
  • Base-line Resource: Focus is a special resource that all Player Characters (PCs) have.

  • 5 Focus: At the beginning of an Event, all PCs have 5 Focus.

  • Using Focus: Certain Skills require the expenditure of Focus to be used. PCs are expected to track the expenditure of Focus mentally and honestly. Naturally, when a PC runs out of Focus, they are unable to use Skills that require it.

  • Regaining Focus: The only way to regain Focus is through resting.


  • 10 Minutes: After 10 minutes of Rest, you may regain all of your Focus.

  • Prone and Safe: This requires that you be Prone (sitting, kneeling, or lying down) and for no Combat to be occurring within 50 feet of you. 

Developer’s Note: Focus is mechanic that represents a PC’s rested state and struggle against attrition/fatigue. While many Skills do not require Focus (or waive the Focus cost of other Skills), the amount of Focus a PC currently has is a good way to measure their readiness vs. further hardship combat. HP and Resolve are far more easily regained than Focus, with only Periodic Skills being harder to restore.

Most powerful defenses require Focus to be used. This means learning these Skills (e.g. Stalwart Defense, Artful Dodger, or Defensive Reading) should be of great interest to most PCs. For many PCs, Focus becomes a better measure of their current survivability than their HP.

Other PCs will concentrate on Skills that are proactive than defenses, whether it is inflicting high amounts of damage or quickening their support abilities (e.g. healing, repair, etc). In their eyes, ensuring that their allies are safe or eliminating the source of danger is a better use of Focus than in reactive self-preservation.

Both perspectives are valid.

However, as a Character progresses in experience and in ability, they may find ways that waive the Focus cost of some Skills. They may also encounter powerful Skills that require Focus use, which cannot be waived at all. Therefore, Focus management becomes concentrated on determining which of these potent Skills should be used - at the cost of the more frequently used Focus Skills. The correct answer will usually be different depending on context and situation.

Some PCs dislike making these type of choices and will tailor their progression to avoid such Skills. They will instead choose tried and true Skills, instead of working on versatility.