Infusion Sphere
Infuser, Abjurer
Image by Nicco Salonga
The Sphere of Infusion lies where etheric energies and the physical world meet. This Sphere concerns itself primarily with the investiture of energies onto an item, resulting in a weapon inflicting great damage or even one’s armor deflecting lethal attacks. Invest in this Sphere if:
You want a defensive magic user whose close allies are rarely wounded.
You want like to play proactive support characters with some flexibility rather than reactive healers
You want to play a magical bodyguard, an armored caster,, or a shield mage.
Relevant Rules:
Resolve: PCs may be imbued with Resolve. This is like HP except it is depleted first when damage occurs. Whenever you gain Resolve, you take the new value or your old one -- you never add them together. Similarly, when you gain Lasting Resolve, you use the new value or the old one but never add them together with itself or with normal Resolve.
Basic Skills
Infuse Armor: Grant Resolve to yourself or an ally.
Infuse Item: Disarm a basic Device or a Conjuration
Infuse Material: Negate a Sunder attempt or partially repair armor
Infusion Adept (ATN): Attune yourself to the Infusion Sphere
Complex Skills
Infuse Form (Ritual; ATN): Infuse your clothing, magical runes/trinkets with energy.
Infuse Shield: Infuse a shield momentarily, defending an ally from attack.
Infuse Weapon: Infuse a weapon or ammunition so that it strikes with potency.
Intensified Infusion (ATN): Gain additional benefits with the Infusion Adept skill
Erudite Skills
Infuse Ground: Infuse the ground you stand on to strike at multiple targets
Infuse Structure (Ritual): Infuse a weapon or a structure to ward it
Master of Imbuement (1/E): This is the mastery skill for the Infusion Sphere
Shielding Aspect (ATN): Assume a protective aspect, enhancing your defenses
Sorcerous Barrier (1/P): Infuse a shield, defending up to 5 allies from attack.
(Basic Infusion; Active-Focus, Resolve, Spell)
The iconic spell of the Infusion Sphere, Infuse Armor allows you to suffuse yourself or another person with protective energies that absorb damage.
Step 1: Designate an ally (or yourself) that is wearing armor or wielding a shield.
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Armor, Resolve 3”.
Step 4: Choose one of the options below:
— Option 1 — This grants you 3 points of Resolve. You need to be wearing any Armor and/or wielding any Shield to benefit from this spell.
— Option 2 - Grant “Resolve 3” upon an ally. They need to also fulfill the material requirements of the spell.
(Basic Infusion; Active-Focus, Disarm Device, Dispel Conjuration, Spell)
This spell allows you to infuse destructive energies into an item that you touch, sundering it or rendering it inoperable. Its primary utility is in disarming devices (e.g locks, traps) or conjured magics -- individuals with this skill set are called “Lockpicks”. Using this spell is outlined below:
Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature
Step 2: Perform EConc-30 while remaining within reach
Step 3: Invoke one of the options below depending on the item for a specific effect:
-- Option 1: “Basic Disarm” -- This will disarm Basic Devices (e.g. Basic locks or traps)
-- Option 2: “Sunder” -- this inflicts a Sunder on a Workshop, a Weapon, or a Shield, Only its very basic functions are active and it can’t be used for Skills (e.g Parry, Smite, etc)
-- Option 3: “Disrupt Conjuration” -- This dispels most Conjurations and can drive a targeted Spirit away for 10 minutes. This can also deactivate a beneficial ATN and render it inert, although resting will reactivate it.
-- Option 4: Mangle Wound” -- This inflicts the Mangle effect on the touched limb. Wound effects persist until a Cure Wounds effect removes them..
Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.
Cooperative Effort: If you work together with another Lockpick or a Versatile Artisan to Disarm a Device, you can declare that you are cooperating with them. This functions as the process above except that you collectively designate the action’s leader -- they invoke the Conc count, halting if any of you are disrupted.. This lowers the count to iConc-10 or EConc-10
(Basic Infusion; Active-Focus, Sunder-defense, Patch Armor, Spell)
This spell allows you to sheathe a weapon with protective energies or shore up the protection of damaged armor. This is reflected in the options below:
Option 1: Quick Patch Armor
Step 1: Designate a target (or yourself) that is wearing armor
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Material, quick patch”
Step 4: This grants the target the Quick Patched status. They may expend this status by invoking “Patch Aegis”, defending themselves as per the use of an unaugmentable Aegis. If unused, Quick Patch dissipates after 10 minutes or when the current combat finishes.
Option 2: Reinforce Weaponry
Step 1: Touch a weapon or shield
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Material -- Reinforced 10 minutes”
Step 4: The item gains the following effect — Clarify this to its wielder if needed:
The weapon or shield that you touch acts as though it has the Reinforced Weapon Augment for the next 10 minutes, allowing its wielder to invoke “No Effect” when it is subjected to a Sunder effect. It can only be Sundered if it is hit by 2 such effects within 10 seconds of each other or by a “Master Sunder”
(Basic Infusion; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)
This skill allows an Infuser to attune themselves to the Infusion Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing their spells -- allowing more frequent use of them. Activating this skill is outlined below:
Step 1: Label this ATN as “INF Adept <your magic tradition>”
Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic
Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.
Animantic tradition: Astral or Wind CMP
Diabolic tradition: Abyssal or Shadow CMP
Talismanic tradition: Lightning or Earth CMP
-- Infuse Armor: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and EConc-5 to waive the Focus cost of using this spell. On Bonded Allies,. this grants its full effect.. Other allies or yourself receive “Resolve 1”, which cannot be increased.
-- Infuse Material: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture and EConc-5 to waive the Focus cost of using this spell, usable only when granting the Quick Patched status.
-- Infuse Item: After a EConc-30, perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to Disarm an Advanced Device. Invoke the effect as “Greater Disarm”.
(Complex Infusion; Active-Ritual/ATN/CMP, +HP)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills
This spell allows you to infuse your own flesh and form with protective energies that reinforces you against injury and attack. The details of its usage are below:
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with “Infuse Form” and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.
Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual
Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You gain the abilities below:
-- Infused Body (+HP): Your maximum HP is increased by +1. This cannot exceed your HP cap (usually 10 HP).
-- Energy Infusion: While your spirit is thusly infused, you are able to use skills (including Craft skills), weapons, armors or gadgets that require a “Magna Field” or an Adept ATN.
-- Energy Armor: You may opt to replace the Armor requirement of this spell with the prop requirements of your Tradition (if you have one) -- but only for yourself. This requires the expenditure of 5 Minor CMP (see Infusion Adept for types). You are then counted as armored for all of your other Infusion spells.
Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:
Bonus Output: You may affect up to four other Bonded individuals. You must expend 5 Minor Components (Astral or Tradition based) per person affected except for yourself.
Bonus Quality: You may heighten the protection granted by this spell -- the increase to HP is amplified to +2 HP instead of +1
(Complex Infusion; Active-Conc/Focus, Melee/Ranged-Defense, Spell)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills
This spell allows you to radiate protective energy from a Shield or Rune Wand that you are wielding. Infuse Shield defends your allies with your magical might, warding away decisive blows, as reflected below:
Step 1: Perform EConc-3 while holding a shield or rune wand.
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: invoke “Infuse Shield”
Step 4: You are granted ONE use of the “Etheric Guard” defense (which may not be augmented further). This Augmented Guard works similar to the Guardian Ally skill but does not cost Focus.
If unexpended, this use expires after 10 minutes, when you are no longer holding a shield/rune wand, or when you drop to 0 HP (whichever happens first)
Aftereffect: After you use Etheric Guard, you may inflict a “Piercing Knockback” or “Piercing 3 Lightning” at one of your ally’s aggressors via melee strike or packet/foam dart.
Barrier Magus Aptitude (Talismanry): If you have this aptitude, you may choose instead to inflict two Knockback attacks. However, they are not Piercing attacks.
(Complex Infusion; Active-Conc/Focus, Ranged-Piercing, Lightning/Frost/Flame, Spell)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills
This spell suffuses a knife, arrow or bullet with elemental energies that can inflict severe damage upon an enemy and penetrate metal and wood.
Step 1: Perform EConc-3 while touching an Ammo/Knife pack you are wearing
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Infuse Weapon”
Step 4: Choose from one of the options below:
— Option 1: Ranged Weapon — Throw a spell packet or shoot a dart that inflicts “Piercing, 3 Lightning”. This replaces that weapon’s normal effects for this attack. You may also opt to change the energies of this attack to “Frost” or “Flame”.
— Option 2: Melee Weapon — You may instead grant this effect to a melee weapon that you or an ally is wielding. This attack must be performed within the next 30 seconds and it is not Piercing. These effects replace the weapon’s normal effects instead of stacking with it.
(Complex Infusion; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills, including Infusion Adept
This is an upgrade of the Infusion Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Infusion spells listed below instead of merely Basic Infusion spells. Like similar skills, this marks a milestone in an Infuser’s studies and development within the Sphere.
While you have the Infusion Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its empowering properties in a stronger capacity.
-- Infuse Armor: You can finetune your Infusion magics so that it bolsters your target’s clothing. You no longer require armor or a shield to affect your allies.
-- Infuse Form (+Aegis): Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to grant yourself and only yourself the following benefit with this spell — Your maximum Aegis is increased by one point (limit 5).
-- Infuse Item: When you successfully Disarm a Device, you turn it into useful scrap. This is identical to the Disarm Device skill of the Junker and Tinker Disciplines.
-- Infuse Shield (Aftereffect): Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain 3 uses of Etheric Guard per casting of this spell. When you expend your 3rd and last use of Etheric Guard, you gain the option to grant yourself or your ally “Resolve 3” as an Aftereffect instead of inflicting retributive attacks..
-- Infuse Weapon: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost.
(Erudite Infusion; Active-Focus, Piercing-Melee, Lightning, Knockback, Spell)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills
This spell allows you to aggressively infuse the ground you are standing on with harmful elemental energies. It is often used to defend a choke point from an aggressive attack or to break up an attacking squad’s formation.
Step 1: Expend 1 Focus
Step 2: Invoke “Infuse Ground”
Step 3: Gain the “Supercharged” status for the next 30 seconds, unless you move more than one step, you are dropped to 0 HP, or you use up the status below:
Supercharged Benefits: While Supercharged, you can turn up to five of your melee attacks into your choice of “Piercing 3 Lightning” or “Piercing Knockback” -- the fifth attack ends “Supercharged”.
Aftereffect: When “Supercharged” ends, invoke and gain “Resolve 3”
Alternate Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition. Using them replaces the name of the spell with the name in quotations.
-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Entangling” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell as above to have your Animus ensnare your foes.. This functions as Infuse Ground, except that you can also choose to use a melee or ranged attack to inflict “Piercing Snare” or “Piercing Pull”
-- Diabolic Tradition: “Scathing Blood” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell as above to pool your empowered blood beneath you. This functions as Infuse Ground, except that you have additional options for your melee attacks while Supercharged: “Piercing 3 Shadow”, “Piercing 3 Corrosive”, or “Piercing Pain”. “
-- Talismanic Tradition: Wand of Repulsion” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell as above to charge up your rune wand and the area with repelling energy. This allows you to inflict the “Knockback” effect of this spell via packet or dart instead of melee attack Furthermore, you can opt to change the “Piercing Knockback” to “Knockback 20”.
(Erudite Infusion; Active-Ritual, Sunder/Siege-Defense, Spell)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills
This spell infuses a weapon or a building with protective energies. Take note that this may not be used on the main building of the Event venue. Using this spell is as follows:
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with one of the options below and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.
Step 3: Give 5 Minor CMP (Astral or Tradition based) to Game Staff.
Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual
Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You gain one of the two options below:
-- Option 1: Infuse Structure (Weapon) -- Any weaponry that you carry takes “no effect” from Sunder attacks unless it is from 2+ Sunder attacks within 10 seconds of each other. Respond with such attacks with this: “Infuse Structure”
-- Option 2: Infuse Structure (Building) -- This ATN links you to a small building/tent/workshop of your choice, allowing you to protect it from attack. This building must have at least five runes, animus crowns, or your talismans hanging from it in an obvious and distinct fashion.
Protect Building: While touching the building, you can invoke “Infuse Structure, negate” everytime you see it receive a Siege attack (Piercing 7+ damage). The attack is transferred to you instead and you may negate it with a defense.
Ward Entrance: You can ward a building/tent’s entrance similar to the Obfuscate Structure spell, except that entry is halted by a barrier.
How to Dispel: This may be temporarily annulled via a “Disrupt Conjuration” effect -- however, such an action must vocally and distinctly warn those inside of its occurrence. Furthermore, its protections only fade after 5 minutes, giving the individuals within some time to prepare a defense or await help.
If Disrupted, it may be renewed after 5 minutes of meditation and 1 Focus from the original caster.
Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition. Using them replaces the name of the spell with the name in quotations.
-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Warding” -- Ward your allies from harm. Label this ATN as above -- in addition to Infuse Structure (Weapon)’s effects, you can also:
Step 1: Expend 1 Focus as a Reaction to a Bonded ally w/in 30 feet receiving melee attacks
Step 2: Invoke the ally’s name then invoke “Vocal Guard”
Step 3: Negate all melee attacks of the last second, if the ally repeats it.
-- Diabolic Tradition: “Reinforcing Blood” -- Shield your own flesh against fracturing. Label this ATN as above -- in addition to the effects of Infuse Structure (Weapon), you may invoke “No effect” against “Mangle” and “Hobble” of the “Strike” duration. This cannot be used against Wounds or Blights of those Control effects..
-- Talismanic Tradition “Wand of Conduction” -- Galvanize a Rune Wand to pull energy from the air. Label this ATN as above -- in addition to the effects of Infuse Structure (Weapon), you may invoke “Minimal” when hit by a Lightning, Flame, or Frost attack. You cannot do this again until you complete a EConc-10 and invoke “Wand of Conduction”.
Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you gain the following bonus:
Bonus Output: Affect 1-2 more buildings/tents/workshops. This costs 1 ATN each.
Prop Requirements: The building/tent’s entrances must be marked with dim white glowsticks, glow-wire or LEDs as well as a written out-of-game clarification.
(Erudite Infusion; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills
You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Infusion Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Infusion rituals and its periodic spells.
Cooperative Disarming (requires Infuse Item; EConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 or EConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.
Double Infusion: Whenever you use the Infuse Armor or Infuse Material spell, you can affect a second target via touch as an Aftereffect.
Stabilized Infusion: When you use Infuse Armor with Infusion Adept on a non-Bonded ally, it no longer has the restriction of being limited to “Resolve 1”, although it starts at that value instead of “Resolve 3”. Said restriction still applies to yourself as per the skill’s normal limitation.
Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.
Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use an Infusion Ritual or Sorcerous Barrier, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Imbuement”
Option 2: “Master of Imbuement, Infuse Armor” -- This waives the Focus cost of this spell and allows you to grant “Resolve 5” to yourself and five allies you touch within the next 10 seconds without moving your feet.
Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): If you have this Skill, you can use your mastery of Infusion to augment a Basic/Complex damage, Resolve, or healing spell, prefixing the spell with “Grounded” This turns it into a Barrage 3 melee spell, allowing you to inflict its effects a total of 3 times.
You must launch all of these attacks before 5 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet, though its damage/healing is capped at 3 points.
(Erudite Infusion; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect, +Resolve, Aftereffect, Overflow, Heal)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills
This skill allows an Abjurer to assume a protective aspect that improves their ability to protect others and themselves.
Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person
Step 2: Write “Shielding Aspect” to two empty ATN slots
Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private
Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.
Balance of Energy (Aftereffect, +Resolve): The amount of Resolve you imbue upon others is increased by +1. Similarly, whenever an ally grants you Resolve or Lasting Resolve, increase it by +1 and invoke the new value as an Aftereffect. This second function overlaps with and does not add to any similar bonus.
Infused Defenses (-Focus, Aftereffect): You gain the temporary use of Block, Parry, and Guard defenses for 1 Focus each. If you have Infuse Shield, you can opt to use its Aftereffect when using these defenses without needing to Augment them.
Infused Mask (-Focus): Whenever you are subject to an Inquiry effect, you can expend 1 Focus and invoke “Shielding Aspect” to negate it and all Inquiry effects for the next 10 minutes.
Overcharged Weaponry (Overflow, Aftereffect): When you use the ranged version of Infuse Weapon, you may opt for the following Aftereffect -- perform a packet/foam dart attack whose damage is equal to the Overflow value of your Infuse Weapon (Overflow damage = Uncapped Damage minus 5). This 2nd attack cannot exceed 5 damage and has a minimum of 1 damage.
Reinforcing Aegis (EConc-10): You are considered to have the Infuse Form ATN on you, cast with Bonus Quality. If you have actually learned Infused Form and Infuse Material, you can perform EConc-10 and invoke “Shielding Aspect” to gain the Quick Patch status and “Heal 1”. This does not require an additional ATN.
Tweak Weapons (Long Task): You can Tweak Weapons to strike for Flame, Frost, or Lightning damage, similar to a Weaponer with the Runecarver skill. You do not need a Scrap Kit for this function, relying on Infusing the energy personally.
Defensive Spellmind: The damage of your melee attacks cannot exceed 1 point. This does not affect your Death Blows, your ranged spells, and the attacks you grant to others.
(Erudite Infusion; Active-Periodic, Melee/Ranged-Defense, Spell)
Requires: Any two Basic Infusion skills and any two Complex Infusion skills
This spell allows you to defensively infuse immense power into a shield or rune wand you are wielding to form a powerful barrier that can defend those nearby from attack.
Once per Period, use this Skill as per below. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
-- Option 1: Living Barrier --
Step 1: Be wielding a shield or a rune wand
Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Barrier”
Step 3: Gain the “Bulwark” status for 10 seconds. Its benefits are listed below
Step 4: Invoke and gain “Resolve 5” as an Aftereffect after you lose “Bulwark”. This bypasses any limitations you might have that reduces the Resolve you grant yourself.
Bulwark Status benefits:
Duration: This lasts for 10 seconds unless you are Downed/Critical, you move faster than a slow walk, or you expend all of its Defenses below
Defenses x5: Use “Dodge”, “Block”, “Parry”, and/or “Guard” up to five times without expending Focus. After the 5th use of the above defenses, Bulwark ends.
Master-level: Prefix these defenses with “Master”, allowing them to negate Master-level attacks.
-- Option 2: Crushing Barrier--
Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of a Basic/Advanced/Superior Device or Conjuration
Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Barrier”
Step 3: Invoke “Superior Disarm” -- this will instantly disarm the Device or “Disrupt Conjuration” to disrupt the Conjuration.
Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.
-- Animantic Tradition — Allow your animus to imbue “Resolve 5” or “Quick Patch” to an ally in lieu of you using a defense. This can be delivered via touch or by packet/dart.
-- Diabolic Tradition — Instead of the Bulwark status for step 2, you can armor your flesh with infused magical blood. You gain Impervious-10 instead. This allows you to walk slowly but take no damage or minimal damage from most attacks.
-- Talismanic Tradition — Overcharge your rune wand with unstable energy. While in Bulwark status, you can expend a use of a defense to instead inflict “Piercing Knockback 20” or “Piercing 5 Lightning” via melee strike.