Projection Sphere
Evoker, Blaster
Image by Nicco Salonga
Called Evokers or, more colloquially, Blasters, the users of Projection are associated with flashy, destructive and overt aspects of magic. Invest in this Sphere if:
You want to play a magic user with ranged destructive magics
You want to improve your offensive capabilities as a spellcaster, especially through damage and control effects
You want to play a fire mage, a glass cannon, and/or a living inferno
Basic Skills
Project Wrath: inflict flame and injury upon your enemies
Project Disruption: disrupt a lock, trap or a conjuration
Project Force: send an enemy away from you
Projection Adept (ATN): Empower your Projection spells using your Tradition.
Complex Skills
Project Agony: inflict pain or other effects upon a distant foe
Project Halo (Ritual; ATN): defend your secrets and hurt those who inquire upon you
Project Shield: lunch defensive energies to protect your allies
Unfettered Projection (ATN): Empower complex Projection spells
Erudite Skills
Burning Aspect (ATN): Assume an aspect that improves your projection spells
Master of Evocation (1/E): This is the mastery skill for the Projection Sphere
Project Power (Ritual): empower an ally’s ritual and add raw power to it
Project Storm: inflict several potent attacks upon your foes
Sorcerous Ruin (1/P): Sunder an enemy’s weaponry or instantly destroy a conjuration
(Basic Projection; Active-Conc, Disarm-Device, Dispel-Conjuration)
The Project Disruption spell employs small blasts of energy to great utility, disabling basic devices, especially minor traps or simple locks -- individuals with this skill set are called “Lockpicks”. Using this spell is outlined below:
Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature
Step 2: Perform EConc-30 while remaining within reach
Step 3: Invoke one of the options below depending on the item for a specific effect:
-- Option 1: “Basic Disarm” -- This will disarm Basic Devices (e.g. Basic locks or traps)
-- Option 2: “Sunder” -- this inflicts a Sunder on a Workshop, a Weapon, or a Shield, Only its very basic functions are active and it can’t be used for Skills (e.g Parry, Smite, etc)
-- Option 3: “Disrupt Conjuration” -- This dispels most Conjurations and can drive a targeted Spirit away for 10 minutes. This can also deactivate a beneficial ATN and render it inert, although resting will reactivate it.
-- Option 4: Mangle Wound” -- This inflicts the Mangle effect on the touched limb. Wound effects persist until a Cure Wounds effect removes them..
Locks/Traps: Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.
Cooperative Effort: If you work together with another Lockpick or a Versatile Artisan to Disarm a Device, you can declare that you are cooperating with them. This functions as the process above except that you collectively designate the action’s leader -- they invoke the Conc count, halting if any of you are disrupted.. This lowers the count to iConc-10 or EConc-10
(Basic Projection; Active-Conc/Focus, Ranged-Attack, Knockback/Pull)
A derivation of the Project Wrath spell, the Project Force spell sends a powerful blast of will against an enemy, hurtling them back or pulling them toward you.
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Project Force”
Step 4: Throw a spell packet at your target
Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke one of the two options below:
-- Option 1: “Piercing Knockback” -- on a hit, your target must take 10 steps away from you. Since this is “Piercing”, it affects them even if it hits the weapon/shield they are holding.
-- Option 2: “Piercing Pull” -- as above except, your target must take 10 steps toward you instead. They can stop when they’re within melee range of you or if they are hit by a melee attack.
(Basic Projection; Active-Focus/Conc, Ranged-Attack, Flame)
This spell of the Projection Sphere allows a spellcaster to channel their fury at a distant target, literally burning them with their wrath. It is used as per below:
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Project Wrath”
Step 4: Throw a spell packet at your target
Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke “Piercing, 3 Flame”, As a “Piercing” attack, your target receives this effect even if it hits the weapon or shield they are wielding.
(Basic Projection; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)
This skill allows an Evoker to attune themselves to the Projection Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing their spells -- allowing more frequent use of them.
Step 1: Label this ATN as “PRJ Adept <your magic tradition>”
Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic
Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.
Animantic tradition: Astral or Wind component
Diabolic tradition: Abyssal or Shadow component
Talismanic tradition: Lightning or Earth component
-- Project Force: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell.
-- Project Disruption: After EConc-30, perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to be able to disarm an Advanced Device and invoke “Greater Disarm”.
-- Project Wrath: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell. Furthermore, you may change the damage type of this spell depending on your Tradition -- Animancy (Psychic), Diablerie (Shadow) or Talismanry (Lightning).
Calling forth your past pains, you may send them forth with your magical might to render hurt unto your target.
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Project Agony”
Step 4: Throw a spell packet at your target
Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke one of the three options below. If you hit your target or anything they are carrying, they receive that effect.
-- Option 1: “Piercing Pain” -- they are unable to use most Skills for 30 seconds.
-- Option 2: “Piercing Hobble” -- they cannot move faster than a slow walk/stumble
-- Option 3: “Piercing Mangle” -- if it hits their limbs or their carried items, that limb or the limb carrying the item is “Mangled” and useless for 30 seconds.
(Complex Projection; Active-Ritual/ATN, Inquiry-defense, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Projection skills
This spell allows an Evoker to call forth and hold energy within their aura for the remainder of the month. This has the effect of obscuring their secrets for those who attempt to glean information about them.
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Label one of your empty ATN slots with “Project Halo”and have Game Staff sign off on it. This ATN expires at the end of the Event.
Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual
Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You gain the abilities below:
-- Blinding Halo (-Focus, Aftereffect): React with “No effect” when Inquiry effects are used upon you (except Master Inquiry effects). As an Aftereffect, vocally inflict a “Blind” upon the Inquiry’s source if they are next to you.
-- Burn Ropes/Chains (-Focus): Invoke “Project Halo” and expound 1 Focus to Sunder ropes or chains that are binding you provided that they are of Basic or Advanced-quality. This allows you to slip free of them.
-- Burning Halo (Backlash): You can use this while Downed or Critical.
Step 1: A person/monster inflicts “Death Blow” or “Scavenge” upon you.
Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Backlash; Master, 7 Flame”
Step 3: You vocally inflict that effect to them if they are beside you. If they are brought to 0 HP, their action is interrupted. A “Superior Disarm” effect on your person will render this function unusable for 1 minute.
-- Crown of Embers: You may create an Arcane Ember (Channeler skill) If you have a free hand, you can benefit from its effects as long as it is seated at your brow or hanging from your neck. If not holding the Arcane Ember, its effects are interrupted when you take damage or a Control effect.
Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may receive this benefit: Bonus Quality -- Your Burning Halo inflicts “Master, 10 Flame” vs. Death Blows/Scavenge
(Complex Projection; Active-Conc/Focus, Melee/Ranged-Defense, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Projection skills
Project Shield defends your allies by deflecting attacks with concussive blasts. Its use follows the procedure below:
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Project Shield”
Step 4: You are granted ONE use of the “Etheric Guard” defense (which may not be augmented further). This Augmented Guard works similar to the Guardian Ally skill but does not cost Focus.
If unexpended, this use expires after 10 minutes or when you drop to 0 HP (whichever happens first)
Aftereffect: After you use Etheric Guard, you may inflict a “Piercing Knockback” or “Piercing 3 Flame” at one of your ally’s aggressors via melee strike or packet/foam dart.
Barrier Magus Aptitude (Talismanry): If you have this aptitude, you may choose instead to inflict two Knockback attacks. However, they are not Piercing attacks.
(Complex Projection; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)
Requires: Any two basic Projection skills, including Projection Adept
This is an upgrade of the Projection Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Projection spells listed below instead of merely Basic Projection spells. Like similar skills, this marks a milestone in an Evoker’s studies and development within the Sphere.
While you have the Projection Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its destructive properties in a stronger capacity.
-- Project Agony: You may perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of this spell.
-- Project Disruption: When you successfully Disarm a Device, you turn it into useful scrap. This is identical to the Disarm Device skill of the Junker and Tinker Disciplines.
-- Project Force: You can choose to intensify your attack at the cost of accuracy. You can opt to inflict “Knockback 20” or “Pull 20”-- this is not Piercing.
-- Project Halo: You may perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture when you perform this Ritual to gain the following benefit -- waive the Focus cost of Blinding Halo.
-- Project Shield (+Resolve): You may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain three uses of Etheric Guard per casting of this spell, which you can deliver via packet or foam dart to an ally. When you expend your last use, you gain the option to grant yourself “Resolve 3” as an Aftereffect. This is instead of the retributive attack(s)..
-- Project Wrath (Overflow, Aftereffect): Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell -- you may apply the Overflow value of its damage via spell packet to the same target or a different one (Overflow damage = Uncapped Damage minus 5). This Overflow Damage is at least "1 Flame" and is an Aftereffect; however, it cannot exceed 5 points without Master of Evocation.
(Erudite Projection; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect, Aftereffect, +Damage)
Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two complex Projection skills
This skill allows an Evoker to assume a fiery aspect that improves their ability to expel destructive energies.
Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person
Step 2: Write “Burning Aspect” to two empty ATN slots
Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private
Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.
Burning Explosion: When you die while you are downed, you may choose to invoke a “Burning Explosion” invoke a Hold and clarify the following -- everyone within earshot receives “Piercing, 5 Flame”. This also destroys any non-Fate-bound/Magna-traced items on your person -- some plot-sensitive items or items of the Staff’s choosing are not destroyed but are instead flung far away.
Burning Spellcraft: Whenever you inflict damage with a Spell, you may follow it up with an Aftereffect — launch a packet/foam dart that inflicts “Pain” or “Rot” at one of the spell’s targets.
Fiery Rituals: If you have that skill, you may use Project Power and one of your own Rituals at the same time. This discounts the Ritual’s CMP cost as per Project Power. However, this Ritual cannot receive any Augments such as Bonus Output or Bonus Quality.
Guiding Light: While holding an Arcane Ember, you can perform an EConc-10 and invoke “Burning Aspect” to imbue everyone within arm’s reach and a step with the following: for the next 10 minutes, you can see and speak to spirits.
Protective Halo: If you have learned Project Halo, spell, you are considered to have the benefits of the Project Halo attunement, cast with Bonus Quality.
Volcanic Evocation: Your spells that inflict damage inflict 2 more points of damage than normal.
Wildfire Mindset: You may not grant yourself or others more than 1 point of healing or Resolve.
(Erudite Projection; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)
Requires: Any two Basic Projection skills and any two Complex Projection skills
You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Projection Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Projection rituals and its periodic spells.
Unstable Evocation (requires Project Wrath): You can opt for your Project Wrath to have its damage cap raised to 7 and their Overflow damage becomes Damage -7 (with a damage cap of 7). But if their damage exceeds 5, you are less accurate with it and it is no longer Piercing.
Cooperative Disarming (requires Project Disruption; EConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 or EConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.
Torturous Evocation: Detonate the energies of your spells. You may opt for the following Aftereffect whenever you use the Project Force, Project Wrath, Project Agony, or Project Storm spell: Via packet/foam dart, inflict “Pain” or “Hobble” on a target you affected with the triggering spell (i.e. you hit and it was not negated).
Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.
Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use a Projection Ritual or Sorcerous Ruin, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Evocation”
Option 2: Master of Evocation, Project Wrath/Project Agony/Project Force
-- This waives the Focus cost of the chosen spell and turns it into a Barrage 5, which allows you to inflict its effects via 5 different ranged attacks at the same or different targets. You must launch all of these attacks before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.
Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): Augment an attack spell and prefix it with “Galvanized” to add 2 to its damage (this may not exceed the damage cap of 5 damage, except with Unleashed Evocation). If the spell has multiple attacks, you only affect the first attack.
(Erudite Projection; Active-Ritual, Assist, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two basic Complex skills
This Ritual reflects the Evoker’s ability to function as a temporary power source, expelling energies to aid in the tasks of others.
Step 1: Clarify this skill’s effects if necessary.
Step 2: Assist an ally in filling out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects your assisting of a Ritual/Craft
Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. Your ally gains the benefits below:
-- Effect 1 — Your ally’s Craft/Ritual is augmented with Bonus Output or Bonus Quality.
-- Effect 2 — They may waive 1 Basic CMP or 5 Minor CMPs from the cost of their action. These CMP must be Fire types or see below.
Augmented Ritual: This Spell may not be Augmented.
-- Animantic Tradition — You can waive 1 Basic or 5 Minor Astral or Wind CMP.
-- Diabolic Tradition — You can waive 1 Basic or 5 Minor Abyssal or Shadow CMP.
-- Talismanic Tradition — You can waive 1 Basic or 5 Minor Earth or Lightning CMP.
(Erudite Projection; Active-Focus, Ranged-Attack, Flame/Knockback, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two complex Projection skills
Project Storm allows its caster to become a nexus of destructive energies and rain down fire and winds upon their foes.
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Project Storm”
Step 4: Throw 1 to 5 spell packets at the same target or different ones as a Barrage 5 - You must launch all of these attacks before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.
Step 5: In mid-throw, invoke one of several options:
-- Option 1 — “Piercing, 3 Flame”
-- Option 2 — “Piercing Knockback”
Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.
-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Storms” — perform your Somatic Gesture and invoke this spell as above. This allows you the following additional non-Piercing options for your attacks: “7 frost”, “7 lightning” or “7 flame”.
-- Diabolic Tradition: “Scything Blood” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture, invoking this spell to lace this spell with your corrupted blood. This allows you the following additional options for your attacks: “Piercing, 3 Shadow”, “Piercing Hobble Wound”, “Piercing Rot Wound”, or “Piercing 3 Corrosive”
-- Talismanic Tradition: “Wand of Wildfire” -- Perform your Somatic Gesture and invoke this spell as above to gain the following benefit: if you damage at least one individual with this spell, invoke “Resolve 5” as an Aftereffect when all attacks have been launched or if you were interrupted while doing so.
(Erudite Projection; Active-Periodic, Melee/Ranged-Attack, Sunder/Disarm, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Projection skills and any two complex Projection skills
A vast refinement of the Project Disruption spell, Sorcerous Ruin is so potent that Evokers are unable to use it frequently. This is powerful enough to break limbs, fracture shields and even damage buildings.
Once per Period, use this Skill as per below. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
-- Option 1: Superior Disarm --
Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of a Basic/Advanced/Superior Device or Conjuration
Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Ruin”
Step 3: Invoke “Superior Disarm” -- this will instantly disarm the Device or “Disrupt Conjuration” to disrupt the Conjuration.
-- Option 2: Eldritch Barrage --
Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Ruin”
Step 2: Throw 1 to 3 spell packets at the same target or different ones as a Barrage 3. You must launch all of these attacks before 5 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.
Step 3: These inflict your choice of “Sunder” or Piercing 7 Flame”
-- Option 3: Immolation Crown --
Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Ruin”
Step 2: Gain the Immolation Status and its benefits.
This status ends when: you will it, the end of the current combat (or 10 minutes), or you are dropped to 0 HP
Your Project Wrath inflicts “Piercing 7 Flame” but self-inflicts 2 damage.
You are Enfeebled
Invoke it as “Project Ruin” and it can be affected by Projection Adept.
Step 3: Aftereffect: After this status ends, you gain your choice of Heal 5 or Resolve 5, which cannot be increased but it is not decreased by Burning Aspect or similar effects. This has no effect if you are Downed.
Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.
-- Animantic Tradition -- Your Animus ravages enemies with torment, allowing you the option to inflict “Piercing, Stun Wound” or “Piercing, Rot Wound” with Eldritch Barrage.
-- Diabolic Tradition -- Your sorcerous blood slices through enemies like a giant venomous blade. You have the option to choose “Piercing 10 Shadow” or “Piercing 10 Corrosive” with Eldritch Barrage. This damage type cannot be changed.
-- Talismanic Tradition -- Your rune wand propels energy with a cannon’s force. You are granted the option to choose “Piercing 10 Lightning” or “Piercing 10 Flame” with Eldritch Barrage. This damage type cannot be changed.