The Builder

Builder Stylized V2.jpg

Image by Nicco Salonga

Builders are a people skilled at crafting, constructing, repairing and mixing. Their disciplines and skill sets are useful to everyone who dares use tools to brave the dangers of the world. Only through the expertise of Builders can advanced and superior items be made. Similarly, they are also needed to create various Work Stations that elevate and also expand the foundling settlements of the World Beyond the Fall.


Choose this class if you:

  • You want to craft and maintain items for yourself, allies, or clients

  • You want to be able to harness technology, even advanced or magical tech.

  • You want to engage deeply into the crafting system and be integral to everyone’s success.

Complexity: Medium to High

Strengths: Out of combat utility, crafting, healing/repair skills

Weaknesses: Dependent on Skill Kits and Kit augments, Most Crafting is 1/Period. Minimal access to Aspects

Role: Support -- mid to high -- good access to heal, repair, and enhancing skills

Role: Resilience -- mid -- moderate access to defenses and armor

Role: Damage -- mid to poor -- moderate access to weapon skills, chem vials, gadgets

Role: Utility -- high -- good access to many different utility skills, especially crafting

STARTING Aptitude:

At character creation, Builders may choose one Class Aptitude from the list below.

  • While you are wearing an Herb Kit, your healing upon others is improved by +1 via spells or skills.

    Furthermore, you may create Basic items or effects with an Herb Kit without expending a Craft-Ritual action but this requires the use of an Herb Shop.

  • You are talented at using a Scrap Kit — when you disarm basic devices, repair weaponry, and patch armored allies, doing these takes 5 counts less than normal (minimum Conc-10).

    Furthermore, you may create Basic items with a Scrap Kit without expending a Craft-Ritual action but this requires the use of a Scrap Shop.

  • You are very good at assisting others at their craft. Invoke “Versatile Artisan” and work beside a willing ally to aid them: they only need E-Conc/Conc-10 next time they Repair weaponry, Disarm devices, or Patch armor (Conc-5 for Treat Injury). If you are hit or not working beside them, they must stop Concentrating if they accepted your help.

    Also, when using your Basic and Complex Craft skills, expend a willing ally’s Craft action in lieu of yours if you both work together. Erudite Craft skills require an action from two allies instead.



The following are the Skill Disciplines of the Builder Class. Each Skill Discipline represents a body of knowledge or a group of similar skills.

Combine components into enhancing “Elixirs” and make restorative Tonics.

Create dangerous vials and even temporarily change the elemental affinity of a reagent.

Cure illness, stitch wounds, and make medicine.

Mechanics and engineers that can make ropes, lamps, clocks, and even workshops.

Create and augment weapons and shields

Craft cloth and armor to shelter against the elements and against claws.



Below are three pre-generated Builder Characters. By no means are these the only way to create Builder characters, but they are samples that can be used as-is or altered. Although this class is known primarily for their ability to craft things, these characters were generated with some combat utility in mind.

Clad in armor and wielding tools, the Combat Smith excels at patching clothing and fixing sundered weapons.

Field Medics have the resilience and skill to survive the rigors of combat while reviving and healing their allies.

These individuals are scientists and gadgeteers, trying to learn about the world and improve their technology.



Image by Nicco Salonga

Also called Brewing or Elixirism, this Discipline focuses on the creation of food and beverages that enhance those that partake of them. Invest in this Discipline if:

  • You want your food and drinks to strengthen your allies

  • You want to play a Builder with a focus on support and non-combat abilities

  • You want to play a bartender, cook, barista, or something similar.

Relevant Rules: Crafting Process

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft

  • Step 3: Label the subject’s ATN with the Elixir’s name and have Staff sign off it or get item tags from Staff after presenting the required props

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft,

  • Step 5: At the end of the Craft, the item or effect is now in-game and active


Basic Skills

Brew Maker (Craft; ATN): Craft a useful Herb Kit or an empowering Elixir

Brewtender: Grant enhancing Tonics to others

Soothing Meal: Grant Lasting Resolve or other effects to your dining guests.


Complex Skills

Aqueous Expertise (ATN): Create Aqueous Elixirs and Healing Vials

Expert Brewer (Craft): Craft an advanced Herb Kit or Expert Elixirs.

Focusing Feast: Serve a meal that helps your diners with their next Craft/Ritual.

Potent Potables (ATN): Grant yourself bonuses while affected by your Elixir.

Strange Brews (ATN): Create Strange Tonics and Esoteric Elixirs

Erudite Skills

Apex-Tech Additive (ATN): Create special Elixirs using Illustrados Apex-tech

Biomancy Brewing (ATN): Create special Elixirs using the Templars’ strange organisms

Eldritch Elixirist (ATN): Grant a magical aspect to your Elixirs.

Master of Elixirs (1/E): This mastery skill allows you to craft Elixirs more often.

Stim Shivers (ATN): Grant yourself up to two Elixirs, at some cost to yourself.

Supreme Feast (1/P): You augment a meal, further invigorating your dining guests.



(Basic; Active-Craft, Imbue-Attunement)

Brewers are known primarily as producers of Elixirs, powerful drinks or liquids that enhance those that partake of them.

As a Craft-Ritual action, you may craft a single item or a specific effect. For at least 10 minutes, you must perform role-playing that reflects the creation of said items or said effects – this means mixing liquids, shifting powders, etc. After performing a Craft-Ritual action, you cannot perform another one until the current Period has passed.

  • Administer Basic Elixir (requires Herb Kit): You may drink this yourself or serve it to one willing person to enhance their physical or mental abilities – once created, it must be imbibed within the next 60 seconds or else it becomes inert and useless.

    • A character may not have more than one Elixir effect upon them at a time. Elixirs occupy an Attunement slot (ATN), persisting until the end of the current Event.

  • Create Basic Herb Kit: Create a basic-quality Herb Kit – In addition to its Component (CMP) costs, this requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful and/or medicinal herbs or chemicals. Herb Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.

Augmented Crafting: This skill can be enhanced by others or by certain conditions. If your Crafting is imbued with an Augment from Market Hour or an ally’s skills, you may choose from one of the benefits below. You must fulfill the requirements/costs for each product/effect..

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 additional Herb Kits or administer 1-2 additional Basic Elixirs.

  • Bonus Quality: As per Expert Brewer, make/upkeep an Advanced Herb Kit or make an Expert Elixir. For the former, it can have 1 Augment from the Expert Augment list or or any other Kit Augment that you know how to apply.  


(Basic; Active-Task, Imbue-Heal/Cure)

You can create a special tonic that can lend some respite to an ally.

Administer Basic Tonics (requires Herb Kit; short task): After at least one minute of mixing up a beverage, steeping tea, squeezing fruits for a juice, or a similar short task, you can serve up a “Basic Tonic” to 1-3 persons. This does not count as a Craft-Ritual action, nor does it require CMP to perform.

Those who partake of this drink (any amount) and relax for at least 5 minutes receive the following benefits based on what kind of Tonic you gave them. Invoke the name of this Tonic and clarify its effects, if necessary. As with all imbue skills, the subject of this skill may refuse its effects.. This is not meant to be a combat oriented skill.

List of Basic Tonics

  • Fixxer Tonic: cures injuries (Heal 5 and Cure Wounds)

  • Hard Tonic: Intoxicates and blinds (RP drunkenness and blind 1 hour)

  • Stim Tonic: Cures Strike effects

  • Venom Tonic: Hurts and poisons (1 Corrosive and Rot 10 minutes)

Herb Shop: If you are at this Workshop, you can combine 2 Tonics, imbuing both effects at once.  


(Basic; Active-Task, Imbue-Respite)

You are able to prepare a meal that energizes those who partake of it.

For the purpose of mechanics, this skill focuses on the serving of the meal, rather than its preparation. This is not a Craft-Ritual action. To do this, you must fulfill the requirements below:

  • Non-combat: no fighting within 50 ft, sight, hearing

  • Props: Wear a Herb Kit. Have/write dose cards/signs with your chosen effect. Include your helpers’ effects.

With the above fulfilled, serve a meal* and give dose cards to your guests, including yourself if desired. After 5+ minutes of this meal, those who eat the meal gain the chosen benefits.

Soothing Meal effects list: Choose one of the options below.

  • Option 1: Heal 10 plus Cure Strikes and Wounds,

  • Option 2: Lasting Resolve 2** (can be chosen multiple times, increasing by +1, max 5)

  • Option 3: Cure Basic Diseases/Curses, Blights (requires 1+ helpers, counts as 2 picks)

  • Option 4: Imbue Invigorated Status (requires 2+ helpers, counts as 3 picks)

  • When a character gains this status, they remain thusly for the remainder of the Event unless they drop to 0 HP or they expend the status. To do the latter, they simply invoke “Invigorate, Heal X”, where X is half their max HP (round up). This reflects a rested status that they can draw upon for a second wind.

Special Notes:

  • Meals must follow OOG food safety guidelines on cleanliness

  • Meals stop giving benefits one hour after being served

  • If the meal is interrupted, these benefits are not gained.

Helpers: You can use this Skill cooperatively with allies who are using Restful Composition, Soothing Meal, or Restore Focus. Each skill user can add an effect from their own list.



(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker

You are able to craft Elixirs, Vials, and Tonics that vivify those who imbibe them.

Create Aqueous Elixirs: When you use Brew Maker, you are able to create and administer Aqueous Elixirs.

Create Aqueous Tonics: When you use a functioning Herb-Shop and an Advanced Herb Kit to Craft, you are able to create and administer Aqueous Tonics

  • Antidote Tonic: Clears the drinker of Blight

  • Calm Tonic: Puts the drinker in a calm and non-combative state.

  • Painkiller Tonic: Allows a drinker to temporarily ignore Pain.

Healing Vials Proficiency: Add Healing Vial Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit. Also, halve the Conc required when you use Healing Vials (round up). These cannot be lowered further.


(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Imbue-Cure/Charm)

Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker

Your skill in Brewing has reached another milestone of expertise. This skill allows you to craft more complex Herb Kits and Elixirs, as well as assist in the creation of Herb Shops.

Expert Brewing: When you use Brew Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Herb Kit, which has bonus abilities from its Kit Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.

  • Advanced Herb Kit (1 Aug): needed for Elixirs and for some skills

  • Expert Elixirs (requires Herb Kit; Basic herbal, astral, or water CMP x2)

  • Herb Shop (requires Herb Kit, Pure CMP x5, and 5 total Craft actions)

Expert Kit Augments: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit, you can now choose from the Expert Kit Augments below when determining what Augment(s) it has.

Augmented Crafting: You can now opt for one of the benefits below when your Crafting with Brew Maker is Augmented, fulfilling the normal costs/requirements as per usual.

  • Bonus Output: Make 1-2 extra Herb Kits or Elixirs. They can be of any type you can normally craft

  • Bonus Quality: Make one Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs) or create one Elixir you have access to and affect it with the Elixir Longevity from Master of Elixirs.


(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Aug-Craft)

Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Soothing Meal

Through some effort, you can imbue your meals so that they improve the Crafts and Rituals of those who consume them. To do this, use the Soothing Meal skill with the following exceptions:

-- Augment it with this Skill, preventing this use from further Augments.

-- This requires and expends your Craft action for the Period

  • Your next Craft or Ritual action is Augmented, allowing you to choose between Bonus Output or Bonus Quality. Expires after 1 hour if unused.

-- This only affects 1-10 diners

Doing this allows you to grant your diners the Productive Status:


(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP,+HP)

Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker

While you are affected by an Elixir Attunement of your own creation, your health and strength are bolstered by its potency. If you have an occupied ATN, you can choose to gain the “Potent Potables” ATN and the following benefits:

  • Improved Grit (+HP): Add +1 to your maximum HP unless it exceeds 10 HP.

  • Resist Blight (-Focus): Invoke this and expend 1 Focus to negate a Blight effect that just hit you.

  • Strength (self-inflict 2): use this Fighter skill as though you had it


(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills 

You can apply strange energies into your brews and crafts, melding the mundane with basic magical knowhow.

Administer Strange Tonics (requires Brewtender, Herb Kit): You may now create and administer a Tonic from the Strange Tonics list.

  • Confession Tonic: Drinker must tell the truth, although this is easily removed.

  • Dispel Tonic: Allows the Drinker to render some of their Attunements inert.

  • Vision Tonic: Allows the drinker to see spirits and speak to spirits temporarily.

Administer Esoteric Elixirs: When you craft Elixirs you can opt to make an Esoteric Elixir, which enhances and debilitates those who drink them.



(Erudite Brewer; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Tech)

Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker

The new sciences of the Illustrados and the other technological greats of the World Beyond the Fall have inspired and taught you well.

Apex Brewing (requires Magna Field): When you use Brew Maker, you gain the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.

  • Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

  • Hyper Refined Elixir (requires Herb Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite)

  • Apex Lab (requires Herb Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)

  • Hyper Refined Vial Augment: (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) An augment for Herb Kits.

Also, halve the required Concentration (round down) when you use Hyper Refined Vials. This required count may not be lowered further.

Toxic Tolerance (requires Herb Kit): Practice with experimental chemicals has left you with some tricks. Use the Resist Toxin skill as if you had it, with the requirement below:

-- After you use Resist Toxin, simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand corrosive attacks.


(Erudite; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Tech)

Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills

You can use tiny alien creatures as Elixirs or weapons, as some Templars do. This skill is useful to those who favor power over squeamishness and grants the subfunctions below:

Biomantic Brewing: When you use Brew Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.

  • Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

  • Biomancy Elixir (requires Herb Kit, Flesh of the Empress)

  • Biomancer Hatchery (requires Herb Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)

  • Swarm Vial Augment: (requires Flesh of the Empress) An augment for Herb Kits.

Furthermore, the required Targ count for Swarm Vials is halved when you use them. This cannot be lowered further.

Create Swarm Vials: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit, this skill lets you Augment it from the Swarm Vials list. Halve the required Conc/Targ count (rounding down) when you use these Augments. These required counts may not be lowered further.

Xenotech Expertise (requires Herb Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:

-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand psychic horror.


(Erudite; Active-Craft, Imbue-Cure/Charm, Imbue-Attunement)

Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker 

You have knowledge and practice of magical energies, at least enough to know how to apply them proficiently to your craft.

Magical Brewing (requires Herb Kit): When you use Brew Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise below.

  • Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

  • Eldritch Elixir (requires Adept ATN): these enhance spellcasters of different kinds

  • Hallowed Shrine

  • Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)

  • Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)

  • Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)

  • Eldritch Vial Augment: An augment for Herb Kits.

Furthermore, the required Targ count for Eldritch Vials is halved when you use them. This cannot be lowered further.

Etheric Expertise (Brewer; requires Herb Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Brewer skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using one to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)

Bind with Fate (Brewer; requires Herb Kit and Adept ATN or Mana Lodge): When you make or upkeep an Herb Kit, you can Bind its fate to an owner for the next 3 Events. This is not an Augment, but it costs 3 Basic Astral CMP and an ATN slot from the owner. While bound thusly, it cannot be stolen, lost or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. It is Fated to always find its way back to its owner during the current Event.


(Erudite; Active-Craft, Tech, Mastercraft)

Requires: Any two Erudite Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills

You can craft more Elixirs or Herb Kits than most Brewers as well as grant longevity to your Elixirs.

Master Brewer: When you use Brew Maker, you can make a Superior Herb Kit.

Elixir Longevity (requires Herb Kit): When you craft an Elixir, you can pay triple its CMP cost so that it lasts 3 Events instead of only 1 Event. At the back of the sheet, prefix the Elixir’s ATN with “Extended” and add the OOG creation date (e.g. Extended Deadsoul Elixir, Jan 2023). Upon its final Event, replace the date with “Last Event”

Hair of the Dog: If you have the Brewtender skill, you can make a concoction vile enough to snap an ally back into the fray. While you have an empty hand, perform an iConc-5 adjacent to a Downed ally -- upon completion invoke “Potion - Painful Revive” upon them -- optionally, your role-play can reflect force feeding them a potion without making physical contact.

Prodigious Potables: If you have the Potent Potables skill, you may apply the Potent Potables ATN to those you affect with your Elixirs.

Mastercraft Action (requires Herb Kit, 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event, allowing you the benefits below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.

  • Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Brew Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period.

  • Benefit 2: Overflowing Cups: If you use Master of Elixirs to make Elixirs, you may administer 4 additional Elixirs, paying the cost for each one. This can be different Elixirs if desired. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.


(Erudite Brewer/Survivor; Attunement-Aug)

Requires: Any two complex Brewer/Survivor skills and any two basic Brewer/Survivor skills

This skill represents intense training and experimentation with Elixirs and Ichors, allowing you to have up to two Elixir Attunements upon your person.

Unfortunately, this has the side effect of infecting you with the “Stim Shivers”, an Incurable Disease that persists until you have less than two Elixir/Ichor Attunements.

  • You are afflicted with a nervous shakiness that occurs at random and makes certain movements difficult.

    • Effect 1: Shivering Smite - Gain the ability to perform a melee “Smite” as per the Fighter Discipline. Your damage with such attacks is increased by one by Stim Shivers.

    • Effect 2: Shivering Steps - Gain the ability to perform the “Dodge” and “Parry” defenses. Also, you can augment these with “Uncanny” to use them against Ambush attacks. (e.g. Uncanny Dodge)

    • Effect 3: Hindered Precision: Craft-Ritual actions take an extra 5 minutes to perform.

    • Effect 4: Mental Duress: You cannot use abilities that negate or cure yourself of Frenzy or Dominate.

    • Prop requirement: Make-up that reflects sunken eyes and/or blackened veins on the sides of your face from your bodily stress.


(Erudite Brewer; Active-Periodic, Imbue-Cure/Resolve/ATN)

Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills, including Soothing Meal

With immense effort, you can serve a feast with the speed and skill of several brewers.

Once per Period, you may Augment Soothing Meal so that you are a one-person dining establishment or mess hall. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

To use this skill, simply perform the Soothing Meal skill as normal. However, you are counted as three people with “Soothing Meal” when it comes to determining which effects and how many effects you can administer via this meal. You can still receive up to 4 helpers of additional assistance.

Furthermore, you gain an additional option to choose from:

Illness Immunity (1 Pick, 1 ATN; -Focus):

You are considered to have the Endure Plague skill of the Doctor and Survivor Disciplines. This allows you to spend Focus to stop Diseases and Blight from affecting you. This expires at the end of the Event.

— Alternate Option: Supreme Potion —

You can use this Skill while in combat to bring one ally back into fighting shape.

  • Step 1: Perform iConc-5 on an ally while you are wearing an Herb Kit

  • Step 2: Pull forth an empty vial or liquid container

  • Step 3: Invoke “Supreme Potion” and have them drink from it.

  • Step 4: Invoke your choice of (choose 2)

    • Heal 5

    • Resolve 5

    • Cure Wounds and Strikes and Blights

    • Painful Revive



Image by Nicco Salonga

This Discipline is sometimes called Chemistry or Alchemy for its use and manipulation of elements and molecules toward certain effects. Invest in this Discipline if:

  • You want to play a versatile Herb Kit user that can assist their allies’ crafting

  • You want to be able to throw vials with damage or control effects on foes.

  • You want to jump between roles of poisoner, alchemist, and medic

Relevant Rules: Crafting Process

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet or assist in doing so for Admixtures

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.

  • Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.


Basic Skills

Chem Maker (Craft): Craft an Herb Kit or to assist an ally with Crafting.

Extinguish Element: Remedy a Flame or Corrosive attack upon you. 

Poisoncraft: Cure a Blight or Strike effect from allies.

Complex Skills

Curative Chemical (Craft): Create and use vials that heal.

Expert Chemist (Craft): Create and throw special chemical vials

Greater Admixture (Craft): Change Basic and Rare components with your Chemistry. 

Trap Springer: Negate a Trap that just hit you

Venomologist (Craft): Create and use poisonous vials. 

Erudite Skills

Eldritch Alchemy  (Craft): Create and use magical chem-vials using Mana Lodges

Explosive Elementalist (Craft): Create and use volatile, elemental vials

Hyper Refined Chemistry (Craft): Create and use top tier technological chem-vials 

Master of Elements (1/M): This mastery skill allows you to create Vials more often.

Perfect Admixture (Craft): Alter Pure components.

Xeno-Swarm Vials (Craft): Create and use living biomantic chem-vials



(Basic Chemist; Active-Craft, Admixture)

Chemists are known for their versatility and for their ability to assist other Crafters, especially those who are missing a specific Component (aka CMP) type. Using this skill follows the mechanics below

As a Craft-Ritual action, you may craft a single item or a specific effect. For at least 10 minutes, you must perform role-playing that reflects the creation of said items or said effects – this means mixing liquids, shifting powders, etc. After performing a Craft-Ritual action, you cannot perform another one until the current Period has passed.

  • Create Basic Herb Kit: Create a basic-quality Herb Kit – In addition to its Component (CMP) costs, this requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful and/or medicinal herbs or chemicals. Herb Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.

  • Create Basic Scrap Kit: Similar to above except that Scrap Kits are filled with useful tools and scrap parts. Scrap Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.

  • Elemental Admixture (requires Herb Kit): Instead of Crafting an item, assist in up to five individuals’ Craft/Ritual/Task actions, provided that they are doing that action within the next half hour. This Skill allows you to choose one CMP type (e.g Earth, Fire, etc) -- the individuals you are assisting may consider the Minor-tier CMP that they are using to also be of that type. You need to be actively assisting at all of these actions. Only one Admixture effect may affect a Craft, Ritual, or Task.

Augmented Crafting: This skill can be enhanced by others or by certain conditions. If your Crafting is imbued with an Augment from Market Hour or an ally’s skills, you may choose from one of the benefits below. You must fulfill the requirements/costs for each product/effect..

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 additional Herb Kits or Scrap Kits.

  • Bonus Quality: As per Expert Chemist, make/upkeep an Advanced Herb/Scrap Kit. It can have 1 Augment from the Expert Augment list or or any other Kit Augment that you know how to apply.


(Basic Chemist; Active-Focus, Flame/Corrosive-Defense)

Working with volatile chemicals has taught you how to quickly treat acid, frostburn, or extinguish fires.

Quench Element (requires Herb Kit and a prop)

  • Step 1: You OR an ally within arm’s reach are hit by Frost, Flame or Corrosive damage of 3 points or less. This cannot be used vs. Ambush or Master-type attacks.

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Quench”

  • Step 3: Stop forward momentum or step away from the attack.

  • Step 4: pat the damaged area with a rag prop. If you are using Quench on an ally, you may only pat their shoulder with a rag unless you have explicit permission.

  • Step 5: This negates the Frost, Flame or Corrosive attack.

Use Limit: Once this is used, you need to prepare a new concoction via a qConc-10 on your Herb Kit before you can use it again.

Focused Quench (-Focus; requires Herb Kit, and a prop): As above, for stronger attacks with the following exceptions:

-- This affects attacks that inflict any amount of Frost, Flame or Corrosive damage

-- Invoke this as “Focused Quench”

-- During Step 1, also expend 1 Focus. You can’t use this if you have 0 Focus.

-- This doesn’t have the Use Limit above.


(Basic; Active-RP/Focus, Imbue-Cure) 

You may use a mild poison to nullify a Strike effect that is hindering or incapacitating another character.

Cure Strike effect (requires Herb Kit and a prop)

  • Step 1: An ally* within arm’s reach is under a Strike effect.

  • Step 2: perform an interlinked Conc-5 if used on an ally

  • Step 3: Invoke “Poisoncraft, Cure Strike”

  • Step 4: Pat your ally’s shoulder with a rag unless you have explicit permission otherwise. Alternatively, pretend to pour a vial over them

  • Step 5: This negates all Strike effects currently on your ally.

*Self use: You can use Cure Strike on yourself, if the Control effect allows you to Concentrate or use Active skills.

Cure Blight (-Focus, requires Herb Kit): You can cure Blight effects with Poisoncraft. This follows the procedure above except that you invoke “Cure Blight” instead and that you expend 1 Focus as part of Step 2.

Methodical Poisoncraft (requires Herb Kit, long task): Alternatively, you may waive the Focus cost by spending at least five minutes (aka a long task) of role-playing the application of herbs and chemicals to the affected individuals. This is followed by an invocation of “Poisoncraft, Cure Blight”. This can affect up to three people.



(Complex Chemist/Doctor; Active-Craft, Create-Aug, Imbue-Heal)

Requires: Any two basic Chemist/Doctor skills and the ability to craft Advanced Herb Kits

You are now able to apply your chemistry toward medical ends. Take note that unlike Treat Injury however, the Concentration from Healing Vials does not require the patient’s presence the entire time -- only for the delivery of the effect.

  • Healing Vials Proficiency: Add Healing Vial Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit. Halve the Concentration required when you use Healing Vials (rounding up). These cannot be lowered further.

  • Medical Chemistry (requires Herb Kit, Long Task): After 5 minutes of roleplay, you are able to grant the benefits of the “Long Treatment” function, as per the Medical Redemption. This represents you using various herbs and treatments to cure patients of injuries.


(Complex Chemist; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)

Requires: Any two basic Chemist skills, including Chem Maker

This skill allows you to craft more complex Herb Kits as well as assist in the creation of Herb Shops and improve on your Admixture skills.

Expert Chemistry: When you use Chem Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Herb/Scrap Kit, which has bonus abilities from its Kit Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.

  • Advanced Herb Kit (1 Aug)

  • Advanced Scrap Kit (1 Aug)

  • Herb Shop (requires Herb Kit)

  • Scrap Shop (requires Herb Kit)

Apply Kit Augment: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb or Scrap Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Expert Kit Augments list

Dual Admixture: When you use the Elemental Admixture function of Chem Maker, you may choose two CMP Types instead of only one.

Augmented Crafting: You can now opt for one of the benefits below when your Crafting with Chem Maker is Augmented, fulfilling the normal costs/requirements as per usual.

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 extra Advanced Skill Kits

  • Bonus Quality: Make/upkeep one Superior Skill Kit from the Master of Elements list, which can have up to two Augments that you have access to.


(Complex Chemist; Active-Craft, Admixture)

Requires: Any two basic Chemist skills including Chem Maker

The intricate dances of each element have become familiar to you, allowing you to Admixture rarer Components.

Admixture Specialist (requires Herb Kit): You now also affect Basic or Rare CMPs instead of only Minor CMPs when you use Chem Maker’s Elemental Admixture.

Tweak Skill Kit (requires Herb Kit, long task): Modify a Skill Kit by applying oils and chemicals

  • Step 1: have an non-Tweaked Skill Kit with a Vial or Gadget augment

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process

  • Step 3: Choose between Flame, Frost, and Corrosive (see effect)

  • Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.

Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Vial or Gadget can have its attacks inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Chemist.


(Complex Chemist/Junker; Active-Focus, Trap-Defense)

Requires: Any two basic Chemist/Junker skills

Reflecting years of bad experiences in chemical experiments, you may also use this Skill to reduce the damage inflicted upon you by Traps, Hazards, or Backlash effects from volatile corpses and creatures.

  • Step 1: You OR an ally within arm’s reach receive 5 or less points of damage from a Trap or a Backlash.

  • Step 2: As a Reaction to this, expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Trap Springer”

  • Step 4: Stop forward momentum or step away from the attack’s source

  • Step 5: If you are defending an ally, you need only tap their shoulder unless you have explicit permission otherwise.

  • Step 6: This negates the damage (and only the damage) from the Trap or Backlash, even if it is a “Master” effect.

Master of Elements, Uncanny Defenses, or Supreme Disarmament skill: You can negate a Trap or Backlash of 10 damage or lower


(Complex Chemist; Active-Craft/RP, Create-Aug, Imbue-Tweak)

Requires: Any two basic Chemist skills and Expert Chemist

Your skill at chemistry has led you to the use of poisons, venoms and acids, a useful talent for poisoners and assassins.

Augment with Venom Vials: Add the Venom Vial Augments below to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit. Furthermore, halve the required Concentration when you use these Venom Vial Augments, but you cannot lower it further.

Envenom Weapon (requires Herb Kit): Lace a weapon or knife/arrow pack with poison

Step 1: have an non-Tweaked melee weapon, arrow pack, or knife pack

Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating the task

Step 3: Choose between Shadow, Psychic, or Corrosive (see effect)

Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.

Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this weapon can have its Smite or Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Chemist. Ammo Packs allow Missile attacks or Basic Ranged Attacks to be affected as well.



(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)

Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and and any two basic Chemist skills

You are able to create chemicals and chem vials infused with magical energy, following arcane processes and methods.

Magical Chemistry (requires Herb Kit): When you use Chem Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise above.

-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

-- Eldritch Vial Augment (requires Adept ATN): An augment for Herb Kits.

-- Hallowed Shrine

-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)

-- Spectral Gadgets (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

Furthermore, the required Targ count for Eldritch Vials is halved when you use them. This cannot be lowered further.

Etheric Expertise (Chemist; requires Herb Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Chemist skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Shortcut, Project Power, Transmute Element)

Versatile Fate Binding (requires Herb Kit and Adept ATN): Bind a Weaponry, Weaver, or Skill Kit item to a willing owner. This is similar to the Brewer’s Eldritch Elixirist skill.


(Erudite Chemist/Junker; Active-Craft, Create-Aug, Disarm)

Requires: Any two complex Chemist/Junker skills and any two basic Chemist/Junker skills

You are able to create chem vials of greater potency and use chemicals to destroy locks, traps and conjurations.

Controlled Splash: When using attacks from the Chemical Vial Augment, your ranged attacks may be prefixed with “Piercing”. This allows them to affect the wielders of weaponry you hit.

Elemental Vials: if you are able to craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Elemental Vials list when doing so. Also, halve the required Targeting (round down) when you use Elemental Vial Augments. When lowered, the required count may not be lowered further.

Greater Disarm (requires Herb Kit): Bust items open with the use of your Herb Kit. This also allows you to assist individuals with Disarm Device, Tech Diver, Junk Diver, and similar skills as a “Lockpick”.

  • Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature

  • Step 2: Perform iConc-30 while remaining within reach

  • Step 3: Invoke “Greater Disarm” or “Disrupt Conjuration”

  • Step 4: This destroys a lock, trap, or similar device of advanced quality or worse. Alternatively, it disrupts standard-tier Conjurations.


(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Create Kit-Aug, Tech)

Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills including Chem Maker and Expert Chemist

Your studies into the new sciences have yielded a proficiency in the strange vials of this Skill. Through these chemicals, you are able to boost an ally’s strength, grant immense healing, and even regrow limbs -- at some cost, of course.

Apex Chemistry (requires Magna Field): When you use Chem Maker, you gain the options below Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.

-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

-- Apex Lab (requires Herb Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)

-- Hyper Refined Vial Augment: (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) An augment for Herb Kits.

-- Ethertronic Gadget Augment (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) An augment for Scrap Kits.

Also, halve the required Conc/Targ (round down) when you use these Vials and Gadgets. The required count may not be lowered further.

Toxic Tolerance (requires Herb Kit): Practice with experimental chemicals has left you with some tricks. Use the Resist Toxin skill as if you had it, with the requirement below:

-- After you use Resist Toxin, simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand corrosive attacks.


(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft/Event, Mastercraft)

Requires: Any two Complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills, including Chem Maker and Expert Chemist

A true maestro of Chemistry, you are able to create superior versions of scrap kits, herb kits, and certain Workshops, as well as transcend the Periodic limitations of Crafting. Your knowledge in many things elemental also allows you to use this expertise in other Crafting disciplines.

Master Chemist: When you use Chem Maker, you have new options.

  • Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

  • Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)

  • Hallowed Shrine Workshop

  • Magna Forge Workshop

Quench Energy (-Focus): Your mastery of chemistry has unlocked compounds and liquids that can neutralize most energy attacks. You can augment “Quench” as “Quench Energy” so that it works on Lightning and Shadow damage for 3 points or less. This does not apply to “Focused Quench” defense.

Venom Expertise: When you use Venom Vials, you can increase their damage to 5 points. They maintain the damage-type (unless you Tweak them).

Improvised Chemistry: Your skill with Chem Vials is such that you can combine mundane herbs into wondrous mixtures in a pinch. When you learn this Skill, choose an Augment Property from a Vial:

  • You must have the Skills to make it

  • It cannot require a Superior CMP.

  • It must have a Conc or Targ count

While you have Master of Elements and are wearing an Herb Kit, you can use that Property even if your Skill Kit does not have that Augment currently. However, its Conc/Targ count is not halved.

Mastercraft Action (requires Herb Kit, 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.

  • Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Chem Maker, Medicine Maker, or Brew Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period, owing to the versatility of this Discipline

  • Benefit 2: Mass Production: If used to make Skill Kits, you create 4 additional Skill Kits, paying the cost for each one. This can be different Skill Kits with different Augments if desired. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.


(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Admixture)

Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills, including Chem Maker and Greater Admixture

Years of practice and experimentation have yielded to you incredible knowledge of the similarities between different Component types. You now have access to the following subfunctions:

Admixture Mastery (requires Herb Kit): You now also affect Pure CMPs instead of only Minor CMPs when you use Chem Maker’s Elemental Admixture.

Component Conjunction (requires Herb Kit): When you use the Elemental Admixture function of Chem Maker, you may combine 5 Minor CMP that share a CMP type so that they count as a Basic CMP with that type.

Rare Conjunction (requires Herb Kit): As above, except that you may combine 5 Basic CMP that share a CMP type so that they count as a Rare CMP with that type.

Otherworldly Energies (requires Herb Kit): When you tweak a Skill Kit or a Weapon, you may now also choose from Shadow and Psychic. Similarly, you can use Quench Element (but not Focused Quench) on Shadow and Psychic damage.         


(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Create-Kit Augments, Tech)

Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills including Chem Maker and Expert Chemist

Not content to meddle with and manipulate chemicals, you have learned how to coax and alter abyssal life itself. You are able to assist in the manufacture of a Biomancer Hatchery and even create swarms of alien insects to use as weaponry.

Biomantic Chemistry (requires Herb Kit): When you use Chem Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.

-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Herb Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)

-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

-- Swarm Vial Augment: (requires Flesh of the Empress) An augment for Herb Kits.

-- Symbiotic Gadget Augment (requires Flesh of the Empress): An aug for Skill Kits

Furthermore, when you use these Gadgets, halve their required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive their Self-inflicted damage when you use them. The former cannot be reduced further. This does not affect Skills granted by the Augment.

Xenotech Expertise (requires Herb Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:

-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand psychic horror.



Image by Nicco Salonga

Also called the Medicine Discipline, it can cure illness, stitch wounds, and make medicine. Experienced Doctors can even coax life and hope back to an 99% dead individual. Invest in this Discipline if:

  • You want to play a back alley surgeon, a field medic, or a medical professional

  • You want to focus on non-magical healing or improve on any kind of healing

  • You want to save your allies from death and turn the tide on losing battles

Relevant Rules

  • Heal: this restores a number of HP equal to the number invoked. A creature cannot have more HP than their maximum HP value.

  • Cure Wounds: This cures all Control effects with the “Wound” duration (e.g. Pain Wound, Stun Wound, etc)

  • Examine: This reflects a character gleaning information from studying a target and referencing their own knowledge. The target must respond truthfully and OOG to the question, although “I don’t know” can be a valid answer. Deception skills do not block Examine effects.


Basic Skills

Medical Redemption: Heal wounds or even revive the dead

Medicine Maker (Craft): Create an Herb Kit or grant healing to allies.

Treat Injury: Heal damage or cure wounds, even in the midst of combat

Complex Skills

Corpse Reader: Discover details about a nearby individual through observation.

Curative Chemicals (Craft): Create a remedy that enhances an Advanced Herb Kit.

Distill Disease (Craft): Cure diseases, drawing them out of your patients. 

Expert Doctor (Craft): Create advanced Herb Kits or cure Diseases. 

Greater Remedy: Improve your healing ability

Erudite Skills

Alternative Theorems (Craft): Cure Curses and Cure Blight with certain Doctor skills.

Endure Plague: You are resistant to diseases, provided you are healthy. 

High-tech Medicine (Craft): Use technology to perform great feats of medicine.

Master of Remedies: Mastery skill for the Doctor Discipline. 

Supreme Revive (1/P): You are able to revive up to three people while under duress.



(Basic Doctor; Active-Task, Imbue-Heal/Cure/Greater Revive)

Your medical skill is such that you can heal injuries, wounds, and blights after some basic treatment. This skill has the subfunctions below

Long Treatment (requires Herb Kit, long task): After 5+ minutes of simulating the diagnosis and treatment of 1-5 patients, you can clarify the benefits below to your patients

  • Heal 10

  • Cure Strikes, Wounds, and Blights.

-- Cure Disease (Astral/Water/Herbal CMP): You can perform Long Treatment and add a Cure Disease effect if you also expend 1 CMP per person treated. Remember that cured diseases still occupy ATN for the rest of the Event but are inert and prevent you from getting it again that month.

Basic CMP = cures all Basic Diseases from 1 patient unless Incurable

Rare CMP = as above, but also cures Greater Diseases

Pure CMP = as Rare CMP’s effects plus cures Anathemic Diseases unless otherwise specified

-- Greater Revive: When you perform Long Treatment, you can resurrect up to 5 dead characters. However, doing so leaves them at 1 HP, with a Pain Strike, and with a new Grave Scar, reflecting the traumatic process. Below are its limits:

  • Proximity: You must be within 10 feet of the bodies while using this Skill

  • Consent: Their Players are willing to be revived

  • Integrity: Targets must be dead for less than 12 hours and not missing their head or most of their torso. Missing limbs may be stitched or grafted as part of the Greater Revive.

  • Grave Scars: Also, the patient must have less than 5 Grave Scars or have a Graft Stigmata. This must be signed off by a Staff member.

    • Non-Grafted PCs cannot be resurrected if they have 5 or more such Scars.

    • Grafted Characters with 5 Grave Scars also gain a Soul Scar,


(Basic Doctor; Active-Craft. Imbue-Rest/Cure/Heal)

Doctors are known as healers of body and mind -- this skill allows them to dedicate a Crafting action to curing patients of their wounds or make Herb Kits. This Skill has the following subfunctions:

Craft Herb Kit: Create a basic-quality Herb Kit – In addition to its Component (CMP) costs, this requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful and/or medicinal herbs or chemicals. Herb Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.

Basic Medicine (requires Herb Kit): As a Craft action, you can treat the hurts of 1-5 living or dead individuals (except yourself) This follows the procedure below:

  • Step 1: Designate 1-5 patients that you intend to treat with this skill

  • Step 2: Fill out the necessary Craft-Ritual forms

  • Step 3: Spend 5+ minutes role-playing the applying bandages, salves, or other medical methods.

  • Step 4: This expends your Craft action for the current Period

  • Step 5: Present the filled Craft-Ritual form to Game Staff.

Completion: If you are able to complete this activity, you may grant all of the following to your patients

  • If Patient is dead, Greater Revive (as per Medical Redemption)

  • Heal 10 and Cure Strikes, Blight, and Wounds

  • Lasting Resolve 5

Augmented Crafting: This skill can be enhanced by others or by certain conditions. If your Crafting is imbued with an Augment from Market Hour or an ally’s skills, you may choose from one of the benefits below. You must fulfill the requirements/costs for each product/effect..

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 additional Herb Kits or use Basic Medicine on five additional patients.

  • Bonus Quality: As per Expert Doctor, make/upkeep an Advanced Herb Kit. It can have 1 Augment from the Expert Augment list or or any other Kit Augment that you know how to apply.

Relevant Rules — Lasting Resolve: Similar to Resolve, it is depleted by damage first before HP. If undepleted, it lasts until the next hour or Period (whichever comes last). It never stacks with Resolve or Lasting Resolve - when receiving either, the receiver must choose between the incoming effect or their current Resolve.


(Basic Doctor/Soother/Survivor; Active-Conc/Focus, Imbue-Heal/Cure, Inquiry, Aug)

You are able to quickly patch an ally, even through the stress of combat.

  • Step 1: Wear an Herb Kit

  • Step 2: With an empty hand, touch with your patient’s shoulder with one empty hand and/or simulate bandaging them

  • Step 3: Perform iConc-7 while doing the above

  • Step 4: Upon completion, invoke one of the options below to bestow their effects

    • Option 1: “Remedy - Heal 1”

    • Option 2: ”Remedy - Cure Wounds”

    • Option 3 ”Examine - What Diseases are affecting you”

    • Option 4: ”Examine - How many Grave Scars do you have”

    • Option 5: ”Examine - What Control effects are you suffering?”

Swift Remedy (-Focus): If you expend 1 Focus when using this skill, you can invoke “Remedy” as “Swift Remedy” to lower the required iConc to iConc-2, and increase the effect to “Heal 3”.



(Complex Doctor/Hunter/Reader; Active-Concentration/Focus, Inquiry)

Requires: Any two Basic Hunter, Doctor, and/or Reader skills

With scrutiny and deduction, you can learn more from a corpse, or a person that does not move away from you.

While out of combat (no fighting within 50 feet, sight, or hearing), study your subject while performing a Conc-30 within arm’s reach. If successful, you may expend 1 Focus and invoke “Corpse Reader” to ask 1-3 questions from the list below.

    • ATN: “Inquiry -- are you under the effects of <specific attunement/affliction>”?

    • Control: “Inquiry -- what Control effects are you suffering?”

    • Death: (corpse only) “Examine -- What kind of attack killed you?”

    • Species: “Examine -- what Species are you?”

    • Wounds: “Examine -- Name an attack/damage that hit you within the last hour”

  • If there is no corpse prop or NPC, direct your questions to Game Staff during the scene. Similarly, an NPC/Game Staff may grant a Clue Card in lieu of giving information -- this requires 10 minutes of contemplation/discussion after the scene.

Skill Limitations:

-- 1/Period: You cannot use this skill on the same target again until an hour or a Period has passed (whichever comes last).

-- Defenses: Deception skills can negate Inquiry effects but not Examine effects.

Additional Options: If you have Discern Details, Treat Injury, or Cold Reading, you can choose questions from their lists.


(Complex Chemist/Doctor; Active-Craft, Imbue-Heal/Resolve)

Requires: Any two basic Chemist/Doctor skills and the ability to craft Advanced Herb Kits

You are now able to apply your chemistry toward medical ends. Take note that unlike Treat Injury however, the Concentration from Healing Vials does not require the patient’s presence the entire time -- only for the delivery of the effect.

Healing Vial Proficiency: Add the Healing Vial Augments below to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit. Halve the Concentration required when you use Healing Vials (rounding up). These cannot be lowered further.

Medical Chemistry (requires Herb Kit, long task): After 5 minutes of roleplay, you are able to grant the benefits of the “Long Treatment” function, as per the Medical Redemption.


(Complex Doctor; Active-Craft, Imbue-Cure, Cure-Disease)

Requires: Any two basic Doctor skills and Expert Doctor

Most Post-fall diseases and disorders manifest a miasma in the human body. When you cure a Disease, you can crystallize its corruption into a vial where it can be used in certain crafts and rituals.

After you use the Advanced Medicine subfunction of Expert Doctor to cure a Basic or Greater Disease, you may take its Disease tag. Within the same Period, submit the Cured Disease tag to Game Staff to be granted a minor Death, Shadow or Abyssal CMP.

Incurable, Infectious and Anathemic diseases do not grant any CMPs.

Special note: Cured diseases and curses still occupy ATN for the rest of the Event but are inert and prevent you from getting it again that month.


(Complex Doctor; Active-Craft, Imbue-Cure, Cure-Disease)

Requires: Any two basic Doctor skills, including Medicine Maker

This skill allows you to craft more complex Herb Kits and Elixirs, as well as assist in the creation of Herb Shops and Cure Diseases without expending CMP.

Expert Crafting: When you use Medicine Maker, you have new options.. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Herb Kit, which has bonus abilities from its Kit Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.

  • Advanced Herb Kit (1 Aug)

  • Herb Shop (requires Herb Kit)

Apply Kit Augment: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb or Scrap Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Expert Kit Augments list

Advanced Medicine (requires Herb Kit): When you use the Basic Medicine subfunction of Medicine Maker, you can add a Cure Disease effect to it. This allows you to Cure Basic and Greater Diseases that are not Incurable without expending CMP.

As per usual, a Game Marshall must sign off on the ATN as cured but the slot cannot be otherwise used until the next Event. Any patient you cure in this way cannot be affected by the same Disease in the current Event.

Augmented Crafting: You can now opt for one of the benefits below when your Crafting with Chem Maker is Augmented, fulfilling the normal costs/requirements as per usual.

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 extra Advanced Skill Kits or apply Advanced Medicine to up to 10 patients

  • Bonus Quality: Make/upkeep one Superior Skill Kit from the Master of Elements list, which can have up to two Augments that you have access to.


(Complex Doctor; Active-RP, Imbue-Cure, Aftereffect)

Requires: Any two basic Doctor skills

Your skill with the curing of wounds and injuries increases, vastly improving your medical or even magical abilities to heal. This skill has the following subfunctions.

Grace of Tranquility (+Heal): The Healing you imbue via a Spell or Treat Injury skill is increased by +1 when used on others (aka outgoing healing)..

Neutralize Poison (-Focus): You may add “Remedy - Cure Blight” to the list of options that you may invoke when using Treat Injury. However, this requires 1 Focus.

Medical Expertise: Your Treat Injury skill has a Healing cap of “Heal 7” instead of “Heal 5”. This has no effect on those who have their Healing abilities diminished.



(Erudite Doctor; Active-Craft, Imbue-Cure/Heal/Stigmata)

Requires: Any two complex Doctor skills and any two basic Doctor skills including Expert Doctor and Medical Redemption

Spiritual afflictions are now within your capacity to cure. You can also perform magical feats such as growing a new body for a fallen ally or grafting an Eidolonic Stigmata.

Esoteric Medicine (requires Herb Kit and Adept ATN): No longer limited to physical disorders, you can now extend your Doctor skills to the spiritual arena.

  • Cure Curse: If you have them, you can use Distill Disease and Expert Doctor on Curses.

  • Examine Curse: A new Treat Injury option “Examine - What Curses do you have?“

  • Speak to Spirits: Gain a new option for Treat Injury: “Inquiry - Speak to Spirits”. This allows you to see and speak to spirits. You do not need a patient for this Conc count.

  • Medical Reincarnation (requires Biomancer Hatchery, Bone Garden, or any Mana Lodge): When you use Medical Redemption to resurrect a dead patient, you can incarnate them into a new body or fully restore a ravaged one. This painful process requires the presence and consent of their spirit -- only clothes and Fate-bound/Magna-traced items return with them

  • Implant Eidolonic Spore: You are able to grant the Eidolonic Stigmata on a willing, non-Grafted person. This agonizing process is outlined in the Eidolonic Stigmata section.

  • Fate Binding (requires Herb Kit and Adept ATN): You can bind a Skill Kit to an owner, as per the Brewer’s Eldritch Elixirist skill

Etheric Expertise (Doctor; requires Herb Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Doctor skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)

Magical Construction (requires Herb Kit): When you use Medicine Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise above.

-- Biomancer Hatchery (also costs Flesh of the Empress x5)

-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

-- Hallowed Shrine

-- Superior Herb Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)


(Erudite Doctor/Survivor; Active-Focus/HP, Defense-Blight/Disease, Resist)

Requires: Any two complex Doctor/Survivor skills and any two basic Doctor/Survivor skills

Your medical skill or resilience is such that you can deal with an infection or a poison before it can truly take root. This is reflected in the subfunctions below:

Endure Plague (-Focus)

  • Step 1: Receive a Blight effect or Basic/Greater Disease

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Endure Plague”

  • Step 4: This negates the attack and imbues you with “Resolve 3”

  • Step 5: Mentally take note of your Resolve total

Resist Plague (requires Herb Kit, Resolve): If you are currently wearing an Herb Kit and have at least “Resolve 1”, then you may waive the Focus cost of “Endure Plague”, Invoke this augmented skill as “Resist Plague"


(Erudite Doctor; Active-Craft, Imbue-Cure/Revive/Stigmata)

Requires: Any two complex Doctor skills and any two basic Doctor skills including Expert Doctor

You are up to date in the use of technology in your medical field.

Apex Medicine (requires Magna Field): When you use Medicine Maker, you gain the options below Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.

-- Apex Lab (requires Herb Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)

-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

-- Hyper Refined Vial Augment: (requires Hyper Refined Etherite)

Also, halve the required Concentration (round down) when you use Hyper Refined Vials. This required count may not be lowered further.

Metabionic Surgery: You can implant of Metabionic equipment into a person.

Implant Metabionic Graft: You are able to grant the Metabionic Stigmata on a willing, non-Grafted ally This painful process is outlined in the Metabionic Stigmata section.

Implant Metabionic Trait: You can implant a Metabionic Trait upon a willing Metabionic ally (see Metabionic Stigmata)

Toxic Tolerance (requires Herb Kit): Practice with experimental chemicals has left you with some tricks. Use the Resist Toxin skill as if you had it, with the requirement below:

-- After you use Resist Toxin, simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand corrosive attacks.


(Erudite Doctor; Active-Craft, Mastercraft, Imbue-Heal/Cure)

Requires: Any two complex Doctor skills and any two basic Doctor skills including Expert Doctor and Greater Remedy

You have reached a pinnacle of craftsmanship and healing with the medicinal arts. Not only are you able to craft great things in an easier fashion, but your own skills with treating injuries and the like are further enhanced.

Master Doctor When you use Medicine Maker, you now have the option to make a Superior Herb Kit, if you cannot do so yet .

Superior Healing: Some of your Doctor skills have improved functions:

  • Heal thy Self: The bonus from Greater Remedy also applies when using Treat Injury or a Spell upon yourself — this can apply to “Serenity Within” and “Survivor’s Reprieve”

  • Mass Redemption: You may augment the Medical Redemption skill to affect ten people at a time instead of only five people. Invoke it as “Mass Medical Redemption”

  • Forceful Revive: You can use Medical Redemption to revive a person who has been dead for 24 hours or less.

  • Emergency Treatment: You may add “Remedy - Painful Revive” to the list of options that you may invoke when using Treat Injury.

Mastercraft Action (requires Herb Kit, 1/Event): You may augment a Craft action once per Event, allowing you the benefits below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.

  • Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Medicine Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period.

  • Benefit 2: Medicinal Mastery: If using Medicine Maker’s Basic or Advanced Medicine, you can affect up to 10 additional patients. This can be combined with Bonus Output or used with the Craft Items Interim Action


(Erudite; Active-Periodic, Imbue-Revive)

(Erudite Doctor; Active-Periodic, Imbue-Revive)

Requires: Any two Complex Doctor skills and any two basic Doctor skills

With immense effort and concentration, you can resuscitate those that would remain dead in the hands of lesser healers.

Once per Period, while you are using an Herb Kit, you can perform one of the medical feats below. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest. Due to this task’s complexity, you cannot do this to yourself

Scarless Revive (requires Herb Kit): Resurrect two allies while mitigating their hurt.

  • Step 1: Touch one or two dead allies that died within the last hour.

  • Step 2: Perform a First Aid-10 count while maintaining contact

  • Step 3: Invoke “Supreme Revive”

  • Step 4: Clarify that both individuals are affected by a Greater Revive that does not afflict them with a Grave Scar or Soul Scar.

Medical Triage (requires Herb Kit): In an emergency, swiftly bring two allies back up.

  • Step 1: Touch one or two allies that are Downed or Critical

  • Step 2: Perform a First Aid-3 count while maintaining contact

  • Step 3: Invoke “Supreme Triage”

  • Step 4: Invoke “Painless Revive” to grant that effect to both, which does not inflict a Pain Strike.



Image by Nicco Salonga

Called Mechanica or Engineering to some, individuals of this Discipline are crafters of devices and miscellania. Invest in this Discipline if:

  • You want to play a Gadgeteer, an Engineer, or a similar artisan of miscellania.

  • You want to be a user of gadgets that can hinder your enemies or aid your allies.

  • You want to be good at disarming locks and traps, even hacking into very rare computers.

Relevant Rules: Crafting Process

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.

  • Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.



Basic Skills

Device Maker (Craft): Craft a Scrap Kit or Create a Basic Device or Basic Equipment.

Disarm Device: Disable a basic device, such as a trap or a lock.

Improvised Repair: Repair Sundered weapons or armor.

Complex Skills

Arcane Artifice (Craft): Create and use Arcane kits and equipment

Clockwork Gadgeteer (Craft): Modify an Advanced Scrap Kit with a useful gadget.

Expert Tinker (Craft): Create Advanced Scrap Kits and Advanced Equipment

Strengthen Item: add temporary strength to a weapon or armor.

Tech Diver: Disarm advanced Devices and Conjurations

Erudite Skills

Eldritch Gadgetry (Craft): Create Eldritch devices or gadgets.

High-Tech Tinker (Craft): Create Magna-tech or Apex-tech devices or gadgets.

Master of Tinkering: This is the Mastery skill for the Tinker Discipline.

Metabionic Gadgeteer (Craft): Become an expert in Metabionic gadgetry

Supreme Disarmament (1/P): Quickly disarm superior devices or repair many weapons.

Xenotech Savant (Craft): Create strange magical devices or gadgets.



(Basic Tinker; Active-Craft, Create-Kit/Device)

Tinkers are versatile makers of gadgets and miscellaneous items, as reflected below:

As a Craft-Ritual action, you may craft a single item. For at least 10 minutes, you are expected to be performing role-playing that reflects the creation of said items – this means organizing gathered herbs, putting pieces of scrap metal together, using a screwdriver on some screws, etc. Take note that once you perform a Craft-Ritual action, you may not perform another one until the current Period has passed.

  • Create Basic Scrap Kit: This requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines. As per usual, this requires the expenditure of Components (aka CMP).

  • Create Basic Herb Kit: Similar to above except that Herb Kits are filled with medicinal herbs or chemicals - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines.

  • Create Basic Equipment: Alternatively, your Craft-Ritual action may instead create one Basic Equipment item such as a rope, a lantern, a lockbox, miscellaneous or precise equipment.

Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented (e.g. when done during Market Hour), you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 additional Basic Herb/Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make/upkeep 1-2 additional Basic Equipment items.

  • Bonus Quality: As though you had Expert Tinker, make/upkeep one Advanced Scrap/Herb Kit with an Expert Kit Augment or any other Kit Augment that you have access to.. Alternatively, use a Scrap Kit to make one Expert Equipment item


(Basic Tinker; Active-Conc, Disarm)

You are able to dismantle lockboxes, traps, vine walls, and similar items. Individuals with these skill sets, whether magical or technological, are colloquially called Lockpicks or Defusers.

  • Step 1A: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature

  • Step 1B: Have a Scrap Kit and a hand that is not holding anything

  • Step 2: Perform iConc-30 while remaining within reach of the target

  • Step 3: Invoke “Basic Disarm”

  • Step 4: This destroys a lock, trap, or similar device of basic quality or worse. This may accomplish a mission objective or remove an obstacle to doing so.

Such hindrances and hazards are typically clarified or labeled accordingly. Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.

Cooperative Effort: If you work together with another Lockpick or a Versatile Artisan, you can declare that you are cooperating with them. This functions as the process above except that you collectively designate the action’s leader -- they invoke the Conc count, halting if any of you are disrupted. This lowers the count to iConc-10.

Disarmed Scrap: Disarming a Device using this skill effectively turns it into useful scrap. You may turn in the Device item tag to Logistics in exchange for a Minor CMP (usually metal or earth).

Prop: It is recommended that you carry a pair of dull scissors or a dull knife for use in cutting strings or tape.


(Basic Tinker; Active-Conc/Task, Repair)

Through experience and ingenuity, you are able to mend breaks and fractures in many items.

Using a Scrap Kit, this skill allows you to repair Weaponry or Armor as though you had the Repair Armor or Repair Weaponry skill with a Conc count or as a Long Task This does not allow for the “Quick Use” function of those skills.



(Complex Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)

Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills

Even without being a spellcaster, this skill allows you to make simple but useful talismans that radiate and manipulate eldritch energy, as showcased by the following functions

Arcane Equipment (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below:

-- Sorcerous Equipment

-- Calming Lantern

Arcane Gadget Proficiency: Add Arcane Gadget Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit. Also, waive the self-inflicted effects from when you use Arcane Gadgets.

Arcane Lamp (requires Scrap Kit, Conc-10): You can temporarily modify a light source you are holding so that you and nearby allies can see and speak to spirits. This is similar to the Channeler’s Arcane Ember skill. This light remains modified until you modify a different light, let go of it, or an hour has passed.


(Complex Junker/Tinker; Active-Craft/Ritual, Aug)

Requires: Any two basic Junker/Tinker skills

You are skilled with grinding gear and winding spring, able to tease them into instruments of immense utility and flexibility.

Clockwork Equipment (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below:

-- Clockwork Equipment

-- Warming Lantern

-- Purifying Lantern

Clockwork Gadget Proficiency: Add Clockwork Gadget Augments to your options for when you make/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit. Halve the Concentration required when you use Clockwork Gadgets (rounding up). These cannot be lowered further.

Tweak Skill Kit (requires Scrap Kit, long task): Modify a Skill Kit by adding mini capacitors or heat sinks.

  • Step 1: have an non-Tweaked Skill Kit with a Vial or Gadget augment

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process

  • Step 3: Choose between Flame, Frost, and Lightning (see effect)

  • Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.

Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Vial or Gadget can have its attacks inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Tinker.


(Complex Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug, Imbue-Boost)

Requires: Any two basic Tinker skills

Your expertise with devices and equipment has progressed to more intricate and hardier works. While weaponry and weaving are beyond the scope of this skill, its versatility and utility remain of the utmost ability.

Expert Gadgetry: When you use Device Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Herb/Scrap Kit, which has bonus abilities from its Kit Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.

  • Advanced Herb Kit (1 Aug)

  • Advanced Rope/Chain/Doorlock/Lockbox

  • Advanced Scrap Kit (1 Aug)

  • Herb Shop (requires Scrap Kit)

  • Hallowed Shrine (requires Scrap Kit)

  • Powered Equipment (requires Scrap Kit)

  • Scrap Shop (requires Scrap Kit)

  • Small Buildings (requires Scrap Kit)

Apply Kit Augment: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb or Scrap Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Expert Kit Augments list

Augmented Crafting: You can now opt for one of the benefits below when your Crafting with Device Maker is Augmented, fulfilling the normal costs/requirements as per usual.

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 extra Advanced Herb/ Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make up to 1-3 Equipment items you know how to make.

  • Bonus Quality: You may expend components to make one Superior Skill Kit. With a Superior Scrap Kit, you may make Equipment from the Master of Tinkering Skill.


(Complex Tinker; Active-Task/Craft, Aug, Imbue-Tweak)

Requires: Any two basic Tinker skills

You can make temporary modifications on your items or an ally’s items. Because these are not Craft actions, these services can be done for (or sold to) ally during times of rest or respite.

Tweak Weapon (requires Scrap Kit, long task) Modify a Weapon by adding mini capacitors or heat sinks.

  • Step 1: Choose a non-Tweaked Weapon or Armor as the subject of this skill

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process

  • Step 3: Choose between Flame, Frost, and Lightning (see effect)

  • Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.

Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Weapon can have its Smites and Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Tinker.

Tweak Armor (requires Scrap Kit, long task): Alternatively, you can reinforce an armored person. This functions as per the procedure above except that the armored person you target gains the Lasting Patch status. This lasts for the rest of the Event or until expended by invoking “Patch Aegis” in response to an attack. This is similar to the Aegis defense and has the same limits, but it cannot be augmented.

Volatile Gadgets Proficiency: Add Volatile Gadgets Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit. Also, waive the self-inflicted effects and halve their Concentration requirements (round up) when you use the properties of Volatile Augments. These cannot be lowered further.

Prop requirements: A ribbon or tassel wrapped around the weapon or a piece of the armor, written legibly upon it is your Character Sheet Number (CSN).


(Complex Tinker; Active-Conc/Focus, Disarm)

Requires: Any two Basic Tinker skills and the ability to use Basic Disarm

Your expertise at dismantling devices grows so that you can now affect magical matrixes called Conjurations and even Dive into computers

Disarming Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): When you use the Disarm Device skill, its functionality is improved by this skill At the end of your Concentration count you may invoke one of the following below instead of “Basic Disarm”

-- Greater Disarm: Disarm locks or traps of Advanced quality or worse, turning them into scrap.

-- Disrupt Conjuration: Disrupt a Conjuration or drive away a Spirit within melee reach for 10 minutes. This does not require that you Concentrate next to your target.

-- Dive System: Dive into a Pre-Fall computer to peruse its contents.

Quick Fingers: You can reduce the Conc count of your Basic or Greater Disarm by 5 counts. This cannot be lower than Conc-10.

Ancient Tech: This skill also grants you some knowledge of Ancient Tech and you are able to understand the majority of a computer’s files. Take note that most files are corrupted and the amount of information that you can glean from a Pre-Fall computational device is incredibly limited, if such devices have not been destroyed by the Magnetic Mana Storms that ravage the planet.

Cooperative Defusing (requires Scrap Kit, iConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.

If you have the Master of Tinkering skill, you only need one other Lockpick or Versatile Artisan with you.



(Erudite Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)

Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills

You have delved deep into the lores of the supernatural and the sorcerous, melding the new sciences with magic. This allows you to craft these special augments even without Arcane talent.

Eldritch Engineering (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise above.

-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

-- Eldritchtech Gadgets (requires Adept ATN)

-- Hallowed Shrine

-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)

-- Spectral Gadgets (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

-- Vibrant Rune Lantern

Furthermore, you may halve the Spectral Gadget’s Self-inflicted Control effect and completely waive the Eldritchtech Gadget’s Self-inflicted damage when you use them. The former cannot be reduced further.

Etheric Expertise (Tinker; requires Scrap Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Tinker skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)

Versatile Fate Binding (requires Scrap Kit and Adept ATN): Bind a Weaponry, Weaver, or Skill Kit item to a willing owner. This is similar to the Brewer’s Eldritch Elixirist skill.


(Erudite Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)

Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills

You have reached the cutting edge of the new sciences, as far as the Tinker Discipline is concerned. Ethertronics is as magical as actual sorcery to the common person, a small taste of the World that Was.

Apex Artifice: When you use Device Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.

-- Apex Lab (requires Scrap Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)

-- Ethertronic Equipment (requires Scrap Kit)

-- Ethertronic Gadget (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) Augment for Scrap Kit

-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)

-- Magna Powered Gadget: Augments for Scrap Kits

-- Superior Herb Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Rationality Lantern

Furthermore, when you use the above Gadgets, halve their required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive their Self-inflicted damage when you use them. The former cannot be reduced further. This does not affect Skills granted by the Augment.

Magna Tracer (any item; requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field or Magna Forge):

-- When you make or upkeep any item, you modify one of those items so that it can’t be used by anyone else and so that its owner can easily find it. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Lightning CMP and an ATN slot from the owner for the next 3 Events. This item cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. Somehow, the owner can find it during the same Event.


(Erudite Junker/Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)

Requires: Any two complex Junker/Tinker skills and any two basic Junker/Tinker skills and the ability to craft or upkeep Scrap Kits

You are learned of the new sciences aka Nueva Ciencia, especially magnetic mana technology. This skill allows you to create and utilize these knowledges accordingly.

Magna Tech Engineering: When you use Device Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of them require that the crafter generates a Magna Field to power the creation process and the product. Skill Kits with the Magna Batt augment and the Magna Forge Workshop are the main methods of doing so, but other ways exist.

-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)

-- Magna Powered Gadget Augments for Scrap Kits

-- Magna Tech Lantern

-- Motorized Equipment (requires Magna Field)

-- Scrap Shop

-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)

-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)

Magna Tech Resistance (requires Scrap Kit): Constant use of Magna Tech has granted you the use of the Resist Magna Storm skill as though you had it, with the following exception:

-- You must be wielding a Shield or a metal/mostly metal weapon when you use this Skill. Furthermore, whenever you use Resist Magna Storm, stomp your foot or raise your shield/metal item to ground the electricity.

Metabionic Surgery: You can implant of Metabionic equipment into a person.

  • Implant Metabionic Graft: You are able to grant the Metabionic Stigmata on a willing, non-Grafted ally This painful process is outlined in the Metabionic Stigmata section.

  • Implant Metabionic Trait: You can implant a Metabionic Trait upon a willing Metabionic ally (see Metabionic Stigmata)


Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills, including Expert Tinker

This skill grants you the ability to create different kinds of Superior Kits, as well as different types of Workshops. Its greatest boon is its Mastercraft action, which allows for the creation of more items and effects.

Master Tinker: When you use Device Maker, you have new options.

  • Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)

  • Superior Rope/Chain/Doorlock/Lockbox

  • Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)

  • Hallowed Shrine Workshop

  • Masterwork Equipment

Gadget Mastery: When you use a ranged attack from a Gadget (e.g. Hook Bracer, Tesla Gauntlet), you can prefix it with “Piercing” so that it affects your target even if it hits their weapon, claw, or shield.

Improvised Gadgetry: Your skill with Gadgets is such that your Scrap Kits house jury-rigged contraptions without need for upkeep. When you learn this Skill, choose an Augment Property from a Gadget

  • You must have the Skills to make it

  • It cannot require a Superior CMP.

  • It must have a Conc or Targ count

While you have Master of Tinkering and are wearing a Scrap Kit, you can use that Property even if your Skill Kit does not have that Augment currently. However, its Conc/Targ count is not halved.

Mastercraft Action (requires Scrap Kit, 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.

  • Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Cloth Maker, Device Maker, or Weapon Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period, owing to the versatility of this Discipline

  • Benefit 2: Mass Production: If used to make Skill Kits or Equipment, you create 4 additional Skill Kits or Equipment, paying the cost for each one. These can be different items if desired. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.

  • Benefit 3: Additional Disarmament: You can invoke “Master of Tinkering” when you use Supreme Disarmament. This allows you to use that Periodic Skill without it counting against that Period or to use it when you’ve already used it for that Period.


(Erudite Junker/Tinker ; Active-Conc/Periodic, Disarm)

Requires: Any two complex Junker/Tinker and any two basic Junker/Tinker skills

You can leverage mechanical expertise and precision into a single moment of prowess.

Once per Period, while wearing a Scrap Kit, perform a Conc-5 and then choose one of the options below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

  • Option 1: “Supreme Disarm” - This instantly disarms a Superior Lock or Superior Trap. If there is an item or effect tag for the trap, you may return it to the Logistics room in exchange for a minor CMP, as per Disarm Device

  • Option 2: “Supreme Mending“ - This allows you to imbue a “Field-Repair” on up to five Sundered Weaponry items you touch in the next 5 seconds. You may not move your feet or this skill’s use is disrupted.

  • Option 3: “Supreme Patch” - This allows you to Quick Patch up to five armored allies you touch in the next 5 seconds. You may not move your feet or this skill’s use is disrupted. You can choose yourself as one of the targets.


(Erudite Tinker; Active-Craft/CMP, Create-Kit Augments)

Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills

The writhing lores of the Hatchery and of abyssal flesh have been made open to you and have drunk deep into their depths.

Biomantic Gadgetry (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.

-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Scrap Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)

-- Eldritch Equipment

-- Spectral Gadgets (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

-- Superior Herb Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Symbiotic Gadget Augment (requires Flesh of the Empress)

Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Symbiotic Gadgets are halved and waive the Self-inflicted damage from the use of Symbiotic and Arcane Gadgets. This cannot be lowered further.

Tweak Skill Kit (requires Scrap Kit, long task) Modify a Skill Kit by adding tiny symbiotic organisms or using eldritch runes.

  • Step 1: have an non-Tweaked Skill Kit with a Vial or Gadget augment

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process

  • Step 3: Choose between Shadow, Psychic, and Corrosive (see effect)

  • Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.

Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Vial or Gadget can have its attacks inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Tinker.

Xenotech Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:

-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate adjusting your goggles/eyewear (if you have any), adjusting your Scrap Kit, having it jolt you with electricity, or any similar action that reflects using technology to deflect supernatural fear or psychic frequencies.




Image by Nicco Salonga

Sometimes called Weaponsmithing or Warmongering, this Discipline allows for the creation, repair, and augmentation of weapons and shields. Invest in this Discipline if:

  • You want to arm your comrades and ensure their victories in combat

  • You want to play an arms dealer, a weapon connoisseur, a damage focused Builder, or a maker of legendary weaponry.

  • You don’t want to rely on someone else for your weapons’ creation/maintenance.

Relevant Rules: Crafting Process

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.

  • Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.


Basic Skills

Gunsmith: Craft a Basic Firearm Weapon and use them proficiently.

Repair Weaponry: Repair a Sundered weapon or item.

Weapon Maker (Craft): Craft a Scrap Kit or Basic Weaponry item (non-gun only).

Complex Skills

Battle Smith: Gain the ability to use Smite attacks. 

Chemical Warfare: Apply an augment to an Advanced/Superior weapon you are making or upkeeping.

Expert Weaponer (Craft): Craft an advanced Scrap Kit and gain access to crafting advanced weaponry.

Rune Carver (Craft): Create magical runed weaponry

War Mechanic (Craft): Gain expertise in mechanized weapons and in quicker weapon repair. 

Erudite Skills

Apex-Tech Armaments (Craft): Create the most advanced weaponry using an Apex-Lab

Eldritch Ordinance (Craft): Create higher-quality magical or undead weaponry

Magna-Forged Munitions (Craft): Create powered high-tech weaponry

Master of Weaponry: Mastery skill for the Weaponer Discipline

Xeno-Tech Armory (Craft): Create powerful living weaponry.



(Basic Weaponer/Slinger; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry, Ranged-Attack)

You are skilled in the use of firearms and if you can make weaponry, you can make firearms: pistols, shortarms, longarms, and siege casters.

Ballistic Expertise (Non-aug): When using firearms, you can opt to preface their damage or effect with “Piercing” . This can be used on firearm basic ranged attacks (aka BRA) and firearm “Smite” attacks.

Piercing attacks affect a target even if they hit the target's weapon or shield.

Create firearms (requires Weapon Maker, or a similar Skill that creates weaponry)

When you use a Skill to create Weaponry, you can opt to create a basic firearm weapon. If you can make higher quality weaponry, you can also create that level of firearm.


(Basic Weaponer; Active-Task/Conc/Focus, Field-Repair)

You can fix weaponry with the right tools, even in the heat of combat. This is kill is used as per below:

  • Step 1: Be wearing a Scrap Kit

  • Step 2: Make physical contact with a Sundered weapon/shield with one or two empty hands.

  • Step 3: Perform 30 counts of interlinked Concentration (aka iConc-30) while doing the above

  • Step 4: Invoke “Repair Weaponry” to remove the Sundered effect

Quick Repair (-Focus): you may expend one Focus to augment this skill and invoke it as “Focused Repair Weaponry”. It only takes iConc-3 to complete instead of iConc-30

Refurbish Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit, Long Task): In calmer times, you can repair weaponry en masse with ease. You can do as the process above, with the following exceptions

  • Replace iConc-30 with 5+ minutes of simulated weapon repair

  • You can affect up to five Sundered weapons or shields


(Basic Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Kit/Weaponry)

Weaponers are makers of weaponry such as: swords, bows, and ammo packs.

As a Crafting action that takes at least 10 minutes, you may craft a single item. You are expected to be performing role-playing that reflects the creation of said items – this means hammering items together at a table, putting pieces of scrap metal together, using a screwdriver on some screws, etc. Take note that once you perform a Crafting action, you may not perform another one until the current Period has passed.

  • Create Basic Scrap Kit: This requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines. As per usual, this requires the expenditure of Components (aka CMP).

  • Create Basic Weaponry item (requires Scrap Kit): Create one Basic Weaponry item such as a sword or a shield. As per above, this requires the expenditure of CMP. You cannot create Firearm weaponry (pistols, shortarms, longarms, siege casters, and slug packs) without the Gunsmith Skill

Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented by Market Hour or an ally’s Skills, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 extra Basic Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make 1-2 additional Basic Weaver items, costing CMP for each

  • Bonus Quality: As though you had Expert Weaponer, make/upkeep one Advanced Scrap Kit. Alternatively, use a Scrap Kit to make one Advanced Weaponry item with an Expert Weaponry Augment or any other Weaponry Augment that you have access to.



(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry, Active-Focus, Melee, Ranged)

Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills

Not content to make weapons, you’ve trained yourself in their use.

Smite attacks (-Focus): You are able to perform Smite attacks with a melee or ranged weapon, as per the Melee Fighter and Ranged Expertise Skills. Regardless of weapon-type, these attacks may not exceed 5 points of damage.

Maker’s Mark (+Smite): While wielding a weapon of your own recent creation or upkeep for a Smite attack, the damage you inflict with it is increased by one point. Its creation or upkeep must be no more than 3 attended Events ago.


(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry, Tweak)

Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills and Expert Weaponer

You can use chemistry in your warcraft, allowing for a diverse range of damage types.

Create Chemical Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit): when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaponry item, this skill lets you choose from the Chemical Augments list.

-- Acidic Weapon (melee or ammo): injects enemies with acid

-- Chem Caster (siege caster): can spray out Flame, Frost, or Corrosive damage

-- Inferno Weapon (melee or ammo): burns enemies with liquid flame

-- Nitro Weapon (melee or ammo): freezes enemies with attacks

Weapon Grease (requires Scrap Kit): Enhance a weapon with chemicals

  • Step 1: have an non-Tweaked melee weapon or ammo pack

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating the task

  • Step 3: Choose between Frost, Flame, or Corrosive (see effect)

  • Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.

Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this weapon can have its Smite or Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Weaponer. Tweaked Ammo Packs allow Missile attacks to be affected as well.


(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Kit/Weaponry/Workshop)

Requires: Any two Basic Weaponer skills, including Weapon Maker

Using the Weapon Maker skill, you may add the options below to the items that you are able to Craft.

Expert Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep Advanced Weaponry, which has bonus abilities from their Weaponry Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.:

  • Advanced Scrap Kit (has 1 Aug)

  • Advanced Weaponry Item (requires Scrap Kit, has 1 Aug)

  • Expert Kit Augment: These are Augments for Scrap Kits.

  • Expert Weaponry Augment: These are Augments for Weaponry items.

  • Scrap Shop (requires Scrap Kit)

Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented, choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: Make 2 additional Advanced-quality products from this Discipline’s skills, expending the necessary CMPs for each one.

  • Bonus Quality: Make one Superior-quality product from the Master of Weaponry’s list, expending the necessary CMP for it and selecting two eligible Augs for it.


(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry)

Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills and Expert Weaponer

This Skill allows you to craft and create weaponry with some magic within them even though you might not be able to use magic yourself.

Carve Runes (requires Scrap Kit): Enhance a weapon with eldritch runes

  • Step 1: have an non-Tweaked melee weapon or ammo pack

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating the task

  • Step 3: Choose between Frost, Flame, or Lightning (see effect)

  • Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.

Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this weapon can have its Smite or Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Weaponer. Tweaked Ammo Packs allow BRAs to be affected as well.

Create Runic Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit): when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaponry item, this skill lets you choose from the Runic Augments list.


(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry/Kit)

Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills and Expert Weaponer, including Repair Weaponry

This Skill represents proficiency in mechanical crafting, especially when it comes to Weaponry. This grants you the following subfunctions below:

Faster Weapon Repair (requires Scrap Kit): When you attempt to “Repair Weaponry:” you only need to complete an iConc-10 instead of iConc-30.

Repair Armor (requires Scrap Kit): You are able to use Patch Armor and Full Repair,, similar to the Repair Armor Weaver Skill. You cannot utilize its Quick Use function.

War Engineering (requires Scrap Kit): when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaponry item, this skill lets you choose from the Mechanized Augments list.



(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer

The high technologies of the Illustrados are peppered here and there in the World Beyond the Fall, but you have managed to get a hold of their secrets to energized weaponcraft. This grants you the following functions below:

High Tech Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.

-- Apex Lab (requires Scrap Kit, Magna Field, costs Hyper Refined Etherite x5)

-- Apex Tech Augment (requires Magna Field, Hyper Refined Etherite) Augment for Weaponry Items

-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)

-- Magna Powered Gadget: (requires Magna Field) Augment for Scrap Kits

-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)

Also, halve the Magna Powered Gadget’s required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive this Gadget’s Self-inflicted damage when you use them.

Magna Tracer (Weaponry item; requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field or Magna Forge):

-- When you make or upkeep a Weaponry item or a Scrap Kit, you modify one of those items so that it can’t be used by anyone else and so that its owner can easily find it. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Lightning CMP and an ATN slot from the owner for the next 3 Events. This item cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. Somehow, the owner can find it during the same Event.


(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills including Expert Weaponer

Not only can you more easily infuse weapons with magic, but you are also able to bind spiritual energy (or unfortunate souls, depending on what you believe) to weapons. This grants you the following functions below:

Bind with Fate (Weaponer; requires Scrap Kit and Adept ATN or Mana Lodge):

-- When you make or upkeep a Weaponry item or Scrap Kit, you can Bind its fate to an owner for the next 3 Events. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Astral CMP and an ATN slot from the owner. While bound thusly, it cannot be stolen, lost or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. It is Fated to always find its way back to its owner during the current Event.

Etheric Expertise (Weaver; requires Scrap Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Weaver skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)

Magical Ordinance (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Weaponry Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise below.

-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

-- Eldritchcraft Augment (requires Adept ATN or Mana Lodge) An aug for Weaponry Items

-- Hallowed Shrine

-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)

-- Necro Tech Augment: (requires Necrotheurgic ATN or Bone Garden)

-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)


(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer

You are a student of the new sciences, specializing in crafting Magnetic Mana technology. This grants you the following functions below:

Magna Tech Resistance (requires Scrap Kit): Constant use of Magna Tech has granted you the use of the Resist Magna Storm skill as though you had it, with the following exception:

-- You must be wielding a Shield or a metal/mostly metal weapon when you use this Skill. Furthermore, whenever you use Resist Magna Storm, stomp your foot or raise your shield/metal item to ground the electricity.

Magna Tech Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of them require that the crafter generates a Magna Field to power the creation process and the product. Skill Kits with the Magna Batt augment and the Magna Forge Workshop are the main methods of doing so, but other ways exist.

-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)

-- Magna Powered Gadget (requires Magna Field) Augments for Scrap Kits

-- Magna Tech Augment (requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field): Augments for Weaponry Items

-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)

Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Magna Powered Gadgets are halved and their Self-inflicted damage is waived. This cannot be lowered further.


(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Monthly, Create-Kit/Weaponry, Mastercraft)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer

You are a master of your craft, making Weaponry items with ease and in greater numbers. Weaponers with this Skill are able to perform their craft with greater frequency, going beyond the limits of their energy and proficiency in making items.

Master Weaponer: When you use Weapon Maker, you have new options.

-- Superior Scrap Kit

-- Superior Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)

Dual Repair: When you field repair weaponry, you can augment it and prefix it with “Dual” -- this allows you to repair two Sundered weapons at once. This is not a Mastercraft action.

War Smith: Your knowledge with weaponry perfects your own combat techniques. If you have the Battle Smith skill, its bonus applies to any weapon, not just those that you’ve made/upkept.

Mastercraft Action (requires Scrap Kit, 1/Event): You may augment a Craft action once per Event, allowing you the benefits below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.

  • Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Weapon Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period.

  • Benefit 2: Practiced Weaver: If Master of Weaponry is used to make Weaponry Items, you choose to create or maintain up to four additional Weaponry items. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.  


(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug, Tech)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer

Xenotech works with living weapons, quasi-living entities that serve as powerful weapons for those who are life bonded to them. This grants you the subfunctions below:

Biomantic Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.

-- Arcane Gadget Augment: Augments for Scrap Kits

-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Scrap Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)

-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)

-- Xenotech Augment: (requires Scrap Kit; Flesh of the Empress)

Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Symbiotic Gadgets are halved and waive the Self-inflicted damage from the use of Symbiotic and Arcane Gadgets. This cannot be lowered further.

Xenotech Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:

-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate adjusting your goggles/eyewear (if you have any), adjusting your Scrap Kit, having it jolt you with electricity, or any similar action that reflects using technology to deflect supernatural fear or psychic frequencies.



Image by Nicco Salonga

Also known as Tailoring, the Weaver Discipline focuses on defense. It crafts cloth and armor to shelter users against the elements, blades and claws. Invest in this Discipline if:

  • You want to protect and clothe your allies with items

  • You want to play a fashion designer, an armorsmith, or a similar artisan

  • You want to more resilience and toughness while being a Builder

Relevant Rules: Crafting Process

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.

  • Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.


Basic Skills

Armor Expertise: Use armor more effectively, softening powerful attacks.

Cloth Maker (Craft): Craft a Scrap Kit or Basic Weaver item.

Repair Armor: Repair an Armor item or Patch a damaged armor. 

Complex Skills

Expert Weaver (Craft): Craft advanced Scrap Kits and advanced armors

Full Coverage: Increase your HP further when you wear more Armor pieces.

Repair Smith: Grant Patch Aegis more quickly and create Exoskeleton Armors. 

Rune Weaver (Craft): Magically augment an Advanced-quality Weaver Item.

Thermal Clothier (Craft): Apply special thermal augments to your creations. 

Erudite Skills

Apex-Tech Armorer (Craft): Create the most advanced armor using an Apex-Lab

Etheric Thread (Craft): Create higher-quality magical weaver items.

Magna-Tech Clothier (Craft): Create powered high-tech weaver items

Master of Weaving: Mastery skill for the Weaver Discipline

Xenotech Fleshweaver (Craft): Create alien living armors and warbanners.



(Basic Scrapper/Survivor/Weaver; Active-Armor, Defense-Melee/Ranged)

You are skilled in wearing armor and using its defense to deflect blows. This skill starts you with a “Maximum Aegis” of 1 Aegis and has several subfunctions:

Use Aegis (-Aegis)

  • Step 1: Wear Body, Heavy,, or Ultraheavy Armor and receive an attack

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Aegis. If you have 0 Aegis, stop here.

  • Step 3: Invoke “Aegis” as a defense

  • Step 4: Safely stop your momentum and/or take a step away from your attackers

  • Step 5: This will negate all the attacks you received in the last second except as below

-- No “Master” attacks: These will be prefixed with “Master” (e.g. “Master: 5 damage”)

-- No “Ambush” attacks: These are usually not prefixed but they hit a subject from behind AND upon their back torso.

Refit Armor (long task): The primary method of regaining expended Aegis is to spend 5+ minutes roleplaying your armor’s upkeep and resting. Upon completion, you regain 2 Aegis, up to your maximum Aegis for every 5 minutes spent. Take note, your Aegis cannot exceed the Aegis cap of 5.

Quick Patch and Lasting Patch status: Some skills can give armor wearers the Quick Patch status or the Lasting Patch status.. See Repair Armor and Rune Weaver skills below.

Prop Requirements: Body Armor, Heavy Armor, or Ultraheavy Armor


(Basic Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor/Weaving)

Weavers are makers of armor and of clothing, stitching thread and protective material for their own ends or for others.

As a Crafting action that takes at least 10 minutes, you may craft a single item. You are expected to be performing role-playing that reflects the creation of said items – this means hammering items together at a table, putting pieces of scrap metal together, using a screwdriver on some screws, etc. Take note that once you perform a Crafting action, you may not perform another one until the current Period has passed.

  • Create Basic Scrap Kit: This requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines. As per usual, this requires the expenditure of Components.

  • Create Basic Weaver item (requires Scrap Kit): Create one Basic Weaver item such as Body Armor or Clothing. As per above, this requires the expenditure of Components.

Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented (e.g. when done during Market Hour), you may choose between one of the following bonuses.

  • Bonus Output: Make 1-2 additional Basic Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make 1-2 additional Basic Weaver items, costing CMP for each

  • Bonus Quality: As though you had Expert Weaver, make one Advanced Scrap Kit or use a Scrap Kit to make one Advanced Weaver item with an Expert Weaver Augment or any other Weaver Augment that you have access to. 


(Basic Weaver; Active-Conc/Focus, Repair-Armor)

You are able to repair armor more easily than merely refitting it. Furthermore, you can field patch an armor in the heat of battle, granting its user a bit more defense.

Full Repair (requires Scrap Kit, long task): After 5+ minutes of simulating repair on three armor wearers, you can fully restore them to their maximum Aegis. The armor wearers must be either you or must be prone/sitting for the full duration of this action. This must be out of combat (no fighting within 50 feet, sight, or hearing)

Quick Patch (requires Scrap Kit, iConc-30):

  • Step 1: Wear a Scrap Kit

  • Step 2: Target yourself (if wearing armor) or an armored ally within arm’s reach

  • Step 3: Perform iConc-30 while simulating repair on the target

  • Step 4: invoke “Quick Patch”

Effect: This adds slapdash patches to damaged armor, granting the “Quick Patch” status to its wearer -- this is used by invoking “Patch Aegis”, defending its user as per an unaugmentable use of Aegis. Otherwise, it lasts for 10 minutes or until the end of the current combat. You cannot get Quick Patch while you have Lasting Patch and vice versa.

Quick Use (iConc-3. -Focus): As per above, you only need to complete iConc-3. However, you must expend 1 Focus to augment the skill and invoke it as “Focused Quick Patch”.



(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft)

Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills, including Cloth Maker

Your skills in the weaving of armor and other items have progressed to the point where you can craft more complex equipment, including Scrap Shops and Warbanners.

Expert Weaving: When you use Cloth Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Weaver item, which has bonus abilities from its Weaver Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.

  • Advanced Scrap Kit (1 Aug)

  • Advanced Weaver Item (1 Aug)

  • Expert Kit Augment (Aug for Skill Kits)

  • Expert Weaver Augment (Aug for Weaver Items)

  • Scrap Shop (requires Scrap Kit)

Apply Item Augment: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Expert Kit Augments. Similarly, when craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaver item, you may now choose from the Expert Weaver Augments.

Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented, choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: Make 1-2 additional Scrap Kits or, if using a Scrap Kit, 1-2 additional Advanced Weaver items, costing CMP for each.

  • Bonus Quality: Make a Superior Scrap Kit or a Superior Weaver Item as though you had the Master of Weaving skill. This does not allow you to perform a Mastercraft Action.


(Complex Scrapper/Weaver; Passive, +HP, +Aegis)

Requires: Any two Basic Scrapper/Weaver skills

You have significant training with armor, allowing you to maximize its benefits when your limbs are sheathed with it.

You are considered “Fully Armored” and get the bonuses below while wearing torso armor and wearing an armor-type prop/costuming on both of your arms/hands and both of your legs/feet. You must perform a Refit while wearing these before in order to start said benefits.

  • Improved Grit (+HP): Add +1 to your maximum HP. This will not allow you to exceed the HP Cap (usually 10 HP)

  • Increased Aegis (+Aegis): Add +1 to your maximum Aegis. This may not exceed the Aegis Cap of 5 Aegis.

You lose these benefits if after 5 minutes of not wearing the required props. This allows you to take off your gloves to perform a delicate task or shake out a stone in your boot without losing the bonuses.

Prop Requirements: You must be wearing armor props on all four limbs, such as bracers, chain sleeves, tall boots, greaves, chain hauberk, etc) These must be made of thick or rigid material such as quilted cloth, leather, plastic or metal. Optionally, they may feature rigid material in their make. These are untagged items and must provide 50% coverage per limb when combined with any pauldrons, sleeves, skirts, etc

If a Stigmata prosthetic/covering for an arm or leg appears armored/reinforced and fulfills the coverage requirements, then it can count as arm or leg armor for this Skill.


(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft, Repair-Weapon/Armor)

Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills and Expert Weaver

This Skill represents proficiency in mechanical crafting, especially when it comes to Weaving. This grants you the following functions below:

Exoskeleton Weaver Items (requires Scrap Kit): You may now apply Exoskeleton Augments on the Advanced or Superior Weaver Items that you work on.

Faster Armor Repair (requires Scrap Kit): When you repair Armor to grant the Patch status, you may do so with swiftness and ease. Doing this only takes 10-counts of Interlinked Concentration instead of 30 counts.

Field Repair Weapons (Interlinked Conc-30): Field repair Weaponry items as though you had the Repair Weaponry skill. This does not allow you to expend Focus for “Quick Use”.


(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft/Task, Imbue-Heal/Cure/Tweak, Cure-Strike/Wounds/Blight)

Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills and Expert Weaver

This Skill allows you to craft or modify items with both technical skill and basic knowledge of magical energies.

Create Runic Weave Items (requires Scrap Kit): You may now apply Runeweave Augments on the Weaver Items that you work on.

Weave Healing Runes (requires Scrap Kit): You may trace or weave runes of health and life upon up to three people that are wearing armor or clothes. This functions like the “Long Treatment” function of the Doctor Discipline’s Medical Redemption skill except that you roleplay writing or weaving runes upon their armor and you cannot Cure Diseases/Revive the Dead.

Lasting Patch (requires Scrap Kit): You may trace or weave runes of defense on an ally’s worn armor or your own. This functions similar to the Tinker’s Strengthen Item skill, allowing you to imbue the Lasting Patch status on 1-3 individuals after a long task. Unlike Quick Patching, this lasts for the rest of the Event if not expended.


(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft/Task, Imbue-Tweak)

Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills

The clothes and armors you make are now tempered by your expertise, better able to shield its wearers from the elements.

Create Insulator Items (requires Scrap Kit): You may now apply Insulator Augments on the Weaver Items that you work on.

Lasting Patch (requires Scrap Kit, Long Task): You may reinforce an armored person, Tweaking their armor as per the Tinker’s Strengthen Item Skill. This allows you to imbue the Lasting Patch status on 1-3 individuals after 5+ minutes of simulating the reinforcing of armor. Unlike Quick Patching, this lasts for the rest of the Event if not expended. You cannot get Quick Patch while you have Lasting Patch and vice versa.,

Energy Endurance (-Focus): You are able to use your armor to defend against Flame, Frost, and Lightning damage as per the Elemental Endurance skill. This does not grant the Elemental Aegis subfunction of that skill.



(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Weave)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills, including Expert Weaver

The mighty works of the Illustrados have filtered their way into the World Beyond the Fall. With their expertise in the new sciences and breakthroughs in magnetic mana technology, this Skill grants you the following functions below:

Apex Weaving (requires Magna Field): When you use Cloth Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.

-- Apex Lab (requires Scrap Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)

-- Apex Weave: Augment for Weaver Items

-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)

-- Magna Powered Gadget

-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)

Also, halve the Magna Powered Gadget’s required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive this Gadget’s Self-inflicted damage when you use them.

Magna Tracer (Weaver item; requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field or Magna Forge):

-- When you make or upkeep a Weaver item or a Scrap Kit, you modify one of those items so that it can’t be used by anyone else and so that its owner can easily find it. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Lightning CMP and an ATN slot from the owner for the next 3 Events. This item cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. Somehow, the owner can find it during the same Event.


(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor Augments)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills.

Not only can you imbue cloth and armor with magic, but you are also able to bind spiritual energy (or unfortunate souls, depending on what you believe) to them. This grants you the following functions below:

Bind with Fate (Weaver; requires Scrap Kit and Adept ATN or Mana Lodge):

-- When you make or upkeep a Weaver item or Scrap Kit, you can Bind its fate to an owner for the next 3 Events. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Astral CMP and an ATN slot from the owner. While bound thusly, it cannot be stolen, lost or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. It is Fated to always find its way back to its owner during the current Event.

Etheric Expertise (Weaver; requires Scrap Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Weaver skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)

Magical Weaving (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Cloth Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise below.

-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)

-- Deathweave Augment (requires Necrotheurgic ATN or Bone Garden)

-- Eldritchweave Augment (requires Adept ATN or Mana Lodge)

-- Hallowed Shrine

-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)

-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)

-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)


(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor Augments)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills.

These Augments utilize the strange energies of Magna fields to protect their wearers and diffuse dangerous energies. This grants you the following functions below:

Magna Tech Resistance (requires Scrap Kit): Constant use of Magna Tech has granted you the use of the Resist Magna Storm skill as though you had it, with the following exception:

-- You must be wielding a Shield or a metal/mostly metal weapon when you use this Skill. Furthermore, whenever you use Resist Magna Storm, stomp your foot or raise your shield/metal item to ground the electricity.

Magna Tech Weaving: When you use Cloth Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of them require that the crafter generates a Magna Field to power the creation process and the product. Skill Kits with the Magna Batt augment and the Magna Forge Workshop are the main methods of doing so, but other ways exist.

-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)

-- Magna Powered Gadget: Augments for Scrap Kits

-- Magnaweave Augment (requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field)

-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)

Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Magna Powered Gadgets are halved and their Self-inflicted damage is waived. This cannot be lowered further.


(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft/Monthly, Create-Kit, Mastercraft)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills, including Expert Weaver

You are a master of your craft, making Weaver items with ease and more often.

Master Weaver: When using the Cloth Maker skill, you can create or upkeep the following items.

-- Superior Scrap Kit

-- Superior Weaver Item (requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)

Dual Patch: When you imbue armored allies with “Quick Patch” you may do so to two individuals at the same time. Augment the skill and invoke it as “Dual Patch”. This is not a Mastercraft action.

Woven Aegis: You can install small plates or silken fibres into your clothing/armor that your skill mastery allows you to use at pivotal moments. If you have Armor Expertise, your maximum Aegis while wearing armor or clothing is increased by +1. Unfortunately, Quick Patch and Lasting Patch still only affect armored individuals.

Mastercraft Action (requires Scrap Kit; 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event to gain the benefits below. This does expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.

  • Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Cloth Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period.

  • Benefit 2: Practiced Weaver: If Master of Weaving is used to make Weaver Items, you choose to create or maintain up to four additional Weaver items. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.


(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor Aug, Tech)

Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills.

You have trained under the fleshcrafting masters of the Templars or from one of their tomes, bending Abyssal tissue and otherworldly power to your artisanship. This grants you the following functions below:

Biomantic Weaving: When you use Cloth Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.

-- Arcane Gadget Augment: Augments for Scrap Kits

-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Scrap Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)

-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)

-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)

-- Xenoweaver Augment: (requires Scrap Kit; costs Flesh of the Empress)

Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Symbiotic Gadgets are halved and waive the Self-inflicted damage from the use of Symbiotic and Arcane Gadgets. This cannot be lowered further.

Xenotech Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:

-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate adjusting your goggles/eyewear (if you have any), adjusting your Scrap Kit, having it jolt you with electricity, or any similar action that reflects using technology to deflect supernatural fear or psychic frequencies.