the Church of the Redeemed Sun

 La Iglesia del Sol Resucitado, Iglesia Solar, Iglesiars, Sun-Priests (clergy), Redeemers

Artwork by Nicco Salonga


Also known as the Church of the Redeemed Sun, this is an influential religious and academic institution among the Illustrados. Just as the medicine women and men of pre-Fall earth collected lore, cures and stories for their communities, the Iglesiars are women and men of science and spirituality. They are responsible for funding and peopling the universities and schools of the world beyond the Fall -- they seek to reclaim and archive the knowledge of times past, without the myopic fascination to technology of the Technocracia.

Faith, science, and steel - the hallmarks of the Redeemers.


A stone sunburst surrounded by 5 stars or circles.

Lore: High

Iglesia lore is heavily involved. Players need to be familiar with the organization’s faith, history, and the details of one’s order. The concept of a tech priest is a not an utterly alien concept but the implementation of all of these factors into one can be intimidating.


Contrary to most of the other Illustrados, the Iglesiars are often noted for their more spartan and ascetic clothing, in particularly, the stone-grey robes that they are known for. These are worn with Cara (guide masks), Vayans (cultural mantles), beaded necklaces, and colored sashes. Higher ranked Iglesiars are seen with runed stoles, amulets, or other symbols of position. A significant portion of these people are Arcanists, so they wear and wield Talismans or Anima Crowns accordingly. Defying and adding strangeness to their more simplistic attire are the various technological gadgets that they favor, especially when it comes to crafting technical wonders or deciphering old world ruins. This gives them an appearance that resembles a “technological monk” to certain observers.


The Iglesiar are a group that intersects with the Solarites. Solarites are the faithful of the religion while Iglesiar are actual members of the Church organization, both laity and clergy. All Iglesiar are Solarites, but not all Solarites are Iglesiar. 

Charity/Caridad: The Sun is radiant and ever giving. So should it be that we too give of ourselves to those in need. Whether clergy or layperson, a Solarite is expected to help others, though not at great cost to themselves. This assistance can be material, monetary, a good deed, or even a kind word. It is the belief of the Church that such actions can cascade into good for others and in the darkness after the Long Fall, humanity can find light in itself.

Humility/Reflexion: Just as the Sun reflects and illuminates all, so too must we reflect and study our memories and surroundings to see the truth in things and beyond ourselves. Though they may have the advantages and strength of the Iglesia behind them, the Iglesiar are expected not to lord it over others. This applies not just to measures of wealth and power, but also to knowledge. To be humble is to be freed of one’s prejudices and thereby see a situation as it truly is. 

Inquiry/Curiosidad: New and old sciences await our minds in the darkness of ignorance. We must seek them out through study and learning. Knowledge and lores are high priorities for one of the Iglesia. This applies not only in their explorations of ancient ruins and foreign libraries but also to the basic skills of life. An Iglesiar can be surprising in what they know based on their love of knowledge -- for example, a Sun-Priest can have knowledge on how to cross a desert or how to deal with an animal they’ve only heard of.

Loyalty/Pureza: A Solarite is beloved of family and of friend, seeking to protect them against harm and nurture them to greatness. This Solarite Virtue is reflected in an Iglesiar’s treatment of their fellows. They are staunch supporters of one another. This means treating allies with respect and helping them with their goals. 

Temperance/Templanza: In deed and in word, a Solarite must be measured and balanced in their efforts. Though they have great loves for knowledge, family, and friends, the Iglesiar are expected to balance these with their own needs. These individuals are proponents for moderation in daily matters as well -- such as speech, drink, wealth, and emotions. The usual result is that the Iglesiar are not seen as “fun” or “wild” folk, but as stable, mindful people. 


For the Laity, most follow tradition and use their(first name, middle name, and both last names of their parents. In the current era of the Illustrados, the first family name of a person is decided in advance by their parents. Tradition dictates that they take the name of the birthing parent, but this is often ignored by the working class in favor of their own preferences. The more entrenched and well-off families stick to old matrilineal traditions.

Clergy of the Iglesia forsake the surnames of their parentage, though not their heritage entirely. These individuals are granted a rank and title upon their ordination. The Laicado Solar secular arm of the Iglesia Solar progress on a familiar path of novice (Novato), to artisan (Pericial), to master (Maestro) in their particular craft or service.

Starting Title and Ranks: 

Iglesia Solar: Below are the ranks and titles of the clergy within the Iglesia Solar.

  • La Vela: Every novice among the Iglesia starts as a candle, bringing light to the world.

  • La Tea: From the dim light of a candle, an Iglesian priest can become a blazing torch.

  • Las Hoguera: Bringing the light and warmth of knowledge are the Hoguera, the apostles of the Iglesia. 

Laicado Solar: The Laity or secular branch of the Iglesia Solar are an important part of the organization. These are not required to fulfill the inner vows and oaths of the clergy and they assist the Iglesia in their duties and their routines. Some are soldiers or bodyguards that are aligned with the Iglesia.

  • Novato: These are the apprentices and novices among the Laity and they are students of their particular areas of expertise, but not necessarily without skill. 

  • Pericial: These are individuals of skill and talent who are considered professions and experts of their fields and/or crafts. 

Example Names:

  • Alessandro Henrico de la Vela has begun their journey along the Iglesia’s path, but his knowledge of chemicals and medicine will be of great use in his missions for the Redeemed Sun.

  • Corazon Manuela Valencia-Beltran or simply “Cora” is a Novato in her duties as a mechanic for the local cell of the Iglesia, but her rank belies her proficiency and talent in the technical arts. Her superiors know her promise only needs experience for her to truly come into her own.

  • Balthazar de la Tea is a skilled Arcanist of the Animancer tradition. Unlike many of their order, they are from the Mid-Atlantic region and have focused their magics on the destructive arts of Projection. 

Example Character Ideas

The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Gremio. If desired, Feel free to use or alter one of these for your character

An antiquarian ready for her next Delve.

Antiquarian: These scholars of the Iglesia seek out relics and ruins of the ancient and recent history to study. Some of these are content to work in the monasteries and universities, but others are more active in their pursuits. Whether it is a technical manual from the World that Was or an eldritch artifact from the Ember War, Antiquarians are more than willing to brave the journey to glean whatever knowledge they can about these treasured items. 

Suggested Classes: Counselor, Ranger

Iglesian Herbalist: With Herb-kit or spellcraft, these Iglesians tend to the wounded and the afflicted that are brought to their monasteries, universities, and clinics. Some of these individuals choose assignments to distant and dangerous landscapes, using medicine and care to bring succor to those who need it. Few of these folk are utterly altruistic, of course -- they perform their duties for Components, for prestige, or for experience. Some even choose the most hazardous areas they know for the thrill of it.

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Builder

Iglesian Hospitaller: The Iglesians are no stranger to conflict and danger. Thus, they recruit and train individuals to serve as shields for their more vulnerable members and holdings. These guardians are armed with the best defenses their order can grant, armed and armored for any that would prey upon their charges. Even bold beasts and foolhardy brigands are given pause when a relic-carrying Iglesian or a tent clinic is guarded by armor-vested guards, wielding shortarms and rune-wands.    

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Warrior

Monastic Mechanist: In the workshops and foundries of the Iglesia are their mechanists and engineers, crafting their tools and maintaining their vehicles. They are students of the Iglesia’s cloistered and hard-earned knowledges, keened to perfection beneath ruthless instructors — many even take to the gear, Forging themselves with steel and lightning. Whether they are flesh or metal, Mechanists are often sent out to the holdings of the Iglesia or as aides to its allies— often with some culture shock as to the reality of the world beyond monastery and university. 

Suggested Classes: Builder, Ranger

Stone-Sun Historian: The stone sun is not merely a symbol of the Iglesia Solar, it is also the promise of a new dawn for humanity. Through diligent research and theory, these folk have dedicated themselves to piecing together pieces of the World that Was for study and for progress. Unlike their Antiquarian colleagues, their work is in recording and deciphering, not in cataloguing and hoarding items. Many Historians are avid travellers, bringing back records and results to Iglesian universities for further analysis. 

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Counselor


The Sinodo del Sol (the Solar Synod) provides the leadership of the Iglesia, whether in their headquarters on the Yucatan Peninsula, on the Illustrados islands, or even far afield in Mid-Atla. The five individuals that make it up deliberate and decide on Iglesian policy, on Iglesian dogma, and on major tribunals. These Espejo del Sinodo (eng. “Mirrors of the Synod) are led by one of their own, called an Arbitro who administers discussion and debate, only lending their vote in ties.

The current Arbitro del Sinodo is Aguilar Alphonso Caamal-Lopez, a Psion respected for his prudence and his skill in Talismanic magics. While politically neutral, he is known to be of the technologist sect within the Iglesia - they focus on the implementation of the new sciences over the veneration of spirits. 

Church History

Important Events:

The Redeemed Sun (5 BTF): While the people of East Ayiti began to rebuild, many feel abandoned by their faiths. A former theologian and physician named Juan Pedro Rivero-Carreno returns from the mountains after he was thought dead. Indeed, he has the Necrotic Stigmata and claims to be possessed by a vision from his dreams. Upon his return, he works feverishly to ensure its fruition: a humanistic order filled with life and light, shown to him by a divine presence in the sky above the mountain peak. 

Foment Illumination (11 BTF): Though few believed in his vision at first, Pedro Rivero’s faith and labors inspire others to emulate him. The deeds and words of “Santo Rivero” spread across the island. He is said to need no sleep or rest: working soup kitchens, writing visions, managing charities, and instilling a new vivacity in his fellows. Many of the locals are drawn to Santo Rivero’s charisma or are recipients of his sorcerous blessings.

Faith and Sorcery (18 BTF): After nearly a decade’s work, Santo Rivero founds the Church of the Redeemed Sun - their main building has spaces for prayer, for healing, and for learning.  Their faith is born of Santo Rivero’s completed “Visions” a treatise that syncretizes several old world beliefs with a humanistic bent. Far from being perfect, Santo Rivero and his disciples claim that they simply Mirrors to a benevolent divinity (the Redeemed Sun) that reflects humanity’s potential and greatness. The local government takes an interest in this “new cult” -- it can be very easy to suborn the listless and the despairing. 

Pico Espejo (21 BTF): After he heals the ailments of their families with Arcana, several prominent engineers and government individuals join the Church of the Redeemed Sun. They construct a shrine-monastery (Pico Espejo) atop the place where Santo Rivero received his vision. The Church continues their work in the city-state of Puerto Vazquez where their influence continues to grow due to their reputation and their skill with magic. 

A Radiant Sun (28 BTF): Even the rampage of the Juracan does not slow the Iglesia’s ascent, in fact, the disaster brings the Iglesia into contact with more folk. With Santo Rivero’s  teachings and his wisdom, the Iglesia Solar becomes the largest centralized group of Channelers in Puerto Vazquez. They do not claim to be exceptional simply by having magic, but their Animancy and Talismanry techniques are more refined than most Arcanists in the Illustrados.

Rivero’s Last Pilgrimmage (34 BTF): Santo Rivero announces that he is going on a pilgrimage to the mainland. Scholars now argue that he sensed the government’s discomfort with him, saw his own time coming to a close, or perhaps was possessed by another vision. He leaves the Solar Synod in charge and is never seen alive again. The Iglesia opens Universities that teach secular knowledge as well as sorcerous techniques. 

Beyond the Islands (49 BTF): The Illustrados and the Iglesia continues to expand. The Church of the Redeemed Sun becomes the largest centralized group of Channelers in the Illustrados Union. It has holdings in every city. They begin refurbishing and reinforcing a fortress-cathedral in the Yucatan Peninsula -- the Catedral de la Sol Orden (the Solar Cathedral). This reinforced pre-fall structure is proof against Eldritch invasion and Santo Rivero’s final resting place. It is also a powerful nexus of magical energy, aiding in the Iglesia’s spell research and their other crafts. Upon its completion, the Iglesia Solar moves their headquarters there. 

Smoke and Ashes (56 BTF): Guaga scouts appear at the Solar Cathedral. Previously believed to be MIA, they are from a decades-long exploration of the southern continent. They found far fewer survivor communities than what was originally projected. In fact, they discovered many emptied post-Fall villages without any bodies or remains. After several Guaga vanish without a trace from a living jungle, the remainder attempted to make their way back but were greatly delayed.

Tanpa Incident (60 BTF): Hired guns with Tecnocracia weaponry take the Senate hostage, but are defeated by the Magistrados and the Iglesia. A major Tecnocracia facility in Tanpa (on the northern continent) explodes, taking most of the Corporate Board with it. The Magistrados enforces Senatorial edict --the Tecnocracia are taken to task regarding their working conditions, their weaponry falling into the wrong hands, and other wrongdoings. Massive fines, the confiscation of several facilities, and new regulatory laws are levied against them.

Metabionic Rights (65 BTF): Though she and her Metabionic allies initially faced prejudice for their differences, Estephania Neal-Gibson is able to lobby the Senate for Metabionic rights and is backed by the Iglesia. Similar prejudices against other Stigmatic individuals are evaluated and laws are wrought to ensure equity.

First Contact (83 BTF): The Illustrados make amicable yet cautious contact with the Free Tribes of the Mid-Atlantic region of the North American east coast (aka “Mid-Atla”). Initial meetings with the Templars fare far worse -- fortunately, the violence of that encounter does not escalate into war. The Illustrados Union decides to keep at arm’s length, for the purposes of peace and goodwill. A few Iglesia are allowed to travel to Mid-Atla to learn the local cultures, discover new technologies, and potentially proselytize. 

The War over Embers (93 BTF): Terrible monstrosities led by the sorcerous Harbingers invade from the west and ravage the Mid-Atlantic region. The vicious war against the remnants of humanity follows. The Illustrados Union is late to join, but they bring their technological prowess and Juracan-killing military to bear. The Iglesia join in a supporting role, helping finance the war effort and sending brave healers to the front lines.

The Armistice at Libertina (96 BTF): After six years of brutal war, Mid-Atla settles to a troubled peace after the Battle of the Broken Bell. From the Serpent River, Mariner gunships devastate the Harbinger Hosts while the Martilladors assist the Archfactions in a ground battle. A Tecnocracia explosive finishes off the last of the Harbingers and a treaty between the Templar, the Illustrados, and the Free Tribes is signed at the broken bell of Libertina City.

Current Day (99 BTF): Illustrados technology, people, and culture filter into Mid-Atla. The Illustrados leadership orders their mighty fleets back home, but threats and menaces surface or are reborn. The Illustrados keeps eyes, ears and influence in the region while minding the limitations set to them by the Armistice. With local permissions, the Iglesia Solar begins work in establishing monasteries and hospitals in the settlements of Mid-Atla. They also send emissaries and explorers to this new frontier. 

Important People and Groups

The Charioteers (aka Los Cocheros): An Illustrados subfaction of mariners, monster hunters, smugglers, and scavengers. They have banded together to ensure that their services are not only regulated but so that they can protect themselves from their employers and the Magistrados. 

The Free Tribes: A group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

Guaga (aka Recluses): A branch of the Magistrados known for their scouts, explorers, and emissaries. 

Guillermo Neal-Gibson: The leader of the team that created the first Metabionic Graft, which was used to save his dying Magistrados sister after the rescue of the Senate. 

The Iglesia Solar: An Ilustrados faction of clergyfolk, academics, and engineers. They are a major civic force that maintain many hospitals, orphanages, and schools. 

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess. 

Juan Pedro Rivero-Carreno (aka Santo Rivero, Santo Solar): A legendary and holy figure among the Iglesia Solar. Though he did not work alone, he is credited with founding the Church and nurturing it to its current strength.

Marisol Anna Celso-Malave (aka Marisol Celso): The genius behind the Celso Engine, a machine that is able to draw Magnetic Mana power from reagents. She is a storied hero among the Illustrados, even becoming a Cacique-General and leading the Union for a decade. 

Magistrados (aka Macana):  An Illustrados subfaction of soldiers, sailors, and scouts. They serve the whole of the Illustrados and are directed by the Cacique-General.

The Tecnocracia (aka Technocracy): An Illustrados subfaction occupied by wealthy investors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. They engage in banking, own several industries, reclaiming ancient tech, and investing in dangerous expeditions. 

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.

Iglesia Power Groups

Below are the five Power Groups that maintain and influence the Iglesia Solar: the Iglesiar Orders. Though united under the leadership of the Synodic Mirrors, these groups may have work as a whole for their faith and their cause.

Player Characters from the Iglesia Solar must belong to one of the groups and switching between Orders is a rare event. That said, every member of the Iglesiar Orders is meant to work with one another for the betterment of humanity. 

The Order of the Auroral Serpent: An Order of Crafters, Artists, and Ritualists skilled with the harmony of the elements and the synergy of different materials.

The Order of the Burning Gate: Gnostic and mystic followers of the Iglesia Solar, practitioners of magic and meditation.

The Order of the Giving Star: An order of Priests and Laity dedicated to healing the sick, feeding the poor, and sheltering the stricken. 

The Order of the Lucent Crown: This Order considers themselves students of the world around them. They are researchers, antiquarians, and scholars, each seeking the secrets of the natural world and the lores of humanity.

The Order of the Radiant Eagle: Priests and Laity of the Iglesiar dedicated to the protection of Solarites. 

The Order of the Auroral Serpent 

Starcatchers, Auroral Serpents

Wind and Rain, Earth and Flame

Easy to claim, hard to tame

Basic: An Order of Crafters, Artists, and Ritualists skilled with the harmony of the elements and the synergy of different materials.

Symbol: A feathered serpent with a head on each end. Lying horizontally, they curve upwards to hold a sun between their mouths. 

Territory: The Starcatchers have holdings and facilities across the Illustrados Union. Their prized holdings are several laboratories and workshops on the outskirts of Port-au-Jacques, in western Ayiti. These facilities take advantage of the economic infrastructure that has risen around the city-state, making certain materials and services easy to find. 

Overview: Amidst his “Visions”, Santo Rivero wrote of an awe-inspiring sight. In the sky, he saw a two headed serpent, feathered and flying. Wind and rain, earth and flame followed its wake across the heavens. Where it passed, darkness fled. When humanity took up and wielded the elements as their own, they dispelled the horrors of the Long Fall.

The Order of the Auroral Serpent understands that balance and temperance must exist for the world to function. Even conflicting forces can be made harmonious in skilled hands. With this in mind, the Starcatchers have made themselves learned in the ways of crafting and of magic. Of the latter, they focus on the Spheres of Infusion and Transmutation. Of the former, they have delved deep into the lores of creation -- to that end, their engineers and artificers produce items both mundane and wondrous for the Iglesia Solar and, on occasion, the Illustrados (for a price).

Supported by the sales of their services and goods, the Starcatchers’ products are in great demand from the rest of the Illustrados. They create fantastic devices and potent Elixirs, being the inventors of Apex-tech Elixirs. Most of their payment goes to the Iglesia Solar and the Starcatchers’ own costs, but the rest of it finances their love of their art. Whether it is crafting a weapon of precision and power or a stained glass depiction of a Rivero Vision, this drive commands a Starcatcher’s attention most of all. The Lucent Crowns may curate and operate museums, but the Auroral Serpents can make the art that draws folk to them. 

To an outsider, the Starcatchers themselves are difficult to distinguish from their brethren. Besides their humble brown and/or grey clothing, Many wear serpent-themed ornaments, such as belts, bracelets, torcs, and tiaras. This aesthetic extends to their Animus Crowns as well, though there are just as many Talismongers among the Starcatchers.

Leadership: Henrietta del Espejo is the Synodic Mirror of the Starcatchers, leading her Order for a little more than a decade. She was a genius among geniuses, but her experimental art and avant garde days are behind her. Henrietta has put her mind primarily to the management of her Order and ensuring that crafting quotas are met. 

While she no longer treads the edge of propriety (since she is now that boundary), the Starcatcher leader has made no small amount of effort toward growth and recruitment. She personally inspects new talent, especially the rising stars of the current generation. Those who impress her are given the fast track toward their own autonomy or what passes for it within the Church.

The Order of the Burning Gate

Keymakers, Burning Gates

In the dark beyond the stars, we are as dust --blessedly insignificant and free.

Basic: Gnostic and mystic followers of the Iglesia Solar, practitioners of magic and meditation.

Symbol: Two crossing lines with a small sun or a star in the center of each quadrant.

Territory: The Keymakers are primarily found in the Solar Cathedral and the Iglesiar Monastery atop the holy mountain. These individuals seek lives of simplicity and meditation, so they tend toward hallowed places or lonely ones. In smatterings, they can be found in other Iglesiar holdings, doing custodial work or other menial tasks.

Overview: When Santo Rivero first received his “Visions” at the holy mountain the first image he saw in his review was that of an ancient hound, with a crippled gait and a fiery key around its neck. The creature spoke in mysteries and riddles, leading him to a burning gate amidst sky and stars -- beyond it were the other Visions that he would write about. 

The Keymakers have the smallest roster among the Church, but they are no less important. The Order of the Burning Gate would name themselves after the portals he crossed but take after the Keeper of the Key. Through meditation, they allow knowledge, magic, and even the Whisper to possess them and grant them insight. The revelations given to them rock them to their core, altering their perspectives and giving them the strange reputation that they now have. 

Central to the Keymakers is the negation of the self, an odd extreme of the Humility Tenet. However, by accepting and knowing one’s limits and truths, there is freedom and power. While self-flagellation, fasting, and meditation are significant for the Keymakers, they can also easily be found during menial labors, even things that would be “below” most folk. They can be found doing custodial tasks, crafting simple tools, or braving brutal weather -- in this way, they lay themselves low and bring their perspectives closer to the truth. Visitors to an Iglesiar Church are often shocked to find that the person mopping the floors is actually a Beacon-Priest of the Burning Gate, the religious leader of the whole region. 

This enhanced perspective makes them especially good at the Spheres of Obfuscation and Transmutation, veiling or changing reality with their mind. Though Necrotheurgy is forbidden among the Iglesiar, the practice of Xenotheurgy is given little more than a passing glance because of its dangers. Not so for the Key Makers who willingly open their minds to hazardous enlightenment so that all may benefit from their sacrifices. 

The Burning Gates are easily identified by the keys they wear around their necks, often vestigial and lockless. They tend to be haggard individuals, their clothes weatherworn and flesh scarred by the elements (and flagellation). However, their eyes shine brightly with knowledge and hidden truths. Their Animancers’ Animus Crowns are often fractured and well worn, featuring hounds, gates, and flames. 

Leadership: One of the “Los Friyo” leads the Burning Gates as its Synodic Mirror: Virgil del Espejo. He is ancient, having managed the Order for the past three decades. He is powerful in the realm of magic, capable of incredible insight and arcane prowess. To some folk however, he seems to spend most of this prodigious strength on pranks. His skills in Obfuscation and Transmutation are used to “teach” other Iglesiar about the temporal nature of the world and the limits of their earthly perception -- oftentimes, the student does not know that they are being taught until the end.

As opposed to his predecessors, he can be very active. He takes trips to the Illustrados cities or to remote villages, to see the sights and to speak to strangers -- usually in a non-descript disguise. Rumors have it that he has even visited Mid-Atla, but he speaks nothing about it.

The Order of the Giving Star

Giving Stars, Lightbearers

We all grow beneath a loving sun

Basic: An order of Priests and Laity dedicated to healing the sick, feeding the poor, and sheltering the stricken. 

Symbol: A half disk representing a sunrise. In front of it are five upward-facing spears representing maize, each of differing heights. 

Territory: Puerto Vazquez is the cradle of the Iglesia Solar and it still holds some of its biggest hospitals and churches. The Giving Star has most of its people here, though they split their recruits between this city and the Solar Cathedral. Many things have changed since the founding of the Church, but the Illustrados going to the Giving Stars for healing and/or therapy has not.

Overview: According to Santo Rivero’s “Visions”, the Giving Star was a divinity of agriculture and vitality. Some believe that this divinity is an aspect of the Lucent Crown’s Whisper. Through the Giving Star’s blessings, humanity was able to grow their own food and survive the rigors of the world. Those who commune with the Giving Star are suffused with their warmth and their verve. 

The Order of the Giving Star mirrors the humanitarian actions of the Church’s founder and their patron Whisper. They are known for their rostering of hospitals, for sending healers to communities in need, and for researching techniques/advances in medicine. The Lightbearers’ churches and facilities feed and shelter the destitute of the Illustrados cities. They work with government programs to ensure that less and less folk slip through the cracks. The martially-skilled among them protect their fellows and their charges from harm, using Iglesiar technology and magics. 

The Giving Stars are focused on expanding their humanitarian work. This includes building more facilities (i.e. churches, shelters, clinics, etc), training more personnel, and gaining the cooperation of local governments. The donations from those they have helped (whether monetary, good, or service) support their operations, in addition to tithes from the faithful, the profits from their facilities, and the output of their farms.

While the Illustrados Union is not yet the utopia that they wish it was, the Giving Stars have grown into new horizons -- in particular, Mid-Atla. While the region’s people are far from helpless, the devastation of the Ember War has scarred and withered many communities. To these, the Lightbearers bring their help. They also teach these folk their methods, and their faith if requested. The presence of the other Archfactions benefits the Giving Stars as well: new magics and new perspectives await them in this frontier.   

Aesthetically, the Giving Stars can be identified from the rest of their brethren by the garlands they wrap around their person, whether neck, crown, waist or wrists. These are ornamental, not functional, but also serve to remind them of their Icon’s generous nature. Animancers of the Giving Star aesthetically reflect the patron of their order -- their Animus Crowns feature vines, leaves, and other botanical adornments. Unsurprisingly, Lightbearers tend toward the Restoration and Transmutation Spheres.

Leadership: Alejandrina “Drina” del Espejo is the Synodic Mirror of the Giving Stars, though she spent most of her life among the Charioteers. Weary of bloodshed and greed, she fell into a despondent sorrow until Alejandrina was found by the Iglesiar. She put aside her firearms and blades, throwing herself into the Order’s humanitarian work and finding new purpose therein. 

Her ascent was in relative quickness, due to the skills of her previous life and her own willingness to learn. Drina possesses the Chimeric Stigmata (Horned) but is not a Channeler, though she is a skilled healer and protector in her own way. 

The Order of the Lucent Crown

Sun-crowns, Lucent Crowns

The stars guide us to paths beyond our home, to new horizons and new knowledge.

Basic: This Order considers themselves students of the world around them. They are researchers, antiquarians, and scholars, each seeking the secrets of the natural world and the lores of humanity.

Symbol: A sun surrounded by swirling clouds. Above, below, and flanking it are four stars. 

Territory: The Lucent Crowns boast of universities, libraries, and museums in almost every city-state of the Illustrados. Sharpton in the Xaymaca island is known for its academic bent, not just for the Tecnocracia there but because of the Sun-crowns’ presence. Uncaring of rivalries or histories, the Sun-crowns willingly exchange knowledge with their contemporaries -- though they are careful not to reveal any Church secrets or plans. The Sun-Crowns are also looking to build a foothold in Mid-Atla, where they can better collate and study their discoveries. 

Overview: One of Santo Rivero’s “Visions” was of a powerful cosmic event -- the creation of the world. Emerging from shadows was a glowing figure that wrought the sun, the moon, stars, animals, and humanity itself. At the sight of his work and his majesty, the horrors of the dark quailed and retreated.

The Order of the Lucent Crown are thinkers, writers, and scriveners - just as their Icon wrought the world, so too do they wish to seek out his mysteries through science and Inquiry. Among the Orders, the Sun-Crowns are the least “religious”, focused more on physical items and events. They view their Icon as a passive entity, compared to the prior incarnations of his mythos -- after forging the heavens and the earth’s inhabitants, he aids only on rare occasions. Instead of providing his followers with knowledge, he has given them the ability to divine the truth of the world.

As academics, the Sun-Crowns are often found in universities, libraries, museums, and in classrooms. Paper and ink are close friends of theirs as they catalog, categorize, and analyze the mysteries of the world. Though teaching and scholastica are their main sources of income, they can also be found outside academia. In the Iglesia’s name, they take part in research expeditions and foreign exchanges . They are eager to learn -- whether from Delving into a Pre-Fall ruin or learning lores from another Archfaction’s academics. Indeed, contact with Mid-Atla and the other groups has only keened their interests, as have the discovery of the Harbinger and the unknown magics that they wield. It is believed that the Lucent Crowns may have begun their exploration of the Outer Spheres beyond this reality, though only they know for certain.

Lucent Crowns are distinguished by their headbands and similar ornamentations. This is more often made of silk rather than metal, though the Psionic among them like wearing headbands that elaborate on their Kha. Amidst their humble attire, they will have notebooks, papers, and other writing implements. The Sun-Crowns’ Animus Crowns feature several stars or gems -- these reflect the celestial bodies that are their Icon’s loftiest creations. Befittingly, these Channelers are usually skilled in the Spheres of Detection and Transmutation. 

Leadership: The current Arbitro del Sinodo is Alphonso Aguilar del Espejo, a Psion respected for his prudence and his skill in Talismanic magics. While politically neutral, he is also the leader of the Lucent Crowns. He is not particularly spiritual, though he is well versed in philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and theology. The Synodic Arbiter pushes for the implementation of the new sciences over the veneration of spirits. 

The new frontier of Mid-Atla has piqued his interest, as it has for many among his Order. To that end, he has voted for several expeditions into this foreign land as well as the building of Iglesian Churches there. He was initially met with intense pushback from the other Synodic Mirrors, but their stances have softened since.

The Order of the Radiant Eagle

Radiant Eagles, Firehawks

Do not mistake kindness for weakness. Even the distant sun can burn.

Basic: Priests and Laity of the Iglesiar dedicated to the protection of Solarites. 

Symbol: A spread-winged eagle in front of a sun disk. Sometimes, this is a warrior with an eagle’s head.

Territory: The Iglesiar Orders have holdings and personnel in the Solar Cathedral, but not as many as the Radiant Eagles. They consider the Cathedral to be their prime training ground and send out their sentinels from this hallowed place. They also have garrisons and guardians in other parts of the Illustrados Union -- any place that has Iglesiar within it can expect at least a few Firehawks to guard them from harm or keep an eye on them for wrong doing.

Overview: The Radiant Eagle is said to be the aspect of a bloodthirsty god of battle. In Santo Rivero’s “Visions” however, he wielded his war club and spear not as a conqueror but as a protector. When Santo Rivero was beset by horrors in his dreams, the Radiant Eagle swept the enemy away like an avenging angel time and time again. Once a divinity of kings and rulership, this Whisper became the paragon of Loyalty -- of devotion of one individual to another. 

As with their Solarite Icon, the Order of the Radiant Eagle are the most martially inclined of the Iglesiar. They are faithful and unswerving protectors of the Iglesiar, standing toe to toe against the enemy to ensure the safety of their brethren. Not content to be mere shields, Radiant Eagles are also leaders in battle and overseers of labor -- with word and wit, they bring out the best in people.

In a similar vein, Firehawks are also tasked with dealing with the worst in people. This refers not just only with the horrors of battle but in seeking out wrongdoing, especially between Iglesiar. In the latter affairs, the Firehawks are tasked with creating the ideal situation where guilt can be proven or disproven, which means pacification or containment of volatile factors. This role of defense and policing is a difficult one to tread because of the potential for abuse. Though thankfully rare, there have been  times where their procedures and even leadership had to be overhauled. 

The Radiant Eagles of the current era remain an honored and prestigious Order within the Church. However, with the growth of the Church also comes challenges to their office. This Order adapts with changes to policy, upgrades to equipment, and recruiting more personnel. On the other hand, this is a struggle against this seeming arms race. Due to their distance and their novelty, the few Mid-Atla facility of the Iglesia suffer the worst of these shortages.

The Firehawks are easily identified by those in the know. They are the Iglesiar that wear armor, bear weaponry, and watch over their brethren. Some adorn their pauldrons, gloves or bracers with red or orange feathers, as their namesake. Their Animancers wear Animus Crowns with a similar aesthetic, on occasion including a hooked beak. Channelers among the Radiant Eagles tend toward the protective powers of the Infusion Sphere or the insightful abilities of the Detection Sphere.

Leadership: Cuauhtémoc “Cuau” del Espejo has only been a Synodic Mirror for five years and is the youngest among his peers. He is beloved of his Order, having performed feats of heroism during the Ember War that claimed his predecessor. 

Cuau serves his Order and his Church now from the back, rather than the front. This means he is able to spend more time with his husband and daughters. Furthermore, this gives him a better view of logistics and bureaucracy. Admittedly, he would only be a mediocre administrator were it not for his spouse’s insight -- Some believe that his promotion was because of his popularity. 

Iglesia Society

The first images that come to mind regarding the Iglesiars are their priests and their healers. However, behind and beyond these individuals are a constellation of laborers, researchers, overseers, and leaders that ensure the operation of the Church. Similarly, this organization is not simply supported by tithes and donations (service, good, or monetary) -- the Iglesiar have farms, hospitals, universities, crafters, and traders that allow for a steady income and for their infrastructure’s growth. 

The Iglesiar Orders

The Iglesia Orders are five divisions within the Church with their own specialties. Each is founded by Santo Rivero’s five greatest students and tied to one of the five Solarite Icons. This ensures that the Church is not united by one singular perspective but several. There are sometimes rivalries between them, but each Order works with the others to fulfill the Church’s overall goal of assisting in the redemption and prosperity of humanity. 

With the exception of the Solar Cathedral, Iglesiar holdings are dominated by one Order over the influence of the rest. This can be changed by Synodic decree or other changes in personnel. 

Social Strata

The organization of the Iglesia Solar is also divided into two halves: the priests (clergy) and lay persons (laity). The former is considered to have greater authority over the other. 

Furthermore, the Church also contains several tiers of authority. At the very top is the Solar Synod with the Synodic Mirrors and Synodic Arbiter that comprise its ranks. On the foundational tier of the Church are the Novitiate Laity and the Candle-Acolytes. 

Starting Title and Ranks: 

Iglesia Solar: Below are the ranks and titles of the clergy within the Iglesia Solar.

  • Candle-Acolyte (La Vela) : Every novice among the Iglesia starts as a candle, bringing light to the world.

  • Torch-Priest (La Tea): From the dim light of a candle, an Iglesian priest can become a blazing torch. These individuals are more experienced and senior than their Candle-Acolyte kindred.

  • Flame-Priest (La Hoguera): Bringing the light and warmth of knowledge are the Hoguera, the apostles of the Iglesia. 

  • Beacon-Priest (El Faro): Beacon Priests shine their radiance across an entire area, leading the local clergy and laity. This rank and above are for NPCs and retired PCs only.

  • Synodic Mirror (El Espejo Solar): Sometimes called Espejo del Sinodo, these Priests lead their Iglesiar Orders and direct the Iglesia Solar as a whole. 

  • Synodic Arbiter (Arbitro del Sinodo): This is one of the Synodic Mirrors, in a slightly higher role than their peers to ensure a quicker discussion or decision making. During times of indecision or deadlock, the Arbiter makes the deciding call. 

Laicado Solar: The Laity or secular branch of the Iglesia Solar are an important part of the organization. These are not required to fulfill the inner vows and oaths of the clergy and they assist the Iglesia in their duties and their routines. Some are soldiers or bodyguards that are aligned with the Iglesia.

  • Novitiate (Novato): These are the apprentices and novices among the Laity and they are students of their particular areas of expertise, but not necessarily without skill. 

  • Practical (Percial): These are individuals of skill and talent who are considered professions and experts of their fields and/or crafts. 

  • Master (Maestro): These are individuals of mastery in their fields and/or craft.  


In the beginning, the Church was comprised primarily of recruits and converts from the Illustrados. With the passing of time, laity and clergy brought new life into the fold. 

Currently, the Church gets new members from within and outside the Illustrados. Those born to the Iglesia are given a chance to join when they reach adulthood. Before they make this decision, however, they are first educated and raised. Their instruction is in letters, history, artistry, physicality, and meditation. They are given some chores and responsibility, but they are also given leisure and freedom. 

When these children become adults, they are given a year (aka the Worldly Year) to experience life beyond the Church walls. Only half of these folk return to the Church’s ascetic and disciplined life — the others seek out employment with the government or the private sector… perhaps even go on adventures with the Charioteers. Their choices are respected unless they choose unlawful pursuits, and their families continue to lend them some support in their lives.

Those who return or join the clergy or the laity undergo training and additional instruction according to their station and duties. Individuals are only allowed to join the clergy if they are able to spiritually grasp the concepts of the Church, swear the necessary vows, and pass the necessary tests of their faith -- this is not connected to one’s magical ability, the clergy and laity both have arcane and mundane folk in its ranks.

When they have finished their training as Novitiates, they are able to choose the Iglesiar Order that they want to join. Many claim that they are guided by fate and faith -- the Order chooses them instead.

Stigmata in the Iglesia Solar: All are welcome to serve in the light of the Iglesia Solar, regardless of their appearance or origin. As the organization’s foundations are deeply rooted in magic, many within the clergy are blessed with Stigmata. The Illustrados islands feature slightly more Seraphs than any other Bloodline Stigmata, so this tendency is shown among the ranks of the Church.

While many would be unnerved by the Risen, the legendary deeds of Santo Rivero have removed the stigma of the condition. Continental folk are occasionally aghast at the high number of  Necrotic followers of the faith, wielding light that does no small amount of discomfort upon themselves. 

While Eidolons are almost non-existent among the faith, a growing number of Metabionic individuals are joining the Church.Many of these folk have been disillusioned and worn down by their new state and seek the enlightenment and peace brought by prayer and meditation. 

Laws and Punishments

When clergy or laity err, they are given lessons by their superiors or their councilors. However, when errors are of criminal magnitude, then castigation and sanctions must occur. 

As one expects, the Church of the Redeemed Sun holds its people to high standards. This means not only cleaving to the five Solarite Virtues, but also avoiding the five Solarite Sins: Apathy, Desire, Hatred, Pride, and Treachery. For the philosophical Iglesiar and their fellow Solarites, these abstract failings are the cause of human suffering and divine abandonment -- the crimes and atrocities committed by humanity are the symptoms of a spiritual lack.

Regardless of their beliefs in the philosophical, the Iglesiar know all too well that the physical is all too important. Just as they bring food and shelter to the needy, they must bring discipline and justice to the guilty. 

All Orders are empowered in enacting justice and protecting their people, but the Radiant Eagles are specialized in subduing and containing threats, in addition to defending their fellows from harm. To that end, these Iglesiars are trained in martial skill, conditioned for physical strength, and instructed in discerning details. The other clergy call upon them for more complex, volatile, or difficult situations -- including those circumstances that involved non-Solarites. The Radiant Eagles then pacify and bring safety to the situation via several means -- including necessary violence. 

Those who commit grave offenses to the life, property, or spirit of their fellow person are remanded to the law of the locals. If these wrongs are committed within the domains of the Church, committed by a Church member, or if there is no law around -- the Iglesiars take the law into their own hands. They tend toward mercy rather than misery. However, their expertise with technology and magic means that wrongdoers may find themselves staring down the barrel of a Siege Caster or a Flame spell, especially when the Radiant Eagles get involved.

Typically punished are the following:

  • Sins against Life : willful murder, assault, [outside of self-defense/sanctioned war), torture

  • Sins against Property: theft, arson, denying the Church their due (Iglesiar only)

  • Sins against Spirit: willful murder, torture, magical misuse, blasphemy/defilement

Punishments: The Iglesiar prefer moving harm away rather than inflicting it, though violence is sometimes necessary to save lives.

  • Counseling: For lesser Sins and crimes, the Iglesiar prefer to speak to the offender and guide them away from their wrongs. After this counsel, the individual is watched and put on probation for three months to a year -- the expectation is that they learn their lesson. Failure to repent may incur a greater punishment

  • Service: For those whose actions have caused some harm, the Iglesiar may have them repair the damage or do good to offset the evil they have done. This is meant to be difficult but meditative and reflective of their actions. This may mean doing hard labor for a community or for a wronged family. Service may last months to a year or more. A refusal to do this or a failure to maintain this drops the offender to the next level of sanction.

  • Flagellation: The Iglesiar do not favor this, for it is unsightly. However, acts of mortification occasionally prove to bring a closed mind to an open state. The offender is given a rod and is tasked with striking themselves with a disciplinary flail or rod. This is done in a designated public place while the priesthood observes and guides the punishment. These strikes may be paired with an announcement of guilt/the crime and/or a prayer. They continue occurring until the individual falls senseless (0 HP) or until stopped by the observing clergy.

  • Banishment (Iglesiar only): When all methods have failed or are refused, an individual is banished from Iglesiar lands. This is a temporary punishment and they are allowed to return after a period of time (1-10 years) if they have proven to have redeemed themselves. However, this can be a death sentence if an individual is sent into the wilds. This is only done by Iglesiar to their former peers. Offenders that return before they are allowed to may be slain or driven away again.

  • Exile: When an act is so heinous that there is no forgiveness, then an individual is exiled from the Iglesiar and their territories, never to return. In some extreme cases, an offender may be allowed to return after a legendary and/or great deed that reflects their growth and redemption. Offenders that return outside of such a case may be slain or driven away again.

  • Execution: When all other methods have failed or when an individual is worthy of this punishment, the Iglesiar will execute an offender. This is a rare occurrence. It typically involves immolation, drowning, and burial, in that order. Within Iglesian holdings, they may perform rituals that untether a soul from this world and free it to the afterlife, preventing most forms of Revival.  


Catedral de la Sol Orden (Solarite Cathedral): This is the major stronghold of the Iglesia Solar, built upon a holy site in the Yucatan. Those who wish to join the order must spend at least several months, if not years, training and learning there. Believed to a powerful nexus of magical energies, it is heavily guarded by magic and soldiers.

Ciudad Juanita: The Illustrados capital of Cuidad Juanita (and thus the seat of the Senate) is located on the island of Puerto-del-Encanto (aka Boriken). The Iglesia have several prominent holdings here, including a museum for the arts and a hospital specializing in healing magics. Naturally, the Iglesia’s presence here also has the function of providing spiritual comfort to politicians who need succor.

El Vedado: Coabana island houses the city-state of Vedado (sometimes called El Vedado). This is one of the bigger and more influential powers in the Illustrados Union, to the point that it almost became the Archfaction’s capital. This Vedado features the least amount of the Iglesia’s holdings, with the majority of these being in the countryside and satellite towns.

Puerto Vazquez: This city-state dominates the eastern portion of Ayiti island and is a founding member of the Illustrados. It is a powerhouse of agriculture and mining. It is also near the birthplace of the Iglesia Solar, having cradled its first moments mere decades after the Long Fall. Despite moving their headquarters to the mainland, the Iglesia Solar still have great influence in this area - many of the first hospitals, schools, and other civic holdings have been open here since the Church’s beginnings.

Port-au-Jacques:  A western city-state on the island of Ayiti and a founding member of the Illustrados, it is known for its technological and military developments as well as heavy Tecnocracia influence. The Iglesia have little influence here, mostly remnants of their growth from Puerto Vazquez in the east. The exceptions to this are several Iglesia laboratories that take advantage of the technological infrastructure of the city-state. 

Sharpton: The city-state of Sharpton in Xaymaca island is one of the great educational centers in the Union, second only to Ciudad Juanita. The academics of the Iglesia Solar maintain a presence here, working alongside more secular scholars. 

 Iglesian Religion and Rites

Iglesian Faith

While individuals in the Church’s Orders are called Iglesiar, those who follow the Redeemed Suns’ faith are called Solarites (Solaria in the Illustrados tongue). Not all Solarites are Iglesiar -- most are Illustrados in the government, private sector, or abroad. Some Solarites are individuals outside the Union who have found solace in the Redeemer faith. 

On the other hand, the Iglesiar are workers within the church. Not all Iglesiar are clergy -- some are layfolk who support and/or guard the Church. A custodian, bureaucrat, or sentry may be a layperson. 

Ordination makes an individual into a member of the clergy. This rite is a hallowed one, rooted in the blessings given to Santo Rivero and to other holy figures in pre-Fall and post-Fall history. The shamanic practices of the past have been written down and forged into the current traditions of the Church -- just as the oral tellings of Santo Rivero’s “Visions” were writ into scripture and dogma. 

  • Iglesia Solar, Redeemers, Solarites/Solaria

    OVERVIEW: Primarily known as the Iglesia Solar, the Church of the Redeemed Sun is a faith focused on charity, selflessness, and meditative prayer. Dedicated to several solar divinities, it has become a philosophical and spiritual religion that is focused on self-improvement and contemplation. Many scientists and engineers subscribe to it and are contributors to the church as an organization. Indeed, it is their contribution and their civic minded advances that have won them many adherents among the peoples of the Caribbean and the Illustrados.

    As per the written Visions of “Santo Rivero”, the Church is guided by five Wildling Whispers. Each is a reflection of a syncretized figure from the old mythos of the region. They also inspired the five Solaric Virtues and the five Solaric Sins. Though the Church worships them as a whole, each has its own specific portofolio.. Most folk dedicate themselves to one of the Icons.

    — Auroral Serpent: As a two-headed feathered serpent with a sun in its mouths, this Whisper controls winds, water, earth, and flames. He is associated with Harmony.

    — Burning Gate: An intermediary between humanity and the eldritch. Those who look unto infinity are reminded of humanity’s insignificance and the folly of the self. He is associated with Humility.

    — Giving Star: Brought warmth, and agriculture to humanity so he is associated with maize or similar crops. Through him, folk were able to prosper and thrive. He is associated with Charity.

    — Lucent Crown: Enthroned on a mountain and wielding cosmic power, he created celestial bodies, animals, and humanity, bringing light and balance to the world. He is associated with Inquiry.

    — Radiant Eagle: Associated with bravery, fierceness, and rulership. Though he used to be a divinity of kings, he is now a Whisper associated with Loyalty.

    SYMBOL: A stone sunburst surrounded by 5 stars or circles. Many Solarites carry a sun themed medallion with at least 5 large beads, representing a Tenet. Shrines feature clay statues or graven images of a Solaric Icon.

    SHRINE TYPES: Hallowed Shrines built to the Iglesia Solar are varied according to Solaric Icon that it is built to

    — Auroral Serpent: Ancestral, Storm

    — Burning Gate: Ancestral, Deep

    — Giving Star: Pyre, Verdant

    — Lucent Crown: Ancestral, Verdant

    — Radiant Eagle: Primal, Pyre

    TENETS: Below are the commandments of the Iglesia Solar, which follow their philosophical and contemplative perspective of the world.

    — Charity/Caridad: The Sun is radiant and ever giving. So should it be that we too give of ourselves to those in need.

    — Humility/Reflexion: Just as the Sun reflects and illuminates all, so too must we reflect and study our memories and surroundings to see the truth in things and beyond ourselves.

    — Inquiry/Curiosidad: New and old sciences await our minds in the darkness of ignorance. We must seek them out through study and learning.

    — Loyalty/Pureza: A Solarite is beloved of family and of friend, seeking to protect them against harm and nurture them to greatness.

    — Harmony/Templanza: In deed and in word, a Solarite must be measured and balanced in their efforts.

    SINS AND ATONEMENTS: A sin in the eyes of the Iglesia Solar is a stumbling block against redemption and enlightenment. They also represent the baser natures of humanity that must be overcome in order for societal and spiritual harmony. Atonement for committing a sin is usually in the form of guided meditation at a monastery or a campus, though actual crimes against society and humanity are given up to the authorities. Some fringe sects of the Iglesia suggest self-flagellation, meditative starvation, or similarly extreme practices.

    — Apathy/Desidia: Ignorance is said to be the first sin but the true wrong is continuing in it. Solarites must hone their minds with study, practice, and charity

    — Desire/Codicia: While fire burns whatever it can reach, Solarites must be above all such attachments to money, power, and flesh.

    — Hatred/Odio: The Redeemed Sun must avoid the poisons of hatred and of wanton violence. While one’s own defense cannot be ignored, actions must be tempered with need and caution.

    — Pride/Orgullo: The Redeemed Sun is ever burning of itself. Know that there is more to the world than one’s self and that the self is but one star in a cosmos of infinity.

    — Treachery/Traición: The Redeemed Sun illuminates but never blinds. So too must a Solarite avert their words and deeds from deception and oath breaking.

    WORSHIPERS: The Iglesia Solar is the biggest religion of the Illustrados Union, with a few adherents and followers among the peoples of the Mid-Atlantic region.

    Its worshippers are called Solaria in the Caribbean but Mid-Atlantic calls them Solarites. These pious folk tithe and attend the Church organization, which is peopled by both priests and engineers that live in their monastery-campuses. The former are ministers of rite and of people, some are skilled in healing while others are skilled in counseling or in teaching.

    CLERGY: The priests and ritualists of the Iglesia Solar are a deeply civic class of people. Their campuses are not only for meditation and prayer, but they also feature universities, libraries, laboratories, clinics, hospitals, soup kitchens, and orphanages among their holdings across the Illustrados Union.

    These clergyfolk are often called “La Tea” (pronounced Lah Teh-Yah), even though the term technically only applies to the second rank of the priesthood. They are just as often called Redeemers in Mid-Atla due to their philanthropic work.

    LEADERSHIP: The Sinodo del Sol (the Solar Synod) provides the leadership of the Iglesia, whether in their headquarters on the Yucatan Peninsula, on the Illustrados islands, or even far afield in Mid-Atla. The five individuals that make it up deliberate and decide on Iglesian policy, on Iglesian dogma, and on major tribunals. These Espejo del Sinodo (eng. “Mirrors of the Synod) are led by one of their own, called an Arbitro who administers discussion and debate, only lending their vote in ties.

    The current Arbitro del Sinodo is Alphonso Aguilar del Espejo, a Psion respected for his prudence and his skill in Talismanic magics. While politically neutral, he is known to be of the Lucent Crown Order - they focus on the implementation of the new sciences over the veneration of spirits.

Creation Myth

The Iglesia Solar is a faith of reflection, meditation, and self-improvement. It also has roots in several pre-fall faiths, the spiritual guides to a new era of religion. 

The founding of the Church lies less with those pre-Fall faiths than it does with the Visions of Santo Rivero. This legendary figure suffered crucible and trial in the holy mountains above Puerto Vazquez. Instead of dying, he survived these perils and emerged with dreams and nightmares in his mind.

In “Visions”, he beheld myriad spectacles and revelations. Some of these were of the divinities that would be the Solaric Orders’ foundations. Others were of things that would come to pass if the Illustrados and humanity did not band together against the horrors of the Long Fall. Some of the Visions were of the creation of the world, viewed with a lens obscure by the limitations of humanity -- these events were multitudinous and conflicting. But all of them spoke of a humanity wrought by the gods (whether by accident or on purpose), of countless ages of strife, and of a new frontier that awaited the faithful and the just. 

Prominent among the Visions (and frequently portrayed in Church literature and ornamentation) is Santo Rivero sitting in meditation (or prone and in pain) surrounded by five suns. This image would form the symbol of the faith: a sun orbited by five spheres. 

Life Rites

Birth Rite -- Earth and Sky

While it is not universal, it is tradition in many communities that a parent give birth indoors and present their child to the sky immediately afterward. Some communities have a cave wherein such a rite is performed while others style their hospital’s maternity ward or their own birthing room in such a fashion, with a nearby window for the Sky portion of the rite. Some say that this presentation resembles the bringing of life and light from a time of darkness. Others claim that this rite is an ancient one with a mythic history. The Iglesia Solar assists in the propagation of this rite, though they tend to elaborate on the Sky portion by ensuring that the extended family of the parent is there (with the parent’s consent). 

The wealthier members of the Illustrados follow this happening with a feast for all attendees, in a different room during the next day. The child is presented as a new member of the family and to the community. The expectation is that the food be of different animals and varieties, with no dish being replicated. This practice has filtered down to the other social classes, who make do with their own smaller, private celebrations.  

Adulthood -- Spirit Hunt

In the myriad communities of the Illustrados Union, one rite that the majority subscribes to is the Spirit Hunt. When a group of children reach the age of 18, their guardians take them into the wilderness or a remote but secure area. The children are then unleashed for one whole day with the goal of catching an animal 

The Spirit Hunt is muddled by history and obfuscated by local traditions. In Puerto del Encanto, it is said that the caught animal will grant a blessing to its catcher. In Ayiti island, such animals are slain in a hunt so that their aspect strengthens the hunter. In Caubano island, the animal’s spirit will aid the adolescent in their direst moments. In some parts of the mainland, the animal is slain and its skin is worn so that it protects its slayer’s soul from misfortune.

Ultimately, the would-be adults craft a unique mask called a Cara. This resembles the animal they connected with -- and they carry it everywhere with them, remaking it if they lose it. Taking or destroying someone else’s Cara is disrespectful, marking the thief or vandal as someone that cannot be trusted.

With the advance of years and the mists of antiquity, this rite has changed and lost most of its meaning from its original form. Its sanctity has fallen on the wayside. Wealthy adolescents go on safaris and are assisted by hirelings, coming back with exotic and highly esteemed Cara (e.g. jaguars,  or eagles) or even parafauna Cara. Impoverished folk make do with rats, crows, and other scavengers.

Ordination -- Seek out the Sun

A Solarite that wishes to join the clergy must undergo months, if not years of study under the Iglesia. This training is done at the Solar Cathedral, at a university, or in the hands of another Solarite Priest. The route to being a Candle-Priest is one that takes patience, discipline, and commitment. Depending on the Order that one wishes to follow, much is expected of the would-be Novitiate.

  • Auroral Serpent: Path of Harmony -- Crafting something out of Earth/Metal, Rain/Water, Wind/Lightning, and Flame/Sun.

  • Burning Gate: Path of Humility -- eschew most comforts and trappings, keeping only what is necessary. Through research and/or magic open one’s self to the infinities beyond this reality.

  • Giving Star: Path of Charity -- give away all but your most precious possessions. You will be sent to help those in need and/or in dire peril.

  • Lucent Crown: Path of Inquiry  -- Through intense research, experimentation, investigation, or exploration. Discover a secret truth about the world, an alternate form of a spell, and/or create a thing of great wonder/beauty.

  • Radiant Eagle: Path of Loyalty -- Defend Solarites against peril. Conquer those who would attack the faithful. Weed out corruption within the Church.

After the would-be Novitiate performs these tasks, they are ordained by a Beacon-Priest (or higher) into the Church of the Redeemed Sun. 

Marriage -- Joining of Sea and Sky

Weddings among the Illustrados are loud affairs filled with family and friends. There is typically a short rite, ministered by clergy (and of a higher position if either celebrant is also clergy). The minister assists the marrying couple in their declaration of love and affection for each other. In some of the Illustrados, they are styled as the earth and sky coming together while they are the sun and moon or sea and sky in others. Tokens of love are then exchanged, such as rings or amulets. This rite is followed by raucous celebration, with singing, dancing, hired entertainment and the like.

It is common to add local customs to one’s wedding. Some among the Keymakers appease the spiritual world with the ritual sacrifice of an animal or the controlled destruction of a treasured possession. Others ensure that certain foods are served or offered to the heavens during the feasting portion of the ceremony. Among the Suncrowns and Lightbearers, a single bite of meat and a single bite of vegetable is exchanged in addition to the marital tokens.

Funeral -- Return to Earth

Ideally, the deceased members of the Solarites are ritually cremated according to Church tradition. Their surviving bones are ground into the ash and placed in a funerary gourd, typically hung on a wall or placed upon a hallowed portion of a household. The cremation itself is a solemn one, where prayers for the spirit’s wellbeing and eulogies of the deceased’s deeds are performed. Preparation of the body and management of the ceremony is primarily done by the priesthood, with assistance from the family. 

For those who have served the Church in a legendary capacity, their funerary gourds are interred in the Solar Cathedral’s catacombs (maintained by the Keymakers). With the family’s permission, they are placed among the other holy folk and legends where they may watch over the faith and guide the future toward humanity’s true destiny. 

The Hallowed Sunrise

This is a winter holiday preceded by a month of fasting (having only one big meal a day). This commemorates the descent of Santo Rivero from the holy mountain to Puerto Vazquez. It is believed that he arrived back in town just as the sun rose from the horizon. 

After a short ceremony wherein his “Visions” are read aloud and reflected upon, the remainder of the day is spent on feasting and festivities. Despite the name, the ceremony no longer occurs at the dawning of the sun but at noon, when the day is warmest. 

The Hallowed Sunset

One of the fall holidays of the Illustrados is the “Hallowed Sunset”. Occurring in early November, this is a time of reflection for those that have passed and a celebration of their deeds. During the day hours, it is prayer and reflection. At night, this turns into songs, dance, and feasting loud enough for the dead to know that they are remembered.

View of the Afterlife

In ancient times, each faith had their own beliefs on what happened after death. In the time after the Long Fall however, it is known that the spirits of the dead linger after their passing. Near the time of death, they can even be detected by the perceptive. However, as time goes on, one’s spiritual essence fades into intangibility until there is nothing left of it.

With the fracturing of reality and of belief, the gods that once held reign over what happened to the dead have lost their power after the Long Fall. The official belief of the Church is that these spirits pass on to a life beyond this one, neither heavenly or hellish. That said, evil deeds can warp the spirits of their doers, tethering them to this world and turning them into monstrous specters. Bats and owls are considered fell omens and resembled these fell entities.

View of Magic

Solarites see magic as a gift of the Solaric Icons. For most of the Church, spellcraft is an ability that is “natural” for post-Fall humanity, though it is a Skill easier and/or more accessible for some than others. What differs from one Order to another is how this magic is harnessed, the Starcatchers and the Suncrowns harness conflicting and harmonious energies to weave their whims unto reality. For Lightbearers and Firehawks, magic is wrought by a matter of will and emotions, whether it is nurturing compassion or a protector’s fury. Keymakers differ from their fellows in that their Arcana is literally secret lores and/or metaphysical loopholes that they have obtained by their own meditations on cosmic truth.

With these methodologies and the Solaric Tenets in mind, it is little wonder that most Solarite Arcanists follow the Animantic tradition — specifically the Shamanic perspective of it. The Talismanic tradition is used by more than a few Starcatchers and Suncrowns. The Diabolic tradition is largely unseen among the Iglesiar though it is suspected that some Keymakers use it, instructed in its access by their enigmatic Icon.

In a similar vein, the Order of the Burning Gate are also the only Igesiar users of the Xenotheurgic Anchor. This allows their minds to peer into the maddening chaos between worlds and use their insights to enhance their magic. The rest of the faith adheres to Deotheurgy, while Necrotheurgy is taboo - its association with darkness and death is believed to blight one’s soul permanently. Only the eccentric Keymakers would dare endanger their divine gift.