The Builder
Image by Nicco Salonga
Builders are a people skilled at crafting, constructing, repairing and mixing. Their disciplines and skill sets are useful to everyone who dares use tools to brave the dangers of the world. Only through the expertise of Builders can advanced and superior items be made. Similarly, they are also needed to create various Work Stations that elevate and also expand the foundling settlements of the World Beyond the Fall.
Choose this class if you:
You want to craft and maintain items for yourself, allies, or clients
You want to be able to harness technology, even advanced or magical tech.
You want to engage deeply into the crafting system and be integral to everyone’s success.
Complexity: Medium to High
Strengths: Out of combat utility, crafting, healing/repair skills
Weaknesses: Dependent on Skill Kits and Kit augments, Most Crafting is 1/Period. Minimal access to Aspects
Role: Support -- mid to high -- good access to heal, repair, and enhancing skills
Role: Resilience -- mid -- moderate access to defenses and armor
Role: Damage -- mid to poor -- moderate access to weapon skills, chem vials, gadgets
Role: Utility -- high -- good access to many different utility skills, especially crafting
STARTING Aptitude:
At character creation, Builders may choose one Class Aptitude from the list below.
While you are wearing an Herb Kit, your healing upon others is improved by +1 via spells or skills.
Furthermore, you may create Basic items or effects with an Herb Kit without expending a Craft-Ritual action but this requires the use of an Herb Shop.
You are talented at using a Scrap Kit — when you disarm basic devices, repair weaponry, and patch armored allies, doing these takes 5 counts less than normal (minimum Conc-10).
Furthermore, you may create Basic items with a Scrap Kit without expending a Craft-Ritual action but this requires the use of a Scrap Shop.
You are very good at assisting others at their craft. Invoke “Versatile Artisan” and work beside a willing ally to aid them: they only need E-Conc/Conc-10 next time they Repair weaponry, Disarm devices, or Patch armor (Conc-5 for Treat Injury). If you are hit or not working beside them, they must stop Concentrating if they accepted your help.
Also, when using your Basic and Complex Craft skills, expend a willing ally’s Craft action in lieu of yours if you both work together. Erudite Craft skills require an action from two allies instead.
The following are the Skill Disciplines of the Builder Class. Each Skill Discipline represents a body of knowledge or a group of similar skills.
Combine components into enhancing “Elixirs” and make restorative Tonics.
Create dangerous vials and even temporarily change the elemental affinity of a reagent.
Cure illness, stitch wounds, and make medicine.
Mechanics and engineers that can make ropes, lamps, clocks, and even workshops.
Create and augment weapons and shields
Craft cloth and armor to shelter against the elements and against claws.
Below are three pre-generated Builder Characters. By no means are these the only way to create Builder characters, but they are samples that can be used as-is or altered. Although this class is known primarily for their ability to craft things, these characters were generated with some combat utility in mind.
Clad in armor and wielding tools, the Combat Smith excels at patching clothing and fixing sundered weapons.
Field Medics have the resilience and skill to survive the rigors of combat while reviving and healing their allies.
These individuals are scientists and gadgeteers, trying to learn about the world and improve their technology.