Talismanic Tradition or Talismanry

Talismongers, Trinketeer, Wandlings, “Mongers”


Talismongers have learned to use magically empowered items to channel their dangerous etheric energy into their spells. Because they require the use of Wands, they tend to focus their efforts on only a few Spheres. 

The greatest weakness of a Talismonger is their inability to use their stronger magics or Attune to an Etheric Sphere without their Rune Wands. This dependence on magical tools also leads many to develop an affliction called “Talismanic Addiction” (see Eldritch Corruption below).

Choose this Arcane Tradition if:

  • You want to play a magical gadgeteer, blending tech and magic.

  • You want to cast spells quickly but without inflicting pain on yourself

  • You want to be able to play a Channeler that can craft materials for themselves.

Somatic Gesture

Used by Adept Skills (e.g. Restoration Adept) to enhance your spells,

  • Perform a minimum of EConc-5, this may add to the EConc required of a spell if it is less than EConc-5

  • Hold aloft a Rune Wand during the EConc or point it at your target

  • This Rune Wand must not be currently Sundered.

Prop requirements:

  • Head or Neck: Wear metal and/or crystal jewelry upon their head or around their neck. This may be a mask, a tiara, a necklace, a torc or a similar item.

  • Fingers, Wrists, or Hands: They must also wear metal and/or crystal jewelry upon their fingers, wrists or hands as well as wield

  • Rune Wand: Needed for Attunement to a Sphere and for Spellcasting.

Gaining the Talismanic Tradition

Character Creation: Choose this Tradition when making an Arcanist. This represents a mentor’s or organization’s training.

Talismanic Onboarding: This involves fully aligning a person’s body to their talismans and a Rune Wand. This can also result in a new Basic Rune Wand at no extra cost.

  • One unused Milestone to be spent on “Sorcerous Awakening”

  • A Stigmata that allows for spellcasting

  • Rare CMP x5 (Astral/Lightning/Metal)

  • Arcane Orrery or Magna Forge

  • Talismonger with Arcane Proficiency plus a 10+ minute Ritual action

Talismanic Ritual Abilities

As per usual with Ritual-Craft skills, once such a skill is used, that skill or any other Ritual or Craft skill may not be used until the current Period has passed and a 10 minute rest has been completed.

Etheric Arcana (Basic Channeler):

-- Talismanic Kit: create a Basic Scrap Kit for crafting

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Ritual

  • Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, you finish creating a Basic Scrap Kit.

-- Talismanic Wand (requires Scrap Kit): As above but you use a Scrap Kit to create a Rune Wand for casting

Empowered Arcana (Complex Channeler):

-- Expert Talismanry: As per Talismanic Kit and Wand, except that you can now create/upkeep an Advanced Scrap Kit or an Advanced Rune Wand. You can choose to create them with an Augment from the categories below:

-- Scrap Kit Augments: Expert, Arcane Gadget and Eldritchtech Gadget

-- Rune Wand Augments: Runic and Eldritchcraft

Empowered Arcana also makes it easier for you to use Arcane Gadgets and Eldritchtech Gadgets, halving the Conc required to use them or lowering their danger to their user.

Arcane Proficiency (Erudite Channeler):

-- Masterful Talismanry: As per Expert Talismanry, except that you can now create/upkeep a Superior Scrap Kit or a Superior Rune Wand (requires a Scrap Kit). These items can be created with two Augments instead of just one.

-- Talismanic Onboarding: See Gaining the Talismanic Tradition above

-- Talismanic Matrix (requires Scrap Kit): Affect non-bonded allies with your ATN spells

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of the subject’s ATN as “Talis Matrix”

  • Step 3: You can also choose an ATN spell that you can cast on a Bonded ally and apply it to the subject. Except for its Ritual action, all the other requirements/costs must be fulfilled. This occupies a 2nd ATN.

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, the subject can now benefit from this spell. Similarly, until the end of the current Event, you can imbue Basic/Complex ATN spells upon them as though they were bonded to you.

    • Prop requirement: The subject must wear ornaments/jewelry that are similar to your own ornaments/jewelry. They need a minimum of 3 jewelry/ornament pieces: one piece for their head/neck and one piece for each hand/wrist.

Eldritch Corruption or Spell Sever

Whenever an Arcanist or a Spell-user (any character that can use a Spell) gains a Milestone, they are affected by Eldritch Corruption. While the character does not make this choice, the Player chooses which effect (see list below) they receive. Spell-Severs may be cured as though they were an Anathemic Curse that requires 3 Pure components to cure. 

If you currently have at least one uncured Eldritch Corruption, then you no longer gain Eldritch Corruption whenever you gain a Milestone. A greater description of Eldritch Corruption is here.

  • Something calls from beyond and the spell-user listens.

    You suffer minor visual and auditory hallucinations which confuses your perceptions of what is real. Some organizations consider this a major problem and relinquish status or influence from an individual known to have this. This has the following effect:

    • You are unable to use Detection Spells

    • You are unable to use Inquiry and Sense effects.

    • Once per Period, Game-Staff may give you special information or inflict a Dominate Strike or Wound upon you from a distant entity.

    • Game Staff may choose to subject you to a specific effect that represents your proximity to the Eldritch dimensions and their dangers/benefits.

    Phys-rep requirements: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Your soul has been fractured by unstable magical energies during your use of them.

    Individuals with this effect are sometimes lost in their thoughts or harboring some intangible ache in their chest.

    This has the following effects:

    • Three of your ATN become unusable, labeled as “Shivered Soul 1”, “Shivered Soul 2”, and “Shivered Soul 3” They cannot even be occupied by Afflictions.

    • You are unable to Augment the Iron Defiance Skill, although you can still use it if it is Unaugmented.

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Magic has wasted away at your flesh, warping your immunities and resistances.

    This has the following effects:

    • You are not able to use any Skill to negate or cure any Wound, Blight, or Disease effect on yourself.

    • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 7 HP

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • You are addicted to magic and to the wielding of it.

    Left untreated, this can be particularly costly for a magic-user and it drives many to debt or the patronage of an Archfaction. Your dependence on magical items results in an Incurable Curse called “Talismanic Withdrawal”. This occupies 2 ATN.

    Furthermore, you suffer an Incurable Rot and Incurable Hobble effect whenever the following conditions below have not been fulfilled for the last five minutes.

    These Control effects disappear five minutes after you sate your dependence on magical energy.

    You are touching/carrying a Rune Wand or are near a Mana Lodge or Magna Forge

    You are attuned to two or more Etheric Spheres.

    This Curse is only cured when this Spellsever is cured.

    Phys-rep requirement: Rune Wand