The Night League
The League of Night Kings. or simply the Night League are a dark alliance of sorcerers that have descended into ravenous and powerful forms and rule several territories as overlords. They are currently in a shadow war with all three of the Archfactions, though recent events have left invasions out of each others’ reach. Instead, the League sends agents into Free Tribe or Templar territory to foment discord or to assassinate people of importance, some claim that their reach has even extended to the Illustrados islands.
Their advances into the mysteries of sorcery and necrotheurgy are immense, especially when combined with King Faust’s unbridled use of human subjects. Thus, they not only have augmented humans at their disposal but also necrotheurgic abominations, both brutish and spectral, wrought from atrocity and sin. To add to this, they have their own technological advances and machineries, courtesy of King Celso, including geist-fueled mechanicals and eldritch core Metabionics that rival the Illustrados’ greatest accomplishments.
The old Night Kings were known for their incredible magics and abilities, each tyrant able to deal with a small army by themselves. Until recently, it was believed that most, if not all, Night Kings were slain before 70 BTF -- they fell to the Templars, to the Hellhounds, and to the Kindly Cartels. This new Night League seemed to have grown in power. Many believe that this is due to other organizations weakening or being destroyed by the War over Embers. Others believe that the entrance of new members has allowed them to transcend the hide-bound traditions of the previous generation and advance to a new era of underground tyranny. The headquarters of each Night King is unknown -- their own magics allowing them to evade even the Oracle-Avatar’s baleful gaze.
The slain Night Kings
King Iscariot (the Hanged Man) - believed to be slain by the Hellhound Motorgangs and Saint Carmine.
King Mutun Stingleaf (the Thousand Venoms) - slain by the Kindly Cartels (the Peacers, the Royals, and the Scriveners).
King Phoebus (the Midnight Sun) - slain by Saint Carmine and Saint Flame
King Tam Wolfhead (the Moonkeeper) believed to be slain by the Stonebrood Pack
King Faust Lectorus (the Glutton) - obliterated by Saint Carmine’s “Solar Rose” spell, but not before Saint Flame is slain.
King Richelieu Valentine (the Beloved) - obliterated by Saint Carmine’s “Solar Rose” spell
King Aetheldred (the Eternal Blossom, the King of Flowers): a researcher, alchemist, and herbalist dedicated to the expansion of her scientific knowhow. It is believed that, unlike most Night Kings, she is a Dryad. (11/18/101 BTF) Aetheldred was slain by King Celso with the help of Snakewater.
Currently known Night Kings
King Auberon (the Fool, the King of Fools): Few know what to make of this mercurial King, but his skill in the Obfuscation and Transmutation Spheres make nothing around him as it seems.
King Celso (the Machinist, the King of Lightning): a transplant from the Illustrados Union, maker of mechanical monstrosities and a savant at Necro-tech.
King Ravan-Ajasha (the Raksasha, the King of Fiends): A father of monstrosities and horrors, this Night King likes to create abominations and send them out at a whim.
Unknown — speaking to one of the Night Kings has revealed the existence of at least one more, though little is known about this unknown threat.