THE TEChnocracy

Tecnocracia, Technocrats, Technos

“Humanity, science, and progress -- these can be delayed but they cannot be denied”

Artwork by Nicco Salonga


The Tecnocracia is a gathering of bright minds, deep pockets, and malleable morals. These are not just scientists and inventors, but also aristocrats and entrepreneurs who have built their fortunes on the ruins and the wonders of a broken world.  They have leveraged their assets and their navigation to guide and control the new industries within the Union, celebrating their successes with extravagant fiestas and private parties. Better yet, a changed world represents new resources to discover and to exploit -- such as Abyssal Paraffin, harvested from the aggressive monstrosities beneath the waves. These individuals are known for the lengths they would go for new tech and pre-fall relics as well as the bizarre and occasionally perilous experiments they would conduct in secret and/or remote research compounds.


A large gear symbol with a wreath beneath it and two crossed lightning bolts within it.

Lore: Low Medium

Technocracy lore is more involved, with the traditions and histories of a person’s Corp being of importance. However, the concept of a corporate suit or dilettante-type character is easy enough for many players to grasp.


The dagger is decorative but fashion is forever.

Technocrats dress in the latest of fashions, which currently evoke a mixture of island sensibilities, Victorian flair (aka Steampunk), and a touch of the “Nueva Ciencia” or the New Sciences. This can depend and fluctuate depending on the season and the Union’s tastes. Unlike other aesthetes however, Technocrats are more likely to mix adventuring and aesthetics with great aplomb. Their gear tends to be ornate with filigree or ornamental markings, even heavily used items such as firearms, skill kits, and gadgets tend to follow these tendencies. All in all, Technocrats like to have both fashion and utility, they will lean immensely toward the former if both are unavailable. 


Clever Negotiators: The wise folk among the Tecnokrats tend to approach social interaction as a structure just as intricate as an ornate dress or as delicate as a fine wine. While seeming amicable, most will mind their words and their manners when confronted with someone that appears impressive or important. Speaking from the heart is not a common trait amongst these people who wheel and deal as a lifestyle. But not all Krats follow this outlook -- some appear impulsive and brazen, almost debauched in their confidence. For these folk, the guise of bravado hides a keen mind that probes for weaknesses and desires. 

Height of Fashion: Appearance and reputation matters much to the average Technocrat. Those who are known to be poor and notorious are not awarded work and have a surfeit of allies. Thus, most Technocrats stay mindful of the trends of fashion and politics. Even those who are stationed far away from Ayiti find it useful to know the happenings in their homeland, in case visiting dignitaries might find them too provincial. One way to get around this pitfall is to adopt and retain a style that is their very own, despite whatever trends might be happening. In this way, a Krat presents a striking and audacious figure -- the problem with this is if a trend follows the “unique Technocrat”, they may find their own personal fashion become old and banal. 

Order and Chaos: Other peoples might believe Technocrats to be greedy, scheming individuals but they do not know the truth. The Tecnocracia craves order and control most of all. While other folk chase dreams of immortality or glory, the practical Technokrat simply desires the means to achieve whatever they seek -- and in their structured society, wealth and status are the means to control one's own destiny and the destiny of their family.

The New Sciences: The world has changed and with it have come the new sciences (aka Nueva Ciencia or Nueva-Sci), mingling technology and sorcery as well as the physical and the spiritual. Krats are always on the lookout for new tech or new magics, caring little if it is labeled as forbidden or sacred. For some, it is a function of squeezing more profit for their Corporation. For other Krats, this novelty is a new horizon to explore and to learn from.

Words over Wars: Though military contracts have earned certain Corporations no small amount of wealth, most Technokrats detest fighting. They think it is dirty, chaotic, and (less importantly) dangerous. A Technocrat will ask first and shoot later, which may fly in the face of common wisdom in hazardous areas. Though they consider combat beneath them, they do not ignore their own safety. Thus, they hire or befriend allies that are much more dangerous than they are. Similarly, their wealth and/or technical expertise also lends them to having gadgetry and weaponry aplenty to deal with trouble.


The individuals among the Tecnocracia follow the naming conventions of their locale, usually of the Illustrados themselves (first name, middle name, both last names of their parents). While they have rankings within their organization, these are not brought about unless formality necessitates such an act. 

Example Names:

  • Jean St. Pierre Villanueva-Caron is an entrepreneur for the Tecnocracia, going to the fringes of civilization and wilderness to prospect and to evaluate local assets for the Gremio. He goes by Jean St. Pierre, unless formality requires his entire name. 

  • Isabella Adrianna Christina Velasco-Guillermo is often under the employ of the Technocracia, but she keeps their association quiet. After all, her activities as “Bella the Bullet” makes her seem more like a brazen mercenary than a Tecnocracia researcher.

  • Garris Greenfield is a Mid-Atlantic employee of the Tecnocracia. Garris works for a local arm of the organization as a finder of things and a solver of problems, with their actual work title being largely obscured. 

Example Character Ideas

The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Gremio. If desired, Feel free to use or alter one of these for your character.

Artisan of the New Sciences: The world and reality itself changed with the Long Fall. But along with monsters and disasters, there came new sciences for humanity to discover and utilize. Components and new crafting techniques allow for devices and technologies that rivaled the wonders of the old world. This is in addition to the eldritch energies of the modern era, which allow humanity greater capacities and abilities to contend with the new threats of their lives. These artisans study and refine the new sciences, even straying to the fringes of normality and morality to find new frontiers of science and progress.  

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Builder

Eldritch Aesthete: When fatigued by the lavish and the luxurious, there are those who find euphoria in the strange and the horrific. Some Teknokrats take their wealth and their technology to the hazardous fringes of humanity in search of some terrifying sublimity. They do this not for study, for progress, or for some greater good -- they do this for the experience and because they hear an ineffable call to the unknown. The more fortunate of these individuals survive with immeasurable wisdom and knowledge, but most succumb to the dangers  and lores of the World Beyond the Fall. 

Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Counselor

Game-Hunter: Like Abyssal Paraffin harvested from the Leviathans and Krakens that prey on their shipping lanes, there is treasure to be found in the horrors that haunt the ruins of the world. Some Technokrats take this to heart, organizing and leading expeditions into the treacherous wilds in search of the next Paraffin or the next “Flesh of the Empress”. While such exploits do not always end well -- fat purses, pristine carapaces, and interesting trophies await the bold and the brave. 

Suggested Classes: Ranger, Warrior

A Technocrat ponders his new acquisition

Tech-Finder: Technocrats may claim credit for most of the Illustrados’ progress, but they themselves are always on the lookout for strange and alien technologies. They marvel at the grotesqueries of the Templar’s fleshcrafting, as well as the unsightly works of the Scavvers and the Hellhounds. Tech-Finders find beauty in the exotic, seeking out and studying the foreign lores of other lands. This beauty may then lead to prestige, progress, or immense profits.  

Suggested Classes: Builder, Ranger

Trade Mogul: Commerce is as central to the Tecnocracia as technological progress and creation. To that end, many individuals within the Gremio make connections and relationships their primary goal. Through these, they leverage the sale and purchase of commodities and technologies. What makes these folk different from the other traders and sellers of the World Beyond the Fall, is their own connections and relationships with the Tecnocracia. As its members, they are allowed greater leeway and greater insight as to the workings of the next big thing or the needs of the Gremio, fueling their success and the success of those who have invested in them. 

Suggested Classes: Builder, Counselor


The biggest companies and industries in the Tecnocracia are called “Corporations”. The largest and wealthiest of these Corporations form the Corporate Board (aka Junta Corporativa), which is the governing and policing body of the Tecnocracia. The Junta meets multiple times a year in the Ayiti island to determine the policy of their Gremio as a whole, though they themselves prefer that their own Corporations are not disturbed. 

Entrance into this exclusive group requires an immense amount of money “donated” to the others on the Junta, though they have limited their numbers to five. Similarly, membership can be voided by a super majority of the Junta, if a boardmember’s Corporation is sufficiently weakened or is determined to fall short of their standards.

Technoracy History


Important Events:

The Celso Engine  (7 BTF): A mainland refugee along with her father, Marisol Anna Celso-Malave (age 12) completes the first prototype of the Celso Engine in Ciudad Juanita. Her neighbors and family rally around her and ensure that she has an audience with the current Governor -- the next few years has her refine her prototype and bring light to Ciudad Juanita and the rest of Puerto-del-Encanto.

Exploration and Salvage (13 BTF): Their technological advantages are shared with other islands, forming the Illustrados Union. Marisol Anna Celso-Malave continues to build new wonders and new devices. At this point, she has assistants and funding aplenty, forming Celso Innovational Enterprises (CIE). The need for materials jumpstarts recovery efforts to the mainland, bringing back precious materials for further development. 

Growing Pains (17 BTF): The industries of the Illustrados surge with growing pains. They compete with one another and rail against governmental taxation. Riots and skirmishes break out as rivals set upon each other. CIE is handed off to Marisol Celso’s disciples as she begins her political ambitions.

The First Juracan (25 BTF): The appearance and defeat of the first Juracan coincides with the beginning of Marisol Celso’s first term as Cacique-General. She spearheads further development of the Illustrados’ military structure and calls upon CIE (and similar Corporations) to refine their cities’ defenses. She also orders that the Juracan’s cadaver be retrieved for scientific study. 

Political Ambitions (35 BTF): Marisol Celso finishes her term 10 years later and returns to the helm of CIE. By this time, the various industries and laborers of the Illustrados have organized to minimize their bickering. This would lead to the creation of the Tecnocracia, with Marisol Celso as part of its leadership -- restrictions on research and labor are loosened. 

Beyond the Islands (49 BTF): The Illustrados and the Tecnocracia continue to expand at an explosive pace, bringing more survivor communities under their wings. In the case of the Tecnocracia, they are able to establish Corporate holdings on the mainland as well as the Illustrados islands to further their economic reach. However, there are rumors of terrible working conditions at their industrial sites. 

Tanpa Incident (60 BTF): Hired guns with Tecnocracia weaponry take the Senate hostage, but are defeated by the Magistrados and the Iglesia. A major Tecnocracia facility in Tanpa (on the northern continent) is destroyed by a mysterious explosion, taking most of the Corporate Board with it. The Tecnocracia are taken to task regarding their working conditions, their weaponry falling into the wrong hands, and other wrongdoings via massive fines, the confiscation of several facilities, and new regulatory laws.  

Halting the Free Fall (66 BTF): The Corporate Board’s only survivor, Juan Maria Celso-Sanchez holds the Tecnocracia together through leadership and negotiation. Their headquarters is moved to Ayiti, near Port-au-Jacques. Having perfected the first Metabionic Graft years ago, Guillermo Neal-Gibson and his team join the Tecnocracia to grant many folks a new lease on life and helping the Tecnocracia’s reputation. 

Changing of the Guard (75 BTF): A minor skirmish occurs as new Corporations replace old ones on the Corporate Board. The casualties are kept a secret from the general public. Corporate Policies are crafted to ensure more peaceful takeovers. One of the newcomers is governed by Sahara Sylvain-Neptune -- her Elegbani Engines surpass that of current Celso technology, eventually inspiring further exploration and greater naval firepower.  

First Contact (83 BTF): The Illustrados make amicable yet cautious contact with the Free Tribes of the Mid-Atlantic region of the North American east coast (aka “Mid-Atla”). Initial meetings with the Templars fare far worse. The Illustrados Union decides to keep at arm’s length, for the purposes of peace and goodwill. Despite this, the Tecnocracia manages to establish relations with the Cartel with the help of the Charioteers.

The War over Embers (93 BTF): Terrible monstrosities led by the sorcerous Harbingers invade from the west and ravage the Mid-Atlantic region. The vicious war against the remnants of humanity follows. The Illustrados Union is late to join, but they bring their technological prowess and Juracan-killing military to bear. In particular, the Tecnocracia’s armaments are used liberally against the Harbinger Hosts to vicious effect. There are also rumors of the Tecnocracia interrogating a captured Harbinger at some point during the war. 

The Armistice at Libertina (96 BTF): After six years of brutal war, Mid-Atla settles to a troubled peace. A Tecnocracia explosive finishes off the last of the Harbingers and a treaty between the Templar, the Illustrados, and the Free Tribes is signed at the broken bell of Libertina City.

Current Day (99 BTF): Illustrados technology, people, and culture filter into Mid-Atla. Their own problems and Juracan sightings keep their mighty fleets at home, but threats and menaces surface or are reborn. The Illustrados keeps eyes, ears and influence in the region while minding the limitations set to them by the Armistice. The Tecnocracia forge in-roads into Mid-Atla with vast profits, exotic technologies, and dangerous magics in mind.

Important People and Groups

The Charioteers (aka Los Cocheros): An Illustrados subfaction of mariners, monster hunters, smugglers, and scavengers. They have banded together to ensure that their services are not only regulated but so that they can protect themselves from their employers and the Magistrados. 

The Free Tribes: A group of communities and tribes based in and around the Mid-Atlantic (aka Mid-Atla) area, but also within the New England, Tidewater, and Midwest regions.

Guillermo Neal-Gibson: The leader of the team that created the first Metabionic Graft, which was used to save his dying Magistrados sister after the rescue of the Senate. 

The Iglesia Solar: An Ilustrados faction of clergyfolk, academics, and engineers. They are a major civic force that maintain many hospitals, orphanages, and schools. 

The Illustrados Union: An Caribbean-based Archfaction known for their technological wonders, their mercantile bent, and their naval prowess. 

Juan Maria Celso-Sanchez (Juan Celso): Marisol Celso-Malave’s nephew and least inventive of her disciples. What he lacked in technical prowess, he more than made up for in charisma, cunning, and foresight. He is the reason why the Tecnocracia survived the Tanpa incident. He is succeeded by his son, who now sits in the Corporate Board.

Marisol Anna Celso-Malave (aka Marisol Celso): The genius behind the Celso Engine, a machine that is able to draw Magnetic Mana power from reagents. She is a storied hero among the Illustrados, even becoming a Cacique-General and leading the Union for a decade. She was survived by her wife but she was succeeded in Celso Innovational Enterprises by her nephew, Juan Celso. 

Magistrados (aka Macana):  An Illustrados subfaction of soldiers, sailors, and scouts. They serve the whole of the Illustrados and are directed by the Cacique-General.

Sahara Sylvain-Neptune: Creator of Oanatech, which harnesses volatile, fiery energies in their craftsmanship. Sahara has carved an ambitious path through the Tecnocracia via ruthlessness and intellect. Now in her 50s, she sits at the Corporate Board.  

The Tecnocracia (aka Technocracy): An Illustrados subfaction occupied by wealthy investors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. They engage in banking, own several industries, reclaiming ancient tech, and investing in dangerous expeditions. 

The Temple of the Shattered Mother (aka Templars): An northern Archfaction based on their faith to the God-Empress and dedicated to the destruction of wickedness and eldritch evil.

technocracy Power Groups


The movers and shakers within the Tecnocracia are the five Corporations of the Corporate Board. These Corporations and their domains of influence are described in detail below. Player Characters that associate with the Tecnocracia must belong to one of these Groups or come from a non-Board Corporation, which can be of a Player’s own design if it is approved by Game Staff. 

Celso Innovational Enterprises: One of the senior Corporations in the Illustrados Union, known for their innovations in Nueva Ciencia engineering. 

Fontaine-Fuentes Pharmaceuticals: A Corporation specializing in chemical engineering. Their products are medicinal, custodial, and many other functions. 

Goodbread Hospitality and Banking: A friendly but ruthless Corporation with a variety of interests: banking, restaurants, performers, bars, food, drink, and “property management”

Sorcerous Sciences and Studies: A studious Corporation of education, medicine, magic use, and technology.

Sylvain Energy Systems: A newly ascended Corporation that is at the forefront of advancement and technology, focused on the generation and use of volatile energies. 

Celso Innovational Enterprises

CEI, Celso-Inno

“Prosperity through Creativity and Technology”

Basic: One of the senior Corporations in the Illustrados Union, known for their innovations in Nueva Ciencia engineering. 

Symbol: Three gears of varying sizes inside a sunburst

Territories: Chato-au-Celso at the fringes of Port-au-Jacques holds the headquarters of CEI. In addition, they have offices and factories on every Illustrados city and island.  Their Vox-Comm towers are indispensable to quick coordination and are being built even on the mainland and Mid-Atla. 

Overview: Celso Innovational Enterprises (CIE) was founded by a pillar of Illustrados society and prosperity: Marisol Celso. The Tanpa incident of 60 BTF has seen this Corporation fall from grace, becoming merely influential when it was formerly beloved and synonymous with the Illustrados as a whole. 

Despite their recent stumbles, CIE remains at the forefront of Apex-tech engineering. Their industrial holdings excel in the manufacture of machinery, including vehicles, home appliances, and personal devices. Of particular note are the Vox-comm towers that allow the islands to communicate instantly with one another, though the transmissions must with great vigilance -- hazardous eldritch entities exist within the air waves. While they are still prominent when it comes to personal defense, their contracts with the military have wavered due to their reputation -- Sylvain Energy Systems has picked up where they left off. 

CIE has done much to redeem itself in the eyes of the public, but many feel that it is not enough. They have much to answer for and many more mysteries surround the Tanpa incident. Not only was most of the Corporate Board wiped out, but their Corporations also fell to various misfortunes and disasters. This has resulted in a new Corporate Board where the CIE is no longer as dominant as it used to be. 

CIE Operators and Overseers tend to use gadgets and mechanized or magnatech weaponry instead of more mundane equipment. They also have an eye for fashion and form, matching whatever style is currently popular. Expect these Technocrats to stand out and be heard, unless espionage is their goal.

Leadership: Juan Franco Celso-Martinez is a Psion, like many individuals in his family. Unlike them however, he has a reputation for carousing and antics in his youth. Though the current era has him at the helm of his familial legacy, the benefits of his wild days are surprisingly many, including contacts in many different institutions, families, and Corporations. In particular, the Mistmarket Fleet of the Charioteers is a familiar partner to CIE. 

JF Celso’s strangeness makes for interesting rumors and gossip. Scandal follows his appearances in public, toeing the line between utter disgracefulness and alluring mystique. To the dismay of his family, he likes to play the fop even at Board meetings and when meeting with Corporate Leadership (his cousins, union leaders, and department heads). Only foolish folk mistake this blase attitude for ignorance and vapidity; however, he has an incredible memory and superior senses -- he has used these to verbally and socially cut down his rivals. His siblings are either subordinate to his position or in exile. 

Fontaine-Fuentes Pharmaceuticals

FFP, FF Pharma

“Cures for what ails you. Salves to make you better”

Basic: A Corporation specializing in chemical engineering. Their products are medicinal, custodial, and many other functions. 

Symbol: A bowl with a two leafy plant stems growing from it

Territories: This Puerto Vazquez dominates the eastern portion of Ayiti island and is a founding member of the Illustrados.  The headquarters of the Fontaine-Fuentes Pharmaceuticals is located in this powerhouse of agriculture and mining. 

Overview: Juan Pedro Fuentes-Rivera and Annamarie Fontaine-Beaufort are the founders of this Corporation. Their families supported and upheld its progress across the history of the Illustrados Union. Leaders in their trades in medicine and chemistry, they pooled their resources to great effect -- FF Pharma has been called the CIE of chemical engineering. Their products run the gamut of curative and poisonous: medicines, cleaning products, pesticides, and many other materials. 

FF Pharma’s ascent reached its current heights after the Tanpa incident: it absorbed elements of several dissolved Corporations. They restructured these remnants into their own organization, gaining several facilities within Puerto Vazquez and many talented Chemists into their employ. Because of this, they are credited with inventing the Hyper-Refined Vials Augment and are known to be dabbling with similar enhancement chemicals.

Overseers and Operators of FF Pharma are known for their calm and/or analytical approach to most circumstances, even volatile ones. They also tend toward Chem Vials as opposed to Gadgets with their Skill Kits. In particular, their enforcers are noted for their frequent use of caustic poisons and healing vials in their occupation. 

Leadership: Marco Fuentes-Ramirez is the current Director of FF Pharma, though he coordinates closely with his Corporate Leadership (Fuentes family, Fontaine family, and department heads). He displays the analytical and frosty nature common to his subordinates, especially when it comes to cleanliness. Marco has custodians clean his quarters and his meeting spaces at least twice a day. 

His second cousin, Destin Fontaine-Melendrez, is the closest to him in power and influence. The head of the medical department and the more popular of the two, Destin is genial when his cousin is aloof and passionate when his counterpart is cold. In another timeline, he would have been the Director but Destin is content to be on the council and lending his support to Marco. 

Goodbread Hospitality and Banking

GHB, Goodbread

“Have a Good Day with Goodbread”

Basic: A friendly but ruthless Corporation with a variety of interests: banking, restaurants, performers, bars, food, drink, and “property management”

Symbol: A stein or mug with wavy lines emanating above it.  

Territories: Vedado is one of the bigger and more influential powers in the Illustrados Union, to the point that it almost became the Archfaction’s capital. It is also known as the cradle of the Illustrados Navy and the home of its shipyards. Goodbread Hospitality and Banking has its corporate headquarters near this city. GHB Entertainments, GHB Properties, and GHB Bakeries are all over the Illustrados isles, even venturing its first steps in Port Atlantica in Mid-Atla.

Overview: Terra Goodbread-Martinez founded the Goodbread name and brand through her management of several farming plots and breweries, with assistance from her husband’s law firm. With the passing of decades, GHB rose in prominence and influence. They poured their profits into many ventures, branching out swiftly into various industries. Eventually, Goodbread Bakeries, Goodbread Entertainments, and Goodbread Properties emerged within the umbrella of the GHB.

Goldilocks “Goldie” Goodbread-Vazquez applied to the Tecnocracia in 55 BTF. She ascended to the Corporate Board a scant few years later with the fallout from the Tanpa Incident along with her continued rise to power. Ever since then, the Goodbread family have maintained their clutches upon the Tecnocracia and the Illustrados. 

Whereas the Celso’s name is everywhere when it comes to engineering and machinery, the Goodbread brand occupies an incredible assortment of industries. Goodbread Bakeries are dedicated to the production and refinement of food and drink. Goodbread Entertainments invest in performers and artists, as well as owning a number of bars and restaurants across the Union. Finally, Goodbread Properties manages loans, debts, and property within the Corporation’s sphere -- they also have enforcers that ensure that their holdings are protected and their loans are repaid. 

Goodbread’s Operators and Overseers tend to be known for incredible amiability or coldblooded ruthlessness. They are willing to maintain the image of being a civic-minded family to externals, but they have no such compunctions in pursuing a matter to its end by any means, especially if it involves the Corporation’s interests. 

Leadership: Guadalupe “Goody” Goodbread-Cruz is the current Director of Goodbread, with the rest of her Corporate Leadership consisting of her siblings and cousins. She is known publicly for her warmth but privately for her cold calculating demeanor. A Horned Chimera who has survived three husbands and has birthed ten children, Goody is as harsh a taskmaster as she is as a mother.

Few of her children bear any love for her beyond what is socially required.  However, GHB has only prospered under her tutelage. Before she turns the reins of the Corporation over to her conniving daughter Gabriella (aka Gabi), she means to knuckle three more smaller Corporations beneath Goodbread's heavy hands and buy out three more minor Corporations. Mid-Atla is yet another frontier for her and a proving ground for some of her less favored children and siblings.

Sorcerous Sciences and Studies

3S, Sorc-Sci

“Study the Science. Study the Truth”

Basic: A studious Corporation of education, medicine, magic use, and technology.

Symbol: A spiral within a diamond

Territories: The city-state of Sharpton in Xaymaca island houses the Tecnocracia’s Sorcerous Sciences Corporation -- in particular, their headquarters and their highest institutions of learning and magical research. It also has schools and services in Ciudad Juanita, Puerto Vazquez, and Port-au-Jacques.

Overview: The first Arcanists in the Illustrados Union were feared in the beginning, but they soon found their places in society. They wrestled with their gift and were looked upon with suspicion and jealousy. However, many of them found great demand for their services and abilities. These individuals began to cooperate and coordinate with one another in the name of protection and then later on, profit. Sorcerous Sciences and Studies is only one of these groups formed of Arcanist unions. But it is the largest and most influential one. 

At the heart of Sorc-Sci is the Mierelles family, descended from south continental refugees and with many Psions and Seraphs in their lineage. They are mainly known in the education sector, they are also well-known in healthcare. Their private hospitals rival that of the Iglesia, though they have the advantage of cutting edge technology and advanced magical theory. Whether an ailment is physical or spiritual, Sorc-Sci is able to cure it.

In addition to the study of magic, Sorcerous Sciences and Studies is also interested in the intersection of technology and the arcane, even moreso than the vaunted Magnatech. To that end, they have dedicated resources to the creation and sale of arcane appliances and equipment that rival the utility of their Magnatech counterparts. 

Though most of the Corporation are not Channelers, most Sorc-Sci Operators are skilled in the art of spell and arcana. Many of these individuals are Infusers that use their magic (via the Infuse Form spell) to power both technological and magical equipment. Others are keen to discover some new form of spell or magic to bring back to the Corporation - in particular, the secrets of the Templars’ Shadow Doors. 

Leadership: Sabastiao Livingston-Da Costa directs Sorcerous Sciences and Studies. This Psion is the figurehead of the Corporate Leadership which is rostered by the heads of the Universities, the Hospitals, and the Laboratories within the Corporation’s dominion. One of his greatest accomplishments was rescuing the Corporation from his father’s bad council and eldritch experiments to the point that they were able to join the Tecnocracia’s Corporate Board. 

Sabastiao is one of the first to admit that he is more doctor and Renewer than administrator, though his knowledge helps him guide Sorc-Sci leadership in their policy making. This trait makes him a beloved man within the Corporation’ Associates and they feel that he understands them. His detractors claim that he is no better than his father except in reputation and that Sorc-Sci secretly continues their unethical  experimentations into the eldritch.  

Sylvain Energy Systems

SES, Sylvain Systems

“Where there is light, there is hope”

Basic: A newly ascended Corporation that is at the forefront of advancement and technology, focused on the generation and use of volatile energies. 

Symbol: A trident facing upwards with lightning bolts for tines. 

Territories: Port-au-Jacques is known for its technological and military developments. The headquarters of SES is within its reach, rivaling CEI in scope. Their military and energy contracts ensure that they have holdings on the other islands. 

Overview: The ascent of Sylvain Energy Systems is entirely in the hands of the Sylvain family, particularly Sahara Sylvain-Neptune. Once considered a struggling, off-brand CIE, they have come into their own and have secured prominent government contracts with energy generation, military projects, and other civic functions. 

Where CIE crafted Magna-tech and Apex-tech in the Caribbean, SES has mastered it. Their weaponry and machinery appear to harness the wonders of the World that Was, utilizing energy to harm, weld, or empower. The greatest of SES works is called Oana-tech, named after the gods of a pre-Fall faith. To match this divine label, these technologies allow their users incredible abilities -- they destroy enemies with fiery blasts, allow their wearers to fly, and even shield individuals from hostile energies. 

Overseers and Operators from SES are known for their poise and their volatility, though these are far from being universal to SES. They also tend toward mechanized and magnatech items, especially those that use or radiate energy or electricity. The Corporation’s meteoric rise to significance and influence has given these individuals a strange pride in their products and in their people. This confidence is coupled with a familial concern for every employee and associate -- their victories belong to the Corporation and vice versa. 

Leadership: Sahara Sylvain-Neptune was made an Apex-tech Metabionic after a terrible accident involving the prototyping of the Elegbani Engines that now power the major cities of the Illustrados Union. Known as a person of intellect, vitriol, and chrome, her Corporate Leadership (family members, union leaders, and department heads) and her underlings have learned to give her space and follow her orders to the letter. 

technocracy Society

Technocratic Society came about when various crafters and merchants families banded together for mutual economic and political protection and growth. After decades of development and in-fighting, the result is an upper middle/upper class of wealthy families that can apply influence to the political spheres of the Illustrados Union. 

The Corporation

Also known as a Company or a Firm, this financial institution is the core of the Tecnocracia. In fact, an individual is not truly part of the Tecnocracia until they join one of its Corporations. In the Illustados Union, these institutions can number from fifty to over a thousand people. 

Joining a Corporation is simple -- individuals are either born into one or they are recruited from the Illustrados Union or, as a recent development, from the other Archfactions. Contracts are signed, benefits are discussed, and the new Technocrat is expected to progress their Corporation’s interests -- through labor at one of their facilities, through administration of subordinates, or through other tasks outside the Illustrados Union. 

Social Strata

  • Corporate Board: At the top of the Tecnoracia’s social ladder is the Junta Corporativa or the Corporate Board. These are Directors of the top five Corporations, usually one per Corporation.

  • Corporate Leadership: Typically, Corporate leadership is led by a Director -- this individual is elected and advised by the core families of the Corporation, the leaders of the Corporation’s worker unions, the matriarchs of the core/founding families, or another secondary group. Directors can be drawn from ranks of the aforementioned groups or chosen from Middle Operations. Some Directors are founding entrepreneurs that created the Corporation that consider the advisory bodies when it suits them. This position and above it are for NPCs and Retired PCs only.

  • Special Operations (Operator): These are the para-military and espionage assets of the Tecnocracia - guards, militia, spies, and similar positioned individuals. They are considered to be lateral to Middle Operations. Spec Ops answer primarily to Corporate Leadership. Among the Operators, there are three grades (in ascending order): Standard, Expert, and Senior.

  • Middle Operations (Overseer): These are supervisory and logistical positions within a Corporation, focused more on maintaining and managing the inner workings of the institution. Among the Overseers, there are three grades (in ascending order): Standard, Expert, and Senior.

  • Ground Operations (Associate): This is the tier of most of a Corporation. These are the ground-level laborers, crafters, clerks, merchants, and similar individuals. This also includes ground level supervisory individuals. Among the Associates, there are three grades (in ascending order): Standard, Expert, and Senior.

  • Externals: This describes individuals and groups that are outside the Corporation’s ranks, though not necessarily out of their control. 


The Tecnocracia recruits from all parts of the Illustrados Union and the other Archfactions. Though the Union is not a utopia, the working and middle class in the Illustrados benefit from Senatorial support via governmental programs of food, schooling, shelter, and clothing. The reach of the Senate is not absolute and some fall through the cracks. Similarly, the quality of the programs varies within and between each city or province. Many Illustrados look beyond these government programs for wealth and comfort, seeking greater employment or other methods of acquisition. 

Those who do not labor for the government are usually employed by the Tecnocracia, the Iglesia, or the Charioteers. The Tecnocracia contracts these folk as laborers in Ground Operations or bureaucrats in Middle Operations. Most become industrial laborers or fill similar positions amid the Technocrat’s structure. Those who become Technocrats gain access to better living situations than what is typically provided. Indeed, the Tecnocracia has better facilities, housing, healthcare, and education for those they recruit. This is primarily in the case of those individuals who reside in the Illustrados Union. 

Recruits earmarked with exceptional talents in violence, espionage, and similar skills are brought to Special Operations. These individuals are trained and sent to problem/distant areas to enforce Technocrat authority, retrieve Technocrat assets, and/or advance Technocrat interests. Individuals who excel in their roles are outfitted with better equipment.

Those that come from the core or founding families of a Corporation are usually assigned to Middle or Special Operations, with favored and/or meritorious scions eventually joining Corporate leadership. 

Stigmata in the Tecnocracia:

Because the Tecnocracia draw from all social classes and from everywhere they can reach, both Stigmatic and non-Stigmatic individuals can be found within their ranks. Graft Stigmata are of relative rarity among most of the Corporations, except in the case of their Special Operations division. Those deemed worthy of Metabionic implantation are given that gift. Also, the dangerous nature of their tasks means that some of them are Risen. Scant few individuals are Eidolons, except for those that work with sorcerous Corporations or those recruited with such Stigmata. 

Laws and Punishments

The Tecnocracia follows the laws of the territories that they reside. They also craft similar laws for their territories that are out of Illustrados control. When a Technocrat commits a crime, depending on their status and/or value, they are either remanded to local law or assisted in their escape. That said, those who are given to law enforcement are given the benefit of the Tecnocracia’s influence in their judgment and sentencing. Exceptions exist, of course -- individuals that offend both local law and corporate policy may find themselves arrested and surrendered with no aid given.

Corporate Policy is the Tecnocracia’s version of law. It follows much of the same laws as most places -- sanctioning murder, theft, assault, etc. The difference is that the Corporation is an entity that can be stolen from and that Corporate Leadership is subject to Policy on a nominal basis. Another difference is that Corporate Policy does not protect those who are not of the Corporation or the Tecnocracia. This means that those who trespass upon Tecnocracia territory can expect the full force of their sanctions. On a darker note, this means that unwilling human experimentation is within a Corporation’s rights if they deem someone to be an outsider. 

  • Written Warning: Those who violate Corporate Policy in a minor way or for the first time are typically given a written warning. Depending on the Corporation, this may be given multiple times per year or only given thrice before escalating to a worse punishment. Written Warnings are under the purview of those with supervisory roles to their subordinates. 

  • Contractual Expulsion: Those whose violations are egregious or far too repetitious are expelled from the Tecnocracia. Their contract with the Tecnocracia is expunged and rendered null, as are their benefits. If their family is housed by the Corporation, they are evicted in short order. Lucky and talented individuals are able to jump ship to a different Corporation but most have to find their own means of employment. Only the upper echelons of Middle and Special Operations may inflict this sanction, as can Corporate Leadership.  

  • Reformatory Assignment: In lieu of Contractual Expulsion, an offender may plead for a Reformatory Assignment. In this case, they (and potentially, their family) is reassigned to a different area. Oftentimes, these are facilities at the fringe of the wilderness or are poorly performing facilities. The “reformer” is expected to serve (and survive) their assignment for a few years. 

  • Permanent Dismissal: Those who are discovered aiding the Corporation’s enemies (or are themselves such enemies) can be subject to a “Permanent Dismissal”. Not to be confused with Contractual Expulsion, this sanction involves Operators killing an individual -- sometimes, the offender’s family and associates may be involved. Special Operations may also inflict this upon those found trespassing on Corporate territory but outside Illustrados influence. What makes Permanent Dismissal far more than a simple execution is its thoroughness -- the body of an offender may be burned or otherwise destroyed. If possible, their soul is disrupted -- but this technology is not available to all Corporations. Some sorcerous Corporations are rumored to use such souls to power their Necrotheurgic technologies. 



A western city-state on the island of Ayiti and a founding member of the Illustrados, it is known for its technological and military developments, to the point that the Tecnocracia eventually moved their headquarters to Chato-au-Celso at its fringes. A staunch economic rival to Puerto Vazquez, it is the home of Celso Innovational Enterprises and Sylvaine Energy Systems. 

Puerto Vazquez

This city-state dominates the eastern portion of Ayiti island and is a founding member of the Illustrados. It is a powerhouse of agriculture and mining. The headquarters of the Fontaine-Fuentes Pharmaceuticals is located in this city. 


Coabana island houses the city-state of Vedado (sometimes called El Vedado). This is one of the bigger and more influential powers in the Illustrados Union, to the point that it almost became the Archfaction’s capital. It is also known as the cradle of the Illustrados Navy and the home of its shipyards. Goodbread Hospitality and Banking has its corporate headquarters near this city. 

Cuidad Juanita

The Illustrados capital of Cuidad Juanita (and thus the seat of the Senate) is located on the island of Puerto-del-Encanto (aka Boriken). Once the crown of Magnatech and Celsotech, it has since ceded that label to Port-au-Jacques but it is no slouch: the largest Vox-Com tower is in Ciudad Juanita, unifying the Illustrados and allowing instant long range communique.


A former research facility of the Tecnocracia, nothing is left of this place except a magically irradiated ruin. The Magistrados send patrols to this area to ensure that no person or creature lairs within. 


The city-state of Sharpton in Xaymaca island houses the Tecnocracia’s Sorcerous Sciences Corporation -- in particular, their headquarters and their highest institutions of learning and magical research. 

Technocracy Religion and Rites

Tecnocracy Faith

The Technocrats that have faith are often following the faiths of their familial traditions or the Iglesia Solar. On the other hand, many in the Technocracia have forsaken the divinities and traditions of old -- the appearance of horrifying monstrosities in the sky and the Long Fall of human civilization is enough to change most minds about the existence of a benevolent deity.

  • Iglesia Solar, Redeemers, Solarites/Solaria

    OVERVIEW: Primarily known as the Iglesia Solar, the Church of the Redeemed Sun is a faith focused on charity, selflessness, and meditative prayer. Dedicated to several solar divinities, it has become a philosophical and spiritual religion that is focused on self-improvement and contemplation. Many scientists and engineers subscribe to it and are contributors to the church as an organization. Indeed, it is their contribution and their civic minded advances that have won them many adherents among the peoples of the Caribbean and the Illustrados.

    As per the written Visions of “Santo Rivero”, the Church is guided by five Wildling Whispers. Each is a reflection of a syncretized figure from the old mythos of the region. They also inspired the five Solaric Virtues and the five Solaric Sins. Though the Church worships them as a whole, each has its own specific portofolio.. Most folk dedicate themselves to one of the Icons.

    — Auroral Serpent: As a two-headed feathered serpent with a sun in its mouths, this Whisper controls winds, water, earth, and flames. He is associated with Harmony.

    — Burning Gate: An intermediary between humanity and the eldritch. Those who look unto infinity are reminded of humanity’s insignificance and the folly of the self. He is associated with Humility.

    — Giving Star: Brought warmth, and agriculture to humanity so he is associated with maize or similar crops. Through him, folk were able to prosper and thrive. He is associated with Charity.

    — Lucent Crown: Enthroned on a mountain and wielding cosmic power, he created celestial bodies, animals, and humanity, bringing light and balance to the world. He is associated with Inquiry.

    — Radiant Eagle: Associated with bravery, fierceness, and rulership. Though he used to be a divinity of kings, he is now a Whisper associated with Loyalty.

    SYMBOL: A stone sunburst surrounded by 5 stars or circles. Many Solarites carry a sun themed medallion with at least 5 large beads, representing a Tenet. Shrines feature clay statues or graven images of a Solaric Icon.

    SHRINE TYPES: Hallowed Shrines built to the Iglesia Solar are varied according to Solaric Icon that it is built to

    — Auroral Serpent: Ancestral, Storm

    — Burning Gate: Ancestral, Deep

    — Giving Star: Pyre, Verdant

    — Lucent Crown: Ancestral, Verdant

    — Radiant Eagle: Primal, Pyre

    TENETS: Below are the commandments of the Iglesia Solar, which follow their philosophical and contemplative perspective of the world.

    — Charity/Caridad: The Sun is radiant and ever giving. So should it be that we too give of ourselves to those in need.

    — Humility/Reflexion: Just as the Sun reflects and illuminates all, so too must we reflect and study our memories and surroundings to see the truth in things and beyond ourselves.

    — Inquiry/Curiosidad: New and old sciences await our minds in the darkness of ignorance. We must seek them out through study and learning.

    — Loyalty/Pureza: A Solarite is beloved of family and of friend, seeking to protect them against harm and nurture them to greatness.

    — Harmony/Templanza: In deed and in word, a Solarite must be measured and balanced in their efforts.

    SINS AND ATONEMENTS: A sin in the eyes of the Iglesia Solar is a stumbling block against redemption and enlightenment. They also represent the baser natures of humanity that must be overcome in order for societal and spiritual harmony. Atonement for committing a sin is usually in the form of guided meditation at a monastery or a campus, though actual crimes against society and humanity are given up to the authorities. Some fringe sects of the Iglesia suggest self-flagellation, meditative starvation, or similarly extreme practices.

    — Apathy/Desidia: Ignorance is said to be the first sin but the true wrong is continuing in it. Solarites must hone their minds with study, practice, and charity

    — Desire/Codicia: While fire burns whatever it can reach, Solarites must be above all such attachments to money, power, and flesh.

    — Hatred/Odio: The Redeemed Sun must avoid the poisons of hatred and of wanton violence. While one’s own defense cannot be ignored, actions must be tempered with need and caution.

    — Pride/Orgullo: The Redeemed Sun is ever burning of itself. Know that there is more to the world than one’s self and that the self is but one star in a cosmos of infinity.

    — Treachery/Traición: The Redeemed Sun illuminates but never blinds. So too must a Solarite avert their words and deeds from deception and oath breaking.

    WORSHIPERS: The Iglesia Solar is the biggest religion of the Illustrados Union, with a few adherents and followers among the peoples of the Mid-Atlantic region.

    Its worshippers are called Solaria in the Caribbean but Mid-Atlantic calls them Solarites. These pious folk tithe and attend the Church organization, which is peopled by both priests and engineers that live in their monastery-campuses. The former are ministers of rite and of people, some are skilled in healing while others are skilled in counseling or in teaching.

    CLERGY: The priests and ritualists of the Iglesia Solar are a deeply civic class of people. Their campuses are not only for meditation and prayer, but they also feature universities, libraries, laboratories, clinics, hospitals, soup kitchens, and orphanages among their holdings across the Illustrados Union.

    These clergyfolk are often called “La Tea” (pronounced Lah Teh-Yah), even though the term technically only applies to the second rank of the priesthood. They are just as often called Redeemers in Mid-Atla due to their philanthropic work.

    LEADERSHIP: The Sinodo del Sol (the Solar Synod) provides the leadership of the Iglesia, whether in their headquarters on the Yucatan Peninsula, on the Illustrados islands, or even far afield in Mid-Atla. The five individuals that make it up deliberate and decide on Iglesian policy, on Iglesian dogma, and on major tribunals. These Espejo del Sinodo (eng. “Mirrors of the Synod) are led by one of their own, called an Arbitro who administers discussion and debate, only lending their vote in ties.

    The current Arbitro del Sinodo is Alphonso Aguilar del Espejo, a Psion respected for his prudence and his skill in Talismanic magics. While politically neutral, he is known to be of the Lucent Crown Order - they focus on the implementation of the new sciences over the veneration of spirits.

Tecnocracia Tenets

  • Fulfill your Contracts: Oaths and promises are important, but they pale in comparison to paper and ink. To make a sale, a Technocrat will say whatever they need to say. To secure a peace, any words will do. But if it is written down and signed -- then a Technocrat is bound to adherence, even by their Corporation (unless it is too much to follow). Thus, Technocrats never sign anything before reading it and will offer up contracts to those who wish to work for them.

  • The Importance of Wealth and Status: While wealth and status are important to a Technocrat, they are only useful tools for them to achieve their goals and the goals of their Corporation (in that order). Therefore, these individuals will do what they can to gain resources and reagents without sullying their reputation. Many are those who fall to simple greed and love of comfort, but a true Technocrat is said to advance the cause of humanity, not merely wallow in their excesses. 

  • The Power of Technology: To the Tecnocracia, power and knowledge is out there just waiting to be harnessed by those with the expertise to do so. With humanity still recovering from the Long Fall, its scions must ensure their supremacy and prosperity by whatever means possible. If this means using strange magical technology, so be it. Similarly, if humanity requires that certain resources be exploited for use and experimentation, the Technocrat is required to do so by the needs of their descendants and fellow humans.

  • Words over Wars: Though military contracts have earned certain Corporations no small amount of wealth, most Technokrats detest fighting. They think it is dirty, chaotic, and (less importantly) dangerous. A Technokrat will ask first and shoot later, which may fly in the face of common wisdom in hazardous areas. Though they consider combat beneath them, they do not ignore their own safety. Thus, they hire or befriend allies that are much more dangerous than they are. Similarly, their wealth and/or technical expertise also lends them to having gadgetry and weaponry aplenty to deal with trouble.

Life Rites

Birth Rite -- From Earth to Sky

While it is not universal, it is tradition in many communities that a parent give birth indoors and present their child to the sky immediately afterward. Some communities have a cave wherein such a rite is performed while others style their hospital’s maternity ward or their own birthing room in such a fashion, with a nearby window for the Sky portion of the rite. Some say that this presentation resembles the bringing of life and light from a time of darkness. Others claim that this rite is an ancient one with a mythic history. The Iglesia Solar assists in the propagation of this rite, though they tend to elaborate on the Sky portion by ensuring that the extended family of the parent is there (with the parent’s consent). 

The wealthier members of the Illustrados follow this happening with a feast for all attendees, in a different room during the next day. The child is presented as a new member of the family and to the community. The expectation is that the food be of different animals and varieties, with no dish being replicated. This practice has filtered down to the other social classes, who make do with their own smaller, private celebrations.  

Adulthood -- Spirit Hunt

In the myriad communities of the Illustrados Union, one rite that the majority subscribes to is the Spirit Hunt. When a group of children reach the age of 18, their guardians take them into the wilderness or a remote but secure area. The children are then unleashed for one whole day with the goal of catching an animal.

The Spirit Hunt is muddled by history and obfuscated by local traditions. In Puerto del Encanto, it is said that the caught animal will grant a blessing to its catcher. In Ayiti island, such animals are slain in a hunt so that their aspect strengthens the hunter. In Caubano island, the animal’s spirit will aid the adolescent in their direst moments. In some parts of the mainland, the animal is slain and its skin is worn so that it protects its slayer’s soul from misfortune.

Ultimately, the would-be adults craft a unique mask called a Cara. This resembles the animal they connected with -- and they carry it everywhere with them, remaking it if they lose it. Taking or destroying someone else’s Cara is disrespectful, marking the thief or vandal as someone that cannot be trusted.

With the advance of years and the mists of antiquity, this rite has changed and lost most of its meaning from its original form. Its sanctity has fallen on the wayside. Wealthy adolescents go on safaris and are assisted by hirelings, coming back with exotic and highly esteemed Cara (e.g. jaguars,  or eagles) or even parafauna Cara. Impoverished folk make do with rats, crows, and other scavengers.

Promotion -- Boarding Contract

When a Technocrat has passed their initial probation period within their Corporation, their change in status is acknowledged by their peers and their superiors. A Bureaucrat will have them sign a second contract that speaks to their new status and ensures them that their Corporation will assist them (pending the situation at hand). Wealthier individuals may have a celebration of their success and ensured future, with extended family and friends along for the festivities. 

Many Technocrats will face this Life Rite multiple times in their lifetime as they ascend the ranks through promotions.  

Marriage -- Marital Contract

Weddings among the Illustrados are loud affairs filled with family and friends. There is typically a short rite, ministered by clergy (and of a higher position if either celebrant is also clergy). The minister assists the marrying couple in their declaration of love and affection for each other. In some of the Illustrados, they are styled as the earth and sky coming together while they are the sun and moon or sea and sky in others. Tokens of love are then exchanged, such as rings or amulets. This rite is followed by raucous celebration, with singing, dancing, hired entertainment and the like.

The Tecnocracia like to mix their business with their personal life. Part of the marriage ceremony involves signing a marital contract in front of everyone, including a Corporate Notary. This contract establishes the couple’s status within the Tecnocracia as well as how their assets will be divided by death or divorce.

It is common to add local customs to one’s wedding. Some appease the spiritual world with the ritual sacrifice of an animal or the controlled destruction of a treasured possession. Others ensure that certain foods are served or offered to the heavens during the feasting portion of the ceremony. Among a significant portion of the population, a single bite of meat and a single bite of vegetable is exchanged in addition to the marital tokens.

Funeral -- Closing Contract

When a Technocrat passes away, they are given a solemn farewell by family and friends. A member of the Bureaucracy has to be present to record the death. Most Technocrats prepare for their demise in advance and a Closing Contract prepared; such a Contract includes the deceased's final desires, wishes and statements in addition to a will -- inheritances are usually divided among children and spouse. 

View of the Afterlife

A Technocrat’s view of the afterlife is dependent on their faith. Those who follow the Iglesia Solar believe that in an afterlife of sun and plenty, provided that a soul lives a life of compassion, charity, and honor. To that end, followers are invited to assist the church in their various humanitarian efforts such as maintaining hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens, and similar activities.

Many Technocrats have no real idea of the afterlife beyond the cessation of their own lives. They try not to think of the oblivion that awaits them when they pass, preferring instead to focus on the “here and now”.

View of Magic

Despite their love of technological gadgets and wonders, the Tecnocracia have no fear or distaste for magic. In fact, they consider some of their greatest technologies to be harnessed sorcery -- Magnatech and Apextech do utilize Magnetic Mana energy after all. Thus, Technocrats perceive magic as just another tool to be used, as lethal as a firearm to both its user and its target. 

That said, sorcery has certain requirements of those that wish to use it. Technology, on the other hand, can be used by anyone that has learned the necessary skillset to do so. Despite the wondrous power of the eldritch, Technocrats tend to prefer the more practiced and “reliable” strength of Nueva Cienca. There are exceptions, of course -- the Sorcerous Sciences Corporation excels in magic related products and technologies.