Charioteer Power Groups

Below are the major Power Groups among the Charioteers: the three Fleets of the Triune Admiralty.

Player Characters are welcome to make Crews and characters that are a part of these Fleets, submitting their backstories and Crew profiles to Game Staff for approval.

Devilhook Fleet: A fleet of hardened Juracan killers, monster slayers, and meat sellers.

Four Winds Fleet: A fleet of couriers, ruin delvers, and marketeers.

Mistmarket Fleet: A fleet of merchants, junkers, and information peddlers. 

Devilhook Fleet 

Devilfish, Los Anzuelos de Demonio

"To the last I grapple with thee; 

from hell's heart I stab at thee; 

for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee."

Basic: A fleet of hardened Juracan killers, monster slayers, and meat sellers.

Symbol: Four harpoons or spears crossed to form the axles of a ship’s helm. 

Territory: The Devilhooks’ shipyards are in the shadow of Vedado city. This Fleet likes to remain close to their former comrades within the Magistrados, sharing drinks, tales, and monster lores. Even the citizenry have grown accustomed to the sight of Devilhook ships towing titanic cadavers to their port.

Overview: Like their heavy hulled ships, the people of this Fleet are gnarled and scarred. They take to grim work with a butcher’s ease but they have also learned hard lessons in working together and recognizing when to cut their losses. Given their preferred prey, casualties are a common occurrence among the Devilhooks but the tales of their valor and the cut of their reputation ensures a steady stream of recruits.

Many Devilhook Crews are ex-Magistrados, including the Fleet’s founder. They have seen horrors and terrors aplenty, routinely hunting down the predators of the shipping lanes or luring pelagic monstrosities from the depths to their barbed spears. Where the Charioteers need slayers, they call upon this Fleet.

On land, the Devilhooks prefer heavier armor, loud firearms, and jagged spears. They maintain their reputation for hardiness and bravery, willing to Delve dangerous ruin and irradiated wasteland for loot. Their markets are thus well-stocked with valuable goods and useful salvage, but most of all: the organs and reagents borne of monsters. If one wishes to find their stalls, an individual merely needs to follow the smell of roasting meats and blood puddings.

Leadership: Ricardo “Mad Goat” Mobius-Francisco is the Admiral of the Devilhooks. A lifetime of brutal battle and vicious victories have left him a stitched mess of grey flesh, dour demeanor,  and killing skill. He is known for his legendary charge against the traitor Admiral, leaping headlong into enemy fire to skewer his foes. His Crews respect and fear him in equal measure, though he is sometimes distracted by his quest to slay the Juracan (“Ahaveh”) that chewed up his son and husband. 

Four Winds Fleet

Windracers, Flota de la Tornado

“Those who try to catch the wind with their hands only look like fucking idiots”

Basic: A fleet of couriers, ruin delvers, and marketeers.

Symbol: The ship helm of the Four Winds Fleet forms a four-armed cross, each with an arrow-head in a cardinal direction.

Territories: The Windracers are known to call many harbors home. Besides the shadier docks of the major Illustrados city-states, they are said to have bedspaces in the Solar Cathedral in the Yucatan, the Carmine Spire far north, and Snakewater in Mid-Atla.

Overview: For those who send messages or goods in secret and with swiftness, the Four Winds Fleet offers its services for a “reasonable” amount. This Four Winds boasts of ships’ and vehicles’ speed to anyone willing to listen. But their success is also buoyed by their meticulously maintained maps and the boldness of their merchants. 

Like their namesake, the Crews of the Four Winds are always on the move. They use their contacts and their fellow Charioteers to establish safe ports while they move across water and landscape with letters and items. The closest thing a Windracer does to staying in one place is visiting it often and in that sense, they have homes across many pubs and cantinas of the Caribbean and Mid-Atla.

Even their markets and stalls share a similar ephemeral presence. They tend to give some warning before they set up shop in a village or port, but their stalls rarely stay for more than a day. With their far reach however, they often feature rare and exotic items and reagents. If one looks for an item from afar, one can wager that a  Four Winds trader will have it or has the capacity to obtain it.

Leadership: It is said that “Latigo” Lopez-Espinosa’s favorite cargo is swagger and bravado, because this Admiral is always full to bursting with it. They are also known for their fast talk and making fast friends, though wiser minds are uncertain of this reputation’s truth. What can be truly verified is the success of their Fleet -- the Four Winds have made in-roads into the other Archfactions, including the Cartel, the Scavvers, and the Carmine Conclave. Rumor has it that even the Night Kings deal with Latigo Lopez. 

Mistmarket Fleet

Mistmerchants, Agora de la Brume

“Come buyers and sellers! One and all! The wonders of the Mistmarket await!”

Basic: A fleet of merchants, junkers, and information peddlers.

Symbol: A golden and jeweled ship helm where each of the axles starts in a hand that grips the center.

Territories: Mistmerchants often treat with the Tecnocracia, so it makes sense that they have a stronghold in Port-au-Jacques in western Ayiti. Every Illustrados city has a Mistmarket bazaar therein. They also have connections in Snakewater and Port Atlantica, but these are dwarfed by their Windracer kindred.

Overview:  It is said that the Devilhooks are the strongest, the Four Winds are the fastest, but the network of the Mistmarket ensures that they have the other two on retainer. In ports where Charioteers call safe and home, the Mistmarket’s insignia is the most common of the Fleets. Likewise, any major port and interfactional trading hub will have a dozen Mistmarket stalls awaiting custom. This Fleet peddles in wares common and rare as well as goods, services, and information. Some Mistmarkets even have menageries where they sell vicious and exotic beasts and plants -- obviously, they draw the line at selling people (as do all right-thinking groups of the world).

Some Crews of the Mistmarket focus less on selling and more in crafting or refurbishing. These Mistmerchants rent buildings in the communities they visit and create their products within. They either sell these to other Charioteers or directly to buyers, depending on the size of the Crew and their capacity for sales. 

Mistmerchants often adorn their dress with gaudy jewelry and ornamentation, the better to stand out from others. On the other hand, their ships are far less flashier, tending toward slower, steadier vessels. Like the other Charioteers, they take to roadways and shipping lanes with ease. But at least half of Mistmerchant Crews tend to find a community or two and settle there, growing their influence and network.

Leadership: Her difficult birth and her bloody upbringing made life hard for Julianna Tadeusz Kościuszko-Verne. But Apex-tech Metabionics, brilliant cunning and cutthroat viciousness made her an Admiral. She is mostly machine now, having replaced her withered limbs with chrome and gears. Admiral “Costly” Kościuszko is said to constantly update and upgrade her body, lending credence to the rumors of her technophilia.

As if to match her tastes, her vessel is a strange one, capable of faring beneath the waves instead of above it. Indeed, such oddities and wonder are her greatest desires and, some say, weakness. She is said to be close to the Tecnocracia, who shower her with bizarre technologies and magics such as her rumored ability to listen to Vox Tower communications.