Macana, Magisters, Magistrados, El Magistrados de Orden Publico

“Integrity, Ferocity, Victory”

Artwork by Nicco Salonga


These are the main governing bodies of the Illustrados’ military, concerned with the protection of the ArchFaction’s interests, citizenry, and protected states. They are soldiers, medics, engineers, scouts, and above all -- protectors of humanity. In times of battle, their power-armored troops punch into monstrous horrors with holo-spears and vibro-machetes while the thunder of their fleet-borne artillery and their auto-Shortarms echo across the warscape.  


Beside the Mariana Sun, a spear crossed with a macana club on a shield. Some versions replace the shield with a simple circle.

Lore: Medium

Magistrados lore is more involved, with the traditions and histories of a person’s Branch being prime importance. However, the concept of a soldier or trooper-type character is easy enough for many players to grasp.


This mariner is off the sea but not out of his depth.

The Magistrados are noted for adding collars and rank emblems on their “Vayan”,  mantles and half-cloaks favored by the Illustrados. These tend to be less colorful and more drab than their peers, adhering instead to specific colorations and patterns of their ranks and units. Armored vests are usually worn beneath the Vayan, along with more utilitarian garments such as belt pouches, bracers,  combat boots, and other items with more function than fashion. Armored helmets are worn on the head on occasion, but many of the Macana prefer keeping the “Cara” of their spirit ally at the back of their head (to watch their blindsides). With the dangers of battle, Metabionics are a common sight among these folk, given even less of a thought than other Stigmata. Ultimately, the Magistrados tend more toward protective attire, and military gadgets than their fellow Illustrados. 


Law and Order: Whether they are at home or abroad, the Macana are instructed to follow the dictates of local law. They recognize that they are not conquerors, but protectors. That said, this respectful adherence to order is not blind obedience. While they may follow laws for taxation or tolls, they will refuse when one of their own or one of their allies is attacked and the Magistrados do not follow laws that hurt people. 

Protect the Weak: Coming from a culture of technology and sophistication, the Magistrados need to justify their armaments and tactics. They believe that these are necessary for survival in the hazardous hinterlands of the world beyond their cities. Furthermore, the Magistrados believe that their strength is used primarily to protect humanity from monstrosities. This attitude can seem condescending or controlling to others, but these soldiers are expected to place the lives of people first before seeking out glory or “kills”. 

Respect the Rank: One’s rank is important to the Magistrados. The structure of command is of high priority to them, especially in combat or other stressful situations. They will always introduce themselves as their rank or title, so that others in their group know to defer to them or to command them. The usual format is “Rank” then “family name”, although “Rank” then first name is used when two or more members of the same family name are present. Introductions involve “Rank” followed by “Full name”. That said, members of a unit will often address each other by name or nickname. Non-Magistrados are either addressed by their title/rank (if they are introduced with one) or simply by their name. 

Rules of Engagement: Though they are soldiers, the Magistrados do not always jump to violence first when dealing with people. They will seek to speak, to persuade, and even to compromise before opening fire. They kill only in defense or to defend humanity. That said, some of these folk have no compunction with negotiating behind the barrel of a firearm (though this damages the process). Furthermore, they possess little in the way of mercy when dealing with inhuman monstrosities, especially creatures that resemble their Juracan enemies. 

Watch your Back These soldiers are instilled with a honed vigilance and readiness. This means assessing the strengths of non-allies and allies alike. This also means being prepared for battles by keeping a weapon on the ready or being mindful of entrances and potential ambush locations.


Magistrados follow the naming conventions of their locale, usually of the Illustrados themselves (first name, middle name, both last names of their parents). Of equal importance to their names is their rank and title. They usually include their title in their introduction and are referred to normally with their title and their first-family name. Those Illustrados who prefer brevity will stick to a first name and first family name introduction. 

In the current era of the Illustrados, the first family name of a person is decided in advance by their parents. Tradition dictates that they take the name of the birthing parent, but this is often ignored by the working class in favor of their own preferences. The more entrenched and well-off families stick to old matrilineal traditions.

Starting Title and Rank: 

Most Player Characters begin at the Soldier rank, although Characters with the Distinguished Perk may start a little higher up. Although their official title includes their branch of the Magistrados, most go with just the title in normal parlance (e.g. Guarda <first surname>). Not featured are the Jaguar Sentinels of the Inquisidores, though their nomenclature follows a similar pattern. The four branches of the Magistrados are below. Despite the fact that the language these ranks are taken from are gendered, most use the form featured below regardless of gender.

The Sledge Troopers aka Martillador: heavy armored infantry that brave the fray and protect their allies.

The Lancer Mariners aka Lanceros: sailors and engineers, trained with weapon and vessel technologies.

The Spider Scouts aka Guaga: reconnaissance and outriders, skilled in subterfuge, investigation, and diplomacy.

The Jaguar Sentinels aka Inquisidores: the defenders of the Senate and inspectors that watch the other branches.


















Example Names:

  • Alberto Rodriguez Lopez-Salazar is a Guarda-Martillo of the Magistrados, a rank and file trooper of their armed forces. He prefers the shorter Martillador Lopez in his dealings, even going by “Loop” among his closest allies.

  • Josefina Alexa Cassar-Baptiste is a Sargento-Lancera of the Magistrados, earning her way up through victory and tactics. The Marina or Marine Corps are the navy of the Magistrados. She is content to go by Sargento Cassar by those who know her rank but simply her nickname of “Tera” with most others -- it references her panther-faced Cara.

  • Sharp Caswell is a Mid-Atlantic recruit to the Magistrados, specifically the Guaga or Spider Scout Corps.  He is only of the Guardia rank but his discoveries and his successes put him on the fast track along the Magistrados’ eyes.

Example Character Ideas

The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Gremio. If desired, Feel free to use or alter one of these for your character.

The Harbingers’ doom was pronounced by these ship-borne cannons.

Combat Medic: In the hazardous duties of the Magistrados, injury is guaranteed, whether it be upon one’s comrades or on an innocent civilian. Combat Medics are the blood-soaked guardian angels of their squad, reviving patients and bringing their allies back into fighting shape. Some of these individuals use magic in lieu of medicine and chemistry, calling upon their talents in Restoration and Transmutation to render aid. 

Suggested: Arcanist, Builder

Field Legate: The Magistrados are the military force of the Illustrados, but they are not only comprised of fighters. Among them are individuals with talent and training to lead and to speak. These Field Legates exhort their comrades in battle, but are just as capable of de-escalating dangerous situations. Not every squad among the Macana have a Legate to lean on, but those that do find themselves better off. Even when the Legate does not lead, they help everyone around them bring their best to the fore. 

Suggested: Counselor, Warrior

Mayana Soldier: Named for the stone hatchets of the Illustrados’ ancestors, these warfighters mix technological supremacy with martial might. Those monstrous hordes who brave the Illustrados artillery and gunfire are met with vibro-hatchets and shock-maces. Their elite Falange counterparts wield holo-lances that spear into closer foes and carve fiery holes into distant ones. Ultimately, these soldiers are the pillars with which the Illustrados uphold the peace of their territories.  

Suggested Classes: Builder, Warrior

Spider Scout: Spider Scouts are the eyes and ears of the Magistrados, leading expeditions into the dangerous wilds or warning settlements of an oncoming invasion. They are named for their distinctive and many lensed spider-goggles, though not all such scouts wear them. The Jaguar Sentinels are their feared and hated counterparts, believed to be spies on the populace by the ruling powers of the Union or the favored branch of the Senate. 

  Suggested Classes: Ranger, Warrior

War-Engineer: Whether it's in the bowels of a dreadnought or on the field wielding a Rail-Caster, War-Engineers have a solid place among the ranks of the Magistrados. They are often under the protection of their hardier allies, though many of them wear armor. Some War-Engineers utilize magics, specifically that of Infusion and Transmutation, to facilitate their duties -- and despite their rarity, they are no less well-regarded for their alternative abilities. 

Suggested: Arcanist, Builder


In addition to their relationship with the Senate, the Cacique-General is the leader of all the Magistrados branches. This ten-year office is an elected one by said Senate, though they are expected to choose from experienced and decorated candidates (Marisol Celso being the main exception). 

The Cacique-General is thus subject to politics and influence from the Illustrados Senate. However, they are otherwise allowed full rein of the Union’s military forces in logistical, strategic, and most other senses. The Commanders that lead each branch must follow the Cacique-General’s lead, although a wise General should listen to their subordinate’s advice. 

The seventh and current Cacique-General of the Illustrados, General Roca prefers the Magistrados to be non-interventionist. Her detractors call her more politician than general, but her supporters claim that she has Illustrados and Magistrados lives first and foremost in her policies. 

Magistrados History


Important Events:

Islands in the Storm (0 BTF): The island commonwealth of Puerto del Incanto and other communities in the Caribbean survive the onslaught of the Long Fall. Engineers, defenders, and leadership work together to bring their people and their neighbors above the wake of the devastation and the new threats that have emerged. Spearheaded by General Julio Arellano, their alliances eventually form the Illustrados Union. 

Expansion and Construction (11 BTF): The Illustrados continue their efforts at reconstruction, but try their hand at progression beyond mere survival. They refine their technology and seek out more allies, but the latter only reveals more of the world’s devastation. The surviving island cities are quick to join them after they are offered the Celso Engines. While a Senate is formed to deal with civic governance, General Arellano forges many of the city militias and military remnants into a unified force. 

Search and Rescue (16 BTF): The newly organized force finds its first true test -- while undersea earthquakes and flooding are an uncommon occurrence, one of immense intensity brutalizes every city in the region. Exacerbating these disasters are the emergence of earth and flood geists that pick off survivors. The Magistrados leap in with rescue efforts, bolstering local rescue efforts and minimizing casualties. Confusion in the initial stages of their efforts cements the Cacique-General’s role as the primary director of thee forces, superseding even local leadership.  

The First Juracan (25 BTF): A colossal monstrosity, the first of the Juracans, ravages several coastal and island communities. General Marisol Celso and the Magistrados are credited with its destruction in Ciudad Juanita’s harbors. Nueva-sci artillery and bombardment was only possible while Magistrados troopers ensured that local geists stayed away from the cannons and gunships. 

Segundo and Tercero (36 BTF): Two more Juracan appear (code named Segundo and Tercero), varying immensely to the first one. Segundo is more squid-like than crab-like and Tercero is known for its towering spiral shell and its thousands of hungry children. These are dealt with by the Magistrados, spearheaded by Cacique-General Baptiste’s orders.With the passing of decades, Juracan would arrive with greater frequency -- in the current era they appear at least once or twice a year. 

The Magistrados Branches (41 BTF): The Magistrados is divided into the three of the four branches that it is known for today. The Martilladors are its ground forces, the Lanceros are its naval forces and coastal guardians.  The Guaga are expeditionary forces. The last branch is more independent than the others and suited toward investigation and exploration, they are typically the first contacts to the new survivor communities that the Illustrados encounter.

Military Expansion (49 BTF): Despite their casualties, the Magistrados’ prestige and victories draws many recruits. They establish several operational headquarters, expanding from Ciudad Juanita. In particular, the Marina shipyards are built in Coabana, and the Guaga academy is built in the Yucatan mainland. The capital remains the primary domicile of the Martilladors. The Magistrados also assist the Iglesia Solar in clearing out the area that would become their headquarters in the Yucatan.

Scovo the Shark (54 BTF): While attacks on shipping lanes are an expected occurrence, a series of  disappearances force the Magistrados’ attention. With the help of Los Cocheros, the pirate fleet of Scovo the Shark is cornered by Magistrados naval forces and sent to the bottom of the ocean. While piracy remains a threat, the like of Scovo’s fleet is never encountered again.  

Smoke and Ashes (56 BTF): Guaga scouts long thought lost arrive at the Solar Cathedral. Previously believed to be MIA, they are from a decades-long exploration of the southern continent. They found far fewer survivor communities than what was originally projected. In fact, they discovered many emptied post-Fall villages without any bodies or remains.  After several Guaga vanish without a trace from a living jungle, the remainder attempted to make their way back but were greatly delayed.

Tanpa Incident (60 BTF): Hired guns with Tecnocracia weaponry take the Senate hostage, but are defeated by the Magistrados and the Iglesia. A major Tecnocracia facility in Tanpa explodes, taking most of the Corporate Board leadership with it. The Magistrados creates the Jaguar Sentinels and enforces Senatorial edict --the Tecnocracia are taken to task regarding their working conditions, their weaponry falling into the wrong hands, and other wrongdoings. Massive fines, the confiscation of several facilities, and new regulatory laws are levied against them.

Metabionic Rights (65 BTF): Though she and her Metabionic allies initially faced prejudice for their differences, Estephania Neal-Gibson is able to lobby the Senate for Metabionic rights and is backed by the Iglesia. Similar prejudices against other Stigmatic individuals are evaluated and laws are wrought to ensure equity. 

First Contact (83 BTF): Via the Guaga, the Illustrados make amicable yet cautious contact with the Free Tribes of the Mid-Atlantic region of the North American east coast (aka “Mid-Atla”). Initial meetings with the Templars fare far worse -- fortunately, the violence of that encounter does not escalate into war. The Illustrados Union decides to keep at arm’s length, for the purposes of peace and goodwill.

The War over Embers (93 BTF): Terrible monstrosities led by the sorcerous Harbingers invade from the west and ravage the Mid-Atlantic region. The vicious war against the remnants of humanity follows. The Illustrados Union is late to join, but they bring their technological prowess and Juracan-killing military to bear. In particular, the Tecnocracia’s armaments are used liberally against the Harbinger Hosts to vicious effect. 

The Armistice at Libertina (96 BTF): After six years of brutal war, Mid-Atla settles to a troubled peace after the Battle of the Broken Bell. From the Serpent River, Mariner gunships devastate the Harbinger Hosts while the Martilladors assist the Archfactions in a ground battle. A Tecnocracia explosive finishes off the last of the Harbingers and a treaty between the Templar, the Illustrados, and the Free Tribes is signed at the broken bell of Libertina City.

Current Day (99 BTF): Illustrados technology, people, and culture filter into Mid-Atla. Cacique-General Roca orders their mighty fleets back home, but threats and menaces surface or are reborn. The Illustrados keeps eyes, ears and influence in the region while minding the limitations set to them by the Armistice. With local permissions, the Guaga establish several garrisons in Mid-Atla. 

Important People and Groups

The Charioteers (aka Los Cocheros): An Illustrados subfaction of mariners, monster hunters, smugglers, and scavengers. They have banded together to ensure that their services are not only regulated but so that they can protect themselves from their employers and the Magistrados. 

Estephania Neal-Gibson (Estephania Neal): One of the first and most prominent Metabionics in the Illustrados Union. She received Metabionic implantation after almost dying while rescuing the Senate. Her brother led the team that created the first Metabionic Graft.

The Free Tribes: A group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

Guaga (aka Recluses): A branch of the Magistrados known for their scouts, explorers, and emissaries. 

The Iglesia Solar: An Ilustrados faction of clergyfolk, academics, and engineers. They are a major civic force that maintain many hospitals, orphanages, and schools. 

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess. 

Inquisidores (aka Jaguar Sentinels): The newest branch of the Magistrados dedicated to protecting the Senate and ensuring that the other branches follow procedure.

Iskra Roca-Khorzev (Iskra Roca): The seventh and current Cacique-General of the Illustrados, General Roca prefers the Magistrados to be non-interventionist. Her detractors call her more politician than general, but her supporters claim that she has Illustrados and Magistrados lives first and foremost in her policies. 

Julio Sebastian Arellano-Ramirez (aka Julio Arellano): Governor-General of Ciudad Juanita and Puerto-del-Incanto. He helps create the Illustrados Union but only serves a term and a half as the first Cacique-General before he is lost to an incident at sea. One of his Colonel subordinates serves as interim General until the next one (Marisol Celso) is appointed by the Senate. 

Marisol Anna Celso-Malave (aka Marisol Celso): The genius behind the Celso Engine, a machine that is able to draw Magnetic Mana power from reagents. She is a storied hero among the Illustrados, even becoming a Cacique-General and leading the Union for a decade. She was survived by her wife but she was succeeded in Celso Innovational Enterprises by her nephew, Juan Celso. 

Magistrados (aka Macana):  An Illustrados subfaction of soldiers, sailors, and scouts. They serve the whole of the Illustrados and are directed by the Cacique-General.

Martilladors (aka Justicars): A branch of the Magistrados known for their ground troops, heavy armor, land vehicles, and combat medics. 

Marina (aka Lanzers): A branch of the Magistrados known for their sailors, mechanics, rescuers, and artillery.

Ruben Baptiste-Ruz (aka Ruben Baptiste): The third Cacique-General of the Magistrados and responsible for the three branches. General Baptiste is also responsible for many enduring Magistrados policies.

Scovo the Shark: The leader of a pirate lord that orchestrated raids upon the Illustrados’ shipping lanes, disguising their actions as monster attacks. After a decade of piracy, he and his fleet are defeated and scattered by the Magistrados and the Charioteers.

The Tecnocracia (aka Technocracy): An Illustrados subfaction occupied by wealthy investors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. They engage in banking, own several industries, reclaiming ancient tech, and investing in dangerous expeditions. 

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.

Magistrados Power Groups


The Magistrados are divided into four branches. These organizations and their domains of influence are described in detail below. Player Characters that are part of the Magistrados must belong to one of these groups. 

Jaguar Sentinels: Internal affairs, bureaucrats, and Senate security for the Magistrados.

Spider Scouts: Scouts, Investigators, Couriers and Explorers for the Magistrados. 

Sledge Troopers: Ground troops, guardians, and field medics for the Magistrados.

Lance Mariners: Sailors, Engineers, and Gunners for the Magistrados’ ships and naval forces.

Jaguar Sentinels

Inspectors, Sombra, La Inquisición de la Verdad, Guardia-Inquisidor

“The removal of chaos sometimes requires a delicate hand and other times, a headsman’s ax.”

Basic: Internal affairs, bureaucrats, and Senate security for the Magistrados.

Special Note: Members of these Magistrados can only be played by NPCs, although they often  employ other Magistrados or even non-Illustrados to advance their goals.

Symbol: Beside the three-ringed Sun, a macuahuitl with its blade upward and encircled an almost closed wreath. Macuahuitl make up the insignia of the lower ranking Inquisidores. Some Inquisidores use chainblades that look like macuahuitl. Inquisidores Vayans are black, with gold or grey accents. 

Territory: As the seat of the Senate, the Inquisadores stand watch over the Senatorial holdings and buildings in Ciudad Juanita and the other Illustrados islands. It stands to reason that most of their personnel and their main academy are situated within the Union’s capital. The Inquisidores have little reason to have offices beyond the islands, so their presences are “hosted graciously” by the other branches when they go out of the Union.

Overview: The Jaguar Sentinels are a recent addition to the Magistrados, having formed only approximately three decades ago. They are named after an order of prestigious warriors in the mainland’s ancient past. Crafted as a response to the attack on the Senate, these soldiers and inquisitors focus on ensuring the protection of the Senate and the Cacique-General. While they are under the control of the former, they are not personally directed by them -- this ensures that the Cacique-General can focus on managing the Magistrados while the Jaguars protect them.

The Jaguar Sentinels have never been particularly popular among the Magistrados. Adding to this, they have undergone several controversies since their inception. For example, some of their ranks were accused of being added to the prestigious Jaguar because of familial favors. There is also the belief that they have little respect for the Magistrados that they are supposed to keep in line. While measures have been taken to correct these beliefs (including a mass dismissal of the offending parties), there are still sour feelings and disdain when an Inspector arrives at a garrison. Interestingly, most Guaga do not share this sentiment - their fringe outposts are rarely visited and they understand the necessity of order.

Inspectors are noted by their less battle-worn attire. Their black Vayan with gold or grey tends to be longer than other soldiers, sometimes veering into the potentially dangerous. Unlike their ancient namesakes, they do not wear feathers, preferring instead a wide-brimmed hat when dealing with rain. When not defending the Senate and Cacique-General, they turn toward one-handed weapons and pistols. It is this sense of “genteel” and “softness” that adds to the resident discord of their presence. 

Leadership: The Inquisidor-Coronel of the Jaguar Sentinels is Manouchka Cordova-Ntsame. She is called “Manu” by her close associates, though she does coldly answer to “Manuel”. An Empath Psion, she has exceptional credentials, both in terms of proper conduct and arcane education. 

Coronel Cordova’s strength lies less with her ethics and her magic and more toward her ability to plan ahead and discern abnormalities. Before being offered the position, she was the right-hand of Guaga-Coronel Salomom and learned a great many things under his wing. It is said that she is one of the few individuals to beat him at cards, high praise for anyone of stature.

Her appointment ten years ago was met with no small amount of grumbling from the other Inspectors, but Coronel Cordova soon gained their trust. Though she accepts that being chosen had some roots in politics and appeasing the other Magistrados, Cordova relishes the opportunity for any challenge. She also has deep insight into the other branches and incorporates that knowledge into her plans. 

Lance Mariners

Javelineers, Lanceros, Las Lanzas del Mar, Guardia-Marina

“Peace through honor, discipline, and superior firepower”

Basic: Sailors, Engineers, and Gunners for the Magistrados’ ships and naval forces. 

Symbol: Beside the three-ringed Sun, two barbed spears crossed.  Spears or arrows make up the insignia of the lower ranking Lanceros. Lanceros wear blue and/or grey Vayans.

Territory: Understandably, Vedado in the Coabana island hosts the main strength of the Lanceros -- it hosts the biggest shipyards in the Union. They also share an academy there with the Magistrados. However, the Lanceros also have welcoming ports on the other Illustrados islands, the mainland, and even as far up as Mid-Atla’s Puerto Atlantica and Bridgeboro. 

Overview: The Lanceros began as a militia of outfitted boats and scavenged warships under the command of their city-states. They were the equivalent of coast guard, rescuing lost sailors, evacuating sinking vessels, and driving away deadly sea creatures. The unification of the Illustrados and the efforts General Arellano forged these sailors, mechanics, and gunners into a cohesive unit. By the arrival of the First Juracan, the Illustrados’ losses were greatly mitigated by Mariners darting in to rescue citizens or distracting the Juracan with strafing runs. Incendiary cannonfire from Ciudad Juanita and Lancero warships brought an end to the titanic monstrosity, cementing the Lanceros’ place in Illustrados history.  

Even when the Magistrados are mentioned by outsiders, Lanceros and their ships come to mind first. Their vessels ferried troops and supplies with immense haste. Their gunships scattered the abominable hordes of the Harbingers. The fights against the Juracans and the War over Embers proved that humanity could still triumph over the eldritch and the ineffable. Where the Illustrados are concerned, the Lanceros are their vorpal spears against the horrors of this new world. 

Among the Magistrados, Lanceros are often identified by their blue and grey Vayans. Their seaborne routines and patrols also do much to identify them. They avoid being encumbered, preferring mobility. Despite their reputation as warriors, many Lanceros tend to be mechanics or gunners instead -- thus, they tend toward shortarms or other ranged weapons. Those who do engage in melee like smaller weapons instead of larger ones, due to the cramped spaces they are used to. Long days at sea mean that they have nautical tattoos and/or are adept at music or games of chance. 

Leadership: Marina-Coronel Martina Moreno-Jarral is a Pelagic Seraph. She is known for being a perfectionist, demanding that her ships and soldiers be in top condition and of top quality. Her detractors claim that she is arrogant and considers many things beneath her. Coronel Moreno is thoroughly distant from Mid-Atla and dislikes that her ships have to come up there to guard Illustrados trade or dignitary vessels. Still, she begrudges her General and sends Lanceros and ships to Illustrados controlled/allied locations in that region.

Sledge Troopers

Martilladors, Justicars, Los Martillos del Juezs, Guardia-Martillo

“Fear is for the enemy”

Basic: Ground troops, guardians, and field medics for the Magistrados

Symbol: Beside the three ringed Sun, a flanged mace or hammer on a shield. Sometimes, the head of the weapon is surrounded by a halo. Hammers or maces make up the insignia of the lower ranking Martilladors. Martilladors wear red and/or bronze Vayans.

Territory: The Martilladors have their main headquarters on the outskirts of Cuidad Juanita. They also have their primary military academies there, as well as in Vedado. Ever vigilant for danger, they maintain limited garrisons in Mid-atla and in the mainland but the bulk of their strength remain on the islands. 

Overview: The Martilladors are warriors and protectors foremost among the Macana. In times of conflict, they forge their way through the thickest of danger to strike at the enemy, secure a tactical position, or rescue their comrades. These Magistrados are drawn from persons of resilience, willpower, and righteous bravery -- all the better to defend humanity from encroaching terror. 

In the War over Embers, it was the Martilladors that saw the most action and borne the most casualties among the Magistrados. Upon the Illustrados’ entrance into the war, these individuals were sent far inland to reinforce the other Archfactions. They matched the technological prowess of the Illustrados with their own boldness, leaping into the fray when the time was dire or shrugging off an enemy’s charge. Despite their name, Martilladors are known to carry shields, pairing them with pistols or any other weapon -- the monsters of the World Beyond the Fall are known to charge through fusillades of bullets. 

Martillados tend toward heavier armor (e.g. ornamented plate or layered armor) than other Magistrados, even field medics/support follow this preference. Some wear a pauldron on the opposite shoulder from their Vayan. They also tend toward one-handed weaponry and firearms, wielding a shield or nothing in their other hand -- this is so that they can pull folk out of danger or more easily treat an ally’s injuries. They also tend to be the most people-centric, with any of their assignments being in rescue and protection. A jape often leveled at them is that their Vayans are red and/or bronze to hide immense bloodloss. 

Leadership: The Martillo-Coronel of this branch is Arturo “Caballero” Drakos-Arellano, a recent appointment to the office. His predecessor died in the battle against the Harbinger Hosts and Coronel Drakos continues to hold a grudge against them from miles and years away. The continued Justicar presence in Mid-Atla is at his insistence, his own experiences fighting the Harbingers and hearing of their reincarnations has made him believe that their return is more than a possibility. 

Coronel Drakos is a Metabionic but he displays none of the frostiness associated with that Stigmata. He has led many of the Martillados through hell and brought them back, making him renowned and beloved among his troops. Even though General Roca has ordered most of the Mid-Atla troops back to the Caribbean, he claims to have no qualms with the current Cacique-General. It is believed that the singular garrison in Mid-Atla is the chip that bought his support of the Cacique-General. 

Spider Scouts 

Guaga, Recluses, Los Ojos del Guaga, Guardia-Guaga

“Eight steps ahead, eight eyes watching”

Basic: Scouts, Investigators, Explorers, and Emissaries for the Magistrados. 

Symbol: Beside the three-ringed Sun, eight half-closed eyes in two rows. Daggers make up the insignia of lower ranking Guaga. These folk wear Dark Green and/or Black Vayans. 

Territory: The Guaga have at least two major holdings on the mainland. One is Sao Revardiera far to the south, the main port for any south continental affairs. The other is the Nest, a secret compound that also serves as a main headquarters for the Spider Scouts. Naturally, they have outposts and/or offices in the main Illustrados cities and in a half-dozen Mid-atla settlements. 

Overview: The Guaga trace their beginnings to Delvers and explorers that scouted the mainland. In time, the most learned and disciplined of these individuals would be hired by the Magistrados and eventually join their ranks entirely. Among the Magistrados, they became scouts and investigators, possessed of quickness and insight. Some of these individuals are tasked with the role of emissary or courier. To all of those ends, the Guaga are assigned the fastest ships in the fleet and are given the most independence of the branches. 

In the War over Embers, such ships were of little use. The Spider Scouts served as reconnaissance and intelligence gatherers alongside the Archfactions. What they lacked in local knowledge, they more than made up for in cunning and technological gadgetry. Furthermore, the Guaga studied the techniques and the knowledge of their allies and added these tricks to their branch’s formidable repertoire. Many soldiers credit the Spider Scouts for helping them escape an ambush or tracking down an elusive enemy. 

Among the Magistrados, the Recluses remain the most active in Mid-Atla after the War over Embers. Though the Lanceros can be seen guarding Illustrados vessels and the Martillados go on rescue missions, the Spider Scouts are sent all over to gather information for the next big threat to the Illustrados -- whether it is from the Harbingers or from the other Archfactions. 

Compared to the other kinds of Magistrados, the Guaga like to pack lightly. Beneath their dark green and/or black Vayans, their clothing tends to be functional and durable. If they wear armor, they choose the lightest available to stay mobile (e.g. armored vests, light chain). Some Recluses are fortunate enough to enhance their senses using Prudencia goggles, but most prefer using Chem Vials over Gadgets with their Skill Kits. 

Leadership: Guaga-Coronel Francois “Widower” Salomon directs the Spider Scouts from their headquarters on the mainland. It is said that he is a well-read man, spending his reagents and currency on books of any kind. When he works, Coronel Salomon tends to read his subordinates’  reports from across the Illustrados Union and beyond. 

The attack on the Senate on 60 BTF is a stain on the Guaga’s honor and one they will not repeat. The Widower has many ears and eyes within the archipelago. Moreover, he will not hesitate to turn these assets into assassins if the need is great enough. 

Magistrados Society


The Magistrados are the military forces of the Illustrados and their society is heavily stratified and categorized to create a unified command structure, divided into the four branches. Funded by Illustrados taxes and governmental programs, they have little in the way of economic structure beyond the employment of their members and the logistics of their supplies.

The Warband

After an individual graduates from a Magistrados Academy, they are assigned to a Warband. These are autonomous to quasi-autonomous groups of soldiers that work with a Marshall to accomplish an objective, whether it is a military, a logistical, or a support one. Many objectives are focused on a resolution (e.g. drive the Flesh-takers from Snakewater, capture the elusive outlaw Stephaniel the Cat). On the other hand, objectives are open-ended (e.g. ensure the safety of this region, track and capture all outlaws). 

Regardless of the objective, the Warband is expected to work within itself and even other Warbands under the Marshall’s command to accomplish it. Members of a Warband often endure many trials and battles together so they are expected to cooperate and coordinate, even if there are personal differences. 

Numbering from five to fifteen, each Warband is led by a Captain (or Centurion, Commander, General)  and supported by the Captain’s lieutenants, if any. Majority of a Warband is composed of Privates and Sergeants. These groups often have a name based on the area they are assembled and the branch that did so (e.g. 456th Lancero-Vedado). Many Warbands name themselves with flashier unofficial labels (e.g. Blood of the Sun, Fires of the Phoenix).

A Macana without a Warband will be re-assigned to one as soon as their paperwork is cleared by the local Marshall. 

Social Strata

Below are the rankings of the Magistrados, from least significant to most significant. 

  • Continental: A non-Illustrados person. 

  • Citizen (Civil): Someone from the Illustrados but not a Magistrados, including those still in the Academy. 

  • Soldier (Guardia): The lowest rank of the Magistrados military structure, given to those who graduate from a Magistrados Academy. There are three grades of Soldier (lowest to highest): tercero, segundo, primera.

  • Sergeant (Sargento): A rank awarded to those who have proven themselves to have exceptional skill and/or leadership ability. There are three grades of Sergeant (lowest to highest): tercero, segundo, primera.

  • Subcaptain (Tiniente): A higher rank awarded to those who have proven themselves to have exceptional leadership ability. In the absence of a Captain, a Subcaptain is expected to lead.

  • Captain (Capitan): This rank is given to a Macana who will command a Warband. This is the highest rank a Player Character may attain (unless they retire). 

  • Centurion (Mariscal/Mariscala): A commander of a region, governing it and the warbands within but deferring to their Commander. They are the leader of their own Warband. 

  • Branch-Commander (Coronel): The leader of a Magistrados branch. Commands their branch while following the direction of their superior officer. They are the leader of their own Warband. This is the highest a retired Player character can attain. 

  • Cacique-General: The leader of the Magistrados as a whole, directing them toward certain objectives and governing their policies. They are the leader of their own Warband. 


The Magistrados recruits from all parts of the Illustrados Union and the other Archfactions. Though the Union is not a utopia, the working and middle class in the Illustrados benefit from Senatorial support via governmental programs of food, schooling, shelter, and clothing. The reach of the Senate is not absolute and some fall through the cracks. Similarly, the quality of the programs varies within and between each city or province. Many Illustrados look beyond these government programs for wealth and comfort, seeking greater employment or other methods of acquisition. 

Those who do not labor for the government are usually employed by the Tecnocracia, the Iglesia, or the Charioteers. The Magistrados usually draws upon those families that are entrenched within their ranks as well as middle and working class individuals with aspirations. If they fulfill the requirements of the Macana, these individuals are enrolled in a military academy of a branch they choose -- this takes several years. They are considered to be under the government’s employ and thus paid accordingly, with benefits given out to their families (the main reason why many individuals join the Magistrados). This even applies to non-Illustrados that manage to join the Macana -- their family is allowed to reside in an Illustrados enclave or even emigrate to the Caribbean after several years of service. 

Except for the Jaguar Sentinels, few Magistrados are deployed near their home. They leave most Illustrados peacekeeping efforts to locals, as opposed to doing so themselves and seeming like invaders. Many are positioned on ships, in garrisons, or in distant outposts. Some Magistrados warbands (or rarely, individuals) are sent to open-ended missions to safeguard an objective or to investigate a matter. While they are outside the Illustrados Union or its enclaves/garrisons, they are expected to follow local law and conduct themselves with honor. 

Stigmata in the Magistrados

All Bloodlines are represented among the Magistrados, both Stigmatic and otherwise. Seraphs and Chimera are the most common of the Bloodline Stigmata, though they do not make up the majority of the army. 

As to be expected, Graft Stigmata are far more common in the ranks of those who have experienced heavy engagements, especially those who fought during the War over Embers. These individuals are more likely to be Los Friyos (Risen) or Metabionics, having gone through brutal trauma. For the latter, the Metabionic Implantation was paid for by the Magistrados. 

Laws and Punishments

The Magistrados are tasked to not only follow the dictates of local law (within reason), but they are also bound by codes of honor and conduct. For these individuals, they are not just soldiers but protectors of the Illustrados Union and humanity. 

The laws of the Magistrados focus on behaving honorable, respecting life, and respecting local laws/property. 

Dishonorable Conduct: This includes public indecency, disorderly conduct, perjury in a foreign court, and similar miscellaneous acts that reflect poorly on a Macana. These actions tend to be treated as lesser crimes unless the result is particularly egregious. For example, a Magistrados found guilty of driving a vehicle recklessly and inebriated receives a lesser sentence. If their inebriation caused them to destroy a merchant’s stall, then they would receive a more serious punishment. 

Assault/Murder: While the Macana are trained to be killers, they draw the line at murder -- specifically, the willful slaying of a human without any cause to do so. The Macana are expected to kill only in times of war or in defense (of themselves or others). Outside of war or when dealing with those outside the Illustrados’ protection (i.e. outlaws), they are expected to follow the normal rules of engagement, resorting to lethal violence only when the other options cannot be chosen. 

Also, punishable is any kind of physical assault -- the Macana only strike at their peers when there is a need. Whether wielding a firearm or a blade, they believe that these are tools for killing and defense, not toys. That said, they have no mercy for monstrous or eldritch creatures. Those who willfully attack and/or kill non-Illustrados without cause may be accused of Dishonorable Conduct. Superior officers are expected to punish this accordingly.

There is a special case to be made regarding the existence of magical or pseudo-magical abilities that bends the will of others. If proven that the attacks are under this type of compulsion or madness, then there is leniency given in the judgment. Generally speaking, most Macana have recognized the signs of these effects and can identify them. 

Insubordination: In the militaristic structure of the Magistrados, disobeying a superior officer’s direct order is a grave offense. That said, this crime is acceptable if the order required a Macana to act dishonorably or to perform a crime -- “only doing what one was told” is not an excuse.

Theft/Vandalism: A lesser crime but one of note is theft and vandalism (property destruction). The Magistrados are required to take only what is theirs and what is given to them, regardless of what they think they are owed. Because it is a lesser crime, violators are often flogged or sentenced to toil -- repeat offenders may be dismissed for their unbecoming conduct.

Treason: This is a serious crime, especially for those who are tasked to serve the Illustrados Union. This includes the killing of Magistrados operatives, selling state secrets to the other Archfactions, and any attempt to usurp or assassinate the Senate leadership. When proven without a shadow of a doubt, traitors are executed and their names stricken from the roster. 

Law Enforcement:

When accused of a serious crime, a Magistrados is expected to report to their Captain or Centurion. If deemed necessary, they may be remanded to local authorities and be detained while their innocence is proven. In many cases, the codes of the Magistrados are far more strict than the local laws, except where courtesy and propriety has local and specific requirements.

If the Magistrados do not believe the authorities are not “legitimate or reasonable”, then they need not submit to them -- however, their superiors may decide on sanctions or other courses of actions upon them.  In fact, sanctions may occur to an offending Macana on the local and the military level. 

If this person does not submit, then the other Magistrados may subdue the accused, unless they themselves do not believe in the accusation. Regardless of their belief, they must pursue and subdue the accused if they are ordered to do so.

To determine the details of a crime and the innocence of the accused, the commanding officer assigns individuals or even a Warband to investigate the matter, if such an action is required. Guaga, if available and skilled in investigation, are highly desired for this activity. Some Guaga Warbands are tasked with exactly this purpose -- in particular, the Warband under the direct command of the Guaga Branch-Commander, “The Widower’s Watch”, has special jurisdictional ability that is recognized by all the branches.  

When the Inquisidores are in the area, they are able to supersede the authority of Magistrados officers (exempting Coronels). They may even supersede local authorities with their judgment, though this is only done in extreme cases. The role of these individuals is to ensure that officers are not abusing their powers and that the Magistrados are conducting themselves with the proper decorum and restraint. Furthermore, they are empowered to conscript Magistrados toward their investigative or enforcement efforts. 


Toil: A Captain can sentence one of their Warband to a week, a month or even a year of Toil. This is usually humiliating and/or backbreaking work. This is the most common sanction inflicted on Warband. 

Flogging -- As per its name, this punishment involves the public flogging of an individual’s back. This punishment is less about the pain of the flogging (usually a handful to a dozen strikes) and more about the humiliation of the act. The loss of prestige or even status is part of the sentence. Some floggings are extended, requiring multiple public sessions of the flogging. 

Dismissal: For those whose Crimes have proven them to be unreliable or unfit to stay within the Magistrados, a Centurion (or someone of higher rank) may dismiss an individual from their ranks. This is permanent although certain circumstances or heroic deeds may warrant a return from this punishment. 

Prosecuted Dismissal: For those who have committed crimes and heinous acts of significance, the Magistrados may elect to not only dismiss an individual but give them over to local law enforcement. In some cases, this may involve being brought back to the Illustrados Union to be incarcerated based on a court’s findings. 

Execution: Not many individuals warrant Execution but those that do have been deemed too dangerous to live by a Centurion (or higher). If captured, these individuals are executed via firing squad. The Magistrados then holds a 24-hour vigil, not to mourn the deceased but to patrol the area and ensure that the outlaw does not rise again. If done in one of their military facilities or one of the city-states, this vigil still continues and is augmented by a device that captures a spirit and allows it to dissipate naturally. 



The seat of the Peace Makers Cartel also houses a small garrison of Magistrados alongside an Illustrados Embassy. This is one of two main ports that the Lanceros patrol and safeguard, though the distance makes their appearances a rarity.

Ciudad Juanita

The Illustrados capital of Cuidad Juanita (and thus the seat of the Senate) is located on the island of Puerto-del-Encanto (aka Boriken). Once the crown of Magnatech and Celsotech, it has since ceded that label to Port-au-Jacques but it is no slouch: the largest Vox-Com tower is in Ciudad Juanita, unifying the Illustrados and allowing instant long range communique. 

The Nest

Somewhere in the Yucatan peninsula is the academy of the Guaga. Its location is unknown to most individuals and only the Spider Scouts may bring ships there. The Nest also serves as the organization’s headquarters where their Branch-Commander makes his plans. It is rumored that the Nest keeps moving to different locales and uses powerful Obfuscation magic, adding layers of difficulty for those attempting to find it. 

Port Atlantica

This is a casino town of sin, indulgence, and pleasure. It is also home to the Golden Fortunes Cartel. This is the other port of entry for the Illustrados after their withdrawal from Mid-Atla. Though there is no garrison here, the Magistrados often make their way here for business or pleasure -- it is a confluence point for the other two Archfactions.

Sao Ravardiere

This is a remote southern community that has allied with the Illustrados Union and is on its way to full membership. Its people have staved off monster attacks and the hungry jungle from the fortified palace at this town’s center. With permission from the locals, the Guaga and the Lanceros have established a garrison here -- it marks the southernmost allied port for the Illustrados and a starting point for expeditions into the southern continent. 


This city-state is situated on Coabana island and is home to the main shipyards of the Illustrados. It is one of the bigger and more influential powers in the Illustrados Union, to the point that it almost became the Archfaction’s capital. Agriculture and mining have made this place strong. The mariners of the Lanceros are headquartered here and have their primary academy nearby. 

Magistrados Religions and Rites

Magistrados Faith

The pious Macana follows the faiths of their familial traditions or the Iglesia Solar. On the other hand, many Illustrados have forsaken the divinities and traditions of old -- the appearance of horrifying monstrosities in the sky and the Long Fall of human civilization is enough to change most minds about the existence of a benevolent deity.

  • Iglesia Solar, Redeemers, Solarites/Solaria

    OVERVIEW: Primarily known as the Iglesia Solar, the Church of the Redeemed Sun is a faith focused on charity, selflessness, and meditative prayer. Dedicated to several solar divinities, it has become a philosophical and spiritual religion that is focused on self-improvement and contemplation. Many scientists and engineers subscribe to it and are contributors to the church as an organization. Indeed, it is their contribution and their civic minded advances that have won them many adherents among the peoples of the Caribbean and the Illustrados.

    As per the written Visions of “Santo Rivero”, the Church is guided by five Wildling Whispers. Each is a reflection of a syncretized figure from the old mythos of the region. They also inspired the five Solaric Virtues and the five Solaric Sins. Though the Church worships them as a whole, each has its own specific portofolio.. Most folk dedicate themselves to one of the Icons.

    — Auroral Serpent: As a two-headed feathered serpent with a sun in its mouths, this Whisper controls winds, water, earth, and flames. He is associated with Harmony.

    — Burning Gate: An intermediary between humanity and the eldritch. Those who look unto infinity are reminded of humanity’s insignificance and the folly of the self. He is associated with Humility.

    — Giving Star: Brought warmth, and agriculture to humanity so he is associated with maize or similar crops. Through him, folk were able to prosper and thrive. He is associated with Charity.

    — Lucent Crown: Enthroned on a mountain and wielding cosmic power, he created celestial bodies, animals, and humanity, bringing light and balance to the world. He is associated with Inquiry.

    — Radiant Eagle: Associated with bravery, fierceness, and rulership. Though he used to be a divinity of kings, he is now a Whisper associated with Loyalty.

    SYMBOL: A stone sunburst surrounded by 5 stars or circles. Many Solarites carry a sun themed medallion with at least 5 large beads, representing a Tenet. Shrines feature clay statues or graven images of a Solaric Icon.

    SHRINE TYPES: Hallowed Shrines built to the Iglesia Solar are varied according to Solaric Icon that it is built to

    — Auroral Serpent: Ancestral, Storm

    — Burning Gate: Ancestral, Deep

    — Giving Star: Pyre, Verdant

    — Lucent Crown: Ancestral, Verdant

    — Radiant Eagle: Primal, Pyre

    TENETS: Below are the commandments of the Iglesia Solar, which follow their philosophical and contemplative perspective of the world.

    — Charity/Caridad: The Sun is radiant and ever giving. So should it be that we too give of ourselves to those in need.

    — Humility/Reflexion: Just as the Sun reflects and illuminates all, so too must we reflect and study our memories and surroundings to see the truth in things and beyond ourselves.

    — Inquiry/Curiosidad: New and old sciences await our minds in the darkness of ignorance. We must seek them out through study and learning.

    — Loyalty/Pureza: A Solarite is beloved of family and of friend, seeking to protect them against harm and nurture them to greatness.

    — Harmony/Templanza: In deed and in word, a Solarite must be measured and balanced in their efforts.

    SINS AND ATONEMENTS: A sin in the eyes of the Iglesia Solar is a stumbling block against redemption and enlightenment. They also represent the baser natures of humanity that must be overcome in order for societal and spiritual harmony. Atonement for committing a sin is usually in the form of guided meditation at a monastery or a campus, though actual crimes against society and humanity are given up to the authorities. Some fringe sects of the Iglesia suggest self-flagellation, meditative starvation, or similarly extreme practices.

    — Apathy/Desidia: Ignorance is said to be the first sin but the true wrong is continuing in it. Solarites must hone their minds with study, practice, and charity

    — Desire/Codicia: While fire burns whatever it can reach, Solarites must be above all such attachments to money, power, and flesh.

    — Hatred/Odio: The Redeemed Sun must avoid the poisons of hatred and of wanton violence. While one’s own defense cannot be ignored, actions must be tempered with need and caution.

    — Pride/Orgullo: The Redeemed Sun is ever burning of itself. Know that there is more to the world than one’s self and that the self is but one star in a cosmos of infinity.

    — Treachery/Traición: The Redeemed Sun illuminates but never blinds. So too must a Solarite avert their words and deeds from deception and oath breaking.

    WORSHIPERS: The Iglesia Solar is the biggest religion of the Illustrados Union, with a few adherents and followers among the peoples of the Mid-Atlantic region.

    Its worshippers are called Solaria in the Caribbean but Mid-Atlantic calls them Solarites. These pious folk tithe and attend the Church organization, which is peopled by both priests and engineers that live in their monastery-campuses. The former are ministers of rite and of people, some are skilled in healing while others are skilled in counseling or in teaching.

    CLERGY: The priests and ritualists of the Iglesia Solar are a deeply civic class of people. Their campuses are not only for meditation and prayer, but they also feature universities, libraries, laboratories, clinics, hospitals, soup kitchens, and orphanages among their holdings across the Illustrados Union.

    These clergyfolk are often called “La Tea” (pronounced Lah Teh-Yah), even though the term technically only applies to the second rank of the priesthood. They are just as often called Redeemers in Mid-Atla due to their philanthropic work.

    LEADERSHIP: The Sinodo del Sol (the Solar Synod) provides the leadership of the Iglesia, whether in their headquarters on the Yucatan Peninsula, on the Illustrados islands, or even far afield in Mid-Atla. The five individuals that make it up deliberate and decide on Iglesian policy, on Iglesian dogma, and on major tribunals. These Espejo del Sinodo (eng. “Mirrors of the Synod) are led by one of their own, called an Arbitro who administers discussion and debate, only lending their vote in ties.

    The current Arbitro del Sinodo is Alphonso Aguilar del Espejo, a Psion respected for his prudence and his skill in Talismanic magics. While politically neutral, he is known to be of the Lucent Crown Order - they focus on the implementation of the new sciences over the veneration of spirits.

  • OVERVIEW: : The Dweller’s form is vague and shadowy, but is often multi-limbed and multi-eyed, like a titanic devilfish or squid. Charioteers pray to the Dweller so that storms and monstrosities pass them by without harm. Followers of the Dweller also ask that their souls be taken to their true destination instead of drowned in the depths and devoured by monstrosities.

    SHRINE TYPES: Ancestral, Primal, and Deep

    SYMBOLS: Tentacles from beneath surging upward, grasping an orb (which can also be a sun or a moon, depending on artistic/factional differences

    — Tenet 1: Keep the memory of the dead -- Deep Priests are performers of funeral rites, ensuring that the deceased are remembered and celebrated (or cursed, if they were wrongdoers). This Tenet also means being respectful to every creature that is slain, both friend and foe. This involves taking a part of one’s kill and sacrificing it (see below)

    — Tenet 2: Sacrifice the Harvest -- The Dweller’s followers will sacrifice a small part of their catch or their loot to the Whisper. This sacrifice is more of a token rather than a thing of value, tossing it into a body of water or burying it beneath the earth. Failure to do so may cause the Dweller to take the sinner instead.

    SINS: Obstruction -- Preventing the Dweller Beneath from taking what is their due and disrupting the cycle of death and life is the greatest of Sins.

    WORSHIPERS: Los Cocheros, some Magistrados, and some coastal Illustrados communities.

    CLERGY: Deep Priests are leaders of life and death rites in their community. They minister to births, baptisms, funerals, and marriages.

Magistrados Tenets

  • The Chain of Command: In times of duress, time is of the essence and actions must be taken immediately. To that end, the leader of a unit is expected to direct their subordinates and allies quickly and to the best of their judgment. For these folk, the thick of combat is not the time for moralizing and philosophizing -- enemies must be defeated and objectives must be met, everything else is secondary. 

  • Protect the Weak: Coming from a culture of technology and sophistication, the Magistrados need to justify their armaments and tactics. They believe that these are necessary for survival in the hazardous hinterlands of the world beyond their cities. Furthermore, the Magistrados believe that their strength is used primarily to protect humanity from monstrosities. This attitude can seem condescending or controlling to others, but these soldiers are expected to place the lives of people first before seeking out glory or “kills”. 

  • Rules of Engagement: Though they are soldiers, the Magistrados do not always jump to violence first when dealing with people. They will seek to speak, to persuade, and even to compromise before opening fire. They kill only in defense or to defend humanity. That said, some of these folk have no compunction with negotiating behind the barrel of a firearm (though this damages the process). Furthermore, they possess little in the way of mercy when dealing with inhuman monstrosities, especially creatures that resemble their Juracan enemies. 

  • Watch the Warband: For the Macana, their warband is their family on the field. They are expected to watch each others’ backs and alert them to unseen threats. That said, everyone is expected to work together and combine their strengths accordingly. The medic may not be as deadly as the sniper, but their role is just as important. They should not be substituting for the other sniper’s duties unless absolutely necessary. 

Life Rites

Birth Rite -- Earth and Sky

While it is not universal, it is tradition in many communities that a parent give birth indoors and present their child to the sky immediately afterward. Some communities have a cave wherein such a rite is performed while others style their hospital’s maternity ward or their own birthing room in such a fashion, with a nearby window for the Sky portion of the rite. Some say that this presentation resembles the bringing of life and light from a time of darkness. Others claim that this rite is an ancient one with a mythic history. The Iglesia Solar assists in the propagation of this rite, though they tend to elaborate on the Sky portion by ensuring that the extended family of the parent is there (with the parent’s consent). 

The wealthier members of the Illustrados follow this happening with a feast for all attendees, in a different room during the next day. The child is presented as a new member of the family and to the community. The expectation is that the food be of different animals and varieties, with no dish being replicated. This practice has filtered down to the other social classes, who make do with their own smaller, private celebrations.  

Adulthood -- Spirit Hunt

In the myriad communities of the Illustrados Union, one rite that the majority subscribes to is the Spirit Hunt. When a group of children reach the age of 18, their guardians take them into the wilderness or a remote but secure area. The children are then unleashed for one whole day with the goal of catching an animal.

The Spirit Hunt is muddled by history and obfuscated by local traditions. In Puerto del Encanto, it is said that the caught animal will grant a blessing to its catcher. In Ayiti island, such animals are slain in a hunt so that their aspect strengthens the hunter. In Caubano island, the animal’s spirit will aid the adolescent in their direst moments. In some parts of the mainland, the animal is slain and its skin is worn so that it protects its slayer’s soul from misfortune.

Ultimately, the would-be adults craft a unique mask called a Cara. This resembles the animal they connected with -- and they carry it everywhere with them, remaking it if they lose it. Taking or destroying someone else’s Cara is disrespectful, marking the thief or vandal as someone that cannot be trusted.

With the advance of years and the mists of antiquity, this rite has changed and lost most of its meaning from its original form. Its sanctity has fallen on the wayside. Wealthy adolescents go on safaris and are assisted by hirelings, coming back with exotic and highly esteemed Cara (e.g. jaguars,  or eagles) or even parafauna Cara. Impoverished folk make do with rats, crows, and other scavengers.

Promotion -- Magistrados

The Magistrados like to celebrate their victories and promotions by having small festivities in the celebrant’s name. Within these parties, certain traditions have formed. The Martilladors like to engage in tests of endurance, be it in drinking contests or striking down the celebrant with practice weapons. The Lanceros sometimes dunk the celebrant in water or pour water/spirits over the celebrant in the middle of the party. They also like getting tattoos to commemorate the promotion. Guaga parties are said to be the most raucous, engaging in long bar crawls, intense drinking puzzles, and some pranks -- some good natured pranks involve abandoning the celebrant in the wilderness for a day or hiding all of their possessions. This is always done with the celebrant’s comfort in mind and never intended to get them in danger or in trouble. 

Marriage -- Quick Marriages

Weddings among the Illustrados are loud affairs filled with family and friends. There is typically a short rite, ministered by clergy (and of a higher position if either celebrant is also clergy). The minister assists the marrying couple in their declaration of love and affection for each other. In some of the Illustrados, they are styled as the earth and sky coming together while they are the sun and moon or sea and sky in others. Tokens of love are then exchanged, such as rings or amulets. This rite is followed by raucous celebration, with singing, dancing, hired entertainment and the like.

It is common to add local customs to one’s wedding. Some appease the spiritual world with the ritual sacrifice of an animal or the controlled destruction of a treasured possession. Others ensure that certain foods are served or offered to the heavens during the feasting portion of the ceremony. Among a significant portion of the population, a single bite of meat and a single bite of vegetable is exchanged in addition to the marital tokens.

Funeral -- Return to Earth, Fire, or Water

In times of peace, Magistrados funerals are respectful and solemn affairs where a deceased individual is buried or cremated, depending on their wishes. Their comrades are the ones to carry their body/casket  them to the plot or the kindling while military horns are blown. After any eulogies, the individual’s spirit is sent off by a series of gun salutes before it is lowered to the ground or ignited.

During wartime, things may be incredibly different due to the volume or the timing of the funeral. During the direst hours, a solder’s death is recorded, their possessions stowed away, and their body consigned to a fire or a mass grave. There is little rite or ceremony to this, though it is expected that their possessions be sent to home for a cenotaph. 

At sea, the Magistrados follow a funeral ceremony inspired by the “Dweller Beneath” (a Whisper worshiped by some Charioteers) -- they cremate their fallen and scatter their ashes and bones into the sea. For less ideal situations, the deceased body is buried or cast overboard after carnivorous fish are lured nearby -- the possessions are stored and given to their surviving family (if any)

View of the Afterlife

Many Magistrados adhere to the Iglesia Solar’s view of the afterlife. Those who follow the Iglesia Solar believe that in an afterlife of sun and plenty, provided that a soul lives a life of compassion, charity, and honor. To that end, followers are invited to assist the church in their various humanitarian efforts such as maintaining hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens, and similar activities.

Those that don’t follow the Redeemed Sun instead believe in the traditions of their family or ancestors. Some don’t believe in the afterlife at all -- though they know that spirits and consciousness exists, these folk claim that all life and thought ceases a few hours after death if one’s body is ruined beyond repair.

View of Magic

Despite its utility, the Magistrados do not often depend on spells and magic, unless the wondrous technologies they use are counted as such. While there is little in the way of prejudice against Arcanists, many Macana feel that the occasional insanities and vulnerabilities of magic use are rarely worth their power -- this is especially so because the Macana are trained to work with one another and wild cards in the mix are death to coordination. 

If there is one field that magic is seen among these soldiers, it is in the realm of support. Infusers, Transmuters, and Renewers are found with some frequency among the mechanics and medics of the Magistrados. The Spider Scouts have their share of Arcanists, usually Diviners or Veilers. 

Talismanry is the most common tradition, followed by Animancy, with Diablerie at an incredibly low rate. Certain groups have successfully lobbied against prejudice for Diablerie and similarly dangerous magics (Necrotherugy, etc) but the stigma still remains among the general populace.