Image by Nicco Salonga
Sometimes called Sellers, the Counselor’s skills lie less with the material and more with the ephemeral arts of word and spirit. They are instructors and soothers, deceivers and inquisitors. Choose this class if you:
You want to support your allies with your mind instead of magic or materials
You want to galvanize your friends and brutalize your enemies with words
You want to glean details about suspects while negating the same for yourself
Complexity: Low to Medium
Strengths: Out of combat utility, healing/resolve skills
Weaknesses: Not very tough, relies on allies, ATN heavy
Role: Support -- mid to high -- good access to healing/resolve/buffs
Role: Resilience -- low -- poor access to defenses and armor
Role: Damage -- mid to poor --poor access to weapon skills, except Assassinate
Role: Utility -- high -- good access to social and research skills
STARTING Aptitude:
At character creation, Counselors may choose one Class Aptitude from the list below.
Your compassion and friendships allow you to give more to others. Whenever you use Guard, imbue Healing, or imbue Resolve upon an ally, you may opt for the following Aftereffect: imbue “Cure Strike” upon an ally via a touch of the hand or melee weapon (aka melee touch).
Furthermore, the healing or Resolve you grant others via skills/spells is increased by +1 while you are Bonded to anyone.
You draw strength from those close to you, whether they mean to give it to you or not. If you have the Iron Defiance skill, you can waive the Focus cost if you are physically touching two Bonded allies -- invoke this as “United Defiance” and self-inflict “2 damage”.
Furthermore, whenever a Bonded ally receives a “Resolve” or a “Cure Strike”, you may touch them and replicate the same effect upon yourself.
You are difficult to read while finding it easy to read people. While you have at least one point of Resolve, you are able to use the Masked Mind skill without expending Focus.
Similarly, when you use an Inquiry effect to ask a question, you may ask two additional questions from the same List as a Step effect.
The following are the Skill Disciplines of the Counselor Class. Each Skill Discipline represents a body of knowledge or a group of similar skills.
Forge bonds and the inspire hearts.
Build your will against the horrors of battle and the terrors of the world
Keep the minds and inquiries of others out of one’s business.
Read individuals and discern details.
Instruct knowledge and archive the world's lore
Grant rest and repose to those with troubled hearts and spirits
Below are three pre-generated Counselor Characters. By no means are these the only way to create Counselor characters, but they are samples that can be used as-is or altered. These sample characters tend toward Support roles when it comes to combat since Counselors work best alongside allies.
With an infectious will, they allow their allies to forge forward into danger and come out victorious.
These are Pastors, Preachers, Wisefolk, and Medicine People. They are shepherds of the spirit and soothers of the troubled.
These individuals focus on discovering what an individual or a community needs and then seeking it out, garnering a bit of profit on the side.