Warriors are crusaders and mercenaries, killers and guardians, peace-keepers and martial artists. Their skills concern themselves with not merely the survival of combat but the grasping of victory against all odds. Choose this class:

  • You are focused on driving off attackers, defeating enemies, and defending allies.

  • You want to play a ranged attacker, a melee attacker, defensive fighter, or a shield of your friends/clients

  • You want to play a straightforward, action oriented character.

Complexity: Low to Medium

Strengths: combat ability, toughness, high damage attacks

Weaknesses: Dependent on weaponry, poorest access utility skills


Image by Nicco Salonga

Role: Support -- low to mid -- can guard allies but do little else

Role: Resilience -- mid to high -- easy access to defenses, +HP, and +Aegis skills

Role: Damage -- mid to high -- specialized in inflicting damage or control effects.

Role: Utility -- low to mid -- fewer options for out of combat abilities


At character creation, Warriors may choose one Class Aptitude from the list below.

  • Whether you are sworn to defend the innocent or your clients, you can sacrifice your health to ensure their safety. You may expend Focus to use the Guard defense of the Guardian Ally skill. Alternatively, you can waive the Focus cost by self-inflicting “2 damage” and augmenting Guard as “Sentinel Guard”.

    Your maximum HP is increased by +1 if you learn either Guardian Ally or Shielding Binder.

  • When you are imbued with Resolve, your fighting spirit surges in response. If you gain the Strength skill, your maximum HP is increased by +1.

    Furthermore, as an Aftereffect to receiving “Resolve 3”, immediately gain one of the two effects below.

    • TEMPERING RESOLVE -- Invoke “Bravado, Resolve 5” to replace the gained Resolve with this new value.

    • CUTTING BRAVADO -- A basic melee or ranged attack within the next 10 seconds has its damage increased by +1. For melee attacks, this inflicts “2 damage”.

  • Your talent with weaponry gives you insight into their workings. You gain +1 to your Smite damage.

    Furthermore, you can perform Conc-30 to repair your weaponry when they are Sundered (requires Scrap Kit, see Repair Weaponry skill). This does not give you the Quick Use function.



The following are the Skill Disciplines of the Warrior Class. Each Skill Discipline represents a body of knowledge or a group of similar skills.

Protect one’s self and allies in combat.

Build the will against the horrors of battle and the terrors of the world

Use and the master the art of melee combat.

Pursue enemies and seek the hidden.

Wear body armor, heavy armor or Ultraheavy armor.

User and master the arrow, the bullet or the thrown knife.



Below are three pre-generated Warrior Characters. By no means are these the only way to build Warrior characters, but they are samples that can be used as-is or altered. Although they excel in combat, Warriors shine especially well when reinforced with allies or reinforcing them: for example, tactical flanking or defending one’s healers/binders.

Using bullets or arrows, these folk can pierce through the thickest of carapaces or the most armored of furs. 

Whether quenching their wrath or taking profit from monster corpses, the Monster Hunter is there to rend and tear until the job is done

These individuals are hired bodyguards, caravan guards, or similar individuals employed in “protection services”.