Carmine Conclave History

Important Events

The Ravening (0 BTF): The god-like Abyssals are drawn to the planet by humanity’s hubris and their power hungry agents. Though they bring the age of humankind to an end, they are driven away by its true mother and protector -- called the World Dragon, Earth Mother and God-Empress. Despite Her triumph, She is shattered and slain from the innumerous wounds of that terrible battle.

Crowned with Void Fire (17 BTF): The followers of the God-Empress arrive in the Pacific Northwest to protect the human survivors there. Led by their goddess’ Oracle-Avatar, they begin a brutal war against the Flesh-Takers who have been hunting down and flensing any humans that they find. 

The First Feast (23 BTF): The Oracle-Avatar and their Templar brethren purge the region of the Flesh-Takers and feast upon the Abyssal remnant that had been corrupting the area. In the Pacific Northwest, they endeavor to build a new society and rally humanity toward their holy goal: the destruction of the Abyssals and their monstrous scions. Saint Carmine consumes sanctified Abyssal flesh and is beatified into sainthood and demi-divinity. 

The Path of Flame and Roses (25 BTF): Alongside Saint Flame, Saint Carmine and her warband lead a growing army east on the Oracle-Avatar’s command. They save the communities they encounter and allow them entry into the faith of the God-Empress. 

Crossing the Superior Sea (30 BTF): Upon reaching the Superior Sea, the Flame Conclave rebuilds the town of Beacon. Meanwhile, Saint Carmine and her disciples vanish and end up on the other side of the sea and infiltrate a series of “kingdoms” ruled by vampiric overlords.

Bastion du Rachat (37 BTF): Through subterfuge and diplomacy, Saint Carmine successfully orchestrates a revolt against the Night Kings and free a beshadowed city. She ensures that any Necrotic individuals that assist them are spared. The Night Kings flee southward while the Archon-Saint organizes rebuilding efforts. With the Oracle-Avatar’s new magics, a Shadow Door is linked between Ziggurat City and Bastion du Rachat. This allows for rapid reinforcements at a significant cost in reagents.

The Carmine Court (51 BTF): Rachat is united to Saint Carmine’s cause. Subservient to the clergy, the local warlords that now call themselves the Roseate Cabals. The Conclave continues to reclaim more territory and convert more settlements to the faith. By freeing the Night Spire settlement northeast of Bastion, they have diminished Night League presence in the north.

Saintly Charm (56 BTF): The Oracle-Avatar asks for the Carmine Conclave’s assistance in the areas south of Ziggurat City, specifically in converting the inhabitants of Paradise City in the Mojave and the mariners of Port Sacrament. Saint Carmine leads the negotiations with great success and the two settlements join the Templars wholeheartedly.

Into the Night (63 BTF): Savage raids upon the Conclave’s southernmost settlements result in a clash between the Carmine Conclave and the Hellhound Motorgangs. After the Night King’s machinations are revealed, the Hellhounds, Flame Conclave, and Carmine Conclave unite to eradicate the Night Kings’ mountain strongholds during a long and brutal campaign. Saint Flame is slain during this conflict. 

The Night of Seven Sorrows (67 BTF): Upon her return to Rachat, she discovers the murder of her Spouse, Zorya Valentinova, and adopted family. The culprits are Night League infiltrators who are easily found and immediately subjected to Eldritch Crucifixion. Saint Carmine appoints a new Archon-Saint and vanishes to look for the culprit. She is never seen again. The popular myth is that she died of a broken heart and turned into drifting rose petals that scattered into the wind.

Terror from the Deep (74 BTF): Oceanic monstrosities and Pelagic Seraphs raid the Temple’s settlements and their allies on the west coast. This culminates in the attack of a titanic crustacean with a woman’s face in its shell. After a devastating rampage, the Oracle-Avatar destroys it alongside their Templar Conclaves. Saint Skull defends the Oracle-Avatar from attack at the cost of his life. 

Paradise Lost (76 BTF): Sensing something awry, the Oracle-Avatar sends Carmine and Flame Conclave agents to Paradise City. Much of the Mojave has been turned into corrupted “Shroudland” that is hazardous to any that walk upon it. Aerial surveys report that the city is in ruins and find no survivors.

A Warning to the South (83 BTF): The Templar continue to consolidate their northeastern holdings and treat carefully with the Free Tribes. Their first encounter with the Illustrados Union is a bloody one, stopping short of igniting actual war. Instead of pursuing conflict, the Templars look to their Oracle-Avatar for guidance and receive orders to return north. 

War and Apostasy (90 BTF): Terrible monstrosities led by the sorcerous Harbingers invade and ravage Mid-Atla. The vicious war against the remnants of humanity follows. The Templar was prepared by the Oracle-Avatar’s warning, but an attempted coup by the Flame Conclave undoes their efforts -- they join the battles against the Harbingers at a diminished capacity while dealing with this new “Infernal Apostasy”

The Armistice at Libertina (96 BTF): After six years of brutal war, Mid-Atla has settled to a troubled peace. The Harbingers have been destroyed and a treaty between the Templar, the Illustrados, and the Free Tribes has been signed at the broken bell of Libertina City.

Current Day (99 BTF): The Temple is rebuilding after the many disasters that have befallen their holdings across the continent. They seek out the leaders of the Infernal Apostasy that betrayed them and to bring the Free Tribes into the fold for their holy mission. 

Important Individuals and Groups:

Abyssals/the World-Slayers: The enemies of the God-Empress and of all terrestrial life - alien, netherworldly god-things from beyond the stars.

The Cascadian Dragon: A titanic crustacean-like entity that eradicated several settlements from the west coast. It was proof against all weapons and the human-sized face in the center of its mass turned soldiers into shriveled corpses. It was slain by the Oracle-Avatar. Saint Skull sacrificed his life to protect them.

The Free Tribes: A group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

God-Empress: The prime divinity of the Templars. Also known as the Shattered Mother, the World Dragon, and the Earth Mother. Through Her sacrifice, the world saw ruin but not destruction from those that would devour it. 

The Harbingers/Harbinger Hosts: Four sorcerous entities of incredible power and the monstrous armies that followed them. They came from the west and savaged their way to Mid-Atla until they were stopped by the combined efforts of the Free Tribes, the Illustrados, and the Temple. 

Hellhound Motorgangs: Over a hundred different warbands from the Midwest that revel in raucous battle and bloodshed. They used to raid the territories around them for supplies or demand tribute from settlements. 

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess

The Night League: Formerly two dozen settlements and towns under the brutal rule of powerful vampiric entities. Calling themselves the Night Kings, these individuals treat other humans as nothing more than thralls and food. They are greatly diminished but are still a threat. 

Oracle-Avatar: The chosen speaker to the God-Empress and the Temple’s leader. After the formation of the Templars, they rarely leave their meditations atop Ziggurat City. They were integral to the Harbingers’ defeat but were severely injured. 

Saint Carmine/Carmine Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for her cunning, her diplomacy, and her ability to turn enemies into allies. Also called the Saint of Roses. Founder of the Carmine Conclave. Disappeared after her spouse was slain. 

Saint Flame/Flame Conclave/Infernal Apostasy: An Archon-Saint known for his power, his knowledge, and his blazing zealotry to the God-Empress. Also known as the Saint of Wrath. Founder of the now extinct Flame Conclave. Slain while fighting the Night Kings. His Conclave would turn against the Temple and attempt to kill the Oracle-Avatar.

Saint Skull/Skull Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for his mercy, his protectiveness, and his iron devotion to the Oracle-Avatar. Founder of the Skull Conclave. Slain fighting the Cascadian Dragon. 

Saint Talon/Talon Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for her strength, her sorcery, and her unflinching bravery. Also known as the Saint of Swords. Founder of the Talon Conclave. Slain during the Battle of the Blockade

Saint Whisper: An Archon Saint known for her incredible willpower, her complete faith, and her sacrifice at the First Feast. She was also known as the Saint of Shadows. She did not start any Conclaves but some of the Skull Conclave devote themselves to her.

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.

Zorya Annabelindas Valentinova de la Mirior (aka Zorya Valentinova): The spouse of Saint Carmine, slain by a Night League infiltrator. The reasons for the crime remain a mystery, defying research and spellcraft. The Saint of Roses left to pursue answers and was never head from again.