Arcanist Stylized.jpg

Image by Nicco Salonga

Author’s note: The Arcanist class and the magic system of BTF is more complex than the other systems. Players that do not like complication or the CORRUPTIVE effects of most magic are advised against making Arcanists or spell-using characters.

Only Arcanists can withstand the strains of wielding the terrible forces of magic to crumple bodies into mush, steal secrets from one’s mind, or turn into mist with merely a thought. Choose this class if:

  • You want to play a spellcaster and are willing/love to deal with its risks

  • You like complex characters and like the challenges they can bring

  • You like fantastical characters, e.g. wizards, psychics, gun witches, and spellswords.

Complexity: High

Strengths: can be good to excellent at many different things

Weaknesses: very ATN slot heavy and not very resilient to attack

Role: Support -- mid to high -- can heal/buff/repair/etc depending on their specialty

Role: Resilience -- mid to low -- poor access to defenses and magic is dangerous

Role: Damage -- mid to high -- easy access to high damage ranged attacks

Role: Utility -- mid to high-- good access to almost every utility ability

Arcane TraditionS

Choose from one of three Arcane Traditions or choose none of them.

ANIMANCY/ANIMANCER: Empower your spells through the assistance of an allied entity.

DIABLERIE/DIABOLIST: Empower your spells through an “Eldritch Guest” and your agonized pain.

TALISMANRY/TALISMONGER: Empower your spells through wands and other arcane devices. 

NO TRADITION: You choose to use your magics as is, doing so at a great disadvantage. 

STARTING Aptitude: 

At character creation, Arcanists may choose one Class Aptitude from the list below. 

  • =Your skill in Talismanry gives you insight in crafting or repair. You may create basic Weaponry or a basic Scrap kit without expending a Craft-Ritual action but this requires the use of a Scrap Shop or an Arcane Orrery

    Furthermore, when you use the Transmute Material, Restore Structure, or Infuse Item spell, augment it with “Artificer” to duplicate an effect from the spell to the same or different target -- this is an Aftereffect.

  • You are skilled in defending yourself and others, repelling foes when you do. While you are holding a Rune Wand or attuned to an Etheric Sphere, you may expend 1 Focus to use the Parry or Guard defense, invoking and augmenting it as “Talismanic Parry”.

    Furthermore, after you use the Parry, Dodge, or Guard defense (e.g. Infuse Guard spell), inflict two “Knockback” attacks. Deliver these via spell packet or melee swing as an Aftereffect and a Barrage 2.

  • Blood and agony are your constant companions and well worn tools. While casting a spell with the Diabolic Tradition, augment it with “Sanguineous” -- this waives the Etheric Concentration beforehand if it is 3-counts or less and inflicts an Incurable Stun 10 (instead of Incurable Pain 10) AND an Incurable Enfeeble 3.

    Furthermore, whenever you successfully perform a Death Blow, or inflict damage with a Sanguineous spell, you gain “Heal 1" as an Aftereffect if your target was alive.

  • While you are attuned to at least three different Etheric Spheres, you gain a +1 bonus to your Healing, Damage, or Resolve spells that you use on others. Furthermore, when a Bonded ally performs a Ritual, participate in it to expend your Ritual action in their stead while you are attuned as per above.

  • The spiritual world is familiar to you and your Animus often manifests within the physical world. When using the Animantic Somatic Gesture, you can augment your spells with the “Phantasmal” prefix, granting one of the Aftereffects below immediately, depending on the spell type. It may not be improved but it can be aimed at any target.

    • CONTROL OR DAMAGE: “Snare 10” via melee or spell packet

    • HEALING OR RESOLVE: “Cure Strike” via melee touch or spell packet

    • REVIVE OR CURE: “Heal 2” via melee touch or spell packet

    • EXAMINE OR INQUIRY:: You may ask a 2nd question from the same list.

    • PERCEIVING: Unveil 2 more times than normal.

  • You can allow your Animus to inhabit you momentarily to quicken your spellcasting. When performing the Animantic Somatic Gesture, you only need 5-counts instead of 7-counts if you augment your spell with “Resonating” - it can have no Aftereffects except below.

    If you have the Eldritch Defiance skill, your Resonating spells can have an identical Aftereffect to “Animantic Defiance”.

  • Whenever you cast a spell on yourself that imbues one of the effects below, you can allow your shadow to duplicate its effects unto others. Augment and preface the spell with “Tenebrous” to imbue the identical/unaltered effect to two allies you touch as an Aftereffect.

    • Conceal

    • Escape

    • Heal

    • Pursue

    • Quick Patch

    • Resolve



The following are the Skill Disciplines of the Arcanist Class, Disciplines with Spells are also called “Etheric Spheres”. Each Discipline or Sphere represents a body of knowledge or a group of similar skills. One of your starting skills must be Etheric Arcana (Channeler Discipline). 

Hone your ability to wield magic

Perceive things and details beyond your normal senses.

Shield individuals with energy or use those same energies to enhance items.

Hide yourself or hinder the senses of others.

Summon and expel destructive energies.

Cure wounds, purify diseases and repair fractures.

Alter, damage, or repair physical items



Below are three pre-generated Arcanist Characters. By no means are these the only way to build Arcanist characters, but they are samples that can be used as-is or altered. As all Arcanists must have a Stigmata, these have the Psionic Stigmata prechosen for them. With some planning, this can easily be changed to a different Stigmata.

The Med Mage brings forth spells of healing and succor to mend the world’s ills.

Villagers and townsfolk go to a Scrap Shaper with wounds, broken items, and crafting assistance

The Spellslinger wields sorcery to make war upon foes and monsters.



Image by Nicco Salonga

Arcanists and those who use spells are often called Channelers. Those who hone this Discipline’s lores are better able to harness the spells that they possess or even the Traditions that they follow. Invest in this Discipline if:

  • You want to further your expertise with your particular Arcane Tradition

  • You want to choose and be attuned to a Theurgic Anchor (e.g. Necrotheurgy)

  • You want to improve your ability to cast magic, allowing yourself to move while casting or repel attackers.

On the different Traditions:

Most Channelers follow one of these methodologies, though a few have no Tradition to speak of.

ANIMANCY: Named for the spiritual entities they use and only they can see, Animancers use “Anima” (sing. Animus) to channel dangerous etheric energies into spells. Depending on who you ask, Anima are either summoned spirits, conscripted spectral beings or mental constructs.

DIABLERIE: Diabolists are wrought through a perilous rite called “Diablerie Servitoris” or an “Eldritch Guest”, where a symbiotic entity is introduced into a would-be Diabolist’s internal systems to assist in the channeling and usage of etheric energies.

TALISMANRY: Talismongers have learned to use magical items to channel dangerous energy into their spells. While they become dependent on such items, they are capable of great flexibility.


Basic Skills

Arcane Ember: Create a light with magical effects.

Eldritch Defiance: Channel magic to withstand a Control effect. 

Etheric Arcana (Ritual): Perform minor spells and Rituals of your Tradition 

Complex Skills

Bond of Oaths: Create a bond between yourself and several other allies. 

Empowered Arcana (Ritual): Move while casting spells and gain more rituals.

Resist Fear: Fortify your mind against fearsome attacks

Theurgic Anchor (ATN): You may anchor yourself to a risky facet of magic

Erudite Skills

Arcane Proficiency (Ritual): Gain more options for your Tradition

Etheric Pulse: Knockback if you are interrupted during Etheric Concentration

Metamagic Augmentation: Augment a spell with a Sphere Mastery skill. 

Resist Warp: Fortify your mind against reality-maddening creatures.

Supreme Theurgy (1/P) Greater and improved capabilities for each Anchor.


Arcane Ember

(Basic Channeler; Active-Conc, Imbue-Revive, Sense, Aftereffect)

A basic expression of magic, this skill allows you to conjure an Arcane Ember -- a light made of energy that can guide and reveal spirits. This skill’s use is outlined below:

  • Step 1: EConc-10

  • Step 2: Invoke “Arcane Ember”

  • Step 3: Hold aloft in your hand and/or activate a light prop -- ideally red-colored. If it is held in your hand, you may not hold anything else in that hand.

While you carry this light, you gain two benefits:

-- Repeated Revival (Aftereffect): When you imbue a “Painful Revive” on an ally, you may imbue the same effect on an ally via melee touch (i.e. a touch with hand or melee weapon). You may not move from your original position while delivering this effect.

-- Spirit Light: While you are holding this light aloft in your hand, you and all individuals within step and arm’s reach of you can Speak to Spirits, which must also be within that range. Spirits may represent a person’s ghost or an intangible entity. They cannot be spoken to normally and are represented by wearing purple headbands.

Prop requirement: Lantern, glowstick or flashlight -- ideally of a red color. This prop may not be used to represent any other item at the same time, such as an in-game lantern.

Eldritch Defiance

(Basic Channeler; Active-Focus, Imbue-Cure/Heal)

This Skill allows a spellcaster to channel their magical energies inward, resisting or overthrowing a debilitating effect upon them.

  • Step 1: Be suffering from a Strike effect or a Pain Wound

  • Step 2: After 5+ seconds, expend 1 Focus.

  • Step 3: Invoke one of the options below to gain its effect. You may only choose an option if you are of that Arcane Tradition. You may not augment this Skill further.

-- “Animantic Defiance” -- You cure all Strike and Pain Wounds upon you. Also, your Animus inspires your ally to defiance as well. As an Aftereffect, you may imbue 1 ally with “Cure Strike” via packet/foam dart or melee touch.

-- “Diabolic Defiance” -- You cure all Strike and Pain Wounds upon you. Also, your “Guest” heals your injuries. As an Aftereffect, invoke “heal 2” to regain up to 2 HP.

-- “Talismanic Defiance” -- Your Rune Wand blasts away the attack, You may invoke this immediately after receiving the effect instead of suffering the effect first.

Etheric Arcana

(Basic Channeler; Active-Ritual, Conc-Aug)

This skill allows for the concentration of magical energy to perform spells as well as a basic understanding of one’s Arcane Tradition: spiritual Animancy, painful Diablerie, or materialistic Talismanry. This has the following functions below:

— Etheric Concentration: You can now perform Etheric Concentration (EConc), allowing you to use Spells. It is similar to a normal Concentration count except as below::

  • Any hit on the weapon/shield you’re holding counts as a hit on you

  • You cannot augment Etheric Concentration (see Empowered Arcana)

— Arcane Focus (-Focus): Energize your body against injury.

  • Step 1: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 2: Invoke “Arcane Focus”

  • Step 3: Gain “Resolve 2”. With an Arcane Tradition, you can choose an alternate effect:

    • Animancy: invoke “Animantic Focus” to imbue “Resolve 3” to yourself or an ally.

    • Diablerie: invoke “Diabolic Focus” to gain “Heal 2”

    • Talismanry: invoke “Talismanic Focus” to repair your Rune Wand

— Arcane Ritual: You can perform a 10+ minute Ritual whose procedure and effects reflect your Arcane Tradition. Their procedures are described in greater detail within their section. You may only perform one Ritual or Craft per Period. If you have no such Tradition, you do not benefit from this.

-- Animancy:

  • Channel Animus: You create an Animus Crown

  • Harmonic Animus: Cure Curses from or revive 1-5 living/dead allies

-- Diablerie

  • Diabolic Renewal: Mend your injuries and blight

  • Diabolic Ichor: Turn your blood into an Elixir

-- Talismanry:

  • Talismanic Kit: create a Scrap Kit for Crafting and Rituals

  • Talismanic Wand (req. Scrap Kit): create a Rune Wand for casting

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market hour, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: Create an effect or an item (such as a Scrap Kit) three times instead of just once. You pay CMP for each effect or item, as per usual.

  • Bonus Quality: You may use the Ritual action of the Empowered Arcana skill below as though you had it.


Bond of Oaths

(Complex Binder/Channeler; Active-Task/ATN, Bond)

Requires: Any two Basic Binder or Channeler skills

Forge a fellowship, warband, coven, or similar group with 1-4 willing allies, swearing toward a purpose, a faction, or yourselves. Using this skill requires the process below and has additional subfunctions beyond this:

  • Step 1: Designate 1-4 nearby allies

  • Step 2: Neither you nor them may be Oath Bonded to a different group

  • Step 3: Label an unoccupied ATN as “<Group Name> Bond of Oaths”

  • Step 4: Spend 5+ minutes celebrating your bond via formal or informal, public or private ceremony.

— Effect (1 ATN): All participants are now Oath bonded/bound to each other and to you. A person is Bonded permanently unless they decide otherwise or the bond is removed via this Skill - either way the ATN becomes inert but persists until the end of Event. A person can have only 1 Oath/Liege Bond and 1 Blood Bond.

Alternatively, this Skill can add/remove members to/from your roster (maximum of 5 members, see Bond of Command). An absent member can be removed from the group.

— Benefits: Being Oath bonded means that certain skills have bonuses when used upon those you are Bound to. Furthermore, This Skill has other subfunctions, depending on what skills you possess:

  • Ignite Inspiration: Affect an additional extra Bonded ally or affect distant allies.

  • Inspiring Aspect: Augment “Inspire” to affect an additional Bonded ally.

  • Oathbound Spells: Use “Infuse Armor”/”Restore Vitality”/”Transmute Flesh”, Augmenting and prefixing it with “Bonded”. This now affects two allies instead of only one. At least one of them must be Bonded to you (by Blood, Oath, or Liege).

— Prop Requirements: Each member must display an identifiable and obvious token or symbol (e.g. facial tattoos, tabards, shields, uniforms, cloaks, warbanner, etc.). Channelers have extra/alternate requirements for their allies.

  • Animancy: A mantle/cloak/scarf/mask similar to their Animus Crown.

  • Diablerie: Two of the Diabolist’s runes as tattoos or on clothing/items.

  • Talismanry: Two pieces of matching jewelry with the Talismonger

  • No Tradition: No extra requirements

Empowered Arcana

(Complex Channeler; Active-Ritual, Cure-Curse, Creation, Elixir/Ichor)

Requires: Any two Basic Channeler skills, including Etheric Arcana

An upgrade of the Etheric Arcana skill, Empowered Arcana grants its user additional options when it comes to their Tradition rituals.

— Mobile Spellcasting: You may invoke your Tradition while performing Etheric Concentration, invoking it instead as Animantic, Diabolic or Talismanic Concentration.. This allows you to continue said Concentration count while slow walking, at a pace of 2 steps per count.

— Create Magical Workshop (Ritual): You are able to assist in the Creation/Upkeep of a Workshop alongside four other individuals. You may create a Mana Lodge Workshop of your Tradition: Arcane Orrery (Talismanry), Outsider Obelisk (Diablerie), or Spirit Circle (Animancy)

Furthermore, you gain more knowledge of your Tradition’s Rituals

-- Animancy:

  • Hallowed Animus: Cure allies of wounds/blight and imbue Resolve

  • Expert Animancy: Create/Upkeep an Advanced Animus Crown

-- Diablerie:

  • Imbue Ichor: Enhance 1-3 allies with your blood elixirs

  • Binding Blood: Bond an ally to you so that you benefit when they do.

-- Talismanry:

  • Expert Talismanry: create or upkeep an Advanced Scrap Kit or Rune Wand

Augmented Ritual: As per Etheric Arcana except for Bonus Quality below:

  • Bonus Quality: You may use the Ritual action of the Arcane Proficiency skill below as though you had it

Resist Fear

(Complex Channeler/Defiant; Active-Focus/Resolve, Fear-Defense, Resist)

Requires: Any two Basic Channeler/Defiant skills

You have hardened your mind to fear. This skill has the following subfunctions:

Resist Fear (Resolve)

  • Step 1: Have Resolve 1 or more and receive a “Fear” attack (e.g. Fear Aura, Fear)

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Resist Fear”

  • Step 3: You negate this attack.

  • Step 4: For the next minute approximately, you can negate such attacks by taking 2 steps away after being struck.

** Creatures using the Fear Aura ability inflict Psychic damage to anyone that hits them in melee. Resist Fear allows you to engage such foes with less danger.

Withstand Fear (-Focus): Use this if you do not have Resolve to use Resist Fear

  • Step 1: Receive a Fear attack

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: invoke “Withstand Fear”

  • Step 4: This negates the attack and imbues you with “Resolve 3”

  • Step 5: Mentally take note of your Resolve total

Endure Psychic (-Focus) You can make yourself resistant to Psychic damage.

  • Step 1: Receive an attack that inflicts Psychic-type damage. You cannot use Endure Psychic if you were struck with non-Psychic damage within the last second.

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: invoke “Endure Psychic”

  • Step 4: This negates the attack

  • Step 5: This endurance persists for the next 10 seconds You can invoke “Negate” against the next 3 Psychic attacks you receive, nullifying said attack.

Theurgic Anchoring

(Complex Channeler; Active-Task/ATN, Anchor)

Requires: Any two basic Channeler skills, including Etheric Arcana

You may Anchor and enhance your spellcraft in pious devotion, deathly energy or the maddening dark beyond sanity itself.

When you learn this skill for the first time, choose between the pious Deotheurgic Anchor, the macabre Necrotheurgic Anchor or the cosmic Xenotheurgic Anchor. Anchoring yourself for the current month requires 1 ATN (labeled as below) and is outlined in their specific section.

  • Deo Anchor: Deotheurges steep their magic with prayer and a faith in the divine. They Anchor their magics via giving salvation to their faithful or at a Shrine of their Faith. While thusly Anchored, they may boost their spells to better support their allies.

  • Necro Anchor: Necrotheurges tap into the macabre domains of death and decay. They Anchor their magics via a Graveyard or a Bone Garden. While thusly Anchored, their healing abilities are stymied but they are able to feed upon soul energy to empower their destructive and revivifying abilities.

  • Xeno Anchor: Xenotheurges peek into the maddening cosmos beyond sanity. They Anchor their magics by almost dying or at a certain Workshops: a Biomancer Hatchery or Outsider Obelisk. While thusly Anchored, they are able to defy reality to inflict madness upon their foes.


Arcane Proficiency

(Erudite Channeler; Active-Craft/Ritual, Disease/Curse-Defense, Elixir/Ichor, ATN)

Requires: Any two Basic Channeler skills and any two Complex Channeler skills, including Empowered Arcana

Arcane Proficiency is the culmination of the path that Etheric Arcana began. This skill allows for an additional option when using one’s Tradition rituals.

When you use the Etheric Arcana skill as a Ritual-Craft action, you gain additional options to choose from:

— Create Eldritch Workshop: You are able to assist in the Creation/Upkeep of a Workshop alongside four other individuals. You may create one of the Workshops below:

  • Bone Garden

  • Biomancy Hatchery

Furthermore, you gain more knowledge of your Tradition’s strongest Rituals

— Animancy:

  • Guardian Animus: Attune allies to your Animus to make them tougher

  • Invest Animus: Grant this Tradition to a willing Channeler

  • Masterful Animancy: Create/Upkeep a Superior Animus Crown.

— Diablerie:

  • Spirit Ichors: You can imbue Ichor similar to Expert and Eldritch Elixirs

  • Pact Bond: You can bond yourself to another person via Pact.

  • Invite the Guest: Grant this Tradition to a willing Channeler

— Talismanry:

  • Talismanic Matrix: Enhance non-bonded allies with your ATN spells

  • Talismanic Onboarding: Grant this Tradition to a willing Channeler.

  • Masterful Talismanry: create or upkeep a Superior Scrap Kit or Rune Wand and augment them with Gadgets, Runes, or Eldritch tech

Augmented Ritual: As per Empowered Arcana except that this Skill does not benefit from Bonus Quality.

Etheric Pulse

(Erudite Channeler; Active-Conc, Melee/Ranged-Knockback)

Requires: Any two Channeler basic skills and any two complex Channeler complex skills

Etheric Pulse allows you to expel magical energies when your Concentration is disrupted.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc

  • Step 2: Your EConc is disrupted at or after EConc-5

  • Step 3: Perform a melee attack or launch a packet/foam dart at any target

  • Step 4: Mid-attack, invoke the effect: “Knockback”

  • Step 5: As an Aftereffect, you suffer “Pain”

Metamagic Augmentation

(Erudite Channeler; Active-Conc/Focus, Skill-Aug)

Requires: Any two Channeler basic skills, any two complex Channeler complex skills, and one Mastery Skill (see below)

This skill finds itself of great use for the experienced Arcanist because it allows its wielder to utilize their knowledge of a Sphere to aid in a spell of that Sphere or a different one. The parameters of its use are outlined below:

When you cast certain Basic or Complex spells, you can Augment them as per below. You must have mastered Etheric Spheres to use this skill and to expand its scope

  • Master of Alteration skill -- Augment and prefix a damage spell with “Altered” so that its damage inflicts your choice of Flame, Frost, Lightning, or Corrosive. Alternatively, you may change a Healing or Resolve spell so that it imbues a “Cure Strike”, “Painful Revive”, or “Cure Wounds” instead.

  • Master of Illusion skill -- You displace the reality of distance. You are able to augment and prefix your Melee or Touch spells with “Displaced”, allowing it to be delivered via packet/foam dart. Alternatively, you can deliver your packet/foam dart spells through melee touch.

  • Master of Evocation skill -- Augment your spell and prefix it with “Galvanized” to add +2 to the damage of an attack spell, although this may not exceed 5 points of damage. If the spell has multiple attacks, you only affect the first attack.

  • Master of Imbuement skill -- Augment a damage, Resolve, or healing spell, prefixing the spell with “Grounded” This turns it into a Barrage 3 melee spell, allowing you to inflict its effects a total of 3 times. You must launch all of these attacks before 5 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet, though its damage/healing/Resolve is capped at 3 points.

  • Master of Divination skill -- Augment and prefix a spell with “Prophesied” so that if it is negated by a Defense or misses, you may strike with it again as an Aftereffect. This is usable once per minute.

  • Master of Rejuvenation skill -- Augment and prefix a healing or Resolve spell with “Rejuvenating” to improve healing or Resolve by 1 point, unless it would exceed the limit of “Heal 5” or “Resolve 5” , if it grants one or the other.

Resist Warp

(Erudite Channeler/Defiant; Active-Resolve, Aura/Warp-Defense, Resist)

Requires: Any two Complex Defiant/Channeler skills and any two Basic Defiant/Channeler skills

Through rite or willpower, you can resist deathly and maddening energies. This skill has the following subfunctions:

Resist Warp (Resolve): This works exactly as Resist Fear except that it functions against “Warp” attacks.

Withstand Warp (-Focus): Use this if you do not have Resolve to use Resist Warp. This is otherwise as per Withstand Fear, except against “Warp” attacks.

Endure Shadow (-Focus) You can make yourself resistant to Shadow damage. This is as per Endure Psychic, except against Shadow.

Supreme Theurgy

(Erudite Channeler; Active-Periodic, Anchor, Spell)

Requires: Any two Channeler basic skills and any two complex Channeler complex skills, including Theurgic Anchoring

Through this Spell, a Channeler can unleash a great deal of power from their Anchor, with varying effect depending on the Anchor itself. Its use is outlined below:

Once per Period, use one of your Anchor’s options below. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

Sorcerous Devotion (Deotheurgic Anchor only)

Your faith cleanses their flesh and spirit from disrepair or grants others the capacity to endure injury.

-- Option 1: Cleansing Faith: cure afflictions with prayer

  • Step 1: Perform 5+ minutes of role-play reflecting prayer to your faith

  • Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Devotion”

  • Step 3: You cure all Basic and Greater Curses/Diseases from 1-5 allies

  • Step 4: Have Game Staff sign off on the ATN slots. Furthermore, if it is Market Hour, you are granted a Minor CMP for each cured Affliction (Abyssal/Death/Shadow).

-- Option 2: Instill Piety: imbue your allies with resolve or free them from Control

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Devotion”

  • Step 2: Tap 1-5 allies with a hand/melee weapon. Don’t move your feet (Wave 5)

  • Step 3: With each ally, invoke your choice of “Resolve 5” or “Cure Strike” to grant them that effect.

Sorcerous Harrowing (Necrotheurgic Anchor only)

Your magic calls upon death to do your bidding, ushering it away from yourself or others.

-- Option 1: Death Blossom: inflict deathly energies upon your foes

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Harrowing”

  • Step 2: Perform 1-5 melee swings or launch 1-5 packets/darts (Barrage 5)

  • Step 3: With each attack, invoke your choice of “Piercing 5 Shadow” or “Piercing Knockback” or “Piercing Rot Wound” to inflict that effect upon those you hit.

  • Step 4: Aftereffect: after the attacks above, you gain “Heal 5”

-- Option 2: Rise Again: revive yourself even while downed

  • Step 1: While Downed, perform a First Aid-3

  • Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Harrowing”

  • Step 3: You gain a “Painful Revive”

Special: You can also use this while dead and as a spirit with 5 or less Grave Scars. You permanently possess a random human corpse, shape it to your visage, and grant yourself a Greater Revive effect. Only Fate-bound or Magna traced items follow you to your new body.

Sorcerous Phasing (Xenotheurgic Anchor only)

From your anchor, you draw upon extra-dimensional power which is dangerous even for a prepared mind.

-- Xeno Jaunt: Shift your existence between multiple dimensions.

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Phasing”

  • Step 2: Count up to Impervious-15

  • Step 3: You benefit from that effect while counting, including taking little or no damage to most attacks. In addition, you are affected by an Blind effect that cannot be negated or removed, expiring only when Impervious does.

-- Xeno Insight: Observe all dimensions at once.

Detection Sphere

Diviners, Scryers


The Sphere of Detection concerns itself with the discovery of information, whether it is in the retrieval of secrets from another’s spirit or discovering enemies before they spring their ambush upon you. Invest in this Sphere if:

  • You want to play a spellcaster focused on discovering information and secrets

  • You want support abilities that help one’s allies succeed or improves upon their success

  • You want to play a seer, an inquisitor, a visionary, or a researcher.

Relevant Rules: Ponder a Clue - Some NPCs can only partially block Inquiries/Examines. In lieu of answering, they will invoke “Clue” or give out a “Clue Card”. To use it:

  • Write your chosen question(s) on the Clue Card or an index card. If you have multiple questions, they must all be there. You may add “if-then” contingencies on which to ask.

  • Include your name or CSN, whichever you wish.

  • Post it outside of Logistics and inform Game Staff after the current scenario.

  • You will get your answer from Game Staff ASAP, reflecting your musings on the matter. However, if a Clue Card/Clue is unused, it disappears at the end of the Event.


Basic Skills

Detect Trace: Pursue an escaping enemy

Detect Presence: discover hidden beings or items

Detect Secret: Ascertain details about an individual

Detection Adept (ATN): No Focus cost or alternate use. 

Complex Skills

Detect Doom (Ritual; ATN): Gift yourself with the ability to sense danger

Detect Method (Ritual): Augment the Ritual of others

Detect Weakness: Peer into an enemy’s future to empower your attack against them.

Hypercognitive Detection (ATN): empowers complex spells

Erudite Skills

Clairsentient Aspect (ATN): Assume an aspect that improves your senses

Detect Hazard: Sense and protect against a trap or any similar hazard

Detect Truth (Ritual): Seek out a piece of knowledge out in the world.

Master of Divination (1/E): Mastery skill for the Detection sphere.

Sorcerous Inquisition(1/P): Pluck knowledge from a person’s mind or similar feats



(Basic Detection; Active-Conc/Focus, Sense, Spell)

The Detect Presence spell allows a Scryer to focus their magically enhanced senses on the physical realm, allowing them to see and unveil hidden creatures and speak to spirits. Using this skill is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Perform 10 counts of Concentration (aka EConc-10)

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Loudly invoke "Detect Presence”

  • Step 4: Gain the "Perceiving" status for the next 10 minutes.

While Perceiving:

  • See hidden: You can see Concealed individuals (crossed arms over chest) and Spirits (purple/blue headbands).

  • Talk to spirits: Spirits can understand you if you are within step and arm’s reach

  • Additional info: A Game Marshall may point out a Concealed item to you or clarify an unknown facet of the current situation to you.

  • Unveiling-1: To remove “Concealment” from a target, invoke “Unveil” and touch them with a hand/weapon or ranged packet/dart. This does no damage and it ends your Perceiving status unless you get the ability to do it multiple times.

  • Use Unveiling on a body before Scavenging it to defeat a use of the Conceal Item skill.

Limitations: You can act/attack normally except as below.

  • Keep an empty hand to your brow (as though shielding your eyes from the sun) or be holding a lamp/lantern at chest height or higher. Failing to do this ends “Perceiving”

  • This means that you can only attack with one handed weapons.

  • Damage does not disrupt you from Perceiving but being unable to use Active Skills will do so (e.g. being Downed or receiving a Pain effect).

  • This cannot reveal a person that is under a Superior Concealment effect.

Etheric Scavenging (EConc-10): After at least EConc-10, say “Scavenge” instead of “Perception” while within arm’s reach of a body or an open container. This allows you to more quickly search and take items from containers or bodies.


(Basic Detection; Active-Conc/Focus, Inquiry, Spell)

A core spell in a Diviner’s arsenal, this Detect Secret allows its caster to enter a temporary state of enhanced empathic sensitivity to the spirits of others. The subjects of this spell are vaguely aware of your scrutiny but not the specifics thereof.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-10 while in arm’s reach and a step of a living or dead creature.

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Detect Secret”

  • Step 4: Ask one of the questions below out of game OR invoke “Clue”. Clarify this if needed: They must negate this, invoke “Clue”, or truthfully answer in a whisper. “I don’t know” is a valid answer

Once you use this on someone, you may not use it again on them until the next Period or next Hour (whichever comes last).

  • Attunement: “Inquiry! Are you under the effects of [specific ATN/Affliction]?”

    Death (Corpse only) “Inquiry! What killed you? (damage-type or weapon used)”

    Faction: “Inquiry! Are you aligned* with [specific Archfaction or organization]?”

    Health: “Inquiry! Are you [choose one - Healthy, Bloodied, Downed, or Critical?]”

    Item: “Inquiry! Do you have [Specific Item or Item Type]?”

    Identity: “Inquiry! Are you [specific individual’s name]?”

    Species: “Examine! What are you? (e.g. human, blood geist)”

    Stigmata: “Inquiry! Are you a [specific Stigmata]?”

    *Being Aligned with an organization assumes occasional/frequent work and/or significant loyalty.

Use on Players: Using this on another Player may count as a minor PVP action.

Spirit Speaker (EConc-10): Invoke “Spirit Speaker” to sharpen your sight enough to see spirits (wears purple headband) and speak to them. This lasts 10 minutes.


(Basic Detection; Active-Focus, Pursuit, Spell)

The Detect Trace spell allows a Scryer to track individuals that have left the area recently. This is used for countering Escape effects, as per below:

  • Step 1: An Escape effect is used within 30 feet of you

  • Step 2: As a Reaction to it, expend 1 Focus within 3 seconds of its use

  • Step 3: Invoke “Detect Trace”

  • Step 4: When your target goes out of game (OOG) from using the Escape effect, you may follow them.

Additional Notes and Effects:

-- You are OOG until your prey re-enters the game (after Escape 60), putting a hand or a weapon atop your head to signal this.

-- You must not attempt to get closer while you are OOG

-- Bring 2 Allies: You are able to bring two willing allies with you on your Pursuit. They must be within arm’s reach and a step of you when you invoke this spell.

Spell Restrictions:

  • Proximity: You must be within approximately 30 feet when the target uses the Escape effect. Also, you must invoke “Pursue Quarry” within the next 3 seconds.

  • Mobility: You cannot have your movement penalized by a Control effect.

  • Go away: After leaving a battle or a similar situation using this Skill, you may not return to it until at least 10 minutes have passed.

  • Superior Escape effects cannot be Pursued without special mechanics.


(Basic Detection; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)

This skill allows a Scryer to attune themselves to the Detection Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing and improving their spells -- making them less taxing to perform. Activating this skill is outlined below:

Step 1: Label this ATN as “DTC Adept <your magic tradition>”

Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic

Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.

Animantic tradition: Astral or Wind CMP

Diabolic tradition: Abyssal or Shadow CMP

Talismanic tradition: Lightning or Earth CMP

This allows you to perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to empower your Detection spells as per below:

-- Detect Presence: You may perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to empower this spell, waiving the Focus cost. For Diabolists, instead of receiving a Pain or a Stun effect as part of their Gesture, they are not able to use any defenses while Perceiving.

-- Detect Secret: You may perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost. If you are out of combat (no fighting within 50 feet, sight, and hearing), you may also choose to ask a second question from Detect Secret’s list as an Aftereffect.

-- Detect Trace: Waive the Focus cost by turning the spell into a proactive one, as per below.

  • Step 1: Be within approximately 30 feet of the targets you want to “trace”

  • Step 2: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost

  • Step 3: Invoke “Detect Trace” to set a magical trace on everyone within range.

  • Step 4: Afterward, you may invoke “Expert Pursuit” as a Reaction to an Escape effect within 30 feet of you that was “traced”.

This must be within 10 minutes or the end of the current combat -- however, this ends prematurely and must be cast again if you are Downed. For the purposes of this Skill, an NPC respawning as the same type of foe counts as the same individual.



(Complex Detection; Active-Ritual/ATN/CMP, Melee/Ranged/Ambush-Defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Detection skills

This is a ritual spell that applies an ongoing effect to the Diviner, giving them a sense of forewarning that assists in their self-defense. Take note that you can only perform one Craft or Ritual per Period. Its use is outlined below

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label the recipient’s empty ATN slots with “Detect Doom” and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Give Game Staff 5 Minor CMP (Astral or Tradition based)

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. The recipient of this Ritual gains the abilities below:

— Deflect Doom: You may use the Parry defense, outlined in the Defender Discipline’s Stalwart Defender skill.

— Uncanny Parry: You may grant the “Uncanny” augment to your Parry defense as well as your Dodge or Block defenses (if you have the ability to perform them). Doing so allows you to defend against an ambush attack or use Parry while affected by a Blind effect.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: You may affect yourself and/or 1-2 Bonded allies, paying the CMP cost for each.

  • Bonus Quality: Your spell grants the use of the Deft Deflection skill.


(Complex Detection; Active-Ritual, Assist, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Detection skills

A useful skill for Scryers with Builder or Ritualist allies, the Detect Method spell allows its caster to play assistant to a ritual or craft user. Its usage is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Assist 1-5 allies in filling out their Craft-Ritual sheets

  • Step 2: Assist those allies’ 10+ minute Ritual or Craft actions

  • Step 3: Expend your Ritual action for the Period and partake in their role-playing, acting as a guide and an assistant. You cannot use another Craft or Ritual until the next Period.

  • Step 4: Their Craft/Ritual action is Augmented and they may choose between that skill’s Bonus Output Augment or Bonus Quality Augment.

Augmented Ritual: This spell cannot be Augmented for Bonus Output or Bonus Quality.


(Complex Detection; Active-Conc, Aug-Attack, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Detection skills

This spell allows you to peer into an enemy’s near future, perusing the possibilities and using that to your advantage when attacking them.

  • Step 1: Choose one enemy that you can see to make an imperfect forecast of them

  • Step 2: Perform EConc-3 while touching an Ammo/Knife pack you are wearing

  • Step 3: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 4: Invoke “Detect Weakness”

  • Step 5: Choose one of the options below:

— Option 1: Prescient Projectile — Perform a Basic Ranged attack without the Targeting count. This attack becomes a Piercing attack and uses the attack’s normal effect/damage.

— Option 2: Lend Prescience — Alternatively, you may grant this power to an ally you touch instead of yourself. If necessary, clarify that their next melee attack within the next 30 seconds inflicts “Piercing 2 damage”, provided that attack is against the enemy you have chosen.


(Complex Detection; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two basic Detection skills, including Detection Adept

This is an upgrade of the Detection Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Detection spells listed below instead of merely Basic Detection spells.

While you have the Detection Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its observational properties in a stronger capacity, as reflected below:

-- Detect Doom: While attuned to the energies of Detection, your spell also grants the use of “Dodge”, “Block”, and “Guard”.

-- Detect Method: While attuned to the energies of Detection, you may augment the spell to change its purpose.

Instruct Method: Instead of its normal effect, you open the minds of 1-5 allies (including yourself) to knowledge -- this functions similar to the Instruction skill of the Scholar Discipline allowing every recipient to teach each other any number of their Basic or Complex Skills. This costs 0 CMP for Basic Skills and 3 Basic CMP for each Complex skill.

-- Detect Presence: While attuned to the energies of Detection, you may perform two additional Unveilings while under the effects of the Perceiving Status.

-- Detect Secret: While attuned to the energies of Detection, You may choose from the following options to the Detect Secret list.

  • Identify Attunement: “Inquiry! Name one Attunement that you currently possess”

    Identify Ally: “Inquiry! Name one Ally that you are Bonded to. (if any)”

    Identify Item “Inquiry! Name one Item that you are currently Attuned to (if any)”

    Identify Resistance “Examine! Name one damage type you are resistant to”

    Identify Weakness “Examine! Name one damage type you are weak to”

-- Detect Weakness: While thusly attuned to the energies of Detection, you may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture, this waives the spell’s Focus cost. Also you may prefix its invocation with “Hypercognitive” to gain one of the two augments below:

Improved Damage: The Ranged attack you perform and the Melee attack that you grant has its damage increased by any bonuses you have to Spell Damage or any ability to change spell type. This cannot inflict more than 5 points of damage.

Prescient Spell: You may imbue yourself or an ally with this Insight -- the next damaging Spell your target performs against the chosen enemy inflicts +X more damage than normal and becomes Piercing, if it is not Piercing yet. Your target has 30 seconds to use this benefit before it expires. X is equal to any bonuses to Spell Damage that you currently enjoy. Your ally must still adhere to the limits to spell damage.



(Erudite Detection; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect)

Requires: Any two Basic Detection skills and any two Complex Detection skills

This spell allows a Scryer to assume a powerful divining aspect that improves their ability to see the future, defend their allies and even resist being blinded.

  • Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person

  • Step 2: Write “Clairsentient Aspect” to two empty ATN slots

  • Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private

  • Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.

After you have completed these requirements above, you gain the following effects below.

Clairsentient Guidance: Similar to Versatile Artisan, you can work alongside allies and assist them. They only need EConc/Conc-10 next time they Repair weaponry, Disarm devices, or Patch armor (Conc-5 for Treat Injury). You must also focus on the task at hand.

Clairsentient Sentinel: You may use the Intervene or Guard defenses to protect others, similar to the Guardian Ally skill of the Defender Discipline.

Clairsentient Sight: You are able to see with great visual acuity. You may invoke “no effect” against Blind strikes and Blind Wounds

Clairsentient Inquiry: When you use Detect Secret or Sorcerous Inquisition, you can ask a 2nd and 3rd question as an Aftereffect. Choose it from the same list. You have to be out of Combat.

Critical Weakness: When you use Detect Weakness, you may opt for the following Aftereffect -- perform a packet/foam dart attack whose damage is equal to the Overflow value of your Detect Weakness (Overflow damage = Uncapped Damage minus 5). This 2nd attack cannot exceed 5 damage and has a minimum of 1 damage.

Sense Doom: You are granted the Detect Doom ATN’s effects. If you have learned that spell, you gain the benefit of its Bonus Quality augment. This does not require an additional ATN slot.

Violence Empathy: Your melee attacks cannot inflict more than 1 point of damage because you are sensitive to the pain you inflict upon others. This does not affect non-melee attacks.


(Erudite Detection; Active-Focus, Trap-Defense, Attack-Aug, Attack-Defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Detection skills and any two Complex Detection skills

Mere knowledge of this spell imparts a useful oracular ability to the Scryer -- they are able to defend themselves from unseen pitfalls, defend allies from attack or even lend accuracy to their own attacks.

  • Step 1: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 2: invoke “Detect Hazard”

  • Step 3: Choose one option below:

-- Option 1: Negate Trap -- Negate the effects of a Trap or Backlash effect upon yourself and one individual that is Bonded to you and within reach of your hand or melee weapon. It must have dealt 5 or less damage or a Control effect.

-- Option 2: Intercept -- Invoke “Detect Hazard, negate” but use it to negate a ranged or melee attack on 1-3 allies within the next 3 seconds. This does not work against Master-type attacks.

-- Option 3: Precision -- Immediately re-try a single melee or ranged attack that you performed within the next 5 seconds. This attack must have missed or have otherwise been negated. if this second attempt is negated/misses again, then the Focus cost of this Spell is refunded but you receive “Pain 5” from the false future you saw.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition. Using them replaces the name of the spell with the name in quotations.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Warning” -- Set your Animus on watch to defend Bonded allies against an attack in the near future. Touch 1-5 Bonded allies and clarify the following, if needed: “You have a 0 Focus use of Parry, usable within the next 10 minutes. Invoke it as ‘Expert Parry’ when you use it.

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Watchful Blood” -- Set your Eldritch Guest on watch, warning you against attack. When you do this -- you have two 0 Focus uses of “Expert Parry” or “Expert Dodge” that are usable within the next 10 minutes. As an Aftereffect of the second use, invoke and gain “Resolve 3”.

-- Talismanic Tradition “Wand of Warning” -- Invoke this spell to enter a state of protectiveness. You gain three 0 Focus uses of the Guard defense that are usable within the next 10 minutes, invoked as “Expert Guard”. As an Aftereffect of the third use, invoke and gain “Resolve 3”.


(Erudite Detection; Active-Ritual, Research, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Detection skills and any two Complex Detection skills

After a ritual of contemplation and augury, this spell allows you to send your spirit out into the world and seek out answers that are commonly known but not personally known by yourself. While the answers received can be limited in scope, this may pave the way for further investigation or be of sufficient warning to the caster.

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff 5 Minor CMP (Astral or Tradition based)

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 4: Submit a research question to Staff on an index card or similar medium on the board next to the Logistics room. By the end of the next Period, if not the end of the Event, you will have your answer posted on the research board.

Alternatively, you may perform this Research for 0 CMP by delving into Library Lane to seek out the answers yourself via an NPC shift at least 3 hours long.

Research Process: The question asked must be on an index card (with your in-game name or CSN) and pinned to the note board near the Staff area – other players are allowed to read these notes. This question has the limits below:

  • The answer will be no more than 3-5 sentences

  • The status of Library Lane or the Crossroads can help with this skill’s scope.

  • Secret knowledge and forbidden lores cannot be gained from this skill (e.g. the weaknesses of specific individuals or whereabouts of hiding fugitives)

Special Note: Research is only one avenue of getting information. Writing letters to important figures or requesting a Guild use Guild Tracking between Events are other ways.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition. Using them replaces the name of the spell with the name in quotations.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Enlightenment” -- Teach yourself and/or 1-5 allies any number of Basic or Complex skills, whether known or unknown to the Animancer, similar to the Instruction skill. This requires the expenditure of three Basic CMP (Tradition-based) for each Skill taught in this way.

-- Diabolic Tradition: Enlightened Blood”-- Teach yourself 1 Erudite skill that you currently do not possess. This costs 3 Rare CMP (Tradition Based) but your maximum HP may not exceed 7 HP, you may never have more than 3 Aegis or Resolve. These persist for the remainder of the current Event.

-- Talismanic Tradition Wand of Enlightenment” -- Assist a Bonded ally who is Crafting to temporarily grant them knowledge of how to Craft an Advanced item with any Augment, waiving the Skill requirements for doing so. They must be able to make a Basic Item of that type already. Your Craft-Ritual action is spent in place of theirs.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills, you may choose between one of the following bonuses: 

  • Bonus Output: You may ask one additional Research Question, Enlightened Blood can teach 2 Erudite Skills for 6 Rare CMP, and Spirit of Enlightenment can teach 5 additional students.

  • Bonus Quality: Wand of Enlightenment can allow the crafting of a Superior item.


(Erudite Detection; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)

Requires: Any two Basic Detection skills and any two Complex Detection skills, including Hypercognitive Detection

You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Detection Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Detection rituals and its periodic spells.

Detect Presence: You can use Unveiling two additional times before it disrupts Perceiving. With Hypercognitive Detection, this is a total of Unveiling-5.

Detect Method and Hypercognitive Detection: When you use these skills to teach a group, you can teach your Erudite skills to your allies (maximum of 1 per learner), This costs 3 Rare CMP (Tradition-based) per learner for each Erudite skill.

Painful Weakness: When you use Detect Weakness, you can opt for your first attack to inflict one of the following effects instead of damage: “Pain”, “Hobble”, or “Knockback”.

Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.

  • Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use a Detection Ritual or Sorcerous Inquisition, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Divination”

  • Option 2: Master of Divination, Detect Secret -- You may affect this spell as though you had used Supreme Observation (Reader) upon it, allowing you to use said spell from a distance.

Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): If you have this Skill, you can use your mastery of Detection on your Basic/Complex spells. you can augment and invoke Basic/Complex spells with “Prophesied”. If it is negated by a Defense or misses, you may strike with it again as an Aftereffect.


(Erudite Detection; Active-Periodic, Inquiry, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Detection skills and any two Complex Detection skills

This spell allows a Scryer to open their perceptions to all realms. This allows them to glean information or weaknesses from a target, or glean great amounts of information for their targets, allowing them access to their target’s knowledge

Once per Period, invoke “Sorcerous Inquisition” and choose one of the options below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

-- Option 1: Perception — Similar to Detect Presence, this allows you to enter the Perceiving state for up to 10 minutes. You may perform any number of Unveiling attempts, although you may only affect an individual once per use of this Skill.

-- Option 2: Doom — You may use your foreknowledge to decree a terrible doom upon a single enemy. This function is similar to “Detect Weakness”. wherein you touch three nearby allies and clarify the following to all of them: “your next basic melee or ranged attack against <specific enemy> inflicts ‘Piercing 7 damage’ instead of their normal effect. This must be within the next minute. '

-- Option 3: Inquiry — Usable only out of combat, you may ask one of the following questions below to a target, similar to the Detect Secret spell -- unlike the Mental Deduction skill or the Detect Secret spell, these questions are not in the “yes or no” format.

  • Attunements: “Inquiry! What three, if any, ATNs/Afflictions are affecting you?”

    Bonds: “Inquiry! Who are three people, if any, you are Bound to?”

    Items: “Inquiry! What three, if any, expensive Items do you possess on your person?”

    Stigmata: “Inquiry! What two Stigmata, if any, do you have?”

-- Option 4: Detect Scrying — Determine the name of someone attempting to scry upon you or remotely use deduction upon you. You must be aware that the Scrying has happened and it must have happened within the last 10 minutes.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition — Add the following question to your list of Inquiry Questions: “Inquiry! What is your religion, if you have one?”

-- Diabolic Tradition — Add the following question to your list of Inquiry Questions: “Inquiry! What is one of your Parents’ names?” (this has no effect if the target does not know the answer themselves)

-- Talismanic Tradition — Gain an additional option -- you may determine who is Fate-Bound to an item in your hand. You get at least a name which people use to refer to them (not a title).

 Infusion Sphere

Infuser, Abjurer


Image by Nicco Salonga

The Sphere of Infusion lies where etheric energies and the physical world meet. This Sphere concerns itself primarily with the investiture of energies onto an item, resulting in a weapon inflicting great damage or even one’s armor deflecting lethal attacks. Invest in this Sphere if:

  • You want a defensive magic user whose close allies are rarely wounded.

  • You want like to play proactive support characters with some flexibility rather than reactive healers

  • You want to play a magical bodyguard, an armored caster,, or a shield mage.

Relevant Rules:

Resolve: PCs may be imbued with Resolve. This is like HP except it is depleted first when damage occurs. Whenever you gain Resolve, you take the new value or your old one -- you never add them together. Similarly, when you gain Lasting Resolve, you use the new value or the old one but never add them together with itself or with normal Resolve.


Basic Skills

Infuse Armor: Grant Resolve to yourself or an ally.

Infuse Item: Disarm a basic Device or a Conjuration

Infuse Material: Negate a Sunder attempt or partially repair armor

Infusion Adept (ATN): Attune yourself to the Infusion Sphere

Complex Skills

Infuse Form (Ritual; ATN): Infuse your clothing, magical runes/trinkets with energy. 

Infuse Shield: Infuse a shield momentarily, defending an ally from attack.

Infuse Weapon: Infuse a weapon or ammunition so that it strikes with potency.

Intensified Infusion (ATN): Gain additional benefits with the Infusion Adept skill

Erudite Skills

Infuse Ground: Infuse the ground you stand on to strike at multiple targets

Infuse Structure (Ritual): Infuse a weapon or a structure to ward it

Master of Imbuement (1/E): This is the mastery skill for the Infusion Sphere

Shielding Aspect (ATN): Assume a protective aspect, enhancing your defenses

Sorcerous Barrier (1/P): Infuse a shield, defending up to 5 allies from attack. 



(Basic Infusion; Active-Focus, Resolve, Spell)

The iconic spell of the Infusion Sphere, Infuse Armor allows you to suffuse yourself or another person with protective energies that absorb damage.

  • Step 1: Designate an ally (or yourself) that is wearing armor or wielding a shield.

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Armor, Resolve 3”.

  • Step 4: Choose one of the options below:

Option 1 — This grants you 3 points of Resolve. You need to be wearing any Armor and/or wielding any Shield to benefit from this spell.

Option 2 - Grant “Resolve 3” upon an ally. They need to also fulfill the material requirements of the spell.


(Basic Infusion; Active-Focus, Disarm Device, Dispel Conjuration, Spell)

This spell allows you to infuse destructive energies into an item that you touch, sundering it or rendering it inoperable. Its primary utility is in disarming devices (e.g locks, traps) or conjured magics -- individuals with this skill set are called “Lockpicks”. Using this spell is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature

  • Step 2: Perform EConc-30 while remaining within reach

  • Step 3: Invoke one of the options below depending on the item for a specific effect:

-- Option 1: “Basic Disarm” -- This will disarm Basic Devices (e.g. Basic locks or traps)

-- Option 2: “Sunder” -- this inflicts a Sunder on a Workshop, a Weapon, or a Shield, Only its very basic functions are active and it can’t be used for Skills (e.g Parry, Smite, etc)

-- Option 3: “Disrupt Conjuration” -- This dispels most Conjurations and can drive a targeted Spirit away for 10 minutes. This can also deactivate a beneficial ATN and render it inert, although resting will reactivate it.

-- Option 4: Mangle Wound” -- This inflicts the Mangle effect on the touched limb. Wound effects persist until a Cure Wounds effect removes them..

Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.

Cooperative Effort: If you work together with another Lockpick or a Versatile Artisan to Disarm a Device, you can declare that you are cooperating with them. This functions as the process above except that you collectively designate the action’s leader -- they invoke the Conc count, halting if any of you are disrupted.. This lowers the count to iConc-10 or EConc-10


(Basic Infusion; Active-Focus, Sunder-defense, Patch Armor, Spell)

This spell allows you to sheathe a weapon with protective energies or shore up the protection of damaged armor. This is reflected in the options below:

Option 1: Quick Patch Armor

  • Step 1: Designate a target (or yourself) that is wearing armor

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Material, quick patch”

Step 4: This grants the target the Quick Patched status. They may expend this status by invoking “Patch Aegis”, defending themselves as per the use of an unaugmentable Aegis. If unused, Quick Patch dissipates after 10 minutes or when the current combat finishes.

Option 2: Reinforce Weaponry

  • Step 1: Touch a weapon or shield

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Material -- Reinforced 10 minutes”

  • Step 4: The item gains the following effect — Clarify this to its wielder if needed:

The weapon or shield that you touch acts as though it has the Reinforced Weapon Augment for the next 10 minutes, allowing its wielder to invoke “No Effect” when it is subjected to a Sunder effect. It can only be Sundered if it is hit by 2 such effects within 10 seconds of each other or by a “Master Sunder”


(Basic Infusion; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)

This skill allows an Infuser to attune themselves to the Infusion Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing their spells -- allowing more frequent use of them. Activating this skill is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Label this ATN as “INF Adept <your magic tradition>”

  • Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic

  • Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.

Animantic tradition: Astral or Wind CMP

Diabolic tradition: Abyssal or Shadow CMP

Talismanic tradition: Lightning or Earth CMP

-- Infuse Armor: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and EConc-5 to waive the Focus cost of using this spell. On Bonded Allies,. this grants its full effect.. Other allies or yourself receive “Resolve 1”, which cannot be increased.

-- Infuse Material: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and EConc-5 to waive the Focus cost of using this spell, usable only when granting the Quick Patched status.

-- Infuse Item: After a EConc-30, perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to Disarm an Advanced Device. Invoke the effect as “Greater Disarm”.



(Complex Infusion; Active-Ritual/ATN/CMP, +HP)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills

This spell allows you to infuse your own flesh and form with protective energies that reinforces you against injury and attack. The details of its usage are below:

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with “Infuse Form” and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You gain the abilities below:

-- Infused Body (+HP): Your maximum HP is increased by +1. This cannot exceed your HP cap (usually 10 HP).

-- Energy Infusion: While your spirit is thusly infused, you are able to use skills (including Craft skills), weapons, armors or gadgets that require a “Magna Field” or an Adept ATN.

-- Energy Armor: You may opt to replace the Armor requirement of this spell with the prop requirements of your Tradition (if you have one) -- but only for yourself. This requires the expenditure of 5 Minor CMP (see Infusion Adept for types). You are then counted as armored for all of your other Infusion spells.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: You may affect up to four other Bonded individuals. You must expend 5 Minor Components (Astral or Tradition based) per person affected except for yourself.

  • Bonus Quality: You may heighten the protection granted by this spell -- the increase to HP is amplified to +2 HP instead of +1


(Complex Infusion; Active-Conc/Focus, Melee/Ranged-Defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills

This spell allows you to radiate protective energy from a Shield or Rune Wand that you are wielding. Infuse Shield defends your allies with your magical might, warding away decisive blows, as reflected below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3 while holding a shield or rune wand.

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: invoke “Infuse Shield”

  • Step 4: You are granted ONE use of the “Etheric Guard” defense (which may not be augmented further). This Augmented Guard works similar to the Guardian Ally skill but does not cost Focus.

If unexpended, this use expires after 10 minutes, when you are no longer holding a shield/rune wand, or when you drop to 0 HP (whichever happens first)

Aftereffect: After you use Etheric Guard, you may inflict a “Piercing Knockback” or “Piercing 3 Lightning” at one of your ally’s aggressors via melee strike or packet/foam dart.

Barrier Magus Aptitude (Talismanry): If you have this aptitude, you may choose instead to inflict two Knockback attacks. However, they are not Piercing attacks.


(Complex Infusion; Active-Conc/Focus, Ranged-Piercing, Lightning/Frost/Flame, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills

This spell suffuses a knife, arrow or bullet with elemental energies that can inflict severe damage upon an enemy and penetrate metal and wood.

Step 1: Perform EConc-3 while touching an Ammo/Knife pack you are wearing

Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Weapon”

Step 4: Choose from one of the options below:

Option 1: Ranged Weapon — Throw a spell packet or shoot a dart that inflicts “Piercing, 3 Lightning”. This replaces that weapon’s normal effects for this attack. You may also opt to change the energies of this attack to “Frost” or “Flame”.

Option 2: Melee Weapon — You may instead grant this effect to a melee weapon that you or an ally is wielding. This attack must be performed within the next 30 seconds and it is not Piercing. These effects replace the weapon’s normal effects instead of stacking with it.


(Complex Infusion; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills, including Infusion Adept

This is an upgrade of the Infusion Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Infusion spells listed below instead of merely Basic Infusion spells. Like similar skills, this marks a milestone in an Infuser’s studies and development within the Sphere.

While you have the Infusion Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its empowering properties in a stronger capacity.

-- Infuse Armor: You can finetune your Infusion magics so that it bolsters your target’s clothing. You no longer require armor or a shield to affect your allies.

-- Infuse Form (+Aegis): Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to grant yourself and only yourself the following benefit with this spell — Your maximum Aegis is increased by one point (limit 5).

-- Infuse Item: When you successfully Disarm a Device, you turn it into useful scrap. This is identical to the Disarm Device skill of the Junker and Tinker Disciplines.

-- Infuse Shield (Aftereffect): Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain 3 uses of Etheric Guard per casting of this spell. When you expend your 3rd and last use of Etheric Guard, you gain the option to grant yourself or your ally “Resolve 3” as an Aftereffect instead of inflicting retributive attacks..

-- Infuse Weapon: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost.



(Erudite Infusion; Active-Focus, Piercing-Melee, Lightning, Knockback, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills

This spell allows you to aggressively infuse the ground you are standing on with harmful elemental energies. It is often used to defend a choke point from an aggressive attack or to break up an attacking squad’s formation.

  • Step 1: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 2: Invoke “Infuse Ground”

  • Step 3: Gain the “Supercharged” status for the next 30 seconds, unless you move more than one step, you are dropped to 0 HP, or you use up the status below:

Supercharged Benefits: While Supercharged, you can turn up to five of your melee attacks into your choice of “Piercing 3 Lightning” or “Piercing Knockback” -- the fifth attack ends “Supercharged”.

Aftereffect: When “Supercharged” ends, invoke and gain “Resolve 3”

Alternate Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition. Using them replaces the name of the spell with the name in quotations.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Entangling” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell as above to have your Animus ensnare your foes.. This functions as Infuse Ground, except that you can also choose to use a melee or ranged attack to inflict “Piercing Snare” or “Piercing Pull”

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Scathing Blood” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell as above to pool your empowered blood beneath you. This functions as Infuse Ground, except that you have additional options for your melee attacks while Supercharged: “Piercing 3 Shadow”, “Piercing 3 Corrosive”, or “Piercing Pain”. “

-- Talismanic Tradition: Wand of Repulsion” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell as above to charge up your rune wand and the area with repelling energy. This allows you to inflict the “Knockback” effect of this spell via packet or dart instead of melee attack Furthermore, you can opt to change the “Piercing Knockback” to “Knockback 20”.


(Erudite Infusion; Active-Ritual, Sunder/Siege-Defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills

This spell infuses a weapon or a building with protective energies. Take note that this may not be used on the main building of the Event venue. Using this spell is as follows:

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with one of the options below and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Give 5 Minor CMP (Astral or Tradition based) to Game Staff.

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You gain one of the two options below:

-- Option 1: Infuse Structure (Weapon) -- Any weaponry that you carry takes “no effect” from Sunder attacks unless it is from 2+ Sunder attacks within 10 seconds of each other. Respond with such attacks with this: “Infuse Structure”

-- Option 2: Infuse Structure (Building) -- This ATN links you to a small building/tent/workshop of your choice, allowing you to protect it from attack. This building must have at least five runes, animus crowns, or your talismans hanging from it in an obvious and distinct fashion.

  • Protect Building: While touching the building, you can invoke “Infuse Structure, negate” everytime you see it receive a Siege attack (Piercing 7+ damage). The attack is transferred to you instead and you may negate it with a defense.

  • Ward Entrance: You can ward a building/tent’s entrance similar to the Obfuscate Structure spell, except that entry is halted by a barrier.

  • How to Dispel: This may be temporarily annulled via a “Disrupt Conjuration” effect -- however, such an action must vocally and distinctly warn those inside of its occurrence. Furthermore, its protections only fade after 5 minutes, giving the individuals within some time to prepare a defense or await help.

    • If Disrupted, it may be renewed after 5 minutes of meditation and 1 Focus from the original caster.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition. Using them replaces the name of the spell with the name in quotations.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Warding” -- Ward your allies from harm. Label this ATN as above -- in addition to Infuse Structure (Weapon)’s effects, you can also:

  • Step 1: Expend 1 Focus as a Reaction to a Bonded ally w/in 30 feet receiving melee attacks

  • Step 2: Invoke the ally’s name then invoke “Vocal Guard”

  • Step 3: Negate all melee attacks of the last second, if the ally repeats it.

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Reinforcing Blood” -- Shield your own flesh against fracturing. Label this ATN as above -- in addition to the effects of Infuse Structure (Weapon), you may invoke “No effect” against “Mangle” and “Hobble” of the “Strike” duration. This cannot be used against Wounds or Blights of those Control effects..

-- Talismanic Tradition “Wand of Conduction” -- Galvanize a Rune Wand to pull energy from the air. Label this ATN as above -- in addition to the effects of Infuse Structure (Weapon), you may invoke “Minimal” when hit by a Lightning, Flame, or Frost attack. You cannot do this again until you complete a EConc-10 and invoke “Wand of Conduction”.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you gain the following bonus:

  • Bonus Output: Affect 1-2 more buildings/tents/workshops. This costs 1 ATN each.

Prop Requirements: The building/tent’s entrances must be marked with dim white glowsticks, glow-wire or LEDs as well as a written out-of-game clarification.


(Erudite Infusion; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills

You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Infusion Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Infusion rituals and its periodic spells.

Cooperative Disarming (requires Infuse Item; EConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 or EConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.

Double Infusion: Whenever you use the Infuse Armor or Infuse Material spell, you can affect a second target via touch as an Aftereffect.

Stabilized Infusion: When you use Infuse Armor with Infusion Adept on a non-Bonded ally, it no longer has the restriction of being limited to “Resolve 1”, although it starts at that value instead of “Resolve 3”. Said restriction still applies to yourself as per the skill’s normal limitation.

Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.

Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use an Infusion Ritual or Sorcerous Barrier, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Imbuement”

Option 2: “Master of Imbuement, Infuse Armor” -- This waives the Focus cost of this spell and allows you to grant “Resolve 5” to yourself and five allies you touch within the next 10 seconds without moving your feet.

Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): If you have this Skill, you can use your mastery of Infusion to augment a Basic/Complex damage, Resolve, or healing spell, prefixing the spell with “Grounded” This turns it into a Barrage 3 melee spell, allowing you to inflict its effects a total of 3 times.

You must launch all of these attacks before 5 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet, though its damage/healing is capped at 3 points.


(Erudite Infusion; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect, +Resolve, Aftereffect, Overflow, Heal)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills

This skill allows an Abjurer to assume a protective aspect that improves their ability to protect others and themselves.

  • Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person

  • Step 2: Write “Shielding Aspect” to two empty ATN slots

  • Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private

  • Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.

Balance of Energy (Aftereffect, +Resolve): The amount of Resolve you imbue upon others is increased by +1. Similarly, whenever an ally grants you Resolve or Lasting Resolve, increase it by +1 and invoke the new value as an Aftereffect. This second function overlaps with and does not add to any similar bonus.

Infused Defenses (-Focus, Aftereffect): You gain the temporary use of Block, Parry, and Guard defenses for 1 Focus each. If you have Infuse Shield, you can opt to use its Aftereffect when using these defenses without needing to Augment them.

Infused Mask (-Focus): Whenever you are subject to an Inquiry effect, you can expend 1 Focus and invoke “Shielding Aspect” to negate it and all Inquiry effects for the next 10 minutes.

Overcharged Weaponry (Overflow, Aftereffect): When you use the ranged version of Infuse Weapon, you may opt for the following Aftereffect -- perform a packet/foam dart attack whose damage is equal to the Overflow value of your Infuse Weapon (Overflow damage = Uncapped Damage minus 5). This 2nd attack cannot exceed 5 damage and has a minimum of 1 damage.

Reinforcing Aegis (EConc-10): You are considered to have the Infuse Form ATN on you, cast with Bonus Quality. If you have actually learned Infused Form and Infuse Material, you can perform EConc-10 and invoke “Shielding Aspect” to gain the Quick Patch status and “Heal 1”. This does not require an additional ATN.

Tweak Weapons (Long Task): You can Tweak Weapons to strike for Flame, Frost, or Lightning damage, similar to a Weaponer with the Runecarver skill. You do not need a Scrap Kit for this function, relying on Infusing the energy personally.

Defensive Spellmind: The damage of your melee attacks cannot exceed 1 point. This does not affect your Death Blows, your ranged spells, and the attacks you grant to others.


(Erudite Infusion; Active-Periodic, Melee/Ranged-Defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills

This spell allows you to defensively infuse immense power into a shield or rune wand you are wielding to form a powerful barrier that can defend those nearby from attack.

Once per Period, use this Skill as per below. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

-- Option 1: Living Barrier --

  • Step 1: Be wielding a shield or a rune wand

  • Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Barrier”

  • Step 3: Gain the “Bulwark” status for 10 seconds. Its benefits are listed below

  • Step 4: Invoke and gain “Resolve 5” as an Aftereffect after you lose “Bulwark”. This bypasses any limitations you might have that reduces the Resolve you grant yourself.

Bulwark Status benefits:

  • Duration: This lasts for 10 seconds unless you are Downed/Critical, you move faster than a slow walk, or you expend all of its Defenses below

  • Defenses x5: Use “Dodge”, “Block”, “Parry”, and/or “Guard” up to five times without expending Focus. After the 5th use of the above defenses, Bulwark ends.

  • Master-level: Prefix these defenses with “Master”, allowing them to negate Master-level attacks.

-- Option 2: Crushing Barrier--

  • Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of a Basic/Advanced/Superior Device or Conjuration

  • Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Barrier”

  • Step 3: Invoke “Superior Disarm” -- this will instantly disarm the Device or “Disrupt Conjuration” to disrupt the Conjuration.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition — Allow your animus to imbue “Resolve 5” or “Quick Patch” to an ally in lieu of you using a defense. This can be delivered via touch or by packet/dart.

-- Diabolic Tradition — Instead of the Bulwark status for step 2, you can armor your flesh with infused magical blood. You gain Impervious-10 instead. This allows you to walk slowly but take no damage or minimal damage from most attacks.

-- Talismanic Tradition — Overcharge your rune wand with unstable energy. While in Bulwark status, you can expend a use of a defense to instead inflict “Piercing Knockback 20” or “Piercing 5 Lightning” via melee strike.

 Obfuscation Sphere

Veiler, Obscurer


Image by Nicco Salonga

The Obfuscation Sphere is focused on altering perception, hiding something or someone that is present or altering the senses of others. Invest in this Sphere if:

  • You want to play a spellcaster focused on hiding, lying, and escaping

  • You want to use a mix of Control effects on your enemies and support abilities on your allies.

  • You want to play a trickster, an illusionist, a shadowmancer, or a mountebank.


Basic Skills

Obfuscate Presence: Render yourself undetectable to most senses 

Obfuscate Aura: Reactively negate Deduction or Perception effects upon you. 

Obfuscate Exodus: Veil and disguise your exit from a situation

Obfuscation Adept (ATN): Empower your basic Obfuscation spells

Complex Skills

Obfuscate Material (Ritual; ATN): Change the appearance of an item or of yourself

Obfuscate Senses: Blind or move a distant target via spell-packet.

Obfuscate Spirit: Defend yourself from attacks by blurring your form.

Obscuring Obfuscation (ATN): Empower your complex Obfuscation spells.

Erudite Skills

Distorting Aspect (ATN): assume an Aspect that dodges attacks and punishes inquiries.

Master of Illusion (1/E): Mastery skill for the Obfuscation Sphere

Obfuscate Form: Make yourself difficult to damage for a few moments.

Obfuscate Sanctum (Ritual; ATN): Use magics to obscure a Sanctum’s entrances

Sorcerous Reality (1/P): Blind (or Silence, Invigorate, etc)  allies and enemies



(Basic Obfuscation; Active-Focus, Masking, Inquiry/Sense-Defense, Spell)

The Obfuscate Aura spell uses magics to cloud the contents of one’s spirit and aura against those that would seek to glean knowledge from it. Using this skill is outlined below:

  • Step 1: You are affected by an Inquiry effect

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Obfuscate Aura, No effect” as a Reaction to the Inquiry. This negates the Inquiry effect unless it is invoked as “Master Inquiry”, which is very rare. If a specific effect has multiple Inquiry questions, you negate all such questions.

  • Step 4: Obfuscated Aura: You gain the Obfuscated status until 60 seconds have passed or you drop to 0 HP. While Obfuscated, the distortion to your Aura remains. This allows you to React with “No effect” when affected upon any Inquiry (except Master Inquiries)


Basic; Active-Conc/Focus, Escape, Spell

(Basic Obfuscation; Active-Conc/Focus, Escape, Spell)

A variation of the Obfuscate Aura spell, Obfuscate Exodus allows a Veiler to escape from a dangerous scenario and cloud their exit from unskilled pursuers.

You must fulfill the following requirements before you can even use this skill.

  • Mobile: You must not be immobilized by any effect such as being tied up or being Hobbled

  • Not Trapped: You must be in a place where you can run away. Locked rooms, prisons, pocket dimensions, etc will prevent the use of this skill.

When these are fulfilled, follow the procedure below.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke "Obfuscate Exodus"

  • Step 4: Begin an audible “Escape count” that goes up to 60, while slow or fast walking.

    • Put your hand or weapon atop your head to show that you are "out of game".

    • No one may interact with or pursue you without the proper Skills.

  • Step 5: Ensure that these last 10 counts of the Escape effect are extra audible to indicate your return to the game environment

  • Step 6: At “Escape 60”, lower your hand/weapon from your head, going back “in-game”

Returning to the scene: You cannot return to the area you’ve escaped from until 10 minutes have passed.

Pursuit effects: Other creatures may use “Pursuit” effects to follow you. They will exit the game and enter the game at the same time you do so. Similarly, other characters may join your escape by using their Skill simultaneously to your own use.


(Basic Obfuscation; Active-Conc/Focus, Conceal)

The Obfuscate Presence spell hides one’s appearance and even spirit from detection, clouding the minds of nearby observers.

To use this spell, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Position: Lean against immovable cover (e.g. wall, tree) with a minimum of 50% coverage. You do not need to be behind it.

  • Equipment: No active light source. You may be wearing any armor or carrying any weapon.

When these positional and item requirements are fulfilled, do the following:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus.

  • Step 3: Invoke “Obfuscate Presence”

  • Step 4: You are imbued with the "Concealed" status and must follow the points below or lose said status.

    • Crossed Arms: Cross your arms over your chest. You may hold items.

    • Stand Still: Don’t move from your location, Concentrate, or use any Skills/Defenses.

    • Stay Silent: You may not say anything, except for out-of-game clarifies.

Concealed Creatures: You cannot be seen or pinpointed, but you can see normally. Other Characters can vaguely sense your presence (i.e. "I think we're being watched"). When hit by an attack, respond with "Immune, I am Concealed" -- the only effects that will hit you and remove Concealment are Unveiling effects and Global effects

Being Unveiled: Even if the restrictions above are followed, you can be removed from Concealment if you are hit by an Unveiling effect or a Global effect. The former comes from individuals under the “Perceiving” status. The latter is an effect that hits the whole area.


(Basic Obfuscation; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)

This skill allows a Veiler to attune themselves to the Obfuscation Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing and improving their spells -- allowing them to be used more often and with greater effect.

  • Step 1: Label this ATN as “OBF Adept <your magic tradition>”

  • Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic

  • Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.

Animantic tradition: Astral or Wind component

Diabolic tradition: Abyssal or Shadow component

Talismanic tradition: Lightning or Earth component

-- Obfuscate Aura: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to use this spell proactively instead of reactively. Instead of the Spell’s normal effects, the Obfuscated status lasts 10 minutes instead of 60 seconds.

Furthermore, if you had spent Focus on this spell, you are able to end it early by invoking “Minimal” as a Reaction to receiving damage from a ranged attack. This reduces the damage to 1 point but the attack cannot be a melee, a Master-type or an Ambush-type attack.

Obfuscate Presence: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to augment this spell and prefix it with “Bonded”. It now affects yourself and up to two Bonded allies within a Step and Arm’s reach of you. These allies need to fulfill the Position and Equipment requirements of the spell and its other parameters.

Obfuscate Exodus: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell. This spell still requires a Concentration count. Furthermore, any self-inflicted effects begin their timer after you finish your Escape count.



(Complex Obfuscation; Active-Ritual/CMP/ATN, Deception, Conceal)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation skills

This spell allows you to change your appearance, to change an item’s appearance or to even prevent others from finding small items upon your person. On a meta-game level, this spell is also used to allow an individual to play their character without the prosthetics required by their Stigmata, although it prevents them from using any Stigmata Traits (except the Traits that they use to cast this spell).

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label the recipient’s empty ATN slots with one of the options below and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Give Game Staff 5 Minor CMP (Tradition based; see Obfuscation Adept)

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. The you gain one of the options below:

-- Option 1: Obfuscate Visage — Appear with a Specific Stigmata or without your Stigmata. This does not allow you to take on the appearance of a specific person.

  • Requires an ATN labeled “Obfuscate Visage”

  • You cannot use any of your Stigmata Traits, except for their Drawbacks and any Trait that allows you to cast spells.

-- Option 2: Obfuscate Detail — 1-3 weaponry, device or armor items appear differently.

  • The prop used for them must be of a similar type and size but the exact details can be different. If it is a weapon, it needs to be inspected.

  • If an Item Augment’s prop reqs are not fulfilled, that Augment will not function.

  • Requires 1 ATN (“Obfuscate Detail”) for every item that you affect with this.

-- Option 3: Obfuscate Container — Obscure your pockets and bags, gaining the ability to React with “No effect” vs any attempt to scavenge from your person. This has the same benefits and limitations as the Conceal item skill vs. Scavenge and Inquiry effects.

  • This requires 1 ATN (“Obfuscate Container”).

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: You may affect yourself and/or up to two other Bonded allies, paying the CMP cost for each. Optionally, affect 2 additional items.

  • Bonus Quality: Your spell is improved as though you had the necessary Attunement and Skill -- see Obscuring Obfuscation.


(Complex Obfuscation; Active-Focus, Ranged-Attack, Blind/Push/Pull/Snare)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation skills

Your expertise in the Obfuscation Sphere has allowed you to dictate the perceived reality of a target, blinding them, paralyzing their legs or driving them away.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Obfuscate Senses

  • Step 4: Throw a spell packet or shoot a dart at a target.

  • Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke one of the options below. If you hit your target or anything they are carrying, they receive that effect.

-- Option 1: “Piercing Blind” -- your target’s vision is clouded for 30 seconds

-- Option 2: “Piercing Snare” -- they cannot move their legs for 30 seconds

-- Option 3: “Piercing Knockback” -- they must take 10 steps away from you

-- Option 4: “Piercing Pull” -- they must take 10 steps toward you

Take note: this Spell can affect Constructs and most beings, but it cannot affect objects or individuals at 0 HP.


(Complex Obfuscation; Active-Conc/Focus, Defense)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation skills

This spell obscures and blurs your form for a short while, allowing you to evade attacks upon your person. Its use follows the procedure below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Obfuscate Spirit”

  • Step 4: You are granted ONE use of the “Etheric Dodge” defense (which may not be augmented further). This Augmented Dodge works similar to the Artful Dodger skill but does not cost Focus.

Obfuscated Spirit: Instead of Etheric Dodge, you may invoke “Minimal” to a ranged attack. This has the same limitations as Obfuscate Aura’s similar effect.

Aftereffect: After you use Etheric Dodge or “Minimal”, you may inflict a “Piercing Blind” at one of your aggressors via melee strike or packet/foam dart.


(Complex Obfuscation; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation skills including Obfuscation Adept

This is an upgrade of the Obfuscation Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Obfuscation spells listed below instead of merely Basic Obfuscation spells. Like similar skills, this marks a milestone in a Veiler’s studies and development within the Sphere.

While you have the Obfuscation Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its veiling properties in a stronger capacity.

-- Obfuscate Aura: You may use this Spell upon a Bonded ally to proactively blur their aura. This is otherwise as per Obfuscation Adept’s upgrade, lasting for 10 minutes but without the “Minimal” defense.

-- Obfuscate Exodus: You may take two individuals with you within step and arm’s reach of you. They must both be Bonded to you via Blood, Oath, or Allegiance and their mobility must be unhindered by Control effects or any restraints (e.g. rope, chains, etc). Furthermore, you all gain “Resolve 3” after you complete your Escape count.

-- Obfuscate Material: You are able to change the appearance of items that you wield, requiring only 1 ATN for Obfuscate Detail. These items may not be used by other people.

-- Obfuscate Presence: When you perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture, you may augment this spell and prefix it with “Shrouded. Similar to the Shadower’s Hide in Shadows skill, you are shielded by darkness when you leave the Concealed state, gaining the Impervious-5 effect. Any step you take must be away from the closest enemy you can see.

-- Obfuscate Senses: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of this spell. Furthermore, you may instead choose to obfuscate an ally’s sense of pain, imbuing them with either a “Resolve 2” or a “Cure Strike'' effect via melee touch. You may not use this on yourself.

-- Obfuscate Spirit: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain 3 uses of Etheric Dodge or “Minimal” per casting of this spell. When you expend your last use, you gain the option to imbue yourself with “Resolve 3” as an Aftereffect.



(Erudite Obfuscation; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation and any two Complex Obfuscation skills

This spell allows a Veiler to assume a deceptive elusive aspect that improves their ability to deflect inquiry and even dodge attacks.

  • Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person

  • Step 2: Write “Distorting Aspect” to two empty ATN slots

  • Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private

  • Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.

After you have completed these requirements above, you gain the following effects below.

Etheric Dodge (-Focus, Aftereffect): You gain temporary use of the Dodge defense. If you have the Obfuscate Spirit spell, you may opt to use its Aftereffect whenever Parry or Dodge without needing to Augment either defense.

Distorted Obfuscation (Skill Aug): You may escape into concealment or escape while concealed. Augment “Obfuscate Exodus” with “Distorted” to waive its EConc and Focus costs. This requires that you were Concealed for 60 seconds prior. Similarly, you may augment “Obfuscate Presence” in the same way, provided that it is within 5 seconds of ending an Escape effect.

Distort Perspective: Whenever you use a defense against an Inquiry effect, you may immediately inflict a “Blind” against your inquirer as an Aftereffect. This effect is delivered vocally, but only against an adjacent target.

Distorted Sanity: When you use Obfuscate Senses or attack with Obfuscate Spirit, you can opt to inflict “Piercing, 3 Psychic”, representing your magic’s ability to tear down your enemy’s sanity.. This damage type cannot be changed but it can be increased.

Obfuscate Container: You gain the effects of Obfuscate Container without needing to dedicate an additional ATN to it.

Realistic Illusions (+Resolve): When you imbue Resolve on others, the effect is increased by +1. You may also increase the Control effect duration (Strikes only) of your Obfuscation spells by 10 secs/steps but the attack is no longer Piercing.

Shadow Walk (-Focus): You can use the Shadow Walk function of Expert Shadower as though you had it.

Exhausting Presence -- Being able to deceive others with ease leaves you vulnerable. Your maximum HP may not exceed 7 HP.


(Erudite Obfuscation; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation and any two Complex Obfuscation skills

You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Obfuscation Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Obfuscation rituals and its periodic spells.

Displacing Dodge (Aftereffect): You can confuse distant attackers. Whenever you use Etheric Dodge vs a ranged attack, you invoke it as “Displacing Dodge” and redirect it to a nearby individual. You must immediately and successfully hit the new target with a Piercing melee attack -- the damage/effect is the same as the original.

Extended Umbra: When using Obfuscate Presence or Exodus, you can affect two non-Bonded allies as an Aftereffect. In the case of the latter, this effect occurs before the Escape count begins.

Lingering Illusion: When you leave Concealment from Obfuscate Presence or finish your Escape Count from Obfuscate Exodus, you gain the Impervious status for 3 counts/seconds. Invoke this as “Emerging 1, Emerging 2, Emerging 3”

Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.

Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use an Obfuscation Ritual or Sorcerous Reality, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Illusion”

Option 2: Master of Illusion, Obfuscate Presence/Obfuscate Exodus -- This waives the Conc and Focus cost of the chosen spell and allows it to imbue a Superior Concealment effect or Superior Escape effect, as appropriate to the spell.

Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): If you have this Skill, you can use your mastery of Obfuscation to augment your Basic/Complex Melee or Touch spells with “Displaced”, allowing it to be delivered via packet/foam dart. Alternatively, you can deliver your Basic/Complex packet/foam dart spells through melee touch.


(Erudite Obfuscation; Active-Conc/Focus, Impervious, Basic Attack-Defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation and any two Complex Obfuscation skills

This spell clouds its caster’s form, thereby negating most attacks, but it also allows the caster to maintain this obscurement for a short time while moving.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: invoke “Obfuscate Form”

  • Step 4: Gain the Impervious-5 status. Its effects are outlined below.

-- Usage: Invoke “Impervious 1, Impervious 2…” to “Impervious 5” in a FIRM voice. You may move at a slow or fast walk.

-- Minimal Damage: While doing so, you take no damage from basic melee attacks although they still stop forward momentum. -- Other damaging attacks are reduced to “1 damage”. Control effects work normally.

-- Weak to Bane and Siege: Bane damage and Siege damage inflict their normal amount and end the effect prematurely.

-- Other actions: You may use defenses to negate attacks while Impervious and you may make melee basic attacks. However, you may not perform Concentration or use any other Active Skills while Shielded

-- This status ends when you reach Impervious 5 or when 5 seconds have elapsed, whichever happens first.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition. Using them replaces the name of the spell with the name in quotations.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Shrouding” -- Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and invoke this spell as above for your Animus to defend your ally. While Impervious, you can also affect a Bonded ally while maintaining physical contact with them.

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Veiling Blood” -- Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and invoke this spell as above to shroud yourself in darkness. You suffer the Pain or Stun effect after Impervious ends. As an Aftereffect, invoke and gain “Heal 5”.

-- Talismanic Tradition: “Wand of Shrouding” -- Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and invoke this spell as above to reinforce your form with energy. You also grant yourself “Resolve 5” at the start of this spell.


(Erudite Obfuscation; Active-Ritual/CMP/ATN, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation and any two Complex Obfuscation skills

You magically obscure and hide the entrances of a tent or small building. Take note that this may not be used on the main building of the Event venue.

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with “Obfuscate Sanctum” and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Give 5 Minor CMP (Astral or Tradition based) to Game Staff.

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You gain one of the two options below:

-- Seal Entry: You prevent entrance from anyone that is not Bonded to you unless you or someone Bonded to you specifically walk them in or are at the entrance. This only functions while you or your Bonded allies are within the building.

-- Defend Sanctum: While touching the building, you can invoke “Obfuscate Sanctum, negate” everytime you see it receive a Siege attack (Piercing 7+ damage). The attack is transferred to you instead and you may negate it with a defense.

-- How to Dispel: This may be temporarily annulled via a “Disrupt Conjuration” effect. However, such an action must vocally and distinctly warn those inside of its occurrence. Furthermore, its protections only fade after 5 minutes, giving the individuals within some time to prepare a defense or await help.

  • If Disrupted, it may be renewed after 5 minutes of meditation and 1 Focus from the original caster.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market hour you may enhance it as follows -- Bonus Output: You may affect 1-3 Buildings instead of only one. This takes up 1 ATN each

Prop Requirements: The building/tent’s entrances must be marked with purple or blue glowsticks, glow-wire or LEDs as well as a written out-of-game clarification.


(Erudite Obfuscation; Active-Periodic, Ranged-Attack, Resolve/Blind/Silence/Pain, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Obfuscation and any two Complex Obfuscation skills

A refined version of the Obfuscate Senses spell, Sorcerous Reality allows you to inflict your whims upon the perceptions and senses of others.

Once per Period, follow the procedure below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

-- Option 1: Mass Illusion — Fool senses on a wider scale

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Reality”

  • Step 2: Throw 1 to 5 spell packets at the same target or different ones as a Barrage 5. effect You must launch all of these attacks before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.

  • Step 3: For each attack, you may choose any of the Illusion options below:

    • Illusion Option 1: Bravery -- “Resolve 5”

    • Illusion Option 2: Darkness -- “Piercing Blind 60”

    • Illusion Option 3: Quiet -- “Piercing Silence 60”

    • Illusion Option 4: Agony -- “Piercing Pain 60”

    • Illusion Option 5: Stillness -- “Piercing Snare 60”

-- Option 2: Blunt Despair/Inflict Euphoria

  • Step 1: You and your targets must be out of combat (no fighting w/in 50 feet, sight, or hearing)

  • Step 2: Perform EConc-10

  • Step 3: Invoke “Sorcerous Bravery” or “Sorcerous Euphoria”

  • Step 4: Invoke “Global, Lasting Resolve 3” -- this cannot be increased in any way. This affects everyone that hears it, including yourself.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition — When using Mass Illusion, you can Vocally deliver any of the Illusion Options to a Bonded ally within 30 feet of you. To do this, invoke their name first and then the effect you want to bestow.

-- Diabolic Tradition — When using Mass Illusion, you can instill raving madness or terror into your targets. In addition to the Illusion options, you may also opt for: “Piercing, Frenzy” or “Piercing, 5 Psychic”

-- Talismanic Tradition — When using Mass Illusion, you can deliver any of the effects through a melee strike of your Rune Wand if it is a melee weapon or a melee safe bow/crossbow.

 Projection Sphere

Evoker, Blaster


Image by Nicco Salonga

Called Evokers or, more colloquially, Blasters, the users of Projection are associated with flashy, destructive and overt aspects of magic. Invest in this Sphere if:

  • You want to play a magic user with ranged destructive magics

  • You want to improve your offensive capabilities as a spellcaster, especially through damage and control effects

  • You want to play a fire mage, a glass cannon, and/or a living inferno


Basic Skills

Project Wrath: inflict flame and injury upon your enemies

Project Disruption: disrupt a lock, trap or a conjuration

Project Force: send an enemy away from you

Projection Adept (ATN): Empower your Projection spells using your Tradition.

Complex Skills

Project Agony: inflict pain or other effects upon a distant foe

Project Halo (Ritual; ATN): defend your secrets and hurt those who inquire upon you

Project Shield: lunch defensive energies to protect your allies

Unfettered Projection (ATN): Empower complex Projection spells

Erudite Skills

Burning Aspect (ATN): Assume an aspect that improves your projection spells

Master of Evocation (1/E): This is the mastery skill for the Projection Sphere

Project Power (Ritual): empower an ally’s ritual and add raw power to it

Project Storm: inflict several potent attacks upon your foes

Sorcerous Ruin (1/P): Sunder an enemy’s weaponry or instantly destroy a conjuration



(Basic Projection; Active-Conc, Disarm-Device, Dispel-Conjuration)

The Project Disruption spell employs small blasts of energy to great utility, disabling basic devices, especially minor traps or simple locks -- individuals with this skill set are called “Lockpicks”. Using this spell is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature

  • Step 2: Perform EConc-30 while remaining within reach

  • Step 3: Invoke one of the options below depending on the item for a specific effect:

-- Option 1: “Basic Disarm” -- This will disarm Basic Devices (e.g. Basic locks or traps)

-- Option 2: “Sunder” -- this inflicts a Sunder on a Workshop, a Weapon, or a Shield, Only its very basic functions are active and it can’t be used for Skills (e.g Parry, Smite, etc)

-- Option 3: “Disrupt Conjuration” -- This dispels most Conjurations and can drive a targeted Spirit away for 10 minutes. This can also deactivate a beneficial ATN and render it inert, although resting will reactivate it.

-- Option 4: Mangle Wound” -- This inflicts the Mangle effect on the touched limb. Wound effects persist until a Cure Wounds effect removes them..

Locks/Traps: Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.

Cooperative Effort: If you work together with another Lockpick or a Versatile Artisan to Disarm a Device, you can declare that you are cooperating with them. This functions as the process above except that you collectively designate the action’s leader -- they invoke the Conc count, halting if any of you are disrupted.. This lowers the count to iConc-10 or EConc-10


(Basic Projection; Active-Conc/Focus, Ranged-Attack, Knockback/Pull)

A derivation of the Project Wrath spell, the Project Force spell sends a powerful blast of will against an enemy, hurtling them back or pulling them toward you.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Project Force”

  • Step 4: Throw a spell packet at your target

  • Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke one of the two options below:

-- Option 1: “Piercing Knockback” -- on a hit, your target must take 10 steps away from you. Since this is “Piercing”, it affects them even if it hits the weapon/shield they are holding.

-- Option 2: “Piercing Pull” -- as above except, your target must take 10 steps toward you instead. They can stop when they’re within melee range of you or if they are hit by a melee attack.


(Basic Projection; Active-Focus/Conc, Ranged-Attack, Flame)

This spell of the Projection Sphere allows a spellcaster to channel their fury at a distant target, literally burning them with their wrath. It is used as per below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Project Wrath”

  • Step 4: Throw a spell packet at your target

  • Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke “Piercing, 3 Flame”, As a “Piercing” attack, your target receives this effect even if it hits the weapon or shield they are wielding.


(Basic Projection; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)

This skill allows an Evoker to attune themselves to the Projection Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing their spells -- allowing more frequent use of them.

Step 1: Label this ATN as “PRJ Adept <your magic tradition>”

Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic

Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.

Animantic tradition: Astral or Wind component

Diabolic tradition: Abyssal or Shadow component

Talismanic tradition: Lightning or Earth component

-- Project Force: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell.

-- Project Disruption: After EConc-30, perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to be able to disarm an Advanced Device and invoke “Greater Disarm”.

-- Project Wrath: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell. Furthermore, you may change the damage type of this spell depending on your Tradition -- Animancy (Psychic), Diablerie (Shadow) or Talismanry (Lightning).



Calling forth your past pains, you may send them forth with your magical might to render hurt unto your target.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Project Agony”

  • Step 4: Throw a spell packet at your target

  • Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke one of the three options below. If you hit your target or anything they are carrying, they receive that effect.

-- Option 1: “Piercing Pain” -- they are unable to use most Skills for 30 seconds.

-- Option 2: “Piercing Hobble” -- they cannot move faster than a slow walk/stumble

-- Option 3: “Piercing Mangle” -- if it hits their limbs or their carried items, that limb or the limb carrying the item is “Mangled” and useless for 30 seconds.


(Complex Projection; Active-Ritual/ATN, Inquiry-defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Projection skills

This spell allows an Evoker to call forth and hold energy within their aura for the remainder of the month. This has the effect of obscuring their secrets for those who attempt to glean information about them.

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with “Project Halo”and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You gain the abilities below:

-- Blinding Halo (-Focus, Aftereffect): React with “No effect” when Inquiry effects are used upon you (except Master Inquiry effects). As an Aftereffect, vocally inflict a “Blind” upon the Inquiry’s source if they are next to you.

-- Burn Ropes/Chains (-Focus): Invoke “Project Halo” and expound 1 Focus to Sunder ropes or chains that are binding you provided that they are of Basic or Advanced-quality. This allows you to slip free of them.

-- Burning Halo (Backlash): You can use this while Downed or Critical.

  • Step 1: A person/monster inflicts “Death Blow” or “Scavenge” upon you.

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Backlash; Master, 7 Flame”

  • Step 3: You vocally inflict that effect to them if they are beside you. If they are brought to 0 HP, their action is interrupted. A “Superior Disarm” effect on your person will render this function unusable for 1 minute.

-- Crown of Embers: You may create an Arcane Ember (Channeler skill) If you have a free hand, you can benefit from its effects as long as it is seated at your brow or hanging from your neck. If not holding the Arcane Ember, its effects are interrupted when you take damage or a Control effect.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may receive this benefit: Bonus Quality -- Your Burning Halo inflicts “Master, 10 Flame” vs. Death Blows/Scavenge


(Complex Projection; Active-Conc/Focus, Melee/Ranged-Defense, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Projection skills

Project Shield defends your allies by deflecting attacks with concussive blasts. Its use follows the procedure below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Project Shield”

  • Step 4: You are granted ONE use of the “Etheric Guard” defense (which may not be augmented further). This Augmented Guard works similar to the Guardian Ally skill but does not cost Focus.

If unexpended, this use expires after 10 minutes or when you drop to 0 HP (whichever happens first)

Aftereffect: After you use Etheric Guard, you may inflict a “Piercing Knockback” or “Piercing 3 Flame” at one of your ally’s aggressors via melee strike or packet/foam dart.

Barrier Magus Aptitude (Talismanry): If you have this aptitude, you may choose instead to inflict two Knockback attacks. However, they are not Piercing attacks.


(Complex Projection; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two basic Projection skills, including Projection Adept

This is an upgrade of the Projection Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Projection spells listed below instead of merely Basic Projection spells. Like similar skills, this marks a milestone in an Evoker’s studies and development within the Sphere.

While you have the Projection Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its destructive properties in a stronger capacity.

-- Project Agony: You may perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of this spell.

-- Project Disruption: When you successfully Disarm a Device, you turn it into useful scrap. This is identical to the Disarm Device skill of the Junker and Tinker Disciplines.

-- Project Force: You can choose to intensify your attack at the cost of accuracy. You can opt to inflict “Knockback 20” or “Pull 20”-- this is not Piercing.

-- Project Halo: You may perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture when you perform this Ritual to gain the following benefit -- waive the Focus cost of Blinding Halo.

-- Project Shield (+Resolve): You may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain three uses of Etheric Guard per casting of this spell, which you can deliver via packet or foam dart to an ally. When you expend your last use, you gain the option to grant yourself “Resolve 3” as an Aftereffect. This is instead of the retributive attack(s)..

-- Project Wrath (Overflow, Aftereffect): Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell -- you may apply the Overflow value of its damage via spell packet to the same target or a different one (Overflow damage = Uncapped Damage minus 5). This Overflow Damage is at least "1 Flame" and is an Aftereffect; however, it cannot exceed 5 points without Master of Evocation.



(Erudite Projection; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect, Aftereffect, +Damage)

Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two complex Projection skills

This skill allows an Evoker to assume a fiery aspect that improves their ability to expel destructive energies.

  • Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person

  • Step 2: Write “Burning Aspect” to two empty ATN slots

  • Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private

  • Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.

Burning Explosion: When you die while you are downed, you may choose to invoke a “Burning Explosion” invoke a Hold and clarify the following -- everyone within earshot receives “Piercing, 5 Flame”. This also destroys any non-Fate-bound/Magna-traced items on your person -- some plot-sensitive items or items of the Staff’s choosing are not destroyed but are instead flung far away.

Burning Spellcraft: Whenever you inflict damage with a Spell, you may follow it up with an Aftereffect — launch a packet/foam dart that inflicts “Pain” or “Rot” at one of the spell’s targets.

Fiery Rituals: If you have that skill, you may use Project Power and one of your own Rituals at the same time. This discounts the Ritual’s CMP cost as per Project Power. However, this Ritual cannot receive any Augments such as Bonus Output or Bonus Quality.

Guiding Light: While holding an Arcane Ember, you can perform an EConc-10 and invoke “Burning Aspect” to imbue everyone within arm’s reach and a step with the following: for the next 10 minutes, you can see and speak to spirits.

Protective Halo: If you have learned Project Halo, spell, you are considered to have the benefits of the Project Halo attunement, cast with Bonus Quality.

Volcanic Evocation: Your spells that inflict damage inflict 2 more points of damage than normal.

Wildfire Mindset: You may not grant yourself or others more than 1 point of healing or Resolve.


(Erudite Projection; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)

Requires: Any two Basic Projection skills and any two Complex Projection skills

You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Projection Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Projection rituals and its periodic spells.

Unstable Evocation (requires Project Wrath): You can opt for your Project Wrath to have its damage cap raised to 7 and their Overflow damage becomes Damage -7 (with a damage cap of 7). But if their damage exceeds 5, you are less accurate with it and it is no longer Piercing.

Cooperative Disarming (requires Project Disruption; EConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 or EConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.

Torturous Evocation: Detonate the energies of your spells. You may opt for the following Aftereffect whenever you use the Project Force, Project Wrath, Project Agony, or Project Storm spell: Via packet/foam dart, inflict “Pain” or “Hobble” on a target you affected with the triggering spell (i.e. you hit and it was not negated).

Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.

Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use a Projection Ritual or Sorcerous Ruin, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Evocation”

Option 2: Master of Evocation, Project Wrath/Project Agony/Project Force

-- This waives the Focus cost of the chosen spell and turns it into a Barrage 5, which allows you to inflict its effects via 5 different ranged attacks at the same or different targets. You must launch all of these attacks before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.

Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): Augment an attack spell and prefix it with “Galvanized” to add 2 to its damage (this may not exceed the damage cap of 5 damage, except with Unleashed Evocation). If the spell has multiple attacks, you only affect the first attack.


(Erudite Projection; Active-Ritual, Assist, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two basic Complex skills

This Ritual reflects the Evoker’s ability to function as a temporary power source, expelling energies to aid in the tasks of others.

  • Step 1: Clarify this skill’s effects if necessary.

  • Step 2: Assist an ally in filling out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects your assisting of a Ritual/Craft

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. Your ally gains the benefits below:

-- Effect 1 — Your ally’s Craft/Ritual is augmented with Bonus Output or Bonus Quality.

-- Effect 2 — They may waive 1 Basic CMP or 5 Minor CMPs from the cost of their action. These CMP must be Fire types or see below.

Augmented Ritual: This Spell may not be Augmented.

-- Animantic Tradition — You can waive 1 Basic or 5 Minor Astral or Wind CMP.

-- Diabolic Tradition — You can waive 1 Basic or 5 Minor Abyssal or Shadow CMP.

-- Talismanic Tradition — You can waive 1 Basic or 5 Minor Earth or Lightning CMP.


(Erudite Projection; Active-Focus, Ranged-Attack, Flame/Knockback, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two complex Projection skills

Project Storm allows its caster to become a nexus of destructive energies and rain down fire and winds upon their foes.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Project Storm”

  • Step 4: Throw 1 to 5 spell packets at the same target or different ones as a Barrage 5 - You must launch all of these attacks before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.

  • Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke one of several options:

-- Option 1 — “Piercing, 3 Flame”

-- Option 2 — “Piercing Knockback”

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Storms” — perform your Somatic Gesture and invoke this spell as above. This allows you the following additional non-Piercing options for your attacks: “7 frost”, “7 lightning” or “7 flame”.

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Scything Blood” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell to lace this spell with your corrupted blood. This allows you the following additional options for your attacks: “Piercing, 3 Shadow”, “Piercing Hobble Wound”, “Piercing Rot Wound”, or “Piercing 3 Corrosive”

-- Talismanic Tradition: “Wand of Wildfire” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture and invoke this spell as above to gain the following benefit: if you damage at least one individual with this spell, invoke “Resolve 5” as an Aftereffect when all attacks have been launched or if you were interrupted while doing so.


(Erudite Projection; Active-Periodic, Melee/Ranged-Attack, Sunder/Disarm, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two complex Projection skills

A vast refinement of the Project Disruption spell, Sorcerous Ruin is so potent that Evokers are unable to use it frequently. This is powerful enough to break limbs, fracture shields and even damage buildings.

Once per Period, use this Skill as per below. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

-- Option 1: Superior Disarm --

Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of a Basic/Advanced/Superior Device or Conjuration

Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Ruin”

Step 3: Invoke “Superior Disarm” -- this will instantly disarm the Device or “Disrupt Conjuration” to disrupt the Conjuration.

-- Option 2: Eldritch Barrage --

Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Ruin”

Step 2: Throw 1 to 3 spell packets at the same target or different ones as a Barrage 3. You must launch all of these attacks before 5 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.

Step 3: These inflict your choice of “Sunder” or Piercing 7 Flame”

-- Option 3: Immolation Crown --

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Ruin”

  • Step 2: Gain the Immolation Status and its benefits.

    • This status ends when: you will it, the end of the current combat (or 10 minutes), or you are dropped to 0 HP

    • Your Project Wrath inflicts “Piercing 7 Flame” but self-inflicts 2 damage.

    • You are Enfeebled

    • Invoke it as “Project Ruin” and it can be affected by Projection Adept.

  • Step 3: Aftereffect: After this status ends, you gain your choice of Heal 5 or Resolve 5, which cannot be increased but it is not decreased by Burning Aspect or similar effects. This has no effect if you are Downed.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition -- Your Animus ravages enemies with torment, allowing you the option to inflict “Piercing, Stun Wound” or “Piercing, Rot Wound” with Eldritch Barrage.

-- Diabolic Tradition -- Your sorcerous blood slices through enemies like a giant venomous blade. You have the option to choose “Piercing 10 Shadow” or “Piercing 10 Corrosive” with Eldritch Barrage. This damage type cannot be changed.

-- Talismanic Tradition -- Your rune wand propels energy with a cannon’s force. You are granted the option to choose “Piercing 10 Lightning” or “Piercing 10 Flame” with Eldritch Barrage. This damage type cannot be changed.

 Restoration Sphere

Renewers, Preservers


Image by Nicco Salonga

The sphere of Restoration concerns itself with skills and spells that repair, restore and preserve individuals and even items despite the harsh rigors of the world beyond the fall. Invest in this Sphere if:

  • You want to play an adaptable healer of hurts, wounds, and afflictions.

  • You want to focus on support abilities to bring your allies from the brink of death.

  • You want to play a white mage, the team healer, your party’s anchor, or a nurturer of living things.

Relevant Rules:

  • Heal: this restores a number of HP equal to the number invoked. A creature cannot have more HP than their maximum HP value.

  • Cure Wounds: This cures all Control effects with the “Wound” duration (e.g. Pain Wound, Stun Wound, etc)


Basic Skills

Restore Control: Cure Strikes and Wounds, which are effects that impair abilities and/or movement.

Restore Harmony (Ritual): Cure Afflictions and revive the dead

Restore Vitality: Imbue an ally with Healing or with a Revive effect 

Restoration Adept (ATN): Empower this Sphere’s basic spells

Complex Skills

Harmonic Restoration (ATN): Empower this Sphere’s complex spells

Restore Focus (Ritual): Grant Rest to your companions

Restore Spirit: Cure Blight or Imbue your allies with Resolve

Restore Structure: Repair weapons and armor

Erudite Skills

Master of Rejuvenation (1/E): This is the mastery skill for the Restoration Sphere

Restore Hope: Heal injuries or revive allies from afar

Restore Tether (Ritual): Mend expiring bonds, renew ATN or revive the dead

Revitalizing Aspect (ATN): Assume a restorative aspect, enhancing your healing

Sorcerous Renewal (1/P): Become a font of healing



(Basic Restoration; Active-Focus/Conc, Imbue-Cure Strike/Wound, Spell)

This spell allows its target to shrug off most effects that would impair or hinder them. Mangled arms, blinded sight, even stunned brains are mended by this spell, whose use is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Restore Control”

  • Step 4: Use this on yourself or a target you touch with a hand or melee weapon (aka melee touch)

  • Step 5: Invoke one of the options below:

-- Option 1: “Cure Strike” -- this removes all Control effects of the Strike duration from your target.

-- Option 2: “Cure Wounds” -- as above except you cure Wounds instead of Strikes.

-- Option 3: Regrow Limb” -- your target regrows a severed limb. The unattached limb vanishes, leaving any item with it at its location.

This spell also allows you to regrow severed limbs (invoke the effect as “Regrow Limb”). When this happens, the unattached limb vanishes as a result, leaving any item with it at its location. You may use this Spell upon yourself, if you are able to do so.


(Basic Restoration; Active-Ritual, Imbue-Cure Disease/Curse, Revive, Spell)

This powerful ritual spell removes afflictions such as Diseases and Curses by drawing them out of the body. It can even bring back the deceased, drawing their spirits back to their corpses.

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 3: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You activate one of the two effects below:

-- Option 1: Cure Affliction (1-5 targets) -- This cures all Basic Curses and Diseases (i.e. not Greater, Anathemic and Incurable) from your targets at no CMP cost. As per usual, a Game Marshall must mark the Attunement slot (ATN) as cured/inert but the slot cannot be otherwise used until the next Event. Fortunately, any patient you cure in this way cannot be affected by the same Affliction in the current month.

-- Option 2: Greater Revive (1-5 targets; non-self) -- Invoke “Greater Revive” to resuscitate dead allies, reviving them at 1 HP, with a Pain Strike, and with a new Grave Scar. Grafted Characters with 5 Grave Scars gain a Soul Scar instead. In all cases, report to Staff with regards to any new benefits or penalties associated with said Grave Scar or Soul Scar.

  • Proximity: You must be within 10 feet of the bodies while using this Skill

  • Consent: Their Players are willing to be revived

  • Integrity: Targets must be dead for less than 12 hours and not missing their head (or similarly important body parts). These may be stitched on or grafted on during the process if severed.

  • Grave Scars: Also, less than 5 Grave Scars or has a Graft Stigmata.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: You may affect up to a maximum of 10 allies.

  • Bonus Quality: If Curing Afflictions, you can cure Greater Diseases and Curses this way.


(Basic Restoration; Active-Focus/Conc, Imbue-Heal/Revive, Spell)

The most iconic spell of the Restoration Sphere is also one of its simplest. It allows its caster to mend flesh and preserve life force -- affecting even undead or constructed beings. Its use is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Restore Vitality”

  • Step 4: Use this on yourself or a target via melee touch

  • Step 5: Invoke and apply one of the options below:

-- Option 1: “Heal 1” -- your target regains 1 HP, unless they would exceed their max HP.

-- Option 2: “Painful Revive” -- your target is brought to 1 HP from the Downed or Critical statuses. They also suffer a Pain effect for 30 seconds.

Healing Bonuses: Take note that most improvements to healing only increase healing on others rather than healing to the self. Healers should therefore look to their allies for more efficient medical aid when they are injured.


(Basic Restoration; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)

This skill allows a Preserver to attune themselves to the Restoration Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing and improving their spells -- allowing some of them to be cast without expending Focus (and therefore be used far more often).

  • Step 1: Label this ATN as “RST Adept <your magic tradition>”

  • Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic

  • Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.

Animantic Tradition: Astral or Wind

Diabolic Tradition: Abyssal or Shadow

Talismanic Tradition: Lightning or Earth

— Restore Vitality: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell.

— Restore Control: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell.

— Restore Harmony: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit -- As per the Doctor’s Distill Disease Skill, you may draw forth the Affliction and crystallize it for use. This functions much like the aforementioned Skill except that it affects Basic/Greater Diseases and Curses.



(Complex Restoration; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills including Restoration Adept

This is an upgrade of the Restoration Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Restoration spells listed below instead of merely Basic Restoration spells.

While you have the Restoration Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its curative properties in a stronger capacity -- dependent on the Tradition you follow.

-- Restore Vitality (+Heal): When you perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell -- when you use it on others, your healing is increased by +1

-- Restore Harmony: You may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to allow this Spell to also Cure Greater Afflictions.

-- Restore Spirit: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell -- you may utilize the Bonds you have to improve its use. It can affect 1-5 allies via melee touch with each casting, but each must be Bonded to you (usually by the Bond of Blood, Bond of Oaths, or Bond of Command skills).

-- Restore Structure: You may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell-- Using the Restore Structure spell, you may expend a Ritual action to the upkeep (not create) an item or a Workshop as though you had the necessary skill set to do so. This only affects Basic or Advanced items.The main difference between upkeep or maintenance and creation is that upkeep is simply the sustenance of an already existing item. If Augmented, this Ritual to upkeep an item/Workshop is modified similar to how the Transmute Structure spell is described.

-- Restore Focus: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture as part of this spell to gain the following options:

-- New Option 1: Full Repair on Armor (regain all Aegis)

-- New Option 2: Imbue Invigorated Status (requires 2+ helpers, counts as 3 picks)

Invigorated Status: When a character gains this status, they remain thusly for the remainder of the Event unless they drop to 0 HP or they expend the status. To do the latter, they simply invoke “Invigorate, Heal X”, where X is half their max HP (round up). This reflects a rested status that they can draw upon for a second wind.


(Complex Restoration; Active-Task, Imbue-Rest/Cure/Heal, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills

This is a potent spell that quickens and empowers its recipient’s natural recuperative abilities, allowing them to rest quicker and become energized by doing so. This can also remove Blights from allies or magically repair armor.

  • Step 1: Perform a ceremony befitting a spell of renewal and restoration for at least 5 minutes. This can include performances and/or food (see Helpers below)

  • Step 2: Determine your targets (anyone w/in 50 ft). They must be actively participating in your ceremony. Include yourself, if desired.

  • Step 3: Clarify this Skill’s effects, choosing one of the options below.

-- Option 1: Heal 10 plus Cure Strikes and Wounds

-- Option 2: Lasting Resolve 2** (can be chosen multiple times, adding +1, max 5)

-- Option 3: Cure Blight

Helpers: You can use this Skill cooperatively with allies who are using Restful Composition, Soothing Meal, or Restore Focus. Each skill user can add an effect from their own list.


(Complex Restoration; Active-Focus/Conc, Imbue-Resolve/Cure, Cure-Blight, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills

Through skilled magic use, a Renewer may vivify one or two individuals, with magical energy, reviving a downed ally, removing a Blight effect from them or even filling them with Resolve. Its use is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Restore Spirit”

  • Step 4: Use this on 1-2 individuals via melee touch

  • Step 5: Invoke and apply one of the options below:

-- Option 1: “Resolve 3” -- your target gains 3 points of Resolve, which overlaps with and doesn’t add to their current Resolve pool. Resolve is depleted by damage before HP.

-- Option 2: “Painful Revive” -- your target is brought to 1 HP from the Downed or Critical statuses. They also suffer a Pain effect for 30 seconds.

-- Option 3: “Cure Blight” -- this removes all Control effects of the Blight duration from your target.


(Complex Restoration; Active-Conc, Imbue-Repair, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills

Your skill at Restoration allows you to use etheric energies to mend even non-living items such as items or pre-emptively patch armor. Its use is outlined below.

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-10

  • Step 2: Invoke “Restore Structure”

  • Step 3: Invoke one of the options below

-- Option 1: “Repair Weaponry” -- This removes the Sunder effect from a weapon or shield via melee touch.

-- Option 2: “Quick Patch” -- This grants the Quick Patch status on an armored ally (or yourself if you’re armored). Quick Patch lasts for 10 minutes or until expended -- doing the latter allows you to use “Patch Aegis”, a limited form of the Aegis defense.



(Erudite Restoration; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)

Requires: Any two Basic Restoration skills and any two Complex Restoration skills

You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Restoration Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Restoration rituals and its periodic spells.

Serenity Within: When you use a Healing spell on yourself, you can replace the effect with “Heal 2”. This is not an increase to healing and can’t be increased.

Double Repair (Aftereffect): When you use the Restore Structure spell, you can use it on one more item or ally as an Aftereffect.

Cure Anathemic Afflictions: Restore Harmony can now cure Anathemic Afflictions from your patients but at a cost. Unless otherwise stated by the Affliction, this requires 1 Pure CMP (Astral or Tradition based) per patient.

Etheric Reincarnation (requires CMP or any Mana Lodge/Biomancer Hatchery/Bone Garden) -- If a patient’s body is missing but their spirit is present and willing, you can use magic to reincarnate them into a new body. This requires the listed Workshops, but if you do not have them, a Rare Abyssal CMP can be used in a pinch -- only clothes and Fate-bound/Magna-traced items return with them.

Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.

  • Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use a Restoration Ritual or Sorcerous Renewal, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Rejuvenation”

  • Option 2: Master of Rejuvenation, Restore Spirit/Restore Control/Restore Vitality -- This waives the Focus cost of the chosen spell and turns it into a Barrage 5, which allows you to inflict its effects 5 times via melee touch or packet/dart -- these can affect the same targets or different ones. You must deliver this spell’s effects before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.

  • Option 3: Master of Rejuvenation, Restore Focus -- This empowers your invigorating ceremony immensely. You are counted as 5 people for the purposes of deciding what effects you bestow via this spell.

Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): If you have this Skill, you can use your mastery of Restoration to augment and prefix a healing or Resolve spell with “Rejuvenating” to improve healing or Resolve by 1 point, unless it would exceed the limit of “Heal 5” or “Resolve 5” , if it grants one or the other.


(Erudite Restoration; Active-Focus, Imbue-Heal/Revive/Cure Strike/Wound/Resolve, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills

A potent spell of renewal, Restore Hope allows a Preserver to heal an ally from afar. The amount of healing granted is immense, although this does require a measure of energy from its caster and thereby limits the frequency of its use -- this is outlined below.

  • Step 1: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 2: Invoke “Restore Hope”

  • Step 3: Deliver these effects to 1-2 targets via melee touch or packet/foam dart

  • Step 4: For each target, invoke one of the options below:

    • Option 1: “Cure Strike”

    • Option 2: “Cure Wounds”

    • Option 3: “Heal 5”

    • Option 4: “Painless Revive”

    • Option 5 “Resolve 5”

Vocal Delivery: You can deliver this effect via voice. This may only be done to someone that is Bonded to you and within approximately 30 feet of you. Call their name before you invoke this effect to get their attention and preface the effect with “Vocal” (e.g. “Vocal Heal 5”)

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Rejuvenation” -- Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to use the reach of your Animus, allowing you to vocally grant the effects to an ally that is not Bonded to you. Invoke this spell as “Spirit of Rejuvenation''.

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Rejuvenating Blood” -- You may invoke this spell as “Rejuvenating Blood” after performing the Somatic Gesture. As an Aftereffect, you may imbue yourself with your choice of “Heal 5” or “Resolve 5”. Naturally, you suffer the Pain or Stun effect of your Tradition.

-- Talismanic Tradition: “Wand of Rejuvenation” -- Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to channel healing energies more efficiently through your rune wand. When you do so, you may affect one more target as an Aftereffect via melee touch, ranged packet/dart, or vocally to a Bonded ally.


(Erudite Restoration; Active-Ritual, Component, Revive, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills

This powerful spell allows a Renewer to mend the bonds and links that tie spirits and energies together.

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary CMPs (listed below)

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You can choose from the options below:

-- Option 1: Upkeep an Item: You may renew the upkeep of a Workshop or Advanced item, waiving the other Skill requirements but paying the CMP costs and other necessities

-- Option 2: Renew Spell ATN: Renew a lapsed Spell on an ally, provided that has expired only one Event ago. You do not require the specific spell for this but you must expend the CMP cost as though creating it anew.

-- Option 3: Scarless Revive: Revive a dead individual with less than 5 Grave-Scars -- doing this does not incur them a new Grave-Scar but this expends 1 Pure CMP (Astral or Tradition Based). They must have been dead for an hour or less. If revived in this fashion, the resurrected individual may not have a maximum of 5 HP for the remainder of the month -- this spell’s use must be marked on their sheet

-- Option 4: Return the Lost: Renew and upkeep a Basic, Advanced or Superior item that was lost by its owner or destroyed within the last three Events as though it had the Fate-Bound augment. Its Skill requirements are waived but the CMP cost must be paid equal to the creation cost of an Advanced item of its type.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Reflection” -- If you maintain a spell that has expired within the last few months, you may replicate that spell upon yourself. You must pay any costs as though you had cast that spell with your own Tradition, if applicable.

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Alchemical Blood” -- You may renew an Elixir or Ichor that has expired within the last Event upon your target, expending the necessary CMP as though creating it anew. Replace the word “Elixir” with “Ichor''. You may also copy and grant this Ichor to yourself, although you must expend its component requirement as normal.

-- Talismanic Tradition: “Wand of Renovation” -- As per option 1, except that your expertise with Talismanry allows you to upkeep a Superior item.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you gain the following benefit -- Bonus Output: You may renew/upkeep 2 additional items/effects, paying the CMP cost for each.


(Erudite Restoration; Active-RP, Attunement, Aspect, Aug)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills

This spell allows a Renewer to assume a powerful healing aspect that improves their ability to heal others, to shrug off wounds and even resist disease.

  • Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person

  • Step 2: Write “Revitalizing Aspect” to two empty ATN slots

  • Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private

  • Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.

Endure Disease (-Focus): You may expend 1 Focus and invoke “Endure Disease” to negate a Blight effect or a Disease that you have received in the last 3 seconds. You are not able to negate an Incurable/Anathemic Disease using this Aspect.

Restoration Expertise: Your Restore Vitality spell has a Healing cap of 7 instead of 5. This has no effect on those who have their Healing abilities diminished.

Restore Energy: If you have not yet used a Craft-Ritual action for this Period, you may assist an ally that is performing a Craft or Ritual. This allows them to use up your Ritual action in lieu of theirs.

Revitalize and Heal: Whenever you use “Restore Vitality” or “Restore Spirit” to render a “Painful Revive” effect on someone who is Bound to you, you are able to follow it up by an Aftereffect: you may grant a “Heal 1” effect to your revived ally. This can be increased by bonuses to Heal-type Skills.

Revitalize Self: You may perform 30-counts of Painful Concentration and invoke “Revitalizing Aspect” to remove all Wounds and Strikes from yourself, as per the Grim Recovery skill. This may be done while you are in a Pain effect and also regrows severed limbs.

Sickness Begone: During a Market Hour, if you have the Restore Harmony spell, you can use it on yourself and only yourself. This has its normal effects, including the Distillation of Afflictions. However, this does not expend your Ritual action.

Defensive Spellmind: The damage of your melee attacks cannot exceed 1 point. This does not affect your Death Blows, your ranged spells, and the attacks you grant to others.


(Erudite Restoration; Active-Periodic, Cure-Blight/Wound, Imbue-Heal/Resolve, Spell)

Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills

This spell’s power is such that it may only be used occasionally, but through it one momentarily becomes a font of healing energies.

Once per Period, choose one of the options below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

-- Option 1: Healing Font

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Renewal”

  • Step 2: Gain the “Lifewell” status

  • Step 3: As an Aftereffect when Lifewell ends, gain your choice of “Heal 5” or “Resolve 5”.

    Lifewell status benefits:

    • Duration: This lasts for 10 seconds unless you are Downed/Critical, you move faster than a slow walk, or you expend all of its energies below

    • Boons x5: Via melee touch, imbue your choice of “Heal 10”, “Cure Strike”, “Cure Wound”, “Cure Blight”, “Painless Revive”, or “Resolve 5” After using the 5th Boon, Lifewell ends.

    • Except for the Aftereffect, you cannot affect yourself with the Boons above.

-- Option 2: Cheat Death

  • Step 1: Be Downed but not Critical

  • Step 2: Perform First Aid on yourself, up to 3 counts.

  • Step 3: Invoke “Sorcerous Renewal”

  • Step 4: Imbue yourself with Painful Revive.

Aftereffect: Gain “Resolve 5” or “Heal 5” as an Aftereffect, while still affected by “Pain”.

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition — While in the Lifewell status, you can have your Animus deliver your healing -- this allows you to send them vocally to an ally. To do this, preface the effect with the targets’ name (who must be within 30 feet of you) and say the effect as “Vocal [Boon]”. With this option, you can only give out 3 Boons instead of 5 Boons.

-- Diabolic Tradition — When you use Cheat Death, you imbue yourself with a “Painless Revive” instead. Furthermore, you can bestow the Aftereffect on an ally via melee touch instead of yourself.

-- Talismanic Tradition — While in the Lifewell status, you can channel the restorative energies through your Rune Wand. This allows you to send the Boons via packet/foam dart.

 Transmutation Sphere

Transmuters, Changers


Transmuters (also known as Changers) are known for their ability to mend items, heal people and even change elemental components and the elements themselves. Invest in this Sphere if:

  • You want access to immense flexibility and utility at the cost of specialization and the inability to affect distant targets.

  • You want to play a materially focused spellcaster, able to shape items to their will.

  • You want to play a shapeshifter, an arcane alchemist, and/or a flesh weaver.


Basic Skills

Transmute Element (Ritual): Assist a ritual and transmute a component to your liking

Transmute Flesh: cure wounds or tear flesh

Transmute Material: damage items or repair Sundered items

Transmutation Adept (ATN): Empower basic Transmutation spells

Complex Skills

Transmute Air: Alter the air, hitting distant targets with wind

Transmute Form (Ritual; ATN): Alter the flesh of an ally or yourself

Transmute Structure (Ritual): Change an item’s shape or repair wounds

Unchained Transmutation: Empower complex Transmutation spells

Erudite Skills

Master of Alteration (1/E): Mastery skill for Transmutation

Shifting Aspect (ATN): Turn your flesh into a malleable form

Sorcerous Metamorphosis (1/P): Temporarily turn yourself into stone, vapour or wind.

Transmute Component (Ritual): Create a basic item using Components

Transmute Water: Alter water, creating beverages or removing poison



(Basic Transmutation; Active-Ritual/Focus, Admixture, Assist, Defense, Spell)

A useful spell, Transmute Element lends a crafter or a ritualist some measure of flexibility with regards to what Components (CMP) they may use for their task. This has two functions

Elemental Admixture (Ritual)

  • Step 1: Assist in filling out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Choose 1-5 individuals who are performing a Craft/Ritual within the half hour.

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting your assistance/

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.

Effect: This Spell allows you to choose one CMP type (e.g Earth, Fire, etc) -- the individuals you are assisting may consider the Minor CMP that they are using to be of that type, in addition to what types they currently have.

Augmented Ritual: This Ritual cannot be Augmented.

Neutralize Energy (-Focus)

  • Step 1: Receive a Frost/Flame/Lightning attack that is not an Ambush or Master-type.

  • Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Transmute Element”

  • Step 4: You transmute your clothes to be resistant to this energy for a short moment, negating the damage.


(Basic Transmutation; Active-Conc/Focus, Heal/Revive, Melee-Mangle/Pain/Damage, Cure-Wounds, Spell)

Transmutation is painful to endure, but the results speak for themselves. This skill’s use is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Be within arm’s reach to the target person or object.

  • Step 2: Perform EConc-3 while remaining that distance

  • Step 3: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 4: Invoke “Transmute Flesh”

  • Step 5: Invoke one of the options below for this spell’s effect on the target. You cannot target yourself with this spell due to its discomfort.

  • Step 6: Deliver the effect via a touch with a hand or melee weapon (aka melee touch)

    • Option 1: “Heal 1” -- target regains 1 HP. Can’t exceed their Max HP.

    • Option 2: “Painful Revive” -- target is now at 1 HP from Downed/Critical

    • Option 3: “Pain or Mangle Wound” -- target receives either effect as a Wound.

    • Option 4: “3 damage” -- target takes 3 damage

    • Option 5: “Cure Wounds” -- all of the target’s Wounds are cured

    • Option 6: “Regrow Limb” -- your target can regrow a severed limb or reattach it

Interlinked Concentration: While you are Concentrating with this spell over a person you are “Interlinked” with them. Your Concentration is interrupted if they take any damage or Control effect. 


(Basic Transmutation; Active-Conc/Focus, Armor/Weapon-Repair, Sunder, Disarm, Spell)

This is the most raw form of Transmutation: the ability to change the form of an object to suit you. Individuals that can Disarm Devices are colloquially called “Lockpicks”

  • Step 1: Be within arm’s reach to the target person or object.

  • Step 2: Perform EConc-10 while maintaining that distance

  • Step 3: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 4: Invoke “Transmute Material”

  • Step 5: Invoke one of the options below for this spell’s effect on the target.

  • Step 6: Deliver the effect via melee touch

-- Option 1: “Basic Disarm” -- This will disarm Basic Devices (e.g. locks or traps)

Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.

-- Option 2: “Sunder” -- this inflicts a Sunder on a Workshop, a Weapon, or a Shield. Only its very basic functions are active and it can’t be used for Skills (e.g Parry, Smite, etc)

-- Option 3: “Repair Weaponry” -- Removes Sunder from a Weapon or Shield

-- Option 4: “Quick Patch” -- grants the Quick Patch status to an armored person. This adds slapdash patches to damaged armor, granting the “Patched” status to its wearer -- this is used by invoking “Patch Aegis”, defending its user as per an unaugmentable use of Aegis. Otherwise, it lasts for 10 minutes or until the end of the current combat.


(Basic Transmutation; Active-Task/CMP/ATN, Adept)

This skill allows a Transmuter to attune themselves to the Transmutation Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements (ATN) but has the benefit of enhancing and improving their spells -- allowing them to be cast more frequently

  • Step 1: Label this ATN as “TRN Adept <your magic tradition>”

  • Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic

  • Step 3: Expend five Minor CMP (Tradition-based). You can waive this CMP cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.

Animantic tradition: Astral or Wind component

Diabolic tradition: Abyssal or Shadow component

Talismanic tradition: Lightning or Earth component

-- Transmute Material: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost. Furthermore, if you perform at least an EConc-30, you may invoke “Greater Disarm” to Disarm an Advanced or Basic Device.

-- Transmute Flesh: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost.

-- Transmute Element: As part of the Ritual, perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to affect Basic components instead of merely Minor components with this Ritual.



(Complex Transmutation; Active-Conc/Focus, Knockback/Frost/Flame/Damage-Ranged, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills

Transmute Air bypasses the close range limits of this Sphere and allows a Transmuter to attack from range, by using their magic directly on the air around them. Its use is outlined below:

  • Step 1: Perform EConc-3

  • Step 2: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 3: Invoke “Transmute Air” to alter the air near you

  • Step 4: Launch a packet/foam dart at a target

  • Step 5: In mid-launch, invoke one of the effects below. They take this effect if you hit them.

    • Option 1: “3 Corrosive” -- you poison the air and the target takes the invoked damage.

    • Option 2: “3 Damage” -- you bludgeon the target, who takes the invoked damage

    • Option 3: “3 Flame” -- you fry the target with superheated air

    • Option 4: “3 Frost” -- you freeze the target with super cooled air

    • Option 5: “Knockback” -- you repel the target; they take 10 steps away from you

    • Option 6: “Pull” -- you propel the target 10 steps toward you.


(Complex Transmutation; Active-Ritual/ATN/CMP, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills

With this spell, a Changer without squeamishness can temporarily sculpt their own form according to their own whim. Transmute Form is used as per below:

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with one of the Forms below and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Give Game Staff 5 Minor CMP (Astral or Tradition-based)

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, grant yourself one of the options below.

Option 1: “Armored Form” (+HP, ATN)

  • You grant yourself scaly flesh, reinforce your bones, and add redundant organs.

  • Your HP is increased by +3 or only +1 if you are already wearing armor.

  • You are unable to use Dodge, Escape, Conceal, or Pursuit effects; however, they can be bestowed upon you by others.

Option 2: “Flight Form” (ATN, -Focus)

  • You gain powerful legs and leathery or feathered wings. (see below)

  • Expend 1 Focus and invoke “Flight Form” to gain the Flying-5 effect. Among other things, you become briefly immune to melee attacks but must fly in a straight line.

  • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 5 HP.

  • Hide or unfold your wings via a QConc-30. You can only fly while they are unfolded.

Option 3: “Sensor Form” (ATN)

  • You gain extra animal ears and eye(s)

  • Use the Uncanny Defense, Mental Deduction, or Keen Perception skills as if you had them.

  • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 5 HP.

Option 4 Altered Cosmetics

You may permanently alter your form. This may mean permanently changing one’s hair color, eye color or even sex. This does not require an ATN. However, this cannot be used to impersonate another person.

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: Affect yourself and/or 1-2 Bonded allies, paying the CMP cost for each.

  • Bonus Quality: Grant yourself two of the Forms.

Prop Requirements:

-- Armored Form: Make-up and/or props simulating scales on face, arms, and back of hands. If scales are already present, add a few different colored/.shaped ones.

-- Flight Form: Feathered, leather, or insectoid wing props (at least 3 feet long)

-- Sensor Form: Extra animal or human ears and/or 2-5 extra eyes


(Complex Transmutation; Active-Ritual/CMP/ATN, Cure-Wound/Blight, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills

A refinement of the Transmute Material spell, Transmute Structure allows a Changer to reinforce and maintain items and people.

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with one of the Forms below and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.

  • Step 3: Give them the required CMP cost (Astral or Tradition-based)

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You may benefit from one of the options below:

-- Option 1: Upkeep an Item — You may renew the upkeep of a Workshop or Advanced item, waiving the other Skill requirements but paying the normal CMP costs and other necessities

-- Option 2: Repair Human — Affect 1-5 allies via melee touch with the benefits below. Unlike the other options, this has no CMP cost.

  • Cure Wound

  • Heal 10

  • Cure Blight

  • Cure Basic Disease

-- Option 3: Fortify Armor — Apply the Lasting Patch status to 1-5 armored allies. This functions like Quick Patch except it lasts for the whole Event or until expended. You cannot gain this while you are Quick Patched and vice versa.

-- Option 4: Change Appearance — Expend 1 Basic CMP (Astral or Tradition-based) to change the form and/or colors of an item while keeping it to its purpose. This means that you can turn a dagger into a sword, a pistol into a stave, etc.

Limitations: However, it must adhere to any item type or prop requirements of its Augments. Furthermore, an item cannot be turned into a more expensive item (e.g. a dagger cannot be turned into a longarm).

Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:

  • Bonus Output: You may affect yourself and two other Bonded allies or additional two Items, paying the Component cost for each. This is additive to the benefit of Unchained Transmutation.

  • Bonus Quality: When you Upkeep an Item, you can do so for an item that has deteriorated to a Basic Item two months ago (provided that you have access to its old Item Tag).


(Complex Transmutation; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills

This is an upgrade of the Transmutation Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Transmutation spells listed below instead of merely Basic Transmutation spells.

While you have the Transmutation Adept ATN, you are able to harness its changing properties in a stronger capacity, allowing you to augment several other spells of the Transmutation Sphere.

-- Transmute Air: You may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of this spell.

-- Transmute Element: You can affect Rare components instead of merely Minor and Basic components with this Ritual.

-- Transmute Flesh (+Heal): With this ATN, your Healing with this Spell is increased by +1 when it is used on others (aka outgoing healing)

-- Transmute Form: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture as part of the Ritual to make the forms less fragile. Flight and Sensor forms have a max HP of 7 HP. Armored Form’s added HP is increased to +4/+2.

-- Transmute Material: When you successfully Disarm a Device, you turn it into useful scrap -- this is identical to the Disarm Device skill of the Junker and Tinker Disciplines.

Furthermore, you can opt to cast this spell as a Long Task (5+ minutes) instead of spending a Focus. This allows you to Full Repair yourself and/or 1-2 armored allies.

-- Transmute Structure: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture as part of this Ritual to increase its output by 2 items or effects. CMP costs and other requirements must be fulfilled for each item/effect.



(Erudite Transmutation; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills and any two Complex Transmutation skills

You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Transmutation Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Transmutation rituals and its periodic spells.

Transmute Elements (Ritual): With a Transmutation Adept ATN, this spell allows you to choose two CMP types instead of only one type when using this Ritual.

Transmute Form (Ritual): You can use this spell to implant an Eidolonic Spore unto an ally. The costs and procedure for this is outlined in the Eidolon Stigmata section.

Cooperative Disarming (requires Transmute Material; EConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 or EConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.

Transmute Resolve: Whenever you successfully use Transmute Element to negate an attack, you may imbue yourself or an ally with “Resolve 3”. Furthermore, Transmute Element may now negate Corrosive, Shadow, and Psychic attacks.

Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.

  • Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use a Transmutation Ritual or Sorcerous Metamorphosis, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Alteration”

  • Option 2: Transmute Multiplicity -- You can use this Masterspell action to assist one ally who is creating or maintaining an item. Their Craft-Ritual action creates/affects 4 more items. You can also use this on a Transmutation Ritual you are doing.

Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): If you have this Skill, you can use your mastery of Transmutation to augment and prefix a Basic/Complex damage spell with “Altered” so that its damage inflicts your choice of Flame, Frost, Lightning, or Corrosive. Alternatively, you may change a Basic/Complex Healing or Resolve spell so that it imbues a “Cure Strike”, “Painful Revive”, or “Cure Wounds” instead.


(Erudite Transmutation; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills and any two Complex Transmutation skills

This spell allows a Transmuter to assume a versatile aspect that improves their resilience. Its use and effects are outlined below:

  • Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person

  • Step 2: Write “Shifting Aspect” to two empty ATN slots

  • Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private

  • Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.

Dual Transmutation: Whenever you use the Transmute Material spell, you may affect two individuals or items instead of just one per casting. You must be appropriately positioned and in range for both targets while casting.

Mending Transmutation: The healing and Resolve you grant to others is increased by +1. This will not allow you to exceed 5 points.

Sharpened Air (Overflow, Aftereffect): When you use the Transmute Air spell, you can make a secondary packet/foam dart attack as an Aftereffect. This inflicts Overflow damage of the first attack’s type. Overflow damage = Uncapped damage minus 5; and is at least 1 damage. Alternatively, you can inflict a ranged “Knockback” as an Aftereffect instead.

Shifting Camouflage: You may use the Camouflage skill as though you had it, reactively changing the colors of your form to blend in your surroundings.

Shifting Form: When you use Transmute Form on yourself, it does not cost a Ritual action or CMP. This does occupy 1-2 ATN for every form you take.

Shifting Regeneration: You may perform 30-counts of Painful Concentration and invoke “Shifting Regeneration” to remove all Wounds and Strikes from yourself, similar to the Grim Recovery skill but without the damage afterward. This can be used while in a Pain effect and it regrows severed limbs.

Transmute Energy (-Focus): You may cast Transmute Element as a defense as though you have it. If you have actually learned it, you can also use it to negate Physical, Shadow. and Corrosive attacks. Invoke this as “Transmute Energy”.

Weakened Flesh: The malleability of your spirit and flesh makes it weaker to injury. Your maximum HP may not exceed 7 HP.


(Erudite Transmutation; Active-Periodic, Resolve, Pain, Escape, Impervious, Spell)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills and any two Complex Transmutation skills

Through powerful magic, this spell changes its spellcaster’s form to an elemental/non-organic one for a few brief and painful moments.

Once per Period, invoke “Sorcerous Metamorphosis” and choose one of the options below As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.

-- Option 1: Windy Metamorphosis -- Turn into wind and escape

  • After invoking this Skill, perform an Escape 60 effect with benefits and restrictions similar to Obfuscate Exodus (e.g. needing to be mobile, not trapped, and not being able to return for 10 minutes)..

  • When you return to your normal form, take a Pain Strike afterward.

  • You cannot bring anyone with you.

-- Option 2: Vaporous Metamorphosis -- Turn into floating mist

  • After invoking this Skill, you gain the “Flying-10” status, which lasts for 10 counts or 10 seconds, whichever comes first.

  • In addition to the status’ benefits(e.g. immunity to melee attacks), you may invoke “Minimal” when hit by a ranged attack that inflicts damage -- it is reduced to 1 point.

  • Psychic damage, Bane damage, or Siege damage (Piercing 7+ damage) cannot be reduced.

-- Option 3: Earthen Metamorphosis -- turn into unbreachable rock

  • After invoking this Skill, you gain the Impervious-15 status, which makes most attacks inflict little to no damage on you.

  • In addition to its normal effects, you may not move faster than a slow walk and have an Incurable Blind effect that lasts for the same duration as Impervious.

-- Option 4: Vital Metamorphosis -- heal your own wounds, imbuing yourself with “Heal 5”, “Cure Strike”, “Cure Wound” and “Cure Blight”

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition — When you use Windy Metamorphosis, your Animus aids in your escape. Instead of “Pain”, you receive “Heal 10” when you finish your Escape count.

-- Diabolic Tradition — When you use Vaporous Metamorphosis, you turn into a sanguinous mist. If you end your flight within arm’s reach of a Bonded ally, you siphon from your bonds and receive “Heal 5”.

-- Talismanic Tradition — When you use Vital Metamorphosis, you can affect 1-2 allies that you touch with your Rune Wand instead of yourself. You can replace the “Cure Strike” with “Painful Revive”


(Erudite Transmutation; Active-Ritual, Create-Item, Cure-Disease, Spell;)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills and any two Complex Transmutation skills

One of the most sought after spells of the Transmutation Sphere, Transmute Components allows a spellcaster to turn CMP into items, even without specialized knowledge or training in the necessary disciplines.

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2 Give them the required CMP cost, if any (see below)

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, you may benefit from one of the options below:

-- Option 1: CMP to Item — Turn 3 Basic metal CMP into three basic-quality Weapons, Armors or Devices of your choice. Unless you have the Gunsmith skill, these may not be Firearms or Slug Packs..

-- Option 2: Duplicate Item — If you have a Basic or Advanced-quality item in hand, this spell allows you to create one item of the same type along with its current Augment. You must expend the appropriate CMP as though you are making said item. On the other hand, you may ignore the Skill Requirements of its creation.

-- Option 3: Disease to CMP — Similar to the Doctor’s Distill Disease skill, you may transmute Diseases into Minor CMPs (Abyssal/Death/Shadow), safely drawing them out from 1-5 patients. The ATN remains occupied for the rest of the Event but the patients are immune to that Disease for that duration. This does not work on Incurable, Anathemic or Infectious Diseases

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.

-- Animantic Tradition — You align the watery essences of your target to draw out their Curses. If you perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture as part of this Ritual, you are able to Distill Curses and Diseases when you choose the “Disease to CMP” option.

-- Diabolic Tradition — If you perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture as part of this Ritual, you are able to duplicate an Elixir and turn into Ichor. This allows you to spend the CMP cost of an Elixir you would not normally be able to make to recreate its effects on yourself or 1 Bonded ally. However, this requires the presence and consent of someone currently affected by said Elixir throughout the entirety of the Ritual.

-- Talismanic Tradition — If you perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture as part of this spell, you may use your insight into talismans and materials. When you use “Duplicate Item”, you can make a Duplicate of a Superior Item, provided you have the CMP and non-Skill requirements to do so.


(Erudite Transmutation; Active-Conc/Focus/Task, Cure-Blight, Corrosive-Melee)

Requires: Any two Basic Transmutation skills and any two Complex Transmutation skills

A spell of potent utility, Transmute Water allows a Transmuter to manipulate watery or blood properties, allowing them to cure ailments and even turn poison into water. This skill’s main benefit is that it does not require a Ritual action. This has two main subfunctions below:

Alter Liquids (-Focus)

  • Step 1: Be within arm’s reach to the target person or object.

  • Step 2: Perform EConc-3 while remaining that distance

  • Step 3: Expend 1 Focus

  • Step 4: Invoke “Transmute Water”

  • Step 5: Invoke one of the options below for this spell’s effect on the target.

  • Step 6: Deliver the effect via a touch with a hand or melee weapon (aka melee touch)

    • Option 1: “Cure Blight” -- Cure yourself or a person of all Blight effects

    • Option 2: “5 Corrosive” -- Turn a person’s blood into acid. Hard to use in combat.

    • Option 3: “Poison to water” -- Purify/De-venom up to a barrel’s worth of water

Cure Disease (Short Task, CMP)

  • Step 1: Be out of combat (no fighting within 50 feet, sight, and hearing) and within arm’s reach of the target person

  • Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play befitting the casting of Transmutation magic.

  • Step 3: Invoke “Transmute Water”

  • Step 4: Turn in the required CMP (Astral or Tradition based) for this spell and have Game Staff sign off on it. Clarify the effect to the target, if needed. This cannot cure Incurable Diseases.

1 Basic CMP = Cures all Basic Diseases from one person

1 Rare CMP = As above plus Cures Greater Diseases

1 Pure CMP = As above plus Cures Anathemic Diseases (except for special cases)

Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions. Invoke them in place of the spell’s normal name.

-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Alignment” -- You can align the watery essences within your target to dispel the Curses that plague them. If you perform your Tradition’s Arcane Somatic Gesture and invoke the above as part of this spell, you are able to cure both Curses and Diseases at the same time. This costs CMP but you do not require a Ritual action.

-- Diabolic Tradition: “Intoxicating Blood” -- You are able to turn water or blood into intoxicants. Instead of Curing Diseases, you may imbue 1-3 allies with the effects of a Basic or Expert Tonic of your choice. The role-play involved for this can be as innocent as changing their drinks into intoxicants or as extreme as allowing them to drink your blood/ichor to gain the Tonic’s effects. Remember: Tonic effects can be negated by an unwilling target.

-- Talismanic Tradition “Wand of Rivers” -- You gain another option for the Alter Water function, imbuing an ally’s essence with vigor. If you perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and invoke the above, you get the option to imbue “Resolve 3” to 1-3 allies via a touch from your Rune Wand. While distributing the spell’s effects, you may not move your feet and you have 5 seconds to do so.