New Players


New Players to the World Beyond the Fall (aka BTF) may find a wealth of knowledge and resources below.

All New Participants (especially experienced LARPers):

We highly suggest that everyone, especially those who are used to the LARP hobby, go to the FAQ. Our policies for fair play and community safety are also worth perusing!

Cooperation and PVP:

A major point of interest for this LARP is: Cooperation is the main theme of the World Beyond the Fall. Player-vs-Player conflict (aka PVP) is allowed and will sometimes happen, but it is not actively encouraged or a main theme.

Attacking or stealing from other Players are main points of engagement for some LARPs (and are valid and can be fun). However, individuals joining BTF with these activities as their primary entertainments in mind will find this environment unsuited to their preferences.

Creating a Character:

For those interested in attending the game as a Player Character, we recommend checking out the Character Creation section - note that some Player options (e.g. Stigmata, Arcanists, Crafting, etc) are more complex than others, but they are just that: optional. While the basics of the game system are far from simple, BTF is built toward tiers of complexity where a person can opt-in to higher levels of complexity if they wish to do so, or keep playing a more straightforward character — both are viable paths of play.

Learning the Setting:

Those interested in learning the setting are best served by going to the Setting Information page. This not only contains the history of the World Beyond the Fall, but also the new societies and threats than have arisen in this post-apocalyptic era. We recommend looking at “A Brief History” and “World Overview”.

Learning the System:

Those who want to delve into the nitty gritty details of game-play and the various systems of advancement and action resolution can go to the Rulebook section. Those interested in Combat will find what they want here, especially when it comes to the Rule of Rapid Numbers and how to revive other Characters in-game.

Event Attendance:

For those ready to go, please view our Event Dates and Attendance Policies. Experienced LARPers may also wish to cast a glance at our policies for NPC Duties and Clean up — the former is optional for Standard and Patron-level attendees. The latter only requires the clean up of one’s personal/sleeping areas; assisting the Game Staff in cleaning up the rental location after the Event is optional but is greatly rewarded!


New PLayer resources


The basic costs of Attending a BTF Event

Here are the dates of our upcoming Events.

This leads to the Character Creation page.

Here are common questions and concerns brought to our attention!

These are the details of performing an NPC shift. Take note: NPC shifts are optional for Standard and Patron-level Attendance!

The requirements and rewards for after-Event clean up! Cleaning up one’s area is required but helping Staff clean up is not.

A list of the basic necessities and supplies to bring to every Event.

The link and instructions on how to Pre-register for Events.

The guidelines and rules for the use of the Kitchen