Skill Kit
Wearing a Skill Kit such as an Herb Kit or a Scrap Kit is required for certain actions such as crafting or healing. For example, the Weapon Maker skill requires a Scrap Kit to make Weaponry items while the Treat Injury skill requires an Herb Kit for its functions. Some actions and Skills may even require Advanced or Superior-quality Skill Kits.
You may only be wearing one Skill Kit at a time and it takes at least 5 minutes to do so or to switch Kits.
Herb Kit: this prop requires a small backpack, messenger bag, or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful and/or medicinal herbs or chemicals. Some Herb Kits have plants sticking out of it or have plastic containers filled with colorful liquid. Other Herb Kits are styled like med packs with bandages and similar props. Herb Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.
Scrap Kit: this prop requires a small backpack, messenger bag, or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts. Some Scrap Kits may have prop wrenches, hammers, knitting needles, or similar tools sticking out of it. Others are adorned with bits of metal or other junk. Scrap Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.
Basic: This is the lowest and most common quality of items. Beyond their standard uses, they may not have Augments. When most Skill Kits are not maintained, they revert to Basic quality.
Even though Basic Skill Kits do not require Upkeep, it is required that these are submitted for inspection and for re-tagging every 3 attended Events.
Advanced: Advanced Skill Kits are what most seasoned adventurers, Operatives, and Delvers, and crafters will be using. Many Builder Skills require this quality of weaponry. Advanced Items may house one Augment, which are specialized construction methods that modify an item’s to add an Additional Property.
Superior: Superior Skill Kits are the province of the well-off and the masterful builders, inventors, and adventurers. Although these are expensive to create and maintain, many of the strongest fighting Skills require their use. Furthermore, they are able to have up to two Skill Kit Augments.
Advanced and Superior Skill Kits have special and diverse properties that are available to them called Augments. These Augments do not normally cost additional Components although they can require specific weapon props, specific component types, or modifications to one’s Skill Kit prop.
Basic Skill Kits may not have any Augments.
Advanced Skill Kits may have one Augment.
Superior Skill Kits may have two Skill Kit Augments.
When an Advanced Skill Kit is created or maintained via upkeep, you may place a Skill Kit Augment on it. Similarly, a Superior Skill Kit may be created or maintained with one or two Augments. As mentioned above, this does not require additional Components although they may change or add to what Component types are to be used.
However, all Skill Kit Augments require specific skills to be placed upon items
Using certain Workshops can waive the Skill requirement for some Augments. For example, by using an Herb Shop, one can waive the Skill Requirement for the Insulator Weapon Augment
There are many kinds of Augments but there are three main categories:
-- Gadget Augments are useful gizmos and mechanisms that are usually placed on Scrap Kits
-- Kit Augments are special tools that allow some utility or enhance Skills you already have.
-- Vial Augments involve volatile chemicals that are used on distant enemies or nearby allies.
Skill Kit Overview and Costs
Herb Kit (HK): medical kits, brewing kits, and similar items of utility.
herbal/water x5; Needed by Brewers/Doctors/Chemists, Reverts to basic w/o upkeep
Scrap Kit (SK): These possess tools and scrap materials for crafting and repair.
herbal/metal x5; Needed by Tinkers/Weavers/Weaponers, Reverts to basic w/o upkeep
Creation and Upkeep Costs: Higher item qualities cost more to create and upkeep. On the other hand, they have the benefit of being able to house Item Augments within them that grant additional or special properties.
Basic items cost Minor Components to create/upkeep
Advanced items (1 Aug) cost Basic Components to create/upkeep
Superior items (2 Aug) cost Rare Components to create/upkeep.
Herb Kit
These represent medical kits, brewing kits, and similar items of utility.
Creation//Upkeep Cost: x5 minor: herbal or water//No Upkeep cost
Basic: x5 minor//No Upkeep needed
Advanced: x5 basic//Same after 3 Attended Events.
Superior: x5 rare//Same after 3 Attended Events.
Property: This is required to use certain Craft or healing skills such as Brew Maker and Treat Injury.
Prop Requirements: A small backpack, messenger bag, or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful and/or medicinal herbs or chemicals. Some Herb Kits have plants sticking out of it or have plastic containers filled with colorful liquid. Other Herb Kits are styled like med packs with bandages and similar props.
Scrap Kit
These possess tools and scrap materials for crafting and repair.
Scrap Kit
Creation//Upkeep Cost: x5 minor: earth or metal//No Upkeep cost
Basic: x5 minor//No Upkeep needed
Advanced: x5 basic//Same after 3 Attended Events.
Superior: x5 rare/Same after 3 Attended Events.
Property: This is required to use certain Craft and repair skills such as Device Maker and Repair Weaponry.
Prop Requirements: A small backpack, messenger bag, or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts. Some Scrap Kits may have prop wrenches, hammers, knitting needles, or similar tools sticking out of it. Others are adorned with bits of metal or other junk.