The Mid-Atlantic
Aka Mid-Atla
A place that has survived the worst of the Long Fall, the Mid-Atlantic region of the North American continent stretches from New England’s Innsmouth all the way to Tidewater’s Gardenholt.
Mid-Atla is a land as diverse as its people, though it too bears the scars of the Long Fall. New Amsterdam remains infested with eldritch monstrosities while the Valtima-Capital megalopolis stays irradiated and aflame. The brutal skirmishes of the War against the Harbingers wrought ruin once more upon the City of the Bell, Libertina.
To the south and along the Serpent river of Libertina Ruins is Snakewater, a modest town (pop. 5,000+) built by refugees, survivors, and scavengers over the ruins of the old world. The last century has seen it grow from a trading post into a fortified settlement. It saw an invasion and a brutal battle during the Ember War but has rebuilt and repopulated since then. Scarred and haunted, its people claim hardiness above all.
Home to the Lost Sheep Cantina and protected by the Peace Maker Cartel, Snakewater stands to become a major trade hub in the region — bridging the commerce of nearby Puerto Atlantico/Port Atlantica into the interior. Thus are folk drawn to its heady mix of danger and profit, eager to partake of the Three-fold Armistice’s new peace and the grandiose possibilities of this burgeoning era.
Map by Nicco Salonga (
NOTABLE Townsfolk in Snakewater
Snakewater is ruled by a Sheriff, who is advised by the town council. Once every 10 years, these individuals are elected by the people of Snakewater. The people below are not the only members of this 10 person council, but they are the most visible ones.
The Sheriff (Hannibal Roberts): With the Peace Makers as privatized law enforcement, the Sheriff is more of a figurehead/political position than a military one.
The Secretary (Cresence Crane): The Secretary is involved with collecting taxes, filing deeds, and other bits of bureaucratic miscellanea.
The Archivist (Elder Thatcher): The Archivist is in charge of town records and the town’s meagre library. Also manages the local school and its needs.
The Barber (Holland Day): Also serves as midwife, doctor, and herbalist. Most “reputable” doctor-chiurgeon in Snakewater.
The Innkeeper (Shepherd): Owned by a retired Hellhound, the Lost Sheep Cantina is in the outskirts of town rather than at its center, making it a prime destination for outsiders and more profitable than its peers.
The Engineer (Rajan Wilco): The person in charge of maintaining the power systems of Snakewater’s temperamental Magnatech generator. Proudly “self-trained”.
Far East: PORT ATLANTICA is half on an island and half in the Flooded Pines. It is the “home office” of the Golden Fortunes Cartel who manage the gambling, marketeering, and other “activities” that draw many souls to its steps.
East: ASHENHOLME is the eastern border of Peace Maker influence, shared with the Golden Fortunes Cartel. It is a grim and quiet town at the edge of the Flooded Pines.
Near East: BRIDGEBORO is across the Serpent River. This large town is the “home office” of the Peace Maker Cartel and keeps a close watch on bridge crossings (and charges a toll for its upkeep).
Near Northeast: the LIBERTINA CITY RUINS is the site of a many desperate battle during the Ember War as well as the final victory against the Harbingers. Even before the routing of the Harbinger Hosts, this former megalopolis has ever been a hive of nightmarish monstrosities. Things have gone bad to worse, with some of the Harbingers’ Envoys and Messengers supposedly lurking within -- purged by Magistrados, Templar, and Freefolk whenever they rear their ugly heads.
Far North-Northeast: CONCORDIA is at the edge of the ruins of the New Amsterdam megalopolis. It marks the southernmost borders of Patient Scrivener influence, the northernmost borders of the Peace Maker’s control, and the northwestern reach of the Golden Fortunes. These Cartels share policing and defensive duties over the town (with the town’s oversight, of course). Somehow, they make it work, true to the town’s name.
North: DEADTREE is the closest to the ruins of the Libertina city/megalopolis. Scavvers and adventurers frequent its districts on their way to and from Libertina, lending a rough-and-tumble feel for the town
Near North-west: The MID-ATLANTIC SHROUDLANDS (formerly Three Poles) is uncomfortably close to Snakewater and a livid scar of the Ember War, its fell reaches filled with mystery, mist, and monstrosities. Formerly the town of Three Poles, it resists scouting and cleansing tech/magics. A bigger, similar Shroudland can be found far to the west, where the Grailguard’s home used to be.
Far West: NEW OASIS straddles the Crooked Oyster River. This large town is home to the Duster’s Springwheel Company and is a crossroads to the Dusters, the Cartel, and the Grailguard (not to mention the nigh ubiquitous Scavvers). Even the Hellhounds and Packhunters will find each other within its walls.
Far South-Southwest: TOMBSTONE is a battlefield graveyard turned settlement by the Bon Timoun Company of the Dustriders. The area’s hosts and spectres used to ravage any living trespassers but they were quelled and pacified several years ago.
Far South: The CAPITOL-VALTIMA MEGALOPOLIS RUINS: is a hellish place, scarred by nuclear flame and eldritch hatred. Much of it still smolders, though that does not repel certain types of eldritch monstrosities.
The Corpse Towns: Scattered across the Libertina region are the remnants of communities, lost to the Ember War or by the perils of this new era. These are far from the only towns that were destroyed or brought to ruin, but it marks the biggest and most recent of these places.
Bogwater (Independent): Most of the town had sunken to the eponymous bog by the time of the Ember War. There are no eyewitness accounts of its final moments or documentation to the rumors of an eldritch entity’s curse upon Bogwater. The stubborn few that refused to flee their homes are said to haunt the drowned timbers of the ruin as undead. The last Scavvers (the Rainbirds) to visit Bogwater for trade was in 92 BTF — they would be the one to spread word of its demise.
East Valley (Independent): This was poised to be a major trading hub due to its access to the other side of the Stonefather Mountains. It was not to be: weakened by a mountainslide in 68 BTF, East Valley would be slow to recover. It would quickly fall to a Harbinger Host and serve as a base of operations for a few years.
Edge Haven (Independent): During the Ember War, this town’s populace disappeared. In 94 BTF, the Dirtdozer Caravan found the place utterly emptied. Some buildings were burnt down and signs led to the still smouldering Valtima Capital ruins. Further investigation has yet to reveal the cause of this ruin.
Fairsaide (Patient Scriveners): Evacuated in 51 BTF during a ruinous strike by the Night Kings who dove deep into Cartel territory to quench southern reinforcements. Most of the survivors emigrated and were accepted into the foundling town of Concordia to the east.
Three Poles (Peace Makers): This was the site of a terrible battle in the Ember War. As the stories tell it, such was the resistance that the Harbingers encountered that they obliterated defender and civilian in one fell swoop in 95 BTF. Battle tactics changed to ensure that the Harbingers would never again perform such a blow. Three Poles remains a scar on the land and on the Peace Makers who hold themselves responsible for its destruction.