
Magic is a potent weapon in the hands of a skilled practitioner, striking enemies down with flame and force. Such is the path of the Spellslinger, who wields sorcery to make war upon foes and monsters. 

Class: Arcanist (Talismonger)

Aptitude: Barrier Magus

Skill 1: Etheric Arcana

Skill 2: Project Wrath

Skill 3: Projection Adept

Perk 1: Marked - Psionic (Far Hand; Project Force)

Perk 2: Energized - Empowered Arcana

Perk 3: Energized - Eldritch Defiance

Items: Rune Wand (Blast Wand), Any armor, Scrap Kit

Future Build Options: 

  • Projection (Arcanist): summon and expel destructive energies.

  • Channeler (Arcanist): This discipline is about wielding magic and its honing thereof. 

  • Obfuscation (Arcanist): hide yourself or hinder the senses of others

  • Detection (Arcanist): perceive things beyond your normal senses.

  • Scrapper (Warrior): for increased toughness and improved armor use

  • Defender (Warrior): integral to defending one’s self and others

In the name of improving their eldritch potency, Spellslingers often delve into the Channeler and Projection disciplines. In particular, the Master of Evocation and Burning Aspect Skills vastly improve a Spellslinger’s firepower. 

Many Spellslingers diversify their specialties in the name of efficiency, learning Spells from Detection and Obfuscation — these spells are not eclipsed or hindered by Projection’s destructive nature. Those Spellslingers interested in self-preservation will invest in the Scrapper and Defender Disciplines to augment their defenses and their toughness. 

Itemization Advice: As Talismanic Arcanists, Spellslingers are bound to their Rune Wands. Thus, they prioritize these weapons’ advancement while setting aside resources to maintain their monthly Adept Attunements with the Projection Sphere (and any other Spheres of use). 

Beyond that, Spellslingers are diverse in their itemization. While many will invest in armor or even shields of advanced or higher quality, gadgets and other items are within the realm of creation and use as members of the Talismanic Tradition.