Restoration Sphere
Renewers, Preservers
Image by Nicco Salonga
The sphere of Restoration concerns itself with skills and spells that repair, restore and preserve individuals and even items despite the harsh rigors of the world beyond the fall. Invest in this Sphere if:
You want to play an adaptable healer of hurts, wounds, and afflictions.
You want to focus on support abilities to bring your allies from the brink of death.
You want to play a white mage, the team healer, your party’s anchor, or a nurturer of living things.
Relevant Rules:
Heal: this restores a number of HP equal to the number invoked. A creature cannot have more HP than their maximum HP value.
Cure Wounds: This cures all Control effects with the “Wound” duration (e.g. Pain Wound, Stun Wound, etc)
Basic Skills
Restore Control: Cure Strikes and Wounds, which are effects that impair abilities and/or movement.
Restore Harmony (Ritual): Cure Afflictions and revive the dead
Restore Vitality: Imbue an ally with Healing or with a Revive effect
Restoration Adept (ATN): Empower this Sphere’s basic spells
Complex Skills
Harmonic Restoration (ATN): Empower this Sphere’s complex spells
Restore Focus (Ritual): Grant Rest to your companions
Restore Spirit: Cure Blight or Imbue your allies with Resolve
Restore Structure: Repair weapons and armor
Erudite Skills
Master of Rejuvenation (1/E): This is the mastery skill for the Restoration Sphere
Restore Hope: Heal injuries or revive allies from afar
Restore Tether (Ritual): Mend expiring bonds, renew ATN or revive the dead
Revitalizing Aspect (ATN): Assume a restorative aspect, enhancing your healing
Sorcerous Renewal (1/P): Become a font of healing
(Basic Restoration; Active-Focus/Conc, Imbue-Cure Strike/Wound, Spell)
This spell allows its target to shrug off most effects that would impair or hinder them. Mangled arms, blinded sight, even stunned brains are mended by this spell, whose use is outlined below:
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Restore Control”
Step 4: Use this on yourself or a target you touch with a hand or melee weapon (aka melee touch)
Step 5: Invoke one of the options below:
-- Option 1: “Cure Strike” -- this removes all Control effects of the Strike duration from your target.
-- Option 2: “Cure Wounds” -- as above except you cure Wounds instead of Strikes.
-- Option 3: Regrow Limb” -- your target regrows a severed limb. The unattached limb vanishes, leaving any item with it at its location.
This spell also allows you to regrow severed limbs (invoke the effect as “Regrow Limb”). When this happens, the unattached limb vanishes as a result, leaving any item with it at its location. You may use this Spell upon yourself, if you are able to do so.
(Basic Restoration; Active-Ritual, Imbue-Cure Disease/Curse, Revive, Spell)
This powerful ritual spell removes afflictions such as Diseases and Curses by drawing them out of the body. It can even bring back the deceased, drawing their spirits back to their corpses.
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual
Step 3: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You activate one of the two effects below:
-- Option 1: Cure Affliction (1-5 targets) -- This cures all Basic Curses and Diseases (i.e. not Greater, Anathemic and Incurable) from your targets at no CMP cost. As per usual, a Game Marshall must mark the Attunement slot (ATN) as cured/inert but the slot cannot be otherwise used until the next Event. Fortunately, any patient you cure in this way cannot be affected by the same Affliction in the current month.
-- Option 2: Greater Revive (1-5 targets; non-self) -- Invoke “Greater Revive” to resuscitate dead allies, reviving them at 1 HP, with a Pain Strike, and with a new Grave Scar. Grafted Characters with 5 Grave Scars gain a Soul Scar instead. In all cases, report to Staff with regards to any new benefits or penalties associated with said Grave Scar or Soul Scar.
Proximity: You must be within 10 feet of the bodies while using this Skill
Consent: Their Players are willing to be revived
Integrity: Targets must be dead for less than 12 hours and not missing their head (or similarly important body parts). These may be stitched on or grafted on during the process if severed.
Grave Scars: Also, less than 5 Grave Scars or has a Graft Stigmata.
Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:
Bonus Output: You may affect up to a maximum of 10 allies.
Bonus Quality: If Curing Afflictions, you can cure Greater Diseases and Curses this way.
(Basic Restoration; Active-Focus/Conc, Imbue-Heal/Revive, Spell)
The most iconic spell of the Restoration Sphere is also one of its simplest. It allows its caster to mend flesh and preserve life force -- affecting even undead or constructed beings. Its use is outlined below:
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Restore Vitality”
Step 4: Use this on yourself or a target via melee touch
Step 5: Invoke and apply one of the options below:
-- Option 1: “Heal 1” -- your target regains 1 HP, unless they would exceed their max HP.
-- Option 2: “Painful Revive” -- your target is brought to 1 HP from the Downed or Critical statuses. They also suffer a Pain effect for 30 seconds.
Healing Bonuses: Take note that most improvements to healing only increase healing on others rather than healing to the self. Healers should therefore look to their allies for more efficient medical aid when they are injured.
(Basic Restoration; Active-Task/CMP/ATN)
This skill allows a Preserver to attune themselves to the Restoration Sphere. This takes up one of their Attunements but has the benefit of enhancing and improving their spells -- allowing some of them to be cast without expending Focus (and therefore be used far more often).
Step 1: Label this ATN as “RST Adept <your magic tradition>”
Step 2: Perform 1+ minutes of role-play that reflects communion with magic
Step 3: Expend five Minor components (Tradition-based). You can waive this Component (CMP) cost by allowing it to take up 2 ATN slots instead of 1 ATN. You cease to benefit from this Adept ATN if either ATN slot becomes inert or afflicted.
Animantic Tradition: Astral or Wind
Diabolic Tradition: Abyssal or Shadow
Talismanic Tradition: Lightning or Earth
— Restore Vitality: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell.
— Restore Control: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to waive the Focus cost of using this spell.
— Restore Harmony: Perform your Arcane Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit -- As per the Doctor’s Distill Disease Skill, you may draw forth the Affliction and crystallize it for use. This functions much like the aforementioned Skill except that it affects Basic/Greater Diseases and Curses.
(Complex Restoration; Active-Task/ATN/CMP)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills including Restoration Adept
This is an upgrade of the Restoration Adept skill and it allows said skill to empower the Restoration spells listed below instead of merely Basic Restoration spells.
While you have the Restoration Adept Attunement, you are able to harness its curative properties in a stronger capacity -- dependent on the Tradition you follow.
-- Restore Vitality (+Heal): When you perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell -- when you use it on others, your healing is increased by +1
-- Restore Harmony: You may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to allow this Spell to also Cure Greater Afflictions.
-- Restore Spirit: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell -- you may utilize the Bonds you have to improve its use. It can affect 1-5 allies via melee touch with each casting, but each must be Bonded to you (usually by the Bond of Blood, Bond of Oaths, or Bond of Command skills).
-- Restore Structure: You may perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to gain the following benefit with this spell-- Using the Restore Structure spell, you may expend a Ritual action to the upkeep (not create) an item or a Workshop as though you had the necessary skill set to do so. This only affects Basic or Advanced items.The main difference between upkeep or maintenance and creation is that upkeep is simply the sustenance of an already existing item. If Augmented, this Ritual to upkeep an item/Workshop is modified similar to how the Transmute Structure spell is described.
-- Restore Focus: Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture as part of this spell to gain the following options:
-- New Option 1: Full Repair on Armor (regain all Aegis)
-- New Option 2: Imbue Invigorated Status (requires 2+ helpers, counts as 3 picks)
Invigorated Status: When a character gains this status, they remain thusly for the remainder of the Event unless they drop to 0 HP or they expend the status. To do the latter, they simply invoke “Invigorate, Heal X”, where X is half their max HP (round up). This reflects a rested status that they can draw upon for a second wind.
(Complex Restoration; Active-Task, Imbue-Rest/Cure/Heal, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills
This is a potent spell that quickens and empowers its recipient’s natural recuperative abilities, allowing them to rest quicker and become energized by doing so. This can also remove Blights from allies or magically repair armor.
Step 1: Perform a ceremony befitting a spell of renewal and restoration for at least 5 minutes. This can include performances and/or food (see Helpers below)
Step 2: Determine your targets (anyone w/in 50 ft). They must be actively participating in your ceremony. Include yourself, if desired.
Step 3: Clarify this Skill’s effects, choosing one of the options below.
-- Option 1: Heal 10 plus Cure Strikes and Wounds
-- Option 2: Lasting Resolve 2** (can be chosen multiple times, adding +1, max 5)
-- Option 3: Cure Blight
Helpers: You can use this Skill cooperatively with allies who are using Restful Composition, Soothing Meal, or Restore Focus. Each skill user can add an effect from their own list.
(Complex Restoration; Active-Focus/Conc, Imbue-Resolve/Cure, Cure-Blight, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills
Through skilled magic use, a Renewer may vivify one or two individuals, with magical energy, reviving a downed ally, removing a Blight effect from them or even filling them with Resolve. Its use is outlined below:
Step 1: Perform EConc-3
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Restore Spirit”
Step 4: Use this on 1-2 individuals via melee touch
Step 5: Invoke and apply one of the options below:
-- Option 1: “Resolve 3” -- your target gains 3 points of Resolve, which overlaps with and doesn’t add to their current Resolve pool. Resolve is depleted by damage before HP.
-- Option 2: “Painful Revive” -- your target is brought to 1 HP from the Downed or Critical statuses. They also suffer a Pain effect for 30 seconds.
-- Option 3: “Cure Blight” -- this removes all Control effects of the Blight duration from your target.
(Complex Restoration; Active-Conc, Imbue-Repair, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills
Your skill at Restoration allows you to use etheric energies to mend even non-living items such as items or pre-emptively patch armor. Its use is outlined below.
Step 1: Perform EConc-10
Step 2: Invoke “Restore Structure”
Step 3: Invoke one of the options below
-- Option 1: “Repair Weaponry” -- This removes the Sunder effect from a weapon or shield via melee touch.
-- Option 2: “Quick Patch” -- This grants the Quick Patch status on an armored ally (or yourself if you’re armored). Quick Patch lasts for 10 minutes or until expended -- doing the latter allows you to use “Patch Aegis”, a limited form of the Aegis defense.
(Erudite Restoration; Active-Ritual/Event, Masterspell)
Requires: Any two Basic Restoration skills and any two Complex Restoration skills
You have reached the apex of proficiency with the Restoration Sphere. This skill represents this expertise, allowing you greater flexibility and utility with Restoration rituals and its periodic spells.
Serenity Within: When you use a Healing spell on yourself, you can replace the effect with “Heal 2”. This is not an increase to healing and can’t be increased.
Double Repair (Aftereffect): When you use the Restore Structure spell, you can use it on one more item or ally as an Aftereffect.
Cure Anathemic Afflictions: Restore Harmony can now cure Anathemic Afflictions from your patients but at a cost. Unless otherwise stated by the Affliction, this requires 1 Pure CMP (Astral or Tradition based) per patient.
Etheric Reincarnation (requires CMP or any Mana Lodge/Biomancer Hatchery/Bone Garden) -- If a patient’s body is missing but their spirit is present and willing, you can use magic to reincarnate them into a new body. This requires the listed Workshops, but if you do not have them, a Rare Abyssal CMP can be used in a pinch -- only clothes and Fate-bound/Magna-traced items return with them.
Masterspell Action (1/Event): Perform a Masterspell action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Masterspell skills in the same Event.
Option 1: Masterful Rituals -- When you use a Restoration Ritual or Sorcerous Renewal, it does not expend your Periodic use of that Skill for the current Period. If its use involves invoking its name, preface it with “Master of Rejuvenation”
Option 2: Master of Rejuvenation, Restore Spirit/Restore Control/Restore Vitality -- This waives the Focus cost of the chosen spell and turns it into a Barrage 5, which allows you to inflict its effects 5 times via melee touch or packet/dart -- these can affect the same targets or different ones. You must deliver this spell’s effects before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.
Option 3: Master of Rejuvenation, Restore Focus -- This empowers your invigorating ceremony immensely. You are counted as 5 people for the purposes of deciding what effects you bestow via this spell.
Metamagic Augmentation skill (Channeler): If you have this Skill, you can use your mastery of Restoration to augment and prefix a healing or Resolve spell with “Rejuvenating” to improve healing or Resolve by 1 point, unless it would exceed the limit of “Heal 5” or “Resolve 5” , if it grants one or the other.
(Erudite Restoration; Active-Focus, Imbue-Heal/Revive/Cure Strike/Wound/Resolve, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills
A potent spell of renewal, Restore Hope allows a Preserver to heal an ally from afar. The amount of healing granted is immense, although this does require a measure of energy from its caster and thereby limits the frequency of its use -- this is outlined below.
Step 1: Expend 1 Focus
Step 2: Invoke “Restore Hope”
Step 3: Deliver these effects to 1-2 targets via melee touch or packet/foam dart
Step 4: For each target, invoke one of the options below:
Option 1: “Cure Strike”
Option 2: “Cure Wounds”
Option 3: “Heal 5”
Option 4: “Painless Revive”
Option 5 “Resolve 5”
Vocal Delivery: You can deliver this effect via voice. This may only be done to someone that is Bonded to you and within approximately 30 feet of you. Call their name before you invoke this effect to get their attention and preface the effect with “Vocal” (e.g. “Vocal Heal 5”)
Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.
-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Rejuvenation” -- Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to use the reach of your Animus, allowing you to vocally grant the effects to an ally that is not Bonded to you. Invoke this spell as “Spirit of Rejuvenation''.
-- Diabolic Tradition: “Rejuvenating Blood” -- You may invoke this spell as “Rejuvenating Blood” after performing the Somatic Gesture. As an Aftereffect, you may imbue yourself with your choice of “Heal 5” or “Resolve 5”. Naturally, you suffer the Pain or Stun effect of your Tradition.
-- Talismanic Tradition: “Wand of Rejuvenation” -- Perform your Tradition’s Somatic Gesture to channel healing energies more efficiently through your rune wand. When you do so, you may affect one more target as an Aftereffect via melee touch, ranged packet/dart, or vocally to a Bonded ally.
(Erudite Restoration; Active-Ritual, Component, Revive, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills
This powerful spell allows a Renewer to mend the bonds and links that tie spirits and energies together.
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary CMPs (listed below)
Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual
Step 4: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed. You can choose from the options below:
-- Option 1: Upkeep an Item: You may renew the upkeep of a Workshop or Advanced item, waiving the other Skill requirements but paying the CMP costs and other necessities
-- Option 2: Renew Spell ATN: Renew a lapsed Spell on an ally, provided that has expired only one Event ago. You do not require the specific spell for this but you must expend the CMP cost as though creating it anew.
-- Option 3: Scarless Revive: Revive a dead individual with less than 5 Grave-Scars -- doing this does not incur them a new Grave-Scar but this expends 1 Pure CMP (Astral or Tradition Based). They must have been dead for an hour or less. If revived in this fashion, the resurrected individual may not have a maximum of 5 HP for the remainder of the month -- this spell’s use must be marked on their sheet
-- Option 4: Return the Lost: Renew and upkeep a Basic, Advanced or Superior item that was lost by its owner or destroyed within the last three Events as though it had the Fate-Bound augment. Its Skill requirements are waived but the CMP cost must be paid equal to the creation cost of an Advanced item of its type.
Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to those with a specific Tradition.
-- Animantic Tradition: “Spirit of Reflection” -- If you maintain a spell that has expired within the last few months, you may replicate that spell upon yourself. You must pay any costs as though you had cast that spell with your own Tradition, if applicable.
-- Diabolic Tradition: “Alchemical Blood” -- You may renew an Elixir or Ichor that has expired within the last Event upon your target, expending the necessary CMP as though creating it anew. Replace the word “Elixir” with “Ichor''. You may also copy and grant this Ichor to yourself, although you must expend its component requirement as normal.
-- Talismanic Tradition: “Wand of Renovation” -- As per option 1, except that your expertise with Talismanry allows you to upkeep a Superior item.
Augmented Ritual: If your Ritual action is Augmented by an ally’s Skills or Market Hour, you gain the following benefit -- Bonus Output: You may renew/upkeep 2 additional items/effects, paying the CMP cost for each.
(Erudite Restoration; Active-RP, Attunement, Aspect, Aug)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills
This spell allows a Renewer to assume a powerful healing aspect that improves their ability to heal others, to shrug off wounds and even resist disease.
Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person
Step 2: Write “Revitalizing Aspect” to two empty ATN slots
Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation in private
Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.
Endure Disease (-Focus): You may expend 1 Focus and invoke “Endure Disease” to negate a Blight effect or a Disease that you have received in the last 3 seconds. You are not able to negate an Incurable/Anathemic Disease using this Aspect.
Restoration Expertise: Your Restore Vitality spell has a Healing cap of 7 instead of 5. This has no effect on those who have their Healing abilities diminished.
Restore Energy: If you have not yet used a Craft-Ritual action for this Period, you may assist an ally that is performing a Craft or Ritual. This allows them to use up your Ritual action in lieu of theirs.
Revitalize and Heal: Whenever you use “Restore Vitality” or “Restore Spirit” to render a “Painful Revive” effect on someone who is Bound to you, you are able to follow it up by an Aftereffect: you may grant a “Heal 1” effect to your revived ally. This can be increased by bonuses to Heal-type Skills.
Revitalize Self: You may perform 30-counts of Painful Concentration and invoke “Revitalizing Aspect” to remove all Wounds and Strikes from yourself, as per the Grim Recovery skill. This may be done while you are in a Pain effect and also regrows severed limbs.
Sickness Begone: During a Market Hour, if you have the Restore Harmony spell, you can use it on yourself and only yourself. This has its normal effects, including the Distillation of Afflictions. However, this does not expend your Ritual action.
Defensive Spellmind: The damage of your melee attacks cannot exceed 1 point. This does not affect your Death Blows, your ranged spells, and the attacks you grant to others.
(Erudite Restoration; Active-Periodic, Cure-Blight/Wound, Imbue-Heal/Resolve, Spell)
Requires: Any two basic Restoration skills and any two complex Restoration skills
This spell’s power is such that it may only be used occasionally, but through it one momentarily becomes a font of healing energies.
Once per Period, choose one of the options below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
-- Option 1: Healing Font —
Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Renewal”
Step 2: Gain the “Lifewell” status
Step 3: As an Aftereffect when Lifewell ends, gain your choice of “Heal 5” or “Resolve 5”.
Lifewell status benefits:
Duration: This lasts for 10 seconds unless you are Downed/Critical, you move faster than a slow walk, or you expend all of its energies below
Boons x5: Via melee touch, imbue your choice of “Heal 10”, “Cure Strike”, “Cure Wound”, “Cure Blight”, “Painless Revive”, or “Resolve 5” After using the 5th Boon, Lifewell ends.
Except for the Aftereffect, you cannot affect yourself with the Boons above.
-- Option 2: Cheat Death —
Step 1: Be Downed but not Critical
Step 2: Perform First Aid on yourself, up to 3 counts.
Step 3: Invoke “Sorcerous Renewal”
Step 4: Imbue yourself with Painful Revive.
Aftereffect: Gain “Resolve 5” or “Heal 5” as an Aftereffect, while still affected by “Pain”.
Additional Options: Below are options that are accessible to specific Traditions.
-- Animantic Tradition — While in the Lifewell status, you can have your Animus deliver your healing -- this allows you to send them vocally to an ally. To do this, preface the effect with the targets’ name (who must be within 30 feet of you) and say the effect as “Vocal [Boon]”. With this option, you can only give out 3 Boons instead of 5 Boons.
-- Diabolic Tradition — When you use Cheat Death, you imbue yourself with a “Painless Revive” instead. Furthermore, you can bestow the Aftereffect on an ally via melee touch instead of yourself.
-- Talismanic Tradition — While in the Lifewell status, you can channel the restorative energies through your Rune Wand. This allows you to send the Boons via packet/foam dart.