Deotheurgic Anchor
Deotheurges, Clerics, Sagras
This Anchor relies on immense spiritual faith and piety on a religion or some other power. The Deotheurge looks beyond themselves and into the cosmos for answers and for strength. Deotheurges can be found in most faiths of the world, whether it is the Templar’s faith in the Shattered Mother, the Hellhound’s cacophonous pantheon, or the radiant piety of the Union’s Iglesia Solar.
Choose this Theurgic Anchor if:
You want to play a holy person or cleric of a religion, such as a Templar champlain, an Iglesiar Sun Priest, or an Altaric Acolyte.
You to play a spiritualist that communes with the spirits of the wilderness or the guides of their community.
You want to be improve upon your abilities to enhance and heal allies.
Deotheurgic Anchoring Rite (Long Task)
Step 1: Label an empty Attunement (ATN) as “Deo Anchor”
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation/prayer alongside four fellow faithful or at a personal shrine/Hallowed Shrine of your faith (see prop requirements),
Step 3: You become Anchored to Deotheurgy, gaining the benefits below, and Sagral Divinity (or Greater Divinity, with a Hallowed Shrine).
Deotheurgic Anchor Benefits:
-- Enkindle Faith: You may Enkindle your faith in another person, following the procedure listed in the Calming Confessor skill (Soother Discipline).
-- Deotheurgic Healing (Aug, Aftereffect): When you cast a Healing or Resolve Spell, augment and prefix it with “Deotheurgic”. This adds an Aftereffect to it:
Imbue an identical Heal/Resolve effect to the original, adhering to its restrictions. It cannot affect the same target or you.
-- Symbol of Renewal: Imbuing a Bonded ally or a fellow Faithful with “Painful Revive” only requires First Aid-5. This does not affect Self-Revive.
-- Divine Drought: You are unable to use any Spells or Hexes until the next Period if:
You willingly and knowingly act against the Ethos of your faith.
Perform a Death Blow on a Bonded ally or a fellow Faithful
Prop requirements:
-- Personal Shrine: These are religious shrines at least 2 feet in width, depth, and height and reflect a faith’s beliefs, and divinities or patron spirits, if any. These do not require Crafting, CMP, or an item tag.
-- Animantic Tradition: The holy symbol of your religion on your Animus Crowns and/or have your Crowns reflect your deity.
-- Diabolic Tradition or No Tradition: At least one holy symbol etched/tattooed upon your flesh. This must be obvious and distinct at all times and seasons. Facial tattoos are recommended but not required.
-- Talismanic Tradition: Your religion’s holy symbol on your Rune Wands or on cloth/tassels attached to them.
Deotheurgic Hexes and Sagral Divinity
Gaining Sagral Divinity:
Option 1: Perform the Anchoring Rite w/ four faithful or at a Personal Shrine
Option 2: Perform the Anchoring Rite at a Hallowed Shrine (see Symbol of Peace; Soother)to gain Greater Divinity
Option 2: Complete a 10+ minute rest in the same Period where you imbued an ally with Greater Revive or Painful Revive
Option 3: Complete a Rest at a Hallowed Shrine to gain Greater Divinity
Using Sagral Divinity:
Expend Sagral Divinity or Greater Divinity to perform any of the following Deotheurgic Hexes once. You may only have one instance of Sagral Divinity (Greater or otherwise) at a time.
Greater Divinity allows you to use Deotheurgic Hexes twice before it is fully expended. Prefix the second use with “Greater” and imbue yourself with “Heal 2” as an Aftereffect.
-- “Guardian Hex” -- Invoke this when nearby allies are being attacked. As a Wave 3, use the Guard defense on your allies.
-- “Renewal Hex” -- Invoke this to imbue “Painful Revive” as a Wave 3.
-- “Mending Hex” (Ritual) -- After a 10+ minute Ritual that involves praying for healing, invoke “Mending Hex” to imbue 1-5 allies with a Cure Disease/Curse effect or a Greater Revive effect. This functions much like the baseline Restore Harmony spell (Restoration Sphere), without any enhancements or bonuses.
Supreme Theurgy
The Supreme Theurgy Skill (Channeler Discipline) allows one to access and channel immense power from one’s Theurgic Anchor. Such is the effort expended that this skill can only be used Once per Period.
When the Supreme Theurgy Skill is used by a Deotheurge, they can use one of the two functions below:
Sorcerous Devotion (Deotheurgic Anchor only)
-- Option 1: Cleansing Faith — cure afflictions with prayer
Step 1: Perform 5+ minutes of role-play reflecting prayer to your faith
Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Devotion”
Step 3: You cure all Basic and Greater Curses/Diseases from 1-5 allies
Step 4: Have Game Staff sign off on the ATN slots. Furthermore, if it is Market Hour, you are granted a Minor CMP for each cured Affliction (Abyssal/Death/Shadow).
-- Option 2: Instill Piety — imbue your allies with resolve or free them from Control
Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Devotion”
Step 2: Tap 1-5 allies with a hand/melee weapon. Don’t move your feet (Wave 5)
Step 3: With each ally, invoke your choice of “Resolve 5” or “Cure Strike” to grant them that effect.