Carmine Conclave

Carmine Templars, Sanguinar, Carminian, Rosette

“Roses answer with Beauty and Thorns” — Valentinova Motto

Artwork by Nicco Salonga


Second largest of the Conclaves and unwanting in influence, the Carmine Conclave is comprised primarily of diplomats, merchants and bankers, as well as their more military retinues. They are more worldly than the other Conclaves and are also said to be more corruptible – more than a few of this Conclave have reportedly joined with the vampiric overlords of the Night-League or sold Templar secrets to outsiders. The Carmine Conclave denies all such reports however and Skull Conclave inquiries have usually turned up in vain.

In many senses, Carmine Templars often find themselves viewed in a similar light. They appear and conduct themselves with grace and with friendliness, but they are treated with suspicion. Those who underestimate a Sanguinar however, will often regret such a sentiment. They are easily as deadly as they are beautiful, quick to punish those who are fooled the softness of a rose for the bite of its thorns. 

Symbol and Colors

The Hallowed Ziggurat wreathed with thorned vines and five roses. Sometimes, the thorns and vines are beneath and to the lower sides of the Ziggurat. Shades of scarlet, carmine, orange, and black are colors associated with the Carmine Conclave. 

A Carminian Eidolon, dressed to kill.


The Carmine Conclave prefers outfits that are well-made, outfits that stand out, and outfits that are beautiful, in any order of importance. Most will choose to have a single accessory of carmine, scarlet, or similarly red hue to accentuate their attire. However, to chain a Carmine Templar to a single outfit is to accept one’s lower station in the Conclave. Even with instruments and weaponry, these individuals tend to prefer form over function, with their looks as devastating as their attacks.

Many wear a single bright red item of clothing or ornament with their clothing. Some daring individuals will use other shades or colors, though tradition states that such an item must be red adjacent (purple, orange, etc). In most cases, Sanguinar will dress in whatever fashion they like tending but not sticking to expensive dresses and suits. When possible, Carmine Templars will even eschew armor or ornament it to look either high quality or like clothing. 



Allies and pawns: Many Carmine Templars are taught to view others as family, allies, or pawns. All individuals have a use to the Temple and the Conclave. Few Templars actually take this philosophy to its most extreme utilitarian point of view. Most simply view even wary or hostile individuals as potential allies or useful pawns -- to be destroyed only when necessary, hence the Carmine Templars’ reluctance to descend into violence. 

Favors and friends: Those of the Carmine Conclave are taught the value of currency, not merely physical currency but social currency as well. They will do favors for strangers and acquaintances in addition to friends and family. Oftentimes the gift is a minor favor or a small token, but on occasion it can be more expensive or more researched. Much of Carmine etiquette is based on successfully deflecting or graciously waving such a gift -- if only because it renders the receiver beholden to the gifter. The same applies for those who refuse a gift without the necessary grace. Naturally, those beholden can be called upon for minor favors, with some social disdain for those who are unable to comply with this “Scarlet Dance”. Carmine Templars should beware however --  the Scarlet Dance does not often apply outside of the Conclave or “polite company”. 

Sometimes the Carmine is an accent and not the base.

Flamboyant Gestures:  In a similar fashion, Carmine Templars greet others with deep bows, hearty handshakes, and to very close family, kisses on cheeks. Respected elders and superiors are given “Mano”, which is a gesture wherein the elder or superior offers their hand (palm down) and the younger or subordinate presses the knuckle or back of the hand to their forehead while kneeling. 

Friendships and camaraderie: It is known among the Temple and even outside it that the Carmine Templars often refer to strangers and acquaintances as “My Friend” or “Comrade”, regardless of their closeness or level of hostility. Tone is important of course -- even the most generous of compliments can be mockery with the right tone of voice and the right gesture. Closer friends and family are called “Cousin”,  or “Sibling” (and rarely Brother/Sister). “Elder” or “Sire” may be used to refer to senior or higher status individuals. To those most intimate, they may refer to their closest family or lovers by nicknames, sometimes using flowers or shortened names to affect each other. 

One Big family: From the very beginning of their lives, the value of family, Conclave, and Temple is ingrained unto the Carmine Templars. Family, especially, must be protected and nurtured -- pruned only when they become inimical to the needs of the group. Some see the Sanguinar as the most loving and passionate of the Templars, extolling the virtues of filial love as well as that of romantic attraction. This has a dark side as well -- many are the Templars that feed upon the love of their families while poisoning them from within, spending decades doing so until they are found and pruned. 

Side-stories: In their love of palaver and discourse, the Sanguinar are especially enthralled by stories -- specifically story telling. They tend to keep stories about folk, not just for entertainment and for memory, but also to allow them to describe their acquaintance to others. These stories tend to be short affairs, no longer than five minutes, but they are chosen to illustrate what the storyteller likes about the person in question. In less amicable settings, these stories are usually used to disparage a rival or an enemy, although it must be done with subtlety rather than obviously -- highlighting a flaw or a failure despite seeming like a complimentary tale.

The Red Haze: Similarly, the Carmine Conclave is notorious for their viciousness when family is attacked, with their cruel vengeances reaching beyond the pale. When their family is wronged, it takes much to quell the bloodlust of the Carmine Templar. When they may not act physically, they instead destroy their rivals socially instead of through violent blood feuds. The territories of the Carmine Conclave are rife with this bickering, though it appears nothing but placid or even cheerful to strangers. Fortunately, this can be stopped -- favors, gifts, and punishments can be used to quench the fires of a vengeful Sanguinar. 


The names of the Sanguinar are divided into their first name, their middle name, their family name and their Cabal name (if they are part of one). Sanguinar introduce themselves with their full name and Cabal but then follow it up with a name that they can be called in haste.

First names: These are granted to an individual by their parents after they are born. These tend to reflect their parents or Cabal’s history or heritage and be long and flamboyant. 

Middle names: These are chosen by the Sanguinar themselves upon completing their rite of adulthood. Some stay with their first names. Others refer to themselves as their first and their middle names or drop their first names entirely, referring to themselves only as their middle name except in rituals and formal documentation. 

Family name: This is shared by one’s family and is taken from one mother. In families with more than one mother or none, a naming parent is mutually decided upon before marriage, traditionally by the engaged partnership’s mothers or decided by the parents. A family name from the prime family of a Cabal is a part of the main branch and is treated with some respect and fear by their fellows.

Cabal Name: Cabals are powerful and influential groups within the Conclave composed of different families but following the lead of one primary family. There are five major Cabals in the Carmine Conclave and they control most of the resources and the minor Cabals. Cabal Names are references to the crests of the Cabal rather than the Cabal themselves. 

Major Cabals in the Carmine Conclave and their Cabal Names

Valentinova (du Miroir): Known for their aesthetes, sorcerers, and romantics.

Alvarado (de la Spirale): Seafarers, bureaucrats, and traders of even tempers and clever wit.

Montaigne (de L’Argent): Industry, precision, and willfulness are hallmarks of this Cabal.

Ithilios (de la Lune): Known for their discipline, their ruthlessness, and piety.

Champlain (du Soleil): Fiery individuals in temperament, magics, and battle prowess.

Example names: 

  • Tatianna Sirena Valentinova du Miroir is blessed not only with a prime lineage but has arisen in rank as a Gold Cavalier in her Cabal’s eyes. Her allies call her “Cavalier Sirena” but most simply call her “Siren”. 

  • Francisco Ignacio Tabrin de la Baton is part of a minor Cabal and allows himself to be called “Valiant Ignacio” or “Egg” by his close friends. Ranked as a mere Root Valiant, he is an ambitious individual that is willing to join with a major Cabal to ascend the ranks with whatever it takes.

  • Anastasia Willa D’Argentine allows themselves to be called “Will” or “Willa”. They do not have a Cabal. Unlike most others without a Cabal, they do not wish to be part of one.  

Example Character Ideas

The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Conclave. If desired, Feel free to use or alter one of these for your character.

Amiable Evangelist: The faith of the Temple and the arms of the Carmine Conclave are open to the willing, and one’s flock is also one’s strength. The charm of the Carmine Templars lends well to the gathering of hearts and minds to their cause, moreso than any of the other Conclaves. These leaders and guides must beware hubris and ambition, however, lest they be toppled from their thrones.

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Counselor 

Cunning Infiltrator: These Templar can mask their motives and their movements with ease, taking on whatever roles they need for their missions. Despite their florid reputation, the Carmine Conclave has great need of subtlety and discretion. Yet those who walk this path must beware -- even without failure, infiltrators run the risk of being recognized or worse yet, being disillusioned. 

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Ranger

Fashionable Fop: For these Templar, everything is about the look, all else is a distant second or third place - not battle, not honor, and definitely not function. These individuals seek out the latest in fashion, the greatest of luxuries, and the most decadent of lifestyles. Some even seek out forbidden tomes and secrets, taking great pleasure in having what most cannot. 

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Builder

Master of Puppets: These individuals schemed and connived their way through the world, rarely having to work alone. These folk know people who know people. They have friends who have friends. Such a position is enviable and some friends are less trustworthy than others. But even the best plans can go awry.

Suggested Classes: Builder, Counselor.

Swaggering Swashbuckler: Carmine Templars are known for their wit rather than their weaponplay, but their foes best beware a Sanguinar that can do both. These individuals can be swords swingers full of braggadocio and bravado or they can be quieter killers, slaying with a barbed word as well as a swift blade. 

Suggested Classes: Counselor, Warrior


Officially, the Carmine Archon rules the Conclave. However, they must contend with and appease the wishes of the Carmine Court, whose Princes hold immense weight in policy, bureaucracy, and in the military. These Princes lead the aristocratic Cabals that hold great influence over the city’s workings through power and wealth.

Archon Jean Francois Guillebeaux is a native of Bastion du Rachat and knows well the song and dance required to administer to the Conclave’s needs, in addition to the songs and dances that he was known for in his tempestuous youth. He lets his Invokates manage the Priories while he deals with the necessary work of leading the Carminians as a whole. While he rarely guests at the Courts’ manors, the Archon’s visitors are a common sight within the cathedral gardens at the northern portion of Rachat, often delegates or emissaries of the Cabalim asking about a favor or requesting assistance in an issue. 

Some of his Archonate critics claim that he spends too much time “playing” with the Carmine Court and not enough time governing them. That said, this critique rarely takes into account the brutal purges and inquisitions he conducted two decades ago. The quality and vivacity of his winter roses are a testament to his thorough nature and his foresight. 

Carmine Conclave History

Important Events

The Ravening (0 BTF): The god-like Abyssals are drawn to the planet by humanity’s hubris and their power hungry agents. Though they bring the age of humankind to an end, they are driven away by its true mother and protector -- called the World Dragon, Earth Mother and God-Empress. Despite Her triumph, She is shattered and slain from the innumerous wounds of that terrible battle.

Crowned with Void Fire (17 BTF): The followers of the God-Empress arrive in the Pacific Northwest to protect the human survivors there. Led by their goddess’ Oracle-Avatar, they begin a brutal war against the Flesh-Takers who have been hunting down and flensing any humans that they find. 

The First Feast (23 BTF): The Oracle-Avatar and their Templar brethren purge the region of the Flesh-Takers and feast upon the Abyssal remnant that had been corrupting the area. In the Pacific Northwest, they endeavor to build a new society and rally humanity toward their holy goal: the destruction of the Abyssals and their monstrous scions. Saint Carmine consumes sanctified Abyssal flesh and is beatified into sainthood and demi-divinity. 

The Path of Flame and Roses (25 BTF): Alongside Saint Flame, Saint Carmine and her warband lead a growing army east on the Oracle-Avatar’s command. They save the communities they encounter and allow them entry into the faith of the God-Empress. 

Crossing the Superior Sea (30 BTF): Upon reaching the Superior Sea, the Flame Conclave rebuilds the town of Beacon. Meanwhile, Saint Carmine and her disciples vanish and end up on the other side of the sea and infiltrate a series of “kingdoms” ruled by vampiric overlords.

Bastion du Rachat (37 BTF): Through subterfuge and diplomacy, Saint Carmine successfully orchestrates a revolt against the Night Kings and free a beshadowed city. She ensures that any Necrotic individuals that assist them are spared. The Night Kings flee southward while the Archon-Saint organizes rebuilding efforts. With the Oracle-Avatar’s new magics, a Shadow Door is linked between Ziggurat City and Bastion du Rachat. This allows for rapid reinforcements at a significant cost in reagents.

The Carmine Court (51 BTF): Rachat is united to Saint Carmine’s cause. Subservient to the clergy, the local warlords that now call themselves the Roseate Cabals. The Conclave continues to reclaim more territory and convert more settlements to the faith. By freeing the Night Spire settlement northeast of Bastion, they have diminished Night League presence in the north.

Saintly Charm (56 BTF): The Oracle-Avatar asks for the Carmine Conclave’s assistance in the areas south of Ziggurat City, specifically in converting the inhabitants of Paradise City in the Mojave and the mariners of Port Sacrament. Saint Carmine leads the negotiations with great success and the two settlements join the Templars wholeheartedly.

Into the Night (63 BTF): Savage raids upon the Conclave’s southernmost settlements result in a clash between the Carmine Conclave and the Hellhound Motorgangs. After the Night King’s machinations are revealed, the Hellhounds, Flame Conclave, and Carmine Conclave unite to eradicate the Night Kings’ mountain strongholds during a long and brutal campaign. Saint Flame is slain during this conflict. 

The Night of Seven Sorrows (67 BTF): Upon her return to Rachat, she discovers the murder of her Spouse, Zorya Valentinova, and adopted family. The culprits are Night League infiltrators who are easily found and immediately subjected to Eldritch Crucifixion. Saint Carmine appoints a new Archon-Saint and vanishes to look for the culprit. She is never seen again. The popular myth is that she died of a broken heart and turned into drifting rose petals that scattered into the wind.

Terror from the Deep (74 BTF): Oceanic monstrosities and Pelagic Seraphs raid the Temple’s settlements and their allies on the west coast. This culminates in the attack of a titanic crustacean with a woman’s face in its shell. After a devastating rampage, the Oracle-Avatar destroys it alongside their Templar Conclaves. Saint Skull defends the Oracle-Avatar from attack at the cost of his life. 

Paradise Lost (76 BTF): Sensing something awry, the Oracle-Avatar sends Carmine and Flame Conclave agents to Paradise City. Much of the Mojave has been turned into corrupted “Shroudland” that is hazardous to any that walk upon it. Aerial surveys report that the city is in ruins and find no survivors.

A Warning to the South (83 BTF): The Templar continue to consolidate their northeastern holdings and treat carefully with the Free Tribes. Their first encounter with the Illustrados Union is a bloody one, stopping short of igniting actual war. Instead of pursuing conflict, the Templars look to their Oracle-Avatar for guidance and receive orders to return north. 

War and Apostasy (90 BTF): Terrible monstrosities led by the sorcerous Harbingers invade and ravage Mid-Atla. The vicious war against the remnants of humanity follows. The Templar was prepared by the Oracle-Avatar’s warning, but an attempted coup by the Flame Conclave undoes their efforts -- they join the battles against the Harbingers at a diminished capacity while dealing with this new “Infernal Apostasy”

The Armistice at Libertina (96 BTF): After six years of brutal war, Mid-Atla has settled to a troubled peace. The Harbingers have been destroyed and a treaty between the Templar, the Illustrados, and the Free Tribes has been signed at the broken bell of Libertina City.

Current Day (99 BTF): The Temple is rebuilding after the many disasters that have befallen their holdings across the continent. They seek out the leaders of the Infernal Apostasy that betrayed them and to bring the Free Tribes into the fold for their holy mission. 

Important Individuals and Groups:

Abyssals/the World-Slayers: The enemies of the God-Empress and of all terrestrial life - alien, netherworldly god-things from beyond the stars.

The Cascadian Dragon: A titanic crustacean-like entity that eradicated several settlements from the west coast. It was proof against all weapons and the human-sized face in the center of its mass turned soldiers into shriveled corpses. It was slain by the Oracle-Avatar. Saint Skull sacrificed his life to protect them.

The Free Tribes: A group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

God-Empress: The prime divinity of the Templars. Also known as the Shattered Mother, the World Dragon, and the Earth Mother. Through Her sacrifice, the world saw ruin but not destruction from those that would devour it. 

The Harbingers/Harbinger Hosts: Four sorcerous entities of incredible power and the monstrous armies that followed them. They came from the west and savaged their way to Mid-Atla until they were stopped by the combined efforts of the Free Tribes, the Illustrados, and the Temple. 

Hellhound Motorgangs: Over a hundred different warbands from the Midwest that revel in raucous battle and bloodshed. They used to raid the territories around them for supplies or demand tribute from settlements. 

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess

The Night League: Formerly two dozen settlements and towns under the brutal rule of powerful vampiric entities. Calling themselves the Night Kings, these individuals treat other humans as nothing more than thralls and food. They are greatly diminished but are still a threat. 

Oracle-Avatar: The chosen speaker to the God-Empress and the Temple’s leader. After the formation of the Templars, they rarely leave their meditations atop Ziggurat City. They were integral to the Harbingers’ defeat but were severely injured. 

Saint Carmine/Carmine Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for her cunning, her diplomacy, and her ability to turn enemies into allies. Also called the Saint of Roses. Founder of the Carmine Conclave. Disappeared after her spouse was slain. 

Saint Flame/Flame Conclave/Infernal Apostasy: An Archon-Saint known for his power, his knowledge, and his blazing zealotry to the God-Empress. Also known as the Saint of Wrath. Founder of the now extinct Flame Conclave. Slain while fighting the Night Kings. His Conclave would turn against the Temple and attempt to kill the Oracle-Avatar.

Saint Skull/Skull Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for his mercy, his protectiveness, and his iron devotion to the Oracle-Avatar. Founder of the Skull Conclave. Slain fighting the Cascadian Dragon. 

Saint Talon/Talon Conclave: An Archon-Saint known for her strength, her sorcery, and her unflinching bravery. Also known as the Saint of Swords. Founder of the Talon Conclave. Slain during the Battle of the Blockade

Saint Whisper: An Archon Saint known for her incredible willpower, her complete faith, and her sacrifice at the First Feast. She was also known as the Saint of Shadows. She did not start any Conclaves but some of the Skull Conclave devote themselves to her.

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.

Zorya Annabelindas Valentinova de la Mirior (aka Zorya Valentinova): The spouse of Saint Carmine, slain by a Night League infiltrator. The reasons for the crime remain a mystery, defying research and spellcraft. The Saint of Roses left to pursue answers and was never head from again.

Carmine Conclave Power Groups

Power Groups are organizations, orders, families, houses, and other social groups that have great influence over the workings of a Faction. In the Carmine Conclave, the Roseate Cabals and the Archonate Priories are its movers and shakers. 

With one exception, Player Characters may choose to start from any of these or eventually earn affiliation with one of them. In fact, these are useful starting points in diversifying one’s Character from other members of the Carmine Conclave. Player Characters may even choose to create their own Cabals that work beneath one of Conclaves - if doing so, please contact Game Staff with the details to acquire permission to do so. While Player Characters may greatly influence a major Cabal, they will never end up in full leadership capacity within them.

Cabal Alvarado: Keepers of Port Sacrament, the Alvarado are seafarers, bureaucrats, and traders.

Cabal Champlain: Southern sentinels of the Carmine Conclave with a hatred of the Night League and a penchant for fiery dramatics. 

Cabal Ithilios: The somber and knowledgeable Ilthios are a Cabal known for their dark magics and ruthlessness. 

Cabal Montaigne: The root of Rachat’s liberation from the Night League - a Cabal of industrial and military prowess.

Cabal Valentinova: A pious Cabal of aesthetes, sorcerers, and romantics dedicated to the arts and welfare of Bastion du Rachat. 

Priory of Excruciation: The merciless right hand of the Carmine Archon, their enforcers, their punishers, and their inquisition. 

Priory of Orchestration: Tthe civic left hand of the Carmine Archon, dedicated to administering to the needs of the populace and maintaining the engines of governance.

Cabal Alvarado (de la Spirale)

Alvarados, Spirals

“The eternal seas grant petitioners their bounty and take their dues from fools”

Basic: Keepers of Port Sacrament on the west coast, the Alvarado are seafarers, bureaucrats, and traders.

Territory: The Alvarado operate in and around Port Sacrament but their trade contacts extend all across the western coast, even up to the Talonic Citadel and Ziggurat City. 

Symbol: An nautilus shell wreathed by Blue and Green roses. 

Overview: Mariana Alvarado and her followers are the root of this Cabal, dedicated to defending and managing Port Sacrament in the name of the Carmine Conclave. Mariana’s family was also in charge of their sister settlement of Paradise City. The fortunes of Cabal Alvarado changed with the loss of Paradise City and the attack of the Cascadian Dragon. For a time, it appeared that they would never truly recover.

True to Saint Carmine’s promise however, the Temple would not let Port Sacrament wither away. The Talon Conclave worked together with Alvarado to rebuild and to establish a naval foothold and conduct patrols in the area. For their part, this Cabal ensures that the economic and bureaucratic aspects of management are not overlooked. Thus, the Talonites provide protection, the Sanguinar provide knowhow, and all profit from the cooperation.

The Alvarado and the Sea Serpent Chapter work hand in hand together, affecting each other with their teamwork. While most Talonites dislike the Sanguinar methods, the Sea Serpents are much more understanding of their allies. Similarly, the Alvarado have a keener understanding and empathy with their Talonite brethren. To that end, these Carminians tend to be quieter than their kin and more observant. They have also inherited their allies’ love of the sea and of warmer climes, dressing in more daring fashions that would not be as proper in the northern territories. 

Leadership: Imelda Alvarado was blinded by an ambush by Oceanic Seraphs many years ago but that does little to prevent her from performing her duties as Prince to the Conclave. Certainly, she has her younger brother, Benigno, and her aides to assist her. Even without them however, she surpasses the paperwork and wisdom of her princely peers. 

She is said to be patient and willing to lend an ear to anyone willing to speak to her. But she is also possessed of a stubborn nature once she has decided on a path. 

Cabal Champlain (de la Soliel) 

Soleils, Champlains

“We are the God-Empress’ suns and in our light, the unholy will burn!”

Basic: Southern sentinels of the Carmine Conclave with a hatred of the Night League and a penchant for fiery dramatics. 

Territory: The Champlain’s main stronghold is in Fallbridge, located near a gigantic waterfall. They maintain garrisons along the southern borders of Carmine territory. 

Symbol: A many rayed sun wreathed in dark orange and light red roses. 

Overview: Johann “Sunblade” Champlain was one of the greatest Leech hunters in Bastion du Rachat. Thus it was his pleasure and duty to continue his hunt after the Night Kings were driven from that city. He and his disciples viciously purged the land of his enemies in the name of Saint Carmine with a chilling relish. His efforts won him the town of Fallbridge and even liberated Carmine Spire from the vampiric menace. By that time, he was old and awarded the duty of protecting Fallbridge from any looming threat from the south, Leech or not.

He married into the leadership of Fallbridge and they soon became an influential Cabal in the Conclave. The farming and fishing in the area is of good quality, but better still are their profits from trade and tariffs. The Champlains have used this to shore up the defenses of the town and ensure the quality of their armories. 

Many in the Cabal are greatly influenced by Johann’s legacy, creating a culture of great appetites and great “confidence”. A Sanguinar from Camplain will tell the world who they are, what they have done, and what they will do. For some, this is a veneer beneath which greater subtleties can be performed. For many, this bravado is utterly internal: it manifests in their interactions, their fighting, and even their flashy spellcraft. 

Leadership: Johanne Incindia Champlain III is the current Prince of the Champlains and is a mirror image of his grandfather. Similarly, the antlered Chimera shares his ancestor’s love for flair and the dramatic, spending much of his youth watching plays and reading stories whenever he was in Rachat. Even after the War over Embers, he has less time for hobbies as a Prince. However, he is a patron for rising artists and minstrels that pass by Fallbridge. Beyond his usual distractions, he is concerned with the Night League and their plans -- the reports he has received show that they have rallied once again and are on the move.

Cabal Montaigne (de la Argent)

Argents, Montaignes

“Passion, Precision, Perfection”

Basic: The root of Rachat’s liberation from the Night League - a Cabal of industrial and military prowess.

Territory: The southern portion of the Bastion du Rachat metropolis and the holdings to the south and east of it. They share the city with the Archonate and their rivals, the Valentinova. 

Symbol: A blue and white rose and thorns around two crossed silvery rapiers.  

Overview: It is a common claim that the Montaigne were the first to join Saint Carmine’s efforts against the Night King. The stories tell of their first meeting, when the Archon-Saint and her disciples saved an entire cell from a terrible ambush. Though the tide truly turned when Saint Carmine recruited the Valentinovas and several other prominent groups to their cause, it was Montaigne and his daughters that held the line throughout the revolution. 

The Montaignes’ incredible willpower and stubbornness allowed them to persevere where all others would have faltered, resting in their prominence as one of the Carmine Court. Currently, they are the other major Cabal in the Carmine Court that rivals the Valentinova in strength and in influence. Between the two, the Montaignes have the larger, better equipped army. They also have extensive industrial holdings in their southern portion of the metropolis for various crafts, including machinery and engineering.  

When dealing with the Carmine Conclave, one can expect a Montaigne to be aloof and cold as a Winter Rose instead of the typical Sanguinaar joviality. This does not mean that they deviate from the Scarlet Dance, only that they play it in their own way: eschewing exaggeration and appearing forthright. This bluntness and precision applies well to the crafting arts: the Montaignes indulge in creating things by hand instead of using magics, hirelings, or servants. Whether it is a clock, a lantern, or a sword, their products are things of intricacy and beauty. Naturally, they have that Carminian focus on form over function. 

Leadership: The Prince of Montaigne is Cassandra Tourmaline Montaigne de la Argent. She is a Psion known for her precise engineering as she is for her perfect swordplay. Of the former, she is immensely fond of crafting clockwork by hand. 

It is said she is interested in anything to further her Cabal’s influence within the Carmine Conclave and decrease the power of her rivals. Indeed, Cassandra would never stoop to anything illegal, at least nothing that will get her caught. 

Cabal Ithilios (de la Lune)

Lunes, Ithilios

“Through the God-Empress, even Shadows are made Sacred”

Basic: The somber and knowledgeable Ithilios are a Cabal known for their dark magics and ruthlessness. 

Territory: The Ithilios are headquartered in Carmine Spire (formerly the Night Spire), northeast of Bastion du Rachat and overlooking the River of Saints.

Symbol: A bed of ivy with violet and black roses beneath a crescent moon

Overview: When the Night League was driven from what is now the Carmine Spire, their least loathsome lieutenants were given a chance to join the Carmine Conclave while the remainder were executed. The Ithilios are the Montaigne who were tasked with guarding these individuals while they continued their studies and taught their arcane secrets to the Carminians. The last of these former lieutenants were executed a decade later for Heresy, conveniently when their usefulness had run out.

The Ithilios are not the foremost Arcanists of the Carmine Conclave, but they are the most fearsome of the Cabals. It is known that they conduct vile experiments and strange rituals in Carmine Spire, usually with livestock rather than people. Despite these rumors, they are rarely visited by the Priory of Excruciation -- indeed, the Archonate has a civil presence within Carmine Spire instead of a guarded one. The Makers of these territories fear the Cabal more than they fear the Excruciators.

Fears and gossip aside, the Ithilios have successfully managed the mines and forests within their territory to great effect. Several industries have emerged and flourished, including papermaking/printing, lumber, and metalsmithing. Some credit this prosperity to the dark arts of the Ithilios , though the Archonate has said little and nothing about it.

Leadership: Prudence Charity Ithilios is the current Prince of her Cabal. She dresses conservatively, well beyond the standards of the Sanguinar. Righteous and pious as she is stern, Prudence governs her Cabal’s territories with an iron fist - she instructs her Dukes and Duchesses to inflict the harshest punishments. On the other hand, lesser offenses by Greys are often overlooked by her enforcers in their search for egregious crimes by Cabalim or Outsiders. 

Cabal Valentinova (de la Miroir)

Crimsons, ‘Novas 

“Roses answer with Beauty and Thorns”

Basic: A pious Cabal of aesthetes, sorcerers, and romantics dedicated to the arts and welfare of Bastion du Rachat. 

Territory: The Valentinova headquarter in the northern portion of Bastion du Rachat, which is less populous but has its food producing gardens and orchards. They share the city with the Archonate and their rivals, the Montaigne.

Symbol: A wreath of red and purple roses around a heart-shaped hand mirror

Overview: The Valentinova are descended from a family of Psion Sorcerers that were once unwilling lieutenants to Night King Richelieu. The stories say that their matriarch saw Saint Carmine and immediately fell in love. In truth, the pact between Saint and Sorceress was one made to free their people from tyranny and avenge their decades of loathsome servitude. 

In the transition from Night King servitors to the leaders of their people, the Valentinovas gained some measure of approval for their part in the tyrants’ fall. However, their previous associations and actions turned them into targets of retribution by the new regime. Remorseful for their past but unwilling to die for it, the Valentinovas have made redemption and vivacity their legacy. Their gardens and orchards feed the populace of Bastion du Rachat. Their feasts and plays fill streets and manors with festivities. Thus, the Valentinovas have become associated with plenty and charity. 

For their part, these Cabalim are known for their piety as they are for their charity, such is their association with the Archonate. But beneath the silk and the velvet is a filigreed blade. Their protectors and enforcers are second only to the Montaignes, but the Arcanists that they train and employ are the strongest in the Conclave. The plenty they give to the Makers is a pittance of the resources that they apply to their defenses and the defenses of Rachat.

Leadership: Her heedless and wild past of adventuring did not kill her; Irina Maria Valentinova maintains that it made her far more interesting instead. The Necrotic Seraph is the eldest daughter of the Cabals’ previous Prince and her exciting past life (and deaths) make her one of the deadliest women in the Carmine Conclave. 

Though beloved by the Greys for her charity and respected by the Archonate for her piety, the other Cabals are wary of her. She is said to be jovial but ruthless, capable of killing with a smile and willing to make hard decisions in the name of her people. It is fortunate for her that many of her enemies turn out to be Infernal heretics or Night League spies, otherwise she would be responsible for many, many murders. 

Priory of Excruciation

Excruciators, Bloodthorns

Basic: This is the merciless right hand of the Carmine Archon, their enforcers, their punishers, and their inquisition. Members of this Priory are called Excruciators.

Territory: Their main headquarters is in Bastion du Rachat, but they also have smaller strongholds in Ziggurat City and in every major Carmine settlement. 

Symbol: A circle of thorns around a triangle.

Overview: The first Excruciators were hunters of the Night League after the liberation of Bastion du Rachat. These were individuals with insight and ruthlessness to find the League’s spies. A half-decade later, when a minor Cabal was discovered to be compromised, the Excruciators were almost wiped out were it not for Saint Carmine’s personal intervention. The treatment of captured traitors then gave the new Priory their name. 

Since then, they have recovered and expanded, rostered with clergyfolk that have forsworn all loyalties but to the Conclave and the Temple. To prevent overreach, the Carmine Archon keeps a close eye upon their activities and they work closely with the Talonites’ Sin-Eaters and the Calvarians’ Priory of Judication. Indeed, all three Power Groups are expected to assist each other in purging Sin from the ranks of the Templars. 

By themselves, the Excruciators are a small but elite order - independent from the Priory of Orchestration’s peacekeeping forces. While they cannot defeat an army, their strikes are meant to be surgical, precise, and ruthless. Such is their prowess that even the large Cabals dare not cross them during inspection and are willing to give up members when the Excruciators ask for them. 

Leadership: Vladamar Talis Nikarov is the Invokate of the Excuciators and has been so for two decades. He is an ancient Psion, never seen without his hollowed cane of bones (which supposedly holds an enspelled blade). The Invokate is as feared for his severity as he is respected for the sharpness of his wisdom - his judgments tend to be harsh but are regarded as fair by most. Despite his infirmity, he prefers to be on the field and attend inspections. Not many folk expect much from a bent, caned man but he has survived every ambush against him so far. 

Priory of Orchestration


Basic: This is the civic left hand of the Carmine Archon, dedicated to administering to the needs of the populace and maintaining the engines of governance. Members of this Priory are also called Conductors. 

Territory: Their main headquarters are in Bastion du Rachat. However, every settlement features one of their strongholds or a minor temple to assist in civil and religious matters. 

Symbol: A circle of leafy ivy around a red bird in flight

Overview: When Saint Carmine freed Rachat, one of her greatest concerns was ensuring that the people therein had shelter, clothing, and food. While the production of many of these were assisted by various parties, the logistics of their delivery required a specialized team of experts to ensure their efficiency. As this team grew in size and responsibility, Saint Carmine wrought them into the Priory of Orchestration to grant them the necessary authority they needed to help the people.

Most administrative and bureaucratic work is not handled directly by Conductors, but by specialized Makers under their employ. Unless they are Novitiates, the Conductors themselves are in supervisory roles or in positions of responsibility. Thus, a Conductor would not directly maintain records but they would be in charge of managing them. Similarly, a Conductor would not be the clerk that deals with newcomers but they would be the person that ensures that the procedures are followed. 

Besides the mundane aspects of civic duty, the Conductors are often lauded by the populace for their more humanitarian roles. The Priory manages the healers, the custodial, and the guardianship of the people -- employing Makers or allowing Cabalim to take on these duties if necessary. They raise hospitals, maintain firefighters, and other necessary aspects of a functional society. 

Leadership: The Invokate of this Priory is Lucas Maurice Vachon, a middle aged man who has dutifully served the Carmine Conclave for two decades. It is said that he is an exacting perfectionist with an incredible head for sums and numbers. The carriages and caravans run to, from, and through Bastion du Rachat through his organizational acumen.

Compared to his counterpart in the Excruciators, Invokate Vachon is not universally feared. However, he is said to be a terror to those who defy his orders and willfully disrupt his work. On the corollary, he is known to be very generous to those who consistently perform the Priory’s tasks to his satisfaction. His subordinates try to soften his wrath against the lowest ranks but many Conductors would rather have positions in distant settlements than be within shouting distance of the Invokate.

Carmine Conclave Religion and Rites

Much like the other Templars, the Carmine Conclave is bound to their faith in the God-Empress. Though not every Carminian is a supplicant to their Church, almost all pay at least lip service to their religion. After all, the Skull Conclave may be an entire continent away but the Priory of Excruciators are always on the watch -- Duchal permissions will not always stay their hand. 

Carminian Faith

  • Awakened, Avatara, Wakers

    OVERVIEW: The God-Empress is described in the myths and the scriptures of the Temple in many different ways. Regardless of Her form, she is an entity of boundless love for humanity, even at their worst and their most proud. In some texts, she is a many-armed and many-eyed humanoid goddess. In others, she is a sinuous, serpentine dragon wreathed in clouds and in glory.

    However, despite her feelings for humanity, Her power and aspect is beyond the reaches of human imagery. Many scriptures described Her as a veiled, hooded figure whose true presence would shatter the minds of any who looked upon it -- even her Chosen Children.

    Because of this, the Temple usually draws Her symbol as such: two Equilateral triangles, one inside the other. The outer triangle radiates power and is encompassed by a runed circle.

    SYMBOL: The Oracle-Ziggurat -- the Hallowed Ziggurat of the Templars.

    SHRINE TYPE: Hallowed Shrines built to the Temple may be of the following -- Ancestral, Deep, Primal

    TENETS: Below are the primary commandments of the Templars, though in truth, the Awakened rely more on the Sins to guide their actions.

    — The Tenet of Supremacy: The God-Empress is All, let no one stand against Her or her Temple.

    — The Tenet of Nurturing: Humans are the Children of the God-Empress and the Templar are Her Chosen. The Templar must protect, instruct, and hone Humanity for the Last Reaping.

    — The Tenet of Purging : The Human Race must be nurtured but the Final Ravening will soon be upon us. Those who defy the Temple or work with the Abyssals must be left behind.

    SINS AND ATONEMENTS: The following are the Archsins -- crimes and misdeeds that are punishable by the Temple. Atonements for these sins are given by a presiding judge, usually a cleric of sufficient stature provided that the necessary punishments or mortifications are served.

    — Blasphemy is committed when an Awakened defiles a holy object or speaks profane of the God-Empress or her Oracle-Avatar.

    — Defilement is the unlawful destruction of other Wakers’ property or using unlawful methods to destroy one's own property.

    — Heresy is committed when an Awakened directly goes against the authority of the God-Empress and Her Oracle-Avatar.

    — Malfeasance is the unlawful harm or slaying of another Templar. This includes psychic and physical injury including soul-binding and illicit torture.

    — Malifica is illicit magic-use. Magic is the gift of the God-Empress and Awakened who wield it must be mandated by the Temple or be servants of the God-Empress herself.

    — Perjury is when an Awakened breaks a holy oath or lies to the Temple.

    WORSHIPERS: Faith in the Shattered Mother is the Templar’s state religion. While joining the faith is not a requirement of Templar society, its tenets inform state policy and higher offices are often Enkindled in this faith. Thus, the Templar Archfaction are the main worshippers of this faith. However, it does have adherents beyond the Templars themselves, among the Cartel and other smaller communities in Mid-Atla.

    Worshippers are call themselves the Awakened although outsiders have been known to colloquially call them “Wakers”.

    CLERGY: The clerics and priests of the Temple are collectively called “the Archonate”, though they do not always directly serve the Archons of their Conclave. Sorcerous abilities are a requirement for the Archonate, be they inborn magicians or forged through an imbued Stigmata.

    These religious folk serve as spiritual guides and ritual leaders for their communities when it comes to official Templar dictum. Among the theocratic Skull and Talon Conclaves, the Archonate serve supervisory and even governing roles depending upon their rank and position.

    In communities where the Templar faith is but one of many, the Archonate are leaders of their people but they do not claim to command any religious respect where secularism or heathen faiths have sway. Still, the concentrated support and training available to Archonate members allow them perspectives or even education that is worthy of a leadership or guidance role.

    LEADERSHIP: The Templars and Awakened are led by the Oracle-Avatar, who is both religious and secular leader of their people. They task the faithful toward the defense of humanity and the exaltation of their God-Empress. However, their direction and their dictum tend toward infrequency and toward general practices, allowing their subordinates a measure of free rein. This is made all the more true by the crippling injuries they suffered from their sorcerous battle against the Harbingers.

    Directly beneath the Oracle-Avatar, the Talon-Archon and the Skull-Archon are the leaders of their Conclaves in matters of faith, battle, and civics. The Carmine Conclave differ from their brethren in their own separation of church and state. The wealthy Cabals are expected to serve the Archonate clergy and the Carmine-Archon within the Conclave (who in turn, serve the Oracle-Avatar).

The God-Empress

The God-Empress is described in the myths and the scriptures of the Temple in many different ways. Regardless of Her form, she is an entity of boundless love for humanity, even at their worst and their most proud. In some texts, she is a many-armed and many-eyed humanoid goddess. In others, she is a sinuous, serpentine dragon wreathed in clouds and in glory. 

However, despite her feelings for humanity, Her power and aspect is beyond the reaches of human imagery. Many scriptures described Her as a veiled, hooded figure whose true presence would shatter the minds of any who looked upon it -- even her Chosen Children. 

Creation myth

It is known by all Templars that the universe is but one of many and our planet is a single grain within a nigh-infinite desert. Yet within this vastness, humanity is unique for they are the children of the God-Empress. 

The Templars call her the Earth Mother, the All-Goddess, or the World Dragon. She has always watched over Her scions. Indeed, every ancient myth has a spark of Her shadow within it, such is Her mark upon the Human Race. With Her power, She who is All made stars and space and planets but proudest was She of Her greatest Children. 

The World Dragon was but one divinity against many during the Ravening, but She fought for Her children with the strength of a thousand Gods. These world slayers were born of chaos and power, yet they coveted what the God-Empress possessed or else sought to destroy it all in their hatred. From the depths of the void and eldritch plane, they bent unwitting humans to their cause and allowed themselves to be summoned.

The Oracle-Avatar and the Archon-Saints were the last remnants of an ancient order that fought these heretics and worshiped the God-Empress. With the defeat of the Awakened Temple came the Ravening that brought the world into ruin. 

Humanity was slain by the millions when the Abyssals defiled the skies with their abominable forms. The earth and seas shivered -- drowned millions more in floodwaters or cracking stone. Even the greatest weapons that the ancient sciences had brought to bear simply wounded the Abyssals -- many of these missiles were deflected by foul Arcana into the brightest cities of the Earth. Worse yet, the very presence of the Abyssals fractured reality, allowing lesser entities to invade the world.

Yet, hope was not lost. The God-Empress battled these fell godlings for the fate of Her children. This titanic battle was waged across the face of the planet and entire cities were ravaged in its wake. Ultimately, the She who is All was victorious but at a massive cost: her greatest Aspect fell dead from its grievous injuries even as the Abyssals shattered and scattered with their prime aspects banished into a reality between realities. 

Tenets of the Faith

The Sanctified Temple of the Shattered Mother exists for one reason: to prepare humanity for the next war against the Abyssals and their spawn. This war must be fought by humans and humans alone, with their faith in the All-Goddess to guide them. 

To that end, all Templars must follow the Commandments below:

  • The Tenet of Supremacy: The God-Empress is All, let no one stand against Her or her Temple.

  • The Tenet of Nurturing: Humans are the Children of the God-Empress and the Templar are Her Chosen. The Templar must protect, instruct, and hone Humanity for the Final Ravening/Last Reaping.

  • The Tenet of Purging : The Human Race must be nurtured but the Final Ravening will soon be upon us. Those who defy the Temple or work with the Abyssals must be left behind. 

In addition, the following are the Arch-Sins -- crimes and misdeeds that are punishable by the Temple.

  • HERESY is committed when a Templar directly goes against the authority of the God-Empress and Her Oracle-Avatar. This primarily refers to seditious or treasonous activity, and disobeying a direct order from a Hierophant or Archon.

  • BLASPHEMY is committed when a Templar profanes a holy object or speaks profanely of the God-Empress or her Oracle-Avatar. 

  • DEFILEMENT is the unlawful destruction of other Templars’ property or using unlawful methods to destroy one's own property. To a lesser degree, this is also committed when an Templar takes or misuses what does not belong to them. It also covers the misuse of others' property and the evasion of tithes to the Temple.  

  • MALIFICA is illicit magic-use. Magic is the gift of the God-Empress and Templars who wield it must be mandated by the Temple or be servants of the God-Empress herself. Malifica also includes using relics or magics deemed forbidden by the Temple. Harmful or corruptive association with certain baleful entities is considered to be both Malifica and Heresy. 

  • MALFEASANCE is the unlawful harm or slaying of another Templar. Certain Templar are exempt from this Arch-Sin within the auspices of their profession, although they often perform Penances in their off-hours to cleanse any stain on their soul.

  • TREACHERY is when a Templar breaks a holy oath or lies to the Temple. Other examples of Treachery includes failing to protect those you have sworn to protect, disobeying a direct order from your superiors or misusing those under your command. 

Life Rites

Below are Life Rites that are performed by those of the Carmine Conclave. Some Rites and Sacraments are shared with other Conclaves while others are wildly different. These are typically performed by the Priory of Orchestration. 

Sacrament of Naming 

When a child is born into the Carmine Conclave, there is much celebration and rejoicing after the children and parent have recovered. For the Cabalim this involves a feast -- the more opulent the better. The Archonate celebrates these births in a more somber manner, attended only by close family and visited by one’s superiors. Makers follow the Calabim tradition, but rarely match the size and scope of their festivities -- thus they often combine their Sacrament of Naming with neighbors and/or friends of a similar situation.  

In all cases, a Priest of the God-Empress will attend and bless the proceedings and the newly arrived children in the God-Empress’ name. Especially influential families may receive the blessing of the Hierophant, the Invokate, or even the Carmine-Archon. 

Sacrament of Anthesis (Conjuration for Clergy)

After their 18th winter, a child of the Conclave may be recruited by their family’s Cabal or by the local Hierophant to join the higher ranks of their organization. This requires that the individual finance, plan, and execute a ceremony that celebrates the Temple (and the Cabal, if they are recruited by one). This is usually the work of multiple such individuals and their efforts are judged as one, unless the adjudicators of this event (usually a Hierophant, Duke and/or their proxies) choose otherwise.

This Sacrament is also undergone by those from outside the Conclave who wish to leave their order or organization to join the Carmine Conclave. Naturally, they must be graced with a Hierophant or a Duke’s blessing. 

For some would-be Templars, the Sacrament of Anthesis or “Blooming” is simply a party with distractions, cuisine, and toasts. Others weave religious Sacraments and scriptural readings into their dealings. Those with more martial inclinations may have ritual sacrifices, performative duels, or weapon exhibitions in their Sacrament of Flowering. Uncommonly, the judges of this Sacrament may demand specific themes or activities for the Novitiate’s Blooming, failure to comply has dire consequences on their judgment. 

It is a mark of distinction for celebrities and other important personages to appear in one’s Blooming Sacrament, though it is fairly uncommon because of the lack of status in said party.  

While other Conclaves see this as yet another “excuse for the Carminian to revel”, the Sacrament of Anthesis is meant to showcase logistical ability, aesthetic capacity, interpersonal skills, and when things go wrong: improvisational expertise. The wine and the reveling are simply a side benefit, say the supporters of this Sacrament. 

It is possible to fail in this Sacrament and be denied entrance to a Cabal or the Clergy. This can be simply because the Adjudicators were unconvinced of the Ritualists’ merit. Even interruptions of the Anthesial Sacrament do not necessarily warrant a failure. Regardless of the reason, those who fail are allowed to try again up to thrice before they are disallowed from further attempts. Tradition dictates twelve months before each attempt, though even this can be bent under the correct circumstances.  

Sacrament of Matrimony

When two people decide to get married to each other, they personally craft or hire the creation of a marital talisman. This is usually an amulet that symbolises their union. Their families and close friends assist in the upcoming ceremony -- like many of the Carminian Rites, this tends to be a feast. 

A Priest of the God-Empress begins the celebration by uniting the two in the Sacrament. This blessing is a short affair, but speaking of passion and love is a commonality among the Carmine Conclave. When the two are united in Matrimony, the feast immediately occurs - yet another arena for networking and maneuvering. 

At the end of this ceremony, the couple is considered to fully join one of the two families, but maintains close associations between both parties. Typically, the family that pays more of the Sacramental supplies and costs is the one they will join.

Eloping without this Sacrament is not a Sin in the eyes of the Carmine Conclave. However, without at least a Priest to bless the union, it is considered bad luck and ill manners.

Sacrament of Lamentation

A funerary rite - the Sacrament of Lamentation requires that a Priest bless the deceased and ensure that their soul travels to the God-Empress. In addition, the Priest or one of the deceased’s associates/allies reads out their good deeds and their wishes. Speaking ill of the dead here is in poor taste and may result in ejection from the Sacrament or even an accusation of Defilement.

While there is a feast, it is a somber affair. The close associates of the deceased are expected to weep or have cosmetics that resemble weeping. This is considered to be a hallowed environment, bereft of politicking and maneuvering but many Carminians will do what they want in any case. 

Some families elect to omit the feast itself, though this is not recommended by the mores of the Cabalim. 

View of Magic

The Templar believe that Magic is a gift from the God-Empress, received by the fortunate and the destined. The holiest of traditions are Deotheurgy, Animancy, and Diablerie -- these are magics that are gained through piety, pain, and discipline.

For many Sanguinar, magic is an effective tool but not automatically better than bladework, technology, or scheming. Many of the machinations and maneuvering in Cabalim society relies on wit and cunning to overwhelm even those with the upperhand. And while the most powerful forces of the Carmine Conclave have the strongest magic-users, the Sanguinar still remember their successful purge of the Night Kings (who themselves were almost unrivaled in the realms of sorcery).

Views of the Afterlife

Temple Dogma describes life after death as one wherein the human spirit is devoured by latent Abyssal essences in the land or fading into peaceful oblivion. The Ravening not only brought immense changes to physical reality in the form of etheric phenomenon and otherworldly horrors, but the realm of death has also been altered.

The only way to avoid this terrible fate is to undergo the Sacrament of Naming or the Sacrament of Junction, wherein one’s spirit is marked by the God-Empress as one of her Chosen. Upon death, this spirit joins with its fellow Templar and with the God-Empress in eternal harmony. The Sacrament of Respite makes certain of this journey to the World Dragon and prevents interference from the Abyssals or other Eldritch entities. 

Sanguinar Perspective: Though the Scriptures nor the Oracle-Avatar do not say so, the Sanguinar believe that the virtuous and the righteous are rewarded in the afterlife with endless days of splendor and joy. For some, this may be an eternal celebration or an unending feast. For others, this afterlife might be rejoining with their loved ones or the quieting of their troubles. 

Carmine Conclave Society

The Carmine Conclave is a curious one within the Temple. While piety is still the norm, there is a significant secular presence within its upper echelons. Much like the feudal society of the ancient era, the Roseate Cabals and the Archonate Clergy share power over the commoners. 

Carmine society is stratified according to one’s personal wealth and reputation. Wealth is not only one’s liquid assets but also the amount of land they own and the amount of personnel they employ. Reputation includes perceived piety to the God-Empress as well as how they are viewed by their peers, especially in how their promises are kept and their words are worth. Reputation and Wealth are interlinked in this regard -- the wealthy will not deal with one they cannot trust.

Thus, the top of society are the wealthiest, the most influential, and the most pious individuals. The Carmine-Archon leads the Conclave, overruled only by the Oracle-Avatar or by a super-majority vote of the Carmine Court. Beneath the Carmine-Archon are the Invokates and Dukes of the Court, each the administrators of their own region of Conclave territory. The Carmine Court is supported by their Hierophants and Dukes who administrate their portions of territory as well as their subordinates. 

Though stratified, society in the Carmine Conclave can change very quickly. Lands can change ownership. Cardinals and Hierophants can fall out of favor, even Archons are not immune to this if the Carmine Court is inclined.

Social Strata

The greater portion of the Conclave is divided into three social classes: the Makers, the Cabalim, and the Clergy.

Makers/Greys: Tradesfolk and other members of society that are less highly regarded than the other two social classes. This also includes menial laborers and contract servitors, but not outlaws or other criminals. Some labor is looked down upon by the Carmine -- primarily the “dirty” professions that involve fecal matter such as sewer workers or low-ranking custodial work.   

  • Apprentice: These individuals are trainees and novices on their path to becoming Artisans of their craft. They are the equivalent of Novitiates.  

  • Artisan: Individuals whose products and services have been tried and tested.

  • Expert: A rank granted by the local Grandmaster of that craft that commends the quality of their goods or services. This requires several years of work. 

  • Master: A rank granted by the local Grandmaster after several years of Expert workmanship, related to the quality of their goods or services.  

  • Grandmaster: Usually part of the leadership of a Maker Guild or Company. These are still considered subservient to a Duke or a Hierophant. 

Roseate Cabal: influential and wealthy landowning families and their retainers, possessing the wealth of society and at least half of the Conclave’s military strength. They call themselves Cabalim although they are colloquially called “Pinkies” by Makers, not just for the name of the Cabal but also for the idea that they lift their pinkies when they toast. 

  • Novitiate: Untested Carminian who have yet to complete the Sacrament of Anthesis. 

  • Valiant: Carminians who pass their Trial of Anthesis to join a Cabal are granted this title. There are three different ranks of Valiant -- Valiant of Roots, Valiant of Greens, and Valiant of Petals. 

  • Cavalier: These are Carminians that have continuously proven their ability and their loyalty to the Cabal and the Temple. This has some measure of authority and seniority over the lower titles. This also has three different grades -- Silver, Gold, and Red-Gold. 

  • Baron/Baroness (PC limit): These are Carmine Templars in a position of leadership based on their loyalties and abilities. This can be the leader of a smaller Cabal, if sponsored by one of the Carmine Court.

  • Duke/Duchess (retired PC limit): These are Carmine Templars in a greater position of leadership, directing and managing a small region for the Carmine Conclave. This can be the leader of a smaller Cabal, if sponsored by one of the Carmine Court.

  • Prince (Carmine Court): The Princes of the Roseate Cabals are not only leaders of their own powerful Cabals but also share governing duties of the entire Conclave with the Archonate Clergy. 

Archonate Clergy: the spine of the Conclave, both a governmental and spiritual institution. They are supposed to be the most powerful force in the Carmine Conclave, but in truth, they must rely on their Cabalite brethren for support, tithing, and agreement. Called “Collars” for their clothing by less well-spoken Makers and Cabalim.

  • Novitiate: Untested Carminians who have yet to complete the Sacrament of Anthesis. 

  • Disciple:  Carminians who pass their Trial of Anthesis to join the Archonate Clergy are granted this title. There are three different grades of Disciple -- Smoke, Copper, and Iron.  

  • Apostle: These are Disciples who have continuously proven their loyalty and ability to the Clergy and the Temple. This has seniority over the lower titles and over their Cabal equivalents. This has three grades -- Silver, Gold, and Red-Gold.

  • Cardinal: (PC limit) These are Carmine Templars in a position of leadership based on their loyalties and abilities. This can be the leader of a smaller Priory, if sponsored by one of the Carmine Court.

  • Hierophant (retired PC limit):  A religious administrator-commander in charge of a small region, managing multiple Cardinals. This is the highest position a retired player character may gain. 

  • Invokate: A religious administrator-general second only to the Archon. Invokates split their duties between assisting the Archon in administration, and exercising their own authority.

  • Archon: The highest rank in a Conclave -- only the Oracle-Avatar themselves may gainsay their commandments. Their replacements are chosen by the current Archon and their Invokates. Also chosen is a replacement Invokate, from within one of the two Priories. The Carmine-Archon makes decisions with input from the Carmine Court and can veto some Court rulings.

Cabals and Priories

The Carmine Court is rostered by the Valentinova, the Alvarado, the Montaigne, the Ithilios, and the Champlain. Beneath these are numerous Cabals and families that work for them. 

Regarding the Clergy, there are two Archonate Priories: the Priory of Orchestration and the Priory of Excruciation. 

Fallen from Grace

Becoming one of the Declasséd is considered to be the worst fate for the Cabalim. Also called the Plucked, these individuals have committed enough faux pas and vulgarities enough to become thoroughly unpopular among the Cabalim. While these individuals might not be outlaws or outcast from Carmine society, they occupy a strange position of allowed to function but not allowed to attend. Some of these folk attempt bold and dangerous acts such as adventuring to attempt a return to proper reputation. But most retreat from society entirely or join the Clergy. 

Life in the Conclave

Life in the Carmine Conclave centers around three things: one’s family, one’s Cabal, and one’s faith. 

A Carmine Templar’s family is one of their biggest sources of support and instruction, whether they live on familial property or are on deployment. This is defined not just in the context of nuclear family (Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, and Children), but also in the context of one’s extended family to a slightly lesser extent (Cousins, Uncles, Aunts, etc). There is immense pressure to perform duties and tasks in the name of one’s matriarch (which is usually the oldest woman in the family). 

Marrying into the family means taking up the new family’s name over one’s old family name, as well as the new Cabal over the old one (if necessary). Tradition among the Carmine Templars tends heavily toward monogamy and Matrilineal descent, though families with two mothers simply choose one parent whose family name they all adopt.    

The Cabal is another core component of Carmine society, composed of influential and wealthy families that follow the leadership of one in their number. Tradition holds that the eldest matriarchal person keeps this leadership position and the title of Prince, although some Cabals may have different customs in this regard. 

The faith of a Carmine Templar is also a large part of their daily lives. Their churches, hospitals, schools and universities are funded and supported primarily by the Conclave as are many government programs and policies, though they are staffed by Makers, Cabalim, and Clergy alike. The Carmine-Archon and their Invokates tend to the bodily and spiritual welfare of their Conclave.


After a person is born to the Carmine Conclave, their birth is celebrated through the Sacrament of Naming (see Carmine Conclave Religion and Rites) by their families. In less affluent families, such children grow up while working to support the family through chores and similar tasks. In wealthier families, this is a halcyon time without responsibilities and full of hobbies, such as swordplay, literature, and the like. 

In their sixth or seventh year, children are allowed to go to Archonate schools or Cabal private schools for further instruction and learning. This is not mandatory, although many families use this as free daycare and a way to better their children via academic and spiritual instruction. Besides basic academic subjects and spiritual guidance, students are also engaged in physical activity such as sports and basic weapon skills.

More ambitious parents hope that this environment gets their child noticed by the Cabals or the Archonate so that they are recruited to a Cabal or the Clergy. Going to a Cabal school usually guarantees recruitment, barring ejection from the school. This may be because of unlawful behavior on the child’s part or loss of wealth on the parents’ part.

Sacrament of Anthesis

After their 18th winter, a child of the Conclave may be recruited by their family’s Cabal or by the local Hierophant to join the higher ranks of their organization. This requires that the individual finance, plan, and execute a ceremony that celebrates the Temple (and the Cabal, if they are recruited by one). This is usually the work of multiple such individuals and their efforts are judged as one, unless the adjudicators of this event (usually a Hierophant, Duke and/or their proxies) choose otherwise.

This Sacrament is also undergone by those from outside the Conclave who wish to leave their order or organization to join the Carmine Conclave. Naturally, they must be graced with a Hierophant or a Duke’s blessing. 

More information for this Sacrament can be found in the Carmine Conclave Religion and Rites page. 

Stigmata in the Carmine Conclave

Like the other Conclaves, all with Stigmata are allowed within the ranks of the Carmine Conclave. Curiously, most of the population is without Stigmata. Psions, particularly Soulknives, are the most common Bloodline Stigmata in the bigger settlements of this Conclave. Meanwhile, coastal areas boast greater numbers of Seraphs.

Due to the history of the Night Kings and Bastion du Rachat, there are significant numbers of Necrotic Stigmata among the Cabals. Of an interesting note is the recent popularity of Metabionics among some of the urbane Sanguinar -- the lights and the machinery are currently the high of fashion.

Those with Stigmata find themselves facing better prospects within the magocratic society of the Temple. However, the cutthroat politics of the Carmine Conclave is an equalizer for social status. With only wealth and cunning as gatekeepers, all are otherwise welcome to play and lose in the courts of the Conclave. 

Order and Sin

Within a territory, the dominant Hierophant is law, only superseded by their Superiors or a Excruciator Cardinal. The Dukes of the area are given special consideration and may contest a ruling or apply their counsel to the Hierophant’s decision. Similar considerations are given to those high ranking members of the Skull Conclave.

The following are the six Arch-Sins that constitute a criminal act with the Carmine Conclave: Heresy, Blasphemy, Defilement, Malifica, Malfeasance, and Treachery. What each act denotes can be found in the Religion and Rites section. 

Commiting a Sin: When a Sin is committed, a Sinner is expected to remand themselves to the nearest Templar authority for punishment. Alternatively, they may be pursued by local Templar authorities, depending on the severity of the Sin. These same authorities also determine whether a Sin has been committed or not, gathering evidence and witnesses accordingly through practical and magical means. 

Interestingly, Duchal intervention is a fact of the matter in most cases. This means that those who are in good standing with the local Duke or Duchess can expect leniency or even innocence in most cases of being caught unless the Sin is particularly egregious.

The Priory of Excruciation: this order is dedicated to enforcing the Carmine-Archon and the Oracle-Avatar’s laws and punishing Sin wherever they find it. Called “Excruciators” or “Blood-thorns” for their penchant for torture and their reputation for cruelty, these individuals are feared and reviled across the Conclave by all individuals for their ability to defy and deny Hierophant or Duchal edict in the name of the Oracle-Avatar. 

The authority of their territory determines their guilt or innocence of the Sin, guided by evidence, witnesses, and faith. This tends to be a closed affair, with only the judge, the accused and their party, and the accusers or prosecutors (and their party) in session. 

Minor transgressions that have been self-reported may not even require a full tribunal, only monetary penance or corporal penance. Major transgressions may involve worse punishments such as execution, demotion, banishment, or forced conscription to the Kookesh Quarry. Particularly egregious Sins, such as Heresy, may result in a type of execution called a “Eldritch Crucifixion” wherein a powerful ritual is placed upon an individual that kills them and affixes their spiritual essence to an item -- when done in Ziggurat City, this is said to prevent any type of resurrection and to allow for further torment at the hands of the Skull Conclave. 


Bastion du Rachat

The center of the Carmine Conclave, headquartering many of their Power Groups in opulent manors and sprawling cathedrals. Even those not based in this city maintain a significant presence here. It is a sprawling metropolis with satellite settlements for gardens and industry, all built upon the ruins of the old  world. Nature has reclaimed much of the city that is uninhabited with creeping vines and hungry flora, but these are either eradicated or domesticated as humanity takes back what is theirs.

Carmine Spire

Located northeast of Bastion, this is a town returned to life. This is not only a major foothold for the Carmine Conclave but it is also an eastern port. Better yet, it is surrounded by farmland and is becoming a major bread basket for the Temple. Unlike most of the Conclave, Necrotic individuals face some prejudice here -- the memories of the Night Kings’ tyranny have yet to fade. 

Port Sacrament

A gateway to the Sacrament Sea on the west coast, this sizable port town is shared with the Talon Conclave. It is also the most southern of the west coast cities belonging to the Temple. From here, the Talon Conclave can lend defensive assistance against any further Pelagic attacks while the Carminians assist in managing trade and industry of the surrounding region. This sphere of influence also includes nearby fishing villages and survivor towns.


A Carmine port on the southeastern shore of the Superior Sea, Fallbridge is not only a point of travel but also a staging ground for Templar troops coming into Mid-Atla. It was once shared with the Flame Conclave but with their purge from the Templars, the Carminians alone maintain and benefit from its strategic position and its growing industrial holdings.