Weaponry Items


These items include swords, guns, shields, and arrow packs. Forged and wielded for the protection of the self and of others, they are distressingly common and necessary in the World Beyond the Fall.

Melee Weapons: Most attacks with melee weapons inflict 1 point of physical damage per swing — these “Basic attacks” or “Jabs” do not require a damage invocation or a “damage call”

Ranged Weapons and Ammo Packs: On the other hand, Ranged attacks are always followed by damage invocations. Basic ranged attacks (BRAs or Missiles) may not exceed 5 points of damage.

  • Small Weapon — 12” to 24” (1 hand)

    Medium Weapon — 25” to 48” (1 hand or 2 hand)

    Heavy Weapon — 49” to 60” (2 hand only)

    Stave Weapon — 61” to 72” (2 hand only)

    Shield — maximum 32” diameter on any dimension on the shield

    Short Bow — 24” to 48”

    Longbow — 49” to 60”

    Hand Crossbow — 10x10” to 18×18”

    Medium Crossbow — 19”×19” to 24”×24”

    Arbalest — 25×25“ to 30×30”

    Pistol — Smaller than 18 inches

    Shortarm — 18” to 24”

    Longarm — 25” to 48”

    Siege Caster — 49” to 72”

  • Basic: This is the lowest and most common quality of items. Beyond their standard uses, they may not have Augments. When most Weapons and Shields are not maintained, they revert to Basic quality. On the other hand, Ammo Packs (e.g. Knife Packs, Slug Packs) will be completely depleted/expired every 3 Events unless Components are spent to maintain them.

    Even though most Basic Weapons and Shields do not require Upkeep, it is required that these are submitted for inspection and for re-tagging every 6 months.

    Advanced: Advanced Weaponry is what most seasoned adventurers, Operatives, Delvers, and soldiers will be using. Many fighting Skills require this quality of weaponry. Advanced Items may house one Augment, which are specialized construction methods that modify an item’s to add an Additional Property.

    Superior: Superior Weaponry is the province of the well-off and the masterful soldiers, protectors, and adventurers. Although these are expensive to create and maintain, many of the strongest fighting Skills require their use. Furthermore, they are able to have up to two Weaponry Augments.

  • Advanced and Superior Weaponry have special and diverse properties that are available to them called Augments. These Augments do not cost additional Components although they can require specific weapon props, specific component types, or modifications to one’s weapon prop.

    Advanced Weaponry Items may have one Weaponry Augment while Superior Weaponry Items may have two Weaponry Augments.

    Basic Weaponry Items may not have any Augments. In fact, Weapons under the Sunder effect act as though they are Basic Weaponry

  • When an Advanced Weaponry Item (Weapon, Shield, or Ammo Pack) is created or maintained via upkeep, you may place an Advanced Weaponry Augment on it. Similarly, a Superior Weaponry Item may be created or maintained with one or two Augments. As mentioned above, this does not require additional Components although they may change or add to what Component types are to be used.

    However, all Weaponry Augments require specific skills to be placed upon items. For example, the Chainsaw Augment requires the War Mechanic skill. On the other hand, they do not require specific skills to use.

    Using certain Workshops can waive the Skill requirement for some Augments. For example, by using an Herb Shop, one can waive the Skill Requirement for the Chemical Weapon Augment.

Weaponry COST Overview

Creation and Upkeep Costs: Higher weapon qualities cost more to create and upkeep. On the other hand, they have the benefit of being able to house Item Augments within them that grant additional or special properties.

  • Basic items cost Minor Components to create/upkeep

  • Advanced items (1 Aug) cost Basic Components to create/upkeep

  • Superior items (2 Aug) cost Rare Components to create/upkeep.

Ammo Pack

Arrow Pack (AP): ammo for bows and crossbows.

  • herbal/metal x5; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Knife Pack (KP): throwing knives, shuriken, kunai, etc.

  • metal x5; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Slug Pack (SP): bullets for pistols/shortarms/longarms

  • fire/metal x5; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Melee Weapon

Heavy weapon (HV): 2-handed weapons with heft and power.

  • herbal/metal x7; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Medium Weapon (MD): Swords, axes, clubs, maces for 1 or 2 hands.

  • herbal/metal x5; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Rune Wand (RW): magical foci for Arcanists

  • astral/earth/herbal x7; Needed by Talismongers; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Shield (SH): These are bucklers, targes, and other shields

  • herbal/metal x5; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Small weapon (SM): Daggers, combat crowbars, and other smaller weapons.

  • herbal/metal x5; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Stave weapon (ST): 2-handed weapons with length and speed

  • herbal/metal x7; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Ranged Weapon

Bow (BW): Longbows and Short Bows.

  • herbal/metal x5; Needs Arrow pack; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Crossbow (CR): Hand and Medium Crossbows as well as Arbalests.

  • herbal/metal x5; Needs Arrow pack; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Longarm (LN): 2-handed firearms focused on stopping power.

  • fire/metal x7; Needs Slug pack; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Pistol (PS): 1-handed portable firearms

  • fire/metal x5; Needs Slug pack; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Shortarm (SA): shorter 2-handed firearms.

  • fire/metal x7; Needs Slug pack; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep

Siege Caster(SC): Huge firearms, including flamethrowers and similar weapons.

  • earth/metal x10; Needs Slug pack; Reverts to basic w/o upkeep



Ammo Packs

Arrow Pack (AP)

Arrow Packs hold ammunition for both Bows and Crossbows.

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x5 minor//No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: Wearing an Arrow Pack allows for the use of Bows and Crossbows.

Prop Requirement: This requires a prop that appears to be a leg or back quiver with arrows within at least 12” in length.  

Knife Pack (KP) 

Knife Packs represent throwing knives, shuriken, and similarly small and deadly ranged weapons.

Creation/Upkeep Cost: Metal

Basic: x5 minor//No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: Wearing a Basic-quality Knife Pack allows a character to throw “knives” in the form of spell Packets or an acceptable thrown knife (or kunai/shuriken/etc) prop that inflict “1 damage” when thrown. 

Prop Requirement: This requires a prop that appears to be a belt or bandolier that holds coreless foam or prop knives, kunai, shuriken, or similar materials. Any thrown weapon that is to be used in combat may not have a core, must be comprised of combat-safe foam, and may not be larger than 12 inches.

Slug Pack (SP)

Slug Packs are ammunition for Pistol, Shortarm, and Longarm weapons. h, fire and/or herbal

Basic: x5 minor// No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: Wearing a Slug Pack allows for the use of a Pistol, Shortarm, Longarm, or some Siege Casters. 

Melee Weapons

Small Melee weapon (SM)

Daggers and similarly sized weapons are of the Small Weapon-type. They are valued for their convenience, portability, and ease of concealment.

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x5 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: This is a requirement for certain melee and defense skills such as Smite and Parry. Without special mechanics, hits upon these weapons do not count as hits on their wielder. 

Prop Requirements: A combat safe weapon -- 12” to 24” in length

Heavy Melee weapon (HV)

This weapon represents most greatswords, greataxes, and mauls. Shorter than Staves, these need to be wielded with both hands for their mass and the damage they can inflict.

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x7 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x7 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x7 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: This is a requirement for certain melee and defense skills such as Smite and Parry. Without special mechanics, hits upon these weapons do not count as hits on their wielder. With the Melee Fighter skill, Smite attacks with these weapons can inflict a maximum of 7 damage (instead of a maximum of 5 damage). 

Prop Requirements: A combat safe weapon -- 49” to 60” (2 hand only)

Medium Melee weapon (MD)

Medium Weapons include things like longswords, hand axes, hand-and-a-half swords, clubs, and similar one-handed weapons. 

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x5 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: This is a requirement for certain melee and defense skills such as Smite and Parry. Without special mechanics, hits upon these weapons do not count as hits on their wielder. 

Prop Requirements: A combat safe weapon -- 25” to 48” in length

Rune Wand (RW)

These weapons are necessary for a Talismanic Arcanist to use their spells efficiently. Other spellcasters may find a use for Rune Wands of Advanced or Superior quality due to their special Augments. Longer Rune Wands are sometimes called Rune Swords, Rune Hammers, Pact Staves, or Witch Blades. 

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Astral, metal and/or herbal

Basic: x7 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x7 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x7 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: This is a requirement for Talismonger spells but can also function as a Melee Weapon if the prop is combat safe. Without special mechanics, hits upon these weapons do not count as hits on their wielder. 

Prop Requirements: A wand or weapon prop 12” to 48” in length. If the prop is not combat safe, then it may not be used for attacking or defending -- similarly, attacks that hit a non-combat safe Rune Wand count as hitting you if you are wielding or carrying it. 

Shield (SH)

Shields are hand-held defensive weaponry items -- while they cannot be used to attack, their broadness makes defending much easier. 

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x5 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: This is a requirement for certain defenses and skills such as Block. Without special mechanics, hits upon shields do not count as hits on their wielder. 

Prop Requirements: A padded or latex shield or buckler prop -- maximum 32” diameter on length, radius, and/or width

Stave Melee weapon (ST)

This weapon represents most polearms and staff weapons, as well as those swords, axes, and other weapons of immense length and speed. These need to be wielded with both hands for their reach, a highly valued trait in the battlefield.

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x7 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x7 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x7 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: This is a requirement for certain melee and defense skills such as Smite and Parry. Without special mechanics, hits upon these weapons do not count as hits on their wielder. 

Prop Requirements: A combat safe weapon -- 61” to 72” (2 hand only)

Ranged Weapons

Bow weapon (BW)

Bows expend ammunition from Arrow packs. This weapon type includes Longbows and Short bows. Unlike firearm weapons, a user with the right skill may defend and attack in melee with them (if they are using combat safe weapons). 

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x5 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: For their basic attacks, Short Bows inflict 1 damage per shot. While Longbows inflict 2 points of damage per shot. 

Prop Requirements: A foam or latex bow -- longbows are 49” to 60” in length while short bows are 24” to 48”. 

Crossbow weapon (CR)

Crossbows expend ammunition from Arrow packs. This weapon type includes Hand Crossbows and Arbalest Crossbows. Unlike firearm weapons, a user with the right skill may defend and attack in melee with them (if they are using combat safe weapons). 

Creation//Upkeep Cost: Metal and/or herbal

Basic: x5 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: For their basic attacks, Hand Crossbows and Medium Crossbows inflict 1 damage per shot. While Arbalests inflict 2 points of damage per shot. 

Prop Requirements: A foam or latex crossbow -- this must be combat safe if it is to be used in melee combat. Hand Crossbows are 10x10” to 18x18”, Medium Crossbows are 19x19” to 24x24”, and Arbalest Crossbows are 25x25” to 30x30”

Longarm (LN)

Longarms are the bigger of the two-handed firearms and use Slug Packs. Longarms tend to be single fire but may inflict greater amounts of damage. 

Creation//Upkeep Cost: metal and/or fire

Basic: x7 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x7 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x7 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: These inflict two points of damage per shot, but these cannot be made combat safe and used to strike in combat. Hits upon the weapon affect their wielder instead.

Prop Requirements: A setting appropriate dart launcher or foam replica with an orange tip  --25” to 48” in length

Pistol (PS)

Pistols are relatively small  firearm weapons that can be wielded one handed and require a Slug Pack to use.

Creation//Upkeep Cost: metal and/or fire

Basic: x5 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x5 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x5 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: They inflict one point of damage per shot.  

Prop Requirements: A setting appropriate dart launcher or foam replica with an orange tip -- less than 18” in length

Shortarm (SA)

Shortarms are the smaller of the two-handed firearms and use Slug Packs. Advanced and Superior Shortarms may be augmented with autofire options. 

Creation//Upkeep Cost: metal and/or fire

Basic: x7 minor://No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x7 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x7 rare//Same every 6 months

Property: These inflict two points of damage per shot, but these cannot be made combat safe and used to strike in combat. Hits upon the weapon affect their wielder instead.

Prop Requirements: A setting appropriate dart launcher or foam replica with an orange tip — 18” to 24” in length

Siege Caster (Besieger; SC)

Creation//Upkeep Cost: earth and/or metal 

Basic: x10 minor//No Upkeep needed

Advanced: x10 basic//Same every 6 months

Superior: x10 rare//Same every 6 months

Property 1: Those who carry it are “Enfeebled” (attacks that hit their weapon or shields are considered to have hit them and they cannot use defenses) and for 3 seconds after they stop carrying it.

Property 2: After Targ-10, you may perform an attack via foam dart or spell packet -- it inflicts “5 damage”. Weaponry augments may grant it additional attack options but its basic ranged attacks and Smite damage cannot exceed 7 points. This is a Piercing attack if you have the Gunsmith skill.

Property 3: Weapon Stand -- a Besieger can be anchored to a fixed position. This takes one Weapon Repair action to affix or dislodge it. If it is moved from this position without the dislodged count, the weapon is Sundered and can be fixed by 3 Field Repairs (consecutive or simultaneous). While anchored, its Targ count is reduced to Targ-7.

Prop Requirements: Due to their in-game bulk, you may only carry one Besieger at a time. These are a setting appropriate dart launcher or foam replica with an orange tip 49” to 72” in length. This requires a shoulder strap and at least one hand to wield.