Magic Overview


What is magic?

The scholars and sages of the current era still debate as to whether magic truly existed before the Long Fall, but none doubt its existence and its impact upon the World Beyond the Fall. It is a supernatural occurrence created by sorcerous will or anomalous happenstance in defiance of normal physics. Examples of magic include inflicting summoned fire onto one’s enemies, discerning a person’s secrets with a focused stare, and areas suffused with withering shadows.

An invisible, intangible energy is used by magic. It is called “Ether”, “Mana”, “Devilry”, “Brujeria”, “Grace”,  or any other name, depending on their upbringing and its source. Sometimes it flows from the Earth itself, as natural as river water or snowfall. Other times, it comes from eldritch dimensions or fell existences, harrowing and warping all that it touches.  

Magic and Humanity

Despite its frequency of supernatural occurrences and creatures, magic can only be harnessed by few individuals or by those with the technology to do so. 

Channelers: The ranks of the former are humans blessed and cursed with Stigmata that allows them the use of magic through bloodline or implant. Any of the Bloodline Stigmata will allow for spellcasting but only some of the Grafted Stigmata allow the same boon.

Nueva Sci: Alternatively, magic can be harnessed like any other energy via the wonders of human ingenuity. The new sciences of the day feature gigantic engines or small tools alike that utilize magnetic mana or other etheric energies such as Necrotheurgy for their various purposes. 

Arcane Traditions

Many untrained Channelers end up without a Tradition, stymieing their sorcerous prowess by preventing them from properly attuning to magical energy. On the other hand, those with training are able to tether themselves to one of three Arcane Traditions - different methodologies of willfully harnessing magic. 

Most ancient of Traditions, conjuring an invisible spirit as part of its method. 

A recent discovery, uses a symbiotic entity to express magic through pain and blood.

Uses jewelry and Rune Wands to wield sorcery.

Though difficult, a Channeler may eventually learn more than one Arcane Tradition. However, casting a spell with them is mutually exclusive, one can only use one Tradition when casting a spell.

Etheric Spheres

If Traditions are the methodologies of using magic, then the six Etheric Spheres are magic itself. According to scholars and academics, every use of magic adheres to at least one such Sphere, if not more. Each Sphere has a relationship with the concepts of Body, Spirit, and Energy. Because of this, the Arcane Pyramid (an upside down triangle inside an equilateral triangle) has become a nigh universal symbol for magic use. 

Some Arcanists choose to specialize in one or two Etheric Spheres -- attune to more than three is possible but can be burdensome to one’s spirit.

Perceive things beyond your normal senses.

Shield individuals with energy or use those same energies to enhance items.

Hide yourself or hinder the senses of others.

Spells allow you to summon and expel destructive energies.

Cure wounds, purify diseases and repair fractures.

Alter, damage, or repair physical items.  

Casting Spells

Spells are a special kind of Skill that involves expressing and wielding Ether into one’s whim. This can be as destructive as throwing poisonous wind into an enemy or as protective as bolstering an ally with Etheric energy. 

Etheric Arcana: Etheric Arcana skill is integral to the casting of most non-Ritual spells, allowing a Channeler to focus Ether into the form of a spell. This process, called Etheric Concentration or EConc, renders its user temporarily vulnerable to many forms of attack, including those that would normally be deflected by one’s shield or weapon. Furthermore, this vulnerability persists for a few seconds after the spell is cast. This means that a Channeler must choose their time wisely when casting spells or have allies that can protect them. 

Etheric Arcana and Arcane Traditions

A Channeler’s Arcane Tradition can also assist them and enhance their spells when used properly. This requires that a Channeler have an Arcane Tradition and that they attune themselves with that spell’s Etheric Sphere (via that Sphere’s Adept skill). 

The Benefits of Adept Attunement: This enhancement can take several forms, including removing the Focus cost of a spell or allowing a beneficial Spell to affect allies. As a Channeler progresses in the lores of a Sphere, they may unlock additional functions or additional enhancements to a single spell.

The Costs of Adept Attunement: Adept Attunements such as Restoration Adept or Obfuscation Adept are not free boosts to one’s power. Such power requires the expenditure of Components, an Attunement dedicated to that Sphere, and for some individuals, a slight change to their behavior as that Sphere affects their spirits. In addition, using an Adept Attunement with a Spell requires a “Somatic Gesture”, a physical action that is reflective of the Arcane Tradition that is being used -- this will signal to others what Tradition an individual is and may render them even more vulnerable to attack. This is covered in greater detail within that Arcane Tradition’s section.

Animancy: Touch your Animus Crown and concentrate for longer

Diablerie: Grab your wrist or neck while casting and suffer incredible Pain after the spell is cast

Talismanry: Attunement requires a Rune Wand and that Wand must be held aloft during casting.

Casting Rituals

Ritual Spells are a type of spells that take far longer to cast but have more powerful or lingering effects. These spells take at least 10 minutes to use, cannot be done in dangerous situations (such as combat), and expend an individual’s Ritual-Craft action for that Period. The latter means that the user cannot perform another Craft or Ritual action until they have completed a Rest and the next Period has begun. 

The specifics of each Ritual is dependent on the individual’s culture, their Tradition, and the spell’s Sphere. This can mean that a Templar’s Ritual can involve worshipful convocation and ritualized bloodletting whereas a Grailguard’s Ritual of the spell  can be meditative drawing of runic circles upon the soil. On an out-of-game level, Game Staff is content to allow Players to determine the specifics of their Ritual provided that these adhere to the situational and time requirements. 

Tradition Rituals: Some Rituals do not draw from a single Sphere and instead are more general in their source, dependent instead on one’s Arcane Tradition. These are learned via the Etheric Arcana skill and its upgrades: Empowered Arcana and Arcane Proficiency. For example, the basic Diabolic Ritual might allow them to alter their blood to bestow themselves a temporary, beneficial mutation. On the other hand, a Talismanic Ritual allows a Talismonger to create or upkeep their own Rune Wands or that of others.

Sphere Rituals:  Most Rituals, on the other hand, are specific to their Etheric Sphere. For instance, the Infuse Form Ritual allows its caster to radiate protective energies. On the other hand, the Transmute Component Ritual can assemble simple items from parts or draw out a disease and turn it into a Component.

Theurgic Anchors

Channelers are accustomed to power being co-mingled with danger and discipline. Those who seek more strength from magic may invest themselves in a Theurgic Anchor, tying their spirit to an Eldritch power source.

Doing this requires the Theurgic Anchoring skill, which allows a Channeler to choose among three types of Anchors (see below). This also requires Attunement to those Anchors, which will affect an Attuned individual in certain ways -- for example, the Necrotheurgic Anchor corrupts the vital forces of its user but allows a Channeler to drain life energy from their enemies. 

Deotheurges steep their magics with prayer and a faith in the divine. They Anchor their magics via a Shrine of their Faith or through group prayer.

Necrotheurges tap into the macabre domains of death and decay. Their healing abilities are stymied but they are able to feed upon soul energy. 

Xenotheurges may allow their mind a glimpse into the maddening depths beyond sanity. They can inflict madness or even slip from others’ sight. 


Eldritch Corruption or Spell-Sever

Whenever an Arcanist or a Channeler (any character that can use a Spell) gains a new Milestone, they are affected by Eldritch Corruption. While the character does not make this choice, the Player chooses which effect (see list below) they receive. Spell-Severs may be cured as though they were an Anathemic Curse that requires 3 Pure components to cure. 

If you currently have at least one uncured Eldritch Corruption, then you no longer gain Eldritch Corruption whenever you gain a Milestone. 

  • Something calls from beyond and the spell-user listens.

    You suffer minor visual and auditory hallucinations which confuses your perceptions of what is real. Some organizations consider this a major problem and relinquish status or influence from an individual known to have this. This has the following effect:

    • You are unable to use Detection Spells

    • You are unable to use Inquiry and Sense effects.

    • Once per Period, Game-Staff may give you special information or inflict a Dominate Strike or Wound upon you from a distant entity.

      Phys-rep requirements: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Your Animus shines brightly and it shines through you as well, as a mirror to a flame.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of flame, of truth, or of honor -- examples include an Eagle spirit, an honorable ancestor, and a Sun spirit. Mentalists with Bright Animus tend to think of their Animus with vivid and/or fiery colors.

    In all cases, something intangible alerts the other party to your attempts at deception.

    • You cannot lie or hide yourself, though you can still omit information from your speech.

    • You cannot use Deception skills

    • You cannot use spells of the Obfuscation Sphere.

    • You cannot use Conceal or Escape effects unless they are bestowed upon you by an ally.

    Phys-rep requirement: Flame or Sun themed, and/or Flame colored (yellow, orange, red) mask for the Animus Crown.

  • Your Animus is placid and calm, like a still pond or a quiet sky.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of peace, of waters, or of life -- examples include River spirits, Turtle spirits, and healer ancestors. Mentalists with Languid Animus tend to think of their Animus with calm and/or serene colors or visions.

    In all cases, you find it difficult to raise your hands or spellcraft in violence. This can be something as benign as pacifism or as simple as laziness. Furthermore,

    • Your Spells and Weapons cannot inflict more than one point of damage

    • You are unable to perform Death Blows

    Phys-rep requirement: An ocean-themed , cloud-themed, and/or Ocean colored mask for the Animus Crown.

  • Your Animus is a passionate spirit, like a raging storm or a feral beast.

    Shamans with this effect tend to dress with furs, feathers, or other animal-based clothing, perceiving their Animus as hunter spirits, warrior spirits, or bestial spirits. Mentalists have no such compunction, but they favor less layers and coverage than normal -- their Animus tend to be primal Id mentalities.

    Regardless, you tend towards recklessness and emotions, exhibiting powerful passions and ideals.

    • You cannot negate or cure Frenzy effects that affect you, although allies may do so for you.

    • You may not benefit from Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor, although you are able to wear it.

    Phys-rep requirement: Animalistic qualities (fangs, furs, feathers) and/or colored mask for the Animus crown. Alternatively, a lightning/storm themed mask for the Animus crown.

  • Your soul has been fractured by unstable magical energies during your use of them.

    Individuals with this effect are sometimes lost in their thoughts or harboring some intangible ache in their chest.

    This has the following effects:

    • Two of your ATN become unusable, labeled as “Shivered Soul 1” and “Shivered Soul 2”. They cannot even be occupied by Afflictions.

    • You are unable to Augment the Iron Defiance Skill, although you can still use it if it is Unaugmented.

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Magic has wasted away at your flesh, warping your immunities and resistances.

    This has the following effects:

    • You are not able to use any Skill to negate or cure any Wound, Blight, or Disease effect on yourself.

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • You are addicted to magic and to the wielding of it.

    Left untreated, this can be particularly costly for a magic-user and it drives many to debt or the patronage of an Arch-Faction.

    Your dependence on magical items results in an Incurable Curse called “Talismanic Withdrawal”. This occupies 1 ATN and has the following effects while you are not attuned to at least two Etheric Spheres or carrying/touching the Attuned Runewands to those Spheres

    • You cannot spend Focus or use Skills that require its expenditure.

    • You suffer a Rot effect, preventing you from receiving Heal effects. Revive and Resolve effects are unaffected.

    This Curse is only cured when this Spellsever is cured.

    Phys-rep requirement: Two Rune Wands which must be carried everywhere. Rune Wands are a necessity for Talismongers that are attuned to an Etheric Sphere.

  • The following Spell Severs exist, but they are not given as options to Player Characters for gameplay reasons. However, non-player individuals in the World Beyond the Fall may suffer from these. As such, they are only given the barest of descriptions.

    Eldritch Inhabitation (Any or No Tradition): You are possessed and altered by an unknown entity, becoming its puppet and avatar in the world. Worse yet, you become a conduit that allows entry to more entities and monstrosities.

    Memetic Obliteration (Any or No Tradition): This is more rumor than actual fact, but sometimes the cost of magic is such that an individual is erased from existence and their tethers to the world are similarly severed.

    Netherworld Delirium (Any or No Tradition): You fall unconscious, your soul separated from your body and put into a ethereal realm. If not cared for, your body rots away. If uncured within several years (varying with each person), the separation between spirit and body becomes permanent. There are rumors of individuals who return from this, but they have massive changes in personality and outlook. They also have little memory of their Delirium.

    Ravenous Soul Worms (Any or No Tradition): Strange otherworldly parasites devour your essence bit by bit from the inside. This turns you sickly and then permanently kills you after several months.

    Sorcerous Burnout (Any or No Tradition): Sometimes just called Burnout, you lose the ability to cast Spells while you have this Spell Sever. It takes 1 Superior Component to cure this, instead of the normal cost.

Arcane Traditions and Eldritch Corruption

Below is a basic description of the three Arcane Traditions of Magic in the World Beyond the Fall. 

Animatic Tradition

Named for the spiritual entities they use and only they can see, Animancers use “Animus” to channel dangerous etheric energies into spells. Depending on who you ask, Animus are either summoned spirits, conscripted spectral beings or mental constructs -- in all cases, they assist in keeping an Animancer safe from the worst of Eldritch Corruption. 

Diabolic Tradition

Diabolists are wrought through a perilous rite called “Diablerie Servitoris”, where a symbiotic entity is introduced into a would-be Diabolist’s internal systems to assist in the channeling and usage of etheric energies. These spellcasters are able to inflict pain and ruin upon their body to empower their spells. However, they are more susceptible to Eldritch Corruption from the strain of what they do to their bodies.

Talismanic Tradition

Talismongers have learned to use magically empowered items to channel their dangerous etheric energy into their spells. They are capable of immense flexibility and ingenuity with Rune Wands and magical gadgets.

No Tradition 

You choose to use your magics as is, though this impacts how well you can function without them. You may choose this option at Character Creation and then learn a Tradition during gameplay.  


Eldritch Corruption or Spell-Sever

Whenever an Arcanist or a Channeler (any character that can use a Spell) gains a new Milestone, they are affected by Eldritch Corruption. While the character does not make this choice, the Player chooses which effect (see list below) they receive. Spell-Severs may be cured as though they were an Anathemic Curse that requires 3 Pure components to cure. 

If you currently have at least one uncured Eldritch Corruption, then you no longer gain Eldritch Corruption whenever you gain a Milestone. 

  • Something calls from beyond and the spell-user listens.

    • You suffer minor visual and auditory hallucinations which confuses your perceptions of what is real. Some organizations consider this a major problem and relinquish status or influence from an individual known to have this. This has the following effect:

    • You are unable to use Detection Spells

    • You are unable to use Inquiry and Sense effects.

    • Once per Period, Game-Staff may give you special information or inflict a Dominate Strike or Wound upon you from a distant entity.

    • Game Staff may choose to subject you to a specific effect that represents your proximity to the Eldritch dimensions and their dangers/benefits.

    Phys-rep requirements: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes

  • Your Animus shines brightly and it shines through you as well, as a mirror to a flame.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of flame, of truth, or of honor -- examples include an Eagle spirit, an honorable ancestor, and a Sun spirit. Mentalists with Bright Animus tend to think of their Animus with vivid and/or fiery colors.

    In all cases, something intangible alerts the other party to your attempts at deception.

    • You cannot lie or hide yourself, though they can still omit information from your speech.

    • You cannot use skills from the Masker discipline

    • You cannot use spells of the Obfuscation Sphere.

    • You cannot use Conceal or Escape effects unless they are bestowed upon you by an ally.

    Phys-rep requirement: Flame or Sun themed, and/or Flame colored (yellow, orange, red) mask for the Animus Crown.

  • Your Animus is placid and calm, like a still pond or a quiet sky.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of peace, of waters, or of life -- examples include River spirits, Turtle spirits, and healer ancestors. Mentalists with Languid Animus tend to think of their Animus with calm and/or serene colors or visions.

    In all cases, you find it difficult to raise your hands or spellcraft in violence. This can be something as benign as pacifism or as simple as laziness. Furthermore,

    • Your Spell and Weapons cannot inflict more than one point of damage

    • You are unable to perform Death Blows

  • Your Animus is a passionate spirit, like a raging storm or a feral beast.

    Shamans with this effect tend to dress with furs, feathers, or other animal-based clothing, perceiving their Animus as hunter spirits, warrior spirits, or bestial spirits. Mentalists have no such compunction, but they favor less layers and coverage than normal -- their Animus tend to be primal Id mentalities.

    Regardless, you tend towards recklessness and emotions, exhibiting powerful passions and ideals

    • You cannot negate or cure Frenzy effects that affect you, although allies may do so for you.

    • You may not benefit from Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor, although you are able to wear it.

    • You may not grant more than 1 point of Healing to others. This has no effect on self Healing or on granting Resolve.

    Phys-rep requirement: Animalistic qualities (fangs, furs, feathers) and/or colored mask for the Animus crown. Alternatively, a lightning/storm themed mask for the Animus crown.

  • Your soul has been fractured by unstable magical energies during your use of them.

    Individuals with this effect are sometimes lost in their thoughts or harboring some intangible ache in their chest.

    This has the following effects:

    • Three of your ATN become unusable, labeled as “Shivered Soul 1”, “Shivered Soul 2”, and “Shivered Soul 3” They cannot even be occupied by Afflictions.

    • You are unable to Augment the Iron Defiance Skill, although you can still use it if it is Unaugmented.

  • Magic has wasted away at your flesh, warping your immunities and resistances.

    This has the following effects:

    • You are not able to use any Skill or Property to negate or cure any Wound, Blight, or Disease effect on yourself.

    • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 7 HP

  • You are addicted to magic and to the wielding of it. Left untreated, this can be particularly costly for a magic-user and it drives many to debt or the patronage of an Arch-Faction.

    Your dependence on magical items results in an Incurable Curse called “Talismanic Withdrawal”. This occupies 2 ATN.

    Furthermore, you suffer an Incurable Rot and Incurable Hobble effect whenever the following conditions below have not been fulfilled for the last five minutes.

    These Control effects disappear five minutes after you sate your dependence on magical energy.

    • You are touching/carrying a Rune Wand or are near a Mana Lodge or Magna Forge

    • You are attuned to two or more Etheric Spheres.

    This Curse is only cured when this Spellsever is cured.

    Phys-rep requirement: Rune Wand

  • The following Spell Severs exist, but they are not given as options to Player Characters for gameplay reasons. However, non-player individuals in the World Beyond the Fall may suffer from these. As such, they are only given the barest of descriptions.

    Eldritch Inhabitation (Any or No Tradition): You are possessed and altered by an unknown entity, becoming its puppet and avatar in the world. Worse yet, you become a conduit that allows entry to more entities and monstrosities.

    Memetic Obliteration (Any or No Tradition): This is more rumor than actual fact, but sometimes the cost of magic is such that an individual is erased from existence and their tethers to the world are similarly severed.

    Netherworld Delirium (Any or No Tradition): You fall unconscious, your soul separated from your body and put into a ethereal realm. If not cared for, your body rots away. If uncured within several years (varying with each person), the separation between spirit and body becomes permanent. There are rumors of individuals who return from this, but they have massive changes in personality and outlook. They also have little memory of their Delirium.

    Ravenous Soul Worms (Any or No Tradition): Strange otherworldly parasites devour your essence bit by bit from the inside. This turns you sickly and then permanently kills you after several months.

    Sorcerous Burnout (Any or No Tradition): Sometimes just called Burnout, you lose the ability to cast Spells while you have this Spell Sever. It takes 1 Superior Component to cure this, instead of the normal cost.

 Animantic Tradition or Animancy

Animancer, Shaman (spiritual), Mentalist (secular), “Mancer”


Named for the spiritual entities they use and only they can see, Animancers use “Animus” to channel dangerous etheric energies into spells. There are two main schools of thoughts for Animancers:

  • More secular Animancers call themselves Mentalists, as they believe that the Animus is a psychic construct that they have forged from their subconscious as an aid to wielding magic.

  • On the other hand, Religious or spiritualistic Animancers (called “Shamans”) believe that their Animus is granted to them -- be it a spirit animal, a nature spirit, an angelic aide, or even the ghost of a beloved ancestor/relative.

Choose this Arcane Tradition if:

  • You want to play a more spiritual or cerebral character

  • You are willing to cast slower but you have less corruptive magics and have the help of their spirit aide/mental construct.

  • You want to focus more on magic that helps or heals your allies.

Somatic Gesture:

Used by Adept Skills (e.g. Restoration Adept) to enhance your spells, these tend to require an empty hand.

  • Place one or more fingers of an empty hand upon your Anima Crown.

  • Perform a minimum of EConc-7, this may add to the EConc required of a spell if it is less than EConc-7

Prop requirements: 

  • An Animus Crown, which appears to be a mask that does not cover the mouth except by a thin material .

  • This must be worn by the Animancer -- on the face, over the head, sewn unto a cloak, etc.

  • It must reflect your Animus, in whatever capacity you desire e.g. an animal, a plant, an elemental, a ghost, or a combination of any or all of these. You are encouraged to be creative yet use safe materials (no needles, blades, etc).

Gaining the Animantic Tradition

You can gain this Tradition through the methods below:

— Character Creation: Choose this Tradition when making an Arcanist. This represents a mentor’s or organization’s training or direct investiture from an Animus.

— Animus Investiture: This involves spiritually summoning or mentally constructing an Animus and creating a new Animus Crown or adapting an Illustrados Cara with a mentor’s guidance and a Workshop’s power. This requires the following:

  • One unused Milestone to be spent on “Sorcerous Awakening”

  • A Stigmata that allows for spellcasting

  • Rare CMP x5 (Astral/Earth/Wind)

  • Spirit Circle, Hallowed Shrine, or Magna Forge

  • Shaman or Mentalist with Arcane Proficiency plus a 10+ minute Ritual action -- this determines whether a character is a new Shaman or a Mentalist.

Animantic Ritual Abilities

As per usual with Ritual-Craft skills, once such a skill is used, that skill or any other Ritual or Craft skill may not be used until the current Period has passed and a 10 minute rest has been completed.

Etheric Arcana (Basic Channeler)

Channel Animus: You create a basic-quality Animus Crown

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the required CMP (Minor x5; Astral/Earth/Herbal). They will give you the Item Tag for your Animus Crown.

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, your basic Animus Crown is now in-game.

Harmonic Animus: Cure Curses from or revive 1-5 living/dead allies

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Have Game Staff sign off on any cured Curses or revived dead characters.

  • Step 3: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 4: At the end of the role-play, choose from one of the two options below:

-- Option 1: Cure Affliction (1-5 targets) -- This cures all Basic Curses and Diseases (i.e. not Greater, Anathemic and Incurable) from your targets at no CMP cost. As per usual, a Game Marshall must mark the Attunement slot (ATN) as cured/inert but the slot cannot be otherwise used until the next Event. Fortunately, any patient you cure in this way cannot be affected by the same Affliction in the current month.

-- Option 2: Greater Revive (1-5 targets; non-self) -- Invoke “Greater Revive” to resuscitate dead allies, reviving them at 1 HP, with a Pain Strike, and with a new Grave Scar. Grafted Characters with 5 Grave Scars gain a Soul Scar instead. In all cases, report to Staff with regards to any new benefits or penalties associated with said Grave Scar or Soul Scar.

  • Proximity: You must be within 10 feet of the bodies while using this Skill

  • Consent: Their Players are willing to be revived

  • Integrity: Targets must be dead for less than 12 hours and not missing their head (or similarly important body parts). These may be stitched on or grafted on during the process if severed.

  • Grave Scars: Also, less than 5 Grave Scars or has a Graft Stigmata.

Empowered Arcana (Complex Channeler)

Expert Animancy: This functions as per “Channel Animus” except that this Ritual can create/upkeep 1 Advanced Animus with Runeweave or Eldritchweave augments. These usually cost Basic CMP x5 (Astral/Earth/Herbal).

Hallowed Animus: As per Cure Affliction from “Harmonic Animus”, except that you also cure your allies of Blight and imbue them with “Lasting Resolve 3”. You can target yourself with Hallowed Animus.

Arcane Proficiency (Erudite Channeler)

Guardian Animus: This functions much like “Hallowed Animus” except for that you can also invest Bonded allies with a “Guardian Animus” (1 ATN)

  • Cost: Minor CMP x5 (Astral/Herbal) per person affected

  • Duration: This lasts until the end of this Event.

  • Effects: Increases their maximum HP by +1 and allows them to use “Animantic Defiance” as though they had it

  • Prop requirement: Guardian Animus requires an Animus Crown on each recipient.

Invest Animus: See Gaining the Animantic Tradition above

Masterful Animancy: This functions as per “Expert Animancy” except that this Ritual can create/upkeep 1 Superior Animus. These usually cost Rare CMP x5 (Astral/Earth/Herbal).

Eldritch Corruption or Spell Sever

Whenever an Arcanist or a Spell-user (any character that can use a Spell) gains a Milestone, they are affected by Eldritch Corruption. While the character does not make this choice, the Player chooses which effect (see list below) they receive. Spell-Severs may be cured as though they were an Anathemic Curse that requires 3 Pure components to cure. 

If you currently have at least one uncured Eldritch Corruption, then you no longer gain Eldritch Corruption whenever you gain a Milestone. A greater description of Eldritch Corruption is here

  • Something calls from beyond and the spell-user listens.

    You suffer minor visual and auditory hallucinations which confuses your perceptions of what is real. Some organizations consider this a major problem and relinquish status or influence from an individual known to have this. This has the following effect:

    • You are unable to use Detection Spells

    • You are unable to use Inquiry and Sense effects.

    • Once per Period, Game-Staff may give you special information or inflict a Dominate Strike or Wound upon you from a distant entity.

    • Game Staff may choose to subject you to a specific effect that represents your proximity to the Eldritch dimensions and their dangers/benefits.

    Phys-rep requirements: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Your Animus shines brightly and it shines through you as well, as a mirror to a flame.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of flame, of truth, or of honor -- examples include an Eagle spirit, an honorable ancestor, and a Sun spirit. Mentalists with Bright Animus tend to think of their Animus with vivid and/or fiery colors.

    In all cases, something intangible alerts the other party to your attempts at deception.

    • You cannot lie or hide yourself, though you can still omit information from your speech.

    • You cannot use Deception skills

    • You cannot use spells of the Obfuscation Sphere.

    • You cannot use Conceal or Escape effects unless they are bestowed upon you by an ally.

    Phys-rep requirement: Flame or Sun themed, and/or Flame colored (yellow, orange, red) mask for the Animus Crown.

  • Your Animus is placid and calm, like a still pond or a quiet sky.

    For some Shamans, their Animus is an entity of peace, of waters, or of life -- examples include River spirits, Turtle spirits, and healer ancestors. Mentalists with Languid Animus tend to think of their Animus with calm and/or serene colors or visions.

    In all cases, you find it difficult to raise your hands or spellcraft in violence. This can be something as benign as pacifism or as simple as laziness. Furthermore,

    • Your Spell and Weapons cannot inflict more than one point of damage

    • You are unable to perform Death Blows

    Phys-rep requirement: An ocean-themed , cloud-themed, and/or Ocean colored mask for the Animus Crown.

  • Your Animus is a passionate spirit, like a raging storm or a feral beast.

    Shamans with this effect tend to dress with furs, feathers, or other animal-based clothing, perceiving their Animus as hunter spirits, warrior spirits, or bestial spirits. Mentalists have no such compunction, but they favor less layers and coverage than normal -- their Animus tend to be primal Id mentalities.

    Regardless, you tend towards recklessness and emotions, exhibiting powerful passions and ideals.

    • You cannot negate or cure Frenzy effects that affect you, although allies may do so for you.

    • You may not grant more than 1 point of Healing to others. This has no effect on self Healing or on granting Resolve.

    • You may not benefit from Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor, although you are able to wear it.

    Phys-rep requirement: Animalistic qualities (fangs, furs, feathers) and/or colored mask for the Animus crown. Alternatively, a lightning/storm themed mask for the Animus crown.

  • Your soul has been fractured by unstable magical energies during your use of them.

    Individuals with this effect are sometimes lost in their thoughts or harboring some intangible ache in their chest.

    This has the following effects:

    • Three of your ATN become unusable, labeled as “Shivered Soul 1”, “Shivered Soul 2”, and “Shivered Soul 3” They cannot even be occupied by Afflictions.

    • You are unable to Augment the Iron Defiance Skill, although you can still use it if it is Unaugmented.

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Magic has wasted away at your flesh, warping your immunities and resistances.

    This has the following effects:

    • You are not able to use any Skill to negate or cure any Wound, Blight, or Disease effect on yourself.

    • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 7 HP

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

 Diabolic Tradition or Diablerie

Diabolist, Warlocks, “Locks”


Diabolists are wrought through a perilous rite called “Diablerie Servitoris”, where a symbiotic entity is introduced into a would-be Diabolist’s internal systems to assist in the channeling and usage of etheric energies. These spellcasters are able to inflict pain and ruin upon their body to empower their spells. However, they are more susceptible to Eldritch Corruption from the strain of what they do to their bodies.

Choose this Arcane Tradition if:

  • You want to cast spells quickly and are willing to suffer the costs of doing so.

  • You want your spellcasting to be wreathed with blood, darkness, and agony

  • You want an impetus to role-play a character that must contend with something alien within them in exchange for power

Somatic Gesture

Used by Adept Skills (e.g. Restoration Adept) to enhance your spells, these tend to require an empty hand.

  • Clutch with a free hand at your forearm/wrist or your neck to let out the magics of the Symbiote while you perform your Concentration count and/or invoke the name of the spell.

  • Immediately after the spell is cast, you suffer a “Pain 10” effect and it may not be Cured or negated. It must expire as per normal after 10 seconds.

--Blood Witch Aptitude: You can modify the above to be quicker but inflict more agony.

  • You waive the EConc if it is 3 counts or less

  • Augment and prefix the spell with “Sanguineous”.

  • While you invoke the name of the spell, clutch with a free hand at your forearm/wrist or your neck to let out the magics of the Symbiote.

  • Immediately after the spell is cast, a “Stun 10” effect affects the caster and may not be Cured or negated, it must expire as per normal after 10 seconds.

Gaining the Diabolic Tradition

You can gain this Tradition through the methods outlined below, making Diablerie the “easiest” of the Traditions to join.

— Character Creation: Choose this Tradition when making an Arcanist. This represents a mentor’s or organization’s actions or direct investiture from an Eldritch Guest.

— Symbiotic Investment: This is a Ritual action that involves summoning an Eldritch Guest from another dimension and safely investing it into a willing subject. This requires:

  • One unused Milestone to be spent on “Sorcerous Awakening”

  • A Stigmata that allows for spellcasting

  • Rare CMP x5 (Abyssal/Herbal/Shadow)

  • Outsider Obelisk or Biomancer Hatchery

  • A 10+ minute Craft-Ritual action from a Doctor with Alternative Remedies or a Transmuter with Master of Alteration

— Eidolonic Implantation: As part of the process of gaining an Eidolonic Graft, the implanted Spore can mutate and radiate magic as an “Eidolonic Guest”. This grants a Channeler the Diabolic Tradition. Not all Spores can do this, therefore not all Eidolons are Diabolists.

— Invite the Guest: A Diabolist’s Eldritch Guest can infest a willing Channeler using:

  • One 10 minute+ Ritual action from a Diabolist with Arcane Proficiency

  • A Stigmata that allows for spellcasting

  • One unused Milestone to be spent on “Sorcerous Awakening”

  • Rare CMP x5 (Abyssal/Herbal/Shadow)

Without an unused Milestone, this process fails or the subject is consumed from within. This costs nothing but it instantly inflicts a Spell Sever, even if the target already has one. Eidolonic Spores are unable to do this.

Prop requirements

The markings of a Diabolist are written on their flesh, manifested by their Guest.

  • A circle drawn upon the middle of your forehead

  • Two lines drawn across your face.

  • These runes can be of any ink color. It must be easily noticed for what it is.

  • These runes may be hidden, but they must be available for inspection by a Game Marshall -- failure to provide adequate props upon inspection may result in an inability to use any spells for the remainder of the Event or even the next Event.

Diabolic Ritual Abilities

As per usual with Ritual-Craft skills, once such a skill is used, that skill or any other Ritual or Craft skill may not be used until the current Period has passed and a 10 minute rest has been completed.

Etheric Arcana (Basic Channeler):

-- Diabolic Renewal: Mend your injuries and blight

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of roleplay that reflects this magical Ritual

  • Step 3: You are affected by “Heal 10”, “Cure Wounds”, Cure Blight”, “Lasting Resolve 3”

-- Diabolic Ichor: Turn your blood into an Elixir

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary CMP for any one of the basic Elixirs

  • Step 3: Label the one of your ATN with the Elixir’s name, replacing the word “Elixir” with “Ichor” and have Staff sign off it.

  • Step 4: Perform 5+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft before you gain the Ichor’s benefits. Ichors and Elixirs have the same limitations, except that Ichors are not counted as “Food” effects.

Empowered Arcana (Complex Channeler):

-- Imbue Ichor: As per Diabolic Ichor except that you can bestow 1-3 allies with a basic Ichor, paying the CMP cost for each. They must be Bonded to you by Blood, Oath, or Allegiance.

-- Binding Blood: You can use the Bond of Blood skill to magically tether yourself to an ally. With some exceptions, you receive “Resolve” or a “Cure Strike” whenever they do and vice versa.

Arcane Proficiency (Erudite Channeler):

-- Spirit Ichors: As per Diabolic Ichor and Imbue Ichor except that you can now create Ichors with the effects of Expert Elixirs and Eldritch Elixirs.

-- Pact Bond: You may Pact-Bond yourself with one other person -- this is identical to the Bond of Blood skill except that you may also have a Blood Bond at the same time.

Prop Requirement: This requires a visible matching rune on both individuals.

-- Invite the Guest: You can allow your Eldritch Guest to propagate a willing Channeler. This follows the procedure for “Eldritch Infestation” above.

Eldritch Corruption or Spell Sever

Whenever an Arcanist or a Spell-user (any character that can use a Spell) gains a Milestone, they are affected by Eldritch Corruption. While the character does not make this choice, the Player chooses which effect (see list below) they receive. Spell-Severs may be cured as though they were an Anathemic Curse that requires 3 Pure omponents to cure. 

If you currently have at least one uncured Eldritch Corruption, then you no longer gain Eldritch Corruption whenever you gain a Milestone. A greater description of Eldritch Corruption is here.  

  • Something calls from beyond and the spell-user listens.

    You suffer minor visual and auditory hallucinations which confuses your perceptions of what is real. Some organizations consider this a major problem and relinquish status or influence from an individual known to have this. This has the following effect:

    • You are unable to use Detection Spells

    • You are unable to use Inquiry and Sense effects.

    • Once per Period, Game-Staff may give you special information or inflict a Dominate Strike or Wound upon you from a distant entity.

    • Game Staff may choose to subject you to a specific effect that represents your proximity to the Eldritch dimensions and their dangers/benefits.

    Phys-rep requirements: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Your soul has been fractured by unstable magical energies during your use of them.

    Individuals with this effect are sometimes lost in their thoughts or harboring some intangible ache in their chest.

    This has the following effects:

    • Three of your ATN become unusable, labeled as “Shivered Soul 1”, “Shivered Soul 2”, and “Shivered Soul 3” They cannot even be occupied by Afflictions.

    • You are unable to Augment the Iron Defiance Skill, although you can still use it if it is Unaugmented.

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • This has the following effect:

    • You are not able to use any Skill to negate or cure any Wound, Blight, or Disease effect on yourself.

    • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 7 HP

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

 Talismanic Tradition or Talismanry

Talismongers, Trinketeer, Wandlings, “Mongers”


Talismongers have learned to use magically empowered items to channel their dangerous etheric energy into their spells. Because they require the use of Wands, they tend to focus their efforts on only a few Spheres. 

The greatest weakness of a Talismonger is their inability to use their stronger magics or Attune to an Etheric Sphere without their Rune Wands. This dependence on magical tools also leads many to develop an affliction called “Talismanic Addiction” (see Eldritch Corruption below).

Choose this Arcane Tradition if:

  • You want to play a magical gadgeteer, blending tech and magic.

  • You want to cast spells quickly but without inflicting pain on yourself

  • You want to be able to play a Channeler that can craft materials for themselves.

Somatic Gesture

Used by Adept Skills (e.g. Restoration Adept) to enhance your spells,

  • Perform a minimum of EConc-5, this may add to the EConc required of a spell if it is less than EConc-5

  • Hold aloft a Rune Wand during the EConc or point it at your target

  • This Rune Wand must not be currently Sundered.

Prop requirements:

  • Head or Neck: Wear metal and/or crystal jewelry upon their head or around their neck. This may be a mask, a tiara, a necklace, a torc or a similar item.

  • Fingers, Wrists, or Hands: They must also wear metal and/or crystal jewelry upon their fingers, wrists or hands as well as wield

  • Rune Wand: Needed for Attunement to a Sphere and for Spellcasting.

Gaining the Talismanic Tradition

Character Creation: Choose this Tradition when making an Arcanist. This represents a mentor’s or organization’s training.

Talismanic Onboarding: This involves fully aligning a person’s body to their talismans and a Rune Wand. This can also result in a new Basic Rune Wand at no extra cost.

  • One unused Milestone to be spent on “Sorcerous Awakening”

  • A Stigmata that allows for spellcasting

  • Rare CMP x5 (Astral/Lightning/Metal)

  • Arcane Orrery or Magna Forge

  • Talismonger with Arcane Proficiency plus a 10+ minute Ritual action

Talismanic Ritual Abilities

As per usual with Ritual-Craft skills, once such a skill is used, that skill or any other Ritual or Craft skill may not be used until the current Period has passed and a 10 minute rest has been completed.

Etheric Arcana (Basic Channeler):

-- Talismanic Kit: create a Basic Scrap Kit for crafting

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Ritual

  • Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, you finish creating a Basic Scrap Kit.

-- Talismanic Wand (requires Scrap Kit): As above but you use a Scrap Kit to create a Rune Wand for casting

Empowered Arcana (Complex Channeler):

-- Expert Talismanry: As per Talismanic Kit and Wand, except that you can now create/upkeep an Advanced Scrap Kit or an Advanced Rune Wand. You can choose to create them with an Augment from the categories below:

-- Scrap Kit Augments: Expert, Arcane Gadget and Eldritchtech Gadget

-- Rune Wand Augments: Runic and Eldritchcraft

Empowered Arcana also makes it easier for you to use Arcane Gadgets and Eldritchtech Gadgets, halving the Conc required to use them or lowering their danger to their user.

Arcane Proficiency (Erudite Channeler):

-- Masterful Talismanry: As per Expert Talismanry, except that you can now create/upkeep a Superior Scrap Kit or a Superior Rune Wand (requires a Scrap Kit). These items can be created with two Augments instead of just one.

-- Talismanic Onboarding: See Gaining the Talismanic Tradition above

-- Talismanic Matrix (requires Scrap Kit): Affect non-bonded allies with your ATN spells

  • Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet

  • Step 2: Label one of the subject’s ATN as “Talis Matrix”

  • Step 3: You can also choose an ATN spell that you can cast on a Bonded ally and apply it to the subject. Except for its Ritual action, all the other requirements/costs must be fulfilled. This occupies a 2nd ATN.

  • Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Ritual

  • Step 5: At the end of the role-play, the subject can now benefit from this spell. Similarly, until the end of the current Event, you can imbue Basic/Complex ATN spells upon them as though they were bonded to you.

    • Prop requirement: The subject must wear ornaments/jewelry that are similar to your own ornaments/jewelry. They need a minimum of 3 jewelry/ornament pieces: one piece for their head/neck and one piece for each hand/wrist.

Eldritch Corruption or Spell Sever

Whenever an Arcanist or a Spell-user (any character that can use a Spell) gains a Milestone, they are affected by Eldritch Corruption. While the character does not make this choice, the Player chooses which effect (see list below) they receive. Spell-Severs may be cured as though they were an Anathemic Curse that requires 3 Pure components to cure. 

If you currently have at least one uncured Eldritch Corruption, then you no longer gain Eldritch Corruption whenever you gain a Milestone. A greater description of Eldritch Corruption is here.

  • Something calls from beyond and the spell-user listens.

    You suffer minor visual and auditory hallucinations which confuses your perceptions of what is real. Some organizations consider this a major problem and relinquish status or influence from an individual known to have this. This has the following effect:

    • You are unable to use Detection Spells

    • You are unable to use Inquiry and Sense effects.

    • Once per Period, Game-Staff may give you special information or inflict a Dominate Strike or Wound upon you from a distant entity.

    • Game Staff may choose to subject you to a specific effect that represents your proximity to the Eldritch dimensions and their dangers/benefits.

    Phys-rep requirements: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Your soul has been fractured by unstable magical energies during your use of them.

    Individuals with this effect are sometimes lost in their thoughts or harboring some intangible ache in their chest.

    This has the following effects:

    • Three of your ATN become unusable, labeled as “Shivered Soul 1”, “Shivered Soul 2”, and “Shivered Soul 3” They cannot even be occupied by Afflictions.

    • You are unable to Augment the Iron Defiance Skill, although you can still use it if it is Unaugmented.

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • Magic has wasted away at your flesh, warping your immunities and resistances.

    This has the following effects:

    • You are not able to use any Skill to negate or cure any Wound, Blight, or Disease effect on yourself.

    • Your maximum HP cannot exceed 7 HP

    Phys-rep requirement: Black veins near the eyes and/or dark spots beneath the eyes.

  • You are addicted to magic and to the wielding of it.

    Left untreated, this can be particularly costly for a magic-user and it drives many to debt or the patronage of an Archfaction. Your dependence on magical items results in an Incurable Curse called “Talismanic Withdrawal”. This occupies 2 ATN.

    Furthermore, you suffer an Incurable Rot and Incurable Hobble effect whenever the following conditions below have not been fulfilled for the last five minutes.

    These Control effects disappear five minutes after you sate your dependence on magical energy.

    You are touching/carrying a Rune Wand or are near a Mana Lodge or Magna Forge

    You are attuned to two or more Etheric Spheres.

    This Curse is only cured when this Spellsever is cured.

    Phys-rep requirement: Rune Wand

 Theurgic Anchors


Theurgic Anchors are a special kind of skill that allows a spell-caster to empower themselves with energy from another source via the Theurgic Anchoring Skill.  Whereas Arcane Traditions merely reflect different methodologies to the use of magic, Theurgic Anchors supplement one’s arcana with a different power. This skill is copied below for the sake of convenience. 

Many seek out these Anchors as a means to greater amounts of power. Those Anchored to Necrotheurgy are able to exert control over others while the Alienists of Xenotheurgy are able to empower their spells with chaotic energies. However, some seek out Anchors to be closer to something that they are studying or something that they worship. Scholars may seek greater knowledge of the darkness between the stars. Priest may seek a spiritual unity with a divine energy.

Ultimately, this is yet another way for a Spelluser to customize their characters. Theurgic Anchors are agonistic to Arcane Traditions — Animancy is as suitable for Necrotheurgy as Talismanry.

Theurgic Anchoring

Requires: Any two basic Channeler skills

Complex; Active-Conc/Atn, Anchor

Description: You may Anchor your spellcraft in pious devotion, deathly energy, or the maddening dark beyond sanity itself. This grants you a renewable resource that you may expend to empower your spellcraft.

Usage:When you learn this skill for the first time, choose between the Devoted Anchor, the Necrotheurgic Anchor or the Xenotheurgic Anchor.  Anchoring yourself for the current month requires an attunement and 10 minutes of meditation at a certain location (depending on the type of Anchor)

Deotheurges steep their magics with prayer and a faith in the divine. They Anchor their magics via a Shrine of their Faith or through group prayer. While thusly Anchored, they may boost their spells to better support their allies.

Necrotheurges tap into the macabre domains of death and decay.  They Anchor their magics via  a Graveyard or a Bone Garden. While thusly Anchored, their healing abilities are stymied but they are able to feed upon soul energy to empower their destructive and revivifying abilities.

Xenotheurges may allow their mind a glimpse into the maddening depths beyond sanity. They Anchor their magics via a Biomancer Hatchery or an Outsider Obelisk. While thusly Anchored, they are able to defy reality to inflict madness upon their foes or even slip from others’ sight.


 Deotheurgic Anchor

Deotheurges, Clerics, Sagras

This Anchor relies on immense spiritual faith and piety on a religion or some other power. The Deotheurge looks beyond themselves and into the cosmos for answers and for strength. Deotheurges can be found in most faiths of the world, whether it is the Templar’s faith in the Shattered Mother, the Hellhound’s cacophonous pantheon, or the radiant piety of the Union’s Iglesia Solar.

Choose this Theurgic Anchor if:

  • You want to play a holy person or cleric of a religion, such as a Templar champlain, an Iglesiar Sun Priest, or an Altaric Acolyte.

  • You to play a spiritualist that communes with the spirits of the wilderness or the guides of their community.

  • You want to be improve upon your abilities to enhance and heal allies.

Deotheurgic Anchoring Rite (Long Task)

  • Step 1: Label an empty Attunement (ATN) as “Deo Anchor”

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation/prayer alongside four fellow faithful or at a personal shrine/Hallowed Shrine of your faith (see prop requirements),

  • Step 3: You become Anchored to Deotheurgy, gaining the benefits below, and Sagral Divinity (or Greater Divinity, with a Hallowed Shrine).

Deotheurgic Anchor Benefits:

-- Enkindle Faith: You may Enkindle your faith in another person, following the procedure listed in the Calming Confessor skill (Soother Discipline).

-- Deotheurgic Healing (Aug, Aftereffect): When you cast a Healing or Resolve Spell, augment and prefix it with “Deotheurgic”. This adds an Aftereffect to it:

Imbue an identical Heal/Resolve effect to the original, adhering to its restrictions. It cannot affect the same target or you.

-- Symbol of Renewal: Imbuing a Bonded ally or a fellow Faithful with “Painful Revive” only requires First Aid-5. This does not affect Self-Revive.

-- Divine Drought: You are unable to use any Spells or Hexes until the next Period if:

  • You willingly and knowingly act against the Ethos of your faith.

  • Perform a Death Blow on a Bonded ally or a fellow Faithful

Prop requirements: 

-- Personal Shrine: These are religious shrines at least 2 feet in width, depth, and height and reflect a faith’s beliefs, and divinities or patron spirits, if any. These do not require Crafting, CMP, or an item tag.

-- Animantic Tradition: The holy symbol of your religion on your Animus Crowns and/or have your Crowns reflect your deity.

-- Diabolic Tradition or No Tradition: At least one holy symbol etched/tattooed upon your flesh. This must be obvious and distinct at all times and seasons. Facial tattoos are recommended but not required.

-- Talismanic Tradition: Your religion’s holy symbol on your Rune Wands or on cloth/tassels attached to them.  

Deotheurgic Hexes and Sagral Divinity

Gaining Sagral Divinity:

  • Option 1: Perform the Anchoring Rite w/ four faithful or at a Personal Shrine

  • Option 2: Perform the Anchoring Rite at a Hallowed Shrine (see Symbol of Peace; Soother)to gain Greater Divinity

  • Option 2: Complete a 10+ minute rest in the same Period where you imbued an ally with Greater Revive or Painful Revive

  • Option 3: Complete a Rest at a Hallowed Shrine to gain Greater Divinity

Using Sagral Divinity:

Expend Sagral Divinity or Greater Divinity to perform any of the following Deotheurgic Hexes once. You may only have one instance of Sagral Divinity (Greater or otherwise) at a time.

Greater Divinity allows you to use Deotheurgic Hexes twice before it is fully expended. Prefix the second use with “Greater” and imbue yourself with “Heal 2” as an Aftereffect.

-- “Guardian Hex” -- Invoke this when nearby allies are being attacked. As a Wave 3, use the Guard defense on your allies.

-- “Renewal Hex” -- Invoke this to imbue “Painful Revive” as a Wave 3.

-- “Mending Hex” (Ritual) -- After a 10+ minute Ritual that involves praying for healing, invoke “Mending Hex” to imbue 1-5 allies with a Cure Disease/Curse effect or a Greater Revive effect. This functions much like the baseline Restore Harmony spell (Restoration Sphere), without any enhancements or bonuses.

Supreme Theurgy 

The Supreme Theurgy Skill (Channeler Discipline) allows one to access and channel immense power from one’s Theurgic Anchor. Such is the effort expended that this skill can only be used Once per Period. 

When the Supreme Theurgy Skill is used by a Deotheurge, they can use one of the two functions below: 

Sorcerous Devotion (Deotheurgic Anchor only)

-- Option 1: Cleansing Faith — cure afflictions with prayer

  • Step 1: Perform 5+ minutes of role-play reflecting prayer to your faith

  • Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Devotion”

  • Step 3: You cure all Basic and Greater Curses/Diseases from 1-5 allies

  • Step 4: Have Game Staff sign off on the ATN slots. Furthermore, if it is Market Hour, you are granted a Minor CMP for each cured Affliction (Abyssal/Death/Shadow).

-- Option 2: Instill Piety — imbue your allies with resolve or free them from Control

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Devotion”

  • Step 2: Tap 1-5 allies with a hand/melee weapon. Don’t move your feet (Wave 5)

  • Step 3: With each ally, invoke your choice of “Resolve 5” or “Cure Strike” to grant them that effect.

Necrotheurgic Anchor

Necrotheurges, Ghuls

Necrotheurges tap into the macabre domains of death and decay. They Anchor their magics via a Graveyard or a Bone Garden. While thusly Anchored, their healing abilities are stymied but they are able to feed upon soul energy to empower their destructive and revivifying abilities. 

Choose this Theurgic Anchor if:

  • You want to play a necromancer, flesh weaver, vampire, or similar undead caster

  • You want to heal yourself or others whenever you damage your enemies

  • You want to be able to revive others or yourself with ease.

Necrotheurgic Anchoring Rite (Long Task):

  • Step 1: Label an empty Attunement (ATN) as “Necro Anchor”

  • Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation or ceremonial bloodletting at the graveyard or Bone Garden

  • Step 3: You become Anchored to Necrotheurgy, gaining the benefits below, and Soul Glut (or Greater Glut with a Bone Garden).

Prop Requirements:

Animantic Tradition: Your Animus Crown must have a ghostly, skeletal or rotting aspect to it. 

Diabolic Tradition:  This has the effect of creating blue or black veins that appear upon your face and the back of your hands (and optionally, also other portions of your body).

Talismanic Tradition: You must keep a Necrotheurgic Talisman on your person. This is a runed skull or a mummified hand upon your person but out in the open -- said body part must have come from a dead Arcanist.

Necrotheurgic Anchor Effects:

While thusly attuned to the Necrotheurgic Anchor, you are granted the benefits and disadvantages listed below for its duration

-- Corrupted Life Force: The healing and resolve that you grant to others may not exceed one point. This does not affect Necrotheurgic Hexes, the Sorcerous Harrowing ability, or any skills/ spells affected by this Anchor.

-- Necrotheurgic Tech: You can use Necrotech, Deathweave, and similar items without suffering from Unliving Miasma, which would lower your maximum HP.

-- Necrotheurgic Shadow (Aug, Aftereffect): By augmenting a spell and prefacing it with “Necrotheurgic”, you may increase its damage by +1 and/or turn the damage of said spell into “Shadow”.

-- Necrotheurgic Siphon: Also, when you inflict damage with a Necrotheurgic spell or a Death Blow and it is not negated, imbue a “Heal 1” to yourself or a person you touch as an Aftereffect. This can be affected by bonuses to Healing spells, although most bonuses affect only Healing on others.

-- Necrotic Return: You gain a Grave Gift every time you gain a Grave Scar until you exceed 5 Grave Scars. This includes coming back with a Necrotic Graft.

-- Necrotheurgic Life: After 5+ minutes of role-play that reflects attracting souls, then placing them in their bodies, you may invoke “Necrotheurgic Life” to grant a Greater Revive effect as per the Medical Redemption skill (Doctor Discipline).

When a Player Character is revived in this way, you may choose to grant them the Necrotic Stigmata if they have no other Graft Stigmata. This does not have a CMP cost, but it only grants the Necrotic Biology Trait and Necro Scion Curse, if you choose to. Each target must be made aware of this and be given the option to refuse the Greater Revive effect.



Anathemic Curse (Cure: Pure x3)

Effect 1: You are unable to resist Dominate effects from this Curse’s source. The Source must be named in the Attunement dedicated to this Curse and their identity should not be disguised. 

Effect 2: Your maximum HP is increased by +1. 

Special: This Curse may not affect or be used by its creator upon themselves.


Necrotheurgic Hexes and Soul Glut

Soul Glut is a renewable resource available to Ghouls when they Anchor themselves. It is expended to use Hexes and renewed by the methods below.

Gaining Soul Glut:

  • Option 1: Perform the Anchoring Rite at a Graveyard

  • Option 2: Perform the Anchoring Rite at a Bone Garden to Greater Glut

  • Option 3: Complete a 10+ minute rest in the same Period where you inflicted a Death Blow upon a creature and watched it expire.

  • Option 4: Complete a Rest at a Bone Garden to gain Greater Glut

Using Soul Glut:

Expend Soul Glut to perform any of the following Necrotheurgic Hexes once. You may only have one instance of Soul Glut (Greater or otherwise) at a time.

Greater Glut allows you to use Necrotheurgic Hexes twice before it is fully expended. Prefix the second use with “Greater” and imbue yourself with “Heal 2” as an Aftereffect.

-- “Control Hex” -- After EConc-10 invoke this to grant an “Imbue Dominate” via melee touch on 1-3 individuals as a Wave 3 effect. As an Aftereffect, imbue the same targets with your choice of “Heal 10” or “Painful Revive” -- you may choose not to affect a target that refuses or negates your Dominate effect.

-- “Reading Hex” -- After EConc-30, invoke this to affect a human corpse or a human spirit via melee touch. This allows you to ask questions similar to the Corpse Reader skill, with the similar limitations.

-- “Spectral Hex” -- After EConc-3, invoke this to inflict “Piercing 3 Shadow” or “Piercing Snare” at 1-3 individuals via melee swing or packet/foam dart. This is a Wave 3 effect.



The Supreme Theurgy Skill (Channeler Discipline) allows one to access and channel immense power from one’s Theurgic Anchor. Such is the effort expended that this skill can only be used Once per Period. 

When the Supreme Theurgy Skill is used by a Necrotheurge, they can use one of the two functions below: 

Sorcerous Harrowing (Necrotheurgic Anchor only) 

-- Option 1: Death Blossom: inflict deathly energies upon your foes

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Harrowing”

  • Step 2: Perform 1-5 melee swings or launch 1-5 packets/darts (Barrage 5)

  • Step 3: With each attack, invoke your choice of “Piercing 5 Shadow” or “Piercing Knockback” or “Piercing Rot Wound” to inflict that effect upon those you hit.

  • Step 4: Aftereffect: after the attacks above, you gain “Heal 5”

-- Option 2: Rise Again: revive yourself even while downed

  • Step 1: While Downed, perform a First Aid-3

  • Step 2: Invoke “Sorcerous Harrowing”

  • Step 3: You gain a “Painful Revive”

Special: You can also use this while dead and as a spirit with 5 or less Grave Scars. You permanently possess a random human corpse, shape it to your visage, and grant yourself a Greater Revive effect. Only your basic clothes, Fate-bound, or Magna traced items follow you to your new body.

 Xenotheurgic Anchor 

Xenotheurge, Alienist

The Xenotheurgic Anchor draws on power from between worlds and in the dark of the cosmos. It is akin to a strange type of meditation and enlightenment. Unlike the Deotheurge, they do not worship the shadows between the stars -- they recognize the power the Anchor may bring and the danger that it poses to the unwary. More so than the Necrotheruge, these Spellcasters and Arcanists fall to madness in startling frequency.

Choose this Theurgic Anchor if:

  • You want to play a Channeler that delves into cosmic horrors beyond his understanding or strength.

  • You want to improve on many different aspects of your character at cost to their sanity.

  • You are willing to see the destruction or obliteration of your character for power.

Xenotheurgic Anchoring Rite (Long Task)

  • Step 1: Label an empty Attunement (ATN) as “Xeno Anchor”

  • Step 2: Spend 5+ minutes of meditation/delirium while in the Downed state OR while affected by a Venom Tonic, OR at a Outsider Obelisk/Biomancery hatchery

  • Step 3: You become Anchored to Xenotheurgy, gaining the benefits below, and Xeno Cognition (or Greater Cognition, with an Outsider Obelisk or Biomancer Hatchery).

While thusly attuned to the Xenotheurgic Anchor, you are granted the benefits and disadvantages listed below for its duration

Prop Requirements for Xenotheurgy

-- Animantic Tradition: Your Animus Crown must display the icons of Xenotheurgy: tentacles, distant stars, and/or the darkness in the sky.

-- Diabolic Tradition: You gain at least three purple, blue or black whorls or wavy lines that radiate upon one or both eyes or from your Kha if you have the Psionic Stigmata.

-- Talismanic Tradition: You must wear a Xenotheurgic Talisman on your person. This can be a Green, Red and/or Black gemmed tiara, crown or circlet. Alternatively, you may keep a runed collar around your neck.

Xenotheurgic Anchor Effects:

While thusly attuned to the Xenotheurgic Anchor, you are granted the benefits and disadvantages listed below for its duration

-- Warp Sorcery (Aug, Aftereffect): By augmenting a spell and prefacing it with “Xenotheurgic”, increase its damage by +1 and/or turn the damage of your spell into Psychic. This adheres to the usual damage cap of 5.

As an Aftereffect after a Xenotheurgic Spell, you may throw a spell packet that inflicts “Blind” but doing so afflicts the same on you whether you hit or miss.

-- Warp Healing (Aug): By augmenting a spell and prefacing it with “Xenotheurgic”, you may increase the healing or Resolve it grants by +1; this may not exceed 5 points. You immediately receive a “Blind” afterward if this Spell affects you (this is not an Aftereffect).

-- Eldritch Research (Ritual): You are able to use the Detect Truth spell to research a topic. Instead of costing you CMP, this occupies one of your empty ATN or replaces a beneficial ATN of your choice with Abyssal Terror which expires at the end of Event. Abyssal Terror’s effects are as follows and escalate the more of it that you have.

  • Dread (at 1 ATN): Psychic, Flame, and Lightning are BANE damage to you.

  • Despair (at 2-3 ATN): You can’t have more than 3 Aegis or Resolve 3

  • Reverence: (at 4-5 ATN): You die when you are brought to Critical

  • Dark Enlightenment (at 6+ ATN): Warp Healing/Sorcery grants a +2 instead of a +1 and you receive a secret and minor Warp Gift whenever you gain a Grave Scar.

-- Xeno Ritual (Ritual): When you use a Ritual spell or attune yourself to a Sphere, you can waive the CMP cost if it is 1 Basic or less in exchange for one ATN of Abyssal Terror. This also allows you to bypass any restrictions to what Spheres you can use, if you take 1 more ATN.

-- Weakened Will: You are unable to negate the Dominate effect or the Frenzy effect via any Defense or Skill. It may be Cured from you by other people. This may result in a lack of trust from certain organizations and therefore, an inability to progress in them.

Xenotheurgic Hexes and Xeno-Cognition

Gaining Xeno-Cognition:

  • Option 1: Perform the Anchoring Rite while Downed or with a Venom tonic

  • Option 2: Perform the Anchoring Rite at an Outsider Obelisk/Biomancer Hatchery to gain Greater Cognition

  • Option 3: Complete a 10+ minute rest in the same Period where you suffered a Death Blow or stayed Downed for at least a minute.

  • Option 4: Complete a Rest at a Outsider Obelisk/Biomancer Hatchery to gain Greater Cognition

Similarly, completing a Rest at an Outsider Obelisk or a Biomancer Hatchery, you are granted “Greater Xeno-Cognition”, followed by an identical Blindness and Pain.

Using Xeno-Cognition:

Expend Xeno Cognition to perform any of the following Xenotheurgic Hexes. You may only have one instance of Xeno-Cognition (Greater or otherwise) at a time.

Greater Cognition allows you to use the Hex twice per Rest. Augment and prefix the second use with “Greater” and imbue yourself with “Heal 2” as an Aftereffect.

-- “Doorway Hex” -- After EConc-3, you may invoke this Hex and immediately perform an Escape effect as per Obfuscate Exodus. This represents you stepping into a space and vanishing from sight, leaving only scant traces of your flight.

-- “Wrathful Hex” -- After EConc-3, you may invoke this and launch 1-3 packets/foam darts that inflict either “Piercing; Frenzy” or “Piercing; 3 Psychic” inducing a violent insanity upon a hit. This is a Wave 3 effect.

-- “Unravelling Hex” -- After EConc-15, you may invoke this plus either “Greater Disarm” or “Disrupt Conjuration”. The latter destroys a non-Superior Conjuration and the former Disarms a basic/advanced device (e.g. a lock or trap)


The Supreme Theurgy Skill (Channeler Discipline) allows one to access and channel immense power from one’s Theurgic Anchor. Such is the effort expended that this skill can only be used Once per Period. 

When the Supreme Theurgy Skill is used by a Xenotheurge, they can use one of the two functions below: 

-- Xeno Jaunt: Shift your existence between multiple dimensions.

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Phasing”

  • Step 2: Count up to Impervious-15

  • Step 3: You benefit from that effect while counting, including taking little or no damage to most attacks. In addition, you are affected by an Blind effect that cannot be negated or removed, expiring only when Impervious does.

-- Xeno Insight: Observe all dimensions at once.

  • Step 1: Invoke “Sorcerous Phasing”

  • Step 2: Use the effects of either the Detection Sphere’s Sorcerous Inquisition or the Obfuscation Sphere’s Sorcerous Reality — you can use either spell despite any restrictions against those Spheres.

  • Step 3: At the same time, you suffer a Rot Blight effect, which can be difficult to Cure.