurred air.

    Gaki looked askance at the other Peace Makers, but they were far less affected by the heat. Supervisor Graellen walked alongside the lead three Bonnies, occasionally itching the shoulder beneath his shield strap. His questions were casual and the Duster Captain answered them with a tone just as light as the Kha on his forehead, though Gaki wasn’t sure if it was forced. At the moment, Captain Savignier was explaining that the Bon Timoun had an arrangement with Rose Hill similar to the Peace Maker Cartel’s contract with Snakewater: assistive protection and “law application” in the name of the town’s leadership.

    If we’re so similar, why do I feel like we’re being led to a mass grave?

    Associate Macha was behind Gaki and second only to the two Dusters riding drag. Her spear was across her shoulders and she took Rose Hill’s sights without being impressed - Snakewater wasn’t high living, but it was far and above this rustic place. At least, it was more than a main street and a saloon.

    The Dusters had met them at the town’s northern gate, walked them through main street, and now, the architecture deteriorated as the retinue entered the eastern side of the town. This district was the closest to the Capitol-Valtima ruins and bore the creatures that slipped past the Bon Timoun and Ghoststars. The Peace Makers’ target, the reason they were in Rose Hill, chose to house himself in this ramshackle locale.

    All he could afford after trying to get away from that old fart, I reckon.

    The fact that the Peace Makers were outnumbered, outflanked, and far away from Snakewater did not escape Gaki. However, his internal tumult was far more distracting. The Spore seethed within the Dryad and the orchids growing out of his flesh vibrated ever so slightly. The whispers from the Spore whispered to him of violence, inching his fingers toward the hilt of his chainblade. He resisted of course, it was just another thing to deal with after the Night Kings and their Dawnflower Cartel surgically forced the Stigmata upon him*.

    The Bonnies cut through some alleyways and got them some shade on their way to the destination. The relief from the veiled sun was a gift, even if the tight quarters raised the visitors’ hackles.

    “As we wrote in our response” the Captain raised his voice so that Gaki and Macha would also hear. He gave Gaki a look that swiftly faded away at a blink. “As soon as he arrived in late March, we knew that Aguilar Waltz-Celso was in town and we made note of him due to his teacher’s ‘reputation’. Word of that death giant’s attack on Snakewater and the Professor’s role in its making has reached even here. I suppose we should have checked on Aguilar sooner, but the ruins are a hornet’s nest this year”

    They left the alleys abruptly to stand in front of a small unkept cabin. The residence looked utterly abandoned, worse than any of the other places they passed in this district. The shutters were falling apart and the plants nearby were withered to nothing. There was no one else around, just this hollow corpse of a house.

    The Dusters were now on all sides of the Peace Makers and Captain Savignier’s smirk returned, now staying instead of fading. The rest of the Dusters reached for pistol handles or weapon hilts. In response, Graellen steadied his shield while his Associates stood back to back and faced their gracious hosts.

    “You should’ve done this at the gate and spared us the fucking tour” Gaki drew then revved his chainblade.

    “Then you wouldn’t have returned to the scene of the crime” Above his mirthless smile, the Captain’s eyes glimmered with barely restrained fury.

    It was Associate Macha’s turn to side-eye Gaki. “What’d you do this time?”

    Graellen noted Gaki’s shrug and nodded, lowering his shield an inch. His look was enough: he demanded clarification.

    “Anders and Theodora Sinclair owned this house, renting it to Aguilar.” The Captain reached within his longcoat and drew out a gold-runed sawed off shotgun. The length of its barrel was ornamented by small pale skulls. Pointing this arcane implement at the Peace Makers, Captain Savignier began to emanate with Power.

    “When we found the couple’s corpses in May and no sign of Aguilar, their spirits told us an interesting story about a trio of Cartel-dressed Dryads that slew them in the middle of the night - so I guess I have to ask: what possessed you filthy murderers to come back to Rose Hill? Did you forget something or are you here to kidnap another civilian?”

    Graellen joined Macha and the Dusters in watching Gaki’s reaction.

    In response, the Dryad sighed and deactivated his chainblade. “Well, maybe an explanation is in order”

    *A new and/or rare development since the known strains of Eidolonic Spores do not bond with unwilling recipients, either rejecting them or destroying the body.

    Written by Jobert A, Edited by Kat R.

  • This year’s Snakewater Festival has come and gone with great success and celebration! However, the festivity's wake is marred by a familiar menace: the Night Kings are believed to have a hidden facility in the area.

    Yet, this mere rumor of their presence is cause enough for concern. In recent memory, Snakewater has been bloodied by their sorcerous depredations, repelled with great efforts by mercenaries, adventurers, and Operatives. However, there may be some silver in this shadow. - a way to turn the tide. Perhaps, these bloodthirsty hunters can at least be made into the hunted.

  • Mid-Atla has been rocked by a series of attacks by the sorcerous malefactors known as the Night Kings. In May of this year, the King of Flowers and the King of Fools orchestrated an attack on the town of Snakewater. More recently, mechanical and metabionic individuals in the service of the King of Lightning were able to escape from the Hellhounds’ Altar of Air with a technological relic of great power. Erstwhile, the King of Fiends is said to be clashing with Illustrados, Templar, and Freefolk forces in the swamps west of Port Atlantica -- he and his “Ravanic Hydras” are the cause of several merchant caravans and ships disappearing in the area (along with their precious cargo).

  • Word has spread that the Pack of the Blood Moon attempted a powerful ritual to open two rifts into a world beyond this one. This has drawn a few other Carrion Cults to bolster the Blood Moon’s numbers. While their efforts have been stymied, especially near Snakewater, they have gathered attention from the rest of the Free Tribes. Not only have several Vundarkin Packs (i.e. the Greenleaves and the Serpentfish) arrayed against them, but they now have enemies among certain shamanic groups such as the Owl Caravan and the Ghoststar Company.

    Besides the Night Kings and the Blood Moons, an ex-Paladin named Yama the Merciful has resurfaced and the Grailguard are immensely unhappy at the news. Yama was once a Paragon among the Wardens and a hero before the Ember War, but his studies into Necrotheurgy and forbidden lores have turned him against the people he once protected.

  • More of the Technocracy has progressed into Mid-Atla, with some Corporations staking their influence in one territory or another. FF Pharma and Sorc-Sci have grown into the region around the Libertina and New Amsterdam ruins. Erstwhile, CEI and Goodbread have entered into a loose partnership with locales in and around Port Atlantica. Behind the Corps, the Four Winds Fleet and the Mistmarket Fleet sails in tow. This portends a time of strife, prosperity, or both for the region.

    Over a dozen Warbands from the Justicar branch and the Recluse branch have been sent to assist local forces against the outlaw sorcerer called the King of Fiends. In accordance with the Senate’s wishes, these Magistrados are tasked to perform in support or defensive roles.

  • The Carmine Conclave, specifically Cabal Montaigne and Cabal Champlain, is working with Freefolk Operatives in pursuit of the outlaw called the King of Lightning. They are scouring the northern Stonefather mountains (far north of Snakewater) in search of their prey and have encountered light resistance from Night League forces while doing so.

    Meanwhile, a Templar Judicator has exonerated the Avataral Hand in Snakewater from suspicions of Heresy and Malifica. Originally, it was believed that there was an internal factor betraying their communique, almost resulting in catastrophe. No such malefactor was discovered after a thorough investigation -- this suggests that whatever intelligence that was gathered by the enemy was collected in a different manner.

  • Out-of-game: This prologue’s information is available to Player Characters within Snakewater. Said Players may choose to have their Characters receive these images and feelings in a dream, especially those individuals that have spoken to Prophet or those who have benefitted from his Mass Umbral Projection ability


    Soft moonlight and the sounds of the night told Prophet that this encampment was above ground. Yet, the shifting of trees, the wailing of birds, and the screeching of insects seemed subdued by more than distance.

    More of the Fool’s Mass Obfuscation, then - or perhaps my captivity has taken too much of a toll.

    That evening, his captors had not thought to muzzle him, so he commenced his preparations. Prophet worked feverishly while bound, on his knees, and with some floral horror rooted to his cranium. The pain of drawing from the Harbinger Fragment was great but in the end, his will was the greater - thus, he was able to “walk”.

    Even without his flesh, Prophet carried his hurts as his shadowy Projection roamed the encampment. The Dawnflowers had turned their attention outwards in search of Peace Makers and Delvers, so his skulking was much easier amid the nightscape.

    It was a night like most others whenever he was free to survey the area. However, a new detail caught his gaze: visiting soldiers, with un-Dawnflower garmentry and metal appendages. Few novelties brought as much alarm to him in these dark days. His concern was such that he risked discovering, approaching the pavilion guarded.

    His Projection’s intangibility allowed for a clandestine intrusion, but the time of his rites took their toll: he only caught the last wisps of the discussion.

    The stranger was not garbed as a King, but her metal prosthetics betrayed her sovereign’s identity. “...told you earlier, the engine is a mess. Too little of the schematics make sense. It would take years to make something of this because we’d have to start from scratch… if it can even be done.”

    Overseer Maculata only rolled his eyes but Overseer Narcis seethed at the visitor. “Watch your tone when you talk to Her Majesty!”

    King Aetheldred touched Narcis’ shoulder to calm him, glaring imperiously at the Forged. “Celso’s new Rite was won at great expense to my vassals. In exchange, we were told that your expertise with Necrotech and Necrobionics would be of great service. Did your sovereign lie, Overseer Banshou?”

    “He did not,” Banshou demurred. “No, there is a way forward, but the results will not be within your expectations. But since you have gifted us with knowledge, we will gift you with something of our own. King Celso, he calls it Psychotech-”

    The sound of footfalls outside his own tent drew him back to his body with a jolt. The abruptness of the Rite’s cessation was jarringly painful. He girded his consciousness, locking it into his current vessel, and opened his eyes to see two leering faces in jester’s motley.

    “Back from your little walk? Time for sleepys, hat man”

    “I don’t have my -”

    And that’s when the black bag went over the Prophet’s head and his nocturnal wanderings came to an end.

    Written by Jobert A, Edited by Kat R.

  • OOG: This is news from the September 2022 Event, including the town infrastructure progress of the Player Characters’ actions.

    -- In an explosive mission, the Dawnflowers’ Alpha Labs were invaded by local Delvers and Operatives. Not only was this horror-creating lab burned to embers, but a Dryad lieutenant was captured, a captive Tinker was freed, and much of their research was retrieved for study. Thus, a powerful blow has been struck against the Night Kings. (All +15, Campus additional +3)

    -- Under Snakewater’s direction, the Peace Maker Cartel strengthened their efforts toward securing the roads around the town. In addition to fending off the worst of the Dawnflowers, they were also able to launch a diversionary attack that drew away the Night Kings from the invasion of their Alpha Lab. (Townsfolk bonus; Campus +53, Mercado +57, Farms +47)

    -- The Professor's Encabulator is returned to a safe level of operation thanks to the help of local Delvers and Operatives. A lessons learned document has been formally submitted about the dangers of sinusoidal depleneration. The Professor’s hirelings managed to return all six einhandled nangling caps to the top of the hydrocoptic marzlevanes (Campus +10, highest success).

    -- Local Delvers assisted BJ in “getting back in the game”. (Mercado +3)

    -- Local Delvers assisted Paige in retrieving Abyssal knowledge from an abandoned structure (Campus +5)

    -- Unfortunately, Floral Husks ambled into the town and outside the Cantina to destroy local infrastructure. This happened several times in the month. (All -10).

    -- Hector, Peep, and Antonino translated and archived several records from before the Ember War, including some vague notes about a Basilisk Shaman (NPC shift; Campus +14)

    -- Soldado and Talia escorted traveling traders in and out of town, keeping the Dawnflowers at bay(NPC shift; Mercado +11)

    -- Rev assisted in the farmlands’ latest harvest, slicing away at several “alien” weeds (NPC shift; Farms +7)

    -- Hired by the Fomori and the Freebooters, Freefolk Operatives assisted in the retrieval of several Fomori shipments from an irradiated hotspot (Mercado, Farms +5)

    -- The Freebooters followed the trail of Carrion Cultists but found them slain by an alien entity, leaving Xenoplasm behind. (Campus +3)

    -- Templar Operatives eliminated a corpse possessed by an alien entity, the end of a long hunt. Thus ends the accursed legacy of Julius Spirited Sapphire. (Mercado, Farms +5)

    -- Employed by Captain Astray of the Charioteers, Illustrados Operatives retrieved several packages from a hazardous locale. (Mercado, Farms +5)

    -- Local Delvers struck out against the monstrosities guarding the Dawnflowers’ hidden lab and leaving it, clearing the area for Snakewater’s tradesfolk and farmers. Through cunning and skill, Raff found the entrance to this “Alpha Lab”. (Mercado, Farms +5)

    -- A fringe farmer reported the presence of Dawnflowers in the area. The Dryads and their minions were driven from the land and the farmers were saved from their depredations. (Mercado, Farms +5)

    -- Working with a town chemist, Delivers and Operatives managed to concoct incendiary formulas for use against the Alpha Lab. (Campus, Mercado +3)


    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 2: 133/300 (up from Tier 2: 76/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 2: 128/300 (up from Tier 2: 75/300)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 0: 57/300 (up from Tier 0: 10/300)

  • The Freebooters and Freefolk followed the trail of Carrion Cultists but found them slain by an alien entity, leaving Xenoplasm behind. This is followed by a dip in the cultists’ activity in the area, caused by a retreat or from other mysterious reasons. Still, the effects of their depredations have outlasted their presence - Packhunters, Scavvers, and townsfolk aplenty have suffered from the hunger of the Bloodmoon.

    The dangerous happenings in Mid-Atla and the Midwest have pushed the other Scavvers toward safer routes, but not so the Fomori Caravan. These Scavvers are known for their risk taking, willing to handle shipments deem too dangerous by most other groups. Indeed, Freefolk Operatives had to assist the Fomori in the retrieval of several shipments from an irradiated hotspot

  • The mystery of the Nunez the outlaw chemist continues to brew. More than one party has launched an investigation into her history. The remains of Iglesiar Firehawks were found, apparently in the midst of their own research into the topic. Nunez’ demise at the hands of the Illustrados was not her first death, it seems. If her student, Yosefina, is to be believed, Nunez has survived these dooms with great ease.

    The Charioteers have bumped up their operations in Mid-Atla, sending more of their number into the region. They have easily worked around certain route blockages (such as those caused by Night King activity). One such Charioteer, Captain Astray, hired Illustrados to retrieve several packages from a hazardous zone.

  • In September 99 BTF, Templars ended a long hunt. With help from the Peace Makers, they tracked down and ended the accursed legacy of Julius Spirited Sapphire. The accursed corpse was set upon and destroyed. Thus far, there is no trace yet of the Infernal Apostates that set these machinations in motion.

    This is not to say that the Infernals have yet to make a move. A shipment to Innsmouth was attacked near the stronghold. While the casualties were minimal, the ambushers are believed to be successful - they set aflame one of the wagons that the Templars were protecting.

  • [Southwest of Libertina Ruins; November 7, 99 BTF]

    “O you piteous beasts

    O you lowly cattle*

    You stand before

    Righteous Royalty

    Your corpses shall be riven

    None will know your name

    Or of the ignominious stand

    Of your forgotten defiance”.

    The Libertina ruins were north and behind the army when they emerged into a drizzling dawn. Within the skeleton of a pre-fall tower, Narciss contemplated the columns of Kingspawn, Floral Thralls, and Blood Geists that flowed forth from tunnel and cave mouths. In the weather, they blurred to form a living river that crawled its way southbound to Snakewater.

    Though it could easily hold a caravan’s breadth, the Scavver path was widened by the tread of their forces and flattened by the weight of their numbers. It was not meant for the ambling of so many at once. The wilderness would bend away from them, obeisant to their presence and their mission - as all should be to the Dawnflowers.

    Amid the patter of water and whistling of winds, the Dryad also caught the noises of his subordinates as they clambered up ruined crete and the steel bones of the tower. But he moved not, continuing to sermonize as though to some congregation outside his window.

    “In the ages of old, the Kings and their Kingspawn took what they willed from cattle, whether suborned or insurgent. Where the Kings’ shadows stretched, their wills became as inexorable as nightfall. Insolence of this scale did not go unpunished, even if a town had to become a royal lesson to the others”

    Aconitus and Anthurius, Vizer-ranked among the Dawnflowers, reached the stair step beneath Narciss’ perch but stood still. When the Dryad was like this, Aconitus knew better than to interrupt his superior. The Dryadic Bat Chimera held his peace and his report until told otherwise, signaling for his horned kin to do the same.

    “Now, we scurry and scrabble from beneath rocks and ruin. Our laboratories burn to embers and our scientists are slain by ignorance. What should be royal justice looks more like a river of roaches. What has become of us?”

    Bull-headed Anthurius answered the rhetorical question, ignoring Aconitus’ digging elbow.

    “As her pawns, we must undertake all and endure all to bear our sovereign to her righteous place. Overseer” He spoke more from passion than rote verse. “Thus do we persevere, until the Dawn itself is quenched and Night returns!”

    “Yes, yes, Until the Dawn” Reverie broken, Narciss turned from the window. He regarded Anthurius cooly before lashing out with a backhand

    The Vizer tumbled down the steps in a heap, curling to stop the worst of the impacts. One of his horns was snapped by a particularly steep step. So the Chimera fell until he sprawled unto a landing three dozen feet below them. His last drop was heavy but he gained his feet soon after. His senses knocked into him- Anthurius knelt immediately, the orchids of his Dryadic Stigmata shivering with all the sudden movements..

    “Rude…Well, the moment’s gone. Get it over with” Narciss crooked his index finger to Aconitus.

    “As per the King’s command, Cells 17 to 52 have been activated. All local pens have been emptied to bring the fullness of Geist and Thrall strength to their encampment near Snakewater. Here is a more complete report, Overseer”

    Narciss took his subordinate’s clipboard and leafed through its contents. “I see we are bringing the Cores as Her Majesty commanded”

    “Yes, Overseer. Enough to energize the prototype Engine many times over. According to King Celso’s engineer at the encampment, it can pacify a town district in half an hour or less and leave all equipment and valuables intact. With proper attunement, we can even avoid friendly fire. However, this iteration of the Engine is quite volatil-”

    “Excellent!” he tapped the clipboard. “Return to the others and have your team personally ensure that the Cores make their way to Her Majesty! She expects to test this so-called Reaper Engine and find the limits of its ordinance - indeed, we will empty the town of life if our needs demand it!”

    Aconitus bowed then gracefully glided to his comrade’s landing to collect his Anthurius before administering the rest of the Overseer’s direction. Anthurius bowed sheepishly from below then followed suit.

    Narciss did not watch their descent, returning his gaze to the sight of the Dawnflowers’ army on the march. He glanced down at the report and the encircled section on the energy Cores.

    “Ah Astrantia! Would that you had eluded the cattle’s clutches! But such are the tolls of scientific progress - they wait for no one!”

    *Cattle: A derogatory term the Night League has for those humans who are their food and their lessers (i.e. non Kingspawn).

    Written by Jobert A, Edited by Kat R.

  • In September, the vampiric Night Kings dealt a vicious blow: their "Alpha Lab" was set aflame amidst a clever distraction. But after the waxing of the tide comes its waning. Snakewater and its allies must prepare for a counterattack in November. While the Archfactions lend their aid, bureaucracy, distance, and the vampires' machinations waylay most external assistance.

    A small army has been seen leaving the tunnels beneath the Libertina ruins. Amongst its roster are small and giant plant monsters, as well as Blood Geists, and their human wranglers and keepers. This force marches in the direction of Snakewater, slowed by a few skirmishing attacks by Peace Makers and their allies.

  • It was only a week ago that a new phenomenon was discovered in the wilderness north of Snakewater. Individuals lose their sense of direction and are turned around. Thanks to the efforts of the Blades of the Empress and several other travelers, it has been determined that the area that housed this phenomenon is actually a greatly enhanced version of the Obfuscate Sanctum ritual - it spawns approximately a mile in diameter.

    Additional evidence, such as supply trails, suggests the presence of an encampment in the area. The Peace Makers have issued warnings for local travelers to avoid this vicinity - it is likely the current location of the Dawnflowers’ encampment while they await reinforcements.

  • While Night King activity has been ramping up as of the past few months, the conflicts with the League are coming to a close across the rest of Mid-Atla. This is likely in preparation for the end of the year, when the world’s Magnetic Mana Storms and local winter weather are at their worst.

    Night League thieves and metabionic constructs were able to successfully delay their pursuers. They have since absconded with their stolen devices and relics from the Hellhound’s Altar of Air, disappearing into tunnels beneath the Stonefather Mountains.

    Dealing with the other Night King appears to have fared far better. The King of Fiends’ titanic monsters have been brought down with no small effort from local Archfaction forces. While this was done before the hybrid horrors of Ravan-Ajasha consumed a local settlement, it appears that several traveling convoys in the area have disappeared.

  • Out of game note: The epilogue is purposefully written in an obfuscated and jargon-filled manner. Though some information is easy to understand, some meaning can be derived through contextual clues, IRL research, and the definition of certain words similar to certain fictions (e.g. SCP).

    Though the contents of this “magical transmission” is not specifically known to the Player Characters, the information provided is either common knowledge around Snakewater or easily found knowledge, except for the exact nature and contents of the Oracular Scrivenings and their Prognostications.

    That is to say, the Player Characters are aware of Prophet’s condition as it is mentioned below. The mentioned Folly can be found in the Templar lores (which is available to all PCs, presuming that their character is learned or adept at procuring information).

    -- Start Umbral Projection --

    TO: Numinous Sundered Star, Archon of the Skull Conclave

    May the All-Mother’s grace be forever mantled upon thy shoulders, Hallowed One.

    Though accurate and functional, the reports of our Avataral Hand brethren cannot fully encompass the scope of recent Events. Indeed, the Mid-Atlantic has seen happenings in greater capacity and unpredictability than previously predestined by Oracular Scrivening. My own investigations have noted the omens and the signs to be in keeping with what has been portended by the various writs of Prognostication, specifically regarding this age and this region.

    I have sent a written report with a greater attention to detail, encrypted by this quarter’s protocols. However, I wish to touch upon certain aspects of said happenings. In particular, the fate of a certain individual known as “Prophet” is of no small significance.

    Local Delvers and Archfaction Operatives, commended the Heretic into Peace Maker custody. This was no mean feat, Hallowed One—not only was he made elusive by his expertise in meta-theoretical Projection but his corpus was also rendered into a Malfeasant eldritch apparatus. It is believed that the Night Kings used this machine to make forcible use of Prophet’s talents and the “power source” in this possession.

    On the matter of the power source, the 3rd Prognostication of the Oracular Scrivening was accurate to the letter: he was indeed willfully subjected to a Malificant Rite of “Atramentous Eidolonic Indoctrination” using a piece of a Harbinger.

    In fact, the Harbinger piece itself remains infused into his essence—Prophet’s release and incarnation from the machine did not yield any Harbinger organs or appendages, as opposed to what usually happens with the known versions of this Rite.

    I suspect that the Harbinger piece in question has either been “digested” or that it was an intangible aspect from the “donor” entity. Furthermore, I am uncertain of how this Malificant Rite has found success where the Transfigurators’ hypotheticals and parallel trials have found failure. Perhaps it is in the nature of the subject. Further conjectures on these enigmas are of great interest to me, but they transgress upon the borderscapes of Malifica. Thus, I will discontinue from communicating further rumination on the matter, barring your approval or that of a Confessor.

    It is my regret that Snakewater has rejected our solicitation for his transfer into Templar custody for termination via Eldritch Crucifixion. Naturally, the Avataral Hand will respect their decision and only act through diplomatic channels henceforth (as per Avataral Dictum). Since this projection is directly within your reliquary, I feel confident in saying that the individual in question remains in Peace Maker hands. It may well be that they are not aware of the dangers of such Malifica; the Priory of Correspondence have not forgotten the “Folly of Tartarus”. Fortunately, they have taken note of our suggestions for imprisonment and have accepted some instruction in anti-incorporeal countermeasures.

    There is talk of moving Prophet from his current imprisonment to a place of greater security, possibly to the Peace Maker’s home office in Bridgeboro. However, this rumor cannot be substantiated. In fact, I am not currently aware if the Heretic has been moved or not—an irritating but useful deception. It can be certain that Night League agents will continue to be on the lookout for him.

    All audiences with him have been temporarily put on hold after a recent “almost breakout”. I believe that our efforts were instrumental in his continued captivity, but his captors’ persistence and the aid of the other Archfactions cannot be denied. The Illustrados and the Grailguard had offered their own sorcerous assistance in the matter, but I am unsure of their reception… although I do recognize the presence of new machinery in the area. I have even heard that the Fomori Caravan has offered to transport him to wherever is required (at a fee, of course)

    Reports from Cavalier Sigmarus listed his post-incarnation/liberation behavior as irate and resentful, but Prophet has since found his center. According to Peace Maker report, Prophet is in constant meditation and interrogation efforts have borne little fruit. He even goes for days without eating or speaking, performing the former only when threatened.

    Personally, I cannot help but think that he has hatched some new machination, Hallowed One. Perhaps he awaits an external rescuer or is fomenting some Ritual beyond our perception, bypassing the restraints placed upon him. Though I dare not mention the Scrivening’s contents here, the Prognostications are troubling, even in the vespertine hypotheticals of the 5th and 6th degree.

    We place the God-Empress first and foremost, but we must trust that our allies have made the correct choice with the knowledge that they possess.

    As always, I am in Her eternal service. Glory to Her Name.

    — Mercurial Silent Stone, Gold Apostle of the Skull Conclave

    Priory of Correspondence

    The Goddess speaks and we listen.

    -- End Umbral Projection --

    Written by Jobert A, Edited by Kat R.

  • -- Snakewater and its allies deflected a probing attack from the Night Kings. Furthermore, they were able to discover some of their enemy’s new tricks, including the ability to Umbrally Project and the presence of the heavily armored Floral Shamblers. (All +10)

    -- Alongside a Templar (Mercurial Silent Stone) and a Peace Maker, Delvers and Operations infiltrated the area around the Night King’s encampment. Though they faced some opposition and King Auberon himself, their missions were successes: xeno-tech devices were implanted at the edge of the Night King’s encampment -- these will help Snakewater’s allies invade it later that evening. (All +10)

    -- While their main force was distracted, local Delvers and Archfaction Operatives launched an attack on the Night King encampment. Slicing through the opposition, including more Floral Shamblers and two of the Kings, they were able to disarm the Reaper Engine without harming its internal structure. Of instrumental assistance was Aguilar Waltz-Celso, who was rescued from the Night King’s clutches in the past few months. (All +15)

    -- Weathering the threat of the Night King’s forces, Snakewater has stepped up on recovery efforts. In addition, preparations are being made for the upcoming winter season, where Magna-storms will be the worst. Fortunately, care packages were sent from the Archfactions (Townsfolk bonus; Campus +80, Farms +56, Mercado +70)

    -- The Venomroot planted by King Aetheldred to destroy Snakewater’s defenses from beneath has been destroyed. Not a single one of the floral invaders survived. (All +5, <-10 to All prevented>

    -- Illustrados Operatives assisted Carrow and FF Pharma in their study of a countermeasure against Nunez’ insidious alchemy and its mind-altering effects (Campus +3. Mercado +3)

    -- Illustrados Operatives and their allies assisted Sargento Leo and his Magistrados relief forces. They were en route to Snakewater when they fell afoul of King Aetheldred’s poison clouds. (Campus +3, Mercado +3)

    -- Templar Operatives and their allies exorcized a fell entity from a Snakewater townsperson. They were also able to retrieve the name (or pseudonym) of the perpetrator: Eldur Brand. (Campus +3, Mercado +3)

    -- Free Tribe Operatives tracked down the source of the irradiated shipments, avoiding several red herrings and middlemen: Lan-Jernon aka the Pale Oak. They were able to drive him off and he left behind some useful (and hazardous) clues to his next move. (Campus +5, Mercado +5)

    -- Local Delvers were hired by Snakewater and the Freebooters in surveying the nearest Warrens entrance. They managed to survive its treacherous depths and clean up efforts will have to be forthcoming when resources can be allocated to the task. (Campus +3, Mercado +3)

    -- Professor put out blueprints for the plans of his special project under peer review. The feedback he received has helped his efforts immensely. (Campus +5)

    -- Alchemist Calder’s conundrum was solved by a few brilliant minds. (Campus +5)

    -- A confused spirit has been put to rest and its items sent back to its family. (Farm +3)

    -- Hobo, Antonino, Cid, and Peep found and made copies of a strange thesis about the Outer Spheres, the domains outside our own dimension. (Campus +16)

    -- Soldado and Hector assisted in the evacuation of farmers into the safety of Snakewater, allowing them to escape the Night Kings’ depredations. (Farms +7)

    -- Talia, Elena, Dauntless, and Kyle Mara assist in the storage of the previous season’s harvest, in preparation for incoming Magnastorms. (Mercado +19)

    -- Winter Magnastorms brutalize Snakewater with lightning and cold (All -15) <potential of 10-60 infra damage>

    -- Floral husks managed to elude Snakewater’s defenders and ravage the exterior of the Black Sheep and some districts of Snakewater (All -5)


    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 2: 274/300 (up from Tier 2: 128/300)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 0: 149/300 (up from Tier 0: 57/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 2: 253/300 (up from Tier 2: 133/300)

  • After no small amount of footwork and middlemen, Freefolk Operatives have tracked down the source of the irradiated flour: a Miraji Dustrider named Pale Oak. Possessed of strange powers over water and earth, Pale Oak has admitted to being a follower of Yama the Merciful. While the end product of their machinations is still at large, the mystery of the irradiated flour has been at least partially solved: the material was used to insulate and hide several reagents of incredible corruptive energies. Such are their emanations that the mere touch of them is bound to afflict a person with multiple poxes and plagues.

    Meanwhile, the strange entity responsible for the ritual massacre of a half-dozen Carrion Cultists is still at large. Worse yet, detection magic has revealed that it has since split into three of its self. Whether these new variants are merely decoys, weaker versions, or true duplicates has yet to be determined.

  • The Illustrados Union was not blind to the pleas of Snakewater, sending defensive reinforcements to the town. Some of these soldiers fell afoul of the Night Kings’ biological weapons, but local Delvers and Illustrados ensured that they made it to their destination. These Magistrados have been in town assisting with recovery efforts for a while before going back to the port at Bridgeboro.

    With the help of his allies, Overseer Carrow has progressed in his efforts toward a countermeasure against Nunez and her mind control chemicals. With this advancement and the investigations of the 1st Shadow Scouts Guild, the fallen Sun-Priest’s days appear to be numbered.

  • A Templar from the Priory of Correspondence has arrived from Yog-Mothol, to assist Snakewater and the local Templars against the Night Kings. Through his efforts and the Xenotech equipment he brought, the Night Kings’ encampment was infiltrated. He appears to still be in the area for the moment, working closely with Avataral Hand Guild.

    A local townsperson reached out to the Templar Operatives and the Blade of the Empress Guild in Snakewater with a troubling request: their loved one had been possessed by an unclean entity. With the help of their Freefolk allies and God-Empress’ grace, the Templars were able to save a soul. Moreover, they discovered the mastermind behind this near disaster: Eldur Brand, a traveling Arcanist. - possibly a pseudonym but it was a clue that could assist further investigations.

 2023 Prologues and Epilogues



Here are a few stories that book-end each BTF Event. They feature color and information appropriate to the upcoming happenstances: Prologues give Participants a hint of what is to come and Epilogues give additional information after an Event.

2023 Prologues and Epilogues (BELOW)

  • [Black Sheep Cantina, Snakewater; January 11, 100 BTF]

    Dusk was falling when Captain Astray’s auto-wagon and his convoy caught sight of the Black Sheep Cantina’s shadowed shape. He exhaled in relief, breath clouding from the deepening cold. Pieces of the Cantina’s roof were still missing and there were scorch marks aplenty from this season’s storms. A pool of slag was all that remained of a nearby lightning rod. The rest of Snakewater suffered much of the same.

    The trip back to the Black Sheep was muddy and shaky but safe. The hired delvers and his rumbling auto-wagon hastened in their return, lest they attract wildlife to their odorous prize.

    The Charioteer glanced behind him, at the twilit contents of the auto-wagon. He peered not at his hirelings, but at the prizes they hauled from the Warrens beneath. Almost completely covered by tarp, the beaked crow skulls were oversized, more suited to an owlbear’s body than that of a bird or even a human. They hazed the air above, as a few hours would have them turn into ether and vapor. Though they were Abyssal creatures, Psycholisk remains were in rare demand.

    However, the Professor’s pay wasn’t worth questioning. Indeed, “questioning the money” wasn’t what most Charioteers did for their jobs.

    The Captain waved off his hirelings not long after they entered the town’s domains. Paid in full, the delvers scattered and ambled to the Market Exchange to spend their earnings and escape the corpse-stink. As for Astray himself, Cantina’s Innkeeper was waiting for him behind their establishment, delving papers in hand and a sack of reggies at their feet. Beside them was a tree covered in black leaves.

    Bueno, Shepherd. This place is a mess!” Astray signed off the papers by the headlamps of his wagon, then handed them back. Even so far from the Union, he could not escape the scourge of bureaucracy and procedure.

    The Innkeeper shrugged. “Eh. It looks worse than it is. The Magnastorms weren’t so bad this winter. With this new century, you’d think the skies would give us a show. Ha!”

    “But” they sombered for a moment. “We could be doin’ better; some folk got hurt. No deaths this time. Thank the Thunders for that.”

    Captain Astray didn’t sing praises to the Hellhound war gods but Shepherd did not appear to expect anything from him. Instead, they poked their staff at a bloody beak that was poking out of the tarp, not minding the carrion stench. From what they had heard, these creatures were human-sized and ghostly, but identified by their bony visages. Even through death and the haze of its vaporization, the beaked skull gawked at them quizzically.

    “What does the Professor even want with these things? Actually, how’d you even find ‘em? They’re Abyssal, ain’t they?”

    “The experts call these types ‘Abyssalites’. As for finding them, we got a guy who knows a guy. ‘Sides, you can find all kinds of mierda in the Warrens” Captain Astray was counting his cut of the delve reward when he shuddered. In a heartbeat, he mentally cast aside the screams of the delver that didn’t make it back -- like a seasoned delver should. “They feed on magic and souls. That’s what it looked like, anyway”

    Shepherd frowned as they stepped away from the skulls. “They’re saying it’s bad news down in the Warrens, especially when you dig deep. Some folk come back weird, if they come back at all.”

    The Charioteer finished his count and put away the sack of vials. He was a quick study in learning the “how’s” of trading with these reagents—or “reggies”—instead of Illustrados script. Currency is currency, anywhere you go. “Peligrosa. But everything’s dangerous nowadays. Radios, forests, alleys… even the shitter’s a trap if you don’t look first.”

    “All I know is this: ‘take notice of everything and never go somewhere without a way to come back’. It’s a law of the Four Winds.” His tone was a matter of course, especially when talking about the laws of a lawless Fleet.

    Shepherd rolled their eyes in response, just as a bitter breeze scythed past. Above them, what they thought were black leaves rippled in the wind. A second glance dispelled the ignorance he warned against: the tree itself was bare, but two score crows perched upon its boughs. They leered at the wagon full of cadavers.

    Astray reached for his holster at the sight of them. On the islands, mucaro (owls) and owl-moths were considered bad luck - those who were blessed by them were cursed to a dark destiny. This gathered murder gave him the same kind of shakes.

    Shepherd deepened their frown. Parafauna or otherwise, they misliked being outside with the birds in such numbers. “Alright Captain, get this wagon into the garage. The old fart said he’d be here before the skulls turned into smoke.”

    Written by Jobert A & Sim A. Edited by Kat R.

  • A new year creeps upon Snakewater, leaving behind the tribulations of the last. While parafauna and paraflora have adapted well to these new circumstances, humanity must endure and innovate accordingly. This past week has seen a lull in the seasonal Magna-storms, allowing for some rest and recovery.

    Said storms are one of the terrible new phenomena of the current era and a destroyer of the old. It is said that the World that Was relied heavily on engineered electronics and digital knowledges. Eldritch lightning and sorcerous magnetism would unchain humanity from this leash at the start of the Long Fall. These disasters were among the many that humanity had to endure before they could thrive and prosper.

  • Amidst the town’s preparations for a somber new year celebration, word has spread that the eccentric engineer known as “The Professor” has finally completed his latest creation. Through his knowledge of Necro-tech, Magna-tech, and the New Sciences, he claims that his Encabulator will have the ability to “bring the dead back to life.”

    It is a strange boast in an era where individuals resuscitate from death as an uncommon occurrence. He has refused to elaborate further, but recent efforts against the Night Kings have yielded engineering miracles. For all his proficiency, however, the locals are dubious of his sanity. The Snakewater Town Council has enacted protective countermeasures, in case things go awry.

  • The Tommy Caravan is en route to Snakewater, bringing trade and craft to town. Some folk remain wary of these Scavvers because of their penchant for pranks and trickery. Their reasoning varies: it’s “all in good fun,” “to bring merriment to everyone,” or “for the laughing spider.”

    Having had some interesting times with Snakewater in the past, the Tommies have promised the Snakewater Council that they mean to behave during this visit.


    When the whirring stopped and the lights died out, the darkness mantled the glade once more. Even the night sounds feared to breach the silence.

    The Professor had no such fears. Crawling and covered in grease, he squeezed out from beneath the Encabulator’s platform - much like a child freed from a claustrophobic womb. After the old Risen regained his feet, the tinker peered at the machine, slicking his chin with a gloved hand.

    The Encabulator was meant to apprehend “disembodied psychoform” and re-integrate them into a stable, corporeal state. Why then did it transpose him and his many, many willing assistant-subjects Voidside? And why was it powering down now?

    Aguilar’s grassy footfalls heralded the Illustrados’ arrival and his sagely observation. The mechanic had changed much since his first association and “apprenticeship” with the Professor, escaping fire, captivity, and foul torment. Aguilar was not a Dryad last year either but things have been less than bueno for the machinist as of late.

    “I see it didn’t explode, old man”

    Aguilar had made the long walk from the reinforced “research shelter” and the other hirelings a hundred feet away. Naturally, the old tinker believed such “trivialities” as worthless but the Town Council - especially Engineer Wilco - made demands of him after the latest incident. It was all pomp and circumstance - if the dimensional displacement was going to recur, then the shelter would have disappeared as well.

    “Of course it didn’t explode! My machines never….” he paused only slightly at the Illustrados mechanic’s frown. “...explode… often”

    “So my burns were just a fluke, eh?” Aguilar’s growl was smothered by the sound of clanking armor and crushed grass. A cold winter breeze carried the smell of grease and industry across the gathering.

    The Professor gave the approaching Templar neither glance nor attention, irritated as he was by the amount of conversation that wasn’t wrought by his own mouth.

    For his part, Mercurial Silent Stone did not notice or care. His attendance alongside the other hirelings was requested on the off-chance of any further extradimensional tomfoolery. The old tinker had heard something about a “Priory of Correspondence” that focused on otherworldly studies but his apathy was greater than his curiosity at the moment.

    “It didn’t explode” Mercurial stated matter of factly.

    “Yes, yes, yes” The Professor waved his hands as though to manually shoo away the doubt and the suspicion.

    “And we remain in the Holy Reality”

    “Don’t sound too disappointed!” It was the old man’s turn to grumble, but he yelled out as the Templar approached the Encabulator “Hey! hey! Watch it, clanky!”

    Mercurial dragged a fingertip across the platform’s surface. “The plasm has not coalesced”

    Aguilar furrowed his brow. “Was it supposed to? What was it?”

    “You’re here for that slimy schmutz?” The Professor scoffed. “Don’t bother! That was a one-time thing! Besides, the Peace Makers took as much as they could away - a few bottles of the stuff. A terletful, practically!”

    “We are not certain of its origin or its nature” The Templar turned to them briskly, the skulls on his pauldrons dimly glinting in starlight. “According to our own findings, it is neither liquified death energy nor is it any xenoplasm that we currently aware of”

    Aguilar’s own studies in Nueva Ciencia had introduced him to the strange material: an airy gelatinous liquid associated with extradimensional activities or entities. “If it's not xenoplasm, then what can it be? It can’t be dangerous if we haven’t heard any side-effects of it…yet”

    “It is a mystery!” Mercurial’s eyes gleamed with excitement as he rubbed his hands together. “Another frontier in xeno chemical research! Perhaps even worth a report for the Skull-Archon’s desk!”

    “Enough blabberin’, we got work to do and if you’re gonna stand around, you might as well be useful. Templar, give me a light! Aguilar, hand me a spanner - I’m going back into the Encabulator then we’ll give it another go!”

    Aguilar rolled his eyes but handed the tool over anyway. “You know, you can stay out here and rotate the sequencers and flip the fibrillation modules. Why are you so eager to go into that thing’s guts and die, old man?”

    The Professor chortled at the concept. “Thanks to that Risen whippersnapper, dying didn’t kill me! So I’m gonna keep going and going and going until I’ve stomped all over Death’s own salamander bisque! For science!”

  • -- The hirelings, assistants, audience members, and test subjects of the Professor viewed the activation of his new invention: the Encabulator. Meant to bring the dead back to life (with or without a body), it instead shifted all involved into a shadowy extradimensional domain. After interacting with the strange inhabitants at the Gasp of the Last Star, the Professor and his allies repaired the malfunctioning apparatus and made it back to their home dimension. In this they were successful, eluding the Shadowlings and Punishers of God that grasped at their very footfalls. (+10 to Campus, Mercado, Farms)

    -- The Encabulator’s main function was unsuccessful but it has allowed for a new invention: the Professor’s Soulcatcher apparatus. Now, willing individuals can be brought back to life, even if they are bodiless -- so long as their spirits are strong enough to endure the process. (Tombs Expansion unlocked at Tier 0, Soulcatcher is now usable)

    -- Antonino and his allies assisted in the resolution of a land dispute between two angry farmfolk (+3 Farms)

    -- Delvers aided a farmer in cleaning up a field of garbage and successfully moved littering vagabonds from the vicinity. (+3 Farms)

    -- Delvers assisted the Professor in a peer review of his findings, allowing him to make adjustments to the Encabulator before activation (+3 Campus)

    -- A mysterious woman asked Delvers and Mercenaries to assist in decoding a strange cipher. While the ciphers were unraveled, they were given to the wrong individual. (+3 Campus)

    -- The Professor’s work with the Encabulator requires the retrieval of several parts and reagents. Delvers made short work of the job, despite the presence of several Mantis Wolves. (+3 Mercado, +3 Campus)

    -- A Vundarkin calling himself Barrow arrived in Snakewater seeking allies for two goals: the destruction of the Bloodmoon Cult and their Eldritch allies that profane the wild. One such “Lunar Portent” was pursued and brought down with great savagery. (+5 Farm, +5 Mercado)

    -- Malice the Unshackled, faithful of Metalurge, was lent the assistance of several Delvers and fellow faithful in her quest to design a new Altaric Engine. To that end, she called forth Geists from the haunted air and made glorious battle unto them -- all in the God of Metal’s name. (+5 Mercado)

    -- Mareen Goodbread hired Illustrados Delvers and mercenaries to discover the fate of her hirelings. Unfortunately, only the corpses of her Charioteer employees were found and they were irradiated with hazardous energies. (+5 Mercado)

    -- Overseer Carrow and his Illustrados allies located his stolen papers and ran into the thieves themselves: Nunez the renegade Iglesiar and her chemist apprentice Yosefina. While the outlaws managed to escape and inflict diseases upon their pursuers, the research papers were taken from them. (+5 Campus, +5 Farms)

    -- Working with the Grailguard, the Templars managed to use the Grimoire they captured to summon a spiritual construct of its author: an Infernal Apostate named Jyoti, While the ritual went awry and the construct appeared to gain self-awareness, the Templars were able to secure information from their encounter. (+10 Campus)

    -- Odette Marie-Andree Auclair de la Mirior requested the assistance of the Avataral Hand and its Templar allies. In her name, they retrieved the effects and the papers of a Carmine outlaw from an abandoned cabin. (+3 Mercado)

    -- Snakewater continues recovery efforts after the winter Magna-storms and the Night Kings’ assault in November. Their hard work, along with recovery funds from all three Archfactions, makes the town’s future a brighter one. (+54 Campus, +29 Farms, +53 Mercado)

    -- Cid, Maverick, Jackknife, Buzz, and Zen assisted Secretary Cresence and Archivist Thatcher in bringing order to the stacks and records of the Library Lane. Though a bureaucratic slog, they were richly rewarded and Snakewater can only benefit from greater organization. (Campus +23)

    -- Talia, Soldado, Elena, and Tamarlan cleared the roads into Snakewater of obstacles and drove away curious critters. Through their help, trade continued its flow into the town and all prospered from the traffic. (Mercado +17)


    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 82/300 (up from Tier 2: 274/300)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 0: 207/300 (up from Tier 0: 149/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 59/300 (up from Tier 2: 53/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 0: 0/300 (UNLOCKED)

  • A Vundarkin calling himself “Barrow “arrived in Snakewater seeking allies for two goals: the destruction of the Bloodmoon Cult and their obliteration of their Eldritch allies that profane the wild. One such “Lunar Portent” was pursued and brought down with great savagery.

    Working with the Grailguard Magus, Volturna of the Azure Tome**, the Templars managed to use the Grimoire they captured to summon a spiritual construct of its author: an Infernal Apostate named Jyoti, While the ritual went awry and the construct appeared to gain self-awareness, the Templars were able to secure information from their encounter.

    Malice the Unshackled, faithful of Metalurge, was lent the assistance of several Delvers and fellow faithful in her quest to design a new Altaric Engine. To that end, she called forth Geists from the haunted air and made glorious battle unto them -- all in the God of Metal’s name.

    There has been a minor breakthrough in the study of the strange ingredients left behind by Pale Oak, a Miraji outlaw and follower of Yama. The reagents are of a strange organic matter that appears to be artificially processed and xenotheurgically summoned. Several inquiries have been sent forth to the industrial entities that could be the source of this material, including Tecnocracia, the Iglesia Solar, Altar of Air, and the Order of the Astral Tome. Whilst waiting for a response, access to the magically radioactive ingredients has been restricted, in case Pale Oak attempts to reclaim them.

    The effects of King Aetheldred’s defeat continue to resound in the underworld of outlaws, conspirators, and secret-keepers. Gossip is about of a schism in the ranks of the King as her weakened state makes it difficult for her to strike down any potential usurpers. It is exactly this chaotic outburst that allowed the Free Tribes to discover one or two more holdings and secret labs, shutting them down permanently.

    **who has many other secret names of power.

  • Mareen Goodbread hired Illustrados Delvers and mercenaries to discover the fate of her hirelings. Unfortunately, only the corpses of her Charioteer employees were found and they were irradiated with hazardous energies.

    Overseer Carrow and his Illustrados allies located his stolen papers and ran into the thieves themselves: Nunez the renegade Iglesiar and her chemist apprentice Yosefina. While the outlaws managed to escape and inflict diseases upon their pursuers, the research papers were taken from them.

    Rumor has it that Nunez, who has been killed multiple times before, has the patronage of an Eldritch Patron which assists her in eluding death itself. This discovery simultaneously makes clear and obfuscates the path necessary for her defeat, although the Technocratic League is colluding with the Iglesiar, the Magistrados, and the Templar in search of one.

    La Liga Tecnocratica (or the Technocratic League) is an organization dedicated to assisting Illustrados within Mid-Atla - this includes direct assistance as well as providing temporary employment. La Liga features members from the different Gremio of the Union, but is directed by a committee of Technocrats. With tales of its success and its enterprises filtering into the distant Illustrados Union, there are rumors that the Senate is inquiring about the workings of La Liga and their own safeguards against “overreach”. Some folk are afraid of military action while others suspect the Senate of their own “overreach”:.

  • Working with the Grailguard Magus, Volturna of the Azure Tome**, the Templars managed to use the Grimoire they captured to summon a spiritual construct of its author: an Infernal Apostate named Jyoti, While the ritual went awry and the construct appeared to gain self-awareness, the Templars were able to secure information from their encounter.

    Odette Marie-Andree Auclair de la Mirior (Cabal Valentinova) requested the assistance of the Avataral Hand and its Templar allies. In her name, they retrieved the effects and the papers of a Carmine outlaw from an abandoned cabin. Rumors claim that the outlaw is a spurned lover of hers while others say that they are a filial member of Valentinova.


  • Recent battles, otherworldly expeditions, Magnastorms, and harsh winters test the resolve of Snakewater's folk. However, hope remains that prosperity awaits humanity after the worst is weathered. To kindle this flickering dream, Snakewater commemorates the thaw and the warmth with festivities and markets: the Talent Exhibition and oncoming trade will draw new eyes and fresh hands to the town.

  • With the cold ebbing away, this week will see the return of a treasured tradition in Snakewater: the selection of the Winter Monarch. The position itself is ephemeral as the fading snows, more a reason for gossiping and glory-seeking townsfolk to compete than a true seat of power.

    But along with the Winter Selection comes the true reason for the tradition: an excuse to celebrate the coming of warmth with friends and family, with a little Talent Exhibition to rally the spirit!

  • By Sim Aquino


    The sun peeked out of the clouds after a week of overcast. Danaus poked at another shallow tunnel in the ground where it crossed with a deeper one, shaking his head. “Feels like it’s gonna take weeks to fill these all back up.” He placed another marking stake down.

    “It’s all kind of me’aphorical, now, if you think about it.” Lazarus shoved a mound of dirt into the crosspoint with a shovel. “Empty spaces burrowed frough our memories, too.”

    Danaus stared blankly at him for a few moments at first, and shook his head. “I don’t want to think about how many people are never gonna be remembered again. At least the dead ones.” Their stare just dragged on. “And how many people are never gonna get treasured times back.”

    “Treasured times ‘ollowed out like tunnels, our ‘opes and dreams-” Lazarus’s introspection was cut off when Danaus jabbed his side with a marking stake. “Hey, that ‘urt. We’re all already ‘urtin’ enough.”

    Danaus hid a roll of his eyes by facing the ground, walking foot-to-toe to follow another tunnel. His stick jabbed into soft soil every few feet, and prayed that every bump he hit was just a loose root or a rock.”We’re gonna have to dig out some proper graves, too. Once the ground is back to normal enough. And the lost crops-”

    “I just about lost all my pota’oes. I’m lucky spring’s just startin’, but I’m gonna have to re-till everyfin’ and scrounge the survivors togever and plant ‘em.” Lazarus’s shoulders sagged. A shudder crawled down his spine; whether it was from the lingering breeze or the terrors they were still recovering from, he didn’t care to figure out. “Wonder if that smelly squa’er’s alright out there.”

    Danaus was mostly tuned out, but the other candidates were also stuck to his thoughts. They were gone in mere minutes between the sweet serenades and the magic show. The poster he carried around in his pocket was the only way he could even remember their names. “You’ll be able to grow your produce again.” Another stake was placed down.

    Lazarus frowned as he shifted some of the soil around. “Them worm things better not ‘ave put anyfin’ in the dirt. No slime or poison or nuffin’.”

    “I’ve heard secondhand from the Council that the Professor’s been running tests on it- hold on.” Danaus raised a patient hand when Lazarus groaned. “I know he’s not always reliable, but his tests have proven that the nutrients in the soil haven’t changed enough to make fields barren. It should be fine.”

    “Professor’s the type to be ea’in the bloody slime.” Lazarus winced. “And I’m not gonna be ea’in’ no goo if I can’t grow any of me food. None’a the farmers will.”

    Danaus shook his head. “Nobody’s gonna make you eat any slime, I’m sure. The fields are alright. The farms will recover as the season goes on, and by the end of summer, your stock might be as good as it was before all this mess happened. All the worms are gone now, the wind is silent. You’re allowed to mourn, of course, but try not to turn it into more fear.”

    Lazarus fell quiet, resting his arm over the shovel’s handle with a long, soft exhale. He had to shade his eyes as the sunlight beat down harder. “Roight, roight.” He chewed on his lip, anxious to speak up again at first. After a few more moments, he stood up straight again. Or, as straight as he could with his permanent hunch. “Wha’ about that relief money that Story’s collectin’? Is that just for the grievin’ families or is he gonna donate any’a that to us?”

    “I haven’t spoken with him recently,” Danaus admitted. “But I would only assume that he wouldn’t leave the farmers to fend for themselves. Wouldn’t benefit the town at all.”

    Lazarus hummed. “Well, y’know what they say about assumin’ and all.” There was a hint of amusement in his tone before he sobered up again. “You should be on top’a knowin’ this stuff, Mister Win’er King.”

    “Well, I’m the Winter King. Not the Spring King.” A jab back at Lazarus, which got a half-assed laugh out of the both of them. “But Story’s got the funds covered. At least he told me that he’s making a great start so far, despite the dropped number of people.”

    Lazarus resumed filling up the tunnels with a nod. “So. Even if it’s Spring now and yer past yer season, are you still plannin’ on doin’ Taco Chewsdays at the cantiner?”

    “Well!” the other drew himself up to let the sunlight shine on his features. “I am a Winter King of my word. By my royal command, Tuesdays will be for tacos!”

  • -- Across Friday and Saturday, a great amount of investigation and “science” was performed regarding a mysterious entity. Said being was discovered to be leaving slime all over town, picking off Snakewater’s residents, and worst of all, destroying people’s memories. (+5 to all Expansions)

    While this “Lady of Lies” could not be faced directly, the Professor wrought dimensional anchors to drive it from this reality back through the Encabulator. Delvers and Operative proved themselves more than a match for the Lady’s appendages and eyestalks: not a single anchor fell and the entity’s banishment was successfully completed. (+10 to all Expansions)

    -- With the help of the Illustrados, Leo was able to make further progress against Nunez’ strange mind-control alchemy. (+3 to Campus, Mercado, Forge)

    -- The Peace Makers and the Illustrados apprehended Sammy Scrammy, a Charioteer smuggler that was discovered to be supplying the outlaw alchemist, Nunez. He has been remanded into Peace Maker custody for now with plans to extradite him to the Union. (+5 Farms, Mercado)

    -- The Freefolk cornered and brought down an escaped “reagent” before it could complete its reproduction cycle. This Blood Geist-like monstrosity is believed to have emerged from one of the radioactive parcels captured from Lan Jernon/Pale Oak. The Grailguard sent someone with information about Pale Oak’s master but they never arrived? (+5 Farms, Mercado)

    -- Utilizing magic borrowed from the Grailguard, the Templars and their allies dove into the depths of a magical tome. Though they were weakened in that realm, they were able to retrieve Infernal secrets while suffering from several cognito-hazards. (+5 Campus)

    -- Paige and her allies subdued the peculiar Alphabet Geists before they could wreak further havoc. Furthermore, the Illustrados taught someone to read. Unfortunately, these efforts were ameliorated when the book that incited them was not returned to the library. (+0 Campus, Farms)

    -- Paige’s studies into the Outer Spheres and the Abyssal tongues continue, but only with aid from the townsfolk. (+2 Campus, +2 Spire)

    -- Professor’s assistant, Pie, was able to receive assistance for himself regarding certain calculations and measurements (+2 Campus, +2 Forge)

    -- An odd individual calling themselves “the Accountant” was driven away from Snakewater for being annoying. (+2 Farms, Mercado)

    -- Story engaged in martial training to prove themselves worthy of joining the Peace Makers. He was there with his brother. Did he even have a brother? (+3 Farms, Spire, Mercado)

    -- The Winter Monarch festival and Talent Exhibition was a success, allowing folk to showcase their talents and the fleeting, ceremonial position to be filled. Unfortunately, it appeared that the winning candidate ran unopposed, even from Seth Janubis and Lillian (+3 to all)

    -- Aguilar, an Illustrados machinist, was able to retrieve his workshop from its current resident, Sovereign. From there, he continues his work and aids Snakewater with his engineering. (+2 Farms, Forge, Spire)

    -- Puck the merchant was successfully convinced by Illustrados Delvers to persist in their mercantile ambitions. They originally had an entrepreneur partner, but they were absent from illness or perhaps moved away. (+2 Forge, Mercado)

    -- Taking a cue from the Delvers and Operatives that protect them from harm, the people of Snakewater rallied against the devastating losses wrought by the Lady of Lies. The Snakewater Council ensured that not a single villager went hungry or without shelter. Memorials were made to ensure that those who were lost were not forgotten (for those who left traces of their existence). Just as the optimism of the townsfolk echoed their saviors, so too did their coordinated efforts represent the survivors of humanity after the ruinous Long Fall (Campus +28, Farms +25, Mercado +30, Spire +26, Forge +30, Tomb +19)


    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 0: 257/300 (up from Tier 0: 207/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 0: 38/300 (Up from Tier 0: 0/300)

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 0: 60/300 (Up from Tier 0: 0/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 133/300 (up from Tier 3: 82/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 125/300 (up from Tier 3: 59/300)

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 0: 56/300 (Up from Tier 0: 0/300)

  • The Freefolk cornered and brought down an escaped “reagent” before it could complete its reproduction cycle. This Blood Geist-like monstrosity is believed to have emerged from one of the radioactive parcels captured from Lan Jernon/Pale Oak. The Grailguard sent someone with information about Pale Oak’s master but they never arrived.

    It is believed that one other “reagent” remains free.

    In the hunt for the strange Lunar entities that haunt the wilderness, an eyewitness gave their report to the Freebooters of a related occurrence on their farm. A monstrosity matching the entities’ description assailed their farm but were set upon by Packhunter-seeming warriors (who were also hostile to the witness). In the morning, there was scant evidence of corpses though the destruction of the battle remained.

  • With the help of the Illustrados, Leo was able to make further progress against Nunez’ mind-control alchemy. The Technocratic League has made strides to toward developing an inoculation against such chemical coercion.

    The Peace Makers and the Illustrados apprehended Sammy Scrammy, a Charioteer smuggler that was discovered to be supplying the outlaw alchemist, Nunez. He has been remanded into Peace Maker custody for now with plans to extradite him to the Union. With this arrest, Nunez’s fate is drawing near.

    La Liga Tecnocratica (or the Technocratic League) is an organization dedicated to assisting Illustrados within Mid-Atla - this includes direct assistance as well as providing temporary employment. La Liga features members from the different Gremio of the Union, but is directed by a committee of Technocrats. With tales of its success and its enterprises filtering into the distant Illustrados Union, there are rumors that the Senate is inquiring about the workings of La Liga and their own safeguards against “overreach”. Some folk are afraid of military action while others suspect the Senate of their own “overreach”:.

  • Utilizing magic borrowed from the Grailguard, the Templars are their allies dove into the depths of an illicit tome. Though they were weak in that realm, they were able to retrieve useful secrets while suffering from several cognito-hazards

    Cabal Alvarado of the Carmine Conclave welcomed its newest member after their Rite of Anthesis. This celebration/initiation featured dignitaries from different Archfactions, not merely Carmine personalities. However, it did feature an unseemly amount of slime that no one seemed to notice until the end.


    Flecked in dirt and toil, beasts and burdens trundled past the two Councilfolk, In the sweltering heat and lack of wind, the visitors’ blue and white banners hung listlessly as the column continued to their destination: Snakewater’s outskirts. Half of those who walked beside it or rode upon the supply train wore armor, though only half of those would be soldiers if military doctrine were followed.

    Perusing the papers in his hands with hawk-like precision was Cresence Crane, Secretary of Snakewater. Cresence was there when the troop’s captains signed permits and paid the tolls, but bureaucracy and organization had always been a soothing balm to him. Indeed, he was talented enough that the town council accepted his propensity for exactness and the occasional tyrannical audit of numbers and assistants. Paperwork, invoices, numbers, and records were as natural to him as water to a fish. They even allowed him his own sash and an additional stipend for his starch and for Scrivener-quality paper.

    Beside the Secretary was Sheriff Hannibal, who watched the entourage with the untroubled eye of a gambler counting his winnings. From beneath the wide brim of his hat, Hannibal blew smoke rings. His thumbs were in his pockets and far away from his holster – as they oft were for someone in his position. Snakewater’s Sheriff was more a political role than a military one after all; the Peace Maker Cartel were contracted to handle all the dirty work… or to subcontract duties too dirty for them. But the Sheriff’s part of the council was to direct them and to rebuke them, as necessities decreed.

    Still, old war habits died hard: he counted the carts and the soldiers and the support staff, mentally stocking it to prepare for the worst case. The two Councilfolk were far enough away to avoid the clouds kicked up by the column but not too far and not too hidden that the mercenaries couldn’t see them – and note their vigilance past the heated haze.

    Or as the Sheriff called it: “Too far to get splashed on but close enough to smell the beast shit.”

    Cresence raised an eyebrow, breaking the hypnotic ramble against the dirt and the calls of the teamsters. Despite all the sound and bustle, he was not oblivious to the gears grinding in the Sheriff’s head. “See something wrong?”

    “Nope,” the Sheriff nodded to a passing captain’s wave, deftly moving his pipe with lip and tooth. “None at all. These ‘Exalted Guard’ got a good rep among merc circles. They do the work they’re paid and they follow the contract in full. Even their formations are crisper than fried mantid”

    “Then why are you sizing them up? We should just get back to town hall instead of melting here.” Cresence pulled at his collar then wiped his brow with a handkerchief.

    “Why, it’s my duty to Snakewater as a member of the council and what not to see this through.”

    “Hah!” The Secretary scoffed with his typical vitriol. “When did you start caring about duty?”

    “Guy in my old squad used to tell me: be kind, be polite, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.” Hannibal upturned his pipe and twisted a boot over the ashes, grimly making the point.

    Crescence had the grace to pretend to be shocked. “Do you really have those kinds of plans? That is far too much work for someone of your persuasion, Sheriff.”

    It was Hannibal’s turn to act defiant, “Now, now, there ain’t no call to be so mean – even when you’re right.”

    Their shared hilarity was only a knowing chuckle, punctuated by the sounds of the column grinding road into the far distance. Much had happened in Snakewater lately and a lot of it was bad. Sometimes, smiles, barbs, and jests were better than brooding silence.

    “Besides, killing them would be the Peace Makers’ and the Delvers’ jobs. I already planned for it in the budget.”

    Hannibal shrugged. “Let’s not be too hasty, Crane. More folks pass by to help than otherways after all. But let’s just hope they play nice. Heaven knows there’s worse things out there.”

  • In March, Snakewater banished a memory altering horror to its home beyond the stars. Months later, townsfolk still mourn the loss of their loved ones, a grief made sharp by those who would never remember exactly who they lost. And in the wake of these latest tragedies, mercenaries and researchers make their way to the town in search of coin and answers. One such mercenary company has encamped near town, bringing supplies and services along with them.

  • The town of Snakewater shrugged off the attack of an extra dimensional entity known to some as the Lady of Lies. It had the capacity to affect the minds of entire populations, hiding not only its presence but obfuscating the existence of its victims. Believed to have slithered into our dimension during a wayward experiment, it has since been exiled to the Outer Spheres. But even after its banishment, the wounds of its rampage still remain as do the gaps in memory for some folk - how does one mourn a sibling or a spouse they scarcely remember?

  • The Exalted Guard is one of the many mercenary and para-military groups that have emerged from the War over Embers. Believed to have some ties to the Grailguard, they are known for their stringent adherence to their contracts and their successful security assignments

  • (OOG: this is a transcription of Story’s farewell after the defense of Snakewater, for those who may have missed it)

    [Outside the Lost Sheep Cantina; May 28, 100 BTF]

    As the last portal is closed and Snakewater’s defenders breathe in relief, a voice echoes across the still air.

    “Hey! Um... hello? Snakewater? It's Story.

    I want y'all to know that I appreciate all your help. I could never have done this alone. I knew I could count on you, just like last time - just like always. Snakewater is filled with some of the kindest, bavest people I've ever met. I'm blessed to count y'all among my friends.

    I have the haziest memory... like a memory of a memory. Or maybe a memory of a dream? Except - except I know it's not a dream, it's the truth. It's like - have you ever done one of those picture puzzles where you have to fit the pieces together? And you're almost finished, but then you find out there's a piece missing, and maybe it's not the most important piece, but the picture will never be complete without it.

    This is like... the complete opposite of that, actually. It's like I have the missing piece, but I don't know what the picture is. I can't remember anything about Song - I don't know how we met, I can't picture their face. But I know Song exists - I have this one piece. Now all I have to do is find the rest of the puzzle.

    I know Song is out there somewhere. There are others out there, too. A lot of people have their own missing puzzles. We're gonna solve as many as we can. As for me... I'm not coming back without Song at my side.

    We'll meet again, Snakewater. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.”

  • -- Aperture Science: Tricked by Story and several grief-stricken townsfolk, the Exalted Guard used a flawed ritual to open portals in order to search for the spirits and memories of the deceased. Monstrosities from strange Spheres and Planes crawled from these dimensional rifts to invade Snakewater with a fiendish malice.

    It fell to Delvers and Operatives alike to stopper this monstrous deluge and protect Captain Uther of the Exalted Guard as he closed each unstable doorway. At the end, Snakewater and its protectors remained standing and the extradimensional invaders were slain or driven back. (+10 to all Expansions)

    Guard Training: The Exalted Guard hired some Delvers to assist them in capturing parafauna for use in training their recruits. They also hired folk to assist them in personally training the recruits and lending their expertise. (Farms +6, Forge +6)

    The True Human: “The True Human” lent their knowledge and assistance to Snakewater and the Exalted Guard’s efforts regarding the portal rituals. In particular, the employer of the Exalted Guard was pushing particularly hard to ensure that the rituals would come to pass. (Campus +3)

    They who Traverse: Paige, junior researcher of Snakewater’s Archivist, hired Delvers to assist her in more deciphering of Abyssal texts. In addition, she and her hirelings also encountered J.P. Squirrels, an elderly human possessed by a being dubbed “the Traveler” or “They who Traverse”. Said entity was spoken to, though any true agreement was yet to be promised to its requests (Campus +6)

    Food Delivery: The Goodbread family hired helpers in ensuring that their donated foodstuffs arrive safely to their destination and are free of vermin. Some rodents had to be relocated in order for the donations to reach the needy (Farms +3)

    Monster Hunt: On behalf of Stygian Systems, Captain Talin of the Devilhooks led Illustrados Operatives on a hunt against parafauna believed to be modified by Nunez’ alchemy. Not only was it unnaturally strong, it also featured mutations and changes that were unnatural to its species. Despite its strength, it was captured and carted away for study, never to trouble Snakewater again. (Forge +3, Spire +3)

    Lunar Portent: The Steelwing Sentinels and the Freebooters led the pursuit against an alien entity known as the Lunar Portent, specifically its third aspect. They not only encountered the creature but also a Carrion Cult that was also hellbent on devouring its essence. The Carrion Cult and their leader, White Eye, were thwarted and driven away. Furthermore, the Lunar Portent was destroyed before it could threaten the living and the dead (Spire +3, Tombs +3)

    The Automaton: Malice the Unshackled was protected by Hellhounds and their allies from a wayward automaton of her own creation, fueled by Flame Geists and Thunderous prayers. Before it could escape after beating her down, it was waylaid and put down. Malice remains elated regarding her craftwork’s success. (Farms +3, Forge +3)

    Rune of Branding: With the help of a Grailguard wizard, the spirits of the Templars (and Buzz) were projected to the location of Infernal Apostates to continue surveillance efforts upon them. While they were not able to get more information about the “Baptism of Detonation”, Templar Operatives were able to place Detection Runes upon the Apostates. Unfortunately, they were too late to stop the Apostasy from their latest atrocity: an unprovoked attack and theft on a Grailguard caravan (Mercado +5)

    — Ex-Memoriam: An amnesiac Necrotic stumbled into town but local Delvers lent her some shelter and aid. They discovered more about her from clues that washed up on the beach. (Tomb +3)

    Citizen Arrest: A citizen investigator working for the Snakewater Council was directed toward a criminal element believed to be delving into eldritch knowledge. Said criminal was pulled aside in the Cantina and hasn’t been seen since. (Campus+3)

    -- Magnastorm Attack: The summer Magnastorms have begun, striking in early June and leaving a swath of devastation in their wake. Come December, they will return with a vengeance (All expansions -30)

    Delver Efforts: Dauntless, Maverick, and Uncle Junker assisted in the long process of setting up the Stormbringer Spire. Meanwhile, Jackknife and Antonino worked with local craftsfolk in the industrial district. Meanwhile, Cid was hired to help with the summer harvest (Farms +4, Spire +12, Forge +15).

    -- Town efforts: Recovery efforts from the Lady of Lies have finished up and Snakewater has begun its preparations for the upcoming Festival. Local traders and nearby towns were given notice of this yearly occasion. Archfaction representatives were also told, though their own participation was not expected. (Campus +20, Farms +22, Mercado +24, Spire +26, Forge +22, Tomb +16)

    NEW VALUES: (updated 6/27)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 0: 279/300 (up from Tier 0: 257/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 0: 70/300 (Up from Tier 0: 38/300)

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 90/300 (Up from Tier 0: 60/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 153/300 (up from Tier 3: 133/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 143/300 (up from Tier 3: 125/300)

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 0: 88/300 (Up from Tier 0: 56/300)

  • The Lunar Portent: The Steelwing Sentinels and the Freebooters led the pursuit against an alien entity known as the Lunar Portent, specifically its third aspect. They not only encountered the creature but also a Carrion Cult that was also hellbent on devouring its essence. The Carrion Cult and their leader, White Eye, were thwarted and driven away. Furthermore, the Lunar Portent was destroyed before it could threaten the living and the dead.

    The Automaton: Malice the Unshackled was protected by Hellhounds and their allies from a wayward automaton of her own creation, fueled by Flame Geists and Thunderous prayers. Before it could escape after beating her down, it was waylaid and put down. Malice remains elated regarding her craftwork’s success.

    Lan Jernon Sighting: The outlaw Duster called Lan Jernon was said to have briefly appeared in Snakewater. Rumors claim that he spoke to a few Delvers and Operatives before making a calm getaway.

    Attack on the Tome: A caravan of the Astral Tome Order was attacked by Templar outlaws. These Infernal Apostates slew many of the defenders and made off with several relics and artifacts before reinforcements could arrive. The defenders’ valor cost them greatly but ensured that most of the non-combatants escaped with their lives.

  • Food Delivery: The Goodbread family hires helpers in ensuring that their donated foodstuffs arrive safely to their destination and are free of vermin. Some rodents had to be relocated in order for the donations to reach the needy.

    Monster Hunt: On behalf of Stygian Systems, Captain Talin of the Devilhooks led Illustrados Operatives on a hunt against parafauna believed to be modified by Nunez’ alchemy. Not only was it unnaturally strong, it also featured mutations and changes that were unnatural to its species. Despite its strength, it was captured and carted away for study, never to trouble Snakewater again.

    Jaguar on premises: A Jaguar Sentinel from the Magistrados has arrived in Snakewater, speaking to a few Illustrados before continuing on his mission. It is believed that his presence is involved with the audit of the Technocratic League. The Sentinels are feared and loathed by many citizens for their authority even above the normal chain in command — they are often tasked with Senate-mandated tasks and investigations.

  • Rune of Branding: With the help of a Grailguard wizard, the spirits of the Templars (and their ally) were projected to the location of Infernal Apostates to continue surveillance efforts upon them. While they were not able to get more information about the “Baptism of Detonation”, Templar Operatives were able to place Detection Runes upon the Apostates.

    Unfortunately, they were too late to stop the Apostasy from their latest atrocity: an unprovoked attack and theft on a Grailguard caravan. The Runes have provided some valuable intelligence thus far and the Templars may have a grasp on the movements of the Apostasy in Mid-Atla.

BTF 9 PROLOGUE: A Day of Games!

  • The midsummer Magnastorms fading are away and last May's dimensional rifts have been mended Thus, the town of Snakewater is set for its annual Festival, celebrating surviving the recent and ancient dangers of this era beyond the Long Fall.

    The origins of the Festival itself is as vague as Snakewater’s own founding -- however, most folk care little about the genesis of the town and the Festival.

    Indeed, games, food, and exuberance are the order of this raucous weekend, especially after so many harrowing months within recent memory. Prizes and prestige await the Festival's participants, drawing every thrill seeking spirit from neighboring regions and beyond.

  • During the Snakewater Festival last year (July 99 BTF), the cultists of the “Divine Basilisk” somehow turned Snakewater’s parade float into a monstrous winged serpent in their patron’s image. Fortunately, these occultists’ own myths were twisted against them. After a pitched battle, the cult was scattered into the wind and the Basilisk entity was pacified, although it did not linger before flying away.

  • [Snakewater outskirts; July 12, 100 BTF]

    Oh spirit of the Mythic Tale!

    With fluttering feathers and slithering scales

    Beneath a dawning sun, the farmer looked upon his fields and his heart was gladdened by the sight. Verdant crops awakened from their earthen cradles, blightless and pure. The weeks would pass and Rustle of the Wind on a Cold Winter’s day would make good on its pact. His harvest and those of his neighbors would yield much - Snakewater would feast and no one went hungry.

    To the Basilisk Divine, we open our minds

    Uncover our senses, our spectrums unblind.

    Amid a noonday’s warmth, riverboats returned to shore in safety, laden with the day’s catch. All hands were accounted for, even those who fell overboard in the deepest parts of the Serpent River and its children. It would not be long before the Water Wildling and their ilk would tire of keeping away from the people and forget their weakness to drowning but for now, the waters would push folk back unto boats and riverbanks instead of pulling them into the depths

    Oh spirit of the Mythic Tale!

    With fluttering feathers and slithering scales

    The sinking sun brought darkness and lights sprung up in response. For those places that did not sleep, industry still burned. Yet the fires of hearth and forge shone with creation, illumination, and warmth. Hate within heat had been quenched for the moment and did not grow to hungry wildness.

    To the Basilisk Divine, we shutter our thoughts.

    Shelter our spirits, our visions we blot.

    In the stillness of the night, something slithered and fluttered. Unseen and unheard, it partook of Wildling spirits that trespassed without its will. With singular snaps, prey was consumed whole. No longer weakened and cocooned, it brandished its strength by protecting its territory. From time to time, it would peer upon the lights of Snakewater - the homes of its saviors and helpers - but it returned into the dark instead of slithering into the light.

    The time was not yet right.

  • Spiritual Awakening: Amid the gathering of the Snakewater Festival, spirits and entities of Wildling power stirred and wrought trouble across the town. With the help of Siobhan Teragon, the source of this clamor was discovered: the Divine Basilisk was coalescing into a new form. In its weakened state, spiritual entities far and wide had come to feast upon it. Delvers and Operatives succeeded in a desperate defense against hungering hordes of Wildling spirits. After its tumultuous metamorphosis, the town mascot turned spirit Entity only lingered briefly before disappearing into the night. (+15 to all Expansions)

    Games and Tournaments: Besides a few minor disturbances, yet another 30th Snakewater Festival has passed with great success. (Farm +10, Mercado +10)

    Basilisk Communion: Before their defense of the Divine Basilisk, Siobhan used the rites of her mysterious family to communicate with the spirit. Though mysteries still surround the Basilisk, its presence around Snakewater seems to be beneficial, or at least, lacking in malice against the townsfolk (Farm +3, Tombs +3, Spire +3)

    Riddles in the Dark: Many Delvers were drawn to a strange underground chamber to solve the puzzles of an Earthen spirit and escape its grasp. Solving these riddles lessened its grip on the farmlands above, resulting in a bountiful harvest (Farm +25)

    Farmland Pact: Delvers assisted a Farmer with an odd problem: an antlered Wildling spirit had awakened and was blighting his crops. Negotiating with the spirit yielded a new pact between it and the farmer, bringing prosperity to him and the land around him. (Farm +3)

    Whale Song: Fisherfolk at the Serpent River were being assailed by watery entities that were drowning them. Delvers subdued these spirits and spoke to them: it turns out that they were just trying to play but did not realize that most humans (except one) could not breathe water (Farm +5, Mercado +5)

    The Earth Child: A spirit of earth and stone cavorted about Snakewater’s outskirts, slowing only to talk to local Delvers. The two groups came to an understanding before the Wildling could hurt anyone. (Farm +2, Forge +2)

    The Fall of Nunez: Illustrados Delvers finally cornered and defeated Nunez, the renegade alchemist and former Iglesiar. They also discovered a recent patron of hers, Ravan-Ajasha, the King of Fiends. (Farms +3, Mercado +3, Tombs +3)

    The Barrel: Illustrados Delvers assisted Captain Talin of the Devilhooks in the subduing of his quarry. Of great utility were the explosive barrels he brought to bear (Mercado +5, Farms +5)

    Shut Eye: The Freefolk hunted down and slew the leader of the cannibalistic Bloodmoons: White Eye. Due to the Freefolk’s skill, they were able to strike him down before he could enter into the fullness of his power. In his final moments, he made mention of a wizardly ally that had betrayed him. (Farms +3, Mercado +3, Tomb +3)

    The Ring of Fire: During a reconnaissance mission, the Templars were ambushed by an Infernal Apostate. They managed to quell the fires of Legate Pyrexia’s trap, escaping with their lives and their wizardly compatriot, Volt. (Campus +3, Tombs +3)

    Glory to the God-Empress: The Templars participated in a solemn rite with Mercurial Silent Stone of the Skull Conclave. In this rite, the God-Empress was given Her due reverence and her protection was requested. (Tombs +2)

    Exalted Favors: Several individuals petitioned the Exalted Guard to assist in the cultivation and protection of Snakewater’s farmlands, calling upon the favors owed to them. The Exalted Guard did as they were asked (Farm +20)

    Paige and Puzzles: Inquisitive Delvers assisted Paige of the Library with yet another enigma that she had discovered. Like many others, they proved the wiser than the contraption that dared to befuddle them. (Campus +3)

    Delver Help: Several Delvers assisted the festivals’ proceedings. Buzz, Jackknife, Rusty, Hotty, Hobo, Cid, and Uncle Junker assisted in construction efforts for the new town districts. Nightbreaker patrolled the graveyards for strange activity. Dauntless helped in recovery efforts from the recent Magnastorms. (Forge +38, Spire 3, Tomb +7)

    Snakewater’s celebration brought commerce to the region and more importantly, highlighted the triumph of humanity against disaster and discord. Townsfolk from Snakewater and surrounding regions participated not just in the festivities but also in the clean up thereafter. (Campus +24, Farms +69, Mercado +60, Spire +18, Forge 60, Tomb +36)

    NEW VALUES: (updated 8/25)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 1: 117/300 (up from Tier 0: 279/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 0: 142/300 (Up from Tier 0: 70/300)

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 0: 202/300 (Up from Tier 0: 74/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 201/300 (up from Tier 3: 153/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 235/300 (up from Tier 3: 143/300)

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 0: 124/300 (Up from Tier 0: 88/300)

  • Shut Eye: The Steelwing Sentinels spearheaded a Freebooter and Wicked Fate attack against the leader of the cannibalistic Bloodmoons: White Eye. Due to the Freefolk’s skill, they were able to strike him down before he could enter into the fullness of his power. This lust for might had wrought its toll upon White Eye, he had consumed the eldritch entities from beyond but it had subsumed his humanity into a spiraling madness.

    However, his new shadowy powers would not avail him. One by one, Steelwing and Wicked Fate took down White Eye’s minions until only he stood against them. Beneath blade and bullet, he fell and in his final moments, he cursed the wizardly ally that had betrayed him.

  • The Fall of Nunez: Illustrados Delvers finally cornered and defeated Nunez, the renegade alchemist and former Iglesiar. They braved poisoned thorn and sharpened bramble to strike at their quarry. However, upon their arrival, they also discovered a recent patron of hers, Ravan-Ajasha, the King of Fiends. Thus did they fight against not only the alchemist but a Projection of the Night King. The fight was a brutal one but the Illustrados triumphed, even against the fleshwarping powers of Ravan-Ajasha and the toxicity of Nunez.

    The Barrel: Illustrados Delvers assisted Captain Talin of the Devilhooks in the subduing of his quarry. Of great utility were the explosive barrels he brought to bear. The Devilhooks are known for their monster hunting skills, but this strange new method proved incredibly affected against their beastly prey.

  • The Ring of Fire: During a reconnaissance mission, the Blades of the Empress and their Freefolk allies were ambushed by an Infernal Apostate. They managed to quell the fires of Legate Pyrexia’s trap, escaping with their lives and their wizardly compatriot, Volt

    Glory to the God-Empress: The Templars participated in a solemn rite with Mercurial Silent Stone of the Skull Conclave. In this rite, the God-Empress was given Her due reverence and her protection was requested.

  • Powerful and mysterious entities known as the Wildling Whispers or the Whispers of the Wild are known to dwell within the World Beyond the Fall. Though their gifts and the mythoi are known to their followers, their true nature eludes most lorekeepers.

    However, this designation does not make them a monolithic group. Some drive their followers to compassion or natural communion. Others impel their faithful to honor and stricture. There are also tales of Dire Whispers: those dark entities that inspire ruination and bloodlust among their devoted.

    Just as the natural world has fauna both great and small, so too does the spiritual world. Wildlings or Wildkin are “smaller” entities that some describe as nature spirits. Their sapience and intelligence vary from bestial, to human-like, to beyond mortal cognition, though they are largely ignorant of human morals. Flame Wildkin appear as walking pyres. Some Wildkin, however, also take aspects that are considered animalistic, fungal, or botanic.

    Geists and Wildkin are sometimes confused for one another. For many there is no difference between the two, especially when they are on a rampage or directed to attack humans. On occasion, some Wildkin can be spoken to and even negotiated with. However, the dissimilarities in values and morals between humans and spirit can make such matters prickly. Some scholars wonder as to their relationship with Geists. But as is many things in the World Beyond the Fall, the truth of the matter has yet to be discovered.

  • By Catherine Rachfalski

    [Library Lane, Snakewater, August 28th, 100 BTF]

    Gnr-ky-thonyos, the inter-dimensional entity named “The Traveler” by the humans of Snakewater, was currently working through a third evening without letting their vessel sleep. In their lonesome work room, the final pieces of their Paracausal Anchor were arrayed around them: these would soon become their salvation.

    In recent months, the Traveler had helped the local Skull Templars and a small army of Delvers complete and install two other Anchors throughout the region. This Anchor would be different, however. It was the Traveler’s own creation from many months ago, before the vessel rebelled and split the device into pieces that were buried in metal and earth.

    Thanks to librarian Paige and the other Snakewater humans, those pieces had been retrieved and now laid in front of them, their survival within their reach once more.

    As the Traveler lifted one of the twisted, runed segments, it fell out of their hands with a clatter. On occasion, deadened nerves in rigid fingertips had struggled to lift even small items; the vessel was dying, the soul—once loud and rebellious and pressed against them like a boulder—now was quiet and laid limply next to theirs, unmoving.

    The Traveler switched hands and continued on, blinking blurry eyes and flexing stiff joints. They were inexperienced with the decay of this world, but they knew that their bodily occupation was for far too long and without ample restraint. Much longer, and the brain would melt and drip from the ears, rendering the body useless. Worse yet, it would send the Traveler back into vulnerable incorporeality.

    So focused was the entity on their artificing, that they almost missed the sound of the door opening, and the quiet knock at the frame. They turned and saw Paige cautiously approaching, a questioning glance turned towards the complex machinery, proferring a plate of meat and rice.

    “Humans can skip sleep for some time,” the librarian said, “but skipping food will kill you far sooner.”

    They instinctively sniffed the offering, hoping to catch any of the delectable bouquet of scents they had experienced when first inhabiting this body. However, the vessel’s nasal receptors had long since started to rot, leaving all smells full of death and decay. The Traveler sighed, but began to eat with their fingers, ignoring the fork and knife Paige had brought.

    “And failing to finish the Anchor will kill the vessel, and doom myself to doing this all over again.” They replied, pieces of food spilling over their chin as they chewed. This corporeal consumption had always been difficult even before the vessel’s teeth started to wobble in their sockets. The rending of meat and plant was tedious, far less efficient than their own preferences.

    Paige, accustomed to but still unnerved by their less than normal human actions, bid them good luck. With intent and carefulness, she shut the door behind her.

    When the meal was consumed, the Traveler turned back to their workbench. The components of the Anchor were half connected, but they couldn't recall the final steps in the right order anymore. This Anchor, despite being nearly the same as the previous two, had been giving them more difficulty than expected. Perhaps the watchful librarian was right, and sleep would reassemble their tired brain for a time. They only had one chance, and couldn't risk a slip up at this late stage.

    Fatigue finally overtaking them, the Traveler stood up to retire to their bedroom – and stopped. Had that been... a rattle of chains that they heard? They listened for a time before shaking their head and leaving through the same door Paige had exited minutes prior.

    Clearly the vessel's ears had begun to fail as well.

  • With the days cooling down and the Festival left behind, Snakewater looks toward a temperate autumn and their own winter preparations. Similar machinations have been made for "They Who Traverses" or "The Traveler". This extra-dimensional entity has been aided by human Delvers in recent memory. At their request, the Skull Templars and the Snakewater Library have lent craft and rite toward certain "Paracausal" contraptions, with local Delvers taking the lion's share of the effort.

  • Recent discoveries and meditations have only begun to study the cosmos beyond the Earth and its terrestrial reality. Certainly, the space outside the planet is still a lifeless void traversed by celestial bodies - but during the Long Fall onward, other dimensions and realities have revealed their existence and influence on a scale of immense magnitude.

    Around the known American continent, different philosophies and research have come to conclusions that both coincide and conflict with one another. While these five are not the only ones, they are the main traditions that have published and/or recorded works.

    — The Doctrine of the Holy Reality/Calvarian Doctrine: The Skull Templars’ Priory of Correspondence is the prime researcher for the Conclaves and one of the oldest of these traditions. -- for many Templars, malefic consortion with extraplanar entities is a crime.

    — The Planar Voidscape Theory/Starseeker Theories: The Grailguard have their own theories on the “Voidside”. But much of their knowledge has been influenced (or some say tainted) by the Hagathai incident at the Fioran Library. The Order of the Astral Tome has yet to fully recover from this incursion and subsequent rampage.

    — The Unhallowed Frequencies/Altaric Transmissions: The Altar of Air and its religious denizens have made their own excursions into Xenospace, albeit through the lens of their hallowed Altar. It is believed that not only can they listen in on other worlds and realities, but travel to such places is possible via certain machineries.

    — Extraterrestrial Exploration Research/The Xenographic Research: Certain Technocratic Corporations have begun their own investigations into the Extraterrestrial Realities beyond humanity’s home Without. In particular, CIE and Sorc-Sci Corporations have made great progress in this matter, though the exact measure of it remains only in the domain of their R&D departments.

    — The Cosmos Without/The Astral Meditations: Separate from the research of the secular Technocracy, the Iglesia Solaar has conducted their own expeditions into the Cosmos Vidh. Instead of using machinery, spiritual rituals and meditations are used to project one’s spirit into different planes of existence. The Order of the Burning Gate has performed the most research into this working with the Order of the Lucent Crown regarding their findings.

  • By Catherine Rachfalski

    [Library Lane, Snakewater, September 18th, 100 BTF]

    Paige the Librarian sighed with relief as she emptied her last box of literature into her new bookshelf. Taking a step back, she surveyed her newly organized spacious office and sat on her large desk, taking a second to gaze out the large window behind it. The sun was drawing close to the horizon, illuminating the inside with warm yellow light. As satisfying as tapping a sheaf of papers into place, her hectic week had finally come to its conclusion. The days after Snakewater's triumphant banishment of a Pursuer of the Damned—the abominable bloodhound that had hunted down and attacked the enigmatic Traveler and the town—had blurred together in a flurry of activity.

    The Skull Templars had requested a full debriefing of the Pursuer's activities, and inquired as to why their extra bindings, which had been sprung around the Traveler the moment they finished their installation of the final Paracausal Anchor, had been tested immediately. Paige, in her detailed report, curtly responded that the Traveler's pragmatic and curious nature would naturally push them to explore the full confines of their new cage.

    Her business with the Skulls concluded, she held a long meeting with the head of the Otherworldly Entities and Phenomena wing of the Scholar's department, showcasing the new and groundbreaking leads she had made into Abyssal knowledge during this year. The Traveler had been a known guest at the Library for the past two months, but had mostly kept to themselves and refused to talk at length with anyone other than Paige or the few Skull Templars working on the Anchor. Her translated dialects of the Abyssal sub-language Astralese raised her boss' eyebrows, and her initial report even passed the desk of Archivist Thatcher. Within a few days, she got the news she'd been dreaming to hear: she was getting a promotion.

    Senior Scholar Paige found that her gaze had been stuck to the sunset, the sky turning shades of fire as the sun sank. As was becoming routine for her, she took a second to focus on the beauty of the view and her own happy contentment, and sent these emotions to the Traveler through the new psychic link that they now shared. She had only “heard” from the Traveler once since they offered her and the people of Snakewater their brand. A day or so after things had calmed down, she—and she imagined all others branded to the Traveler as well—felt a shivering sigh of relief come from the entity, somewhere out in the region surrounding Snakewater. They had found a new vessel, a new organic body to house their incorporeal spirit, and the palpable sense of respite from leaving the old dying human vessel behind rippled through their connection. After years of skipping from animal to human, and trying to learn both how to keep the body alive and how to manage their energies from incinerating the host, the Traveler, thanks to the precision afforded them by the Paracausal Anchors, would now be able to easily inhabit the nearby fauna (or uninhabited corpses) for as long as they needed. Peace at last. But despite her daily attempts at communication to see how they were acclimating, she had not heard from them since.

    The Traveler needed time. Time and space. And, Paige admitted to herself as she sat down at her desk, so did she. After all, the contingency of her promotion would be her greatest challenge and accomplishment yet: writing up a collection of information on Abyssals that would put Library Lane on the map of the new world. She needed to put pen to paper now, while the events of the year were fresh in her mind. And so, after months of field research, the new Senior Scholar began to write:

    “On Abyssals and Their Natures: A Treatise on the Extraplanar Entities and Their Convergence With Mortals

    By: Senior Scholar Paige

    With special thanks for the delvers in Snakewater , without whom the completion of this writing would not be possible“

  • — The Pursuer and the Traveler: An Abyssal entity called “the Pursuer of the Damned” entered the reality around Snakewater to hunt down its quarry: the Traveler, an allied entity to the town.

    Snakewater’s Delvers managed to drive it away in its first appearance (Farms +5, Spire +5) but The Pursuer and its minions left no stone unturned in trying to find its quarry, and succeeded in laying waste to some parts of the town in their destructive search (Forge -5. Campus -5)

    — Rituals of Protection: To protect them from the caustic effects of the Pursuer's demiplane, the Hellhounds and Templars provided rituals of protection to the delvers of Snakewater—helpful measures that ensured their future victory. (Tombs +5)

    — Riddles in the Dark: The delvers of Snakewater were requested to decipher runes, riddles, and runic cubes and solve every puzzle put before them. Library Lane benefited greatly from the knowledge gained (Campus +10)

    — The Pursuer, Banished: Before the Traveler could install the Paracausal Anchor that would shield them from their gaoler's eyes, a ruthless Pursuer of the Damned arrived at Snakewater to capture the Traveler and punish the town for harboring the fugitive. With the help of shrewd, puzzle-solving delvers, the Traveler transported the town's defenders into the Pursuer's heart and, after piercing its defenses, managed to banish it elsewhere. Shortly after, the Traveler finished the installation of the Anchors, ensuring that new Pursuers could not follow the Traveler in the (All Expansions +10)

    — The Traveler’s Anchors: The Traveler was not forgotten and Para-causal Anchors have been erected to keep them within the area and prevent them from hurting humanity. The Traveler was not glad to know that they had been imprisoned once again but their objection did not give way to destruction (Spire +3)

    — Fashion Show: In other matters, Snakewater continued the flow of its life even in the face of this cosmic threat. The Illustrados Technocracy held a fashion show, commemorating the struggles and triumphs of humanity against the Long Fall. (All Expansions +5)

    — Berry Shocking: The Ratking Caravan was lent assistance in collecting strange, electrified berries from the ground. The study and exploitation of this odd fruit would progress the industries of Snakewater. (Forge +5)

    — Into the Fire: Wildfires raged in the summer heat though far from Snakewater. Hellhound and Templar braved its dangers to rescue the remnants of a caravan from its hellish embrace (Farms +5, Mercado +5)

    — Prince of Whimsy: A local Templar was exorcized of a terrifying infestation: a manifested creature wrought by none other than the King of Fools. Because the Templar’s peers and the Oracle-Avatar’s grace, the newly emerged creature only left mental and physical scars upon its host… as opposed to grave scars. Praise was given to the God-Empress. (Tomb +5)

    — NPC Shifts: Several Delvers assisted Snakewater in its harvest. In particular, Zen, Cid, Antonino, and Bishop ensured that crafters and farms alike had assistance in their errands. Peep and Nightbreaker patrolled the graveyard, ensuring that the spirits of the dead remained at rest. (Tombs +7, Farms +4, Forge +7)

    — Snakewater’s Townsfolk: Snakewater’s harvest was a fruitful one for the year, allaying many folks’ fears. The locals lent their own efforts to the cause, knowing that the next Magna Storms and the threat of winter was just around the corner. (Campus +25, Farms +29, Mercado +27, Spire +22, Forge +27, Tomb +32)

    NEW VALUES: (updated 9/27)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 1: 175/300 (up from Tier 1: 117/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 0: 206/300 (Up from Tier 0: 142/300)

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 0: 261/300 (Up from Tier 0: 202/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 256/300 (up from Tier 3: 201/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 279/300 (up from Tier 3: 235/300)

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 0: 180/300 (Up from Tier 0: 124/300)

  • — Berry Shocking: The Ratking Caravan was lent assistance in collecting strange, electrified berries from the ground. The study and exploitation of this odd fruit would progress the industries of Snakewater.

    — Into the Fire: Wildfires raged in the summer heat though far from Snakewater. Hellhound and Templar braved its dangers to rescue the remnants of a caravan from its hellish embrace. Several rune vaults were liberated from the blaze, containing something of great value to both parties’ goals.

  • — Fashion Show: The Illustrados Technocracy held a fashion show, commemorating the struggles and triumphs of humanity against the Long Fall. The main driver of this was Ramona of the Technocratic League. One of peers in the Executive Board, Adrianna of the Flame was also spotted in town.

  • — Into the Fire: Wildfires raged in the summer heat though far from Snakewater. Hellhound and Templar braved its dangers to rescue the remnants of a caravan from its hellish embrace. Several rune vaults were liberated from the blaze, containing something of great value to both parties’ goals.

    — Prince of Whimsy: A local Templar was exorcized of a terrifying infestation: a manifested creature wrought by none other than the King of Fools. Because the Templar’s peers and the Oracle-Avatar’s grace, the newly emerged creature only left mental and physical scars upon its host… as opposed to grave scars. Praise was given to the God-Empress.


    The afternoon was grey and sunless, a harbinger of what was to come.

    “Who’ve you got over at Port Atlantica?” Associate Gaki took a breather from helping the Senji family. The last few hours saw the Dryad loading a cart with most of the family’s belongings -- at least, those items that could be carried. The farmstead, however, would be at the mercy of the elements.

    Calhoun Senji spoke for his husband and children, winded under the weight of a grain bag. “It’s a few days with the Ratkings Caravan, then we’ll be at my cousin’s place. It’ll be tight, especially with the kids but there’s room enough ‘till this storm blows over. The Woodsaws are even considering going to the islands or to Innsmouth, if you can believe it! Speaking of that, you and the other Peace Makers are staying here?”

    “Yep” Gaki’s eyes glazed over the clouded southern horizon, where the Magna storm would make landfall. The orchids around his left shoulder and arm twitched at his doubts. The Professor insisted upon the perils of this calamity and on the preparations required to survive it.

    Trusting that madman’s “science” is a fool’s hope.

    Gaki squelched his cynicism, forcing a grin on his lips “Someone’s gotta keep eyes on your property, after all. Will o’ the council and all that.”

    Sendrik Senji came up from the cellar only long enough to stage the next set of boxes for travel. He spared the Peace Maker a nod then went below, where the children were still packing their other things.

    “Still, it’s mighty kind of the Council to send the Peace Makers to help the Farms out” On a break of his own, Calhoun wiped a weary brown and took a swig of his hip flask. “They ain’t leavin’ are they?”

    “Maybe they are, but likely not. Same with the too old and the too young” The Dryad grunted as he picked up more of the family’s boxes and walked them over to the vehicle. “Professor’s got the Sheriff and the rest convinced of his plans -- just can’t decide on which one to do”

    “He got you convinced?” Calhoun glanced sideways to the farmhouse, lowering his voice so his children couldn’t hear him “Is he really gonna be able to do it? Maybe we don’t need to leave either”

    Gaki set the box down on the cart’s floor, toys inside rattling as he did so.

    “Nah. I figure he’s gotta let us down, like always. Anyhow, ain’t no room for kids in all that -- only idiots dumb enough to fight a storm”

  • The mild autumnal weather belies a coming cataclysm. Scryers and scientists have detected a tyrant-class Magnastorm en route to the Mid-atlantic region, hitting hardest upon Snakewater itself. Preparations and evacuations are underway across Mid-atla. This spreads their forces thin even with the Archfactions offering their assistance. Clouds darken the horizon above even driving winds and manifested geists begin landfall. At Snakewater itself, the Professor offers not one but three different ways to deflect this storm.

  • Magnetic Mana Storms, also known as Magna Storms are a semi-regular occurrence in the World beyond the Fall. Hitting the continent at least twice a year, these paranatural weather patterns are said to have a heavy hand in humanity’s descent, silencing a digitally connected and electronically advanced pre-fall Earth. Even those systems hardened against electrical pulses could not withstand these energies and eldritch entities emerged from radios and similar devices.

    Current technology has adapted to Magna Storm occurrence. Humanity is still a far cry from the technological status of its heyday, but new energy sources (some inspired by said storms) light and power the towns and cities of Mid-Atla, the Templars, and the Illustrados.

    Flora and fauna have made their own adaptations. Post-fall flora are tremendously resistant to electricity, regrowing at incredible rates after a Magna Storm. Similarly, parafauna have a sixth sense about said storms, evacuating an area or hunkering down well before one arrives. Some scholars point to the eldritch-aspects of this weather as the reason for sudden changes in both animal and plants compared to their pre-Fall counterparts.

  • By Catherine Rachfalski


    The afternoon was quiet and the sun shined cheerfully from a cloudless blue sky, a far cry from the howling chaos that had engulfed the region only two days prior.

    Associate Gaki stood by as Calhoun Senji surveyed what remained of his house and farmstead. The smell of ozone and char pervaded the area. Calhoun's expression was unreadable as he gazed over upturned fields and a home that had part of the roof caved in and half of the porch blown off the front. The two had worked together to clear the path up to the house of shattered tree trunks and chunks of roof tile, but there were many hours of back-breaking work left before the farm resembled its former self again.

    “It could have been much worse.” was the most helpful thing the Peace Maker could think to add to the silence.

    “Of that I have no doubt.” replied the farmer.

    It seemed like a meaningless platitude, but Gaki still couldn't believe how true those words were. Each of the Professor's plans to shield the town from the worst of the storm's effects were more outrageous than the last. In the end, Snakewater's delvers had voted on perhaps the most sensible of the choices, and although the town suffered some damage, much of the storm's chaotic energies had been funneled into the Stormbinger Spire. Only that mad scientist and those insane delvers could turn losses like these into gains.

    “Where are the husband and kids?” Gaki asked, as Calhoun picked his way over wooden splinters and puddle-filled pockmarks to further inspect the house's damages.

    “Probably packing the cart and preparing to make their way back here as we speak.” he called back, kicking the house's wooden supports to test their steadiness. “There was never a question we'd return, but depending on what I find here, we would just be buying, borrowing, or bringing a few extra supplies with us from the road.”

    He finally smiled as he finished his circle around the building. “We built her as tough and stubborn as we are. She looks worse for wear, but the foundation is still solid and the water damage on the inside is minimal. We'll all have to pile into the living room for a while, but we'll be warm and secure at night. All thanks to those of you who weathered the storm with your backs.”

    Gaki reflected Calhoun's smile with one of his own. It was so like Snakewater to turn adversity into resolve so easily. “I appreciate the thanks, but, if you can believe it, it was the Professor's schemes that pulled the storm out of the sky and died the winds down. With his planning, we managed to dodge the worst of it—though, things got pretty rough towards the end, there.”

    “Well,” Calhoun said as he walked with the Associate back towards the main road, “pass the Senjis' thanks on to him, then, as well as the Woodsaws' and Carters'. From what I'm hearing, their properties are lookin' fairly similar. What's the Professor's next plans now that the storm has passed?”

    Gaki's dryadic branches rustled as he shrugged. “Who knows with him. The storm generated some power for the Spire, and I thought I heard him muttering about creating a more comprehensive metric for measuring magna-storms, now that one of this size came about. Something about... waffles?”

    Calhoun chuckled as they reached a fork in the road. “Well, give him and the Council our regards, and good luck helpin' the others dig their way outta this mess.”

    Gaki's back ached at the thought. “Thanks, I'll need it.”

  • Storm of the Century: Snakewater faced a Tyrant-class Magna Storm set to wipe the town out. Instead of quailing from it, the townsfolk and their protectors successfully absorbed and contained this electrical cataclysm, thanks to the Professor’s Magna Funnels. Despite the widespread damage, the captured Magnetic Mana is a source of research for the New Sciences and a testament to Humanity’s resolve against overwhelming disaster.

    (Spire +42// Campus -32, Forge -32, Mercado -32, Farms -32 [instead of -300])

    Old Labs: At the Professor’s behest, several Delver groups and guilds braved the caustic fumes of an old laboratory to retrieve equipment needed to help with the Magna Storm. (Spire +6, Forge +6)

    The Supplier: Snakewater hired Delvers to halt the distribution of a hazardous substance: Quantanium. Fortunately, the individuals found drinking the liquid were attended to. Meanwhile, the remaining Quantanium was used to prevent side-fumbling in the Magna Funnels to be used against the Magna Storm. (Mercado +2, Spire +2)

    Calculations: The Professor’s assistant, Pi, received the assistance of some Delvers in the solving of certain mathematical calculations and theories. He would later incorporate these (hopefully correct) equations into the Magna Funnels’ calibration. (Campus +2, Spire +2)

    Infested Lab: Aguilar hired Delvers to retrieve supplies from his lab that had been infested by Hive Bears. While the place had become useless for work, his hirelings were able to get the job done and contribute to the town’s protection against the storm. (Forge +5, Spire +5)

    Ichor Crystals: Several enterprising individuals were hired to contribute to the advancement of the New Sciences -- they incubated strange green crystals within themselves, persisting through their pain and silence. (Campus +2, Spire +2)

    The Forge Beasts: Subcaptain Enero of the Magistrados’ Inspectors was slain in an uncanny assassination attempt. Several of his allies and hirelings were hurt alongside him. The perpetrators were enigmatic Metabionic-like animals called Forge Beasts, creatures more at home in an illegal lab than in MId-Atla. (Mercado -5, Forge -5)

    Thunderbugs: The ECL;PS guild and Captain Talin tracked down vermin that were moving between areas with a powerful Magnetic Mana presence. Fortunately, these insects were dealt with before they could inflict damage on Snakewater’s infrastructure. (Mercado +2, Forge +2)

    In Wine, Truth: First Mate Drigo and his manservant, Manuel Cervantes, meet with another Illustrados dignitary in the Lost Sheep Cantina: Overseer Terra of CIE. They were joined by individuals of various backgrounds, some of whom piqued Drigo’s interest for employment. (Forge +2, Mercado +2)

    Nature and Nurture: A Cryptozoologist was called into Snakewater upon hearing the rumors about Clown Eggs. She gave the Delvers in town, especially the Steelwing Sentinels, her own theories about the nature of these enigmatic eggs. She even arranged for a pseudo birthday party for science’s sake. (Campus +4)

    Hanlon Resources: In the next step of their investigations, the Bearers of Wicked Fate tracked down a secret accomplice to the Night Kings. Their target, Hanlon, already had bounties on his head from his known associations with the Dawnflower Cartel, so it was a simple task to detain him. (Farms +3, Mercado +3, Forge +3)

    Flame of Faith: Several worshippers of the World Dragon were discovered burned into ashes by the Blades of the Empress. The culprit, Legate “Jyoti” was there in full sight, bleating about the Infernal Truth and boasting about their secret weapon. Fortunately, Jyoti and his fiery minions were driven away before they could hurt more folk (Tombs +5)

    Ori Avi: A blasphemous text was retrieved and brought to the Templars’ attention. There was nothing special about it. (Campus +2)

    NPC Shifts:

    • Nightbreaker and Liff banished a minor haunt from the graveyards, ushering the spirit into its afterlife.

    • Dauntless donated some of his Infusion magics into the Spire to power its functions. (Spire +6)

    • Ezra, Antonino, Maverick, Jackknife, Curly, and Screwdriver prepared the Forge district against the Magna Storm. They reinforced walls, helped with evacuation, cleared gutters, and set up auxiliary lightning rods. (Forge +30)

    • Griselda fended off some would-be looters from a local storefront (Mercado +3)

    — Snakewater’s Townsfolk: With the weather turning for the better (albeit colder), the people of Snakewater did their best to repair the damaged infrastructure. The Archfactions lent their aid to the beleaguered town, but it was the Delvers’ example of bravery and stubbornness that was the template for inspiration and motivation. Winter would find the town ready. (Bonus matches PC contributions - Campus -10//Farms +3//Mercado +12// Spire +63//Forge +47//, Tomb +10)

    NEW VALUES: (updated 12/03)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 1: 149/300 (down from Tier 1: 175/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 0: 226/300 (Up from Tier 0: 206/300)

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 1: 19/300 (Up from Tier 0: 261/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 244/300 (down from Tier 3: 256/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 266/300 (down from Tier 3: 279/300)

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 1: 6/300 (Up from Tier 0: 180/300)

  • -- Nature and Nurture: A Cryptozoologist was called into Snakewater upon hearing the rumors about Clown Eggs. She gave the Delvers in town, especially the Steelwing Sentinels, her own theories about the nature of these enigmatic eggs. She even arranged for a pseudo birthday party for science’s sake.

    Nueva Ciencia does not speak much of clowns, though the world is full of strange monstrosities and eldritch entities. There are jesters, clowns, jongleurs, and other performers in different parts of Mid-Atla. That a Night King would style himself accordingly, is especially strange.

    -- Hanlon Resources: In the next step of their investigations, the Bearers of Wicked Fate tracked down a secret accomplice to the Night Kings. Their target, Hanlon, already had bounties on his head from his known associations with the Dawnflower Cartel, so it was a simple task to detain him. (Farms +3, Mercado +3, Forge +3)

    Hanlon remains under Peace Maker custody as of the moment. His connections with the King of Lightning as well as the King of Flowers are being thoroughly examined, in exchange for leniency. Oddly, he repeated a rumor that has been floating around Mid-Atla: Aetheldred, the King of Flowers, has yet to truly recover from her bout with Snakewater. Witness saw massive cranial trauma from her disrupted magics as she left the field, but no one has confirmed this information.

  • -- The Forge Beasts: Subcaptain Enero of the Magistrados’ Inspectors was slain in an uncanny assassination attempt. Several of his allies and hirelings were hurt alongside him. The perpetrators were enigmatic Metabionic-like animals called Forge Beasts, creatures more at home in an illegal lab than in MId-Atla.

    Indeed it is said that the Technocratic development of these creatures was made illicit by Senatorial regulation and all research on them was confiscated or surrendered. It would not be too far of a leap to understand that they may have been copied. Even the Magistrados cannot be aware of every offshore facility owned by the Technocracy.

    -- Thunderbugs: The ECL;PS guild and Captain Talin tracked down vermin that were moving between areas with a powerful Magnetic Mana presence. Fortunately, these insects were dealt with before they could inflict damage on Snakewater’s infrastructure.

    Captain Talin and the Devilhook Fleet he sails with are known for their destruction of monstrosities big and small. Among the Charioteers, the Devilhooks (or Devilfish) are thought of as bloodthirsty thrillseekers rather than the typical mercantile-oriented mariner.

    -- In Wine, Truth: First Mate Drigo and his manservant, Manuel Cervantes, meet with another Illustrados dignitary in the Lost Sheep Cantina: Overseer Terra of CIE. They were joined by individuals of various backgrounds, some of whom piqued Drigo’s interest for employment.

    CIE (Celso Innovational Enterprises) is one of the prime Corporations within the Illustrados Union, suffering from many an up and down. They are spawned from the greatest of Illustrados’ engineer heroes but they have also been a party to scandals of massive import, such as the attack on the Senate in 60 BTF.

  • -- Flame of Faith: Several worshippers of the World Dragon were discovered burned into ashes by the Blades of the Empress. The culprit, Legate “Jyoti” was there in full sight, bleating about the Infernal Truth and boasting about their secret weapon. Fortunately, Jyoti and his fiery minions were driven away before they could hurt more folk

    The Infernal Apostasy refers to themselves in different ways: the Infernal Truth, the Incandescent Enlightenment, and similar epithets. Similarly, they name their Templar enemies as liars and proponents of untruth. The Oracle-Avatar, they claim, is the ultimate traitor to humanity for trafficking with Abyssal Gods. It is difficult to take this claim seriously when the Infernals themselves utilize Abyssalites in their activities.

    -- Ori Avi: A blasphemous text was retrieved and brought to the Templars’ attention. There was nothing special about it. Period.

 2024 Prologues and Epilogues



Here are a few stories that book-end each BTF Event. They feature color and information appropriate to the upcoming happenstances: Prologues give Participants a hint of what is to come and Epilogues give additional information after an Event.

2024 Prologues and Epilogues (below)


    With a flick of the wrist, The Guide dropped the newly updated map onto the large rock that acted as the group's impromptu table. Black X's crossed out many rooms that were their original route, with a bright red line tracing around them toward the circled end goal.

    “Well, the Warrens shifted us a day earlier than expected, but that's not unheard of at this depth,” he said, sitting back as the other three bent over it, lantern light illuminating his edits. “Fortunately for us it didn't throw us off course too much. An extra day or so of backtracking and we're back on schedule. In the past, I've had Warp Holes fluctuate my whole damn route, or a Void pit spit out a swarm of Hellmaws that chased us all the way back to the surface. So, all things considered, we lucked out.”

    Hezmin, the hooded party member who hadn't paused in dragging a whetstone across his dagger, scrutinized the new route with a furrowed brow. “Does this have anything to do with what lies at our destination?” He glanced up at the Guide, suspicion giving his gaze a steely edge. “Could this also have come from whatever is causing the tremors above ground?”

    The Guide scoffed and shook his head like an impatient mother trying to teach a clueless child. “No. The Warrens is as fidgety as you and doesn't like to sit still, that's all. This is normal, unlike those rumbles. They've been ripping through more or less like clockwork, and, if you've been down here as long as I have, you'd know that anything with predictable regularity is unusual 'round these parts.”

    Drox stamped his plated boot heel into the dirt, the metal sound from it reverberating off the stony walls of the dark cave around them. “Fine. Then let us be off now before we lose any more time. These cramped caves feel like they crush closer around us every day.”

    “And if you leap off out there before everything's finished settling then you really will end up crushed, you tin can.” The Guide retaliated, ignoring the warrior's responding glare. “Your guys' jobs are to kill, capture, or crush whatever's rumbling Snakewater to bits up there, my job is to get you in and out with a working number of limbs, so why don't you let the expert do what he does best so you can meander back into whatever slophouse the Peacemakers pulled you from?”

    Zana, the party's arcanist, stood up, her hand already reaching out to pull back Drox as he angrily reached for his sword, but was almost thrown to the ground again as a powerful tremor ripped through the cavern around them. The Guide grabbed the map as it hurtled off its boulder, and the others flung themselves to the ground as bits of debris were shaken loose from the ceiling and broke on the floor around them. After an interminable few moments, the shaking softened, then stopped entirely, though the group waited an extra minute before peeking up from shielding arms and hands.

    “Damn,” The Guide swore, breaking the silence. “They're really getting strong-”

    Before he could finish, the far wall exploded inward, chunks of rock scattering or crushing what remained of their camp. A moment later, blood-curdling warcries filled the chamber as a horde of misshapen forms poured in through the hole that had opened up, fur and hide, feather and scale stitched together in strange, impossible ways.

    “Skinners!” Zana yelled out, the first to react. Drox and Hezmin stood their ground in front of her as the howling chimeras fell upon them, blade and magic holding back wave after wave.

    'I don't think I've seen a warparty of Skinners that large before.' The Guide thought grimly to himself as he tucked himself into a dark corner of the room, safely out of the way of the melee. 'But those three should still make it through. Skinners rely on mob mentality, and once enough of them fall they should... Wait.'

    From his vantage point, the Guide was the first to see the behemoth step into the room. Lantern light glinted off of metal skin, and it stood a full head and shoulders taller than the Skinners it stepped past. Cool blue light blinked at various points along its metal skin, and one arm was simply a massive maul almost as long as he was tall. Pistons and servos whirred as it moved from a walk into a charge and, with a screech of metal, it bashed its maul arm into Drox, sending the warrior careening through a handful of Skinners.

    “Nope,” the Guide muttered, the quiet sound lost in the turmoil of the battle. “They're losing this one. Not my problem anymore.”

    Raising his hood, he turned and disappeared through the entrance they had first come through, his boots aiming up and away toward Snakewater as the cries of the Skinners were replaced with the pained yells of his previous party.

  • Amid the wreckage of yesteryear's magna storms, Snakewater has weathered its winter with grace. Of significant note is a newly discovered entrance to the Warrens beneath Snakewater and Libertina. These ruins are believed to be a pre-fall city and this new ingress into the so-called “Upper Warrens” has attracted many a treasure seeker and relic hunter to the town. And in the World Beyond the Fall, there are lessons to learn in the desolation of the past.

  • Recent expeditions into the Upper and Middle Warrens have placed Delvers in contact with a previously unknown faction: the Chaugnar. These individuals appear to be Chimera or Chimera-esque warriors, survivalists, and hunters. New arrivals to the region from some chthonic depth, they are known for their bloodthirsty, unprovoked attacks on delvers, adventurers, and supply trains.

    Because of their grotesque rite of skinning their foes, they have been called Skinners or Skinrippers, especially by those unfortunate enough to behold their handiwork — not unlike the Flensers of the surface wilderness. Few Chaugnar survive being captured, but those that do have little but vile revulsion for the weaklings and softbones of the “surface world”.


    Outside his window, the snow was giving way to green and brown while melt dripped from eaves and gutters. It was still too cold, of course -- but the crackling flame of the wood stove ensured that Cresence Crane’s office was warm enough to match his ire when his visitors arrived.

    The Secretary of Snakewater pursed his lips as Paige and the Sheriff entered his office with a report. “Thatcher couldn’t make it again? That man is worthless!”

    Paige simply shrugged in response - her superior was a busy man these days. She also knew better than to further provoke the Secretary.

    “Now, now,” Sheriff Hannibal placations were practiced from years of his position, though at that moment he was merely leaning against an office wall. “You know the Archivist’s got his duties, as we all do in the town council”

    “The least he could do is show up” Crane snatched the reports out of Paige’s hands, shaking the spiked bracelets around her wrists. Shortly thereafter, he began to look through them.

    The minutes dragged on, with the dripping outside and the wood stove’s flickering marking the passing seconds. The warmth was making Paige and Hannibal sweat.

    To break the silence, Paige offered cautiously. “As you can see, the hired Delvers were able to rout the Chaugnar warriors and retrieve the device”

    “A hard fight but no losses” Hannibal nodded, his wide brimmed hat bobbing along. “Them Delvers are a tough bunch, especially with all the talk of how them Skinners were”

    “Are they Packhunters?”

    Paige shook her head. “The Archivist is undecided -- they haven’t appeared in any records of the Vundarkin, but Packs can be forged at any time and by anyone. There are far more Vundarkin Packs out there than we have on record. But we do know that they’re nomadic and from a different region from the Warrens.

    Personally, I would classify them as such, even though they don’t have a Whisper that they revere…. Not that all Packhunters perform such reverences, mind you. Regardless, I have made the suggestion to the Archivist and he has yet to object”

    Crane watched her closely as she voiced her opinion, but did not interrupt. “And what about this talk of Apex Tech?”

    “Yeah, I’m curious about that myself” Hannibal raised an eyebrow. “Don’t often hear talk of Packhunters with that kind of tech — I mean it happens, just not that often”

    “Apex Tech would not be fully accurate” the scholar waggled her palm in mid air to emphasize her uncertainty. “The metabionic implantations inside the Skinner leaders were of a sophistication at the level of Illustrados, Grailguard, or even Altaric refinement. But they do not match any of the readily known specifications, at least according to our sources”

    “You mean, it’s gotta be from one of them groups?”

    “Not necessarily, I said the sophistication matched their known technological patterns and chassis, but not necessarily their exact make. I’m referring to the fact that said technology requires the industrial knowhow and machinery that, as we are currently aware, only the groups above are known to possess”

    Crane skimmed to the end of the document while Paige explained her conclusions to Hannibal. He frowned at what he read. “And the retrieved seismic device is from the Hellhounds?”

    “Specifically the Altar of Air but it has been heavily modified from its original purpose: the high power transmissions it generates were altered so that they could cause seismic activity”

    “A dangerous weapon…is it even wise to return it? Perhaps it is them that sent the Chaugnar against Snakewater”

    “Haven’t had Hellhound raids for decades now, Crane. It's different times now, especially since we got folks like Shepherd and some of the other Delvers. Besides, keeping one of their holy relics is a good way to start a fight with the Altar of Air”

    The Secretary’s eyes narrowed. “Or end one”

  • Delving the Warrens: The town council reported strange seismic activity coming from beneath, so they hired a man who calls himself “the Guide”, as well as the local Delvers and Operatives to brave the upper and middle Warrens for its source.

    What they discovered was that a nomadic warband calling themselves the Chaugnar had entered the region beneath Snakewater. They were slaying as many of the locals or Delvers as they encountered, skinning those they defeated in battle and earning the nickname of “Skinners” from their surface dwelling foes.

    Morphic Tunnels: Snakewater’s Delvers and Operatives encountered one of the Warrens’ most eerie properties -- its shifting, morphic nature. Within a subterranean chamber, they deciphered a floor puzzle wherein they spelled out the necessary words to gain passage through the room.

    Rescue the Ranger: Delvers and Operatives rescued the Guide from the hands of the Chaugnar before they could skin him alive.

    Decapitating the Chaugnar: In a climactic confrontation, Snakewater’s Delvers and Operatives reached the source of the seismic activity: a strange device that radiated earthshaking transmissions. The leaders of the Chaugnar defended this to the death, displaying an odd resistance to injury that belied even their Metabionic implants.. Ultimately, Snakewater’s folk prevailed: the Chaugnar were defeated and the device was deactivated.

    Flame of Faith: The Templars launched an assault against their Infernal foes, destroying the Amaterasu engine that they had stolen and repurposed from the Grailguard. Through this victory, they were able to prevent the use of a deadly and contagious ritual. (Mercado +5, Farms +5)

    Clown Rodeo: Cryptozoologist Zelda further investigated the instances of the Clown Eggs that the Delvers had decided to foster. This particular investigation involved yet another Clown habitat: the rodeo. (Campus +2, Forge +2)

    The Curses’ Wages: The ECL:PS guild followed up their tracking by seeking out Margot, a scientist that had his own run in with the King of Fiends. His own tragedy illustrated the dangers of such an association but at least he was put to rest before he could hurt anyone else. (Campus +2, Farm +2)

    NPC Shifts: Antonino assisted in the repair and maintenance of the Stormbringer Spire, readying it for the next round of Magna Storms coming in the mid-year (Spire +9)

    Snakewater’s Townsfolk: The sudden deluge of winter weather had not stifled Snakewater’s spirit. They dug out their snowed-in neighbors and brought hot food to the needy. Even in the depths of the season, Snakewater continued to be a beacon of warmth and hope (Bonus matches PC contributions - Campus +25//Farms +32//Mercado +54// Spire +29//Forge +20// Tomb +15)

    Current Town Expansion levels here

    NEW VALUES: (updated 02/11/24)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 1: 213/300 (up from Tier 1: 149/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 0: 256/300 (Up from Tier 0: 226/300)

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 1: 59/300 (Up from Tier 1: 19/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 294/300 (Up from Tier 3: 266/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 20/300 (Overflow from Tier 3: 266/300)

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 1: 64/300 (Up from Tier 1: 6/300)

  • -- The Traitor’s Trail: The Steelwings’ tracking of Lan Jernon revealed that the former Duster had dealings with Illustrados.

    -- Clown Rodeo: Cryptozoologist Zelda further investigated the instances of the Clown Eggs that the Delvers had decided to foster. This particular investigation involved yet another Clown habitat: the rodeo.

    -- The Relic: One of the devices stolen from the Altar of Air has been retrieved, but altered. Furthermore, the Peace Makers were able to coax more information from Hanlon (of Hanlon Resources).

  • -- The Replacement: Sargento Bonnie of the Magistrados has arrived from nearby Bridgeboro to continue the investigation that his late predecessor, Enero, had started. Unlike the inspector, the Sergeant is prepared for any kind of assassination attempt.

    -- The Curses’ Wages: The ECL:PS guild followed up their tracking by seeking out Margot, a scientist that had his own run in with the King of Fiends. His own tragedy illustrated the dangers of such an association but at least he was put to rest before he could hurt anyone else.

  • -- Flame of Faith: The Templars launched an assault against their Infernal foes, destroying the Amaterasu engine that they had stolen and repurposed from the Grailguard. Through this victory, they were able to prevent the use of a deadly and contagious ritual.

    -- Carmine Cipher: Several Carmine personages passed through Snakewater. Some carried more of the strange fiction that had appeared recently.


    Farmer Quinton sat a short distance away, a calloused hand cupping his chin, as Holland Day finished his examination of the infected calf. The creature laid almost still on the barn floor, labored breathing racking its little body and drool collecting on the hay beneath it.

    “Well?” the farmer asked, exhaustion and worry tinging his voice with an irritated hue, “Same as the others?”

    “Yes,” the vet (and also doctor, midwife and barber) confirmed, rubbing his forehead, “Though I'm still not sure exactly what infection they have. It aggressively affects both the respiratory and circulatory systems. Was this one separated from the rest of the herd?”

    “Of course. Both it and its mother. But even with them on opposite ends of the farm, they still managed to pick it up.” He rubbed a sweaty brow with a dirt-stained hand, trying to push away the panic that was beginning to bubble up in him. “At this rate, the only way to keep the rest of the herd from getting it is to sell them off. But no one will buy them if they know the rest of the herd is diseased. I'll be ruined.”

    Holland shook his head and eyed the sick calf. Its breathing was quickening, and it looked in pain. He bent back down and began to pull an eyedropper and a vial full of thick greenish liquid out of his belt pouch.

    “The calves progress too fast to treat, but the adults still have a fighting chance. Our first round of antibiotics had no reaction, so it’s either viral or fungal. I can begin a treatment of antiviral for all the infected adults. I can't save this one, but your herd should still have some survivors in it.”

    The vet looked up at him at this last sentence, full eyedropper in one hand while the other was placed on the calf, waiting for approval from its owner. Quinton grit his teeth and nodded, standing up from his stool to help.

    But as Holland began to administer the solution into its foaming mouth, he could see he had waited too long. Even as the merciful fluid entered the calf, it gave a few, shuddering last breaths, and laid still. The only sound now was the calls from the cows in the barn on the other end of the field. The farmer stood, the gravity of his situation making his head spin. He'd have to sell the farm, join up on another all over again, just to put food in his mouth. He thought he'd put all that behind him. He closed his eyes and leaned against one of the barn stall doors, steadying himself.

    The vet stood as well, packing the one vial and looking through the others he had brought. “We'll begin treatment today, give it three days, and I'll come back for round two. With any luck, a few will start to show–“ he cut off. The farmer opened his eyes.

    The little calf on the floor was stirring, little hooves scrabbling at the hay beneath it.

    “–improvement.” The vet finished, brow furrowed. He bent down again, unable to believe what he was seeing. The dose of euthanasia medicine he'd given the calf should have been more than enough for its heart to have stopped by now. He reached the back of one hand down in front of the calf's mouth to feel for its breath and, as he did so, the calf opened bloodshot eyes and bleated once before lashing out and biting at him, catching his index finger between small but strong teeth.

    He yanked back his hand, swearing. “What in the world?”

    The calls from the other barn were getting louder, and Holland could hear the rest of the herd knocking against their stalls. As if in response, the calf bleated as well, standing on unsteady hooves. It regarded both the farmer and the vet before taking a few shaky steps toward him. Its eyes rolled in their sockets, and drool continued to drip from its gaping mouth.

    The vet backed away. “Quinton, perhaps we should go discuss this in the house.” He turned to look at the farmer.

    Quinton's heart hammered in his ears, his arms and legs feeling numb. He could barely hear what the veterinarian was saying. Had he stood up too quickly? Was the stress catching up to him?

    “Jus- Just give me a minute,” he heard himself say as he slumped down to the floor, trying to catch his breath. “Do what you need to do, doc.”

    There was a sound of creaking, cracking wood in the distance as the herd's bellows rose to a fevered pitch. He heard Holland Day calling his name, but the sound became more and more distant as a ringing in his head grew louder.

    Quinton just needed to close his eyes. Just for a minute.

  • With the coming of warmer days, the cold and the snow give way to the latent land beneath. But amongst the verdancy and the earth, something rots. From deeper in the woods, there creeps an unnatural malignance. Its witnesses tell of anomalous fungi, a festering affliction, and corrupted wildlife -- at least, so say those that survive to carry the tale back to Snakewater.

  • In the World Beyond the Fall, Humanity has grown resilient to injuries and afflictions. What would have downed a Pre-fall human could be cured from an Afterfall person, with no meaningful explanations from the old sciences and biologies. How can one explain a subspecies with gossamer wings, after all?

    However, this arms race has heightened on the other side of things: Humanity must contend with strange afflictions and illnesses from the parasites, viruses, and other malfeasances of this new era. Whether the cause be parasitic paraflora, colors from outer space, malignant sorcery, or bio-engineered chemicals -- the doctors and healers of this age must contend with a lot to ensure their patients’ health.


    The Sheriff sat comfortably with his leather boots up on the table he and the Peace Makers were sat around, his wide, curved hat placed over his face to shut out the dim light from outside. Rain pattered soothingly on the roof of the Council Building, in sharp contrast to the logistical yammering of the authority figures that was keeping him awake.

    "Did Siobhan give a report of the Basilisk's condition this morning?” Associate Aspen looked up from her clipboard and around the table at the collected group, “Has the corrupted rootmass he ate been giving him any... indigestion?”

    “Seems fine so far,” Associate Wyatt drolled, “In fact, the priestess seemed confident that he's even stronger after the encounter. However, she also said that he'll need some quiet time to adjust for awhile, so we shouldn't expect to see him for a bit.”

    Aspen pursed her lips but nodded, moving on. “Do we have any follow-up on the Skinners and their 'not-quite-Apex Tech' implants?” she asked, eyes darting down her list.

    “We haven't been able to locate another group of these possible Warrens Packhunters since January,” Associate Chamomile said, “And the Guide is gone, so we've only been able to put out calls to local Delvers who pass through the Warrens. So far, nothing.”

    Aspen tore the front paper off her clipboard with a frustrated flick of her wrist. “I heard we found a strange, thin obelisk found out in the wilderness that's exuding psychic energy, and something about how it seems to be interacting with the... clown eggs that several of Snakewater's delvers own. Were we able to deduce a source? Figure out any further details?”

    “No origin located as of yet,” Associate Gaki spoke up, leaning back almost as comfortably as the Sheriff was, “And the Crypto-zoologist is doing her own research to try and find a connection, but these doesn't seem like a run-of-the-mill Geist activity, nor related to either the Seismic device we captured or the corruption from last week.”

    Aspen dropped her clipboard to the table with a clatter, and scoffed. “Nothing, nothing, and nothing. There's more unknowns building around town than we have answers, and it feels like we're in the center of a pressure cooker.”

    The Sheriff sighed beneath his hat, crossed arms raising and falling on his chest with the exhale. “Then next time we have a bunch of nothin' to talk about, can we keep it to a missive instead?”

    The logistical-minded Peace Maker fixed the lackadaisical sheriff with a glare, which went unnoticed past the man's wide brim.

    “*Speaking* of the Seismic device, I overheard that the Hellhound Malice was seen with you at the Cantina, talking you up over a few drinks. Was that also a whole lot of “nothin'?” She snapped.

    The sheriff sat up a bit, his hat sliding onto his chest, and he returned her glare with one of his own.

    “Not to mention that that Ratking lackey we arrested over by the graveyard got sprung out by Copperjaw already,” Aspen continued, “The fine he had was pretty high, and those Ratkings aren't exactly flush with reggies. Did you two work your *own* deal out?”

    The Sheriff took his heels off the tabletop and placed his hat firmly back on his head, the star-shaped badge on the front glinting in the watery afternoon light.

    “As a matter of fact, we did,” He said, dryly, “He paid the fine, as is the law, and, after a stern chat with a leading authority figure, they're not going to be makin' such stupid decisions here again. As for Malice, we had a productive talk about the Altar of Air and what that device’s return would mean to them, and we supported the Cantina while we did so.”

    He leaned back again in his chair. “I keep as tight a ship as you do. We're all workin' toward the same goal.”

    Gaki saw the retort building on the frustrated Aspen's face and stood as definitively as he could, scooting his chair back with a screech of wood on wood.

    “We've gone through all the major points, and we're all working on these leads as best we can. Why don't we head over and support the Cantina a bit ourselves for the rest of the afternoon?” He offered warmly.

    The other Associates mumbled their own agreements to this and stood up, stretching backs stiff with sitting. Aspen hesitated, looking as if she wanted to say otherwise. After a moment, she gathered her clipboard and stood, a tired smile directed at her friend.

    The Sheriff placed his hat back over his face as the others shuffled out, grateful to return to his nap.

  • Infected Invasion: After multiple reports of a fungal corruption afflicting local wildlife, a horde of parafauna attack Snakewater. They are deftly repelled by Delvers and Archfaction Operatives. After the dust had settled, their corrupted nature becomes readily apparent and an investigation followed suit. (Farm +5, Spire +5)

    Mushrooms in the Woods: As part of their knowledge seeking efforts, Delvers and Operatives scrounged the locale for more samples of the fungus-like affliction. In particular, they braved the dangerous and unpatrolled areas beyond the Farms. However, as time progressed, some of them became afflicted by its virulent spores. (Farm, Spire, Campus +3)

    Rustle Trouble: Humans and wildlife were not the only ones endangered by this menace. Upon request, Delvers and Operatives assisted an allied Wildling (i.e. nature spirit) from the newly arrived invasion, though they had to spend great amounts of energy to assist its helpers . (Farm +5)

    Machines and Math: In time, it would be revealed that this fungus-like pox was Abyssal in nature and a byproduct of last year’s Pursuer -- their forceful entrance into this reality had also resulted in this corruption that infected the local wildlife. With this revelation, they employed machinery and mathematics to find its virulent source: the root-mass (Campus +5)

    The Root-mass: In lieu of using the Templar-made Anchor, Snakewater and its protectors sought the help of the Divine Basilisk and their Priest, Siobhan. This trust was vindicated once when the Basilisk proved to be potent against otherworldly entities and corruption. It was vindicated once more when an attack was launched against said root-mass before the corruption could grow beyond containment.

    Where once the Basilisk was an enemy, something to be saved, then something to be protected -- this time it proved to be a capable ally. With the help of Delvers and Operatives, it purified the land of this Abyssal Corruption when it consumed the weakened Root-mass and dissolved the foe within its craw. With its heart destroyed -- its hold on others was destroyed with it. (All +12, except for Farms +25)

    A Donation: Several thoughtful Operatives donated what they could to the Divine Basilisk and its Priest. The land responded in turn with verdancy and prosperity. (Farm +5)

    Other Delves:

    -- Strange Pillar: An eerie energy was found in the nearby wilderness, displaying essences similar to gum and rubber to those that can read it. Investigating it led to a strange pillar that had arisen from the ground that radiated mind-destroying forces. To add to the strangeness, those with certain “eggs” displayed a remarkable resistance to its damage. The pillar was disposed of, with only a slight amount of difficulty (Tomb +2, Spire +2)

    -- Altaric Negotiation: At the Altar of Air’s behest, several Hellhounds parlayed with Sheriff Hannibal regarding the return of an Altaric relic to the Acolytes. This was the relic stolen by the King of Lightning from the Altar of Air many months ago and found in the hands of the Skinners. While the Sheriff could not order its return, he could speak to the Snakewater council on the Altar’s behalf. (Mercado +1, Forge +1)

    -- Grave Robber: Several Freefolk and the Ratkings’ Copperjaw Shaw met with the Sheriff to recover a wayward Scavver who had fallen afoul of Snakewater’s laws. The fine was paid for Cherry’s freedom and it would also go toward recompense of the area he had trespassed and defiled (Mercado +1, Forge +1)

    -- Vanished Conspiritor: An suspicious individual believed to be working with both the King of Lightning and the King of Flowers has disappeared. They were either routed from town or slain -- either way, they would not do business in Snakewater anymore (Mercado +1, Forge +1)

    -- Experimental Device: Brun of the Fomori Caravan was assisted by local Freefolk and other Delvers in testing an experimental device against Winter Geists. This magna-tech apparatus was made to nullify certain elemental magics, especially those of a specific renegade Duster (Farm +3, Forge +3, Spire +3)

    -- Pale Oak/Lan Jernon: The Steelwings and Rev rushed out to confront a renegade Duster attempting to take back his illicit cargo. Through words and bullets, they drove him back but not without being confronted by an individual with magics that seemed comparable to a Night King in strength. (Spire +2, Farms +2)

    -- Night Raid: Several Illustrados Operatives assisted a Magistrados in infiltrating a minor facility to retrieve dubious and incriminating records. Their findings led to an insight regarding the death of an Inspector, a Senatorial representative, and many passengers of a Charioteer vessel. (Mercado +2, Forge +2)

    -- Trade and Exchange: Two members of La Liga Tecnocratica met in the Cantina for an exchange of goods: the Iglesia’s Adria of the Flame and the Mist Market’s Manuel Cervantes. While Adria was queried regarding her expertise in Metabionic Engineering, Manuel lingered for a moment before making a quiet escape.

    -- Shipping Records: Templar Operatives puzzled their way through sheafs of shipping records, attempting to find illicit and/or Infernal workings within to aid in their investigation. By determining the inconsistencies and the fraud within, they managed to untangle and assist local shipping in the region, not just the Carmine’s own records. (Mercado +2, Forge +2)

    -- Abandoned Hideout: Following clues discovered by their previous researches, the Templars uncovered an abandoned and unoccupied hideout with suspected Infernal usage. Within, they found ripped papers, debris, and most troublingly, a series of inert magical runes. But even these scant clues could be used to aid in future investigations of their quarry. (Campus +3)

    -- Purifying the Forge: The Steelwing Sentinels and Dauntless assisted local efforts in purifying the Stormbringer Spire of the pseudo-fungal corruption. In particular, they burned out with chemicals and spells where it infested the foundations and fringes of the district. (Spire +34)

    -- Purifying the Tombs: The Soulcatcher was no stranger to this pseudo-fungus, but Ezra and Nightbreaker’s vigilance ensured that the apparatus remained uncorrupted. (Tomb +10)

    Snakewater’s Townsfolk*: Townsfolk and Peace Makers alike responded to support the efforts of their protectors and allies. Purification and containment efforts were enacted across the fringes of the town and the corrupted were cured of their malady, whenever it was possible. Clean up took a week at most and Snakewater was only the stronger for everyone’s efforts ( Campus +23, Farms +48, Forge +23, Mercado +22, Spire +59, Tomb +49)

    * These values match the Player Characters’ contributions, representing the NPCs work in building their homes and how the PCs inspire them to greater heights.

    Current Town Expansion levels here

    NEW VALUES: (updated 04/7/24)

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 2 9/300 (up from Tier 1: 213/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 1: 4/300 (Up from Tier 0: 256/300)

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 1: 105/300 (Up from Tier 1: 59/300)

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 40/300 (Overflow from Tier 3: 294/300)

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 60/300 (Up from Tier 3: 20/300)

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 1: 182/300 (Up from Tier 1: 64/300)

  • -- Altaric Negotiation: At the Altar of Air’s behest, several Hellhounds parlayed with Sheriff Hannibal regarding the return of an Altaric relic to the Acolytes. This was the relic stolen by the King of Lightning from the Altar of Air many months ago and found in the hands of the Skinners. While the Sheriff could not order its return, he could speak to the Snakewater council on the Altar’s behalf.

    -- Grave Robber: Several Freefolk and the Ratkings’ Copperjaw Shaw met with the Sheriff to recover a wayward Scavver who had fallen afoul of Snakewater’s laws. The fine was paid for Cherry’s freedom and it would also go toward recompense of the area he had trespassed and defiled

    -- Vanished Conspiritor: An suspicious individual believed to be working with both the King of Lightning and the King of Flowers has disappeared. They were either routed from town or slain -- either way, they would not do business in Snakewater anymore

    -- Experimental Device: Brun of the Fomori Caravan was assisted by local Freefolk and other Delvers in testing an experimental device against Winter Geists. This magna-tech apparatus was made to nullify certain elemental magics, especially those of a specific renegade Duster

    -- Pale Oak/Lan Jernon: The Steelwings and Rev rushed out to confront a renegade Duster attempting to take back his illicit cargo. Through words and bullets, they drove him back but not without being confronted by an individual with magics that seemed comparable to a Night King in strength.

  • -- Night Raid: Several Illustrados Operatives assisted a Magistrados in infiltrating a minor facility to retrieve dubious and incriminating records. Their findings led to an insight regarding the death of an Inspector, a Senatorial representative, and many passengers of a Charioteer vessel.

    -- Trade and Exchange: Two members of La Liga Tecnocratica met in the Cantina for an exchange of goods: the Iglesia’s Adria of the Flame and the Mist Market’s Manuel Cervantes. While Adria was queried regarding her expertise in Metabionic Engineering, Manuel lingered for a moment before making a quiet escape.

    The Interview: As requested, the Peace Makers have secured a location for an interview with one of their more troublesome prisoners for the purpose of greater knowledge against the Night Kings.

  • -- Shipping Records: Templar Operatives puzzled their way through sheafs of shipping records, attempting to find illicit and/or Infernal workings within to aid in their investigation. By determining the inconsistencies and the fraud within, they managed to untangle and assist local shipping in the region, not just the Carmine’s own records.

    -- Abandoned Hideout: Following clues discovered by their previous researches, the Templars uncovered an abandoned and unoccupied hideout with suspected Infernal usage. Within, they found ripped papers, debris, and most troublingly, a series of inert magical runes. But even these scant clues could be used to aid in future investigations of their quarry.


    Verdant Harvest: When Guilds with an Estate perform a Greater Harvest and reach 10+ Interim Actions, additional CMP is learned. The Leader of this Venture gains 1 more Basic CMP and all participating Guilders receive 1 more Minor CMP.

    Tranquility Now: Whenever you would get the Vital Lore ATN, you can choose to get the Tranquil Lore ATN instead.

    Tranquil Lore (2 ATN): When you imbue others with Healing or Resolve, you may increase that effect by +1.

    • Drawback 1: Tranquil Mindset: You cannot inflict more than 1 damage through attacks or spells.

    • Drawback 2: Earthen Link: If the local land suffers any maladies or corruption, you may find yourself subject to this as well between Events


    Grave Gifts: When a Player Character (PC) that is currently dead is granted a Greater Revive during Events, they also receive one Grave Gift (see Grave Gift options).

    Memory Loss: They also have the option to lose up to 3 Skills and refund the spent XP (but not the spent CMP). The PC’s remaining Skills must still fulfill the requirements after this memory loss.

    Additional benefit: If you have at least one Grave Scar from a BTF Event but no Grave Gift, you retroactively receive one Grave Gift if you were not yet Gifted with one.


    A pilgrimage of students and scholars enter the town.

    During Market Hour, Basic and Complex Skills may be Self-Trained without expending Components, at the cost of an additional Attunement (labeled Symposium).

    This influx of knowledge may invite illicit and hazardous magics or lore-eating entities to the area.

  • (A letter written and sent out from Hanlon Harrows while in Peace Maker custody)

    To our fine representative of the Right and Honorable Order, First Cog Tubby Turbine,

    May the cool glow of the Great Machine bathe you in its logical light, illuminating off the perfection of your metal flesh, and so on and so forth.

    It is I, Hanlon Harrows, of Hanlon Resources, your helpful and necessary benefactor and supply chain contributor of great repute and renown. I know we haven’t spoken in some time.

    Hopefully the Order is, well, going orderly right now. I recognize that you haven’t received a shipment from us for about two months now. I imagine all the ruckus in the Warrens the past few months may have been a bit disruptive down there so we have been waiting for things to cool off. Rest assured we are still active and capable up here and are still plenty capable of conducting business.

    And, speaking of business, I do recall you mentioning in our previous parley that the Order is looking to grow. As it just so happens, I have a few individuals here who look to have “sparked” an interest in joining your little outfit. I know I’ve been able to gain you some helpful essentials many times in the past, so I trust that you trust me to get you the goods, whether they be mechanical parts or new Cogs for your Machine.

    If this little zappy idea tickles your fancy, then send on over a few of your finest representatives to the Lost Sheep Cantina on midnight, May 18th. I’m sure it’ll be worth your while.

    Regarding our next shipment, if things are all well and good, send your representative over to Hanlon Resources Headquarters. We’ve been so very busy lately that we may still not have your order on fire, but if you just give our workers there a reminder, we’ll get you all set up. I’m currently setting up a supply line with a new retailer in New Oasis and unfortunately can’t meet in person for a little while. Also, please bring the reggies up front this time. I know your group is good for them, but we’re trying to liquidate some funds for a… Hanlon-sized transaction soon.

    Many thanks and may the Great Machine… be ever so great and machine-y!

    Hanlon Harrows,

    Owner and Proprietor of Hanlon Resources

  • Warmth has crept its way into Snakewater's bones, with the cold skittering away in response. The traffic of springtime traders and travelers brings forth sightings of less savory and more nocturnal voyagers. The rumors claim that some search while others gather toward some unknown purpose. Without a doubt, their presence heralds a long coming strife.

    And beneath the blooming of flowers and the chaos of life renewed, that which has been stolen has been found yet again.

  • The Peace Makers, the Hellhounds, the Altar of Air have colluded to track down the latter’s stolen relics. One of said relics was the Skinner’s Shivering Altar, which was taken from the hands of the Skinners in January of this year after a tumultuous battle in the Warrens. This darksome place may yet be the location for another of Altaric relic -- thought it is instead within the grasp of a shadowy, tech-obsessed Order.

  • Word has come up from Gardenholt in the far south and New Oasis to the west that the Dawnflower Cartel is on the move once more. Believed to be the public hand of the Night King Aetheldred, this Cartel’s recent appearance has inspired more than their share of concern from the Archfactions at large. Why they are calling in their debts and collecting resources remains a troubling mystery.

  • In the wilderness around Snakewater and in its darkest alleys, tittering laughter and rumbling chuckles can be heard. For some folk, they report seeing flashes of bright colors and movement in the corner of their vision. For others, particularly those close to the Sphere of Detection, a vague and ominous feeling looms and threatens to wax.

  • [Professor’s Lab, Snakewater; June 2, 101 BTF]

    Frieda Quackenbush, assistant 6.28 for the Professor, chewed the end of a pencil as she watched her mentor run his fingers through his hair, standing already frazzled strands even more on end. The laboratory, a mess of papers, tools, and spare parts on a good day, looked like a tornado had gathered in it, centered on the remnants of the Great Machine that had been cobbled back together and the Professor, frustratedly trying to get it working again. Various modules, power cores, field notes, and lengths of wire lay scattered about the two of them, making moving about the area precarious.

    The Professor scowled, raising his hand as if to slap it against the monitor in front of him then, thinking better of it, lowered it again. "Those idjuts managed to cobble this thing together in a cave… with rocks, and we can't even get a single terminal working in the lab. What are we missing?" He asked, though Frieda couldn't tell if he was asking her or the parts in front of him.

    "Have we implored the Hellhounds to allow us marginal use of their Whirling Orb, at least until we can find a power source that operates this terminal without frying it?” Frieda asked, pushing up her glasses with the palm of her hand. “Reports say the Orb seemed to be powering the entire series of terminals just fine with the Order's setup."

    "Them Peacemakers and Hellhounds don’t like me too much. Last I heard, it was already halfway to the Hellhounds’ Altar of Air." The professor responded.

    "Well," Frieda tapped the pencil on her cheek thoughtfully, "It sounds like they probably had at least one terminal powered before they got their hands on the Hellhounds' artifact, so they were able to use something before the Orb to power it."

    "That's what’s puzzling, Pi," the Professor crossed his arms, staring with squinted eyes at the powered-off monitor as if willpower alone would turn it on. "Those cuckoos in the Order said they found this Machine, but if they needed the Orb too…then whatever original power source down there don’t work no more or they woulda have looked elsewhere. So what temporary power source did they have? And how did it let them print so many and such complex body mods?"

    "It’s Frieda, sir. Perhaps they stole some Apex tech from the Isles?" Frieda supplied, ever full of hypotheses.

    "Mmmhmmmmmm…” The Professor shook his head. “It's possible, but the Peace Makers’ve been asking around for that and they haven’t heard anything. The Order’s got some high friends in high places,. Maybe, if we could suss out their origin, we can figure out the tech needed to turn this thing on." 

    He chewed his lip and grabbed a few parts from the pile at his feet, connecting them with a small cord of electrical wire he procured from his labcoat pocket. "Until then, we keep modifying what we have here. Pi, what attempt number will this be?"

    "Frieda, sir, and thirty-seventh." The patient Assistant raised her notepad, scratching in a new reference line at the bottom of a crowded table.

    "Hm. Not even triple digits yet? We got time." The Professor carried on, caressing the monitor in a manner that seemed almost alien to Frieda. "Time enough to reveal the secrets in this little gizmo."

  • -- The Great Machine: Many months ago, the King of Lightning’s minions stole relics from the tech-priests of the Hellhounds. One of said relics was discovered to be somewhere in the Warrens, a subterranean city ruin from the old world. The Order of the Great Machine was using it to power a mysterious contraption and perhaps the strange augmentations they were peddling.

    -- Rage against the Device: Raids and counter raids marked the escalating strife between the Night King’s minions and those they would conquer. At several points, lab materials and batteries were stolen from the Professor then retrieved from the Chaugnar Chimera that stole them. (Forge +5, Mercado +5, Spire +10)

    -- System Override: It would be a pitched battle where Snakewaters’ protectors vanquished the Order and their Skinner allies. They would be brought to victory not just through strength of arms but also technical expertise by overriding the systems of the so-called Great Machine. For now, King Celso’s minions have been broken and scattered along with his machinations. (all +10 except Forge +15, Campus +15, Spire +15)

    Other Delves: 

    -- Picking Flowers: Minions of Aetheldred, the Night King of Flowers, were intercepted while they passed near Snakewater. Though they were defeated and driven away, they presence implies Aetheldred’s recovery from her defeat at the hands of Snakewater’s protectors.

    -- Stranger Danger: Eerie strangers in motley and song were confronted and dealt with in several places around Snakewater. In one such case, the Basilisk of Snakewater’s myths drove the clownish figures away. (Campus +8, Spire +3)

    -- Different Strains: Assisted by Zelda the Cryptozoologist, several Delvers helped their Clown eggs hatch into little Clownling helpers. Despite initially being suspected of being under the control of a Night King, they have shown themselves to be benign and even beneficial to those that have taken the time to care for them. (Campus +3)

    -- The Blackguard’s Trail: The Freebooters and their Delver allies attempted to make contact with a small Scavver Caravan to get clues regarding a mysterious Blackguard. They discovered corpses and ruin instead -- the Blackguard had got there first and took his prize from the Scavvers before killing most of them. The Delvers healed those they could and were able to rescue the Caravan’s lost dependents. However, the Scavvers’ belongings were missing after the rescue. The Scavvers themselves had to rely on the Freebooters for food and lodging for many weeks afterward, as opposed to starving to death from being robbed. (Mercado +2, Farm +2)

    -- Recalibration: To prepare for their confrontation with Lan Jernon, the rogue Duster, Brun of the Fomori Caravan continued her experiments and calibration of their anti-magic devices. Meant to stopper Lan Jernon’s elemental spellcraft, said devices showcase the Scavvers’ ability to scavenge together wondrous machinery from ruin and scraps. (Farm +5, Forge +5)

    -- Increasing Attacks: Though they have not struck in a while. more of the Technocratic League report being attacked by Forgebeasts, though they have still survived. These Metabionic menaces are mechanically augmented and lobotomized parafauna that maintain enough cunning to be autonomous yet follow orders. Thus far, it appears that most of these Illustrados VIPs have been subject to Forgebeast ambush. (Mercado +2)

    -- The Orb: To pursue a lead, the Peace Makers brought in “Prophet”, an outlaw Arcanist, to be interrogated by Delvers. Though the content of their dialogue spanned many eldritch and dubious topics, it is believed that it is related to a magical orb retrieved by the Peace Makers during the next day. (Campus +2)

    -- The Ritual: The Blades of the Empress were tasked by their Templar superiors in exorcizing a haunting presence from a dwelling. Through rite and ritual, they managed to determine the type of entity they were dealing with and banish it. (Tomb +5)

    -- On the Trail: The Templars’ investigations into an Infernal Malificer have yielded information regarding a common criminal among the Carmine Conclave. With Peace Maker mandate, they apprehended the criminal to interrogate him about his Infernal contacts. Surprisingly, said Infernal contact appeared to taunt the Templars briefly during the arrest. (Mercado +5, Forge +5)

    -- Delvers: Members of the Blades of the Empress, ECL;PS, the Bearers of Wicked Fate, and the Steelwing Sentinels assisted the townsfolk in various activities, such as re-calibrating the Stormbringer Spires, guarding incoming shipments to La Gran Fragua, and guarding the graveyards from carrion animals. (Forge +20, Spire +29, Tomb +10)

    -- Snakewater’s Townsfolk*: Townsfolk in Snakewater and the surrounding areas have continued not only their post winter recoveries but also the preparation for the upcoming annual Snakewater Festival. (Campus +20, Farms +28, Forge +50, Mercado +27, Spire +57, Tomb +25)

    * These values match the Player Characters’ contributions, representing the NPCs work in building their homes and how the PCs inspire them to greater heights.

    NEW VALUES: (updated 07/6/24)  

    • FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 65/300 (up  from Tier 2: 9/300)  

    • GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 1: 54/300 (Up from Tier 1:  4/300)  

    • LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 1: 205/300 (Up from Tier 1: 105/300) 

    • LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 80/300 (Overflow from Tier 3: 40/300)   

    • MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 118/300 (Up from Tier 3: 60/300)   

    • STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 1: 296/300 (Up from Tier 1: 182/300)

  • -- The Blackguard’s Trail: The Freebooters and their Delver allies attempted to make contact with a small Scavver Caravan to get clues regarding a mysterious Blackguard. They discovered corpses and ruin instead -- the Blackguard had got there first and took his prize from the Scavvers before killing most of them. The Delvers rescued and healed those they could although the Scavvers’ belongings were missing after the rescue. The Scavvers themselves had to rely on the Freebooters for food and lodging for many weeks afterward, as opposed to starving to death from being robbed.

    -- Recalibration: To prepare for their confrontation with Lan Jernon, the rogue Duster, Brun of the Fomori Caravan continued her experiments and calibration of their anti-magic devices. Meant to stopper Lan Jernon’s elemental spellcraft, said devices showcase the Scavvers’ ability to scavenge together wondrous machinery from ruin and scraps.

    -- Two out of Three: With Snakewater’s victory over the Order of the Great Machine and their Skinner allies, a second relic was recovered and returned to the Hellhound’s Altar of Air. The Whirling Orb has made its way to the Altaric Acolytes in exchange for their appreciation and no small amount of Components sent to Snakewater. Said Reggies compensated the Peace Makers, who rewarded those who were instrumental in the Whirling Orb’s retrieval.

  • -- Increasing Attacks: Though they have not struck in a while. more of the Technocratic League report being attacked by Forgebeasts, though they have still survived. These Metabionic menaces are mechanically augmented and lobotomized parafauna that maintain enough cunning to be autonomous yet follow orders. Thus far, it appears that most of these Illustrados VIPs have been subject to Forgebeast ambush.

    -- The Orb: To pursue a lead, the Peace Makers brought in “Prophet”, an outlaw Arcanist, to be interrogated by Delvers. Though the content of their dialogue spanned many eldritch and dubious topics, it is believed that it is related to a magical orb retrieved by the Peace Makers during the next day.

  • -- The Ritual: The Blades of the Empress were tasked by their Templar superiors in exorcizing a haunting presence from a dwelling. Through rite and ritual, they managed to determine the type of entity they were dealing with and banish it. 

    -- On the Trail: The Templars’ investigations into an Infernal Malificer have yielded information regarding a common criminal among the Carmine Conclave. With Peace Maker mandate, they apprehended the criminal to interrogate him about his Infernal contacts. Surprisingly, said Infernal contact appeared to taunt the Templars briefly during the arrest.


  • With only the barest whisper of midsummer Magnastorms after the cataclysm of yesteryear, the summer blazes bright over the Mid-Atla region. The much vaunted Annual Snakewater Festival returns with a vengeance! Townsfolk and visitors alike can expect games and tournaments to test their skills. Indeed prizes await those with physical prowess, innovative ingenuity, and also luck for those willing to engage in the various games of chance!


    The motley suit and facepaint spoke the lie of Giggles’ happiness, sitting alone as he was on a tree stump. The forest around him and the river beside him were limned in moonlight, though neither could currently be heard over a cantankerous tirade.

    “I already miss him” said the meat puppet.

    Even Giggles’ loudest sigh went unlistened. An hour had passed since the music and the light had halted, farther up the river. Almost none of the others had returned from Snakewater - neither the Noberons or Bowberons or even Auberon Sr. 

    To Giggles’ great regret, Sarastro survived, shrieking “FATHER!!!” upon arrival. But Giggles was bereft of company otherwise. Meanwhile, the green and black figure continued to announce plans and oaths with aplomb: “I WILL AVENGE FATHER AND EVEN MY BROTHER SHALL TASTE! MY! FUUUUURY!”. 

    And as Sarastro droned on, Giggles disassociated. It was in this very same forest clearing years ago as he recalled it. The meat puppet watched Auberon turn the humans of a caravan inside out and he made his eponymous sound -- the whole affair was absolutely hilarious. He especially liked the part where the folded humans couldn’t understand what was happening until the laughter began burbling from within them and more “happy friends” incarnated through the flesh vessels.

    Flesh. Solidity. Sanity. What simple concepts this Reality had.

    Giggles finally broke out of his own internal tempest of thoughts and screaming. His current vessel was a screamer and quite distracting -- something to take care of sooner rather than later. There was no shortage of humans that were willing to pay the price of power or listen to eldritch whispers.

    But first - cooperation, just like the fleshlings liked to do.

    “I’ll help! I looove helping!’ 

    Yet when he spoke, it was only the sounds of river water and dark forest, with the latter being especially loud. Gone was the outside screaming and overdramatic scheming. When Giggles looked about, there was no sign of Sarastro except for a severed arm, flopping fish-like and squeaking in the mud.

    Looking up allowed Giggles to see his fate - it loomed, feather-winged, and open mouthed. The moon behind it could not be seen, but then again Giggles would not see much after a few seconds. 

    As dire as his situation was, he did count himself fortunate for two particularly small mercies: 

    1) He found a solution to the internal screaming

    2) The Basilisk did not chew.

  • --Enough Clowning Around: In the wilderness around Snakewater and in its darkest alleys, tittering laughter and rumbling chuckles can be heard. For some folk, they report seeing flashes of bright colors and movement in the corner of their vision. Rumor has it that the town’s protectors, the Peace Maker Cartel, have increased their patrols and put out a moratorium on hiring certain types of motley-clad performers.

    -- A Poisoned Land: A few hours after midnight on Saturday morning, Auberon and his strange “Jesterlings” pulled parts of Snakewater into an eldritch domain, inimical to human existence. Some individuals proved more resilient than others but most found themselves severely weakened while facing the King of Fools and his minions. This allowed the Jesterlings to continuously poison the land beneath with tenebrous energies. (-30 to all, potential maximum of -200)

    -- Snakes and Jesters: The battle was pitched but the Jesterlings were pressed back. Though Auberon displayed an inordinate amount of strength in this eldritch domain, he appeared to be beating a hasty retreat upon the appearance of Siobhan Terragon, a priestess of the Divine Basilisk. The reasons for her arrival and for Auberon’s exit would not be known until later

    -- Fool me once: Intrepid researchers among the Operatives and Delvers in Snakewater discovered several leads regarding this latest threat: some of Snakewater’s previous solutions against eldritch menaces of potential use. Furthermore, evidence pointed to an animosity between the Wildling entity known as the Divine Basilisk and otherworldly, xenotheurgic threats The strangest implication of this news was that Auberon, King of Fools, was no mere vampiric Sorcerer as the other Night Kings were. Indeed, Auberon was himself an Eldritch entity from beyond the stars! (Spire +3, Campus +3)

    -- Verdant Communion: Preparations were made for the next attack upon Snakewater. Among them, Siobhan led rituals to commune with the essence of the land and of the Divine Basilisk. Both the verdancy of the region and the knowledge of these forgotten traditions were strengthened by the process. (Campus +3, Farm +3)

    -- Calibration and Encabulation: The Professor’s assistants received helped from local Delvers and Operatives in order to recalibrate the Encabulator and Soul Catcher to assist them against Auberon’s eldritch domain. With the necessary adjustments, individuals were able to lock their spirits in place and withstand the rigors of Auberon’s magics.

    -- The King of Fools: With preparations made and defenses readied, Auberon found Snakewater wary against his deceptions and his forces that Saturday evening. The eldritch domain that proved so vorpal to them was blunted and the Divine Basilisk lent them strength through rune and spirit. (Poisoned land partially counteracted;  +25 to all)

    -- Kingslayers: Though Snakewater’s defenders first found themselves surrounded on all sides by the Jesterlings and by Auberon’s clones, they snatched victory from the jaws of death. The final blow against Auberon's true form (or at least the truest form that could be found) was paired with the deadliest of barbs: a bad joke. Rather than fall screaming to his doom or swearing vengeance, the King of Fools chose to walk away. With the King’s ego wounded and essence banished, Snakewater returned to normal. (+10 to all)

    Other Delves: 

    -- The Queen of Agony: As they once did against the Pursuer of the Damned, Malice called upon the Thunders to bequeath their allies with an agonizing song. Eldritch technology and faith would shield the rite’s participants from the worst part of Auberon’s domain. The rite remains in the Altar of Air’s domicile but its usefulness would inspire scholars looking for similar lore. (Tombs +3, Campus +3)

    -- Dust to Dust: Alerted by the tracing bullet they shot him with, the Steelwing Sentinels and their allies intercepted the renegade Duster known as Lan Jernon and Pale Oak. Though the Duster employed elemental magics of mud and wind, his sorcery would not avail him against the superior technology and firepower of the Freefolk and their allies. Lan Jernon was slain and in his final death throes, he was used as a puppet by the arrogantly paternal Yama the Merciful. (Tombs +5, Farms +5)

    -- The Hallowed Asylum: Invoking the God-Empress for her favor, the Blades of the Empress and those with them enacted a protective rite that warded against Abyssal powers. While the rite’s true methodology remains in the hands of the Temple, its counteraction vs. the eldritch would serve future scholars looking for similar knowledge. (Tombs +3, Campus +3)

    -- Contractually Bound: Celso Innovational Enterprises had their own assistance to lend Snakewater, but it would come with a price: a few meetings with the VIPs of various Power Groups and Archfactions. Several business minded individuals agreed to CIE’s offer, which afforded Snakewater a potent technological item for use against Auberon’s Abyssal domain. (Mercado +3)

    -- Royal Excision: Members of ECL;PS utilized medical skill, technological expertise, and interfactional assistance to excise several Blood Curses from amongst their number. The origin of the Blood Curses was Ravan-Ajasha, the King of Fiends, who did not let them have their way without a little bit of a struggle and a “gentlemanly” discussion. (Campus +5, Forge +5)

    -- Best Served Cold: Earlier in the day, the Bearers of Wicked Fate were subject to a retributive attack. They would find their own vengeance against said assassins, waylaying them and burying them into the dirt. Despite the vendetta, the locals would be safer with the elimination of these criminal elements and their Night King associations (Farm +5, Spire +5)

    -- Bug Zappers: Captain Talin of the Devilhook Fleet led several Delvers on a mission to investigate and eliminate several Storm Geists and lightning-based parafauna. Said creatures seemed to be drawn to the area, though the exact reason had yet to be determined. (Spire +5)

    -- Delvers: Snakewater’s festival was under the protection of several Delvers in the region. Several malfunctioning autowagons were repaired and some needed calibrations were performed on the Spire. Also, the local graveyards and memorials were tended to ensuring that grievers and caretakers were granted some measure of relief even during the festivities.  (NPC shifters = Forge +9, Spire +15, Tomb +9)

    -- Snakewater’s Townsfolk*: The Annual 30th Snakewater Festival was another great success this year. For especial mention were the fighting and shooting tourneys, as well as the drink contest and the relay race. The Town Council thanks everyone and all for their help with ensuring the region’s continued prosperity. (Campus +27, Farms +23, Forge +27, Mercado +13, Spire +41, Tomb +30)

    * These values match the Player Characters’ contributions, representing the NPCs work in building their homes and how the PCs inspire them to greater heights.



    Dives (NOPE)












    NEW VALUES: (updated 08/18/24)  

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 116/300 (up  from Tier 2: 65/300)  

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 1: 119/300 (Up from Tier 1:  54/300)  

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 1: 264/300 (Up from Tier 1: 205/300) 

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 139/300 (Overflow from Tier 3: 80/300)   

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 149/300 (Up from Tier 3: 118/300)   

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 2: 83/300 (Up from Tier 1: 296/300)

    ription text goes here

  • -- The Queen of Agony: As they once did against the Pursuer of the Damned, Malice called upon the Thunders to bequeath their allies with an agonizing song. Eldritch technology and faith would shield the rite’s participants from the worst part of Auberon’s domain. The rite remains in the Altar of Air’s domicile but its usefulness would inspire scholars looking for similar lore. 

    -- Dust to Dust: Alerted by the tracing bullet they shot him with, the Steelwing Sentinels and their allies intercepted the renegade Duster known as Lan Jernon and Pale Oak. Though the Duster employed elemental magics of mud and wind, his sorcery would not avail him against the superior technology and firepower of the Freefolk and their allies. Lan Jernon was slain and in his final death throes, he was used as a puppet by the arrogantly paternal Yama the Merciful. 

    -- Best Served Cold: Earlier in the day, the Bearers of Wicked Fate were subject to a retributive attack. They would find their own vengeance against said assassins, waylaying them and burying them into the dirt. Despite the vendetta, the locals would be safer with the elimination of these criminal elements and their Night King associations 

  • -- Contractually Bound: Celso Innovational Enterprises had their own assistance to lend Snakewater, but it would come with a price: a few meetings with the VIPs of various Power Groups and Archfactions. Several business minded individuals agreed to CIE’s offer, which afforded Snakewater a potent technological item for use against Auberon’s Abyssal domain.

    -- Royal Excision: Members of ECL;PS utilized medical skill, technological expertise, and interfactional assistance to excise several Blood Curses from amongst their number. The origin of the Blood Curses was Ravan-Ajasha, the King of Fiends, who did not let them have their way without a little bit of a struggle and a “gentlemanly” discussion. (Campus +5, Forge +5)

    -- Bug Zappers:

    Captain Talin of the Devilhook Fleet led several Delvers on a mission to investigate and eliminate several Storm Geists and lightning-based parafauna. Said creatures seemed to be drawn to the area, though the exact reason had yet to be determined.

  • -- The Hallowed Asylum: Invoking the God-Empress for her favor, the Blades of the Empress and those with them enacted a protective rite that warded against Abyssal powers. While the rite’s true methodology remains in the hands of the Temple, its counteraction vs. the eldritch would serve future scholars looking for similar knowledge. 

    -- The Wall: Far to the west, the Wall Watchers report movement from the Beringian Blockade. In response, the Sea Serpents have been ferrying Talonites to ward off a potential Glow Devil attack, the first in a few decades. This has the unfortunate result of drawing troops away from most other pursuits and other objectives, leaving only the absolute minimum on far off garrisons and holdings.

  • [From the Hunting Log of Talin, Captain of the Estrella de Zafira, July 23rd, 101 BTF]

    Well, plans have been put into motion as best as I could muster. I informed Snakewater this weekend of the approaching beast that seems to have taken a sudden interest in the region so that they can begin their preparations, and I sent Mewlindra back to the ship to get the crew ready for a hunt. Despite the potential turf war this creature’s presence might mean, and the cautions I gave them, the town isn’t cowering at this news. The delvers of this region are made of some strong stuff.

    Which is good. They’ll need it. Our crew has carried out quite a few hunts over the years, but this quarry boasts some strange qualities. It seems to become agitated and even energized from passing magnastorms. The swarms of electricity-aspected insects left in the wake of this thing seem to have a mutually beneficial relationship with this creature, feeding off the beast’s released energy and becoming empowered themselves. I will need to keep surveying this creature. And come up with a name. 

    [August 28th, 101 BTF]

    After getting back onto the trail of this creature, I’ve settled into my surveying routine once again. To recap what I’ve seen so far, when I started tracking it about two months ago, it appeared to have a fairly predictable pattern, moving in wide circles throughout the wilderness. I can’t say with certainty how long it’s been in the area, but, if I had to make a guess, it seems like a newcomer. It leaves deep claw marks on the biggest trees it can find, shreds and leaves the corpses of any native megafauna that gets in its way, and occasionally levels and scorches areas of the forest in what I assume are unmissable displays of strength to other predators. Seeing its energy levels after the midsummer magnastorm, I surmise that last winter’s storm of epic proportions must have given it a growth spurt and boosted its strength, giving it the confidence to take some large territory for itself. This region is as good as any, but I suspect it chose Snakewater for a reason. There’s a lot of technology in that town, and this creature doesn’t seem to be picky about recharging itself from natural occurrences like magnastorms or manmade sources. 

    When it made a sudden turn toward this area last month, I feared the worst, but it seems to have settled back into the same habits as before. It’s closer to the population than I’d like, but perhaps it’s wary of the strength of the town, seeing as they took out a threat that this creature feared enough to stay away from. If this continues, I may have to shift our preparations from a hunt to helping the town coexist, uneasy as it may be. If it doesn’t bother the townspeople, having this creature around could prevent other threats from coming close, paradoxically making the area safer. We’ll see.

    [September 10th, 101 BTF]

    The beast made another unexpected turn yesterday, and took off at great speed towards one of the major roads crossing the wilderness. By the time I caught up to it, a day later, I only found the aftermath of its destructive encounter with a Scavver caravan. The contents, living and otherwise, of the crew were shattered and strewn about, like a tree trunk exploding from a lightning strike. After clearing out a thick swarm of Fulminous bugs gathered around the area, I see what its target was: the central carriage. Massive claws had split open the encasing, and it was completely drained of power. What’s worse, the beast has made another turn—this time towards Snakewater proper. This must have been the last charge that it needed before it felt ready to challenge the town. Whether we repel it or kill it, we’ll have to give a show of force it can’t ignore.

    I know what to name this beast that fights like a demon and devastates its surroundings; Rai-Oni. Sound the hunting horn, I hope Snakewater is ready for a hunt.

  • Summer days and summer nights are growing cooler. Yet, in the midst of the latter are sightings of more "fulminous swarms", lightning-based parafauna in the region. In addition, some seers proclaim that the flashes of dry lightning and the echoes of thunder are portents of an impending threat. And if Magnetic Mana Storms are currently out of season, what could this gathering storm be?

  • Like their heavy hulled ships, the Charioteers of the Devilhook Fleet (aka the Devilfish) are gnarled and scarred. They take to grim work with a butcher’s ease but they have also learned hard lessons in working together and recognizing when to cut their losses. Given their preferred prey, casualties are a common occurrence among the Devilhooks but the tales of their valor and the cut of their reputation ensures a steady stream of recruits.

    On land, the Devilfish prefer heavier armor, loud firearms, and jagged spears. They maintain their reputation for hardiness and bravery, willing to Delve dangerous ruins and irradiated wastelands for loot. Their markets are thus well-stocked with valuable goods and useful salvage, but most of all: the organs and reagents borne of monsters. If one wishes to find their stalls, an individual merely needs to follow the smell of roasting meats and blood puddings.

  • [From the Hunting Log of Talin, Captain of the Estrella de Zafira, Port Atlantica, October 10, 101 BTF]

    Well, it took the better part of a month, but the Rai-Oni has finally reached its new home in Port Atlantica, overlooking the ocean to the east. I helped escort the sedated creature here from Snakewater, alongside a small contingent of Peace Makers, but, between the medicine used to keep the creature asleep for the trip, and the fact that it had cleared out the local predators before we captured it, the trip was largely uneventful. Despite the Rai-Oni’s territorialism and the season’s chilly weather, the forest still felt just a bit too quiet for comfort as we traveled. At times, I swear I saw a stag or two keeping careful pace with us just beyond the treeline. When I inquired this to the Peace Makers, they reminded me of just how peculiar Snakewater’s region was, and how normal abnormality was around here. Call it a hunter’s instinct, but I’m not sure how much I agree with ‘em.  

    Back to the present, though, I was concerned that the good people of the port wouldn’t be up to the simultaneous tasks of both creating a holding container large and strong enough to hold it and finishing it by the time we escorted the Rai-Oni here. However, with generous help from the scholars of Library Lane and the Snakewater Council, Port Atlantica had the funds and motivation to see the job done.

    Several researchers in Library Lane, much to my delight, were ecstatic at the opportunity to observe and understand this creature at close proximity. Its natural ability to devour electrical charge and convert it to biological energy is unusual for a native non-summoned, non-Geist creature, and could highlight a new ecological path being undertaken by this region’s megafauna. Could our world be fighting back against alien horrors by carving out species that can hold their own against them? 

    I will leave the experts to their work, but I eagerly look forward to returning and comparing notes with the scholars soon.

    With this task complete, I plan on returning to the Estrella de Zafira by the weekend and, after helping haul any remaining artillery and hunting equipment back on deck from Snakewater, beginning the most arduous task of them all; paperwork. Mewlindra has likely tackled the lion’s share of it by now, but we allocated a large portion of our coffers towards the speedy smithing of a number of items for the hunt, and we’ll need to see where our funds are at currently. Barring any further megafauna encroachments, I think we’ll be back on track in the new year, and a richer crew for it.

  • -- Hunting Monsters: Aided by Captain Talin of the Devilhook Fleet, the Delvers of Snakewater were able to ascertain an impending threat to the region: a monstrosity of lightning and fury called a “Rai Oni”.

    -- Battery Battery: One of the Rai Oni’s first moves was to strike out at the town’s power grid. Fortunately, it was not able to eat its fill before it was driven away (-12 to all Expansions instead of -30).

    -- Raining Hell: To prepare for the confrontation with the Rai Oni, Delvers culled the local nests of Fulminous Swarms via explosive munitions. (Farm +5, Spire +5)

    -- I’m with the Band: Following Devilhook protocol, the Captain’s band was prepared and brought up to speed. Their music would lend well to the upcoming battle. (Mercado +3)

    -- Weapon Conditioning: Among other preparations, physical and martial conditioning would not be forsaken. More than a few Delvers became familiar with the Devilhook Fleet’s titanic weaponry, making the local farmlands a little safer. (Farms +3)

    -- Homework: Throughout day and night, various Delvers were able to discover more and more about the Rai Oni. This would allow them to discern its weaknesses. (Campus +3)

    -- Spark of Blue: The Delvers of Snakewater confronted the Rai Oni before it could continue its campaign of devastation. They tranquilized it, bombed it, and then brawled with it. Energy Geists swarmed the Rai Oni and defended it from attack. In the end, the Delvers were able to defeat it and chose to capture it instead of kill it. (+10 to all)

    Other Delves:

    -- Headhunted: Manuel Cervantes, aide to the Technocratic League, was attacked by Forge Beasts. Fortunately, several Delvers and Illustrados Operatives were there to prevent his demise. (Mercado +5, Forge +5)

    -- Informant: An old friend of Snakewater’s Illustrados returned to town, ailing from a deadly toxin. Not only were they cured of their affliction, but their location was not revealed when others came asking for them. 

    -- Fashion Gala: In other matters, Snakewater continued the flow of its life even in the face of electric death. Ramona of the Illustrados Technocracy held a fashion show, commemorating the struggles and triumphs of humanity against the Long Fall. This year’s theme was “Out of This World” (Mercado +7, Forge +7, +5 to all others)

    -- The Bane Storm: The Steelwings’ investigations on Percivan the Feared continued, revealing more insight on the supposed hero and founder of the Grailguard: Soren Crosse and his magical swords. (Campus +3)

    -- Info Broker: The Steelwings managed to get ahold of someone in the know regarding Percivan’s attack on the Sideshoe Scavvers -- specifically, the mysterious item that the swordsman stole. Manuel Cervantes (and his absent superior, Drigo) was paid well for his help, naturally.

    -- Goop: A Scavver expedition gone wrong resulted in an explosion of blighted material in an area. Cleaning it up was the natural course, but revealed the presence of something happening underground that involves the dreaded “Aetheldred’s Mercy” disease. (Farms +3, Forge +3)

    -- Fenhogg: Followers of the Desolation went into the wilds and slew a territorial Wildling at a Thunder’s command, specifically the Thunder of Beasts and Bloodshed: Fenhogg. After feeding upon the Wildling’s entrails, they communicated with a different kind of entity that was far from divine: the King of Lightning. (Farms +3, Tombs +3)

    -- In Memoriam: A member of the Riverbird Caravan, Sparrow, asked Delvers for assistance in putting a troubled spirit to rest. For some Delvers, it was their own demons that they found reprieve from. (Tombs +3)

    -- The Weightless Shadow: Mercurial Silent Stone has created his own safe derivation of a heretical Templar magic. Engaging in it allowed its participants to withstand the rigors of their coming confrontation. (Campus +3)

    -- The Occlusiarch: Finally cornering their enemy after much investigation, the Blades of the Empress entered a pocket dimension and confronted Jyoti. Though the Infernal summoned a Punisher of Gods, he was no match and was destroyed along with his ritual. (Farms +5, Tombs +5)

    -- Delvers: Snakewater found itself in grave need of Delvers and helpers, yet there were no shortage of them. In particular, further calibrations and repairs were made of the Stormbringer spire in preparation of the incoming Magna Storm. Similarly, altruistic and well paid Delvers assisted in the protection of the Forge against the Rai Oni’s hunger and against the depredation of angry Geists. (NPC shifters = Forge +6, Spire +41, Tomb +8)

    -- Snakewater’s Townsfolk*: Despite the looming threat of an electrical horror, Snakewater’s folk did their best to carry on. Captain Talin’s crew did much to alleviate the menace as this was old hat to the Juracan killers.  (Campus +22, Farms +29, Forge +39, Mercado +22, Spire +51, Tomb +29)

    * These values match the Player Characters’ contributions, representing the NPCs work in building their homes and how the PCs inspire them to greater heights.

    NEW VALUES: (updated 10/16/24)  

    FRINGE FARMLANDS (FARMS) Tier 2: 181/300 (up  from Tier 2: 116/300)

    GRAVEYARD (TOMBS): Tier 1: 172/300 (Up from Tier 1:  119/300) 

    LA GRAN FRAGUA (FORGE) Tier 2: 30/300 (Up from Tier 1: 264/300)  — Tier 2 Unlocked!

    LIBRARY LANE (CAMPUS) Tier 3: 181/300 (Overflow from Tier 3: 139/300)   

    MARKET EXCHANGE (MERCADO) Tier 3: 183/300 (Up from Tier 3: 149/300)   

    STORMBRINGER SPIRE (SPIRE) Tier 2: 175/300 (Up from Tier 2: 83/300)

  • -- The Bane Storm: The Steelwings’ investigations on Percivan the Feared continued, revealing more insight on the supposed hero and founder of the Grailguard: Soren Crosse and his magical swords.

    -- Info Broker: The Steelwings managed to get ahold of someone in the know regarding Percivan’s attack on the Sideshoe Scavvers -- specifically, the mysterious item that the swordsman stole. Manuel Cervantes (and his absent superior, Drigo) was paid well for his help, naturally.

    -- Goop: A Scavver expedition gone wrong resulted in an explosion of blighted material in an area. Cleaning it up was the natural course, but revealed the presence of something happening underground that involves the dreaded “Aetheldred’s Mercy” disease.

    -- Fennhogg: Followers of the Desolation went into the wilds and slew a territorial Wildling at a Thunder’s command. After feeding upon the Wildling’s entrails, they communicated with a different kind of entity that was far from divine.

    -- In Memoriam: A member of the Riverbird Caravan, Sparrow, asked Delvers for assistance in putting the troubled spirit of Lan Jernon to rest. For some Delvers, it was their own demons that they found reprieve from.

    -- Strange Signals: Illustrados Vox-towers and the Hellhounds’ Altar of Air are rumored to be receiving odd and eerie transmissions on rare occasions. Standard procedure prevents most of the strange and occasionally dangerous noise from coming into the comm towers. However, the reports that have tumbled forth from the haunted operator mention distant communique -- this can be as simple as reflected pre-fall transmissions, secret frequencies, or as strange as distant or even extraplanar missives. In all cases, the noises have yet to be truly deciphered as languages or codes.

  • -- Headhunted: Manuel Cervantes, aide to the Technocratic League, was attacked by Forge Beasts. Fortunately, several Delvers and Illustrados Operatives were there to prevent his demise. 

    -- Informant: An old friend of Snakewater’s Illustrados returned to town, ailing from a deadly toxin. Not only were they cured of their affliction, but their location was not revealed when others came asking for them. 

    -- Fashion Gala: In other matters, Snakewater continued the flow of its life even in the face of electric death. Ramona of the Illustrados Technocracy held a fashion show, commemorating the struggles and triumphs of humanity against the Long Fall. This year’s theme was “Out of This World” 

    -- A Pamphlet: A pamphlet was circulating information regarding the creation of Forge Beasts and the collusion of two corporations, CIE and Stygian Systems in their use.

    -- Strange Signals: Illustrados Vox-towers and the Hellhounds’ Altar of Air are rumored to be receiving odd and eerie transmissions on rare occasions. Standard procedure prevents most of the strange and occasionally dangerous noise from coming into the comm towers. However, the reports that have tumbled forth from the haunted operator mention distant communique -- this can be as simple as reflected pre-fall transmissions, secret frequencies, or as strange as distant or even extraplanar missives. In all cases, the noises have yet to be truly deciphered as languages or codes.

  • -- The Weightless Shadow: Mercurial Silent Stone has created his own derivation of a heretical Templar magic. Engaging in it allowed its participants to withstand the rigors of their coming confrontation. 

    -- The Occlusiarch: Finally cornering their enemy after much investigation, the Blades of the Empress entered a pocket dimension and confronted Jyoti. Though the Infernal summoned a Punisher of Gods, he was no match and was destroyed along with his ritual.

    -- The Wall: Far to the west, the Wall Watchers report movement from the Beringian Blockade. In response, the Sea Serpents have been ferrying Talonites to ward off a potential Glow Devil attack, the first in a few decades. This has the unfortunate result of drawing troops away from most other pursuits and other objectives, leaving only the absolute minimum on far off garrisons and holdings.  (originally posted 07/1/24): 


    “Oof. We’re almost there.” Associate Gaki wrinkled his nose. Before him, the forested path bloomed into a blighted clearing along the riverbank. Unlike the leafed and flowered branches issuing from Gaki’s shoulder and left arm, the flora in that area were as leafless as in winter. 

    Snakewater’s Sheriff and the two Peace Makers smelled the accuracy of Gaki’s statement well before they arrived. The three men were a mile and some change up north from the Dawson farm, where the town’s fringes sputtered up against the wooded wilds and the Serpent River. Trees encroached upon the farm’s fields and dappled the ground amid an afternoon sun. 

    Sheriff Hannibal snorted and spit on the ground when they stopped to survey the area. The scent was acrid and nauseating, like the bottom of a used chem vial “It certainly don’t smell like daisies” 

    Scavvers were ‘picking’ through a recently discovered cache outside of town limits when they found vents to a subterranean chamber” Associate Chamomile gestured to the shallow pit in the center of the clearing while reiterating the salient points of the report to the Peace Makers’ employer.

    “An explosion injured most of the group and sealed the vents, making them logistically unusable. They also covered the area in biological material-- ”

    “Goop” Gaki nodded. 

    “Indeed, Freefolk Delvers cleansed this clearing of blight, but the land has yet to fully recover. Furthermore, they contracted a disease from said ‘goop’”

    The other Peace Maker didn’t quip this time, but barely suppressed a twitch.

    Chamomile ignored his colleague’s response to the Night King’s name. “Aetheldred’s Mercy -- the artificial plague that renders the mind vulnerable to influence and was created by the King of Flowers

    Normally, Eidolonic spores could only be imbued upon the willing, but Night Kings had a habit of breaking the rules. Of Gaki’s fateful encounter with Aetheldred, the Peace Makers were well aware.

    Hannibal had no such compunctions. “You alright, Gaki?”

    “Yeah - it’s itching a lot, but I’ve got it under control” He leveled a hardened gaze at the Sheriff. His brow was damp with sweat but not merely from the afternoon’s unseasonal warmth. “I’m not going to be an issue when dealing with her”

    “If you say so” The Sheriff’s eyebrow remained raised far too long to suggest that he believed the Dryad but rather than pursue an inquiry, he started circling the edges of the clearing. The Peace Makers followed in his shadow.

    After walking in some silence, he spoke. “I do appreciate ya’ll taking the time to bring me here and show me. I needed to see things for myself”

    “Part of the job, Sheriff — the Peace Makers are contracted to the Council” Chamomile paused for a long while afterward. “I am curious though: why did you ask to join this patrol?”

    The Sheriff eyed the blighted flora as he walked. Dead grass and purpled leaves crunched beneath boots. “Mostly, I wanted to visit the Dawsons but also, I needed a good ol’ think”

    “Lost Sheep Cantina’s back in Snakewater” Gaki took up the rear of the trio. “By the time you get back, I’m sure you can get some good ol’ thinks for happy hour”

    Hannibal ignored the jest. He spoke slowly, carefully spending his words “I got a letter from Exanimus, an Illustrados tinker. Says that he’s got proof that Aetheldred’s nearby and below. Also, he’s asking me to organize a posse against her before she can fully build her strength. He claims that he’s got a plan”

    “What’s his racket?” Gaki grunted, suspicion unmasked in his tone. 

    “Vengeance” Hannibal’s fingers traced a stain on a dead tree. “On one of her minions, not on her specifically -- some ex-officer that he tussled with on the islands”  

    Chamomile frowned. “I’m not keen to meddle with islander politics, but if he’s right about Aetheldred…”

    “The Reaper engine and her defeat was two years ago” The Sheriff and the Peace Makers had circled the clearing twice, spiraling centrally toward the source of the initial explosion. “That’s a long time”

    They stopped at the edge of the pit, peering unto the pile of rubble at the bottom. Somewhere beneath all of that, in the Shallows of the Warrens, was the King of Flowers.

    “I’m no general and my warring days are well behind me. I needed to see this -- to see what she could do. Remind myself of what could happen to the Dawsons, to the town, if we let her have her way.”

    “I needed to remember that they won’t stop until they’re stopped before I recommend the Council to a course of action. The cause will need town funds, of course - bounties don’t come from nothing, y’know”

    “Some of us didn’t forget” Gaki spoke through clenched teeth. “Some of us can’t”

    “Then you’ll understand the hard decisions that have to be made, whether that’s jumping into action… or sitting this one out”

  • As the year wanes, the nights grow darker and colder, but the same cannot be allowed for the Night Kings. The Peace Makers have received news that King Aetheldred not only means to recover from her losses a few years ago but is doing so within proximity to Snakewater. For some, this means an opportunity to strike before she can attack first and, for Exanimus, this is a means of revenge against an old enemy that has joined the Night King's ranks.

  • In the past few months, minions of Aetheldred, were seen while they passed near Snakewater. Though some of these groups were defeated and driven away, their presence implies Aetheldred’s recovery from her defeat at the hands of Snakewater’s protectors.

  • [Peace Maker Enclave, Snakewater; November 16, 101 BTF]

    First aid brought Associate Macha from the brink but it was Associate Chamomile’s medical expertise that brought her back on her feet. She shakily clutched at a cracked wall, glancing at the rubble around her. In pale light, she saw that ruin had found the detainment quarter of Snakewater’s Peace Maker Enclave.

    Macha shook the stars from her vision to no avail. “What the fuck happened?”

    Chamomile kept working, binding the cuts on her arm with proficient ease and not letting his head wound bleed into his left eye. “While the Delvers and Exanimus were breaching Aetheldred’s lair, the Dawnflower prisoners attacked and breached containment”

    “I know that, damn it!” She coughed a lungful of air and seethed through the pain of bending down to pick up her spear. Moonlight filtering in from above and the side spoke to the rancor of the skirmish. “I cut one down as he burst through the cell -- wasn’t that hard since he practically ripped himself in half trying to get to me! Then he…”

    “He blew up, yes. With enough force to crack walls and ceiling. A number of them did the same. Overseer Astrantia was riddled with holes but her death throes flung two of our Associates and a Vizer through a wall.

    “Shit. Shit. Shit!”

    “They were a necessary evil - the information they were giving us allowed us to stymie the Night King’s operations for years” Chamomile finished the binding, ravaged fingers slick with blood but up to the task. “Fortunately, we are mostly accounted for -- we doubled the shifts in case of a retaliatory attack and none of the prisoners got away” 

    “But we expected nothing like this” Macha’s head throbbed from her own impact into the wall. The painful groans of her colleagues echoed her own agonies, but better those sounds than the silence of death.

    “Wait. What do you mean, ‘mostly accounted for’?”

    “We still don’t know what happened with Exanimus and Vizer Graellen. There are reports of Dawnflower Dryads rushing the Cantina and the walls” 

    “That’s not what I’m asking”

    “We were lucky. Associate Gaki felt it happen before it could take hold of him, Associates Harlow and Wyatt heard the chainsaw revv up but…” Chamomile swallowed the lump in his throat and let pride in his colleague shine through instead. 

    “...Gaki, he saved them the trouble”

  • -- A Portent: Exanimus Portent requested Snakewater and local Delver assistance in thwarting Aetheldred, the King of Flowers. His nemesis, a former Illustrados Centurion named Scurrah, had joined forces with the King and therefore, had drawn her into their feud.

    -- Minor Hiccup: Breaching Aetheldred’s lair defenses required the acquisition of several magical runes. Unfortunately, in his own attempts at procuring them, Exanimus’ hireling was captured and needed rescue. Upon rescuing him, the hireling’s runes were scattered by his previous captors.

    -- Retribution: Fortunately, all was not lost. With guile and cunning, Snakewater’s Delvers were able to outmaneuver Aetheldred’s minions and retrieve a new set of runestones.

    -- Fertilizer Re-fertilizer: With magic and rituals, the runestones were re-energized and prepared. These would soon be used to breach Aetheldred’s central sanctum where she was almost fully recovered from her previous altercation in Snakewater.

    -- A Game of Kings:The Delvers of Snakewater and Exanimus marched into Aetheldred’s central sanctum after breaching her defenses. The details of the initial melee were lost to mist but somehow Exanimus managed to reach Aetheldred first.

    It was then that he revealed his true self as he ripped out the King of Flowers’ heart. “Exanimus” was only a pseudonym for the King of Lightning and he partook deeply of that stolen organ. After a short confrontation with those he had deceived, King Celso sent his minions to help them in a new goal: protecting Snakewater itself from the attack of Aetheldred’s frenzied and vengeful followers.

    After the maddened Dryads, Overseer Narcissus, and ex-Centurion Scurrah were defeated in front of the Lost Sheep Cantina, hordes of mutant Parafauna inexplicably charged Snakewater. They were possessed of a bestial wrath, striking out directly at the town. However, their ill-fated attack heralded the appearance of yet another Night King: Ravan Ajasha.

    The King of Fiends who had admonished Snakewater’s assistance of Exanimus/King Celso. He called for their strength against the threat of King Celso before making his own retreat, leaving Snakewater much to ponder -- what was their role in the events to come? (+10 to all)


    -- Kidnapped: Calloy Fuentes-Vlastok, of the Technocratic League, was taken into protective custody. He was initially believed to have kidnapped Manuel Cervantes (also of the League) but new evidence points to Calloy being the actual victim in the incident. Manuel has made himself scarce. (Mercado +5, Forge +5)

    -- Rave to the Grave: The Templars were tasked to defend a mass grave from being defiled by Necromancy but they were ambushed instead by Sindra, formerly an Apostle of the Talon Conclave and currently a follower of Yama the Merciful.  (Tombs+10)

    -- The Feared: Percivan the Feared struck out at Delvers and Operatives that were moving some dangerous cargo. Fortunately, there were no casualties from the attack, although he managed to make off with some of the cargo. This swordsman is believed to be a follower of Yama the Merciful and is “kill on sight” for the Grailguard.  (Farm +5, Spire +5)

    -- Four Lost Swords:  Rita Mae tasked several Freefolk with researching certain lost artifacts: the four lost swords of Soren Crosse, founder of the Grailguard. (Campus +2)

    -- Price Gouged:.Brun of the Fomori Caravan was helped in procuring specific parts of their hearth wagons and auto caravans. (Forge +2, Mercado +2)

    -- Death Cap: Exanimus and several Freefolk tracked down the King of Lightning’s followers, encountering Death Cap of the Skinners and San, the King’s enforcer. Though no violence came forth from the tense talks, the Skinners were seen off of Snakewater’s fringes and San appeared to follow them. (Forge +2, Mercado +2)

    -- Disk Array:  Delvers retrieved a "crystalline disk array" that contained information about the world before the fall. (Campus +3)

    -- Magna-storms: The region was ravaged by seasonal Magnetic Magna Storms, but Snakewater’s Stormbringer Spire prevented any damage to the town’s infrastructure at the cost of damage to itself. (-150 total redirected to Spire; halved from -300)

    -- Delvers: Final calibrations and repairs were made of the Stormbringer spire in preparation of the incoming Magna Storm. Similarly, several Delvers ensured that local graveyards were swept clean of carrion seekers and grave robbers. (NPC shifters =  Spire +16, Tomb +9)

    -- Snakewater’s Townsfolk*: The savagery of the frenzied Dryads and the rampaging parafauna brought ruin to Snakewater. However, the townsfolk were buoyed by their defender’s heroism and inspired by the Delvers’ persistence. In a few short weeks, the damage was rendered to be largely cosmetic and even the effects of the seasonal Magna-storm was greatly inhibited.  (Campus +15, Farms +22, Forge +39, Mercado +15, Spire +36, Tomb +29)

    * These values match the Player Characters’ contributions, representing the NPCs work in building their homes and how the PCs inspire them to greater heights.

    NEW VALUES: (updated 11/26/24)  

    • FARMS (FRINGE FARMLANDS) Tier 2: 216/300 (up  from Tier 2: 181/300)  

    • TOMBS (GRAVEYARD): Tier 1: 233/300 (Up from Tier 1:  172/300)  

    • FORGE (LA GRAN FRAGUA) Tier 2: 108/300 (Up from Tier 1: 30/300) 

    • CAMPUS (LIBRARY LANE) Tier 3: 211/300 (Up from Tier 3: 181/300)   

    • MERCADO (MARKET EXCHANGE) Tier 3: 211/300 (Up from Tier 3: 183/300)   

    • SPIRE (STORMBRINGER SPIRE) Tier 2: 105/300 (Down from Tier 2: 175/300)

  • -- The Feared: Percivan the Feared struck out at Delvers and Operatives that were moving some dangerous cargo. Fortunately, there were no casualties from the attack, although he managed to make off with some of the cargo. This swordsman is believed to be a follower of Yama the Merciful and is “kill on sight” for the Grailguard. 

    -- Death Cap: Exanimus and several Freefolk tracked down the King of Lightning’s followers, encountering Death Cap of the Skinners and San, the King’s enforcer. Though no violence came forth from the tense talks, the Skinners were seen off of Snakewater’s fringes and San appeared to follow them.

  • -- Kidnapped: Calloy Fuentes-Vlastok, of the Technocratic League, was taken into protective custody. He was initially believed to have kidnapped Manuel Cervantes (also of the League) but new evidence points to Calloy being the actual victim in the incident. Manuel has made himself scarce. 

    -- Senatorial Vote: The Illustrados Senate is currently deliberating on the fate of the Technocratic League. The League is an advisory and regulatory body on the traffic of goods into Mid-Atla. It is composed primarily of the Technocracy’s personnel but recent events near Snakewater have the Senate reconsidering its role and its legality.

  • -- Malifica: Dauntless Grim Skull is believed to have participated in the Arch Sin of Malifica. The rumors have yet to be truly substantiated, but the Skull Conclave is certain to send a response to current happenings.. 

    -- Rave to the Grave: Snakewater’s Templars were tasked to defend a mass grave from being defiled by Necromancy but they were ambushed instead by Sindra, formerly an Apostle of the Talon Conclave and currently a follower of Yama the Merciful.  

    -- The Wall: Far to the west, the Wall Watchers have engaged enemies at the Beringian Blockade. The first elements of a Glow Devil attack have hit the region. This has the unfortunate result of drawing troops away from most other pursuits and other objectives, leaving only the absolute minimum on far off garrisons and holdings.