Arcane Traditions and Eldritch Corruption

Below is a basic description of the three Arcane Traditions of Magic in the World Beyond the Fall. 

Animatic Tradition

Named for the spiritual entities they use and only they can see, Animancers use “Animus” to channel dangerous etheric energies into spells. Depending on who you ask, Animus are either summoned spirits, conscripted spectral beings or mental constructs -- in all cases, they assist in keeping an Animancer safe from the worst of Eldritch Corruption. 

Diabolic Tradition

Diabolists are wrought through a perilous rite called “Diablerie Servitoris”, where a symbiotic entity is introduced into a would-be Diabolist’s internal systems to assist in the channeling and usage of etheric energies. These spellcasters are able to inflict pain and ruin upon their body to empower their spells. However, they are more susceptible to Eldritch Corruption from the strain of what they do to their bodies.

Talismanic Tradition

Talismongers have learned to use magically empowered items to channel their dangerous etheric energy into their spells. They are capable of immense flexibility and ingenuity with Rune Wands and magical gadgets.

No Tradition 

You choose to use your magics as is, though this impacts how well you can function without them. You may choose this option at Character Creation and then learn a Tradition during gameplay.  


Eldritch Corruption or Spell-Sever

Whenever an Arcanist or a Channeler (any character that can use a Spell) gains a new Milestone, they are affected by Eldritch Corruption. While the character does not make this choice, the Player chooses which effect (see list below) they receive. Spell-Severs may be cured as though they were an Anathemic Curse that requires 3 Pure components to cure. 

If you currently have at least one uncured Eldritch Corruption, then you no longer gain Eldritch Corruption whenever you gain a Milestone. 

  • Something calls from beyond and the spell-user listens.

    • You suffer minor visual and auditory hallucinations which confuses your perceptions of what is real. Some organizations consider this a major problem and relinquish status or influence from an individual known to have this. This has the following effect:

    • You are unable to use Detection Spells

    • You are unable to use Inquiry and Sense effects.

    • Once per Period, Game-Staff may give you special information or inflict a Dominate Strike or Wound upon you from a distant entity.

    • Game Staff may choose to subject you to a specific effect that represents your proximity to the Eldritch dimensions and their dangers/benefits.

    Phys-rep requirements: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes

  • Your Animus shines brightly and it shines through you as well, as a mirror to a flame.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of flame, of truth, or of honor -- examples include an Eagle spirit, an honorable ancestor, and a Sun spirit. Mentalists with Bright Animus tend to think of their Animus with vivid and/or fiery colors.

    In all cases, something intangible alerts the other party to your attempts at deception.

    • You cannot lie or hide yourself, though they can still omit information from your speech.

    • You cannot use skills from the Masker discipline

    • You cannot use spells of the Obfuscation Sphere.

    • You cannot use Conceal or Escape effects unless they are bestowed upon you by an ally.

    Phys-rep requirement: Flame or Sun themed, and/or Flame colored (yellow, orange, red) mask for the Animus Crown.

  • Your Animus is placid and calm, like a still pond or a quiet sky.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of peace, of waters, or of life -- examples include River spirits, Turtle spirits, and healer ancestors. Mentalists with Languid Animus tend to think of their Animus with calm and/or serene colors or visions.

    In all cases, you find it difficult to raise your hands or spellcraft in violence. This can be something as benign as pacifism or as simple as laziness. Furthermore,

    • Your Spell and Weapons cannot inflict more than one point of damage

    • You are unable to perform Death Blows

  • Your Animus is a passionate spirit, like a raging storm or a feral beast.

    Shamans with this effect tend to dress with furs, feathers, or other animal-based clothing, perceiving their Animus as hunter spirits, warrior spirits, or bestial spirits. Mentalists have no such compunction, but they favor less layers and coverage than normal -- their Animus tend to be primal Id mentalities.

    Regardless, you tend towards recklessness and emotions, exhibiting powerful passions and ideals

    • You cannot negate or cure Frenzy effects that affect you, although allies may do so for you.

    • You may not benefit from Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor, although you are able to wear it.

    • You may not grant more than 1 point of Healing to others. This has no effect on self Healing or on granting Resolve.

    Phys-rep requirement: Animalistic qualities (fangs, furs, feathers) and/or colored mask for the Animus crown. Alternatively, a lightning/storm themed mask for the Animus crown.

  • Your soul has been fractured by unstable magical energies during your use of them.

    Individuals with this effect are sometimes lost in their thoughts or harboring some intangible ache in their chest.

    This has the following effects:

    • Three of your ATN become unusable, labeled as “Shivered Soul 1”, “Shivered Soul 2”, and “Shivered Soul 3” They cannot even be occupied by Afflictions.

    • You are unable to Augment the Iron Defiance Skill, although you can still use it if it is Unaugmented.

  • Magic has wasted away at your flesh, warping your immunities and resistances.

    This has the following effects:

    • You are not able to use any Skill or Property to negate or cure any Wound, Blight, or Disease effect on yourself.

    • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 7 HP

  • You are addicted to magic and to the wielding of it. Left untreated, this can be particularly costly for a magic-user and it drives many to debt or the patronage of an Arch-Faction.

    Your dependence on magical items results in an Incurable Curse called “Talismanic Withdrawal”. This occupies 2 ATN.

    Furthermore, you suffer an Incurable Rot and Incurable Hobble effect whenever the following conditions below have not been fulfilled for the last five minutes.

    These Control effects disappear five minutes after you sate your dependence on magical energy.

    • You are touching/carrying a Rune Wand or are near a Mana Lodge or Magna Forge

    • You are attuned to two or more Etheric Spheres.

    This Curse is only cured when this Spellsever is cured.

    Phys-rep requirement: Rune Wand

  • The following Spell Severs exist, but they are not given as options to Player Characters for gameplay reasons. However, non-player individuals in the World Beyond the Fall may suffer from these. As such, they are only given the barest of descriptions.

    Eldritch Inhabitation (Any or No Tradition): You are possessed and altered by an unknown entity, becoming its puppet and avatar in the world. Worse yet, you become a conduit that allows entry to more entities and monstrosities.

    Memetic Obliteration (Any or No Tradition): This is more rumor than actual fact, but sometimes the cost of magic is such that an individual is erased from existence and their tethers to the world are similarly severed.

    Netherworld Delirium (Any or No Tradition): You fall unconscious, your soul separated from your body and put into a ethereal realm. If not cared for, your body rots away. If uncured within several years (varying with each person), the separation between spirit and body becomes permanent. There are rumors of individuals who return from this, but they have massive changes in personality and outlook. They also have little memory of their Delirium.

    Ravenous Soul Worms (Any or No Tradition): Strange otherworldly parasites devour your essence bit by bit from the inside. This turns you sickly and then permanently kills you after several months.

    Sorcerous Burnout (Any or No Tradition): Sometimes just called Burnout, you lose the ability to cast Spells while you have this Spell Sever. It takes 1 Superior Component to cure this, instead of the normal cost.