
These individuals are Pastors, Preachers, Wisefolk, and Medicine People. They are shepherds of the spirit and soothers of the troubled. While they have some physician skills, they are able to grant resolve to the weary and cure the ills of the stricken through their speech, their presence, and their altruism. 

Class: Counselor

Aptitude: Altruistic Aide

Skill 1: Calming Confessor

Skill 2: Treat Injury

Skill 3: Cold Reading

Perk 1: Charmed - Soothing Aspect

Perk 2: Charmed - Defensive Reading

Perk 3: Charmed - Restful Composition 

Items: Any melee weapon, Herb Kit, Knife Pack

Future Build Options: 

  • Soother (Counselor): Cure ailments/injuries and enkindle piety

  • Binder (Counselor): forge fellowships and grant Resolve to allies.

  • Doctor (Builder): Grants and improves healing; cures diseases and raises the dead

  • Reader (Counselor/Ranger): discern an individual’s details and find their weak spots

  • Scholar (Counselor): Learn knowledge and teach it to others

  • Runner (Ranger): Dodge attacks and flee from danger

Sooth-speakers often focus on the Soother Discipline first and foremost, aiming for the Soother Aspect as well as its upgrade. Those who are interested in out-of-combat utility can also find promise within that Discipline, gaining the ability to cure Curses and improve the Rest of others. 

Other useful Disciplines include the Doctor Discipline to improve one’s healing, the Binder Discipline to strengthen bonds with a few close allies, and the Scholar Discipline to learn more and teach others. More than a few Sooth-speakers end up with the Runner Discipline, especially with its ability to usher others out of dangerous areas.

Itemization Advice: With their focus on healing and support, Sooth-speakers invest in augmented Herb Kits to improve their curative powers. The Med Kit is one example of such an Augment, although with certain skills, the Lazarus and Regen Vial Augments are a significant upgrade.

Besides their Herb Kits, a few Sooth-speakers choose to prioritize garnering funds to maintain a Hallowed Shrine -- an expensive prospect but one that benefits a large number of folk. Not only does this enhance some of their abilities, but it also is a place of worship or repose for the faithful.