Prismatic Arts and Productions is now a part of the Calamacil Guild program! We have a business affiliation with Calamacil, the renowned purveyor of LARP weaponry and costuming in the community.

To assist the World Beyond the Fall LARP and Prismatic Arts and Productions with this sponsorship, click on the link below!

The unique link adds a cookie to your browser. If you order from the same device within 7 days, Calamacil will be able to track your order and send a 10% commission to Prismatic Arts and Productions! We advise you to click the link again just before you order to make sure it works.

Chronicles of Rowanon is a High Fantasy Arcanepunk genre LARP with a culturally and spiritually diverse setting where adventure is around every corner. To learn more, check them out at:

  • For the Year of 2025, we have an exciting new cross-promotion together with Chronicles of Rowanon LARP (CoR) for the upcoming year! This has the potential to benefit players of both games, so check out the details below:

    • If a BTF player attends a CoR event as a PC and successfully completes an NPC shift, they will receive XP at BTF equivalent to a BTF Full Time NPC event.

    • If a CoR player attends a BTF event as a PC and successfully completes an NPC shift or attends as a FTNPC, they will receive EXP at CoR equivalent to a CoR Full Time NPC event. These EXP/XP rewards are on top of what players would normally receive for attending either CoR or BTF events. This bonus XP is subject to the normal maximum XP threshold that a PC can have.

    • To be considered a CoR or BTF player and start taking advantage of this promotion, a player needs to have attended at least one event of both LARPs. To take advantage of this promotion, you need to mention that you are taking advantage of it at Check-In at both CoR and BTF events. CoR and BTF events run every other month and are always on opposite months, so no chance of event conflict, and you can get your LARP fix every month!