Player and archfaction GUILDS
Image by Melissa Morroney
Archfaction Guild aligned with the Illustrados Union
Also known as La Liga Faroleros, this Guild includes technologists and explorers that seek the advancement of Illustrados interests and the uncovering of profitable resources.
Those Illustrados and without a Guild may find membership here, provided they pull their weight.
KNOWN ASSOCIATES:“Carrow” Santiago (Board member): An Overseer for Fuentes-Fontaine Pharma, he has become a mainstay in Snakewater, practically a local by the standards of the townsfolk.
Adria of the Flame (Board member): A priestess of the Iglesia Solar and a seeker of technological knowledges.Ramona Dora Dela Renta (Board member): An executive of SSS, known for her focus on fashion lore and charity work.
Subcaptain Enero (Board member/oversight): An Inspector for the Senate, in charge of ensuring things are above board.
Officer Rodrigo “Drigo” Fuentes-Frost (Board Member): A member of the Mistmarketeer Fleet. A broker of deals and information.
Sargeant “Bonnie” Bonifacio: One of the Magistrados, specifically the Martilladors. He works with Enero and is a Magistrados liason for the League.Capitan “Astray”: A member in good standing with the Four Winds Fleet of the Charioteers. He works with Carrow but is known for being the handler for exceptionally dangerous Delves.
Capitan Talin: One of the Devilhook Fleet. A hunter and chef of monster and monstrous cuisine.
Symbol by Melissa Morroney
Archfaction Guild aligned with the Templar
This Guild works under the direction of Skull Hierophant Autumn-Sky-Topaz. The Avatar Hand seeks out threats to humanity and snuffs out eldritch horrors in the name of the God-Empress and Her Oracle-Avatar. They are people of faith, of righteousness, and of the will necessary to do what must be done.
Those Templars without a Guild may find membership and fellow faithful within the Hand.
Apostle Blessed Fang: A warrior of the Ghostwolf Chapter, she has been sent to Snakewater to secure it from the Abyssal and the Infernal.
Mercurial Silent Stone: Hailing from the Priory of Correspondence, Mercurial is skilled the magics of his people and seeks to enhance his own powers… in the Empress’ name, of course.
Sigmarus Beauchêne de la Spirale: Cabal Alvarado has sent this Cavalier to Snakewater to oversee their mercantile interests in the area. On the other hand, Sigmarus has made it his personal mission to bring more culture.
Skull Hierophant Autumn-Sky-Topaz: The leader of the Avataral Hand is rarely seen but they are said to be tireless in their work, a needed attribute in this “godless” frontier.
Image by Nicco Salonga
Archfaction Guild aligned with the Free Tribes
A fellowship mired in cooperation, self-interest, and a little bit of controlled chaos, the Freebooters Guild is granted first glance to the mercenary and grey market contracts of the Scavvers, Cartels, and other Free Tribes. The Booters like to operate in the light and the shady spaces of local law, which grants them no small amount of scrutiny from the Peace Makers and other lawful individuals.
Those Freefolk without a Guild may find camaraderie and some profit therein.
Rita Mae Johnson: A Driver for the Hammerlocks, she has taken a back seat to hunting down outlaws and beasts. Instead, she guides groups toward such activities, acting as a handler and a guide in the Freebooters’ name.
Talos the Unrelenting: A Grailguard Paladin from the Ardent Forge, Talos bears the heavy armor his order is known for. He is also learned in the ways of tinkering and engineering.
Overseer Valentine: An Overseer for the Patient Scrivener Cartel, she stays in Snakewater to look after Scrivener interests in the area. Sometimes, she hires folks to help her collect on debts.
Standwell O’Practices: A Scavver from the Dirtdozer Caravan and an examplar of workplace safety. Just as the Dirtdozers repair roads across Mid-Atla, so does Standwell maintain the roadways near Snakewater.
Your Guild Can be Here!
A group of Player Characters can forge Guilds from its members — affiliating with the Archfactions and carving their own paths through the world. Click on the Guild name for its members!
Artwork by @quinchilla on Instagram
Aligned with the Sanctified Temple
Elite Guild; Venture Crew, Warband
Lucretia Octavia Galondei (Guild Leader)
Disciple Dauntless (Subleader)
Talonite Malleus
Talonite Sledge “Mr. Sledge”
Aletzo Carmella Montaigne De La Argent
MAY 99: Hunted down an Apostate and reclaimed a powerful, magical Tome.
JULY 99: Rallied with the town and defeated the manifestation of a Great Serpent, showing that the Templars were no strangers to foes from beyond this holy reality.
SEPT 99: Finished off a Greater Blood Geist that haad been attempting to reclaim the Magical Tome.
JAN 00: The Blades of the Empress took up Shield, Stave and Careful Study to aid in the collection of parts and data for the return trip to Snakewater. The styles of the Conclaves coming together as the Blades of the Empress repelled Punishers of God for long enough to open a portal home
MAR 00: The Blades of the Empress worked with Horace to help defend one of the triangulation power nodes from ongoing attacks from the Lady of Lies. With our faith and prowess, the Blades, and Horace, persevered.
MAY 00: The Blades of the Empress were projected unto the location of two Infernal Apostates. Whilst there, they were able to inflict runes of detection and surveillance upon their enemies, even as the Infernals boasted about an attack upon the Grailguard.JULY 00: The Blades of The Empress led the charge against the Wildling spirits in order to protect the strange Egg of the Divine Basilisk. The hungry spirits were not even able to so much as touch their prey, such was the Blades’ ferocity.
SEPT 100: The Blades of the Empress were instrumental in the banishment of “The Pursuer”, ensuring the safety of the Holy Reality once more.
JAN 101: The Blades of the Empress worked together to take down the Chaugnar Construct weak to magic.
MARCH 101: Octavia, Ezra and Dauntless worked together across the battlefield to secure ritual nodes and weaken the spore for the Basilisk.
MAY 101: Ezra, Octavia, Malleus, and Dauntless worked together to thwart the Order of the Great Machine.
JULY 101: Ezra, Octavia, Malleus and Dauntless in worked towards delivering the final blow to Auberon, the King of Fools.
SEPT 101: The Blades of the Empress would like to claim the fashion show as our guild endeavor of the event. We had Malleus, Ezra and Dauntless representing the Temple and BotE in a fierce fashion competition. And though it ended in a raffle, the Blades of the Empress walked away victoriously.
NOV 101: The Blades of the Empress, led by "The Guide", ventured deep into the ever changing catacombs of the Warrens. Once at their destination the Blades Dauntless, Ezra and Octavia, along with other Snakewater delvers, began setting up disruption devices and fighting back foul monstrosities that attacked each other as often as the ravaged the delvers of the town. While holding his own against two such beasts Ezra's necrotic leg-flesh was smashed out from under him and went flying across the cavern. Luckily 'The Guide' popped out from a small nearby crevice and hid the majority of Ezra as the town managed to successfully finish off the foul fiends.
JAN 102: Octavia, Malleus, Ezra, the newly added Sorin, and Dauntless held down the Field in front of a Celso Lab while another Night Kings Foul Beasts were taunted into attacking the Blades. This bought time for others to investigate and infiltrate the Lab. And though the town's plans were found out, The Blades helped hold back SAN, through his Fire and Flames.
Artwork by Nicholas Parody
Aligned with the Free Tribes
Elite Guild; Venture Crew, Warband
Buddy “Buzz” Buzzard (Guild Leader)
Joel “Jackknife” Hargrimm (Subleader)
Maverick Maelstrom
Hobo Jones
Totty Scaleheart
Chadwick "Rusty" Radkowicz
Adan Verum
JULY 99: Buzz, Maverick, and Jackknife fought back the Basilisk and its Cultist minions.
SEPT 99: Buzz, Antonino, Maverick, Jackknife, and Hobo Jones helped assault the Dawnflower Cartel’s Alpha Lab.
MAY 00: Buzz, Rusty, Maverick, and Jackknife were present for the battle against the shadowy entities coming through the portals being opened by Captain Uther of the Exalted Guard.
SEPT 00: The Steelwings assisted Copperjaw Shaw in a mission from the Ratkings Caravan to procure some electric berries.
Artwork by @doodl3bees on Instagram
Aligned with the Illustrados
A mercenary group that will take on just about any job so long as the pay is right (monetarily or informationally).
Elite Guild; Venture Crew and Warband
Nyx (Guild Leader)
Ivara Blackbell (Sub Leader)
Kora “Kokee” Kewee
Eli Taylor
Illustrated by Cabbit
Digitized by Gregory Pilling
Aligned with the Hellhound Motorgangs
Elite Guild; Venture Crew
— Zen Flamerazor (Guild Leader)
— Nightbreaker (Subleader)
— Cidolfus "Cid" Durai
— Camber "Cam-Shaft" Durai
— Brick Wildwind
— Horace MacCaffee
— Arson
— Santino “the Mouth”
Artwork provided by Guild members
Aligned with the Illustrados
Elite Guild; Warband, Venture Crew
Sargento Andre Soldado-Defortuna (Guild Leader)
Dante Valentino-Perez (Subleader)
Amada Elena Santos-Martinez
Edmundo Vincente Castillo-De León
Ignacio "Naz" Padilla-Pascual
Cecilia Sofia Almonte-Moreno
MAY 99: The 1st Shadow Scouts and allies struck down Nunez, an outlaw chemist that had been mind-controlling local parafauna.
JULY 99: The 1st Shadow Scouts bought down and pacified the Divine Basilisk.
SEPT 99: The 1st Shadow Scouts investigated the site where Nunez’ was first slain by Iglesiar Fire Hawks and Deadtree Peace Makers.
MARCH 00: The 1st Shadow scouts led the capture of Sammy “Scrammy”, a Charioteer smuggler that was supplying Nunez, the renegade Chemist-Priest.
Image submitted by Kori Ciminera
Aligned with the Free Tribes
Expert Guild; Venture Crew
Many members of the Welcome Wagon have lived nomadically for most of their lives and through their various groups struggled to survive off and on. The greatest lesson they’ve learned is that community and unity provides the greatest chance to not only survive, but to thrive – and they hope to bring this philosophy to the town of Snakewater.
Reverend John "Rev" Even (Guild Leader)
Rob "Doc Bobby" Roberts (Subleader)
Arthur Drakeward
Fayeth Even
Beauregard Clay
Holly Campbell
Briar Blackfinger
Joy Clay-Roberts
KNOWN DELVES:JULY 99: Assisted Paladin Talos safely transport his sister's ashes against the attacks of her corrupted shade.
SEPT 99: Hired by the Freebooters to gather flour for a bakery from a radiated zone
Image from David Groveman
Aligned with the Technocracy
Basic Guild
Grave Rose industries is a subsidiary of the Illustrados and Technocracy. The affiliation acknowledges and supports their existence as a legally bound guild in good standing.
Lucas Graves (Guild Leader)
Destiny Andino (Subleader)
Luz La Vela
Artwork by @doodl3bees on Instagram
Aligned with the Illustrados
Expert Guild; Guild Estate (Vehicle)
A PMC group that takes on a bunch of odd jobs to make ends meet.KING (Guild Leader)
MAR 100 BTF: KING'S GUARD was quickly debriefed on the situation and they sprung into action! Their mission was the activation of a beacon/relay point and then guarding it. The group was assigned to "Point 1" out of 5 available points. There were no issues with the activation of the beacons. But without skipping a beat, they were come upon by several threats. The group braved through waves and waves of monstrosities and eye-stalks and even several of them being teleported away. But they fought and they fought on through the night. Once the dust had settled and the last of the creatures were banished. The group stood victoriously. KING'S GUARD first mission together was a resounding success. The hordes were fought off and all the beacons remained lit. Mission accomplished. Another win for Snakewater.
MAY 100 BTF: KING'S GUARD received mission orders to procure a sample from one of the Chemist's own monstrosities. Their employer had requested assistance from the Devilhook fleet due to their expertise in monster hunting, Captain Talin would be their point of contact. He would inform them that the target was a Matriarch Owlbear, a mutated one no less. With the gift bestowed to them by their employer, the Devilhook Ace would give them an upper hand in the mission ahead. In search of their target they were ambushed and the battlefield was chaotic. Even ambushed and up against the wall, they rose to action. With guns and blades roaring lightning and biting with fire they fought on valiantly and incapacitated the monstrosity. They had succeeded in capturing the target and it would be sent back to their employer. "Bag 'em and tag 'em." Mission accomplished.
JULY 100 BTF: KING'S GUARD received a mission to assist with hunting another great monster in the area. Captain Talin made landfall to Snakewater and immediately sought out the KING'S GUARD and debriefed them on the mission.(Captain Talin was also accompanied by a small adorable piglet companion that the mercenary company was enamoured with.)
The mission at hand was to utilize and try out different hunting tactics to help capture or slay the grand beast. The hunting tactics included in using meat as bait, the meat was infused and marinating in tranquilizer solutions. Once the beast was immobilized, Captain Talin would then use [REDACTED] to break through the beast's mighty hide. The beast was put to sleep and the trap was sprung! But the terrifying large beast was awoken from its slumber! The KING'S GUARD and with great aid of the Captain were able to subdue the monster swiftly and after a vicious fight. "Naptime Desserts" went off swimmingly. Mission accomplished.
Aligned with the Illustrados Union
Basic Guild
— Lazar Zorro de la Rocca (Guild Leader)— Luka Zorro de la Rocca
— Layla Zorro de la Rocca
— Moriarty Zorro de la Rocca
— Shadow Zorro de la Rocca