Duster Power Groups
Listed below are the main groups of influence among the Dustriders, the three Companies of the Tombstone Council and two non-Council Companies that are immensely influential.
Player Characters may come from any Power Group although they cannot be the leadership of that group. It is recommended that those willing to write backstories intertwined with the Duster Companies contact Game Staff for further information/guidance.
It is the suggestion of Game Staff that players who create their own Company as part of their backstory submit a profile of that group to Game Staff (for further use in plot if need be). When doing this, a Player Character can choose to ascend to the leadership of that Company, though it does not grant them any special advantages.
Bon Timoun Company: A Duster Company known for their deathly magics and their battlefield bravery.
Firebrand Company: A smaller Dustrider Company of pragmatic planners, cutthroat soldiers, and grey marketeers.
Ghoststar Company: A smaller Company of shamanic Arcanists, herbalists, and singers.
Hammerlock Company: Dusters sworn to keep the peace in their region and to enforce the laws therein.
Springwheel Company: A Company with advanced technological prowess and craftsmanship.
Bon Timoun Company
Brackenflies, Bonnies, Bon Petit (singular)
“Good children never speak dark words” -an old Harborage proverb
Basic: A Company of Dusters known for their war magics and their battlefield bravery.
Symbol: A bird skull in the middle of a swamp flower. Dark hued colors such as dark violet and burgundy are associated with the Bonnies.
Territory: The Bonnies have their main headquarters amidst the tenebrous forests at the fringes of Tombstone. The Long Fall and the past century have unearthed the horrific wars that bloodied this region, bringing the spirits of the dead to unlife. The Bonnies feel at home here, possibly because the area itself is rife with etheric energies. They also have a secondary garrison in Rose Hill, assisting the townsfolk in their defenses.
Overview: The Bon Timoun Company has its roots from the Harborfolk that survived the Corpse Priest’s wrath. They are not the only ones steeped in the lores and sorceries of their ancestors, but they are the most prominent of the Harborfolk’s descendants. In particular, the Arcanists of this Company practiced the sorcerous traditions of their forebears, though not necessarily their beliefs.
The Bon Timouns proved their valor over and over again during the Ride East. Their strength was truly seen during the War of Embers. With vehicle and steed, they skirmished against the Harbinger Hosts and laid down sorcery and gunfire with the vengeance of the long denied. In one such occasion, the Bonnies drove deep into the Corpse Priest’s Host and felled him in a cataclysm of arcane fire. Before the Harbinger’s Envoys and Messengers could retaliate these Dusters felt the scene, obfuscating their escape with magics. It would take the Corpse Priest several months to reincarnate but he was never able to avenge himself on the Bon Timouns.
A typical Bonny is recognized for the taller hats they wear in lieu of the typical Dustrider affair. They tend to adorn these with beads, bones, or animal skulls. They do share the Duster’s affinity for long coats, though they tend toward darker hues, such purple or burgundy. Many paint or tattoo a single white or purple cross upon their features, in remembrance of “Old Sammy” Lacroix. Not every Bon Petit is an Arcanist, but those that are not are well versed in the lores of their comrades. Following in Lacroix tenebrous traditions, the Bonnies are skilled in the use and creation of Eldritch items and occasionally, Necro-tech. True to their closed natures, they share these secrets to only those they immensely trust.
Leadership: Raphael “Raffa” Lacroix is a Psion and the leader of the Bon Timoun Company. He was chosen for his office during the Ember War, replacing his fallen mother. His skill with sorcery and Necrotheurgy is said to match even his storied ancestor. Some even claim that Raffa Lacroix can contact otherworldly entities when searching for answers or power.
For his own part, Raffa Lacroix keeps the full extent of powers to himself. His efforts are primarily directed toward the care of his Company and hunting down those that would threaten his Company’s charges. That said, It is no secret that the rumor of Sammael Lacroix’ corrupted return has caught his attention. He often sends his people to investigate the matter further when presented with even a chance at confirming or denying this rumor.
Firebrand Company
Firebrands, Crossfires
“Keep talking. I’m just waiting to add a new ear to my necklace”
Basic: A smaller Dustrider Company of pragmatic planners, cutthroat soldiers, and grey marketeers.
Symbol: A flaming human skill. On occasion, a horse skull is used instead. Bright red and charcoal grey are associated with this Company.
Territory: The Firebrands make their homes primarily in New Oasis, peddling their services and their spoils to the markets of this crossroad town. They have some stake in Tombstone, but focus their exploits outside Dustrider settlements.
Overview: The Firebrands are a recent outfit, though they have their roots in the ne'er do wells among the Dustriders. This Company is known for their cruel methods, though their results speak for themselves. Those who hire the Firebrands do so with this knowledge in mind, though they are rarely disappointed. On the other hand, the Tombstone Council barely tolerates this Company -- they are always at the cusp of being hunted down by their fellow Dusters, though they rarely “cross the line” (or they avoid getting caught doing so) into being outlaws.
During the Ember War, the Firebrand Company was known for its calculated tactics and brutal raids. That said, they only dedicated their forces to certain victory and retreated swiftly when the tides turned against them. Some say that they usually allowed their Free Tribe allies to take the brunt of casualties. It is even claimed that they refused to warn their peers about flanking attacks to ensure that their own flanks or escape routes were clear. This brought no small amount of notoriety to the Dustriders as a whole. Though they cared little for it, this dark reputation followed the Firebrands past the War over Embers. However, their skills and contacts ensure that they never lack for work or currency. It also helps that they disregard most laws in most senses, beyond how they can be caught.
Besides their fiery red bandanas, Firebrands tend toward muted colors. Adding to their notoriety, they like to carry around trophies of their kills. They may have a necklace of outlaw ears, various critter tails, or even a mummified limb upon their person. These trophies are a thing of prestige within the Company, with grotesque prizes being greatly favored.
Leadership: Smoulders Harrison always had a talent for killing and he never shied away from what needed to be done. A few too many bad whispers put him on the bad side of the Dustriders and drew the attention of the Firebrands. His rise through the ranks was meteoric during the Ember War. After his predecessor died in a Hiveling ambush, his Taskforce seized control of the Company and paid off the other Taskforces to follow his lead.
The Firebrands are not the most welcome of the Dustrider Companies, but Smoulders has ensured that they have their own places in New Oasis and in Tombstone. Several saloons, establishments, and at least one gambling house welcome the Firebrands into their premises. It is also through Smoulder’s contacts with the Technocracia and other outside factions that his people continue to find work and monetary support.
Ghoststar Company
Ghoststars, Starsingers
“We are the songs of the ancients, sent into the world to make it better”
Basic: A smaller Company of shamanic Arcanists, herbalists, and singers.
Symbol: A star flanked by mountains. Dark Orange and bronze are associated with the Starsingers.
Territory: The Ghoststars have stayed nomadic and mobile in this post-Harbinger era, much like the Miraji of the past. They do frequent the Duster allied towns of Rose Hill, Tombstone, and New Oasis.
Overview: The Ghoststars descend from Miraji and Dustlanders, their traditions mingling and changing with the passing of years and the hardships of the Ride East. In the current era, this Company is a smaller one among the Dustriders. Though it is no longer part of the Tombstone Council, they still consult with Running Song in matters of importance. Towns near New Oasis and among the mountains prize Ghoststar herbalism and their arcane weavings - despite hardship, this Company has thrived in these new lands.
The Ghoststars saw relatively little action during the War over Embers, staying far from the front. This Company and several other smaller Companies tended to the Dustriders and the towns that gave their people shelter. Far from being passive, their tasks entailed protecting the townsfolk and ensuring that their war contributions made it to the frontlines. After all, the threats of the World beyond the Fall did not cease because a war was ongoing.
This Company continues to avoid the limelight in the era of the Armistice. Its people make their way not primarily through skill at arms, but through the sale of elixirs, remedies, and clothing. Those who believe that Starsingers are weak are in for a rude awakening, however -- their connection with the spirit world makes them stronger, not weaker.
While many Ghoststars wear dusters and wide hats, they stand out from their peers by the colorful woven patterns on their clothing and bandanas. These feature clouds, waves, mountains, and other elemental designs. Animancers in this Company follow a similar aesthetic in their Animus Crowns, picking one element that they associate with. This spiritualistic perspective is also reflected in the Ghoststars’ love for songs and stories -- hence their nickname of Starsingers. Not only do they have many tales of their ancient myths and heroes, but they love hearing about the legends of other folk. Reputedly, Ghoststars might even exchange minor services for a good song or story.
Leadership: Running Song leads the Ghoststar Company, succeeding her twin sister at the end of the Ember War. As a Miraji Elder and a Psionic Animancer, she is also one of its spiritual mentors and ritual leaders. She even has influence among the Mid-Atla Miraji beyond the Ghoststars, such is her seniority and reputation.
Despite the rumors, she has not given up on her western kin - Running Song still believes that they survived Xhibal’s wrath. However, she has tasked herself toward taking care of her people that remain and the people who gave her folk the shelter of their town. Thus, she directs her Company toward seeking and nurturing their own destiny in the east.
Hammerlock Company
Hammerlocks, Gavels
“Safe as a lock, blunt as a hammer”
Basic: Dusters sworn to keep the peace in their region and to enforce the laws therein.
Symbol: Hammer crossed with a revolver pistol. Dark blue and light grey is associated with the Hammerlocks.
Territories: The Hammerlocks claim Tombstone and New Oasis as their homes, but they tend to stay more in Tombstone than the town they saved. They even assist the Bonnies in the defenses of Rose Hill, ensuring the safety of their allies' settlements.
Overview: The Hammerlocks are most well known of the Dusters and the first thing people think of when this Free Tribe is mentioned. They tend to be gruff and action oriented, rather than diplomatic. However, they are said to be straightforward and righteous people, protecting those in need and siding with the “little guy”. With Janelle Locke’s leadership, they won renown and acclaim enough that a town renamed itself New Oasis in their honor.
This recent history is in keeping with the Locke family that is the core of the Hammerlocks. They were lawbringers and protectors in the Dustlands. Though they did not become prominent until the exodus from Oasis, the Lockes were one of the folk that represented what was good and true. Wyatt Locke is regarded as a “big damn hero” by the Dustlanders, and the Hammerlockes strive to follow in his good name. Like many Duster Companies, they specialize in “protection” services - escorting caravans, defending towns, or hunting down wanted outlaws. Many of this Company are also skilled healers, though their knowledge is more roadside medicine than school-taught surgery. This means townsfolk know to come to them for help in almost every circumstance and are proud to have them around, even if their bedside manner can be lacking.
The Hammerlocks tend toward blue and/or grey bandanas or scarves. They can also be identified by the tiny padlocks they wear as amulets. This is a recent tradition, taking speed among the Gavels during the apex of Janelle Locke’s popularity. The in-joke became tradition, to the point that some Hammerlocks like to collected locks and padlocks and wear them on their belts or adorn their vehicles or steeds with them.
Leadership: Janelle “the Lich” Locke-Jackson has been dead for almost 30 years, but she does not let that keep her from doing her job. She claims that her name comes from a pre-fall ghost story that her grandfather told her, but she rarely elaborates further. Her closest associates call her “Stitch Lich” for the stitches that keep Janelle from falling apart. Some folk say it’s because she puts outlaws in a stitched up sack and drags them across razor sharp rocks.
Despite her popularity in New Oasis and Tombstone, she is rarely seen in those places. For the most part, the Lich has her lieutenants or even emissaries deal with outsiders - she feels that some folk are particularly unnerved by her appearance (though she is not ashamed of it). Instead, she can be seen going from town to town with her own Taskforce, ensuring order, escorting Caravans, or chasing down wrongdoers.
Springwheel Company
Springwheels, Wheelers
“Nevermind the west, the east is a new horizon and new opportunities”
Basic: A Duster Company with advanced technological prowess and craftsmanship.
Symbol: A gear and two crossed spanners. Copper and emerald green are associated with the Springwheels.
Territory: While they have homes in Tombstone, the Springwheels have set up shop primarily in New Oasis, assisting in the town’s reconstruction. As it is also a nexus of trade and ideas, they thrive and adapt new innovations to their technologies with surprising speed. They even started contact with the Ardent Forges of the Grailguard and the Altaric Acolytes of the Hellhounds, exchanging crafting ideas and products.
Overview: The Springwheel Company comes from the Tinkers and Junkers of the Oasis and the Miraji. The Ride East was done on foot, hoof, or by wheel -- this required immense amounts of repair and upkeep. Thus, these craftsfolk were forced to develop skills not only with fundamental mechanics but also with improvisation and repair. This adaptability made it easy for them to absorb and convert the technologies of settlements in the Ride East and Mid-Atla.
The Springwheels of the current era are a people of wonder and innovation, unlike most of their peers. Their machinery and weaponry showcase Oasis’ steam tech mingled with the new technologies, such as Magnatech or Eldritchtech (though they draw the line at Necrotech and Xenotech). This Company is in high demand in towns near New Oasis among the Stonefather mountains, not for their battlecraft but for their mechanics.
The other Dustriders say that Springwheels can be found by their oversized spanner-maces, their tool harnesses, and their plate-armored dusters and vests. This reflects their affinity for the mechanical and the technical. However, the Springwheels are also possessed of a spirituality that manifests in their attire. Some of them share the Miraji faith for Harmonic Star. They adorn their mechanical creations and clothing with clouds, waves, mountains, and other elemental designs. For these Wheelers, this Whisper manifests not just within the natural world but also within the craftsmanship and creativity of humanity.
Leadership: Jeremiah “Spanner” Ramirez leads the Springwheels, being a talented mechanic himself. This Tachid Chimera is far from the best tinker of his Company, but he excels in organizing and managing his people. This acumen allowed him to forge several mercantile contacts with nearby towns and even with the Cartel and the Grailguard.
Spanner Ramirez is also interested in expanding the Springwheel Company’s reach out to Mid-Atla and the Midwest. To that end, he sends representatives and emissaries to far off towns. Thus far, he has achieved a moderate amount of success.