Prologues and Epilogues
Here are a few stories that book-end each BTF Event. They feature information appropriate to the upcoming happenstances: Prologues give Participants a hint of what is to come and Epilogues give additional information after an Event.
2025 Prologues and Epilogues (below)
The winter sun burned brightly and coldly over the corpse of Edgehaven, a town long dead by a battle long past. It did little to warm the column of Metabionics that marched amidst the ruin, their shadows made short in the hour. Their numbers were a few dozen but they strode in synchronous step with each other and flanked the trundling passage of a few spider-wagons.
These vehicles were laden with machinery rather than weaponry. Though spider-wagons required specialized “pilots”, their limbs allowed them a greater flexibility in terrain than their wheeled counterparts. This allowed the column to diverge from commonly trafficked roads to traverse the lesser known passages among town ruins, rough hills, and deep forests.
The din of their footfalls and clanking cargo scattered parafauna upon their approach. The clangor of the travelers’ march also deafened them to the Puma-hawk pride that was stalking them for the past few days.
Instinct had demanded that these parafauna abandon their hunt. The scents of metal and oil, as well as the nigh imperceptible hum from within each of their prey was sign enough that these humans would make for poor feasting. Their bestial minds perceived the column as inedible and dangerous -- they would be better off seeking easier, softer fare.
Yet, the Song quelled such thoughts even as it added length to their stride and saw through their sensory organs. The Song took note of the columns’ numbers, the armaments, and the spider-wagons’ stock.
Follow quietly. Stay hidden. Flee if engaged.
And the Puma-hawks, with more eyes and limbs than the unblessed members of their species, did as the Song commanded.
The month of November saw the heightening of a Night King and the destruction of another. Though the following winter has been quiet thus far, this tenuous peace will not last. The King of Lightning’s strength continues to grow, as does the wrath of the King of Fiends. The battles to come will rage across the region and see the Delvers of Snakewater as participants, casualties, or both.
The King of Lightning is the strongest of his Night League brethren. A transplant from the Illustrados Union, he is a maker of mechanical monstrosities and a savant at Necro-tech. Until recently, he was disgused as a simple engineer named “Exanimus Portent” but he also calls himself the Machinist or simply, King Celso. The latter name is especially embarrassing to the similarly named but utterly unaffiliated corporation named Celso Innovational Enterprises.
The King of Lightning most recent exploits include the violent theft of relics from the Hellhounds’ Altar of Air and the killing of King Aetheldred. -
King Ravan-Ajasha is also called the Raksasha or the King of Fiends. He is a father of monstrosities and horrors, known for creating abominations and commanding them to fulfill his machinations.
His recent exploits include infesting unwilling subjects with ravenous parasites and waylaying caravans using inhuman monstrosities. -
King Aetheldred was called the the Herbalist, the Eternal Blossom and the King of Flowers. Brilliant yet also fickle, she was known as a researcher and alchemist dedicated to the expansion of her scientific knowhow without care for the consequences. A powerful Dryad, she was even able to imbue Eidolonic Spores unto individuals against their will.
In November 101 BTF, Aetheldred was believed to have been slain by King Celso with the help of Snakewater.